Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 700 Polaris
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Owner's Manual V ehicle Maintenance and Safety 2003 Spor tsman 600 Spor tsman 700 for Read this manual carefully . It contains important safety infor mation. This i s an adult vehicle onl y . Operation is prohibited for those under 16 years of age.
W ARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer , birth defects or other reproductive harm..
1 We’ve creat ed a web si te j ust f or Y OU! S T echnical tips S New product introductions S Event schedules S Parts a nd Service M anual information S Exciting details a bout The W ay Out Ch ec k it out.
2 All inf or ma ti on i n thi s manua l is bas ed on t he la te s t pr oduc t dat a a nd s pe ci f ic a t ions ava i la bl e a t the t im e of pri nt ing. Pola r is I ndus tr i e s Inc . re s e rve s t he r ight t o make produc t c ha nges a nd impr ove me nts t ha t ma y af f e ct illustration s or ex p lanatio ns.
3 WELC OME Thank you for purcha sing a Polar is vehicle , and welcome to our world-w ide family of Polaris owne rs. W e proudly produce a n exciting line of utility a nd re cr ea tional produc ts.
4 VEHICLE IDE NTIFICATION NUMBERS The fra me vehicle ide ntifica tion number (VIN) (1) and engine se rial number (2) a re impor tant for model identific ation whe n registe ring your vehic le, when obtaining insura nce , and when orde ring replacement parts .
5 TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOM E 3 ........................................ VEHICLE I DENTIF ICA T ION NUM BERS 4 ............... T ABLE O F CONT ENTS 5 ............................. SAFET Y 6 .......................................... CONTROLS 36 .......
6 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations W arning decal s have been placed on the A TV for your protection. Read an d foll ow the i nst ructi ons o n each decal careful ly . I f a decal bec omes illegible or c omes of f, contac t your Polar is deale r to purcha se a repl acement .
7 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations IMPRO PER TIRE PRESSUR E OR O VERLO ADING can cause loss of contr ol resulting in SEVER E INJURY O R DEA TH. TIR E PRESSUR E IN PSI ( KPa): FRON T 5 (34,5) REAR 5 (34,5) M AXIMUM W EIGHT CAP ACITY (Gross Vehicle Wei ght) INCLUDING MACHINE, DRIV ER AND CARGO IS 1200 LB S.
8 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations Moving par ts haz ard under belt- clutc h guard. T o prev ent ser ious injury, do not operate v ehicle w ith guard remov ed. Do not modify engine or c lutch. Doing so c an caus e part failur e, poss ible imbalance, and ex c ess ive engine RPM w hich c an res ult in serious injury or death.
9 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations ALL WHEEL DRIVE SWITCH Do not push s witch to engage AW D if t he rear wheels are s pinning. This may cause severe drive shaf t and clutc h damage. See your Owner ’s Manual. 7079780 7079604 7170509 TRAILER MAX WEIGHT : 1500 LBS.
10 SAFE TY Safe R iding Gear Always wea r clothing suite d to the t ype of riding. A TV riding requir es specia l protec tive clothing for comf ort and to reduc e t he cha nce of injury . 1. Helmet Y our helmet is the most important pie ce of protec tive gear for sa fe riding.
11 SAFE TY Operator S afety Age Restr ictions This vehicl e is an ADUL T VEHICLE ONL Y . Operat ion is prohi bited for anyone unde r 16 years of age . Know Y our V ehicle As the operator of the vehic le, you are responsible for your pe rsonal safe ty , t he saf ety of others, and the protec tion of our environme nt.
12 SAFE TY Operator S afety The following two pa ges identify signal wor ds and symbols that appe ar in this manual. Y our safety is involve d when these word s and symbols are u sed. Bec ome familia r with their meanings befo re re ading the manua l.
13 SAFE TY Operator S afety S Read this ma nual and all labe ls car efully , and fo llow the oper ating proce dures de scribed. S Never ope rate a n A TV without prope r instruction. T ake a training course . Beginners s hould receive training from a certified i nstructor .
14 SAFE TY Operator S afety S Always hav e the A TV ins pected by an au tho rized P olari s dealer if it’ s been invol ved in an accident. S Neve r operate on hills too steep for the A TV or for your abilitie s. Pra ctic e on smaller h ills befor e atte mpting lar ger hills.
15 SAFE TY Operator S afety S W et bra kes may ha ve re duced stopping ability . T est the bra kes af ter lea ving wate r . If ne cessa ry , apply them lightly se vera l times to allow frict ion t o dry out t he pads. S Always chec k for obstacle s or people behind the A TV befor e operat- ing i n reverse.
