Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SP-42 Runco
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O WNER ’ S O PERATING M ANUAL SP-42 SP-50 SP-60 Flat Panel Plasma Display Monitor with.
Runco Cinema Wall SP-42/-50/-60 Owner’s Opera ting Manual iii PRE L IMINAR Y THREE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY For Plasma Displays Congratulation s on your pu rchase of a Ru nco video product and welcome to the Runco fam ily! We believe Ru nco produ ces “The World’s Fine st Home Thea ter Products.
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50 /-60 Owner’s Operating Manual v PRE L IMINAR Y To locate th e name and address of th e nearest Runc o Authorized Se rvice Center, o r for additiona l information ab out this Limited Warran ty, please call or w rite: RUNCO INTERNA TIONAL, INC.
vi Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-6 0 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Thank you for your purchase of this quality Runco product! It has been desig ned to provide you with the quality of video that i s expected in a home the ater. This manu al is your guide through the m enus and ope ration.
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50 /-60 Owner’s Operating Manual vii 1 Table of Content s PRE L IMINAR Y THREE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ............... ................ ................ ................ .............. iii S afety Precauti on s .............. .
Table of Contents viii Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-6 0 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 4. Operation .......... ................ ............. ................ ............. ................ ................ ............. 27 Turning on t he Power .
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual ix 1 Li s t of Figure s PRE L IMINAR Y 2-1. CinemaWall Co ntrols and Ind icators .............. ................ ............. ................ ................ .. 5 2-2. SP-42 Conne ctor Panel .
List of Figures x Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco Cin emaWall SP-4 2/-50/-60 Owne r’s Operating Manual 1 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.1 About This Manual This Owner’s M anual describe s how to install, set up and op erate the Ru nco CinemaWall Flat-Panel Plasma Displa y Monitor (Mod els SP-42, SP-50 and SP-60).
Introduc tion 2 Runco Cin emaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y G raphic Convention s : These symbols appear in numerous p laces throug hout the manual, to emp hasize points th at you must k eep in mind to avoid problem s with your equipment o r injury: 1.
Introd uction Runco Cin emaWall SP-4 2/-50/-60 Owne r’s Operating Manual 3 PRE L IMINAR Y 1.3 Description, Features and Benefits The CinemaWall F lat-Panel Plasma Display Mo nitor combines hig h-resolution quality an d affordability into one pack age.
Introduc tion 4 Runco Cin emaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Parts List Your CinemaWall is shipped with the following it ems. If any items are missing or damag ed, please contact y our Runco de aler or Runco C ustomer Service a t (800) 23-RUNCO .
Runco Cin emaWall SP-4 2/-50/-60 Owne r’s Operating Manual 5 PRE L IMINAR Y 2.1 CinemaWall at a Glance Figure 2-1 sho ws the location s of the Cinema Wall controls, indica tors and con nectors. Controls and Indicators Figure 2-1. CinemaWall Control s and In dicator s 2.
Controls and Functions 6 Runco Cin emaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 1. DI S PLA Y S TA N D Optional accessory f or tabletop instal lations.
Controls and Functi ons Runco Cin emaWall SP-4 2/-50/-60 Owne r’s Operating Manual 7 PRE L IMINAR Y Connectors Figure 2-2, Figure 2-3 an d Figure 2-4 show the rear-p anel connect or locations on the SP-42, SP-50 and SP-60 respectively.
Controls and Functions 8 Runco Cin emaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 2-3. S P-50 Connec tor Panel Figure 2-4. S P-60 Connec tor Panel COMBINATION IN OUT R S -232C .
Controls and Functi ons Runco Cin emaWall SP-4 2/-50/-60 Owne r’s Operating Manual 9 PRE L IMINAR Y 1. COMBINA TION IN/OUT Used to control multiple Cinema Wall monitors collectively. Use a 6-pin, min i-DIN cable (all pins wired st raight-through ). 2.
Controls and Functions 10 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 16. AC POWER INPUT Connect the CinemaWall to power here, using th e included powe r cord. 17. MAIN POWER S WITCH Connects or disc onnects th e CinemaWall fr om the AC po wer source.
Controls and Functi ons Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 11 PRE L IMINAR Y 3. MENU Press this button t o show or hide the OSD cont rols. 4. Directional Button s ( / / / ) Use these button s to navigate the OS D menus and adjust various settings.
Controls and Functions 12 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 13 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.1 Remote Control To install batteries in the remote co ntrol: 1. Remove the battery cover from the back of the remote co ntrol. 2. Insert the b atteries include d with the remote co ntrol.
