Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product V-63HD Runco
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Vistage™ Series Ultra-Thin Flat-Panel Displays Models V-50HD and V-63HD I NSTALLATION /O PERATION M ANUAL.
Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installa tion/Ope ration Manual iii PRE L IMINAR Y RuncoCare™ S tandard Two Year Limited Warranty Congratulations o n your purchas e of a Runco® product ! With proper installation , setup and car e, you should enjoy m any years of unpara lleled video p erformanc e.
iv Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y In the event o f a product defect, please follow the war ranty claim pr ocedure pr ovided below: 1. The Custome r is required to contact a Runco dea ler or Runco Technical Sup port via ema il at support@r unco.
Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual v PRE L IMINAR Y h Expected lam p degradation and norma l decrease in lamp out put over a p eriod of time or as the la mp is consume.
vi Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Please visit http:// www.runco .com/suppo rt/product -registration/ to register p roduct. RUNCO PROVIDES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN.
Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual vii PRE L IMINAR Y Thank you fo r your purch ase of this qua lity Runco video produc t! For the b est performa nce, please re ad this manua l carefully as it is your guid e through t he menus and o peration.
viii Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Di splay Installation/Op eration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y The Product contains sm all amounts of tin, lead and/or mercury. Disposal of these materials may be regu lated due to environmenta l consideratio ns. Lamp(s) ins ide this pr oduct cont ain mercury.
Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual ix 1 Table of Content s PRE L IMINAR Y RuncoCare™ S tandard Two Year Limited Warran ty ........ ................ ................ ........... iii Important S afety In s truction s .
Table of Contents x Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Disp lay Installation/Operation Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting an Au dio Processor or Secondary Display D evice to the DHD Con troller (Optio nal) ........ ............. ................ ............
Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual xi 1 Li s t of Figure s PRE L IMINAR Y 2-1. V-50HD Fron t-Panel Controls a nd Indicators .............. ............. ................ ................ ..... 5 2-2. V-63HD Fron t-Panel Controls a nd Indicators .
List of Figures xii Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Disp lay Installation/Operation Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Introd uction Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 1 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.1 About This Manual This Owner’s M anual descri bes how to in stall, set up and o perate the R unco Vistag e™ Series Flat Panel Display and DHD Controller.
Introduc tion 2 Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Disp lay Installation/Operation Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Graphic Convention s : These sym bols appear in n umerous pl aces througho ut the manual, to emp hasize points th at you must k eep in mind to avoid proble ms with your equipment o r injury: 1.
Introd uction Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 3 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.3 Description, Features and Benefits Runco introduces its Vist age™ Series of ultra-thin flat pan.
Introduc tion 4 Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Disp lay Installation/Operation Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y Key Features and Benefits The V-50HD/V-63 HD offers th ese key feature s and benefits : • Ultra-thin 1.
Controls and Functi ons Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 5 PRE L IMINAR Y 2.1 Vistage Series at a Glance Front-Panel Controls and Indicators Figure 2-1 and Fig ure 2-2 show the V-50HD/V -63HD front-panel contro ls and indicators.
Controls and Functions 6 Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Disp lay Installation/Operation Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 1. REMOTE CONTROL S EN S OR Receives the sign als from the r emote cont rol. 2. S T A NDBY INDICA TOR Lights blue to ind icate that t he V-50HD/V-63HD is in standby mode; otherwise, it is off.
Controls and Functi ons Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 7 PRE L IMINAR Y The rear-pan el connector s reside behind protective co ver plates wi th cable rout ing slots. Use a Phillips sc rewdriver to remove the p lates in o rder to conne ct cables, a nd to re-attach them afterw ard.
Controls and Functions 8 Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Disp lay Installation/Operation Manu al PRE L IMINAR Y 2.3 DHD Controller Rear Panel Figure 2-5 show s the rear connec tor panel on the DHD Con troller. Figure 2-5. DHD Controller Rear Panel 1. POWER INPUT (100 to 240 V AC) Connect the DHD Controller to p ower here.
Controls and Functi ons Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 9 PRE L IMINAR Y 2.4 V-50HD/V-63HD Remote Control Unit Figure 2-6 shows the V-5 0HD/V-63HD remote cont rol, and the paragrap hs that follow describe its functionality.
