Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2042 Rover
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M T D LL C, P .O . BO X 36 1 1 3 1 CLEVEL AND, OHIO 44 1 36 - 001 9 Print ed In U SA O p e r a t O r ’ s M a n u a l Safe Operation Practices • Se t-Up • Operation • Maintenance • Ser vice .
Customer S uppor t If yo u h a v e d if f ic ul ty as sem bl in g t hi s prod uc t o r ha ve a n y que st ion s rega rd in g t he c on tr ol s, oper at ion , or ma in t ena nc e of this mach ine, you can seek help from the exp er ts. Choose f rom the options below: Visit us on the web at ww w.
Im por tan t Saf e Opera tion P rac tic es 2 3 General Operation Read, un ders tand, an d follow all inst ruc tions on the machine and i n the manual(s ) befo re attemp ting to assembl e and ope rate. Keep this manual in a s afe place for future an d regular re ference and fo r orderin g replacem ent par ts .
4 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s A missing or damag ed discharg e cover can cause blad e contac t or thrown obj ec t injuries. Stop the blade(s) when crossing gravel drives , walk s, or roads and w hile not cut ting gr ass.
5 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Children T rag ic accidents c an occur if the o perator is not a ler t to the presen ce of children. Childre n are of ten at trac ted to the machine and th e mowing ac tiv it y .
6 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s .
7 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Safet y S ymbols This pag e depic ts an d describ es saf et y sym bols that may app ear on this pro duc t. Read, u nders tand, a nd follow all ins truc tions on th e machine b efore at temptin g to assemble an d oper ate.
8 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Sight and hold this level with a vertical tree... or a corner of a building... or a fence post Fold along dotted line (represents a 15° slope) 15° Use this page as a guide t o determine slopes where y ou may n ot operate safely .
T rac tor Set -Up Moving The T rac tor Manual ly .
Connecting the Batter y Cables CALIFOR NIA PROPOSITI ON 65 W ARNIN G! Bat ter y pos ts, ter minals, and rel ated accessories contain lead a nd lead comp ounds, che micals k nown to the State of Califor nia to cause cancer an d repro duct ive harm. Wash hands af ter handlin g.
Adjusting the Seat T o adjust th e positio n of the seat, p ull up and ho ld the seat adjustme nt lever . Slide the seat fo r ward or rear war d to the desired p osition; then r elease the a djustment l ever . M ake sure seat is locke d into position b efore o peratin g the trac tor.
describ ed o n the followi ng page s.
Deck Lif t Lev er the de ck lif t lever is used to chang e the heig ht of the cut ting de ck. T o use, move the lever to the le f t, then place in the no tch best suite d for your applic ation.
F uel Lev el Indicator The Fuel Level In dicator is loc ated on the le f t side of the tank .
Safet y Interlock S w itches This trac tor is eq uippe d with a saf et y interlock s ystem fo r the protec tion of t he ope rator . If the interlo ck sys tem should ever malfun cti on, do not op erate the tr ac tor .
Driving The T rac tor W ARNIN G! Avoid sudden s tar ts, e xcessive spee d and sudde n stops. Lightly press th e brake pe dal to releas e the park ing br ake.
Driving On Slopes where you m ay operate the tr ac tor safel y .
Engaging the PT O .
Maintenance W ARNIN G! Be fore pe rf orming any maintenan ce or engine an d remove key to prevent unintended star ting.
Atta ch the hose coup ler to the water p or t on your de ck s sur face. See Fig . 6 - 2 . T urn the w ater on. 4. 5.
Adjustments W ARNIN G! Shut the e ngine of f, remove the ignition key an d engage th e park ing brake b efore heav y gloves whe n handling the b lades.
St eering Adjustment If the tr actor t urns tighter in one dir ec tion than the o ther , or if the ball jo ints are b eing repla ced due to damage o r wear , t he steer ing drag link s may ne ed to be a djusted.
Cutting Deck Remo val T o remove the cu ttin g deck , pro ceed as fo llows: positio n and engag e the park ing br ake.
T o prop erly sha rpen th e cut ting blad es, remove equa l 4. amount s of meta l from b oth ends of the b lades alo ng the angle.
Fu s e W ARNIN G! Be fore ser v icing, rep airing, or brake, stop en gine and rem ove key to prevent unintende d star ting .
Problem Cause Remedy Engi ne fail s t o start 2. Spark plu g wi re( s) di scon nected.
Component P ar t Num ber an d Desc ripti on .
1 803 537 locate your nearest authorised Dealer to source .
Rover Ranch.
No tes 11 33.
An important point after buying a device Rover 2042 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Rover 2042 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Rover 2042 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Rover 2042 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Rover 2042 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Rover 2042, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Rover 2042.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Rover 2042. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Rover 2042 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center