Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 530 Acer
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Acer Trave lMate 530 Series Service Guide P ART NO.: VD.T24V5.001 PRIN T ED IN T AIW AN Service guide files and updat es are av ailabl e on the ACE R/CSD web; for more in formation , please refe r to http://csd .
II Revision Hist ory Please r efer to t he t able belo w for the update s made o n T ra velMate 5 30 se rvice gui de. Date Chapter Updates.
III Copyright Copyri ght © 20 03 by Ace r Incorp orated. All right s reserv ed . No p art of t his publ icatio n may be reprodu ced, transmi tted, tra nscrib ed, sto red in a retriev al sys tem, o r .
IV Conventions The f ollowin g conven tions are used i n this m anual: SCREEN MESSAGES Denote s ac tual mes sages that appea r on screen. NOTE Gives bits and pi eces of a dditio nal informat ion relate d to the current topic. WA R N I N G Alerts you t o any dam age th at might result fro m doi ng or not d oing s pecific actions .
V Preface Before us ing thi s informa tion a nd the prod uct it support s, pl ease read the fol lowing general in formation . 1. This Serv ice Guide pro vides yo u with all technica l informa tion relati ng to the BASI C CONFIGURA TION decide d for Ace r's "glo bal" pr oduct of feri ng.
VII T a ble of Con tents Chapter 1 Syste m Specificat ions 1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 System Block Diag ram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VIII T a ble of Cont ents Separate the ma in unit in to the logi c upper and the lo gic lower a ssembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Disassemb ling the l ogic lo wer assemby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapte r 1 1 Features This co mpute r was de signe d with th e user in mind. Here are just a few of i ts many features : Performance T Mobile Intel ® Pe ntium ® 4 pro cessor-M at 1.
2 Chapter 1 Keyboard and Pointing Device T 5 Launc h keys, includin g Intern et Browse r and e mail and 3 use r-programma ble k eys T 4-way sc r ol l butto n T Sleek, s mooth an d styl ish desi gn T F.
Chapte r 1 3 System Block Diagram page 3 DDR-SO-DIMM X2 System Bus Power O n/O ff Reset & RT C CPU Bypass & CPU VID TV-OUT Con n page 14 HUB LINK 1 .5 page 5 LPC BUS page 22 uFCBGA-479/uFCPGA-478 CPU page 22 page 30 LCD Conn Power Circuit DC/DC page 26 400MHz page 21 HD#(0.
4 Chapter 1 Board Layout To p V i e w 1 USB Connector Port 13 Modem Connect or 2 USB Connector Port 14 IEEE 13 94 Connector 3 USB Connector Port 15 RJ1 1 Connector 4 TV -Out Connector 16 Battery Conne.
Chapte r 1 5 Bottom View 1 HDD Connector 5 PCMCIA Connector 84Pin Port 2 Card Reader Connector 6 CPU F AN Connector 3 FDD Conne ctor 7 CPU So cket 4 DDR 200Pin So-Dimm Connector 8 CD-ROM Port.
6 Chapter 1 Outlook View A general introd uction of port s allo w you to connec t periph eral de vices, as yo u would with a d esktop PC . Front View # Icon Item Description 1 1 Display screen Also called LCD ( liquid-crystal display), displays computer o utput.
Chapte r 1 7 1 1 S tatus indicators LEDs (light-emitting diode) that t urn on and off to show the status of the c omputer , its functions and com ponents.
8 Chapter 1 Lef t Panel # Icon Ite m Description 1 Optical dr ive Hous es an optic al drive module (C D-ROM, DVD-ROM or DVD/CD- RW combo drive). 2 Optical drive indicator Lights up when t he optical drive is active. 3 Eject button Ejects the drive tray .
Chapte r 1 9 Right Panel # Icon Ite m Description 1 Microphone/Line-in jack Accepts audio line-in dev ices (e.g., microphone, audio CD play er , s tereo walkman). 2 Headphone/S peaker/ Line-out jack Connects to audio line-out devices (e.g., headphones, speakers).
10 Chapter 1 Rear Pane l # Icon Ite m Description 1 Security keylock Connects to a Kensington-compatible computer se curity lock. 2 Power jack Connects to an AC adapt er . 3 External display port Connects to a display device (e.g., external monitor , LCD projector).
Chapte r 1 11 Bottom Panel # Icon Ite m Description 1 Cooling fan Helps keep the computer cool. Note: Don’t cover or obstruct the opening of the fan. 2 Battery bay Hous es the compu ter ’ s battery pack. 3 Battery releas e latches Unlatches the bat tery to remove the battery pack.
