Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000 Audiovox
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RTM- 8000 GSM/GPRS Comp act Flash Card Owner ’s Manu al.
Copyright Statement Copyright 2002 by Audiovox Com m unications Corp. All rights reserved . No part of this publicat ion may be reprod uced, transmitte d, transcribed , stored in a retrieval sys- tem .
Im porta nt S afe ty Pr ecau tions Wh en usi ng th is prod uct, th e saf ety pre cau tions belo w must be ta ken aga inst po ssi ble legal issues an d damages. SAFE TY IN AIRCR AF T The i nter feren ce wou ld be caus ed by this pro duct t o an aircraf t 's navigation system and its netwo rk.
Atte nt ion Hand le the p rodu ct wi th c are. Do n ot d rop, be nd or ap ply stro ng forces to the product. Otherwise, unrecoverable da mages will occur in it s internal c omponents.
Tips When Usin g • Av oid us ing th e pro duct ne ar met al stru ctures (for e xamp le, large me ta l furn i- ture or st eel frames of a buil ding). The transmissi on and rec eption of si gnal can be ef fect ed by thes e ob jects.
<Blank Page >.
i Tab le of Co n te nts Over view Welc ome .... ...... .......... ...... ......... ...... . 2 Pack age Co ntents ...... ...... ......... ...... . 3 App earan ce ... ......... ....... ...... ......... .... 4 The RTM-8000 .............. ....... ........
ii Starti ng D ia ler .. ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... .. 40 Exit .......... ........ ....... .............. ....... ....... .............. .. 43 Dialer S creen ........... ....... ....... .............. ....... .. 44 Ic ons on th e Stat us D isp lay .
iii category ..... ....... .............. ....... ....... .............. .. 62 Duplicating a Ph onebook entry ..... .............. .. 63 Message ............ .............. ....... ....... .............. ....... .. 64 Writing an d sending a ne w message .
iv Information ............. ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... .. 96 Card informat ion ............ .............. ....... ....... .. 96 Online Help ............. .............. ....... ....... ......... 9 6 About Dialer .................
1 Overview 1.
Overv ie w 2 Wel come Congratulations on your pu rchase of the RTM- 8000, GSM/GPRS Com- pact Fl ash car d! With this card, you can inst antly turn your Pocket PC or PC into a wire- less comm uni catio n de vice so y ou ca n p erf orm voi ce/ dat a c ommunic at ion anytime and anywhere.
Ove r vi ew 3 Pack age Cont ents Check the co ntent s o f t he pack age. The fol lo wing i tem s shou ld be inclu ded. If the re is any i tem dam aged o r missi ng , please co ntact your dealer immed iat ely .
Overv ie w 4 Ap pe ar anc e The RTM-800 0 SIM card socket Status indicator Antenna Headset jack Move the antenn a upward while in use. Note : The headset can be plugged into the headset jack for making a c a ll or answe r- ing i n co ming call s. Do no t remove the an tenna from t he RTM-8000 .
Ove rvi ew 5 The s tatus i n dicator The working status of the RTM-8000 is shown by the status ind i ca t o r. Please refe r to th e table belo w for t h e bl inking pa tterns of the ind icator and th.
6 Instal ling and Con figuring the RTM-800 0 2.
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 7 Sys tem Req uirem ent s Check your hardware and software an d see if t h ey satisfy t he requirement s below. If you are not sure, plea se c o n sul t your dealer o r operator. Ha rdwa re & sof twa re req uir ement s • A valid SIM card.
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 8 Insert the SIM card into the SIM card socket flip. Pay attention to the direction of t h e SIM c ard and the metal contact when you i n sert .
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 9 Install the RTM-8000 to Pocke t PC Re fer to the il lustr atio n belo w to in sert th e RTM -80 00 in to Poc ket PC . Tap St art , Set ting s . Note : The way to insert the RTM-800 0 may be d iffe rent from Po cket PC to Po cket PC.
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 10 Tap th e Connec tions tab. Tap th e Connec tions ico n..
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 11 Tap to select Interne t Sett ings . Tap Mod ify ..
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 12 Tap Ne w.. . . Enter th e name of the co nnection and se lect GPRS Mo dem . S et baud r ate to 115200 . Ta p Ad van ced.
