Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 30-160kVA Powerware
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Installation/Operation Manual Maintenance Bypass Module 30 - - 160kV A 164201 177 Rev . C 9 315.
ii Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------.
iii Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 T able of C ontent s 1 Intro duc tion 1 ............................................ Using This Manual 2 ............................................ Conventio ns Used in This Manual 2 .
iv Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 List of F igures Figure 1. T ypica l 30 - - - 160kVA MBM with Iso latio n T ran sfo rmer 1 ........ Figure 2. Front and Side View of T ypical Maint enance Bypass Module o n Shipping Pallet (30 - - - 160k VA w/XFMR) 5 .
1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Intro duction The Powerware 9315 Maintenance Bypass Mo dule (MBM) is a floor -mounted, enclo sed cabinet containing a U PS module, Maintenance Iso lation circuit brea ker (MIS ), a nd a maintenance By pass circuit breakr (MBP).
2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Using This Ma nual This manual contains insta llation and operation procedures fo r the MBM. Before instal lation an d operati on, read thr ough eac h proced ure. · Chapter 1 provides an overview of this manual and references for further informatio n.
3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 F or More Inf ormation For m ore inf ormation on th e install ation and ope ration of the UPS system a nd its a.
4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
5 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Ge tting Started This sect ion describes ho w to ins tall the Powerware 9315 Maintenance Bypass Module (MBM) . It contains ins tructio ns for installing the MBM and basi c site pre paration p roced ures.
6 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Pre p a ri ng t he S i te For th e MBM to operate at p eak efficie ncy , the installa tion site should mee t the environmental parameters o utlined in the Pow erwar e Ò 9315 Operation manual provided with the UPS system.
7 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Inspecting and Unpacking the Maintenance Bypass Mo dule The first t ask in prepa ring for ins tallat ion o f the MBM is inspecting and unpac king the unit. The MBM arrives covered with protective pack aging material as shown in Figu re 3.
8 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 1. Carefully inspect the o uter packaging for evidence o f damage during transit. CAUTION: Do not ins tall a damage d MBM. Report an y damage t o th e carri er and cont act the local sal es or service of fice immediatel y .
9 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Unloa ding th e MBM from t he P allet The M BM pal let consi sts of four m etal ang le supp orts secur ed to ply wood/pol yfoam laminated skids. The sk ids act as sho ck abso rbers for the MBM during shipment.
10 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 FRONT SI D E SUPPOR T SU PPORT 1 1 2 JACK ING B OL T FL OOR PROT EC TOR 1 2 DOOR REAR SUPPOR T (USE FRONT AND R EAR) (4 PLACES) POL Y FOAM SKID POL Y FOAM SKID Fi gure 4.
11 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Installing and W iring the Maintenance Bypass Module When t he maintenan ce bypass mo dule (MBM) has been mo ved to it s ins talled location, unpack ed, and inspected, it is ready for insta llation.
12 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Refer to t he following while installing the MBM: · Dimensio ns in this manual are in millimeters and (inches). · Do no t tilt the unit more than 10 ˚ during inst allat ion.
13 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 The re commen ded location, for the M aintenance B ypass Module , is as close to the insta lled UPS module as poss ible.
14 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
15 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Maintenance Bypass Module Operati on This chapter provides preli minary checks, maintenance oper atio ns and a schematic di agram of the maintenance byp ass module.
16 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 MBM O peration Withou t Kirk Key Interlocks The following transfer sequence is the recommended procedure for t he step-by -step load transfer from and back to the U PS when required.
17 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 MBM Opera tion With Kirk K ey Interlocks (Optiona l) The following transfer sequence is the recommended procedure for t he step-by -step load transfer from and back to the U PS when required.
18 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Fr om Maintenanc e Bypass to UPS Bypass: 1. Confirm BIBs, if insta lled, are clos ed. 2. T ransfer UPS to Bypass m o de (see UPS Operation manual). NOTE: F or Paral l el Redundant s ystems , t rans fer both U PS modules to Bypass mode.
19 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Maintenance Maintenance sho uld be scheduled on a perio dic basis, recommended not t o exceed one year . More frequent int ervals are recommended if the equipment is subj ected to highly repetit ive operat ions.
20 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
A --- 1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Appendix A - - - Customer Information The information in t his appendix will help you plan for and install your Maintenance Bypass Module cabinet.
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 3o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 4o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 5 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f2 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 6 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f2 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 7 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev .
A --- 8 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Ta b l e C - - 1 . P o w e r C a b l e Te r m i n a t i o n s With O p tional B IB Witho ut Optional BI B Te r m i n a l F uncti on Te r m i n a l F unct ion Size of Presur e Te r m i n a l Tight ening To r q u e N --- M ( l b --- i n ) Int.
A --- 9 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 T abl e C - - 2. Control Wiring Requirements a nd T e rmination Requirement for Reverse T ransfer ( RT) Sy stem.
A --- 1 0 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Di mensio ns are in mill imet ers (inche s) DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f3 SHEET : REV I SION : .
A- - -1 1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f3 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 2 080498 INTERIOR COM.
A --- 1 2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Di mensio ns are in mill imet ers (inche s) DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 3o f3 SHEET : REV I SION : .
A- - -1 3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f1 TYPICAL UPS SYSTEM WITH MB M SHEET : REV I SION : A 16420117.
A --- 1 4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Refer to national and local e lectric c odes f or acceptabl e external wiring practic es.
A- - -1 5 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Ref er to n ation al a nd loca l electric cod es f or acce pta ble ex tern al wir ing p ra ctices.
A --- 1 6 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Refer to national and loc al electri c codes for acceptabl e external wiring practic es.
A- - -1 7 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Ref er to n ation al an d local e lectric cod es f or a ccep tab le exte rn al wirin g p ractice s.
A --- 1 8 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Refer to national and local e lectric c odes f or acceptabl e external wiring practic es.
A- - -1 9 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Ref er to n ation al an d local e lectric cod es f or a ccep tab le exte rn al wirin g p ractice s.
A --- 2 0 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARRANGEMENT #1 080498 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARR ANGEME NT #1 App li c abl e t o POWE RWAR E 9315 30 - - - 160 k VA UPS mod ul e s onl y .
A- - -2 1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARRANGEMENT #2 080498 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARR ANGEME NT #2 App li c abl e t o POWE RWAR E 9315 30 - - - 160 k VA UPS mod ul e s onl y .
A --- 2 2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 3o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARRANGEMENT #3 080498 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARR ANGEME NT #3 App li c abl e t o POWE RWAR E 9315 30 - - - 160 k VA UPS mod ul e s onl y .
A- - -2 3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 4o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH.
A --- 2 4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
An important point after buying a device Powerware 30-160kVA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Powerware 30-160kVA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Powerware 30-160kVA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Powerware 30-160kVA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Powerware 30-160kVA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Powerware 30-160kVA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Powerware 30-160kVA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Powerware 30-160kVA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Powerware 30-160kVA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center