12 Chapter 1 Indicators The com puter h as seve n easy -to-read st atus icons bel ow the d isplay s creen . The st atus LCD di splays icons th at sho w the st atu s of the c ompute r and i ts com pone nts . Icon Function Description Power Lights green when the com puter is on and lights orange when t he computer is in S tandby mode.
Chapte r 1 13 Lock Keys The key board has three l ock key s which y ou ca n toggle o n and off . Lock Key Description Caps Lock When Caps Lock is on, all alphabetic characters t yped are in uppercas e. Num lock (Fn-F1 1) When Num Lock is on, the embedded keypad is in numeric mod e.
14 Chapter 1 Embedded Numeric Keyp ad The emb edded numeric k eypa d func tions like a de sktop numeric keyp ad. It is indi cated by smal l cha racters located on the upper righ t corne r of the keycap s. T o simplify the key board lege nd, cu rsor-co ntrol key symbol s are no t pri nted on th e keys .
Chapte r 1 15 Windows Keys The key board has two key s that pe rform Wi ndows-s pecific function s. Key Icon Description Windows logo key S t art button.
16 Chapter 1 Hot Keys The com puter u ses hotk ey or key combin ations to acce ss most of the compu ter’s contr ols like sreen brigh tness, v olume output . T o activa te hot key s, press and hold the Fn k ey before pressin g the o ther ke y in the h ot key c ombin ation.
Chapte r 1 17 Fn- y V olum e down Decreases the speaker volume. Fn- x Brightness up Increases the screen brightness. Fn- z Brightness down Decreases the screen brightness Hot Key Icon Function Descrip.
18 Chapter 1 The Euro Symbol If your key board layou t is set to United S ta tes-Interna tional or Un ited Kingdom or if you have a keyb oard with a European layou t, you ca n type the Euro sy mbol on your k eyboard. NOTE: For US keyboard users: The keyb oard layo ut is set whe n you firs t set up Wi ndows.
Chapte r 1 19 Launch Keys Located at the top of k eybo ard are f ive bu ttons. These button s are c alled launc h keys. They a re des ignated as P1, P2, P3 Em ail butto n and W eb bro wser bu tton. NOTE: T o the lef t of these five laun ch ke ys is th e wirele ss co mmunic ation b utton.
20 Chapter 1 E-Mail Detection Click right bu tton at the L aunch Ma nager icon on the t ask bar and c lick on E-Mail Detect ion. In this dialog b ox, you hav e the opti on to enable /di sable ma il c hec ki ng , set the ti me interva l fo r mai l c hec ki ng, et c .
Chapte r 1 21 T ouchp ad The bu ilt- in to uchpad i s a po intin g devi ce t ha t se nses mo veme nt on i ts surfac e. T hi s mea ns the curso r respond s as y ou move your f inger on th e surfa ce of the touchp ad. Th e cent ral locati on on the p almrest provide s opti mal com fort and support.
22 Chapter 1 NOTE: Keep y our f inge rs dr y and cl ean w hen usi ng t he tou chpad . Als o keep t he to uchpa d dry an d cl ean. T he touchp ad i s sensit ive to fi nger move ment s. Hen ce, th e lighter t he touc h, the bet ter the re spons e. T ap ping too ha rd wil l no t i ncre ase th e touc hpad’s r espon sive ness.
Chapte r 1 23 Hardware Specifications and Configurations Processor Item S pecification CPU type Intel Mobile Pentium 4-M/Mobile Pentium-4 Celeron CPU package / FC-PGA package CPU core voltage 1.3/1.2 BIOS Item S pecification BIOS vendor Phoenix BIOS V ersion 1.
24 Chapter 1 NOTE: Above t abl e list s som e syste m memory conf igurations . Y ou may co mbine D IMMs with vario us cap acitie s to form other com binati ons.
Chapte r 1 25 Hard Disk Drive Interface Item S pecification V endor & Model Name IBM 20G IBM 30G IBM 40G T oshiba 20G (MK2018 )GAP T os hiba 30G (MK3021 )GAS T os hiba 40G (MK4021 )GAS Hitachi 20G.
26 Chapter 1 Audio Interface Item S pecification Audio Controller I ntegrated Software Audio in ICH4-M South Bridge with Realtek ALC201 AC97 Codec(No SPDIF) Audio onboard or optional Built-in Mono or .
