Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PPB300 Poulan
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ENGLISH ESP AÑOL FRANÇAIS DANGER: Read and follow all Safet y Rules and Oper ating I nstruct ions befor e using this product . Fa ilure to do so can r esult in s erious injury . PELIGRO: Lea el manual de ins truccion es y s iga t odas las advert encias e instruc ciones d e seguridad.
2 UL CLASSIFIED PRODUCT NOTICE Only the follow ing Gas oline Powered Combination Gar dening Appliance powerhead models and their respecti ve attachm ents have been Classi fied by Under writers Labor atories, Inc ., in accordanc e wi th the applic able safety requir ements.
3 S Alw ays wear heavy, long pants , long sl e ev es, boot s , and gl ov es . W ear ing safe ty l eg gua rds is rec ommended. S Always wear foot pr otection .
4 oth erw is e hea lt hy peop le . If s y mpto ms o cc ur su ch as num bnes s , pain, l oss of str eng th, change in s kin col or or texture, or l o s s of feeli ng i n the fi nger s, hands , or joi n ts , di s co nti nue th e use of thi s tool and seek medi cal attention.
5 2. Position the brac ket cover over the han- dlebar . Again make sure the handlebar is at the end of the ar row . 3. Insert sc rews and hand tighten onl y . Be sure the handlebar is inst alled corr ectly; then, tighten each screw s ecurely w ith the hex wrenc h.
6 scr ewdriv er . Remov e both washers and blade. T o r e m ove metal shi eld, l oosen and remov e the four mounti n g s crews . Se e ATT ACH ING THE MET AL SHIELD and INST ALLA TION O F THE ME T AL BLA DE fo r illustr atio ns. B e sur e to sto re all parts and ins tructions for f u ture use.
7 INST AL LA T ION OF TH E MET AL BLADE W ARNI NG: Wear protective gl oves when handling or performing mai ntenance on the blade to avoi d i njury. The blade i s sharp and c a nc u ty o u e v e nw h e ni t i sn o tm o v i n g .
8 OPERA TION KNOW YOUR UNI T REA D THIS INS TRUCTION MANUAL AND SAFE TY RULES BEF ORE OP ERA TING Y OUR UNIT . Co mp are t he illu stra tio ns w ith yo ur u nit to fam iliarize yo u rself wit h the loc at ion of th e var iou s con tro ls and adj u stm ent s.
9 Throttle Trigger ON/OFF Switch HOW T O ST ART YOUR UNIT W ARNI NG: A voi d any c ontact with the muffler . A hot m uf fler can caus e serious burns. HELPFUL TIP If your engine stil l does not start afte r follo wing these instr uctions, pl ease call 1 - - 800 - - 554 - - 6723.
10 If the unit still doesn’t start, r efer to TROUBLESH OOTING T ABLE or call 1-800-554- 6723. OPERA TING THE COUPLER This model is equipped wi th a coupler whi ch enables optional attachm ents to be i nstalled. The optional attachm ents are: MODEL: Edger PPB1000E .
11 TRIMM ER LINE ADV ANCE The trimmer line will adva nce approxi mately 2 inches (5 c m) each t ime the bottom of the trim mer head i s tapped on the ground wi th the engine r unning at ful l throttl e. Th e mos t ef ficie nt line len gt h is th e ma ximum le ng th a llowe d b y th e line lim iter .
12 OPERA TING I NSTRUCTIONS FOR USE WITH WEED BLADE S Blad e Thrust is a reacti on that onl y occ urs when usi ng a bl ad ed uni t. This react ion can c aus e s eri ous i nj ur y su ch as a mpu tati on.
13 EDGER SAFETY W ARNI NG: Inspect the ar ea to be edged before each use. R emove objects (rocks, broken glass, nails, wir e, e tc.) which can be thrown by t he blade or can w rap around the shaft. S Blade r otates momentari ly after t he trigger is rel eased.
14 Allow blades to st op before rem oving them from the cut. Blades move momentar ily after the trigger is released. W ARNI NG: Inspect the ar ea before starti ng the unit. Rem ove all debris and hard objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can r icochet, be thr own, or other wise caus e injur y or damage during operation.
15 S Dir ect mater ial dischar ge away fr om glass enclosur es, automobiles, etc . S Do not r un engine at high speed whi le not remov ing snow . S Be attentive w hen using the snowthrower , and st a y al ert fo r holes i n the terrain a nd other hidden hazards .
16 REPLACE SP ARK PLUG Replace the s park plug each y ear to ensure the engine star ts easier and runs better . Set spark p lug gap a t 0.025 inch (0.6 mm). I gni- tion timing i s fixed and nonadjustable. 1. T wist, then pull of f s park plug boot. 2.
17 STORAGE W ARNI NG: Perf orm the followin g steps after each us e: S Allow engine to cool befor e stori ng or tr ans- porting. S Store unit and fuel i n a wel l venti lated area where fuel vapors cannot reac h s parks or open flames from water heater s, electric motors or sw itches, fur naces, etc.
18 TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engin e will not start. 1. ON /OFF switch in OFF positi on. 2. Engine flooded. 3. Fuel tank empty. 4. Spark pl ug not firing. 5. Fuel not r eaching carburetor . 6. Carbur etor requir es adjustment. 1. M ove ON/OFF switch to the ON positi on.
19 LIMITED WARRANTY ELECTROLUX HO ME PRODUCTS, INC., warr ants to t he ori ginal pur chaser that each new Poulan PRO " " " " brand gasoline tool or at- tachment is free from defect.
20 shall be for a per iod of two year s from t he i ni- tial date of purchase. WHA T IS COVER ED: REP AIR OR REPLACE MENT OF P ARTS. Repair or r eplacement of any war ranted part will be perfo rmed at no charge to the owner at an appr oved ELECTR OLUX HOME PROD- UCTS, INC.
An important point after buying a device Poulan PPB300 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Poulan PPB300 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Poulan PPB300 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Poulan PPB300 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Poulan PPB300 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Poulan PPB300, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Poulan PPB300.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Poulan PPB300. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Poulan PPB300 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center