16 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Oper ating this A TV wit hout pr oper inst ruction. WHA T CAN HAPPEN The r isk of an ac cident is great ly increased if t he operator does not know how t o operate t he A T V properly in different sit uations and on differ ent t ypes of t errain.
17 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Carry ing a passenger on an A TV . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Carry ing a pass enger greatly r educes the operat or ’s ability t o balance and cont rol the A T V , which c ould cause an accident and injury t o the operat or and/ or passenger.
18 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Oper ating an A TV on pav ed surf aces, inc luding sidewalks, paths, par king lots, and driv eways. WHA T CAN HAPPEN A T V t ires are designed f or off- road use.
19 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Oper ating this A TV on public st reet s, roads or highways . WHA T CAN HAPPEN The A T V could collide wit h another v ehicle. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never oper ate the A T V on any public s treet , road or highway , including dirt and grav el roads.
20 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Oper ating this A TV wit hout wear ing an approved helmet , eye prot ection and prot ect ive clot hing. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Oper ating an A TV wit hout an appr oved helmet inc reases t he risk of a s evere head injury or deat h in the event of an accident .
21 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Oper ating the A T V aft er consum ing alcohol or drugs . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Consumpt ion of alcohol and/ or drugs could ser iously affec t operat or judgment. React ion tim e may be slower and operat or balance and perc eption could be affec ted.
22 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Att empt ing wheelies, jum ps and other s tunt s. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Att empt ing stunt s incr eases the c hance of an ac cident, including an overt urn. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never att empt wheelies, jumps , or other stunt s.
23 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Failur e to inspect t he A T V befor e operating. Failure t o properly maint ain the A TV . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Poor m aintenance incr eases t he possibilit y of an acc ident or equipment damage.
24 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Failur e to use ext ra caut ion when operating t he A TV on unf amiliar terrain . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Unfamiliar t errain ma y contain hidden rocks, bumps, o r holes that could caus e loss of c ontrol or overt urn.
25 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Failur e to use ext ra caut ion when operating on ex cessiv ely rough, slippery or loose t errain. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Operat ing on exces sively r ough, slippery or loos e terrain c ould cause los s of t ract ion or loss of cont rol, whic h could result in an accident or over turn.
26 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD T ur ning improperly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Im proper tur ns could caus e loss of cont rol and lead to a collis ion or overt urn. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always follow pr oper procedures f or turning as descr ibed in the owner ’s manual.
27 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Climbing hills im properly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Im proper hill climbing c ould cause loss of c ontrol or overt urn. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always f ollow proper procedures f or climbing hills as desc ribed in the owner ’s manual.
28 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD T r aveling downhill improper ly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Im properly desc ending a hill could cause los s of c ontrol or overt urn. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always f ollow proper procedures f or tr aveling down hills as descr ibed in the owner ’s manual.
29 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Impr operly cr ossing hills and t urning on hills. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Impr operly cr ossing or t urning as hills could caus e loss of c ontrol or overt urn.
30 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Stalling, r olling backwards or improper ly dismount ing while climbing a hill. WHA T CAN HAPPEN The v ehicle could overt urn. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZA RD Maint ain steady s peed when climbing a hill. If all f orward speed is lost: Keep your weight uphill.
31 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Im properly operat ing over obs tacles . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Oper ating over obs tacles could caus e loss of cont rol or over turn. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Befor e operating in a new ar ea, chec k for obst acles.
32 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Oper ating the A T V thr ough deep or fast -f lowing water . WHA T CAN HAPPEN T i res may float , caus ing loss of trac tion and loss of cont rol, which could lead t o an accident or over turn. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Avoid operating t he A T V thr ough deep or fas t-f lowing water.
33 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Oper ating this A TV wit h improper t ires, or wit h improper or uneven tire pressu re. WHA T CAN HAPPEN Use of i mproper t ires, or operat ion of t he A T V with im proper or uneven t ire pressur e, could c ause loss of cont rol or ac cident.
34 SAFE TY Operator S afety POTENTI AL HAZARD Over loading the A TV or car rying/ towing cargo im properly . WHA T CAN HAPPEN Over loading and towing can c ause changes in v ehicle handling, which could lead t o loss of cont rol or an acc ident. HOW TO A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never ex ceed the st ated load c apacity f or t his A T V .
