Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Hawker HX Rocstor
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1 stor e your futu re HX Secure – Enc rypted Mobile Dr ive User Manual.
TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTICES 4 • Safety No tices _______________ _____________ __________________ __________ 4 • General Notices • Capacity Disclaimer ___ ______________ ______________ __.
• Instructions for Par titioning and Formatting fr om FAT 32 to NTFS _ _____________ _ 31 TROUBLE SHOOT ING 37 • Troubl eshooti ng for Macinto sh compu ters _____ __________________ __________ 37 .
IMPORTANT NOTI CES Safet y Notices • The warranty is void if an unauthorized p erson attempts and/or re pairs the hard disk drive. • Read al l Ma nuals and instr uctions care fully be fore us ing t he devi ce. • Do not spill any li quid or insert any object i nto t h e device.
• Do not spill any li quid or insert any object i nto t he devi ce. • D o not attempt to disass emble and service the Hawker d rive during the w arr anty period. • Please read the Sa fety N otices a nd Limited W arra nty i nformati on in this M anual a nd on the Rocsto r webs ite ( www.
GENERAL Introducti on HAWKER HX - S ecu re – Encr ypted Mob ile Drive USB 3.0 ( 2.0) and eSATA interfaces Hawker HX has t he world’s most technologically advanced r eal - tim e hardware encr ypted exte rnal drive in the marke t today.
Box Conten ts • External hard disk drive • USB 3.0 cable • eSATA cable • Instal lation user G uide • Carrying case ROCSTOR | RO CSECURE | HAWK ER HX user manual Page | 7.
Minimum System Requ irement s Mac User s: Window Us ers: Connector s • eSATA port • USB 3 .0 port • Key - toke n port Hardwa re: eSATA or USB 3.0 (or 2. 0) port (s.) Oper ating Systems: Mic rosof t Wind ows Me, XP, Vista , Wid ows 7 - 8 … Recommend ed memory : 512 MB RAM Hardwa re : eSATA or USB 3.
MUST BE READ FIRST Hawker HX uses the most advanc ed encryptio n chip. It encry pts and decrypt s all the data t hat is being read and written simultaneously in real - ti me. It uses a dig ital key token to authen ticate and authori ze to access data in the device.
o Once co mpleted, pl ease ch eck and be certain tha t the d ata you need is fully transferr ed; thes e data if not encrypted are vulnerable at this time. o You are n ow ready to refor mat the dri v e with th e new set of di gital ke ys that you recei ved.
QUICK INS TALLATION How to Conn ect the Inte rface Cables - Connect ing the Dr ive Connecting the Drive 1. Inse rt the digit al key (ke y - token) i n the back of th e Haw ker LX fo r auth enti cation First.
NO TE: F or se curity reas ons RE MOVE ( and sto re in safe pl ace) the Key - toke n once a ccess to the data is granted. As l ong as the HX devic e is ON, the da ta is accessible. At t his stage, the HAWKER device acts as any other sta ndard external drive on t he market.
Cable Types USB suppo rts thre e data trans fer rate s: • USB 3.0 : A Supper - Speed ( USB 3.0) ra te of up to 5,000 Mbit s/s (1GB/3 .3sec) • USB 2.0: A Hi - Speed (USB 2.0) rate o f 480 Mbits/ s (60 MB/sec) • USB 1.1: A Full Speed rate o f 12 Mbi ts/s (1 .
SATA 1.5 G bits /s SATA 3 G bits /s Frequenc y 1500 MHz 3000 MHz Bits/clock 1 1 8b10 b encoding 80% 80% Bits/Byte 8 8 Real speed 150 MB /s 300 MB /s Hawker e SATA offers performance as high as 3.0 GB /sec per device w ith the cur rent specification. It also offers new features s uch as hot swappi ng.
INSTALLING YOUR DRIVE All Rocstor hard driv es are formatted as blank FAT32 (32 - bi t file allocation table) volumes { unless other wise s tated on the box} that are com patible w ith m ost mode rn Wi ndows and Macint osh oper ati ng system s. To begin using yo ur R ocstor drive, simply connec t a da ta cabl e and pow er cord.
Mac The easiest way to safely un - mount an exte rnal hard drive is to drag its Fi nder icon to the Trash. An alert will n o tify yo u if the drive is i n use by an a pplicati on.
PARTITIONIN G AND FORMAT TING THE HAWKER D RIVE ON A MAC OS All Rocstor drives are factory formatted with FAT32, unless otherwise stated on the retail box. WARNING: Formatting and Partitioning the Ha wker D rive will destroy all of its d ata. To protec t your data, back i t up be fore formatt ing or partitioni ng thi s devi ce.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARTITIONI NG AND F ORMATTING FR OM FAT32 to HFS+: 1. Connec t the R ocstor driv e to t he com puter v ia a p ort. 2. The drive will ap pear as an icon o n the Desktop on t he middle right side (fi gure 1. 0 below) the ic on will repre sent the met hod of c onnec tion Figure 1.