Installation 14 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y • Do not drop the remote control or expose it to moisture or hig h temperatu re. • The remote contr ol may malfunctio n under a fluoresc ent lamp. If that occur s, move the plasma display away f rom the fluoresc ent lamp.
Installation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 15 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.2 Quick Setup Table 3-1 gives a quick over view of the Cine maWall in stalla tion pr ocess. The sections following this one pr ovid e detailed instru ctions. Installation shou ld be performed by a quali fied custom video installation specialist.
Installation 16 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 3.3 Installation Considerations Proper installation of your Cine maWall will ensure the highe st possible picture quality.
Installation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 17 PRE L IMINAR Y • As it lies flat with the scr een face down. Place the pr otective sheet, which was wr apped aro und the plasma monitor when it was packaged, b etween the screen and your work surface to avoid scratching or other wise damaging the screen su rface.
Installation 18 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Other Considerations Other consid erations and ti ps that can help improve your installa tion, avoid damage and prolong opera ting life: • Keep the ambi ent temperature constant and be low 35°C (95°F).
Installation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 19 PRE L IMINAR Y 3.4 Connections to the CinemaWall Proceed as follows to connect the Cinem aWall to your video sou rces, external contr oller(s) – if present – and AC powe r.
Installation 20 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y ANALO G R G B OUT (INPUT 1) Connection: The CinemaWall has an RGB output for looping th e signal received at INPUT 1 out to a second RG B display device. C onnect the second display d evice to the ANALOG RGB OUT conn ector as shown in Figure 3-4 .
Installation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 21 PRE L IMINAR Y Compo s ite/ S -Video (INPUT 3) Connection s : The CinemaWall has S-Video and Composite video i nputs for connecting a VCR, ca mcorder, l aser disc pl ayer, DVD pla yer or other stand ard-definition (4 80i) source.
Installation 22 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Component Video (INPUT 4) Connection: If you have a DVD player or DT V decoder with a compon ent (YPbPr) outpu t, connect it to INPUT 4 as sh own in Figure 3-7 .
Installation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 23 PRE L IMINAR Y Audio Connections Attaching the Ferrite Core s to th e Audio Cable s : Three (3), small ferr ite cores are provided w ith the Cin emaWall. Before connecting yo ur audio eq uipment, atta ch a ferrite core to eac h audio cable as shown in Figure 3-9 .
Installation 24 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Audio Output: The CinemaWall has a stereo audio output for co nnection to a n external A/V receiver or po wered speak ers. The aud io signal c orresponding t o the select ed video input is output to both the sp eakers and t his audio ou tput.
Installation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 25 PRE L IMINAR Y RS-232 Controller Connection Use a 9-pin, stra ight-through RS-232 cable to connect a PC or home t heater control/automation system (if prese nt) to the RS-232 port (locat ed next to INPUT 5) on the CinemaWall; see Figure 3-13 .
Installation 26 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 27 PRE L IMINAR Y 4.1 Turning on the Power 1. Turn on your source component s. 2. Attach th e two includ ed ferrite core s to each end of the AC po wer cable as shown in Figure 4-1 .
Operation 28 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 4.3 Selecting an Input Source To select an inpu t source, press a numbered butto n on the remo te control c orresponding to that inpu t.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 29 PRE L IMINAR Y 5. Click the Advanced button and click the Monitor tab on the dialog box.
Operation 30 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Table 4-1. A s pect Ratio S etting s A s pect Ratio De s cription 16:9 (Anamorphic) Select 16:9 (Anamorphic) to view 16:9 DVDs and HDTV programs in their na tive aspect ratio.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 31 PRE L IMINAR Y Virtual Cinema A 2.35:1 image is stretc hed anamorphically in both directions to fill a 16:9 display area. The 2.35:1 image is cropped on all sides. 14:9 14:9 scales the input signa l to fit in the center of the 16:9 screen.
Operation 32 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 4.7 Using the On-Screen Menus To use the o n-screen menu s: 1. Press MENU on eit her the remote control or the CinemaWall cont rol panel (see Figure 2-1 ) to display th e Main Menu .
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 33 PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 4-2. CinemaWall O S D Menu S tructure Option Language English, Français, Español, Deutsc h or Italiano E.
Operation 34 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Main Menu The Main Menu is the starting point for accessing all CinemaWall fun ctions. Some menu options are available only in “Installer Adjust” mode. Pic ture Use the controls in the Pic ture menu to calibrate yo ur CinemaWall f or optimum picture quality.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 35 PRE L IMINAR Y PLUGE patterns va ry but ge nerally consist of some combin ation of black, white and gr ay areas against a blac k background . The example ab ove includes two ver tical bars and four shaded boxes.
