Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product EX8650 Promise Technology
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S UPER T RAK EX4650, EX4650A , EX8650, EX8650A U SER M ANUAL Ve r s i o n 1 . 0.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual ii Copyright © 2007 Promise T echnolo gy , Inc. All Right s Res erved. Copyri ght by Prom ise T echnology , Inc. (Promi se T echnology ). No p art of this manual may be reproduc ed or t ransmitte d in an y form with out the express ed, written permiss ion of Prom ise T echnolog y .
Notices iii Radio Frequency Inte rference S t atem ent This equ ipmen t has been te sted an d found to co mply wi th the limit s for a Class B digit al de vice, pursuant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rule s. The se limit s a re design ed to provi de r eas ona ble prot ecti on a gai nst har mfu l inte rf erenc e in a res ide nti al inst allation.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual iv.
v Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About Th is Manua l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product Ove rview . . . . . . . . . . .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual vi Chapter 3: Install ing Drivers , cont. Windows Server 2 003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 New OS Insta llation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents vii Chapter 4: Super Bu ild™ Utility, cont. Logical Drive M anagem ent, co nt. Initiali zing a Lo gical Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Changing L ogical D rive Se ttings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual viii Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO, cont . Acces sing the I nterfa ce, cont. Saving the Event Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Deleting t he Event Frame . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents ix Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO, cont . Managing the Sub system , cont. Saving the Runtime Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Clearing the Runtim e Event L og . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Viewing the NVRAM E vent Log .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual x Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO, cont . Managing Disk Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Viewing Disk Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents xi Chapter 6: Technology Backgr ound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5 Introductio n to RAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 RAID 0 – St ripe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual xii Chapter 6: Technology Backgr ound, cont. Predictive Data Mi gration (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4 PDM Triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This Man ual, belo w • Product O verview (p age 2) • Web P AM PRO Ma nagemen t Sof tware (p age 3) Thank y ou for purc hasing o ne of Pro mise T echnology ’s Su perT rak EX4650, EX4650A, EX8 650, or EX865 0A SAS / SA T A RAID Controller card.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 2 Product Over view SuperT rak EX4650, EX4650A, EX8650, and EX8650 A are SAS and SA T A RAID Control ler cards . When use d with W ebP AM PRO sof tware, t he SuperT rak RAID Control lers of fer a feature-rich , secure and ve rsatile en terprise-wid e A T A RAID solutio n.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 WebP AM PRO Managem ent Software The W eb-Bas ed Promis e Array Man agement—Pro fession al (W ebP AM PRO) soft ware of fers local an d remot e manage ment and m onitoring of all SuperT rak logica l drive s that exist an ywhere on a netw ork.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 4 If you do no t have o ne of the abov e bro wsers, insta ll the browse r first and ma ke it the defa ult brows er . Then inst all W ebP AM PRO. Key Features and Benefits The followi ng inform ation of fers an overv iew of the major fea tures of the Promi se SuperT rak EX4650, EX465 0A, EX8650, a nd EX865 0A.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Displ ays sta tus an d error check ing mess ages during bootup Notifi es user o f possibl e errors an d allo ws for recovery o f mirrored d rive l ogical dr ives dire ctly from SuperBui ld™. Support s S.M.A.R.T . monitor ing and rep orting Polls s tatus a t set inte rvals, rep orts th rough WebP AM PRO.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 6 Specificati ons • Low-pro file printe d circui t board • PCI-Express x8 Sl ot • Controlle r card dim ensions (HWD): 2.
7 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unpa ckin g the S uper Trak, bel ow • Ins talli ng t he Su per Trak Card (page 8 ) • Choos ing the Ph ysical Dr ives (p age 14 ) • Creatin g a Logic al Driv e (pag.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 8 Installi ng the Sup erT rak Card The Super T rak EX Controller card fi ts into any ava ilable 3. 3-volt PCI-Expres s x8 slot. Y ou can also plu g the S upe rTrak card into a PCI -Ex press x16 s lot . 1. Remove th e cov er of your syst em.
Chapter 2: Installation 9 Figure 1. SuperT rak EX4650 card Figure 2. SuperT rak EX4650 A card BBU module conn ector CPU Fa n connec tor I2C / SMBus c onnector Acti vity and Fault L ED Pins Ch1-4 Globa.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 10 Figure 3. SuperT rak EX8650 card Figure 4. SuperT rak EX8650 A card Activity and Faul t L ED Pi ns Ch1-4 BBU module connec tor CPU F an connec tor I2C / SMBus conne.
Chapter 2: Installation 11 6. Att ach th e other end of the SAS multi-la ne cable to a SAS port o n your enclos ure’s backplane or to y our SAS exp ander . For more informatio n, see the user manual fo r your e nclosure or SAS exp ander . 7. O ptional.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 12 Figure 8. G lobal and Agg regate LED pins, EX4650A a nd EX865 0A SAS Connections and I D Numbers The t able b elow co rrelates th e range s of Enclo sure IDs and Phys ical D rive IDs , that app ear in t he Web P AM PRO in terface as a result of the data connec tions you make .
Chapter 2: Installation 13 Scenar io 2: Virtual En closure – Host P C Y ou inst all the Sup erT rak card into a Hos t PC. Y ou att ach SAS brea kout cables to Port s Ch1-4 and Ch5-8 an d a SAS or SA T A drive a t the drive en ds of eac h cable. In W ebP AM PRO, the Hos t PC appe ars as Enclo sure 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 14 Choosing the Physical Dr ives The SuperT rak EX Controller card suppor ts SAS and 1 .5-Gb/s or 3.0-Gb/s SA T A physic al dri ves. For o ptimal pe rforman ce, inst all physical d rives of the sa me model a nd ca pacity .
Chapter 2: Installation 15 Creating a Logical Drive Y ou can use t he Su per Buil d™ Co nfi gura tio n Uti lit y to c reat e a lo gic al dr ive w ith the att ached physica l drives.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 16 3. Pres s th e arro w ke ys t o high lig ht Disk Array Mana gement an d pres s Enter . The Di sk Array M anageme nt screen appears. 4. High lig ht Create Disk Array and press Ente r . The Cre ate Disk Arra y sc reen appea rs.
Chapter 2: Installation 17 7. High lig ht Return t o Previous M enu and pr ess En ter. The Mai n Menu ap pears. 8. High lig ht Logical Drive M anage ment and pre ss Ent er . The Logi cal Dr ive Ma nagem ent scree n appe ars. 9. High lig ht Cre ate Lo gic al D rive and press Ent er .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 18 1 1. Highl ight Next S tep and pre ss Enter . The Cre ate Log ical Dr ive S tep 2/2 scree n appe ars. 12. T o change the RAID Le vel, hig hlight RAID Level a nd pres s Enter . In the po pup m enu, highl ight you r choic e of RAID L evel and press Ente r .
Chapter 2: Installation 19 18. T o chan ge t he Re ad Ca che Po lic y , h igh light Read Cache Policy and press Enter . Highl ight your c hoice o f None , Read Cache , o r Read Ahe ad and pre ss Enter . 19. High lig ht Save Configura tion and press Ente r .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 20 Installing W ebP AM PRO Web -Based P romise Arra y Man agement—Pro fessiona l (Web P AM PRO) soft ware p rovides a browse r-based graphic user in terface used to monitor an d manage Promise R AID prod ucts and the ir logica l drives.