Controls and Functions 10 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 1. IR OUTPUT INDICA TOR Lights when a button is pre ssed to indic ate that an IR signal is being tran smitted. 2. LIGHT Press to illumin ate the buttons.
Controls and Functi ons Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 11 PRE L IMINAR Y 10. HD 1 (4) / HD 2 (5) Press to select a HD (RGBHV or YPbP r component) input or to e nter the num eric character “4” or “5.
Controls and Functions 12 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Installation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 13 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.1 Remote Control To install batteries in the remote co ntrol: 1. Press down the tab on the cover an d pull the cove r in the direct ion of the arrow. 2.
Installation 14 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Notes on Remote Control Operation • Make sure that there is nothing ob structing the infrared be am between the remote control and the IR rece iver on the DHD Controller .
Installation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 15 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.3 Installation Considerations Proper installation of your V-50HD/V-63HD will ensure the high est possible picture quality.
Installation 16 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Ventilation If you are moun ting the V-50 HD/V-63HD in an enc losure, leave su fficient space o n all sides between it and surrou nding objects, as shown in Figur e 3-1.
Installation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 17 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.4 Connections to the V-50HD/V-63HD and DHD Controller Proceed as foll ows to connect the DHD Con troller to the V-5 0HD/V-63HD, your video sources, exter nal controller( s) – if present – and AC power .
Installation 18 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting Source Components to the DHD Controller Connect your vid eo sources to t he DHD Controlle r as shown an d described in the sections th at follow.
Installation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 19 PRE L IMINAR Y Compone nt Video S ource Connection s : Co nnect your componen t video sources to the HD1, HD2 a nd/or Compo nent/SCART inputs as shown in Fig ure 3-4. Figure 3-4.
Installation 20 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y RGBHV S ource Connection s : Connect personal computer s and/or othe r RGB sources to the HD1 and/or HD2 inputs as sh own in Figure 3-5.
Installation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 21 PRE L IMINAR Y S CART RGB S S ource Connection s : Connect the gre en, blue a nd red outp uts from your SCART source to the Componen t/SCART input on the DHD Controller.
Installation 22 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting an Audio Processor or Secondar y Display Device to the DHD Controller (Optional) The DHD.
Installation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 23 PRE L IMINAR Y RS-232 Controller Connection Use a straight-th rough, 9-pin RS-232 cable to con nect a PC or control/auto mation system (if present) to the RS -232 port on the DHD Cont roller; see Figure 3-9.
Installation 24 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Connecting to AC Power The V-50HD /V-63HD ships with two (2) , AC power co rds: one for the DHD Contro ller and one for the display.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 25 PRE L IMINAR Y 4.1 Setting the Computer Display Properties To maximize image quality whe n using the V-5 0HD/V-63HD with a personal com puter, you may need to adjust the display pro perties of yo ur computer’ s video car d.
Operation 26 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 5. Click the Advanced button and click the Monitor tab on the dia log box. Set the Refre s h Fr equency to 60Hz and click OK . 1. The native resolution of th e V-50HD/V-63HD is 1920 x 108 0.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 27 PRE L IMINAR Y 4.2 Using the On-Screen Menus To display t he Main Menu , press the MENU button on the remo te control or DHD Controller fro nt panel (Figur e 2-4).
Operation 28 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 4 -1. V -50HD/V -63HD O S D Menu S tructur e (continued) S ervice Test Vide o Color Bars 1 Colo.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 29 PRE L IMINAR Y Main Menu The Main Menu is the startin g point fo r accessing all DHD Controller functions. (You must enter a passcode to access the Ca libration and Service menus.
Operation 30 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Table 4-1. A s pect Ratio S etting s A s pect Ratio Remote Control Key De s cription 16:9 16:9 Select 1 6:9 to vi ew 16:9 D VDs and HDTV programs in their native aspec t ratio.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 31 PRE L IMINAR Y Cinema CINEMA Select Cinema to view 2.35:1 source material on a 16:9 screen. The upper and lower portions of the screen are masked, but the geometry of the active image area is not changed.
Operation 32 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Screen The Screen Menu allows you to recall multiple sets of stored values for certain controls (Output Shift an d Image Alignm ent, to name two) that ar e saved for e ach aspect ratio.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 33 PRE L IMINAR Y PLUGE patterns va ry but ge nerally consist of some combin ation of black, white and gr ay areas against a blac k background . The example ab ove includes two ver tical bars and four shaded boxes.