Chapte r 1 27 Supports ECP/EPP /Bi-directional (PS/ 2 compatible) Y es (set by BIOS setup) Note : When Mode is selected as EPP mode, “3BCh” will not be available.
28 Chapter 1 Battery Item S pecification V endor & model name Panasonic Battery T ype Li-ion Pack capacity 63.6Wh Cell voltage 3.7V/cell Number of batte ry cell 8 Package configuration 4 cells in series, 2 series in parallel Package voltage 14.
Chapte r 1 29 Elec tri ca l Ch arac teri sti cs No . Paramete r Symbol Min. Ty p . Max. Unit Comment 1 Input voltage NV_PWR 9 14.8 21 V 7.5V (co ntinuous) can work *Note 1 2 Input current Iin -- 0.33 -- A 3 Lamp current IL 3.0 -- 6.8 mA DA C=0V * Note 2 4 Lamp current IL 2.
30 Chapter 1 NOTE: Please pa y attentio n to the fellowi ng: *1. The in ve rter ca n w or k i n 7 .5V input v ol t ag e (c on tin uou s), but 7.5 V el ec tron ic ch arac te ris tic w ill n ot b e care . (Note: t he dis play mu st be n ormal and can n ot glitter o r beco me da rk.
Chapte r 1 31 Thermal All com ponent s on i nverter board sho uld follo w below rules: 1. Com ponent us ing c onditions (compon ent st ress) mus t be wit hin co mpone nt speci ficati on inclu ding volt age rating, c urrent ratin g, tempera ture etc. 2.
32 Chapter 1 S tandby (S1) CPU in S top Clock st ate VGA S tandby , turn of f back-light PCMCIA St andby Audio Power Down Hard Disk S pin Down motor Super I/O Power down Suspend to RAM (S3) CPU set po.
Chapte r 1 33 Memor y Addr ess Ma p Memory A ddress Size Function 00100000h-000F0000h 64KB System BIOS 000CD000h-000C0000h VGA BIOS 000C0000h-000A0000h 128 KB Video memory (VRA M) 000A0000h-00000000h .
34 Chapter 1 IRQ1 2 PS 2 Mo use IRQ13 Numeric Da ta Processor IRQ14 Primary IDE Controller (hard disk) IRQ15 Secondary IDE Controller (CD-ROM drive) IRQ16 USB Host Controller/”VIA 1394/ Montara-GML .
Chapte r 2 35 BIOS Setup Utility The BIOS Setup U tility is a har dware co nfiguratio n progr am bui lt into yo ur comput er ’s BIOS (Basic Input/ Output System ). Y our computer is alrea dy prop erly con figur ed and optimiz ed, an d you d o not n eed to run this utili ty .
36 Chapter 2 Navigating the BIOS Utility There are six men u optio ns: Info., Main, System De vices, Se curity , Boot , and Ex it. Follow these instr uction s: T T o choose a me nu, use th e curs or left/ righ t keys ( zx ). T T o choose a para meter , use the c ursor up/d own key s ( wy ).
Chapte r 2 37 Info. Parameter Description Floppy Disk Drive Shows floppy drive type i nformaiton. Serial Number This field di splays the serial number of this unit.
38 Chapter 2 Main The Mai n screen display s a su mmary of your com puter h ardware i nformatio n, and a lso inc ludes bas ic setu p param eters. It a llows the use r to spec ify st andard IBM PC A T sy stem p aram eters. NOTE: The sc reen ab ove is fo r reference only .
Chapte r 2 39 The t able b elow des cribe s the p arame ters in thi s screen . Settin gs in boldf ace are the defaul t and sug gested param eter setti ngs. NOTE: The sub -items und er each dev ice will no t be show n if the dev ice contro l is set to dis able or auto .
40 Chapter 2 Syste m Dev ices The Sys tem Dev ices sc reen cont ains parame ters in volving your h ardware d evices. It also provides adva nced setting s of th e system . The t able b elow des cribes t he p arameters in the screen. Settings in boldface a re the d efault and su ggest ed param eter setti ngs.
Chapte r 2 41 Securi ty The Secu rity scre en cont ains param eters that h elp safeg uard a nd protect your c omputer fro m unautho rized use . The t able b elow des cribe s the p arame ters in thi s screen . Settin gs in boldf ace are the defaul t and sug gested param eter setti ngs.
42 Chapter 2 2. T ype a pas sword in th e “Enter Ne w Passwo rd” field. T he p assword l ength c an not ex ceeds 8 alphanu meric characte rs (A-Z, a -z, 0-9, not ca se se nsitive).