Chapter 2: Installation 21 • Red Hat Enter pri se Li nux 4 .4, 4 .5, 5. 0, 5.1 • SuSE 10.1, 1 0.2; SLE S 10, 10 SP1 • Miracl e Linux 4 SP2 • Fed ora Cor e 6, 7 • Asianux 3 Choos e one of th ese opera ting s ystems to t ake full advan tage of all th e featur es of W ebP AM PRO.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 22 Inst alling W ebP AM PRO onto a Windows PC or Server Follo w the se st eps to i nstal l WebP A M PR O on yo ur Wi ndow s-b ased PC or Server . 1. Bo ot the PC or server , launc h Window s, and lo g in as th e Adminis trator .
Chapter 2: Installation 23 6. In the Licen se A greem ent dial og box, choo se th e I acc ept. .. op tion , the n click the Next b utton. Figure 10. License Agre ement dialo g box.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 24 7. In the Set up T ype dialog box, cho ose the op tion y ou prefer: • T ypical – Better for most a pplicati ons • Custom – Fo r adva nced use rs and special appli cations. Additio nal choice s foll ow this option Click the Next button to continue .
Chapter 2: Installation 25 8. In the Cho ose Des tination Locati on dialo g box, you can: • Accept t he defa ult in stalla tion fo lder (recom mended) • S pecify a di ffe rent in stalla tion fo lder (a dvanced users) When yo u agree with the pro posed insta llatio n folder , click the Next button .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 26 9. In the SSL Securi ty Optio ns dial og box, check the b ox to s elect SSL securi ty . External SSL Se curity – Appl ies sec urity to all con nections involvi ng the Internet o r out side yo ur comp any firewall.
Chapter 2: Installation 27 10. In th e Read y to Insta ll dia log box, clic k the Inst all butt on to c ontinu e. Figure 14. Ready to Install dialog b ox.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 28 1 1. In the Inst all Com plete dialo g box, click the Finish button to exi t the ins ta ller . Figure 15. Install Complete dia log box With the Registe r Y our Produc t Online box chec ked, you r browse r will op en and go direc tly to the Promise p roduct regist ration we bsite.
Chapter 2: Installation 29 Inst alling W ebP AM PRO onto a Linux PC or Server If you h ave a previous version o f W ebP AM PRO inst alled o n your PC or server , remove it now , befo re you in sta ll the cu rrent ve rsion of Web P AM PRO. Follow these s teps to inst all W ebP AM PRO on y our Lin ux-based PC or Serv er .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 30 6. In the Li cense Agr eemen t dialog b ox, ch oose the I accep t... option, then click t he Next button. Figure 17.
Chapter 2: Installation 31 7. In the Cho ose Pro duct Inst all dia log bo x, ch oose the option you prefer: • T ypical – Better for most a pplicati ons • Custom – Fo r adva nced use rs and special appli cations. Additio nal choice s foll ow this option Click the Next button to continue .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 32 8. W hen the Choose Insta ll Fold er dialog box a ppears, y ou can: • Accept t he defa ult in stalla tion fo lder (recom mended) • S pecify a di ffe rent in stalla tion fo lder (a dvanced users) When yo u agree with the pro posed insta llatio n folder , click the Next button .
Chapter 2: Installation 33 9. In the W ebP AM PRO Agen t Config uration dialog b ox, cl ick the Ne xt button to conti nue. Figure 20. WebP AM PRO Agent Configuration dialog box.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 34 10. In the SSL Sec urity O ptions d ialog bo x, chec k the b ox to select SSL securi ty . External SSL Se curity – Appl ies sec urity to all con nections involvi ng the Internet o r out side yo ur comp any firewall.
Chapter 2: Installation 35 1 1 . In the W ebP AM PRO Utility S erver Confi guratio n dialog bo x, click th e Inst all button to conti nue. Figure 22. WebP AM PRO Utility Se rver Configuratio n dialog .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 36 12. In th e Regi ster On-li ne d ialog box, click the Done button to e xit the in st aller Figure 23. Register On-line dia log box With the Regi ste r Y our Pr oduc t On- lin e box c hec ked, yo ur b row ser w ill o pen and go direc tly to the Promise p roduct regist ration we bsite.
Chapter 2: Installation 37 Logging into WebP A M PRO Y ou can log into W ebP AM PRO in eit her of two ways: • Logging in at the Host PC (pa ge 37) • Logging in ov er the Ne twork (pa ge 37) Loggin.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 38 T ogether , your entry l ooks li ke thi s: http s://192 .168.1 0.228:8443 /promise Login Screen When the openi ng screen appea rs: 1. T y pe administrato r in the User Name field. 2. T y pe pa ssword in the Password field.
Chapter 2: Installation 39 Sett ing up W ebP AM PRO The firs t time you use W ebP AM PRO, you mu st add the Host PC so t hat Web P AM PRO will re cogni ze it. Y ou only need to p erform this proc edure once . T o add the Host PC: 1. In the T ree, click the Subsy stem/Ho st Manag ement ico n.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 40 Figure 26. Add Subsystem / Host tab 4. Clic k the Submit button. The new ly adde d host appears i n the T ree, on the l eft side of th e W ebP AM PRO screen. This co mplet es the W ebP AM PRO inst alla tion and in itial setu p.
41 Chapter 3: Inst alling Drivers • Driver Diskette f or Wind ows (p age 42) • USB Memory S tick for Window s (page 4 2) • Driver Diskette f or Linu x (page 42) •W i n d o w s V i s t a • Ne.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 42 Driver Diskette for W indows If you h ave a Windows PC and p lan to ins tall y our Sup erT rak d river fro m a disket te, follow this pro cedure. Th is proced ure requ ires one write- enabled b lank 3.5-i nch disk ette.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 43 Windows V ista New OS Inst allation The foll owing d etails the inst allation of the Su perT rak EX Series R AID Control ler driv ers while i nst alling Wi ndows Vis ta. 1. S tar t the inst allatio n: Boot from the DVD-ROM.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 44 Exist ing Sy stem Aft er insta lling the Sup erT rak EX Serie s RAID Contr oller card an d rebooting y our system , Window s Vi sta setup w ill show a “Found New Ha rdware” di alog box. Under W indows V ist a, “RAID Controlle r” will b e displa yed.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 45 Windows Server 2003 New OS Inst allation The foll owing d etails the inst allation of the Su perT rak EX Series R AID Control ler drivers while i nstal ling Wi ndows Server 2003 . 1. S tart th e ins talla tion : • Floppy Ins tal l: Boot the computer with the Win dows Server 200 3 inst allati on diskette s.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 46 Exist ing Sy stem Aft er insta lling the Sup erT rak EX Serie s RAID Contr oller card an d rebooting y our system, W indows Server 2003 setup wil l show a “Found New Hardware ” dialog box . Und er Win dows 2003 , “R AID Cont rolle r” w ill be di splay ed.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 47 Windows XP New OS Inst allation The foll owing d etails the inst allation of the Su perT rak EX Series R AID Control ler drivers while i nst alling Wi ndows XP . 1. S tart th e ins talla tion : • Floppy Ins tal l: Boot the computer with the Win dows XP instal lation disk ette s.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 48 Exist ing Sy stem Aft er insta lling the Sup erT rak EX Serie s RAID Contr oller card an d rebooting y our system, W indows XP setup wil l show a “Fo und New H ardware” di alog box . 1. In sert the Su perT ra k driver d iskette into the A: drive.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 49 Windows 2000 New OS Inst allation The foll owing d etails the inst allation of the Su perT rak EX Series R AID Control ler driv ers while i nst alling Wi ndows 2000. 1. S tart th e ins talla tion : • Floppy Ins tal l: Boot the computer w ith the Windows 2000 ins ta llation disk ette s.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 50 Exist ing Sy stem Aft er insta lling the Sup erT rak EX Serie s RAID Contr oller card an d rebooting y our system, W indows 2000 setu p will show a “ New Hard ware Foun d” dialog box. Under W indows 20 00, “PCI M ass S torage Cont roller” wi ll be dis played.