Operation 34 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Color S aturation: On your e xternal test p attern source , select a colo r bar patter n like the one shown in F igure 4-4. Figure 4-4. Typical Color Bar Pattern for Adju s ting Color S aturation and Tint 1.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 35 PRE L IMINAR Y 11.Adjust the color sa turation level until the out ermost (gray and b lue) color bars ap pear to be a single shade of bl ue: Tint: Tint or “hue” is essentially the r atio of red to green in the color portion of th e image.
Operation 36 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y S harpne ss : “Sharpness” is th e amount of high-frequen cy detail in the ima ge. To ad just sharpness, select Shar pness from the Pictur e menu and press ENTER .
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 37 PRE L IMINAR Y Height: Select Height from the Inp ut Position menu to change the projected imag e height.
Operation 38 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Pha s e (RGB, Comp onent or S CART s ource s ): This control adjusts the phase of the pixel sampling clock relative to the incoming signal.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 39 PRE L IMINAR Y You should save ch anges to any of the follo wing settings to a pres et; otherwise they will be lost whe.
Operation 40 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Information S ignal / S y s tem: Select Infor mation from th e Main Men u, then ch oose either Signa l.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 41 PRE L IMINAR Y Calibration Use the Calibrat ion menu to p erform advanced picture qua lity adjustments. Thi s menu s hould be u s ed by I S F-certified technician s only .
Operation 42 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y • Color Temp: Select Color Temp from the Display Colo r - Common Settings menu to adjust the co lor temper ature. Colo r temper ature establishe s the “color of gray” by adjusting th e 75% white point to vario us color point s.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 43 PRE L IMINAR Y Di s play Color - Panel S etting s : These sett ings are also saved indepe ndently for ea ch input and display mode. • Panel Brightne ss : The Panel Brightn ess control ch anges the ap parent brig htness of the displayed image.
Operation 44 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y S ave I S F Night/ S ave I S F Day: Whenever you m ake a cha nge to the ISF se ttings, you should always save it. Select Save ISF Night or Save ISF Day from th e Calibration menu to do this.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 45 PRE L IMINAR Y •A s pect Ratio - Pa s te S etting s : To apply the Output Shift a nd Image Alig nment settings on the.
Operation 46 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y To correct keystoning or pincushion disto rtion: 1. On the DHD Controller remote contro l or front panel, press MENU . 2. Select Calibration from the Main Menu an d enter the Calib ration Menu passcod e.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 47 PRE L IMINAR Y • S pla s h Timer: When you turn on the V-50HD/V-63 HD, it projects a welcome scr een with the Runco and ISF log os, along with the personalize d informatio n you enter as described ab ove.
Operation 48 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Press MENU to exit test pattern mode. Input Name s : You can gi ve each input a descr iptive name.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 49 PRE L IMINAR Y • DHCP: To enable the DHCP client in the DHD Con troller, select DHCP from the IP Configuration me nu and set it to On . With this setting , the DHD Controller’s IP address, subn et mask and default gatew ay are assigned by the local DH CP server.
Operation 50 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y • E-Mail Notification: Select E-Mail Notification from th e Network menu to specify when and to whom the DH D Controller sends error and service notification mess ages via e-mail.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 51 PRE L IMINAR Y • Periodic S ervice Notifica tion: You ca n have the DHD Controller send p eriodic reminders via e-ma il to perform regu lar maintenance tas ks. To do this: 1.
Operation 52 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Color S pace: Select Color Space from th e Service menu to choose th e color spac e of the source signal for HDMI, RGB, an d component co nnections.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 53 PRE L IMINAR Y •C U E ( C h r o m a U p s ampling Error) Correction: Some DVD players u se MPEG decoders that do not .
Operation 54 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y S ync Thre s hold: Select Sync Threshold to ad just the thres hold at which negative pulses on the com ponent video green/luma channel are int erpreted to be sync p ulses.
Operation Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 55 PRE L IMINAR Y Front Panel Brightne ss : Select Front Panel Brightness fro m the Service menu to adjust the brightness o f the front-pan el LED status ind icator.
Operation 56 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 57 PRE L IMINAR Y 5.1 Troubleshooting Tips Table 5-1 provide s some general guideli nes for troublesho oting problems you may encounter with the V-50H D/V-63HD.
