Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 9075 BK3R Salter
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NEW FEA TURE! This scale features our conv enient step-on operation. Once initialised the scale can be operated by simpl y stepping straight on the platform – no more waiting! PREP ARING Y OUR SCALE 1. Open the battery compartment on the scale underside.
3 F GUIDE DE RÉSOLUTION DE PROBLÈMES Sivousrencontr ezdesdicultésdansl’utilisationdevotr eappareil: • V érierquelapileestcorrectementinsérée. • V érierquevousavezsélectionnélecalculstones/livres,kilogr ammes oulivresappr oprié.
4 FEHLERSUCHE BittebeachtenSieFolgendes, fallsbeiV erwendungIhrerW aageirgendwelche Problemeauftr etensollten: • StellenSiesicher ,dassdieBatteriekorrekteingelegtist.
5 ES GUÍA SOBRE SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMA S Sitienecualquierdicultadenelusodesubalanza: • Compruebequelapilaestáinstaladacorrectamente. • Compruebequehaseleccionadosupesoenkilogramosoenlibr as.
6 GUIDA ALLA RISOL UZIONE DEI PROBLEMI Incasodidicoltànell ’utilizzodellabilancia: • Controllar echelapilasiainseritacorrettamente • Controllar e.
7 P GUIA DE RESOLUÇ ÃO DE PROBLEMAS Casosurjaalgumadiculdadedeutilizaçãodabalança: • V eriqueseabateriaestádevidamenteinserida. • V eriqueseseleccionouasuaunidadepreferida(stones/libras,quilogr amas ou libras).
8 FEILSØKING Hvisduharproblemermedåbrukevekten: • Kontr olleratbatterietersattinnriktig. • Kontr olleratduharvalgtønsketvektenhet:stone/pund,kiloellerpund.
9 NL NIEUWE FUNCTIE Deze weegschaal beschikt over onze handige opstapbediening. Z odra de weegschaal is opgestart, hoeft u er alleen nog maar op te stappen. Wachten behoort tot het verleden! DE WEEGSCHAAL KLAARMAKEN 1. Open het batterijvak aan de onderkant van de weegschaal.
10 VIANMÄÄRITYSOHJEIT A Josvaa’ankäytössäilmeneeongelmia, • T arkista,ettäparistoonoikeinpaikallaan • T arkista,ettäoletvalinnutpainoyksiköt.
11 S FELSÖKNINGSGUIDE Omduupplevernågrapr oblemianvändandetavdinvåg: • Kollaattbatterietsittersomdetska. • Kollaattduharvaltdenmåttenhetduf öredra,stones/pund, kilogramsellerpund.
12 PROBLEMLØSNINGSGUIDE Hvisduharproblemermedatbrugevægten: • Tjekatbatterietermonteretkorr ekt. • Tjekatduharvalgtdinpræfer enceforstones/pounds,kilogramellepund.
13 HU HIBAKERESÉSI ÚTMUT A T Ó Amennyibenamérleghasználatasoránpr oblémalépfel: • Ellenőrizzele,hogyazelemekmegfelelőenvannak -ebehelyezve. • Ellenőrizze,hogymegfelelőmétékegy séget(stone(6,35kg)/font,kilogramm vagyfont)választott-eki.
14 ŘEŠENÍ PROBLÉMŮ Pokudběhempoužitíváhynastanounějaképr oblémy: • Zkontrolujte, zdajesprávněnasazenabaterie. • Zkontrolujte, zdajstezvolilisprávnouměrnoujednotkuvkamenech/libr ách, kilogramechčilibr ách.
15 TR YENİ ÖZELLİK! Butartıüzerineçıktığınızdaçalışmagibikullanışlıbirözelliğesahiptir .Birdefa başlatıldıktansonratartıhiçbeklemedenüzerineçıktığınızdaçalışacaktır! T ARTINIZI HAZIRLAMA 1.
16 ΟΗΓΟΣ ΑΝΤΙΜΕΤΠΙΣ ΗΣ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑ ΤΝ Αν αντιμετωπίσετε δυσκολίες κ ατά τη χρήση της ζυγαριάς σας: • Βεβαιωθείτεότιημπαταρίαέχειτοποθετηθείσωστά.
17 RU Еслиприиспользованиивесоввозникаютнеполадки,выполнитеследующие действия.
18 WYKRYW ANIE I USUWANIE US TEREK Wprzypadkuwystąpieniapr oblemówzwiązanychzeksploatacjąwagi: • Sprawdź, czybateriajestwłożonaprawidłowo. • Sprawdź, czywybrałeśprawidłowejednostkiwagi, np.
19 SK NOVÉ FUNK CIE! T átováhamáprakticképoužitienašliapnutím.Pojejinštalo vanísaváhapoužíva jednoduchýmnašliapnutímnajejpodstavuaokamžitezobrazínamer anéhodnoty. PRÍPRA VA V ÁHY 1.
HoMedics Group Ltd PO Box 460, T onbridge, Kent, TN9 9EW, UK. www.salterhousewares IB-9049-0813-01 E Register y our produc t today a t: w w w .homedicsgroup .
An important point after buying a device Salter 9075 BK3R (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Salter 9075 BK3R yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Salter 9075 BK3R - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Salter 9075 BK3R you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Salter 9075 BK3R will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Salter 9075 BK3R, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Salter 9075 BK3R.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Salter 9075 BK3R. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Salter 9075 BK3R along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center