Chapter 3: Installing Drivers 51 Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4.4, 4. 5 New OS Inst allation 1. S tart the Red Hat L inux Inst allation by boo ting fro m the ins ta ll CD. 2. At the “W elcom e to Red Hat Linux. ..” inst all ation sc reen, a prom pt lab eled boot: will a ppear a t the botto m of th e screen.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 52 SuSE Linux Enterprise 10. 1 New OS Inst allation 1. S tart the SuSE Linux Ins talla tion by bo oting from the in st all CD. 2. As the sys tem boot s, pr ess F5 fo r the Driv er Disk. 3. M ove the curs or to the In st allation – ACPI Di sabled o ption, and press Ente r .
53 Chapter 4: SuperBuild ™ Utility SuperTrak BIOS This s ec tion e xpl ains the inf ormat ion that you c an ob tain from the S upe rTrak BIOS. When the SuperT rak BIOS loads during bootup, the BIOS di splays pertine nt informa tion about the RAID lo gical dri ves.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 54 Figu re 1. SuperTr ak BI OS scr een If the Sup erBuild BIOS detec ts a Critical logical d rive, t he BIOS report s the conditi on: Figure 2. SuperTrak BIO S screen, lo gical drive c ritical See “Man aging Log ical Dri ve Problem s” on pag e 68 for in formation about rebuildi ng a cr itical l ogical d rive.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 55 If the Sup erT rak BIO S detect s an O ffline logic al drive, the BIOS rep orts the conditi on and temporari ly halt s the booting p roces s of the H ost PC, so you c an access the Super Bui ld ut ilit y to invest igat e.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 56 Main Menu The open ing s creen of th e SuperBu ild utili ty is the Main Menu. Figure 4. SuperBuild Main M enu The Mai n Menu (a bove) has nine opti ons: • Control.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 57 • Miscella neous – SAS drive LE Ds, enc losure mana gement, an d buz zer setting s Controll er Sele ctio n The Super Build Con figura tion ut ility sup port s up to two SuperT rak RAID Control ler cards inst alled i n the s ame Host PC.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 58 Controll er Inform ation The Super Build u tility dis plays info rmatio n about the selecte d SuperT rak EX controll er . 1. In the M ain Menu , highl ight Contr oll er In form ati on and press Ente r . The info rmatio n incl udes: V endor – Promise T echnology , Inc.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 59 Physical Dri ve Management Physic al drive m anage ment inc ludes these fun ctions: • V iewing Physical Drives (page 59) • V iewing Physical Drive In formation (pa ge 59) • Managi ng Physic al Driv e Proble ms (p age 60 ) Vi ewing Physical Driv es T o view p hysic al dri ves: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 60 3. High lig ht Return t o Previous M enu and pr ess En ter . Managing Physical Drive Proble ms Physic al drives ca n develop pro blems that make the m unsuit able for service in a disk a rray . These problem s are refl ected in the phy sical d rive st atus.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 61 Disk Array Management Disk array man ageme nt includ es these function s: • V iewing Disk Arrays (pa ge 61) • V iewing Disk Array I nformat ion (pa ge 61) • .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 62 Sta t u s – OK is no rma l. Ca n al so show Rebu ild ing , Deg rade d, Cr itic al, or Off line. 3. High lig ht Physical Dri ves in th e Disk Array and p ress E nter .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 63 Changing Disk Array Settings T o change the name of a disk array: 1. In the M ain Menu , highl ight Disk Array Mana gement an d pres s Enter . The Di sk Array M anageme nt screen display s. 2. H ighligh t the Dis k Array yo u want t o change and press Enter .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 64 Logical Drive M anagement Logica l drive mana gement in clude s these functio ns: • V iewing Logical Dr ives (p age 64 ) • V iewing Logical Dr ive Inf ormation .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 65 RAID Level – Chos en when the logic al dri ve was cre ated. Str ip e S i z e – Chosen wh en the logical d rive wa s crea ted. Sector Size – C hosen w hen t he logica l driv e was c reated. Wr ite Cache Policy – Y ou can cha nge thi s setting .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 66 • Read Cache Policy – Choose from Read Cache , Re ad Ahead , o r No Cache . • Axle – RAID 50 and 60 log ical dri ves only . Choose the num ber of axles or ch oose 0 to let the controll er deci de for you . 5.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 67 The I nitializa tion b egins im mediatel y . If you set I nitializ ation f or multipl e logica l drive s, the y will be initial ized sequenti ally . Y ou can mon itor Initiali zatio n progress under Bac kgroun d Activity .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 68 Managing L ogical Drive Prob lems The mos t commo n logica l driv e probl ems are c aused by physic al dis k drive failure, result ing in a C ritical or an O fflin e logi cal drive .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 69 Rebuilding the Logical Dr ive The reme dial a ction for a critical logical drive is to rebu ild it, m eaning the dat a from the failed dri ve is reb uilt onto t he repl acement drive. The SuperT rak controll er does th is action aut omati cally using a sp are drive.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 70 5. H ighligh t the Source Sequen ce Num ber and press Enter . Then type the ID number o f one o f the phy sical dri ves you not ed in s tep 3 and press Ente r . 6. H ighligh t the T arget Phy sical Driv e ID and pre ss Enter .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 71 BIOS repo rts the condi tion an d tempora rily ha lts th e booti ng proces s of the H ost PC, so you can acces s the SuperBuild util ity to investi gate. Figure 7. SuperTrak BIO S screen, lo gical drive o fflin e 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 72 RAID 0 Because RAID 0 logical d rives are not fau lt-tolerant, there i s no way to rebuil d the logic al dr iv e when a ph ysic al dri ve f ails . See “Mana ging Phys ical Driv e Proble ms” on p age 60 to dete rmine i f there is an y way to salvage the ph ysical drive and restore y our log ical driv e.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 73 Spare Drive Management S pare driv e mana gement i ncludes these functions : • V iewing S pare Drive s (page 73) • V iewing S pare Drive Inform ation (p age 73.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 74 • Big Enoug h – Sam e cap acity or g reater th an the lar gest d rive in yo ur array T o create a sp are dri ve: 1. In the M ain Menu , highl ight Sp are Drive Mana gement an d pres s Enter . The S pare D rive Ma nagem ent scree n dis plays.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 75 4. O ptional. If you ch ose Dedicated in step 3, press th e arrow k eys to h ighlig ht a disk array . Then press the sp aceba r to selec t the d isk array . An asteri sk (*) ap pears at t he left of the selected disk arra y .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 76 Background Activity The Back ground Activity function enables you to monit or backgro und acti vities are runni ng on t he Supe rT rak RAID controll er .