35 SAFE TY Operator S afety Oper ating a damaged A TV can res ult in an acc ident wit h serious injury or death. Af ter any overt urn or ac cident, have a qualif ied serv ice dealer inspect t he entire m achine for possible dam age, including (but not limit ed to) brak es, t hrott le and st eering systems.
36 CONTROLS Engine E lectrical S witches Overri de S wit ch (1) (Rever se Speed Limiter ) - This vehicle is equippe d with a r ever se speed limite r system.
37 CONTROLS Throttle Lever Eng ine sp eed and vehi cle moveme nt are contr olled by pressing the throttle le ver (1) . The throttle le ver is spring load ed.
38 CONTROLS Light Sw itches The light switch is loca ted on the le ft handle bar . It’ s used to turn the lights on and of f and to switch the lights from HI to LO. NOTE: The lights won’ t work unless the key is in the on position and the shut-of f s w i t c hi si nt h e run position.
39 CONTROLS Master Cylinder The brake f l uid in the master cylinde r (1) , which is loca ted on the left handle bar , should be chec ked before each ride. Th e flui d level can be seen thr ough an indicator window (2) on the top of the master cylinde r .
40 CONTROLS Park in g Brake Setting the Par king Brake 1. Sq ueeze and r elease t he brak e leve r (1) two or thre e times, then squ eeze and h old. 2. Push the p ark br ake loc k (2) forwa rd t o engage the br ake. Rel ease th e brake l ever . 3. T o release the par king brake lo ck, s queeze an d releas e the b rake leve r .
41 CONTROLS Auxiliary Brake Y our Polaris A TV ha s an auxiliar y brake (1) for a dded safe ty . It’ s locate d on the inside of the right floor board and is oper ated by the right foot. The auxilia ry brake serves as a b ackup t o t he mai n brak e system if the main system bec omes inoperative .
42 CONTROLS Choke The choke assists in starting a co ld engine. Refe r to the engine starting proce dure on page 53 for corre ct choke and throttle settings during starting. Fuel V alve The fu el val ve (1) i s lo cated o n the l eft s ide panel. It has three positions: OFF: F or vehic le storage and when tra nsporting.
43 CONTROLS Automatic T r ansmission Gear Selector The tra nsmission gear selec tor is located on the right side of the vehicle dir ectly above and for ward of the engine. It ha s five positions: high (H), low ( L), neut ral (N), revers e (R) and park (P).
44 FEATURES All Wheel D rive (A WD) S ystem Pol aris 4-wh eel drive A TVs are equipped w ith a unique, Po laris -exclu sive, Dem and 4 Driv e (A WD) sy stem act ivat ed by a swit ch (1) on the right handlebar . When the switch is of f, the A TV is in 2 whe el drive at a ll times.
45 FEATURES In stru ment Cl ust er Y our A TV is e quipped with an instrume nt cluster that sense s vehicle speed from the r ight front whe el. The instrume nt cluster mea sures distanc e in miles a s well as hours of opera tion. It also include s a reve rse spee d limiter f unction that limits the A TV’ s speed to approxima tely 7-9 mph.
46 FEATURES In stru ment Cl ust er Ride r Infor mati on Center The r ider inf ormation c enter is loca ted in the low er por tion of the instrume nt cluster .
47 FEATURES In stru ment Cl ust er Ride r Infor mati on Center The r ider inf ormation c enter ha s 4 standa rd modes: Mode 1 - Odometer Mode 2 - T ripmeter Mode 3 - T otal S ervic e Hours Mode 4 - Programma ble servic e interval The reve rse override button on the left handleba r is also the mode button .
48 FEATURES In stru ment Cl ust er Ride r Infor mati on Center Mo de 4 - Prog rammab le Service Int erval The purpose of the progra mmable servic e interva l is to provide the consumer a nd dealer with a conve nient reminde r for routine maintena nce.
49 FEATURES In stru ment Cl ust er Ride r Infor mati on Center Diagnos tic Mode The diagnostic mode is for infor mational purpose s only . Please re turn your A TV to your dea ler for a ll major re pairs. T o enter the diagnostic s mode: 1. T urn the key switc h off a nd wait 20 seconds.
50 OPERATION Fuel Safety Gasoline is highly f lammable and explos ive under cer tain conditi ons. S Always exerc ise extr eme caut ion whenever handling gasoline.
51 OPERATION Br eak-In Period The bre ak-in period f or your new Polaris A TV is define d as the first ten hours of opera tion, or the time it takes to use the first two full tanks of gasoline. No single a ction on your part is as impor tant as f ollowing the proce dures for a proper bre ak-in.