Chapte r 2 43 3. T yp e a p assword in the Enter New Password field. Retype the p assword in the Confirm New Password field. 4. Press e . After se tti n g th e pas swor d, th e compu ter se ts the U ser P assw ord param ete r to “S e t”. 5. If desire d, you can enab le the Password o n boot parame ter .
44 Chapter 2 Boot This m enu al lows t he user to deci de the or der of boot de vice s to loa d the o peratin g syste m. Boo tab le devic es includ es the dis tette d rive in m odule ba y , the on board hard disk dri ve and the CD-R OM in mod ule bay .
Chapte r 2 45 Exit The Exit scree n cont ains p arame ters tha t help sa feguard and prot ect you r comp uter from u nautho rized u se. The t able b elow des cribe s the p arame ters in thi s screen . Parameter Description Exit Saving Chan ges E xit System Setup and save y our changes to CMOS.
46 Chapter 2 BIOS Flash Util ity The BI OS flash memor y update i s requ ired for the follow ing co nditio ns: T New versio ns of syste m prog ram s T New feat ures o r option s T Restor e a BIOS whe n it bec omes c orrupted. Use the Ph lash utility to update the sys tem BIOS fl ash ROM.
Chapte r 2 47 get this program, f ind it in the T ravelM ate 530 s eries service CD kit. T o b etter fit loc al servi ce requirem ent s, your regional of fice MA Y have other di agnostic progra m. Please cont act you r regio nal offices or t h e re sp onsi ble pe rs on nel /chan nel to pr ov ide you wi th fur ther tech nica l detai ls.
48 Chapter 2 Running Diagnostics Program 1. BIOS Re-flash Insert C D-Disk and floppy disk th en boo t from flop py disk drive to BIOS re-fl ash. 2. Serial Port , Parallel Po rt and F DD T est Insert SIO /PI O loopba ck to se ria l/p aral lel po rt. P lace t he dis ke tte in the fl opp y dis ke tte driv e.
Chapte r 2 49 . 4. Thermal T est . 5. Config T est . 6. 1394 ID Che ck If you n eed to confirm whethe r the 1394G UID seri al num ber has b een in put or n ot, you c an run t his ut ility .
50 Chapter 2 7. T ouchp ad T est After you ru n the u til i ty , plea se po int an d mov e you r fin ger o n the t ouc hpad. T hen s ee if t he mov emen t of t he cursor c an reach to left top (X=0, Y=0). Pres s the righ t and l eft button the n cont inue next test.
Chapte r 2 51 9. FA N T e s t Check if the fan has t urned o n or not . Y o u can confirm the fu nction by a feat her . 10. Keyboard T est Press a ll keys a ccord ing t o this o rde r--from l ef t to ri ght an d from u p to down to te st ea ch k ey’ s f unc tio n.
52 Chapter 2 12. Audio T est T est the le ft cha nnel fi rst. Af ter you h ear a sou nd pres s e to test the right chan nel . 13. Battery Charge T est Plug in AC adapte r to the syste m for test .
Chapte r 3 53 This ch apter c ontai ns ste p-by-step proced ures on ho w to dis assemb le the not ebook comp uter for mainten an ce and troubl esh oo t ing .
54 Chapter 3 General Info rmation Before Y ou Begin Before pro ceedi ng with t he disas sembly proced ure, make sure t hat yo u do the fo llowing : 1. T urn o ff t he power to the system a nd all periphera ls. 2. Unplu g the AC a dapter and all po wer and signal c ables from the sys tem.
Chapte r 3 55 Disassembly Proced ure Flowchart The flow cha rt on t he succ eedin g p age gi ves yo u a gr aphic repres ent atio n on the en tire di sass embl y seq uence and ins truct s you o n the c omponen ts that need t o be rem oved du ring se rvicing.
56 Chapter 3 KS c r e w , M 2 . 5 X 3 N L LS c r e w , M 2 . 5 X 4 MS c r e w , M 2 . 5 X 5 NS c r e w , M 2 . 5 X 7 N L OS c r e w , M 2 . 5 X 9 N L PS c r e w , M 3 .
Chapte r 3 57 Removing the Battery Pack 1. Press the batter y lock and s lide the battery latch. 2. Then rem ove the b attery ..
58 Chapter 3 Removing t he HDD M o dule / Memory/FDD Mod u le/ O pt i c al Modu l e a n d the CPU Removing th e HDD M odule 1. Remove the two screws that secure the HDD module. 2. Then take the HDD module away . Removing the Memo ry 1. Remov e the sc rew as s hown he re.