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 77 Event Log The eve nt log trac ks even ts related to the Supe rT rak co ntroller an d includ es the follow ing fu nctions: • V iewing RAM Event s (pag e 77) • V iewing NVRAM Even ts (pag e 77) • Cleari ng the Event Logs (p age 78) Vi ewing RAM Event s RAM eve nts are als o calle d Runtim e events .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 78 • T o see all th e informat ion ab out an eve nt, hig hlight the even t and pres s Enter . Clearing the Event Logs Cleari ng the eve nt logs re move all of t he event s from b oth the RAM and NV RAM event l ogs. Not e that the RAM log clears every ti me you b oot the Host PC.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 79 Tim e S y n c The T ime Sync function adds two sp ecial featu res to Supe rT rak. The se function s includ e: • Settin g the T i me Zone (p ag e 79) • Synchron.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 80 Miscella neous The Mis cellane ous menu enables three use ful fun ctions on SuperT ra k: • SAS Ready L EDs (page 80) • SGPIO Ba ckplane (pag e 80) • Buzzer (p.
Chapter 4: Su perBuild™ Utility 81 When the buzz er sounds , ta ke the fol lowing actio ns: • Check your dis k arrays and logic al drive s. • Check th e Even t Log. T o silence the b uzzer for the cu rrent trig ger event , you m ust disa ble it.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 82.
83 Chapter 5: Manag ement with WebP AM PRO • Log gin g into WebP A M PRO (pag e 83 ) • Acc essi ng t he Int erf ace ( page 86 ) • Managi ng Users (page 92 ) • .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 84 1. L aunch your B rowse r . 2. In the Brows er addres s field, ty pe the in formation provided below . Then press Ent er. If you c hose Exte rnal SSL Security d uring ins tallati on (Win dows, see page 26; Linux, s ee p age 34), use the Secure Con nection .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 85 Figure 1. The WebP AM PRO login sc reen.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 86 Accessing the Interface Web P AM PRO is browse r-based RAID managem ent sof tware wi th a gra phic user int erface.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 87 Ther e are f our maj or parts to t he WebP AM PRO i nter fac e: • Heade r (see p age 87 ) • T ree V iew (s ee pa ge 87) • Manage ment V i ew (see pa ge 8.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 88 Figure 3. WebP AM PRO Tree V iew The Admi nistra tive T ools secti on is differe nt for th e Adminis trator and Super Users tha n for ot her user s. The rem ainder of the T ree is the sa me for all users . Manage ment V iew dis plays in formation according to the item you ch oose in T ree Vi e w.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 89 Choosing a Display Language Web P AM PRO di splays in the followin g languag es: T o change the display langu age: 1. C lick th e Lang uage dr opdown menu in t he He ader . 2. H ighligh t the la nguage y ou pref er .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 90 Y ou can als o view event s by cli cking th e Subsyst ems icon in T ree View , then clicki ng t he Event tab i n Man agement V iew . Saving the Event Fra me This fun ction saves a copy of the ev ent s from the Event F rame as a text fi le on the Ho st PC’ s hard d rive.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 91 Figure 4. The S tora ge Netwo rk appea rs in T ree V iew T o view the S torage Ne twork, clic k Show St orage Netw ork in th e Heade r . All network ed system s will appear in T ree View . T o hide the S torage Netw ork, clic k Hide Storag e Network in the Header .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 92 Managing Users User Man ageme nt includ es al l function s dea ling wi th user ac count s. Func tions includ e: • V iewing User Info rmation (p age 92) • Making.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 93 Y ou can als o set use r privile ge unde r Subsystem /Host Mana gemen t. See “Setting U ser Privile ge” on p age 97 and “Settin g User Ri ght s” on p age 103. Making Y our Own User Settings T o change yo ur own u ser settin gs: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 94 8. Clic k the Submit button. Creating a User T o create a user: 1. Log into WebP AM PRO as the Adm inistrato r or a Super U ser . 2. Click th e Admi nistrativ e T ools icon. 3. Click th e User M anageme nt icon. 4. Clic k the Cre ate t ab in Man agement V iew .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 95 2. Click th e Admi nistrativ e T ools icon. 3. Click th e User M anageme nt icon. 4. Clic k the Delete tab in Managem ent Vi ew . 5. Check th e box to the lef t of t he use r you wa nt to d elete. 6. Clic k the Submit button.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 96 Wo rking with Subsystem/Host Management Subsys tem/Hos t Manage ment inc ludes the follow ing func tions: • V iewing Subsystem /Host I nformation (pa ge 96) • A.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 97 • T o create an o ut-of-band c onnectio n: T ype the Subs ystem’ s manage ment p ort IP addres s into the addre ss field. 6. Clic k the Submit button. The new Subsys tem or Host PC is ad ded to T ree V iew .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 98 5. Clic k the Submit button. Y ou can als o set use r privile ge under U ser settings . See “Mak ing User Se ttings” on p age 92.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 99 Managing Software Services Software Services include the fol lowing fun ctions: • V iewing Service S tatus ( pag e 99) • Chang ing We b Serve r Settings (p.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 100 Session T ime Out refers to the amoun t of tim e the conn ection rem ains ac tive withou t any use r intera ction. Af ter W ebP AM PRO reac hes the T ime Out inter val, you must log in aga in and begin a n ew ses sion.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 101 Setting up Extended SMTP T o make Extended SM TP setting s: 1. Click th e Admi nistrativ e T ools icon in T ree Vi ew . 2. Click th e Sof tware Mana gement ico n. 3. Clic k the Email tab in Managem ent Vie w .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 102 Changing CIM Client Settings The CIM client is par t of the WebP AM PRO Uti lity Serve r . The Utility Server can be inst alled on any PC on the ne twork. O nly one CIM cli ent an d Utilit y Serve r inst allation is required.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 103 Managing the Host The Ho st is des ignat ed by it s IP a ddress:12 . Host fu nctions include: • V iewing Host Info rmation (p age 103) • Settin g User Ri ghts (p age 103) • Refreshin g the W ebP AM PRO Screen (p age 103 ) Vi ewing Host Information T o view Host in formati on, clic k the 1 27.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 104 Managing the Subsystem Subsys tem funct ions i nclude: • V iewing Subsystem In format ion (page 104) • Cleari ng S tatistical Data (pa ge 104) • Setting a n .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 105 1. In T ree V iew , click the Subsy stem icon. 2. In Mana gement V iew , click the Informa tion tab. 3. Clic k the Clear St atistics link. 4. Clic k the Submit button. 5. In the Con firmation dialog bo x, typ e confirm and clic k the OK butt on.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 106 Checki ng Subsystem He alth 1. In T ree V iew , click the Subsy stem icon. 2. In Mana gement V iew , click the Health t ab.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 107 T o save the runti me event log: 1. In T ree V iew , click the Subsy stem icon. 2. From the dropdo wn menu on the Eve nts t ab, cho ose Runt ime Event s . 3. At the bot tom of the window , click th e Save Ev ent Log button.