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 13 Tap TCP/IP tab. M ake su re that U se server-assig ned IP addresses is selected. Uncheck Use software compression and Use IP header co mpres- sion check boxes. Tap Name Serve rs ta b to cont inue. Make sure that Use server -assigned addresses is se lected and tap ok .
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 14 Tap Ne x t . Enter *99# in the Phone number fie ld and leav e the Co untry code and Are a co de field s empt y .
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 15 Enter +cpin ="****";+cg dcont=1 ,"ip" ,"APN" (where **** is you r PIN code, an d APN is the Access Point Name of your operator) in the Extra dia l-stri ng mo dem comm ands: f iel d.
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 16 Tap Dia ling L ocati ons ta b. Tap Dialin g Patterns ... ..
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 17 Enter G in all fie lds an d tap ok . Tap ok . The config uration is complete ..
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 18 Installin g the RT M-8000 o n a PC To ins tall th e RTM-80 00 on a P C: • According to th e operatin g syst em of your PC, i nstall appropr iate drive r and then t he RTM-8000 C o mpact Flash card. • Conf igure th e setting s of the RTM-8000 Co mpact Flas h card d river.
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 19 Cl ick Ne xt . The installatio n wiza rd wi ll start copying files to yo ur system..
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 20 The installation wizard will ask yo u to restart your computer. Cl o se all runn ing p rograms and clic k Fi nis h t o rest art your computer. The following message will ap pear on the sc reen after rest art.
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 21 The RTM-8 000 will b e detect ed automa tically as a GPR S Modem. The installat i o n wiza rd will continue wit h t h e rest of the install ation pro- cess autom a t ic ally. Cl ick OK . The GPRS Mode m C o nfiguratio n Tool window will app ear.
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 22 Cl ick Finish . The in st al lation o f the RTM- 8000 is comple te. Installing driver for Windows 2000 Insert the CD-ROM in t o yo u r CD-ROM drive and do uble-click the set up. exe icon in the W IN20 00&XP folde r.
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 23 Cl ick Ne xt . The installatio n wiza rd wi ll start copying files to yo ur system..
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 24 The following message wil l appear on the screen . In ser t the RTM-8000 into your PC and click OK . The R TM-8 000 wil l be dete cted automatic ally . The installat i o n wiza rd will continue wit h t h e rest of the install ation pro- cess autom a t ic ally.
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 25 Cl ick OK . The GPRS Mode m C o nfiguratio n Tool window will app ear. Fol low the desc riptio n of “Confi guring the s ettings of the RTM-8 000” on pag e 31 to c onfig ure th e sett ings o f driv er.
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 26 Installing driver fo r Wi ndows XP Insert the CD-ROM in t o yo u r CD-ROM drive and do uble-click the set up. exe icon in the W IN20 00&XP folde r. Driver inst allat ion wizard wi ll app ear on the scree n .
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 27 The installatio n wiza rd wi ll start copying files to yo ur system. The following message wil l appear on the screen . In ser t the RTM-8000 into your PC and click OK . Not e : The way to in sert the C ompac tFla sh an d PCM CIA card m ay b e dif fer- ent from PC to PC.
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 28 Found New Hardware Wizard will ap pear on th e screen. Cl ick Next . The co mputer will s t a rt det ecting t he RTM-800 0 .
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 29 Cl ick Conti nue Anyway . The wizard will cont inue i nstalling. Cl ick Finish ..
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 30 The co mputer will detec t the RTM- 8000 agai n. Cl ick OK . The GPRS Mode m C o nfiguratio n Tool window will app ear. Fol low the desc riptio n of “Confi guring the s ettings of the RTM-8 000” on pag e 31 to c onfig ure th e sett ings o f driv er.
In stalli ng and C o nfigurin g the RTM- 8000 31 Configu ring the se ttings of the RT M -8000 Yo u can config ure th e sett ing s o f the R TM -800 0 in the GPRS Mo dem Config uration To ol wind ow durin g i nstall ation.
Inst alling an d Configu ring the RTM-8000 32 Phone Numbe r Enter the phone nu mber to dial, f or data conn ectio ns ( such as *99#) in t his fi eld . Th is is spe cif ied b y yo ur o pera tor . Extra Setting Required If extra se ttings are re q u ired, you c a n en t er the parameters he re.