Operation 36 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Color S aturation: On your exter nal test patt ern source, se lect a color bar pattern like the one shown in Figure 4-5 . Figure 4-5. Typical Color Bar Pattern for Adju s ting Color S aturation and Tint Select Color from the Picture menu.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 37 PRE L IMINAR Y S harpne ss : “Sharpness” is the a mount of hig h-frequency de tail in the ima ge. To adjust sharpness, select Sh arpness from the Picture me nu and press S ET .
Operation 38 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Color Chart (In s taller Adju s t mode): Select Color C hart from th e Picture m enu to adjust the color densit y for each of the six primary color s: red, yellow, green, cya n, blue and magent a.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 39 PRE L IMINAR Y V S ize (In s taller Adju s t mode): Use the up- or down-arro w buttons ( , ) to highlight V Size. Then, press S ET and use th e right-arrow b utton ( ) to increase the height; use the left-arrow button ( ) to decrease it.
Operation 40 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Use the left- or r ight-arrow bu ttons to sele ct the desir ed amount of noise redu ction, keeping in mind th at higher sett ings (which reduce high fr equencies) ma y also “soften” th e image.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 41 PRE L IMINAR Y S ub Volume (In s taller Adju s t mode): Sel ect S ub V olume from the Set-Up menu to adjust the aud io input le vel for the current sour ce. Do this for all so urces, as needed to prevent sudd en, drastic ch anges in so und volume wh en switchin g inputs.
Operation 42 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Time/Date: Select Time/Date from the Option menu t o set the Cinem aWall’s internal clock (time of day a nd day of the week ) and turn the scre en maintena nce feature on o r off.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 43 PRE L IMINAR Y Auto Function: The CinemaWall can automatically swit ch to Input 1 or Input 4 (Model SP-50/SP-60 only) when an image signal is det ected at that in put.
Operation 44 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 8. Press S ET . 9. Repeat steps 1 throu gh 8 as desire d to create ad ditional scre en maintenan ce programs.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 45 PRE L IMINAR Y Front L.E.D.: Select Fron t L.E.D. from the Op tion menu to change th e behavior o f the front-pa nel STANDBY/ ON indicator LED ( Figure 2-1 ).
Operation 46 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y S eamle ss S witch: This feature allows for high-speed switc hing between an y two CinemaW all inputs using the S WA P button on the remo te control. To enable it, se lect S eamle ss S witch from the Optio n menu and set it to ON.
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 47 PRE L IMINAR Y 4.8 Using Picture-In-Picture (PIP) To use PIP, press t he S PLIT butt on. The PIP sub- window appea rs beside the main image windo w. Press S PLIT again to display the sub-window superimposed on the ma in window.
Operation 48 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Selecting a PIP Source Press the S UB INPUT button to select a PIP si gnal source. Swappi ng the Main and PIP Windows Press the S WAP button to replace the ma in screen with the sub-scr een or vice versa .
Operation Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 49 PRE L IMINAR Y 4.9 Enlarging One Part of the Screen The CinemaWall a llows you t o zoom in on a portion of th e displayed image. To use this feature, pr ess the MA G NIFY button repeatedly to selec t one of fou r zoom levels (Normal Size, 1.
Operation 50 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 51 PRE L IMINAR Y 5.1 Cleaning Regular cleaning w ill extend the life and pe rformance of t he CinemaWall.
Maintenance and Troublesh ooting 52 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Picture is oka y, but ther e is no sound. • Audio output is muted. • Volume setting is too low. • Source component is connected incorrectly or not at all.
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 53 PRE L IMINAR Y 6.1 RS-232 Connection and Port Configuration To interface the CinemaWall with a home th eater automation/control system or a PC running terminal emulation soft ware, connect it to your control system or PC as shown in Figure 3-13 .
Serial Communications 54 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual P RELI M INARY Table 6-1 lists the Cine maWall serial comm and set. Except wher e indicated, adjustm ents made using seria l commands a re stored in the same memory as those m ade in Installer Adjust mode.
Serial Communications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 55 PRE L IMINAR Y SZMS06 53 5A 4D 53 30 36 – – Sets the aspect ratio to 14:9. SZMS09 53 5A 4D 53 30 39 – – Sets the aspect ratio to UNDERSCAN. SZMS10 53 5A 4D 53 31 30 – – Sets the aspect ratio to VIRTUAL CINEMA.
Serial Communications 56 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual P RELI M INARY MSTS02 4D 53 54 53 30 32 – – Sets 2-screen operat ion to PinP (lower right) . MSTS03 4D 53 54 53 30 33 – – Sets 2-screen operation t o PinP (upper right) .
