Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PP25E Poulan
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ENGLISH ESP AÑOL FRANÇAIS W ARNING: Read and follow all Safety Rules and Oper ating Inst ruc tions bef ore using th is product . F ailure t o do so ca n result in serious inj ury . ADVERTENCIA: Lea el manual de instrucc iones y s iga t odas las ad vert encias e instr ucciones de s eguridad.
2 TAB L E OF C O N T E N T S Identificat ion of Safety Sy mbols 2 Safety Rules 4 Asse mb ly 9 Operat ion 10 Maintenance 15 Serv ice & A djustments 16 Storage 18 Troubleshooting T able 19 Limited W.
3 ID ENTIF ICA TIO N OF SA FETY SYMB OLS When ser vic ing unit, use only identical r eplacement parts . Nev er allow c hildren to operate this unit. Store unit indoors in a high, dry plac e out of the reach of childr en. Alway s stop unit and disconnec t s park plug before c lean- ing or ser vic ing.
4 OPTIONAL ATTACHME NTS Cutting attachme nt / guard, Pow erhead m odel Att achments T y pe part. no . Trimmer head TNG 7 537419214 / 5450718 02 Brus hcutt er attac hment PP 4000C 95271 1610 Attachment s T ype Part.
5 S Us e only for jobs ex plained in this manual (or manuals for optional att achments ). S Keep other s inc luding c hildr en, animals , by - stand ers , and helper s at le ast 50 f eet (15 me - ters ) aw ay. Stop t he unit immediatel y if you are approac hed.
6 S Make s ure unit is assembled c orr ectly as show n in this manual. S Us e only rec ommended Po ul an PRO ac - ces sor ies and replac ement parts . FUEL SAFETY S Mix and pour fuel outdoor s. S Keep away from sparks or flames . S Us e a cont ainer approv ed for f uel.
7 S T o av oid spreading f ire, do not us e near leaf or brus h fires , fir eplaces , bar becue pits , ashtray s , etc. BRUSHCUTTER SAFETY DANGER: Blade c an t hrus t violently away from material it does not c ut. Blade thrus t can c aus e amputation of arms or legs .
8 WAR N I NG : Inspec t t he ar ea before star ting the unit. R emove all debr is and hard objects s uc h as roc k s, glas s , wire, etc. that can r icoc het, be throw n, or otherw ise c ause injury or damage dur ing operation. S Do not us e a c utti ng blad e that is bent, warped, c r ack ed, br oken or d amaged in any other w ay.
9 S Do not r un engine at high speed while not removing s now. S Be attentiv e when us ing the s nowthrow er , and stay alert for holes in the ter rain and other hidden hazar ds. S Make s ure the rotor will spin fr eely before attaching the s nowt hrower to the power- head.
10 AT TA C H I N G S H I E L D ( F O R L I N E TRIMMER A TT ACHMENT) WAR N I NG : The shi eld must be prop- erly ins talled. The shield pr ovid es partial protec - tion fro m the risk of thrown objec ts to the opera - tor and oth ers a nd is equi pped with a li ne limiter blade whic h c uts exc es s line to the proper length.
11 TRI MMER HEA D The TRIMME R H EAD holds t he c utt ing line and rotates during operation. It is designed to cut g ra ss. BLADE The BLAD E is des igned to c ut s od. DEPTH ADJUSTMENT KNOB The DEPTH ADJUSTMENT KNOB is used to adjust the wheel for blade c utting depth when edging.
12 4. Pull star ter rope handle s harply until en- gine star ts and runs . 5. Allow unit to r un for 10 - - 15 s econds , then fully s queez e the throttle tr igger to dise n- gage the starting sys tem. ST ARTING A W ARM ENGINE 1. Squeeze and hold the throttle tr igger .
13 LINE TR IMME R A TT AC HM ENT OP ERATING PO SIT ION Eye Protection Long Pants Heav y Shoes AL WA YS WEAR: Cut from y our right to y our left. WAR N I NG : Alway s w ear eye protec - tion. Nev er lean ov er the tr immer head. Roc ks or debris c an ricoc het or be thrown into eyes and fac e and c ause blindnes s or other ser ious injury.
14 Mow ing SWEEPING - - The fanning action of the rotat- ing line can be us ed for a quic k and eas y clean up. Keep the line parallel to and above the sur faces being sw ept and move the tool from s ide to s ide.
15 MAINTE NANCE WAR N I NG : Dis connec t the spark plug before perfor ming maintenance except for car buretor adjustments . HE LPFUL T IP IMPO R T AN T : Hav e all repairs other than the rec - ommended maintenance desc ribed in the instruc tion manual performed by an authoriz ed serv ic e dealer.
16 SERVIC E AND ADJUSTMENTS REPLACING THE LINE 1. Press the tabs on the s ide of the trimmer head and remove c over and s pool. Ta b Cove r Ta b Spool 2. Remove any r emaining line. 3. Clean dirt and debr is f rom all parts . R e- place s pool if it is w orn or damaged.
17 10. Inser t the ends of the lines thr ough exit holes in t he sides of the c over. Line exit hole Cover 1 1. Reinstall t he spool and cov er onto the trimmer head. P ush until c ov er snaps into place. REPLACING THE TRIMMER HEAD 1. Hold the dust c up with a w renc h to keep the shaf t from tur ning while remov ing and installing t rimmer head.
18 CARBURETO R IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT WAR N I NG : Keep others away w hen making idle s peed adjustments . The tr immer head or any optional att achment w ill be spin- ning during most of this proc edure. Wear y our protec tive equipment and obs erv e all safety prec autions.
19 TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not sta rt. 1. Engine flooded. 2. Fuel tank empty. 3. Spark plug not fir ing. 4. Fuel not reac hing carbur etor . 5. Carbur etor requires adjustment. 1. See “S tarting a Flooded Engine” in Operation Sec tion. 2.
20 LIMI TED WA RRANTY Poulan PRO , a div ision of Hus qv arna C onsum - er Outdoor P roduc ts N.A ., Inc. , w arrant s to the original co nsumer purc has er that e ach new Poulan PRO bra nd gas oline .
21 abuse, neglec t, improper maintenanc e, un- approv ed modific ations , or the use of parts not made or approved by the original equip- ment manufacturer. Y ou a re re s ponsibl e for pres enting y our s mall off- - r oad engine to an Poulan PR O authoriz ed r epair center as soon as a pr oblem ex is ts.
An important point after buying a device Poulan PP25E (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Poulan PP25E yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Poulan PP25E - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Poulan PP25E you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Poulan PP25E will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Poulan PP25E, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Poulan PP25E.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Poulan PP25E. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Poulan PP25E along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center