33 Using the RTM-8000 3.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 34 Using Wireless Data Connection on Pocket PC Tap St art , Set ting s . Tap Co nnection s tab..
Using t he RTM- 8000 35 Tap th e Connec tions ico n. Tap Co nnect ..
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 36 If u sed, e nter t he use r nam e and pa sswo rd supp lied by your o pera tor. Ta p OK . The C o nnecting ... dia logue box pops up.
Using t he RTM- 8000 37 If connection is established successfully, Conne c ted dialo gue bo x will appear. Now you are ready to surf the Interne t using Pocket Internet Explor er or o ther ap plica tions. Note : To discon nect from t he Intern et again , tap the two- arrow symbo l on the to p bar of yo ur PDA scre en.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 38 Using Wireless Data Connection on PC The RTM- 8000 driver cr eates a GPRS Mod em C o nnection icon on you r deskt op. Do uble-clic k the i con and t h e connecti on dial ogue box will appear o n the scree n .
Using t he RTM- 8000 39 Dialer (For Poc ket PC Only) Overvie w Dialer is a Pocket PC applicatio n program t h at is de signed t o work with the RTM -8000. It pr ovides an easy an d intuit ive interf ace to ch ange you r Pocket PC into a GSM/GPRS mobile phone.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 40 Installin g Dialer Before installing Dialer: Insert the software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM d rive and double-cli ck the Dialer10E N.exe ic on. The installer start s au t o ma tically. Follow the inst ructions on the sc reen to proceed .
Using t he RTM- 8000 41 Tap Di aler . I f t h e P I N c o d e o f y o u r S I M c a r d i s e n a b l e d , y o u w i l l b e p r o m p t e d t o en ter it. E nter your P IN co de and tap OK . Note : If you ent ered wrong PIN code t h re e times in a row, the S IM card will be bl ocked.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 42 Dialer main screen will appear. It wil l start searching for the network automa tically. If networ k is ac quired, the ope rator name wi ll appea r o n Di aler.
Using t he RTM- 8000 43 Exit To exi t Dia ler, tap Edi t on the Command Bar and select Exit . Note : If no SIM ca rd is instal led on RTM-800 0, or the S IM card is invalid , you can only tap SOS to ma k e emergency call s.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 44 Dia le r Scr een Icons on the Status Display Stat us D ispl ay Send Ke y Cancel Key Volum e Adjustm ent Sli der Alphan umeric Keys Comma nd Bar Mode Bu ttons Show /h ide To ol B ar Bu tton Icon Meaning Descripti o n Signal strength Indicates the st rength of network sig nal.
Using t he RTM- 8000 45 Co mman d Bar The Command Bar contains menus for using the f unctio ns of Dialer. Mo de Buttons The Mod e Butto ns on t he Command Bar all ow you t o switc h among dif- ferent operat ion modes easil y. Tap a button to swi t c h t o the correspo nd- ing mo de.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 46 Volume Adj ustment Slider Drag the slider to adjust head set volume. D rag g i ng it t o the rig ht increases volume and left decrease s volume. Send K ey • When there is an incoming call , t a p this key to answe r the call .
Using t he RTM- 8000 47 Using Diale r Making a cal l To make a call : Ta p alph anum eric keys to en ter ph one nu mbe r. Note : • To c lear a wron g number, tap ke y. Tap ping key c l ea rs a whole lin e. • To insert p au ses between nu m b ers, t ap P on key .
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 48 Tap key t o dial. W h en the call is con necte d, the ph one numbe r and cal l time co unter w i ll appear o n the sta tus di splay. Tap key to end the c all. You can also make a cal l from your Phone Book. For details, p lease re f e r to “Making a ca ll from Phonebook” on page 59.
Using t he RTM- 8000 49 Answer ing a call When an incomi ng ca ll is rece ived, ring t one i s gener ated and the i con flashes. Mea nwhile, i f the cal ler ID i s availabl e and can be foun d in your Phonebook, the caller’s name will appear on the status display.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 50 Miss ed call m essage If a call (or multip l e c alls) is missed, t he missed call message co ntaining the last missed caller’s name ("Unkn own number" is shown when the caller ’s na me is unknown) will ap pear on the stat us displ ay.