Chapte r 3 59 Remo vi ng the FDD Mo du l e 1. Remov e the two scre ws that se cur es the FDD modu le. 2. Disconnect FDD FPC. 3. Then rem ove the FDD module. Removing th e CPU 1. Repla ce the sc rew that secure the he atsin k cover . 2. Remov e the hea t sink cove r .
60 Chapter 3.
Chapte r 3 61 Removing the Keyb oard, the Memory , th e Modem Card, th e LCD Module and the Switch Boa rd Removing the Keyboard 1. Remove the two scre ws on the b ottom panel. 2. Use a tool to pu ll the keyboard lock s outwar ds as sh own here . 3. Disconn ect the k eyboa rd FPC, then de tac h the key board of f the main un it.
62 Chapter 3 Removin g the Swit ch Board and th e LCD modu le 1. Unsc rew the two screws that sec ure the middle c over , one on each side. 2. Use a too l to prize out the m iddle cover . 3. Remove the tw o screws h olding th e switc h board. 4. Unsc rew the two screws that fa sten t he LCD hi nge, on e on each side .
Chapte r 3 63 Disassembling the Main Unit Sep arat e the ma in uni t into t he lo gic upp er and the logi c lo wer assem bly 1. Disc onnect the audio board FFC . 2. T o deta ch log ic upper assembl y , first rem ove the fi ve screws as shown here. 3. Remov e the two screw s as show n here.
64 Chapter 3 Disassem bling the Logic U pper A ssembly 7. Remove the two scre ws that fasten the lef t antenna , then re move ano ther two screws on the other s ide holdi ng t he ri ght an ten na lin e. 8. Unsc rew the six screws that sec ure the tou chp ad brack et then rem ove the t ouchp ad b racket.
Chapte r 3 65 17. Remove the two scre ws that hold th e hinge s addle . 18. Unscrew th e two sc rews th at fast en the othe r hinge sadd le. 19. Remove the two s crews hol ding th e phon e jack b oard as sembly . 20. Then det ach th e phon e jack c over of f the p hone j ack boa rd.
66 Chapter 3 Disassembling the LCD Module 1. Remov e the tw o screwp ad th en unscre w the tw o screw s on the LCD be zel. One on ea ch si de. 2. Disat tach th e LCD bezel from the uppe r side of the LC D modu le car efully .. 3. Unscrew the screw that holds the LCD inverter .
Chapte r 3 67 Disassembling th e External Modules Disassembling the HDD Module 1. Remove the four (two on each side) screws on HDD carrier . 2. Remove the HDD EMI shielding and take out th e HDD from the carrier . 3. Disc onnect the hard d isk driv e connec tor .
68 Chapter 3.
Chapte r 4 69 Use th e follow ing proce dure as a gui de for com puter pr oblems . NOTE: The dia gnosti c test s are intende d to test this m odel (T r avelM ate 530 s eries). Non-Ace r product s, proto type cards , or m odifie d options can g ive fals e errors and inva lid sy stem res ponse s.
70 Chapter 4 System Check Procedures External Diske tte Drive Chec k Do the followi ng step s to isolate th e probl em to a controll er , driver , or diskette. A writ e-enabl ed, diagn ostic disket te is requ ired. NOTE: Make su re that the disk ette does not have mo re than one labe l atta ched to it.
Chapte r 4 71 Keyboard or Auxiliary Input Devi ce Check Remove the externa l keybo ard if th e internal keyb oard is to be tes ted. If the internal k eyboard does n ot work o r an un expected chara cter appea rs, ma ke sure th at the flexib le cable extendi ng from th e key board is c orrectly seated in the co nnect or on th e main bo ard.
72 Chapter 4 Check th e Power Adapt er Unplu g the pow er adapter cable from the c omputer a nd mea sure the o utput v oltag e at the plug of the pow er adapter c able. See the fol lowing figure 1. If the vo lta ge is not correc t, repla ce the po wer adap ter .
Chapte r 4 73 Check th e Battery Pack T o check the battery p ack , do the f ollowin g: From So ftwa re: 1. Check ou t the Po wer Option s in c ontrol Pane l 2. In Power Me ter , confirm that if the para meters s hown in the scree n for Current Po wer Source a nd T otal Battery Po wer Remaining a re correct.
74 Chapter 4 still occu r s, con tinue nex t step . Repla ce the CP U with an other of the sa me spec ification s. If th e probl ems sti ll occurs , go to ne xt step. The mai n board may be damag ed. Repl ace m ain board. 3. If the external monito r has the same problem a s the i nternal m onitor , the m ain board may b e damage d.