Note: the Ha rd Driv e is c onnected v ia USB port; the des ktop w ould in dicat e the USB (figure 1.1) 3. Once t he ico n appea rs on t he “ Desktop ” click on the “ Ma cintosh HD ” icon (figure 2.
4. In the “ Macintos h HD ” m enu, cl ick on the “ A pplicatio ns ” icon . 5. In th e “ Applica tions ” me nu, click on the “ Uti lit ies ” icon (figur e 3.
6. In the “ Utili ties” m enu, c lick on t he “ Disk U tility ” icon ( figure 4.0 .) Figure 4.0 ROCSTOR | RO CSECURE | HAWK ER HX user manual Page | 21.
7. On the l eft side o f the “ Disk Util ity ” menu is a list of available drives (fi gure 5. 0 .) One will sho w as Rocstor drive. Click on the ic on sho wing the disk capaci ty (fig ure 5.
8. You are now in the R oc stor menu. Clic k on the “ Partition ” t ab an d then cl ick th e “Current” tab under “Vol ume Scheme.” A drop down “ P artition ” menu will appear. 9. In the “ Partit ion ” me nu, you may selec t any n umber o f par titions availa ble under “Volume Schem e.
12. Volume Information: s elect a name fo r your drive (figure 7.0.) Figure 7.0 13. Format: Click on either the “ For mat ” area or t he Blue up/down arr ows.
14. After selec ting th e type of form at, cl ick t he “ Apply ” tab in t he l ower right of the screen , (figure 7.1.) On the next sc reen, Partition Disk, clic k “ Partition ” (fig ure 8.
15. The dri ve wil l begi n to fo rmat ( figure 8.1) a nd upon co mpletio n; t he same icon t hat firs t appeared on the Desktop will re app ear wit h your desig ned nam e on t he De sktop (fi gure 9.0) Figure 8. 1 Figure 9 .0 16. You can n ow Exit or clos e to re turn to the d eskto p .
PARTITIONIN G AND FORMATTIN G THE HAW KE R DRIVE ON WINDOWS 2 000, XP AND VIS TA and Windows 7 All Roc stor drives are factory formatted with FAT32, unless otherwise stated on the retail box. WARNING: Formatting and Partitioning the Ha wker D rive will destroy all of its d ata.
DIFFERE NT WAYS TO GET T O THE C ONTROL P ANEL: (You may use a ny o ne of the foll owing methods ) 1. If the ico n “My C omput er” sho ws on y our deskto p, clic k or do uble cl ick o n the i con. U nder “Other Places” clic k on “Control Panel.
3. If the ico n “My C omput er” do es not show o n you r deskto p, click on the S tart ic on o n the lower left o f your s creen. If the C ontrol Panel l ink is not displayed, click on the Set tings link and th en clic k on the Co ntrol Pa nel li nk.
INSTRUCTIO N S UPON REACHING CONTROL PANEL a. After reac hing the Control Panel, clic k on Administrative Tools. b. After reac hing Administrative Tools, click on Computer Managemen t. c. After reachi ng Com puter Managem ent, cl ick o n Disk Managem ent.
INSTRUC TION S FOR PARTITIO NING AND FOR MAT T ING FROM F AT32 to N TFS 1. In the “Di sk Ma nageme nt” win dow, ri ght cl ick t he Roc stor dr ive in the u pper po rtion of the menu to highl ight i t. In the drop dow n menu, selec t “Dele te Par titio n.
4. Th e Rocstor drive will show up in the lower menu as an “Unallocated” disk. 5. Right click anywhere in the “U nallocated” disk area in the lower menu. 6. Click on “New Partition.” 7. You are taken to “W elcome to t he New Partition Wizard.
9. Under “Spec ific Partiti on Si ze,” cl ick Nex t to a ccept the defa ult setting , whi ch is th e maximum size allow ed. 10. Unde r “As sign Drive Lett er or Path,” accept t he default letter a nd click “Next”.
11. In the “ Forma t Par tition, ” acce pt the defaul t setti ng. 12. The “Vo lume la bel” can be c hanged to a ny name up to 11 char acter s. 13.
14. You now reac hed the “Compl eting the Ne w Par tition Wizard” scre en. It displ ays t he various settings you pr eviously selected. If yo u are satisfied with your selections, click “Finish” to complete t he new formatting. At this time the Rocstor disk drive is being forma tted, w hich ma y ta ke a few minu tes.
ent ered in th e “Vo l ume label,” the Rocs tor drive will s how up as “New Vol ume.” To rename the volume at this time, righ t click “New Volume” an d click “Properties.” You can now change the v olume name up to 11 characters. Clic k OK.
Troublesh ooting Rocs tor data s torage pr oducts a re subjec ted to seve ral qual ity co ntrol tests be fore leaving our facto ry . H owever, from time to time, the produc t may not work a fter s hipmen t or w ould experience intermitten t problems under cer tain criteria and/or situations.
• Have you chec ked t o confir m tha t the c ompute r’s ope rati ng syste m wor ks wi th the fil e system? • Review the manual t hat c ame with y our co mpute r to ens ure that the fil e sys tem is compati ble wi th the ope rating s ystem. Probl em: Th e Hawke r drive i s not w orking fast e nough.