Using t he RTM- 8000 51 Liste n ing to voicemail When a voi cemail me ssage is received , the icon appears on the status display. Tap key t o connect t o yo ur voicemail box and listen to the voicemail me ssage.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 52 Opt ions du ring a call Call wait ing If ano the r ca ll is rec eiv ed w hen yo u ar e on a ca ll, the cal l wa itin g m essa ge will app ear. To answer the ne w incoming call, t ap An swer . Ot her wi se, ta p Rej ect . The cu rrent ca ll will be hel d automat ically if t he new c all is ans wered.
Using t he RTM- 8000 53 Call swapping To swap two active ca l ls: Tap Opt ions . The Call St ate wind ow a ppears. Ta p Swa p ..
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 54 Con ference call To estab lish a confere nce call in a multi-pa rt y c all, tap Conf erence in the Call St ate window. Pr ivate call Dur ing a confe ren ce cal l, ta p to s elect a cal l in g par ty and t ap Private in the Call St ate wi ndo w.
Using t he RTM- 8000 55 Hol ding/U nholdi ng a ca ll To hold /unhold a cal l in a multi-p arty call, t ap to sele ct the call yo u want to ho ld/unhol d and tap Hold or Unh old . Disconn ecting a call To disc onn ect a cal l in a mu lti-p arty cal l, t ap the ca ll yo u wa nt to dis con- nect i n the Ca ll State window and tap Di sconnec t .
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 56 Phone book Dialer ’s Phon ebook integ rates th e P h onebook dat a on your SI M card and the Cont act data in the Pock et PC. You c an manage t he data easil y and make calls from them quic kly. To ente r Phon ebo ok mo de, ta p th e Phon e Boo k mod e bu tton .
Using t he RTM- 8000 57 The Add Ne w Pho ne Num ber scree n w i ll appea r. Enter name, n u mber an d se lect whe re th is n ew e ntry will be save d in the Memor y drop- down menu.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 58 Viewin g Phonebook entries In Ph onebook mode, t ap the d rop-do wn me nu to select a categ ory, and the Phonebo ok entries und er selected category will appear. Fo r example , if SIM card is s elect ed, al l Phone book dat a stored on th e SIM card will appe ar.
Using t he RTM- 8000 59 Making a call from Phonebook In Phonebook mode, tap an entry (or a call rec ord) and then tap but- ton on th e Tool Bar. Or, Tap an d hold an entr y and selec t Dial in the sub- me nu th at app ears . Dia ler wi ll b egin m aking the c all au tom atica lly.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 60 Addi ng/ed iting/dele ting a Phoneb ook category In Ph onebook mode, t ap Edit on the Co mmand Bar and selec t Edit a Ca tegory .
Using t he RTM- 8000 61 To ren ame an exist ing catego ry, tap to selec t th e categor y in the Current Phonebook Cat e g o ry list an d tap Rena me . To del ete a c atego ry, ta p to s elect t he cate gory a nd tap Delete .
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 62 Copy ing/moving a Ph onebook entry to another cat- egor y Aft er y ou cre ate a new Ph onebo ok cate gory , you can u se th is functi on to copy or m ove Ph onebook entries t o the ne w categ ory.
Using t he RTM- 8000 63 The "Copy Pho n e Nu mber t o" screen appears. If you want to copy select ed entry (or en tries), tap Rang e . Tap Al l to co py all e ntri es. Then, tap th e "To:" d rop-do wn menu to select the des tinatio n cate gor y.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 64 Mess a ge You can read, write a nd send text messages in Message mode . Tap butt on on th e Tool Ba r t o ente r Messag e mode . Writing and sending a n ew message Tap the Show/h ide Tool Bar But ton and t hen t he Add new mes- sage.
Using t he RTM- 8000 65 Edit the message. Tap Send to send the message immediatel y. If you want to save t h e mes- sage and send i t l ater, tap Save . The sent messages wil l b e saved in Sent folder autom atically. Ente r rece ive r’s nu mber or tap the Receiver button to pi ck up a rece iver or multi ple receivers f ro m Phoneb ook.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 66 Reading a message You ca n view the c ontents of a message by doing any of t he follo wing: • In Message mode, tap to sel e ct a m essage, then tap Ed it on the C om - mand Bar and sel ect Properties . • Tap to s ele ct a me ssage an d the n tap t he button on the To ol Bar.