Chapte r 4 75 Power-On Self-T est (POST) Error Message The POST error me ssage in dex l ists t he error message and th eir possi ble c auses. Th e most l ikely cause i s listed firs t.
76 Chapter 4 Index of Error Messages Error Mes sage Li st Error Messages FRU/Action in Se quence 0200 Failure Fixed Disk Hard disk error detected. Check to see if fixed disk is attached properly . Enter the BIOS Setup Ut ility and verify the hard di sk is detected.
Chapte r 4 77 02F0 CPU ID CPU socket number for Multi-Proces sor error. Main board 02F4 EISA CMOS not writeable System unable to write to EISA CMOS. Main board 02F5 DMA T est Failed System unable to write to DMA (Direct Memor y Acc ess) registers. Main board 02F6 Software NMI Failed System unable to generate software NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt).
78 Chapter 4 Index of Symptom-to- FRU Error Message LCD-Related Symptom s Symptom / Error Action in Sequen ce LCD backlight doesn't work LCD is too dark LCD brightness cannot be adjusted LCD contrast cannot be adjusted Enter BIOS Utility to execute “ Load Setup Defaults” on Exit s creen, then reboot system.
Chapte r 4 79 PCMCIA-Rela ted Symp toms Symptom / Error Action in Sequen ce System cannot detect the PC Card (PCMCIA) See “Sys tem Diagnostic Diskette” on page 46. Please run Sycard 32 Bit te s t. PC MCIA sl ot a sse mbly Main board PCMCIA slot pin is damaged.
80 Chapter 4 NOTE: If yo u cannot find a symptom or an error in this list and the p roblem remains, see “U ndeter mined Prob lem s ” on pag e 82. Periphera l-Rela ted Symp toms Symptom / Error Action in Sequen ce System con figuration does not match the installed devices.
Chapte r 4 81 Intermitt ent Problems Intermit tent sy stem hang probl ems can be caused by a v ariety of reasons th at hav e noth ing to do w ith a hard ware defe ct, su ch as : cos mic r a dia tion, ele ctro stati c d isch arge , or so ftwar e err o rs.
82 Chapter 4 Undetermined Proble ms The diag nostic pro blems do es not iden tify which adapter or device f ailed, whic h inst alled d evices ar e incorrec t, whethe r a shor t circuit is susp ected, or wheth er the syste m is inop erativ e. Follow these pro cedure s to iso late the fa iling FRU (do no t isolate non-def ective FR U).
Chapte r 4 83 Index of AFlash BIOS Error Messa ge Error Message Acti on in Se qu enc e Hardware Erro r See “System Diagnostic Diskette” on page 46 VPD Checksum Error Reboot the system and then restest with t his diskette. BIOS Update Program Error T urn off the power and restart the system.
84 Chapter 4.
Chapte r 5 85 T op View 1 USB Con nector Port 12 DC Jack Port 2 USB Connector Port 13 Modem Connect or 3 USB Connector Port 14 IEEE 13 94 Connector 4 TV -Out Connector 15 RJ1 1 Connec tor 5 Panel Conn.
Chapte r 5 87 Bottom V iew 1 HDD Connector 5 PCMCIA Connector 84Pin Port 2 Card Reader Connector 6 CPU F AN Connector 3 FDD Conne ctor 7 CPU So cket 4 DDR 200Pin So-Dimm Connector 8 CD-ROM Port.
88 Chapter 5.
Chapte r 6 89 This ch apter g ives yo u the FRU (Fiel d Repla ceable Un it) lis ting in global c onfig urations o f T rav elMate 5 30 series product s. Refe r to this c hapter w henever or dering for part s to repair or for RM A (Return M erchandi se Authoriz ation).
90 Chapter 6 Exploded Diagram THE SYSTEM.
Chapte r 6 91 LOGIC UPPER A SSY TravelMate 270.
92 Chapter 6 LCD 14. 1” TravelMate270.
Chapte r 6 93 LCD 15” TravelMate 270.
94 Chapter 6 DVD ASSY NOTE: The exp loded diagra ms for C D-ROM, DV D-ROM and DV D-R W combo modu le are very sim ilar . Therefor , we put only DVD ASSY exploded di agram for your reference. Please also refer to the FRU list below for more in format ion on dif ferent models a nd p art nu mbers.
Chapte r 6 95 FDD ASSY HDD (W/O HDD) ASSY TravelMate 270 TravelMate 270.
