Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 4 Radio Shack
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Cat. No. 15-1917 OWNER’S MANUAL Phone Up 4 Remote Control Pl ease read bef o re usi n g thi s eq ui pme nt. F A V O R I T E CHAN REW VCR AUX TV CBL LAST SCAN MENU MUTE FAST F REC PAUSE STOP PLAY CHAN VOL VOL 123 45 8 0 6 79 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 1 SLEEP ENTER SELECT PWR SETUP 15-1 91 7.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 2 FEA TURES Your Rad ioShack Phone Up 4 Re mote Contro l lets you operate al most a ny infrared device i n your home from a distance .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 3 Sleep T imer — turns off your device in 15 min- utes using the built-in sleep t i mer, or controls a device ’s built-in sl eep timer (if one exists). Toll-Free Up grading — ca ll o ur to ll-f ree C ust om- er Service Hotline at 1-80 0-950-7044, and we w ill upgrade yo ur Phone Up 4 over the phone.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 4 CONTENTS Ho w t he Ph one U p 4 Wo rks . .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .. 6 Pre pa rat ion ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... 9 Ins tall in g B att er ies .....
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 5 VC Rs ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. .. 4 4 Ca re an d Main t ena nc e . .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... ... .. .. 49 Sp e c if ic a ti on s .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 6 HOW THE PHONE UP 4 WO R K S Before yo u begin to us e the Pho ne Up 4 , it is helpful to understand a li ttle about how it works — nothing techni cal, only an idea of wha t you can expect from the Phon e Up 4 and its different groups of keys.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 7 Your RadioSha ck Phone Up 4 was designed with the func tions used m ost often to ope rate you r TV , VCR, cabl e con verter, CD player, an d DSS satel- lite r ec e iv er . Key Function Use these devi ce keys when you set up t he Phon e Up 4 to repla ce your ori ginal remot e contr ols.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 8 Notes: • The Phone Up 4’s red lig ht turns on when you press a k ey , and blinks when you enter a feature or manufacturer ’s code . • T o use REC record on t he Phone Up 4, you must p ress it twi ce. This safety f eature he lps you avoid accidentally erasing video t apes.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 9 PREP ARATION IN S TALLING BATT ERIES You need four AAA batteries (not suppl ied) to power your Phone Up 4. We recommend alkaline batteries, s uch as RadioShac k Cat. No. 23-558. 1.Press the battery com partment cover tab and lift of f the cover .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 10 USING The back light lets you see the key s on your Phone Up 4 in t he dark. Press to light t he keys. Also, every tim e you press a key, the P hone Up 4 lights up and sta ys lit for several seconds. To turn off the light, and keep keypresses from lighting the Phone Up 4, press ag ain.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 11 If you r device does no t turn off after you press the num ber keys, press CH AN ^ , then press PWR a gain. If t he device t urns off, press SETUP to lock in that code. If y our d evice st ill does not tur n off, press the numbe rs 1 through 9 and 0 , one at a t ime, to see if the dev ice responds.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 12 3. Press 9 9 0 . The red light blinks twice. 4. Press 1 . The red li gh t should not blink. Note: The first digit in all 4-di git device codes is a z ero. 5. Press 2 and count the num ber of times the red light blinks.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 13 MANUF ACTURERS’ COD ES Cable Convert ers Manufact ure r Code RadioShack Cat. No. AB C 0002 Arc he r 007 9 1 5- 12 85 Ce ntur y 0197 Citizen 0046 Eastern 0 262 F.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 14 Starco m 0712 St arg at e 07 14 Sta rqu est 071 7 To c o m 0 0 1 2 To s h i b a 0 1 5 6 Tus a 0789 Unika 0796 Uni ted A rt is ts 0 79 9 Uni ted C abl e 080 0 Universal 0021 Vie ws tar 04 16 Z enit h 0017 Z ent ek 0845 CD Pl ayer s Manufactu rer Code RadioShac k Cat.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 15 Opti m us 054 6 4 2- 50 15 42-5 02 1 42-5 03 7 42-5 04 0 42-5 04 4 42-5 04 9 Pa na soni c 0 05 1 Phi l ips 00 81 Pi on eer 01 66 Proton 0 031 Qu asar 00 55 RCA 00.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 16 Satellit e Receivers Manufactu rer Code RadioShac k Cat. No. Ge ne ral In st rum e nts 03 29 Jerr old 0 003 Pr imesta r 0587 RCA DSS 0047 Sony DSS 000 0 T ele visions Manufactu rer Code RadioShac k Cat.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 17 Fis her 01 54 Fuj itsu 03 13 Fu nai 0 17 9 Futur ete ch 0315 GE 00 27 Gib ral ter 0 33 3 Go ldst ar 0056 Gr unpy 0 34 6 Ha llma rk 0351 Harvard 035 9 Hitachi 0145.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 18 Op ton ic a 0547 Orio n 054 9 Pana soni c 005 1 Penn ey 0 135 Ph il co 0030 Ph ilip s 00 81 Pilot 05 80 Pi on eer 01 66 Portl and 0582 Pris m 0588 Pr oto n 00 31 Pu.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 19 Sci mitau 08 53 Sc ott 0 309 Se ars 0 14 6 Sh arp 0 09 3 Sh og un 067 6 Si gn ature 06 84 Son y 00 00 So un desi gn 0 17 8 Spe ct ri con 0704 Squ are view 07 06 S.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 20 As ha 00 86 Au d iovo x 01 05 Be a umark 01 23 Bell & Howell 0016 Br ok so nic 01 84 Calix 0856 Canon 0181 Ca rv er 01 91 CC E 0160 Citizen 0046 Co lt 02 09 Cr .