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 108 • Critical – Ac tion is n eeded n ow and the impli cations of the c ondition are serious • Fat al – Non-R ecoverable error or f ailure has occurred Saving the NVRAM Ev ent Log This fun ction sa ves a copy of the NVRAM e vent log as a text file o n the Host PC’s hard drive.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 109 • PDM – Predictive Data Migratio n • Synch roni zatio n • Redun dancy C heck •M i g r a t i o n • T rans ition • Init ial izat ion • Media Pa trol Making Background Activity Settings T o make set tings for bac kgrou nd a ctiv iti es: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 110 failed p hysical drive w ith an un config ured ph ysical drive of e qual o r great er size. 6. Clic k the Submit button to save you r settin gs. Running Background Activities T o run a backgrou nd ac tivity fro m the Back ground Act ivities tab : 1.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 111 Also se e “Predict ive Dat a Mi gration (PD M)” on pag e 184. To r u n P D M : 1. In T ree V iew , click the Subsy stem icon. 2. From the dropdo wn menu on the Backg round Ac tivities tab, c hoose Sta r t PDM .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 112 5. Click th e option b utton for th e Recurr ence Pattern you wa nt: •D a i l y •W e e k l y •M o n t h l y 6. Clic k the Next button. 7. For a DAIL Y recurrenc e patte rn, make t he followin g sett ing: • Choos e a S tart T ime for the ac tivity , based o n a 24-ho ur clock , from the dropd own menus .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 113 10. For R edundanc y Chec k only: • Choos e the Au to Fix o ption. This f eature attempt s to repai r the problem when it fi nds an erro r .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 114 • Physical Dr ive List – Device nu mbe r , mode l, typ e, c apacit y , loc ation , operat ional st atus, and confi guratio n • Disk Arra y Li st – ID, alia.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 115 Managing the Contr oller The RAI D control ler is the heart o f the RAID storage system . Managem ent of Cont roll ers incl udes t he f oll owin g func tio ns.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 116 Control ler inform ation inc ludes: • Controlle r ID (1 or 2 ) • Alias , if assi gned* • V endor • Model • Operati onal S tatus •P o w e r O n T i m e .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 117 Control ler inform ation, continue d: • SMAR T Polling Interv al* • Write Back C ache Flus h Interval * • Wr ite Throu gh Mod e • Enclosu re Poll ing interv al* • Adapt ive W rite back Ca che* Items m arked with an as terisk (*) are user adju st able.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 118 • Choos e a coercio n meth od from the Coe rcion M ethod dr opdown men u. The cho ices are: •G B T r u n c a t e • 10GBT runcate • GRPRou nding • T ableRoun ding For more informatio n, see “Cap acity Coe rcion” o n page 174.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 119 3. Click th e Control ler icon. 4. Clic k the Battery tab in M anageme nt V iew . In norma l opera tion, t he operatio nal s tatus o f the b attery sho ws Full y Charge d with a Res erve Cap acity of 100%.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 120 4. Clic k the Bu zzer tab in M anagemen t Vi ew . 5. Clic k the Sound button. The buz zer so unds a c ontinu ous tone. 6. Clic k the Mu te button. The buz zer goe s silen t but rem ains en abled. Vi ewing Buzzer Information This fun ction refe rs to the b uzzer on the SuperT rak RAID controller c ard.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 121 Managing Enclosures This fun ction of We bP AM PRO d oes not ap ply to the SuperT rak RAID control ler card ins talle d in th e Host PC, except fo r one item .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 122 Managing Physical Drives Managi ng Physic al Driv es de als with th e phys ical dis k drives u nder the SuperT rak RAID contro ller , including the fo llowing fun .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 123 Promise En closu res T o locate a phy sical d rive in the enc losure, c lick t he Loc ate PDx button. Th e disk stat us LED will blin k for one minute to identi fy the carrier hol ding the physi cal drive .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 124 5. Click a Physical Drive icon. Usefu l informat ion provi ded he re include s: • Operationa l S t atus – OK i s normal . Can also show Reb uildin g, Forced Online , Forced O fflin e, T r ansition Running , PDM Runn ing, Med ia Patrol Runni ng, S tale, PF A, Of fline or Dead.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 125 Maximum of 32 c haracters . Use lette rs, num bers, one sp ace betwee n words, and un derscore. 8. Clic k the Submit button.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 126 3. Click th e Encl osure icon. 4. Click th e Phys ical Dr ives icon. 5. Click a Physical Drive icon. 6. in Mana gemen t V iew , click th e Clear tab.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 127 Managing Disk Arrays Disk Array Mana gement in clude s the fol lowing f unctio ns: • V iewing Disk Arrays (pa ge 127) • Locat ing a Dis k Array (page 1 27.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 128 Promise En closu res T o locate a d isk array in the enc losure, c lick th e Locate DAx butto n. The dis k stat us LEDs will bl ink for on e minute to iden tify the c arriers hol ding t he physi cal drives us ed by the disk array .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 129 Creating a Disk Array – Auto matic Conf iguration The Di sk Array – Automatic Configu ration option enables you to cre ate a n ew disk a rray followi ng a d efault set of p arameters . One log ical driv e will be made automat ically w hen you create the disk array .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 130 Creating a Disk Array – Expre ss Configuration The Di sk Array – Express C onfigura tion op tion enab les y ou to cho ose the param eters for a new disk arra y by spe cifying the ch aracterist ics y ou want .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 131 • Logical Driv es – Th e slot num ber of the logical drive(s), t heir RA ID level , ca pacity , and str ipe size • S par e Drives – T he phy sical d r.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 132 Creating a Disk Array – Advanced Configuration The Di sk Array – Advanced Configu ration option enables you to directly specify all p arame ters for a n ew disk array . One logic al drive will be made aut omatical ly when you create the disk array .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 133 This v alue wi ll be t he da ta capa city of th e fir st lo gica l dr ive in your ne w disk array . If you spe cify les s than di sk arra y's ma ximum c ap acity , the remai nder will b e availa ble for additi onal logi cal d rives w hich you can cr eate late r .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 134 Deleting a Disk Array The Di sk Arrays –Delete tab ena bles you to de lete ex isting d isk array s. T o delete a di sk array: 1. Click th e Subsys tem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e Disk Arrays icon. 3. Clic k the Delete tab in Managem ent Vi ew .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 135 availa ble. How ever , the logical dri ve ha s lost red undan cy (fault t oleran ce). Y ou must de termine th e cause of the p roblem an d correct i t.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 136 Maximum of 32 c haracters . Use lette rs, num bers, one sp ace betwee n words, and un derscore. An alia s is opt ional. 6. T o enable Me dia Patrol s upport , check the Me dia Patrol b ox. 7. T o enable PDM s upport, check the PDM b ox.