Using t he RTM- 8000 67 Searching for a message Enter the keywo rd in the Sear ch fi eld. The message( s) con taini ng the key - word will appear. Enter here.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 68 Reply ing to a message In Message mode, double-tap the message you want to reply. Or , ta p to se lect th e messa ge yo u want to re ply, th en ta p To ols on th e Comm an d Bar and select Reply Message.. . . Edit the rep l y me ssag e an d tap Repl y .
Using t he RTM- 8000 69 Forwarding a mes s age In Message m o d e , d ouble-t ap the message you want to forward in Ou t- box or Dra ft folder. Edit the message.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 70 Re-s ending a mes sage You ca n use t his funct ion to s end a mes sa ge again. In Message mode, ta p to select a m e ssag e in Outbox , Draf t or Sent fold er and ta p the button on the To ol Bar. Or, tap a nd hold a message in Outb ox , Dr aft or Sen t fo lder an d sele ct Send message in the su b menu th at a p p ears.
Using t he RTM- 8000 71 Addi ng/ren aming/d eleting a message folder In Message mode, tap Edit on the Comma nd Bar an d selec t Ed it a C ate- gor y...
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 72 To ren ame a n ex isting fol der, tap to se lect the folde r in the Current SMS Ca tegory list an d tap Re name . To delete a folder, tap t o selec t t he fold er and tap Del et e .
Using t he RTM- 8000 73 Services Yo u can set up and a ctiva te/d eac tivat e ope rator depe nde nt ser vices . Call Service Tap Too ls on the Command Bar and sel e ct Opti ons.. . , Call Service. .. . The Call Ser vic e screen will appear. Tap eac h t ab to view its opt ions.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 74 Gen eral H ere yo u ca n d eci d e wh eth er you w ant t o sen d y our nu mbe r t o t he r eci p- ient or not whe n ca lling. If y ou d o not send your number whi l e ma k i n g a call, your number wil l not appear on recip ient’s phone.
Using t he RTM- 8000 75 • Voice c all - D ivert all : d ivert all in coming voice calls un conditional ly. • Voice c all - D ivert when bu sy : divert all voice calls when you are o n a call. • Voice c all - D ivert when no reply : divert all voice call s when they are not an swered.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 76 Ca ll b arr in g Wi th th is c a ll serv i ce , you can bar (r estri ct) i ncomi ng a nd ou tgo ing ca lls under certain condi t io ns. • Outg oing c all - Bar ring all : bar all ou tgoin g call s. • Outgoing call - Ba rrin g international cal l s : bar a ll outg oin g inte rna- tiona l call s.
Using t he RTM- 8000 77 Sen d unstructur ed suppl ementary service data You can enter unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) and access related services. For details abou t the content s of service, please cons ult y our o perat or. Enter data here and tap Send .
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 78 Netw ork Servic e Tap Tools on the C omm and Bar an d sele ct Options... , Net work Servi ce.. . The net work ser vice set ting deal s with th e selec tion of ne twork.
Using t he RTM- 8000 79 Security Service Tap Too ls on the Command Bar and sel e ct Opti ons.. . , Security Service.. . Options in S ec urity servi ce allow yo u t o enable/disable an d m o d ify se c u - rity codes. Enabl e/disable PIN code request. If enabl ed, y ou wi ll be a ske d to ent er y our PIN code whe n starting Dialer.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 80 Changing access codes To chan ge a cces s code s: Abou t the acces s code s Ne two rk Code : The code for acc essin g your op erator’ s GSM network . You can get such code from you r operat or Phone code : Th e code for p reventin g unauth orized us e of yo ur RTM-8000.
Using t he RTM- 8000 81 SMS Service Tap Too ls on the Command Bar and sel e ct Opti ons.. . , SMS Se rvice ... . Here you ca n config u re message set tings.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 82 • SMS service ce nter : e nter your message service cente r number (avail- able f orm your o p e rator). • Voice ma il number : ente r th e voi cem ail b ox n umber (av ail able f orm your ope rator). • Sen d as : depe nding on the device tha t wil l rece ive your m ess age, tap to select a format for sending messages.