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 21 LX I 014 8 Logi k 0 44 3 Magn avox 00 54 Magn in 04 63 Masu shita 04 75 Mar ant z 012 8 Marta 0 473 MEI 04 57 Mem ore x 003 7 1 6- 40 6 16-4 08 16-4 10 16-4 1 1 1.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 22 Op ton ic a 0547 Pana soni c 005 1 Penn ey 0 135 Pe n tax 0570 Ph il co 0030 Ph ilip s 00 81 Pilot 05 80 Pi on eer 01 66 Portl and 0582 Pr ote c 05 94 Pulsa 05 99 P.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 23 Re alis tic (c o ntinu ed) 04 20 16 -701 16-7 02 16-7 03 16-7 04 Ricoh 0624 Runco 0632 Sa msun g 0 06 0 Sa nky 0 65 5 Sa nsui 0 06 7 Sa nyo 0 15 9 Sc ott 0 309 Se.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 24 USING T WO OR MORE SIM ILAR DEVICES Each of the Phone Up 4’s device keys is prese t to control a particular type of d evice.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 25 OPERATION BASIC OPERAT ION 1. Press the device key for the device you want to op erate, then point the Phone Up 4 at the device and pres s PWR (or CHAN ^ for some cable converters) to turn on t he device. 2. Repeat Step 1 for all devices you want to operate.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 26 CHANNEL SCAN Channel scan lets you s can through all availabl e channels on your TV, VCR, or cable co nverter, stopping at each for about 3 seconds. Note: Channel scan does not operate if favorite channel s can is prog rammed for an y device.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 27 4. Enter the first channel ’ s two - d igit number . (Enter a 0 before a ny single-digit channel numbe r .) 5. After you enter a channe l number , press SETUP .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 28 Clearing Fa vorite Channel Scan To clear all channels from favorite channel scan: 1. Press and hold SETUP until the red l ight blin ks twi ce . 2. Press 9 9 6 . The red l ight blinks t wice again. 3. Press and release SETUP , then press an d hold SETUP unt il the red l ight blinks tw ice again.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 29 5. T o end t he s equence, press a nd ho ld SETUP until the red light blinks twic e. W henever y ou press the selected favorite key , you r Phone Up 4 sends the comman ds you entered. Note: The Phone Up 4 must be poin ted toward the d evice(s) the ent ire time you sen d a se- quenc e.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 30 Note: Punc h-through does not work i f the last two devices you select h ave the same (or similar) fea- tures. For exam ple, if your T V and cable convert- er both have POW ER key s on th eir remote controls, you mus t press the desired device key before you use the P hone Up 4’s PWR key.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 31 To t ur n on th e Phon e Up 4’ s s le ep ti me r, pres s SLEEP once. The red light blinks once . Leave the Phone Up 4 pointing at the de vice. The device au- tomatica lly turns off afte r 15 m inutes (or af ter the time l ength you set on the device’s buil t-in sleep timer).
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 32 IF Y O U H AVE P R OB LEMS MANUAL CODE SEARCH If the P hone Up 4 d oes not operate your remote controlled devi ces when you first set it up, you might be able to search the Phone-Up 4’s library for a c o de that works.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 33 T ROUBLESHOO TING If the Phone Up 4 stops working after you suc- cessfully tes t i t with each device, or if you are un- able to get the Phone Up 4 to work at all.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 34 DOWNLOADING UPDATED CODE I NFORMATION If you still have trouble getting yo ur e quipment programme d with the Phone Up 4, you m ight want to u pgrade your Phone Up 4 with new codes by s imp ly ca lling our toll- free Cus tom er S erv ice Hotline at 1-800-950-7044 .