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 137 1 1. From the W rite Po licy dropd own me nu, choo se a Wr ite Cache polic y for th is logica l drive . The cho ices are Write Throug h a nd Write Back . Wr ite Bac k is the d efault. If you ch ose No C ache u nder Read Cache , this set ting w ill be W rite Through.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 138 The cho sen logi cal di sappears from the L ogica l Drive List the I nformat ion t ab. Migrat ing a Disk Array On Supe rT rak, R AID level m igrati on is per formed on t he dis k array bu t it appli es to the lo gical drives.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 139 Rebuilding a Disk Array When yo u rebui ld a disk array , you are ac tually re buildi ng the dat a on a repl acem ent phys ica l driv e. Rebuilding Automatically Norma lly , a dis k array w ould rebu ild it self us ing a hot disk drive, af ter g oing Critic al.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 140 Running Media Patrol on a Disk Array Media P atrol c hecks th e magneti c media on phy sical d rives. When it fi nds th e specif ied numb er of ba d blocks , it wil l trigger PD M. See “M aking Bac kground Activity Se ttings” on page 1 09 and “ Runnin g PDM” on page 1 10.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 141 T ransitioning a Disk Array T rans ition is the proces s of replaci ng a revertib le sp are drive th at is current ly p art of a disk array with an unconfi gured ph ysical d rive or a non-revertib le spa re. The revertib le sp are dr ive return s to it s origi nal st atus.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 142 7. Clic k the OK button. 8. After th e T rans ition is complete , move th e physic al drive s compri sing the disk a rray to thei r new lo cations. 9. Clic k the Re fres h button in you r Browser . The dr ives app ear in the ir new lo catio ns and disk arra y sta tus di splays OK.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 143 Managing Logi cal Drives Logica l drive s are made fr om disk arra ys. In the T ree, you can see a gra phic represen tati on of the l ogica l drives that be long to ea ch arra y . Y ou can see a summa ry of a ll logic al driv es in the subsys tem un der Logic al Dr ive Summary .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 144 functio n and you r dat a is a vailabl e. Howeve r , access wi ll be slo wer due t o the rebui lding operation . T o create a lo gical dri ve, see “C reating a Logical Drive” o n p age 136. T o delete a lo gical dri ve, see “D eleting a Log ical Dri ve” on pa ge 137.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 145 Adjustable Items • Alias – Optio nal • Read Po licy • Write Policy See “Ch anging Lo gical D rive Settin gs” on pag e 145. Vi ewing Logical Drive S t atistics T o view inform ation f or a singl e logi cal driv e: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 146 10. Click the Submit butt on. Initializin g a Logical Drive Initiali zatio n set s the dat a bit s in th e logica l driv e to zer o. The actio n remove s any residua l data left behind from earl ier configu rations .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 147 Running Redundancy Check Redun dancy C heck is a r outine maint enance pro cedur e for fault-t olerant disk arrays (t hose wi th redunda ncy) th at ensure s all the dat a matche s exactl y . Redun dancy C heck ca n also c orrect i nconsis tencies .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 148 6. Clic k the Check T able tab in Manag ement V iew . 7. Click th e option f or the t able y ou want to see. The defa ult is All tab les. If ther e are entri es, the y are lis ted as fol lows: • Entry Number – A numb er assign ed to e ach bloc k of entry .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 149 Managing Spare Dri ves When a ph ysic al drive i n a disk a rray fails a nd a s pare dri ve of ad equate ca pacity is ava ilable, the disk array w ill begin to rebu ild autom atica lly usi ng the sp are drive.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 150 Creati ng a Sp are D rive T o create a sp are dri ve: 1. Click th e Subsys tem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e S pare Dri ves icon. 3. Clic k the Cre ate t ab in Man ageme nt V iew . 4. Choo se a s pare t ype , Global or Dedicated .
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 151 Deleting Sp a re Drive T o del ete a spare d riv e: 1. Click th e Subsys tem icon in T ree V iew . 2. Click th e S pare Dri ves icon. 3. Clic k the Delete tab in Managem ent Vi ew . 4. Check th e box to the lef t of t he sp are d rive you want to d elete.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 152 Running Sp are Check S pare Ch eck verif ies the o peratio nal st atus o f your sp are d rives. Y ou can also schedu le a S pare Che ck. See “Sc heduling an Act ivity” on p age 1 1 1. T o chec k a spar e dri ve: 1.
Chapter 5: Management with WebPAM PRO 153 Working with the Logi cal Drive Summary The Logi cal Dr ive Sum mary d isplays a list o f all l ogical d rives under th e SuperT rak control ler inclu ding l ogical d rives in exp anded or c ascade d enclos ures.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 154.
155 Chapter 6: T ec hnolog y Background • Int rodu cti on t o RAID (bel ow ) • Choos ing a RA ID Level (page 168) • Cho osi ng S tri pe Blo ck S ize (page 172) • Choosing Secto r Size (p age 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 156 RAID 0 – Stripe When a l ogica l drive is strip ed, the rea d and wr ite blo cks of da ta are interle aved betwee n the sec tors of mu ltiple physic al drives . Performan ce is in crease d, since the work load is balan ced betwe en drive s or “members” t hat form the logi cal drive.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 157 RAID 1 – Mirror When a l ogica l drive is mirro red, identi cal dat a is written t o a p air of physica l drives, while re ads a re perfo rmed in p aral lel. Th e reads are performed using elevato r seek and load ba lanci ng techniqu es where the work load is distributed in the mos t ef ficient m anner .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 158 RAID 1E – Enhanced Mirror RAID 1E offer s the sec urity of m irrored dat a provided by RAID 1 plus the added cap acity of m ore th an two ph ysical drives. It also of fers overall inc reased read/ write p erforma nce plus the flexi bility of usin g an od d number o f physic al dri ves.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 159 RAID 5 – Block Striping with Dis tributed Parity RAID 5 organize s blo ck dat a and p arity data a cross the phys ical driv es. General ly , RAID Le vel 5 tends to exhibi t lower ra ndom wr ite perform ance d ue to the heav y work load of p arity recalcu lation for each I/ O.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 160 RAID 6 – Block and Double Parity S tripe RAID lev el 6 st ores dual parity dat a is rot ated across t he physi cal drive s along with th e block dat a. A RAID 6 l ogica l drive c an con tinue to a ccept I/O reque sts when a ny two physic al d riv es fa il.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 161 RAID 10 – Mirror / S tripe Mirror/S tripe combin es both o f the RAID 0 and RAID 1 logic al drive types. R AID 10 is s imilar th ough not i dentical to RAID 0+1 . It can increas e performan ce by reading and wr iting dat a i n paral lel whi le prote cting dat a wi th duplic ation.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 162 RAID 50 – Striped Distributed Parity RAID 50 c ombines both RAI D 5 and RAID 0 fe atures . Dat a is strip ed across physic al drive s as in RAID 0, and it uses dist ributed p ari ty as in RAID 5. RAID 50 provide s dat a reliab ility , good overa ll perform ance, and suppo rts la rger vo lume sizes.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 163 RAID 50 Axles When yo u crea te a RAID 50, you must spe cify the numbe r of axl es. An ax le refers to a single RAID 5 logical d rive t hat is stri ped wit h other RAID 5 logi cal drives to make R AID 50.