Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 545177328 Poulan
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ENGLISH ESP AÑOL FRANÇAIS DANGER: Read and follow all Safety Rules and Oper ating Inst ruc tions bef ore using th is product . F ailure t o do so ca n result in serious inj ury . PELIG RO: Lea el manual de instrucc iones y s iga t odas las ad vert encias e instr ucciones de s eguridad.
2 ID ENTIFI CA TIO N O F S AFETY SYMB OLS WAR N I NG : This unit c an be dangerous! C areles s or impr oper use c an c ause s erious injury . Read the operator ’ s manual befor e us e. Failure to f ollow ins truc tions could res ult in s erious injur y .
3 ID ENTIFI CA TIO N O F S AFETY SYMB OLS When ser vic ing unit, use only identic al replac ement parts . Nev er allow c hildren to operate this unit. Store unit indoors in a high, dry place out of the reac h of childr en. Alway s stop unit and disc onnec t spar k plug before c lean- ing or ser vic ing.
4 SAFE TY RU LE S WAR N I NG : When us ing gardening appliances , bas ic safety precaut ions must al- way s be f ollowed to reduce the risk of fir e and ser ious injury. Read and follow all ins truc - tions. This pow er unit can be dangerous ! O perator is r espons ible for following ins truc tions and warnings on unit and in manual.
5 TRANSPORTING AND STORAGE S Allow e ngine to c ool; s ec ure unit before stor ing or t rans porting i n vehic le. S Empty the fuel tan k befo re s toring or trans portin g the unit. Us e up fuel l eft in the car buretor by s tar ting the engine and le tting it run until it s tops .
6 S Do not set unit o n any s urface exc ept a clean, hard area w hile engine is running. Debris suc h as grav el, s and, dus t, gras s , etc ., could be pick ed up by the air in take an d thr own o ut through d isc harge opening, damaging unit, propert y, or caus ing serious injur y to bys tander s or op erator.
7 S Nev er oper ate the c ultiv ator w ithout the t ine co ver in p la ce an d pro pe rly secu re d. S Keep the tines and guard c lear of debr is. S After s trik ing a for eign object , stop the engine, dis c onnect the s park plug and inspec t the c ultivator for damage.
8 WAR N I NG : Nev er lean over dis - char ge chute. Rock s or debr is could be thrown into the eyes and face and caus e seri- ous injury or blindnes s . WAR N I NG : Inspec t the ar ea where the unit is to be us ed. Remove objects that could be thr own or damage the unit.
9 Lock ing/Releas e Butto n in Pri mary Hole For as sembly of optional att achments (s ee list on page 11), refer to the ASSEMBL Y sec- tion of the applicable at tachment instr uction manual. A TT A CHING THE SHIELD WAR N I NG : The shi eld must be prop- erly ins talled.
10 ST ART L EVER The ST ART LEVER he lps to supply fuel to the engine to aid in st arting. Ac tiv ate the star ting syst em by m ovin g th e sta rt le ver to t he ST AR T posit ion. DO NOT sq ueeze the thr ottle t rigger until the engine has star ted and runs .
11 4. Pull star ter rope handle sharply until en- gine star ts and runs . 5. Allow unit to run for 10 - - 15 s econds , t hen fully s queez e the th rottle tr igger to dise n- gage the starting sys tem. ST ARTING A W ARM ENGINE 1. Squeeze and hold the throttle tr igger .
12 OP ERATING PO SIT ION Cut onl y f rom y our le f tt o y our ri g ht. AL W AYS WE AR: Long Pants Heav y shoes Eye Protection Hearin g Protection WAR N I NG : Always w ear eye protec - tion. Nev er lean ov er the tr immer head. Roc ks or debris c an ric ochet or be throw n into eyes and face and c aus e blindness or other ser ious injury.
13 SCALPING - - T he s calping techni que remov es unwante d v eget ation down t o the ground. Hold the bott om of the trimmer head about 3 in. (8 cm) abo ve th e ground and at an angl e. A llow the tip of the line to stri ke the ground around trees , post s, monument s , et c.
14 INSPECT MUFFLER AND SP ARK ARRESTING SCREEN WAR N I NG : The muffler on this prod- uct c ontains chemicals known t o the State of Califor nia to caus e c ancer. As your unit is used, carbon depos its build up on the muffler and s park arrest ing s cr een and must be r emoved to av oid c reating a fire haz - ard or affect ing engine perfor mance.
15 3. While holding t he sc r ewdriv er in pos ition, remove trimme r head by turning clock wise. 4. Thread r eplacement trimmer head onto the shaf t by turning c ounterc lock w ise. Tighten until secur e. 5. Remove the s c rewdr iver. CARBURETO R IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT WAR N I NG : Keep other s away when making idl e speed adjustment s .
16 OTHER S Do not s tore gas oline from one season to another . S Replac e your gas oline can if it star ts to rust. TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not sta rt. 1. Engine flooded. 2. Fuel tank empty. 3. Spark plug not firing. 4. Fuel not reac hing carbur etor .
17 LIMI TED WARRA NTY Poulan PRO , a div ision of Hus qv arna C onsum - er Outdoor P roduc ts N.A ., Inc. , w arrant s to the original co nsumer purc has er that each new Poulan PRO bra nd gas oline t.
18 prov ed by the original equipment man uf actur- er. Y ou are respo nsible f or prese nting y our s m a l lo f f - - r o a de n g i n et oa nP o u l a nP R Oa u t h o - riz ed repair center as soon as a problem exis ts . Warranty repair s should be complet ed in a r ea- sonab le amount of time, n ot to ex ceed 30 days .
An important point after buying a device Poulan 545177328 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Poulan 545177328 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Poulan 545177328 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Poulan 545177328 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Poulan 545177328 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Poulan 545177328, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Poulan 545177328.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Poulan 545177328. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Poulan 545177328 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center