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 35 Note: You must hol d the telephone ’s earpiece over the speak er slots of yo ur Phone Up 4 as shown on P age 34 . If you d o n ot, the Phone Up 4 migh t not prope rly receive the i nformation coming over the telephone line .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 36 Repeat St eps 1-4 to search other devices that yo u have loaded codes f or from your telephon e. 5. T o quit fast search, press SETUP . Note: Y ou can search up to 11 codes for each de- vice (TV, VCR, and so on) pro vided 11 codes were loaded.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 37 6. Poin t t h e rem ote at t h e device and press PWR . If the device turns off, press SET U P to lock in the code.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 38 Pioneer 0 02 3, 0144 , 05 33 Popular Mec hanics 0400 Pulsar 0000 RCA 0021 Recoton 0400 Regal 0 02 0, 02 59 , 0273 , 027 9 Regency 0002 Rembrandt 0011 Runco 0000 Sam.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 39 DKK 0000 Fish er 00 48 , 008 8, 01 79 Gene xxa 0032 Hitachi 00 32 Ink el 0065 JVC 0072 Kenw ood 0028 , 0 03 7, 00 48, 0190 Krel l 0157 Magn avox 0157 Marant z 002.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 40 T echni cs 00 29 To s h i b a 00 19 Vict or 00 72 Y amaha 0187 Home Automation Manufact ure r Devic e Codes GE 0240 One For All 0167 Radio Shack 0240 Securi ty Syst.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 41 Akai 00 30 Alle ron 0179 Ambas sador 01 77 Anam 01 80 An am Na tion al 0055 AOC 001 9, 00 30 , 0137 Audiov ox 0180 Belco r 0019 Be ll & How ell 00 16 , 0 154 .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 42 Gibral ter 0 01 7, 0019 , 00 30 GoldStar 001 9, 0030 , 0032 , 003 9, 0056 , 0178 Grunpy 0179 , 018 0 Hallmark 0178 Harvard 0180 Hitachi 0 03 2, 0056 , 01 45, 0 15 1.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 43 Onwa 0180 Optimus 01 54 , 0 166 Opt onica 00 93, 0 165 Orion 02 36 Panasoni c 005 1, 00 55 , 02 50 Penney 001 9, 00 21 , 00 27, 0 03 0, 00 32, 003 9, 00 47 , 0051.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 44 Shogun 0019 Signat ure 00 16 Sony 0000 Soundesi gn 0 17 8, 01 79, 01 80 Spectr icon 0137 Squarevi ew 01 71 SSS 0019 , 0 18 0 Starlite 0180 Supreme 0000 Sylvani a 00.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 45 Aiwa 00 00 Akai 00 41, 0 053 Americ an Hig h 00 35 Asha 02 40 Audiov ox 0037 Beaumark 02 40 Be ll & How ell 01 04 Broks onic 01 21, 0 1 8 4 Ca lix 00 37 Canon.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 46 Jensen 0041 JVC 0 00 8, 00 41 , 0067 KEC 0037 , 0 27 8 Kenwood 0041 , 0 06 7 KLH 0072 Kodak 0035 , 0 03 7 Lloyd 0000 Logik 0072 LXI 0037 Magnav ox 003 5, 00 39, 00 .
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 47 Pilo t 00 37 Pionee r 0067 Prot ec 0072 Pulsa r 0039 Quas ar 0035 , 0 162 Radio Shac k 0000 , 003 7 Radix 00 37 Randex 00 37 RCA 004 2, 00 60 , 0065 Reali stic 0 .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 48 Ve c t o r 00 45 Video Concept s 0045 Video sonic 0240 Wa r ds 000 0, 00 35, 00 42, 004 7, 0048 , 0 06 0, 00 62 , 0072 , 024 0 XR-1000 0 000, 0035 , 00 72 Zenith 0 033, 0034 , 00 39 VCRs Manufact urer Dev ice Code s 15-1 917.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 49 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your Phon e Up 4 Remote Con trol is an example of superior design and craftsman ship. The sug- gestion s bel o w will hel p you care for this remote so you can en joy using i t for many yea rs.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 50 SPECIFICATIONS Power . . ..... ..... ...... . ..... ..... Four AAA Alkaline Bat teries Contr ol Range (T ypic al) .. ...... . ... 25 Feet (7.5 M) ± 30× Siz e (H WD) .... .. .. ..... ... .. ..... .. 7 1 / 3 ¥ 2 11 / 16 ¥ 15 / 16 i nches (18.
Need h el p? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 51 NOTES 15-1 Page 5 1 M onda y, Jul y 19, 1 99 9 12:25 PM.
RadioSh ack A Divisi on of T andy Corporation Fort Wor t h, T ex as 76102 5/96 Printed in Korea RadioShack Li mited W a rranty Th is pr odu c t is w a rra nte d agai ns t d efec ts for 90 da ys f rom dat e of p urch as e from R adi oSha ck c ompan y-o wne d s tores and aut hor ized Radio Sha ck f ranchi se es a nd d eal- er s.
An important point after buying a device Radio Shack 4 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Radio Shack 4 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Radio Shack 4 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Radio Shack 4 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Radio Shack 4 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Radio Shack 4, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Radio Shack 4.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Radio Shack 4. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Radio Shack 4 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center