96 Chapter 6 Picture No. Partn ame And Description Part Nu mber Adapter NS A DAPTER -DE L T A 75W (3 pin) AP .T2303.001 ADAPTER-A STEC 70W ( 3 pin) AP .80304.002 Batt ery NS B A TTERY LI-I ON 8 CELLS 2150MAH P AN ASO NI C CGR18650C BT .18605.001 BA TT ERY LI-ION 8 CELLS 2150MAH SAMSUNG ICR18650-22 BT .
Chapte r 6 97 016-Logic Upper AUDI O FFC CABLE 38 PIN 50.T24V5.001 003-Logic Upper TOUCHP AD F FC CABLE 50.T18V5.002 004-Logic Upper PHO NE JA CK F FC CABL E 50.T18V5.003 NS M ODEM C ABLE 50.T24V5.002 NS P OW ER CORD US (3Pin) 27.T18V5.001 POWER CORD EC (3Pin) 27.
98 Chapter 6 312-The Syst em MIDDLE COVER W/NAM E PLA TE 42.T24V5.001 NS 322-The Syst em MIDDLE COVER SCREW P AD 47.T18V5.003 314-The Syst em DIMM COVER 42.T18V5.002 313-The Syst em HEA TSINK CO VER 42.T18V5.003 31 1-The Syst em LOWER CASE 60.T24V5.002 253-The Syst em UPPER CASE W/O SPE AK ER 60.
Chapte r 6 99 003-DVD ASSY OPTICAL DRIVE BRACKET 33.T24V5.001 104-Logic Upper TOUCHP AD B RACKET 33.T18V5.002 NS TOUCHP AD COV ER 42.T18V5.004 NS C PU SUP PORT BRACKET 33.T18V5.003 102-Logic Upper H INGE SADDLE-R 34.T18V5.001 103-Logic Upper H INGE SADDLE-L 34.
100 Chapter 6 CPU NS INT EL PENTIUM 4-M (NORTHWOOD) 1.8GHZ/ 512K/400FSB/ 1.3V/47 8PI N/ C-1 STEP PI NG 01.P4MNW .1G8 INTEL PE NTIUM 4-M ( NORTHWOOD) 1.9GHZ/ 512K/400FSB/ 1.3V/47 8PI N/ C-1 STEP PI NG 01.P4MNW .1G9 INTEL PE NTIUM 4-M ( NORTHWOOD) 2.0GHZ/ 512K/400FSB/ 1.
Chapte r 6 101 HDD/ Hard Disk Drive NS H DD 20GB/2.5 IN./4200RPM/ HGST CASC ADE IC25N020A TCS04-0 07N8325 KH.02007.001 HDD 30GB /2.5 IN./4200RPM/HGST C ASCADE IC25N030A TCS04-0 07N8326 KH.03007.001 HDD 40GB /2.5 IN./4200RPM/HGST C ASCADE IC25N040A TCS04-0 07N8327 KH.
104 Chapter 6 251-The Syst em MAI N BOAR D W/O C P U , MEM OR Y , MODE M CABL E MB.T2402.001 NS P CMCIA SLOT 21.T18V5.001 Memo ry NS M EMORY SO-DIMM DDR266/128MB/ N ANY A NT128D64S88A 2GM-7K KN.12803.002 MEMORY SO-DIMM DDR266/128MB/ INFIENON HY S64D16020GDL-7-A KN.
106 Chapter 6 315-The Syst em CPU HEA TSIN K 23.T18V5.001 NS M IDDLE COVE R NAME PL A TE 40.T18V5.001 Scre ws CPU FRAME NUT 86.T18V5.001 SCREW , #4-40UNF 86.T18V5.002 SCREW , M2.0*2.5 NL 86.T18V5.003 SCREW , M2.0*3 86.T18V5.004 SCREW , M2.0*3 NL 86.T18V5.
Chapte r 6 107.
Appendix A 108 T ravelMate 530 Series Model Number CPU LCD Memory HDD (GB) ODD TM531XV Pentium 4 1.8Ghz 14.1 XGA 1x256M 30G 8x DVD TM531XC Pentium 4 1.8Ghz 14.1 XGA 1x256M 30G 24x CDRW +DVD TM533XV Pentium 4 2.0Ghz 14.1 XGA 1x256M 30G 8x DVD TM533XVi Pentium 4 2.
109 Appendix A Main Features T Mobile Intel ® Pe ntium ® 4 pro cessor-M at 1.8GHz or higher T Built-in 0.13 m icron t echnolog y; inc ludes 51 2KB L2 cac he; su pports Enhanc ed Intel ® S peedS tep.