52 OPERATION Pr e-Ride Inspection Use the fo llowing chec klist to verify tha t your vehic le is in proper working c ondition before each use. Item/Inspection Procedure 1. T ires - Chec k condition and pressur es. 2. Fue l tank and e ngine oil level - Fill both to their prope r leve ls.
53 OPERATION Star ting the E ngine Sta rti ng a Col d Engine 1. Plac e the transmission in neutral and lock the pa rking brake. 2. T urn the fuel tank valve on. 3. Sit on the vehicle and pull the choke knob out until it stops (1). NOTE: The va riable c hoke is fully on when the knob is pulle d comple tely out.
54 OPERATION Star ting the E ngine Sta rti ng a W ar m Engi ne W arm engine s do not normally re quire the use of the choke . Using the choke ca n cause the spark plug to become we t fouled. 1. Position the vehic le on a level surfac e with the transmission in neutra l.
55 OPERATION Hauling Cargo Y our A TV has be en designe d to car ry or tow a ce rtain a mount of load. Always re ad an d understa nd the load distr ibution war ning labels on the vehi cle, and n ever exceed th e weigh t capac ities spec ified in your owner ’ s m anual and o n safety d ecals.
56 OPERATION Hauling Cargo Hauling cargo im properly can alt er vehic le handling and may caus e loss of cont rol or brake inst ability and res ult in serious injury or death. Always follow t hese precaut ions when hauling car go: S REDUCE SPEED AND ALLOW GREA TER DI ST ANCES FO R BRAKING WHEN H AULING CAR G O.
57 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Pr ocedures 1. Sit upright with both fe et on the footr ests and both hands on the handleba rs. 2. Star t the engine and a llow it to warm up, then shif t the tran smission into gea r . 3. Che ck your sur roundings and de termine your path of tr avel.
58 OPERATION Driving Safely Making T urns Y our A TV is e quipped with a solid rea r axle, which dr ives both rear whee ls equally at a ll times. This means tha t the whe el on the outside of t he tur n mus t t ravel a g reater di stan ce than th e ins ide wh eel when turning a nd the inside tir e must slip tra ction slightly .
59 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving on Slippery S u rfaces Whenev er ridin g on sl ipp ery surfaces su ch as wet trai ls or l oose grav el, or duri ng freezin g weather , fol low t hese precau tio ns: 1. Slow down whe n enter ing s lipper y are as. 2.
60 OPERATION Driving Safely T raveling Uphill Whe neve r trav eling uphill, follow these pr ecauti ons : 1. A lways tr ave l straight uphill. 2. A void steep hills ( 25 _ maximum) . 3. Ke ep both feet on the f ootrests. 4. T ransfer your we ight forwar d.
61 OPERATION Driving Safely Sidehilling Sidehilling can be a dange rous type of driving and should be avoide d if at all possible. If you do ente r into a situa tion wher e sidehilling is necess ary , fo llo w thes e precaut ion s: 1.
62 OPERATION Driving Safely T raveling Downh ill Whe neve r desce nding a hill, follow these pr ecauti ons : 1. Pro ceed direct ly do wnh ill. 2. T ransfe r your weight to the rea r of the vehicle. 3. Slow down. 4. Apply the brake s slightly t oa i di ns l o w i n g .
63 OPERATION Driving Safely T urning A round on a Hill If the ve hicle sta lls while climbing a hill, never bac k it down the hill! One mane uver tha t can be use d when it’ s necessa ry to turn a round while c limbing a hill is the K-turn: 1. Stop and loc k the par king brake while ke eping body weight uphill.
64 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving Through W ater Y our A TV can ope rate through wa ter with a maximum rec ommended depth equa l to the bottom of the footre sts (1). Follow thes e procedu res when opera ting through water: 1. D etermine wa t er depths and c urre nt befor e crossing.
65 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Over Obstacles Be alert ! Loo k ahead and l earn to read th e terrain yo u’re travel ing o n. Be con stan tly al ert for hazard s such as l ogs , rocks and l ow hang ing branch es. Severe injur y or deat h can result if your v ehicle comes in cont act with a hidden obst acle.
66 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving in Rever se Fo llo w these precau tio ns when op eratin g in revers e: 1. Alwa ys avoid bac king downhill. 2. Ba ck slowly . 3. When in rev erse, apply the brake s lightly for stopping. 4. A void turning at sharp angles in r everse.