Serial Communications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 57 PRE L IMINAR Y MSTS11 4D 53 54 53 31 31 – – Sets 2-screen operation to 2 SCREEN (side-by-side, full he ight; main screen on left). MSTS12 4D 53 54 53 31 32 – – Sets 2-screen operation to 2 SCREEN (side-by-side, full he ight; main screen on left).
Serial Communications 58 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual P RELI M INARY CTPS05 43 54 50 53 30 35 – – Sets COLOR TEMP. to HIGH. CTRS00 43 54 52 53 30 30 – – Sets CHROMA EE to OFF. CTRS01 43 54 52 53 30 31 – – Sets CHROMA EE to ON.
Serial Communications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 59 PRE L IMINAR Y SFTS06 53 46 54 53 30 36 – – Sets the SIGNAL FORMAT to Type6. SFTS07 53 46 54 53 30 37 – – Sets the SIGNAL FORMAT to Type7. SFTS08 53 46 54 53 30 38 – – Sets the SIGNAL FORMAT to Type8.
Serial Communications 60 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual P RELI M INARY TPM 54 50 4D 000 059 Sets the minute of the present time. TPTS00 54 50 54 53 30 30 – – Deactivate s program timer . TPTS01 54 50 54 53 30 31 – – Activates program timer.
Serial Communications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 61 PRE L IMINAR Y GRAS24 47 52 41 53 32 34 – – S ets the GAMMA to 2.4. RHI 52 48 49 000 255 Adjusts red gain (highlight). RLW 52 4C 57 000 255 Adjusts red offset (lowlight).
Serial Communications 62 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual P RELI M INARY CLMS01 43 4C 4D 53 30 31 – – Sets the ISF SETTIN G to ISF CCC. FCA 46 43 41 – – Sets FAN SPEED to AU TO. FDT 46 44 54 – – Executes FUNCTION RESET.
Serial Communications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 63 PRE L IMINAR Y OSDS00 4F 53 44 53 30 30 – – Sets OSD DISPLAY to OFF. OSDS01 4F 53 44 53 30 31 – – Sets OSD DISPLAY to ON. OSSS01 4F 53 53 53 30 31 – – Sets OSD SIZE to LA RGE.
Serial Communications 64 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual P RELI M INARY Adju s tment Command s Use these commands in place of a numeric value aft er a command that requires one, such as the brightness ( BRT ) command.
Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 65 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.1 CinemaWall Specifications Table 7-1 lists the CinemaW all specific ations.
Specifications 66 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Dimen s ion s : Model S P-42: See Figure 7-1 Model S P-50: See Figure 7-2 Model S P-60: See Figure 7-3 Weight (with S tand): Model S P-42: 83.0 lbs. (37.65 kg) Model S P-50: 94.
Specifications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 67 PRE L IMINAR Y 7.2 CinemaWall Dimensions Figure 7-1, Fig ure 7-2 an d Figure 7 -3 show the CinemaWall dimen sions (all dimensions are in inches). Figure 7-1. CinemaWall Model S P-42 Dimen s ion s (with Optional Table S tand) 25.
Specifications 68 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 7-2. CinemaWall Model S P-50 Dimen s ion s (with Optional Table S tand) 29.
Specifications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 69 PRE L IMINAR Y Figure 7-3. CinemaWall Model S P-60 Dimen s ion s (with Optional Table S tand) 1.787 35.596 58.653 17.000 34.440 33.835 0 5.950 11.000 12.530 57.593 0 8.429 28.
Specifications 70 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y 7.3 Computer/Video Signal Compatibility The CinemaW all can display video signals from a variety of computer sources via INPUT 1 and INPUT 2. Table 7-2 lists the signal typ es that ar e compatible with the Cine maWall.
Specifications Runco CinemaWall SP-42/-50/-60 Own er’s Operating Manual 71 PRE L IMINAR Y 1280x768 56.0 45.1 √ √ 60.0 47.8 √ √ 70.0 56.1 √ √ 1280x800 60.0 49.7 √ √ CVT 1280x854 60.0 53.1 √ √ PC 1280x960 60.0 60.0 √ √ 85.0 85.
Specifications 72 Runco CinemaWall SP-42/- 50/-60 Owner’s Operating Manual PRE L IMINAR Y Note s :.
Runco CL-810 Owner’ s Operating Manual Runco International • 2900 Faber S treet • Union City , CA 94587 • Ph (510) 324-7777 / (800) 23RUNCO / Fax (510) 324-9300 www .
An important point after buying a device Runco SP-42 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Runco SP-42 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Runco SP-42 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Runco SP-42 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Runco SP-42 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Runco SP-42, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Runco SP-42.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Runco SP-42. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Runco SP-42 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center