Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 530165399 Poulan
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PPB3416 / PPB4218 Electrol ux Home Prod ucts, Inc. 1030 Stevens Creek R oad Augu sta, GA 30907 ENGL IS H ESP AÑOL FRANÇAIS 530165399 12/8/05 Fo r Occasional U se Only Copyright E 2005 Electrolux Home Products, Inc.
2 IDENT IFICATION OF SYMB OLS W ARNING ! This chain saw c an be dangero us! Car e- less or improper us e c an caus e ser ious or ev en fatal injury. Read and unders tand the instr uction manual before using the c hain saw. Alway s use two hands when operat ing the chain s aw.
3 gloves ; ey e protection s uc h as non-fog- ging, vented goggles or fac e sc reen; an approved s afety hard hat; and s ound barri- ers ( ear plugs or muf fler s) to protect your hearing. Regular us ers s hould hav e hear- ing chec ked r egularly as c hain saw noise can damage hear ing.
4 S Pinch -Kickback can oc c ur when the the wood c loses in and pinches the mov ing saw chain in the cut along the top of the guide bar and the s aw chain is s uddenly stopped.
5 KICKBACK SAFETY FEA TUR ES WAR N I N G : The following f eatures are inc luded on your s aw to help reduc e the hazar d of k ick bac k; howev er , s uch f eatures will not totally eliminate this danger . As a chain s aw us er , do not rely only on s afety de- vic es.
6 Com puted kickback a ngl e ( CKA) T a bl e BAR P/N Length CHAIN P/N 16 ″ MODEL CKA w ithout chain brak e PPB3416 33 _ PPB4218 18 ″ 952051211 952051338 952044369 952044689 33 _ NOTE: I ft h i ss .
7 Adjustment loc ated on c lutc h cov er Inside view of clutc h cov e r 4. Turn the adjusting s c rew by hand c oun- terc lock wis e until the adjus ting pin jus t touches t he stop. This should allow the pin to be near t he corr ect pos ition. 5. Slide guide bar on bar bolts until guide bar s tops agains t clut ch drum s prock et.
8 3. Us ing bar tool, roll c hain ar ound guid e bar to ensure all links are in bar groove. 4. Lift up tip of guide bar to c heck for s ag. Releas e tip of guide bar, then t urn ad- justing sc rew 1 / 4 turn c lock wis e. R epeat until sag does not ex ist.
9 THROTTLE LOCK- - OUT The THROTTLE LOC K- - OUT m ust be pres sed bef ore yo u can s queeze t he throttle trigger. This feature pr events y ou fr om acc i- dentally s queez ing the tr igger .
10 Left Hand on Front Handle Starter Rope Handle Right Foot Thr ough Rear Handle Us e only 15 ″ -- 1 8 ″ (40 - - 45 cm) o f rope per pull. Hold s aw firmly while pulling s tarter rope. IMPORT ANT POINTS T O REMEMBER When pulling the star ter rope, do not us e the full ex tent of the rope as t his c an c ause the rope to break .
11 S If the brake is already ac tiv ated, it is disengaged by pulling the front hand guar d back toward the fr ont handle as far as poss ible. S When cutting with the s aw , the chain brake must be dis engaged. Engag ed Diseng aged Braki ng functi on cont rol CAUTION: The chain brak e must be chec ked s ev eral times daily.
12 FELLI NG LARG E TREES (6 inc hes (15 cm) in diameter or larger) The notch method is us ed to fell large trees . A notc h is c ut on the s ide of the tree in the de- sir ed direction of f all. After a felling cut is made on the opposite s ide of tree, t he tr ee will tend to fall into the notc h.
13 WAR N I N G : N ever turn s aw upside down to underc ut. The s aw c annot be c on- trolled in this position. Alway s make your first c ut on the compres- sion side of the log. The c ompress ion s ide of the log is w here the pres sur e of t he log’ s weight is concent rated.
14 PRUNING WAR N I N G : Limit pr uning t o limbs shoul der height or below. Do not c ut if branc hes are higher tha n y our shoulder. Ge t a profes s ional to do the job. S Make y our fi rst c ut 1/3 of the way through the bottom of t he limb. S Ne xt ma ke a 2nd cu t all the way through the limb.
15 S Clean the oil holes and bar groov e after each 5 hours of operation. Remo ve Sawdust From Guide B ar Gr oove Oil H oles S Burring of guide bar rails is a normal proc ess of rail wear. Remove thes e burrs with a flat file. S When rail top is unev en, use a f lat file to re- stor e squar e edges and s ides.
16 6. Reins tall spa rk ar res ting s c reen, ex haust outlet cov er , and nut. Tighten nut sec urely. REPLACE SP ARK PLUG The spar k plug should be replac ed eac h year to ens ure the engine starts eas ier and runs better. Ignition timing is fix ed and non- adjustable.
17 HE LPFU L TIP During s torage of y our gas / oil mixtur e, the oil will s epa - rate from t he gas. We recommend that y ou shak e the gas can w eekly to insur e proper blending of the gas and oil. ENGINE S Remov e spark plug and pour 1 teas poon of 4 0 :1 , 2- cycle engine oil (air cooled) through the s park plug opening.
18 LIMI TED WA RRANTY ELECTROLUX H OME PRODUCTS, INC., warr ants to t he original purchas er that each new Poulan PRO R brand gas oline chain saw is f ree from defec ts in material and work manship and agrees to repair or r eplace under this warranty any defec tiv e gas oline chain s aw as follow s fr om the original date of purc hase.
19 W ARRAN TY COMMENCEMENT DA TE: The war ranty per iod begins on the date t he small off - - road engine is purchas ed. LENGTH OF COVER AGE: This w arrant y shall be for a period of tw o yea rs fr om the initial date of pur - chas e. WHA T IS COVERED : REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF P A RTS.
An important point after buying a device Poulan 530165399 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Poulan 530165399 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Poulan 530165399 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Poulan 530165399 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Poulan 530165399 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Poulan 530165399, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Poulan 530165399.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Poulan 530165399. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Poulan 530165399 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center