67 OPERATION Driving Safely P a r k i n go na nI n c l i n e A void parking on a n incline if possible. If it’ s unavoidable, follow thes e precaut ion s: 1. T urn the engine of f. 2. Plac e the transmission in park. 3. Set the parking bra ke. 4. Alwa ys block the rear whee l s on the downhill side.
68 NOISE EMISS ION CO NTROL SYSTEM R EGUL ATI ON T AMP ERING WITH NOISE C ONTROL S YSTEM P ROHIBITED! U.S. Federa l law prohibits the following acts or the causing there of: (1) The remova l or rende .
69 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Accessor ies Auxiliar y power outlets provide 12V pow er for ope rating access ories such as ha nd held spot lights. Acc essory outlets ar e ava ilable for a ll models. Contact your Polaris dea l er f or more infor mation.
70 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance S chedule Hours of ope ration a re ba sed on a 10 mph a verage. If se rvice is due a t 20 hours, the equiva lent odometer re ading would be 200 miles. Perfo rm all servi ces at which ever reading i s reached first .
71 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance S chedule Item Hours/ Mile s Frequency Remar ks " Air box sediment tube Pr e-Ride Pre- Ride Drain deposi ts whenever visi ble Headlamp Pr e-Ri.
72 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance S chedule Item Hours/ Mile s Frequency Remar ks Carbur etor fl oat bowl 50 hrs. 6 months Drai n bowl periodi cally and pri or to s t orage J Throt tle Cabl e/ETC Swit ch 50 hrs. 6 months Inspect; adj ust; l ubri cate; repl ace if necessar y L Choke (enr icher) cable 50 hr s.
73 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance S chedule Item Hours/ Mile s Frequency Remar ks " Rear axle 50 hrs. 6 months Inspect bear ings; lube J L Igni tion T iming 100 hrs.
74 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance Recor d Use th e foll owin g chart to reco rd peri odic m aint enance. Maintenance In terval Perfo rmed Ser vicing Date Ser vicing Dealer or Pe rs on Remarks 10 hrs.
75 -N O T E S -.
76 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations NOTE: Hours a re based on 10 mph ave rage. If ser vice is due at 20 hours, the equiva lent odometer re ading would be 200 miles. Perf orm all s ervices at whi chever readi ng is reach ed first .
77 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations (4) (1) (5) (2) (3) (6).
78 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations Pr emium 4 Syntheti c Lubri cant Polaris Pre mium 4 All Season synthetic engine oil ha s been spe cially formula ted for use in Polaris 4-cyc le engines.
79 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations Engi ne Oil C heck The oil dipstick and fill tube are loca ted on the left side of the vehicle. 1. Position the A TV on a level surface. 2. Star t t he engine a nd let it idle for 20-30 sec onds.
80 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations Oil and F ilter Change 1. Pl ace the v ehicl e on a l evel s urface. 2. Run the e ngine for two to three minutes until warm. Stop the engine. 3. Clea n the area ar ound the drain plug. 4. Plac e a drain pan benea th engine cra nkcase and remove the dr ain plug.
81 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations T ransmission Oil Check The tra nsmission oil fill plug (1) is locate d on the right side of the mac hine behind the footwe ll. The tran smission oil level should be chec ked ever y six months or 1000 miles (1600 km), whiche ver c omes first.
82 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations Front Gearcase Oil Check The fr ont gear case lubrica nt level should be c heck ed eve ry six months or 1000 miles ( 1600 km), whiche ver c omes first. Front gearc ase oil should be cha nged annually .
83 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubricati on Recomm endations Rear Gearcase Oil Check W it h t he A TV on a l evel surface, rem ove t he fil l p lug an d vi sual ly inspect the lubric ant level through the fill hole (1). Maintain the oil leve l with the bottom o f the f ill plug hole.
84 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engine Cool ing System Coolant Level The r ecove ry bottle (1) is loca ted on the left si de of t he mach ine. T o acces s th e rec overy bottle, remove the left side pane l as outlined on pa ge 93. The fluid level must be maintained betwe en the minimum and maximum marks on the bottle (whe n the fluid is cool).
85 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engine Cool ing System Radiator Coolant Level NOTE: This proc edure is re quired only if the cooling syste m has bee n draine d for mainte nance a nd/or repair . Howe ver , if the rec overy bottle has run dry , t he leve l in the radiator should be inspec ted and c oolant added if n ecessary .
86 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Front B rake The front brake s are hydr aulic disc bra kes. They’re ac tivated by moving the brake leve r toward the handlebar . These brakes ar e self- adjusting. The fo llo wing ch ecks are reco mmen ded to keep the b rake sy stem in good opera ting condition.