Using t he RTM- 8000 83 Settings Gener al Sett ings The op tions o f Gener al Set tings allow y ou to replace Dialer skin (bac k- ground) and adjust power sett ings. Tap To ols on the Command Ba r and select Options... , Gene ral Se tti ngs. . . The Gene ral Set t i ng window wil l appe ar.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 84 Choosing a skin (background) You can select an y bitmap (.b mp fo rmat, 240 x270 pixel s) file (for exam- ple, you r fa vori te phot o) as t h e skin ( back ground ap pearanc e) of y our Dialer main screen. Tap Sel ect to browse for and sel ec t a desired file.
Using t he RTM- 8000 85 Ringer Settings The op tions o f Ri nger Se ttings al low you t o customi ze the ring tone s for incoming calls an d messages. Tap Too ls on the Command Bar and sel e ct Opti ons.. . , Ringe r Set ting s... . Tap to browse for a .
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 86 Button Se ttings Options of Button Settings allow you to assign several frequently used ac tions to the h ardw are button s of yo ur P ocket PC. Tap Too ls o n t he Command Ba r a n d sel e c t Opti ons. .. , But ton Se ttin gs.
Using t he RTM- 8000 87 Tap to sele ct an actio n in the B utton assi gnment box. Tap ok . Now you can u se the hardware buttons of your Pock et PC to exe - cute their a ssig n ed actions. Note : Th e Sc reen tog gle ac tion all ows you to turn off the screen while keep ing Dia ler active.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 88 Disp lay Rules You can set up the display format of phone numbers in Dialer wit h the options of Di sp l ay Ru les. Multiple display rules can b e esta blished and Dialer will d e t e c t t h e numbers yo u entered and convert t hem to corre - sponding p rese t formats autom a t ic ally.
Using t he RTM- 8000 89 Enter a new display rule and ta p Ad d . Changing the priority of a display rule Tap to se le c t a display rule and then tap to move the priority one level up, or to move t h e p riority one level down. E d i tin g a dis play ru le To edit a d isp lay rule, tap the one you want t o ed it and tap Mod ify .
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 90 Res et to defa u lt se ttings To r eset th e sett ings o f Diale r to thei r defa ult valu es, tap Too ls on the Command Bar and then select Opti ons , Rese t to Defa ult Se tting s.
Using t he RTM- 8000 91 Data Co nnect ion Establis hing GPRS Data Connection Tap Tool s on the Com ma nd Ba r and the n sele ct Da ta Conn ection , th e new wireless co nnection you creat ed. Note : • The GPRS settings must be configured be fore y ou ca n u se GP RS d ata c onn ec- tion .
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 92 A dial ogue box will ap pear. C l ick Yes . Tap Co nnect ..
Using t he RTM- 8000 93 If u sed, e nter t he use r nam e and pa sswo rd supp lied by your o pera tor. Ta p OK . The C onn ec t in g ... dialog ue bo x pops up.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 94 If connection is established successfully, Conne c ted dialo gue bo x will appear. Now you are ready to surf the Interne t using Pocket Internet Explor er or o ther ap plica tions.
Using t he RTM- 8000 95 Return ing to voice s ervices from GPRS d ata connec- tion Te rmina te th e GPR S data conne ction by ta ppin g the conne ction in progress icon (the two-arrow symbol) and then t h e End bu tton in the Conne cted dial ogue box that appears.
Usi ng the RTM-800 0 96 A dial ogue box will appear . Tap Yes . Information Card information You c an view t he inf o r m at ion abou t your RTM-8000 h ere. Tap To ols on the Com mand Bar and select Card in f ormat ion.... The c ard information will ap pear on th e screen.
97 Troubl eshooting 4.
Trou bles hooting 98 Install ation of the RTM- 8000 is unsucce ssful If yo u are in stal ling the RTM- 8000 to PC , check the fol lowing: • Did you install a ppropriate driver acc ording to your operat ing system? Otherwise, re -install u sin g appropriate driver pro g ram .
Trou bles hooting 99 GPRS connect ion is slow and unstable • Disc onnect a nd con nect again. Y ou may be switched to a be tter net - work trunk line with bett er comm unication quali ty.
Trou bles hooting 100 <Blan k Page>.
P/N:PKED S19002A D/N:EDS 0207ENV erA.
An important point after buying a device Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Audiovox GSM/GPRS Compact Flash Card RTM-8000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center