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 164 15 2 7,8 35 , 5 , 5 4 3,4,4,4 5 3,3,3,3,3 16 2 8,8 35 , 5 , 6 4 4,4,4,4 5 3,3,3,3,4 RAID 50 Logic al Drive No. of Drives No.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 165 RAID 60 – S triping of Double Pari ty RAID 60 c ombines both RAI D 6 and RAID 0 fe atures . Dat a is strip ed across disks as in RA ID 0, and it uses double di stribu ted par ity as in RAID 6. RAID 60 provide s dat a reliab ility , good overall perform ance and support s larg er volum e sizes.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 166 RAID 60 Axles When yo u crea te a RAID 60, you must spe cify the numbe r of axl es. An ax le refers to a single RAID 6 logical d rive t hat is stri ped wit h other RAID 6 logi cal drives to make R AID 60.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 167 18 2 9,9 36 , 6 , 6 4 4,4,5,5 19 2 9,10 36 , 6 , 7 4 4,5,5,5 20 2 10,10 36 , 7 , 7 4 5,5,5,5 5 4,4,4,4,4 RAID 60 Logic al Drive No.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 168 Choosing a RAID Level There are seve ral issue s to cons ider wh en choos ing the RAID Leve l for y our logica l drive . The f ollow ing disc ussion summ arizes s ome a dvant ages, disadv ant ages and appli cation s for ea ch choi ce.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 169 RAID 1E Recomm ended Applicati ons for R AID 1E • Imaging appli cations • Dat abase serve rs • General fileserv er RAID 5 Recom mended applicati ons for R A.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 170 RAID 6 Recom mended applicati ons for R AID 6: • Accou nti ng/F ina nci al • Dat abase serve rs • Any appl icati on requirin g very hi gh av ailabilit y RAID.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 171 RAID 50 Recom mended applicati ons for R AID 50: • File and Applicat ion Serv ers • T rans action Proc essing • Off ice ap plica tions w ith many users ac c.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 172 Choosing Stripe Block Size Y ou set th e stripe b lock si ze, al so calle d bloc k size , when y ou crea te a logi cal drive. W ith Supe rT rak, the c hoices are 64 KB, 128 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB , and 1024 KB. 6 4 KB is the default.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 173 • Linux o peratin g systems with the 2.6 kernel s upport 64-b it LBA. F or these OSes, al ways choose the de faul t 512 B secto r size . See “Cre ating a Lo gical D rive” on p age 65 and p age 136 , and “Cre ating a D isk Array – Ad vanc ed Co nfi gura tio n” on pag e 13 2.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 174 Read Cache Polic y • Read Cache – The read cache is enab led. • Read Ahead – Th e read cac he and th e read-a head f eature ar e enabled . Read-a head anti cip ates the next read a nd perf orms it be fore th e request i s made.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 175 Without C apaci ty Coerci on, the con troller will not permi t the use of a replac ement physic al drive that is s lightl y smaller th an the remainin g workin g drive(s ). Initiali zation Initiali zatio n is high ly recom mended fo r logic al drives when th ey are crea ted from a disk array .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 176 Whenev er poss ible, hav ing a hot sp are dri ve in you r RAID s ystem i s good prote ction aga inst phy sical dri ve failure . Partition and Format the Log ical Drive Like a ny ot her type of f ixed dis k medi a in your s ystem, a RAID logica l driv e must also be par titioned a nd formatt ed befo re use.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 177 RAID 0 A RAID 0 source logic al drive c an migra te to th e follow ing ta rget log ical driv es: T arget Requirement s RAID 0 Add phys ical driv es. RAID 1 2 physic al drives only . Only a singl e-drive R AID 0 c an migra te to R AID 1 b y adding 1 physica l driv e.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 178 RAID 1 A RAID 1 Source l ogical dri ve can m igrate to the fol lowing T arget log ical d rives: RAID 1E A RAID 1E Source l ogical dr ive c an migrate to the following T arget logical d rives: T arget Requirement s RAI D 0 Non e.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 179 RAID 5 A RAID 5 Source l ogical dri ve can m igrate to the fol lowing T arget log ical d rives: RAID 6 A RAID 6 Source l ogical dri ve can m igrate to the fol lowing T arget log ical d rives: T arget Requirement s RAI D 0 Non e.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 180 RAID 10 A RAID 10 Source l ogical d rive c an migrat e to the follow ing T arget logical drives: T arget Requirement s RAI D 0 Non e. RAI D 1E No ne . RAID 5 3 phys ical dri ves mini mum, 16 ma ximum. RAID 10 must hav e les s than 16 physica l driv es.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 181 RAID 50 A RAID 50 Source l ogical d rive c an migrat e to the follow ing T arget logical drives: RAID 60 A RAID 60 Source l ogical d rive c an migrat e to the follow ing T arget logical drives: T arget Requirement s RAI D 0 Non e.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 182 Ranges of Disk Array Expansion The Wind ows 200 0 and Win dows XP (3 2-bit) o perating s ystems support a 10- byte LBA forma t.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 183 At this p oint, you have t he choic e of: • For mat the unpart iti one d/un for matt ed ca pacit y as a seco nd logical dri ve • Delete the exis ting dis k array an d creat e a new o ne in the desired s ize Delete and Recre ate If yo u require a logical drive larger than the ma ximu m exp ansio n size: 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 184 Media Patrol Media Pa trol is a routine maint enance p rocedu re that che cks the magne tic medi a on each phys ical driv e. Me dia Patrol c hecks a ll phys ical d rives as signed to disk arrays a nd on sp are d rives.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 185 the ba d se ctor r ema ppi ng tabl e, w hic h has a c apac ity of 512 reas sig ned bl ock s and 1024 e rro r bl ock s.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 186 • The phy sical dri ve in ch annel 4 is a reverti ble s pare dri ve. The phy sical dri ve in channel 2 fails . The dis k array be come s degr aded and i ts logica l driv es go c ritical.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 187 Automatic T r ansition At this j uncture, y ou woul d replace the fai led drive in chann el 2 wi th a new drive of the s ame or grea ter cap acity .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 188 The phy sical dri ve in channel 2 fails . The dis k array be come s degr aded and i ts logica l driv es go c ritical. The Su perT rak controller automa tically rebuilds the disk array us ing the s pare drive, th e physic al drive in cha nnel 4.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 189 Critical & O ff line Logi cal Drives A fault-tol erant l ogical d rive—RAID 1 , 1E, 5, 6 , 10, 50, o r 60—goe s critic al wh en a phys ical d rive is re moved or fails. Due to the fault tolerance of the l ogical dri ve, the dat a is still available and online .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 190 • Sends em ail mes sages, p er your configura tion • Display s pop up message s, per you r confi guratio n (below ) • Keep s a rec ord in the Event L og (bel.
Chapter 6: Tec hnology Background 191 Wit h a Hot S par e Driv e When a ph ysic al drive i n a disk a rray fails a nd a s pare dri ve of ad equate ca pacity is ava ilable, the disk array w ill begin to rebu ild autom atica lly usi ng the sp are drive .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 192 Aft er a su ccessfu l rebui ld: • The alarm is silent • The l ogical d rive’ s Op eration al S tatus as OK • The re built phy sica l drive S tatus LED di s.