Troublesh ooting for PC WI NDOWS based compu ters Probl em: The co mputer does not appe ar to recog nize t he drive Solutions: • A window shoul d appea r, notify ing y ou that a dev ice is connec ted a nd/or the Hawker HD icon shou ld app ear on the “My Co mputer” folder.
Probl em: The pe rforma nce and /or tra nsfer speed s are sl ow whe n the Hawke r driv e is connec ted to my USB port. Solution: • USB po rts co me in differ ent spee ds fro m 12Mbi ts/ s to 480Mbi ts/s. U SB 3. 0 is a S upper - Speed c onnec tion. I f the Hawke r HD is co nnecte d to a USB 1.
K K N N O O W W L L E E D D G G E E B B A A S S E E Hawker HX Uniq ue Features Special Featur es: • Secure Encry pted Mo bile Ruggedi zed ex ternal stor age drive • Secu red by AES - 256 Real - Ti.
Encryption Tech nology One o f the mo st sec ure a nd cutt ing - edge har dware - based e ncrypti on chi psets i s int egrate d into the internal circui try of the Hawker lines.
Rocsecure — Hawker external drives use hardware - based security, per formed by eNova’s X - Wall MX, to provide reli able security for yo ur stored data. Every bit and byte o n the hard drive is strongl y enc rypted by AE S (Adv anced E ncry ptio n Standard).
A: No. AES is a complicated mathematical algorithm that co mputes the original data w ith 128 or 256 bit key length. Regar dless o f the s ize of the e ncry ption key , the size o f data fi le after encry ption rema ins unc hanged.
Encr yption Algor ithm Overvi ew The X- Wall M X family AS IC (Application Specific I ntegrated Circuit) is the 7th generation of X- Wall Technol ogy. It is engineer ed sp ecifica lly to encry pt/decr ypt e ntire SA TA har d drive includi ng boot secto r an d opera ting sy stem i n rea l - time performance.
Key Benefi ts • Offers w ire speed perfor mance a t sus tained 150MB/s ec on a ll encr yption stre ngths • Operati ng Sys tem in depe ndent ( No sof tware i nstal lations requir ed) • FIPS (US F.
Introdu ctions: Interfaces ( ports) and C ables U niversal S erial B us ( USB ) is a serial bus s tandar d to inte rface devices.
S erial A dvanc ed T echnol ogy A ttachme nt ( SATA) is a c omputer bus primarily designed for trans fer of data b etween a comp uter a nd stor age de vices (like hard disk drives or optical drives ).
Compassion Chart: Raw Bandwidth Transfer Spee d (M bits /s) (Mb its /s ) Max. Cable Len gth Feet (meter s) Pow er Provid ed Device p er channel SAS 3000 375 26 Ft (8 m) No 4 eSA TA 3000 375 6.5 Ft (2 m) No 1 (15 W/ port multiplier) SATA 300 3000 375 3.
Intro ducti ons: Forma tting File Allo cation Ta ble ( FAT ) FAT is a file sys tem deve loped by Mic rosoft for M S- DOS and is the primary file system for consume r ver sions o f Mic rosoft W indows . The FAT file system is relatively uncomplica ted and is supported by v irtually all existing operating systems for personal computers.
HFS Plus or HFS+ This is a file sys tem developed by Apple Inc. to replac e their Hierarchical File Sy stem (HFS) as the pri mary file sy stem u sed in Macintos h computer s (or other systems runni ng Mac OS). I t is also one of the fo rmats used by the i Pod digital music player.
LIMITED WARRAN TY This Limited Warranty is provided by R ocstorage, Inc. (hereinafter: Rocstor) for al l lines of products. General T erms EXCEPT AS EXPRE SSLY SE T FORTH IN THIS LIMI TED WAR RANTY, R.
Rocsto r Repla ceable Pa rts Pro gram Where av ailable, the Rocstor Replace able Parts program ships approved re placement parts direct ly to you to fulfill your warr anty. This will save cons iderable repair time . After you call the Rocs tor Technica l Support Cente r at 888.
“Rocstor” m akes no representation or warranty as to the suitability or fit ness of thes e devi ces for a ny sp ecific applicat ion. Technic al Support All Roc stor hard dri ves are backed by free telephone te chnical support for two ( 2) years from the date of purchase .
Contact Info rmation Cor por ate Headquarter s 8130 Rem met Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91304 - 41 29 Office: +1 ( 818) 44 9 - 2000 Fax: + 1 (818) 884 - 8777 Email: info@Rocstor.
Thank yo u for purc hasing Ha wker HX . Rocsto r Ver. 0 301L ROCSTOR | RO CSECURE | HAWK ER HX user manual Page | 58.
An important point after buying a device Rocstor Hawker HX (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Rocstor Hawker HX yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Rocstor Hawker HX - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Rocstor Hawker HX you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Rocstor Hawker HX will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Rocstor Hawker HX, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Rocstor Hawker HX.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Rocstor Hawker HX. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Rocstor Hawker HX along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center