Maintenance and Troublesho oting 58 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y The display is jittery or unstable. • Poor-quality or improperly connected source. • The horizontal or vertical scan frequency of the input signal may be out of range for the display.
External Control Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 59 PRE L IMINAR Y In addition to using the DHD Cont roller remote control unit, there are three methods of controll.
External Control 60 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Table 6-1 lists the RS-232 comm and set. The “Par ameter (min /max)” column shows the valid parameter ranges, or “NA” for comman ds that take no paramet ers.
External Control Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 61 PRE L IMINAR Y A s pect Ratio Command s 16:9 NA YES Selects the 16:9 aspect ratio 4:3 NA YES Selects the 4:3 asp.
External Control 62 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Image Pre s et Command s CUSTOM1 NA YES Loads “Custom 1” im age preset CUSTOM2 NA YES Loads.
External Control Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 63 PRE L IMINAR Y S leep Timer Command s SLEEPTMR? NA NA Returns sleep timer setting STOFF NA YES Sets the sleep ti.
External Control 64 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 6.2 Using Discrete IR Codes The DHD Controller acce pts commands in th e form of IR signals that co nform to the Phillips RC5 protocol. Ea ch DHD Controller remo te control button has an RC5 control code associated with it.
External Control Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 65 PRE L IMINAR Y For example, here is the RC5 control code for the ON button on the DHD Con troller remote contro l unit (assuming the default ad dress is used): Figure 6-1 shows the pulse train fo r this command (with the togg le bit set to zero).
External Control 66 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y IR Command List Table 6 -2 lists the RC5 control co des for the D HD Controller.
External Control Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 67 PRE L IMINAR Y ST60MIN 0x34 62 0x3 C62 Sets the sleep timer to 60 minutes ST90MIN 0x34 63 0x3 C63 Sets the sleep.
External Control 68 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 6.3 Using HDMI CEC Messages The DHD Controller accept s and can respond to CEC command messag es from a disc player, satellite re ceiver or DVR/set-to p bo x via an HDMI conn ection.
External Control Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 69 PRE L IMINAR Y Give Physical Address 0x83 – √ Set Stream Path 0x86 – √ Get CEC Version 0x9F – √ Abor.
External Control 70 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Specifications Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 71 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.1 V-50HD/V-63HD Specifications Table 7-1 lists the V-50HD /V-63HD specifications.
Specifications 72 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual P RELI M INARY 7.2 DHD Controller Specifications Table 7-2 lists the DHD Controller specifications.
Specifications Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 73 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.3 V-50HD Dimensions Figure 7-1 shows the V-50HD dimensions. Figure 7-1. V-50HD Dimen s ion s (with Optional S peaker Bar) S pea k er Bar 773.2mm 30.
Specifications 74 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual P RELI M INARY 7.4 V-63HD Dimensions Figure 7-2 sh ows the V-63HD dimensions. Figure 7-2. V- 63HD Dimen s ion s (with Optional S peaker Bar) 935.2mm 36.8in 1547.4mm 60.
Specifications Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 75 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.5 Supported Timings Table 7-3 lists the signal types support ed by each input on the DHD Controller.
Specifications 76 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual P RELI M INARY 1280x1024 1280x1024 60.00 63.981 108.000 √√√ – – 75.00 79.976 135.000 √√√ – – 85.00 91.146 157.500 √√√ – – 1360x768 1360x768 60.
Specifications Vistage™ Series Flat-Panel Displa y Installation/Operation Manual 77 PRE L IMINAR Y PAL-M – 59.9 4/60.00 15.734/15.750 3.580 –––– √ PAL-N – 50.00 15.625 3.580 –––– √ SECAM – 50.00 15.625 13.50 0 ––– √√ Table 7-3.
Specifications 78 Vistage™ Series Flat -Panel Display Installa tion/Ope ration Manual P RELI M INARY Note s :.
Runco International • (800) 23RUNCO • Fax (503) 748-8161 • 020-1114-00 Rev. A April 2011.
An important point after buying a device Runco V-63HD (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Runco V-63HD yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Runco V-63HD - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Runco V-63HD you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Runco V-63HD will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Runco V-63HD, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Runco V-63HD.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Runco V-63HD. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Runco V-63HD along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center