193 Chapter 7: Sup port • Frequ ently Asked Qu estio ns (below) • Cont acting T echnical Su pport (p age 19 7) • Limited W arranty (p age 199) • Returni ng the Prod uct For R epair (p age 20 1.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 194 Can I u se A T API devices on the SuperT rak EX Series? No. The SuperT ra k EX Series Co ntrolle r does no t support A T API devices. Will ACPI work with HDDs on the SuperT rak EX Series? Y es. The Supe rT rak EX Se ries contr oller sup ports ACPI S1, S3 an d S4 stan dby m odes.
Chapter 7: Support 195 If I have a problem with one of the drives on the SuperT r ak EX Series , how can I low -level format it to correc t the problem? Do NOT do this! L ow-leve l form atting hard phys ical driv es is no t only unnece ssary but it gen erally do es not correct pro blems c ommonly exp erien ced durin g us e.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 196 Inst alla tion Issues (Ca p acity , Booting) How can I change the system boot sequenc e in order to boot from the SuperT rak EX Series logi cal drive? The boot seque nce is con trolled by the s ystem BIOS.
Chapter 7: Support 197 Why can’t I run We bP AM PRO in Konque ror? The Konqu eror bro wser (Lin ux) does not suppo rt W ebP AM PRO. Insta ll a Net scape Navig ator or F irefox brows er . With that b rowser a s the defa ult, reinst all W ebP AM PRO. Aren’t the W ebP AM PRO icons sup posed to be a nimated ? Y es, they are animate d.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 198 The Netherlands Germany It al y E-mail Support e-Sup port On-Li ne Fax Support +31 (0) 40 2 56 9463 Attn : T echnical Su pport Phone Suppo rt +31 (0) 40 235 260 0 If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T echnolog y Europe B.
Chapter 7: Support 199 T aiwan China Limited Warranty Promise T echnology , Inc. (“Promise ”) warrants that for th ree (3) yea rs from the time of the del ivery of the produc t to the original end.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 200 This w arranty sh all not a pply t o defect s resul ting fro m: a) imprope r or inadeq uate m aintenanc e, or u nauthoriz ed modifi catio n(s), perfor med by th e .
Chapter 7: Support 201 Some s tat es d o not a llow th e ex clusion or limit ation of in ciden tal o r con seque ntial damage s for c onsumer p roduc ts, so the ab ove limi tati on ma y not app ly to y ou. This w arranty gi ves spe cific legal rig hts , and you may als o hav e other righ ts that vary fro m stat e to st ate.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 202 Return ONL Y the specific product c overed by the wa rranty (d o not shi p cables , manual s, diske ttes, etc. ), with a copy of y our pro of of purch ase to: Y ou.
203 Appendix A: Partitio n and Format In order f or you r operat ing syst em to recogniz e and wo rk with the phys ical driv es attac hed to yo ur Super T rak EX C ontroller card, the d rives must be p arti tioned and form atted.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 204 3. Clic k the Next button to st art the W izard. 4. In the fo llowing wind ows, choo se Dis k 1 to Init ialize. Do not choo se any disks to Co nvert. Click the Finish butto n to Ini tialize the log ical dis k. 5. Right-cli ck the Una llocated portion of D isk 1 an d choose New Partition.
Appendix A: P artition and Format 205 6. Clic k the Next button to st art the wi zard. 7. In the follo wing wi ndows, do the followi ng acti ons. C lick Next to move to the next window .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 206 When form atting is com plete, you r logi cal disk will a ppear as a hard dr ive in the Di sk Mana gement w indow (a bove) and the M y Comp uter wind ow (below).
207 Appendix B: Upgrades • Updating SuperT rak BIOS and Firm ware (p age 207) • Updati ng We bP AM PRO (page 208) Updating SuperTrak BIOS and Firmware Follow this proc edure to u pgrade the BIOS an d Firmware o n your Sup erT rak EX4650, EX4 650A, EX8650 , or EX865 0A Control ler card.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 208 Updating WebP AM PRO Follow this proc edure to u pgrade the We bP AM PRO Softw are on y our PC or serve r . Downloading the W e bP AM PRO Up date Fi le 1. Go to the Pro mise w ebsite ht tp://www .promise. com/support .
209 Appendix C: Battery Backup Un it The Batter y Backup Unit (BBU ) maint ains powe r to the cache on the Sup erT rak EX Co ntr olle r c ard, when a pow er f ail ure o ccu rs to th e Ho st P C.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 210 Installi ng the BBU T o install th e BBU onto yo ur SuperT rak EX Controller c ard in the Host PC: 1. Power down your system. 2. Remove th e cov er of your syst em. 3. Detach th e SAS multi-l ane cables from the Su perT rak EX Controller c ard.
Appendix C: Battery Backup Unit 211 Figure 2. BBU module connec tors on EX4650 and EX8650. The EX46 50A and EX8650 A are sim ilar 8. From the op posite si de of the Sup erT rak EX C ontroller ca rd, inse rt and snug the three screws to secur e the Battery Assemb ly .
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 212 10. Repla ce the sc rew hold ing the Su perT ra k EX Cont roller c ard to the system case. 1 1. Attac h the SAS mul ti-lane c ables to t he SuperT rak EX Controller card. 12. Repla ce the cove r of you r system . 13.
213 Index Numerics 10GBTru ncate 174 2 TB limitati on 173 A About This Manual 1 add host 96 subs ystem 96 Agent, WebPAM PRO 20, 97, 102 alias contr oller 117 disk ar ray 62, 63, 132 logical dri ve 65,.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 214 D dedicate d spare drive 175 degraded logic al dri ve 143 delete disk ar ray 63, 134 Event F rame 90 host 97 logical dri ve 67, 137 schedul ed activity 113 spare d.
Ind ex 215 F failed ph ysical drive 189 FAQs insta llation 196 physical drives 194 post ins tallatio n 196 pre-in stallati on 193 find fai led ph ysic al dr ive 70 firmware downlo ading 207 update 105.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 216 list, c ont. schedul ed activiti es 111 spare d rives 73, 149 loca te disk ar ray 127 logical dri ve 144, 153 physi cal dri ve 122 logging i nto We bPAM PRO 37, 83.
Ind ex 217 P partitio n logica l dri ve 176, 203 password other us ers 93 user’s ow n 93 PCI-Ex press s lot 8, 210 PDM and Media Patr ol 184 define d 184 running on a phys ical driv e 110 running on.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 218 rebuild disk ar ray 139 logical dri ve 69 rebuild ing a d isk ar ray 191 red X 189 RedHat, W ebPAM P RO icon in applica tion me nu 36 Redundanc y Check run on l og.
Ind ex 219 spare d rive, c ont. informat ion 73 list 73, 149 physical drive I D 73 revertib le 74, 149, 150 settings 74, 151 status 73, 149 specifi catio ns 6 stale conditi on 125 stati stics clear 10.
SuperTrak EX Series User M anual 220 transpo rt, prepa re disk ar ray 141 Tree View 87 troubles hooting 189 U update firmw are 105 user creat e 94 delete 94 informat ion 92 password 93 passwords of ot.
An important point after buying a device Promise Technology EX8650 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Promise Technology EX8650 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Promise Technology EX8650 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Promise Technology EX8650 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Promise Technology EX8650 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Promise Technology EX8650, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Promise Technology EX8650.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Promise Technology EX8650. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Promise Technology EX8650 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center