Appendix A 11 0.
Appendix B 111 This co mpute r ’s c ompa tibili ty is tes ted an d verified by Ac er ’s internal te sting dep artmen t. All of it s s ystem functio ns are tes ted under Wind ow s ® XP Hom e, Windows ® XP Pro fessiona l and W indows ® 2000 env ironm ent.
11 2 Appendix B Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Home Environment T est Category V endor Ty p e Device PCMCIA Xircom Xi rcom 32bit CardBus Ethernet 10 /100 LAN BUFFALD Card Bus 10/100M LPCS -CLX- CB LAN Ada.
Appendix B 11 3 Y -E Data YD-8u10 FDD HP DeskJet 640C (LPT+USB) Printer HP ScanJet 5200C Scanner Philips USB Digital S peaker System DSS350/ 17T S peaker Genius Wireless Opti cal/Receiver (USB+PS /2) Wireless M ouse Logitech Cordless Optical Mous e (m/n:M -RM67A ) Wireless Mouse BELKIN 4 Port HUB (m/n:F5U001) USB 2.
11 4 Appendix B Memory Card Panasonic VW-MMCB 8MB MultiMediaCard MM C JVC CU-MMC08U 8MB MultiMed iaCard MMC Panasonic 32MB S D card SD Apacer 128MB SmartMedia card SmartMedia Apacer 128MB CompactFlash.
Appendix B 11 5 Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Pro Enviro nment T est Category V endor Ty p e Device PCMCIA Xircom Xircom 32bit CardBu s Ethernet 10/100 LAN BUFF ALD Card Bus 10/100M LPCS-CLX-CB LAN Adapt.
11 6 Appendix B Y -E Data YD- 8u10 FDD HP DeskJet 640C (LPT+USB) Printer HP ScanJet 5200C Sc anner Philips USB Digital S peak er System DSS350/ 17T S peaker Genius Wireless Optical/Rec eiver (USB+PS/ 2) Wireless Mouse Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse (m/n:M- RM67A) Wireless Mous e BELKIN 4 Port HUB (m/ n:F5U001) USB 2.
Appendix B 11 7 Acces s Pont D-Link D-Link DWL-1000AP 802.1 1b D-Link Et hernet Link Activity/100M 802.1 1b Lucent m/n:WP-II E 802.1 1 b SMC SMC7004V WBR 802.
11 8 Appendix B Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Environment T est Category V endor Ty p e Device PCMCIA Xircom Xircom 32bit CardBu s Ethernet 10/100 LAN BUFF ALD Card Bus 10/100M LPCS-CLX-CB LAN Adaptec .
Appendix B 11 9 Y -E Data YD- 8u10 FDD HP DeskJet 640C (LPT+USB) Printer HP ScanJet 5200C Sc anner Philips USB Digital S peak er System DSS350/ 17T S peaker Genius Wireless Optical/Rec eiver (USB+PS/ 2) Wireless Mouse Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse (m/n:M- RM67A) Wireless Mous e BELKIN 4 Port HUB (m/ n:F5U001) USB 2.
120 Appendix B Acces s Pont D-Link D-Link DWL-1000AP 802.1 1b D-Link Et hernet Link Activity/100M 802.1 1b Lucent m/n:WP-II E 802.1 1 b SMC SMC7004V WBR 802.
Appendix C 121 This se ction desc ribes onl ine tec hnical s uppor t servi ces ava ilable to help y ou rep air yo ur Acer Syst ems. If you a re a distri butor , dealer , ASP or TPM, pl ease re fer your te chnical que ries to y our local Acer branc h offi ce.
122 Appendix C.
Index 123 A AC Adapter 3 1 ACPI 1.0a 23 AFLASH Utility 46 Audio 26 , 27 B Battery 28 Battery Pa ck 57 battery p ack chargin g indi cator 1 2 BIOS 23 pac kage 2 3 pas sword contro l 23 ROM si ze 23 ROM.
124 Index Keyboard 27 Keyb oard or Auxi liary Input De vice Chec k 71 L L2 cach e 23 LAN/Mo dem C ombo 24 M Machin e Di sassem bly 53 media acce ss on i nd ica tor 12 Memory Ch eck 71 Model Defi nitio.
An important point after buying a device Acer 530 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Acer 530 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Acer 530 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Acer 530 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Acer 530 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Acer 530, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Acer 530.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Acer 530. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Acer 530 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center