87 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Rear Br ake The rea r brake is a hydraulic disc bra ke and is acti vated by th e same l ever t hat act ivat es the front brak e system. The rea r brake system is self -adjusting a nd requires no maintena nce other than per iodic chec ks of the p ads fo r wear .
88 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments T oe Alignm ent Use the following proce dure to check the toe alignme nt of the vehicle. The rec ommended toe alignment is 1/8 ″ to 1/4 ″ toe out. 1. Set the handleba rs in a straight- ahead position. NOTE: The steeri ng fro g can be used as an i ndi cato r of whether the handle bars are straight.
89 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Steering Assem bly The stee ring assembly of the A TV should be che cked pe riodically for loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your Polaris deale r for ser vice bef ore oper ating the vehicle .
90 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Handlebars The h andleb ars can b e adju sted for rider p reference. 1. Locat e handl ebar bo lts (1) b y removing the upper he adlight pod. 2. Loose n the four bolts. 3. A djust the handleba r to the desired height.
91 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Car buretor /Idle RP M If the engine idle spe ed is not satisfa ctory , and all other conditions are f avorable, the car buretor can be ad jus ted. 1. W a rm up the engine by running the vehicle for appr oximately five minutes.
92 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Throttl e Cabl e Free play Throttle c able fre epla y is adjusted at the handleba r . 1. Slide the boots (1) of f the inline cable adjuste r sleeve ( 2). Loosen the adjuster loc knut (3). 2. T urn the adjuster until 1/16 ″ to 1/8 ″ freeplay i s achiev ed at the th umb l ever .
93 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Si de Pane l Rem oval NOTE: Side pa nel re moval may be dif ficult until the locking tabs a nd receivers hav e been snapp ed and uns napped a few times. 1. Re move the seat. 2. Gr asp the rear of the side panel near t he rear cab.
94 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Tir e T read Depth Always rep lace tires wh en tread depth is worn to 1/8 ″ ( . 3 cm) or less. See illustr ation. Wheel Rem oval 1. Stop the e ngine, place the tr ansmission in gea r and lock the parking br ake.
95 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Adjus tments Wheel Installation 1. Plac e the transmission in gear and lock the pa rking brake. 2. Apply a small amount of red L octite t (provide d with your A TV) to the studs if the nuts are re gular nuts. Do not apply Loc tite t if th e nuts hav e an att ached washer .
96 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Filter System s Air Filter Service 1. Rem ove t he seat , rel ease t he cli ps, and remove the a ir box cover . 2. Loose n the clamp an d remove the filte r . 3. Re move the fabric type pre -filte r (1) f rom the main filte r (2).
97 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Whe n servic ing a halogen lamp, don’ t touch the la mp with bare finger s. Oil from your skin leave s a r esidue, c ausing a hot spot that will shorten the life of the la mp. Headlight Lamp Replacement 1. Remove the two scr ews on the lower front corners of the headlight pod.
98 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights High Beam Ad justmen t The he adlight beam ca n be adjusted to a ny position desire d by turning the adjusting knob on the bottom right side of the headlight pod. 1. Position the vehic le on a level surfac e with the headlight approxima tely 25 ft.
99 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Headlight Housin g Replacement 1. Remove the two scr ews on the lower front corners of the headlight pod. 2. Usin g a small fl at-bl ade screwdri ver , p ush i n on the l ock tab through the two small openings at the front of the hea dlight pod.
100 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Lower Headlamp Rem o val / Installation 1. T urn the bac k of the headlight ha rness ( 1) in a clockwise dir ection. 2. Pull the harne ss asse mbly out fro m the hea dlight asse mbly . 3. Re move the headla mp and rep lac e with a new he adla mp.
101 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spa rk P lugs S Use RC 7YC sp ark plugs. S Proper ele ctrode gap is .035 ″ (.90 mm). S Spark plug torque is 14 ft. lbs.
102 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION V eh ic le Imme rsio n If it’ s impossible to t ak e your A TV to a dea ler bef ore sta rting it, follow the steps outlined below . 1. Move the A TV to dry land or at the very lea st, to water be low the footre sts. 2.
103 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k Arr estor Use th e foll owin g proced ure to p eriod icall y purge accum ulat ed carbon from the exhaust pipe /muffle r . 1. Re move the arr estor clea n-out plug (1) fr om the bottom of t he muf fler . 2. Plac e the transmission in neutral and star t the engine.
104 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION PV T System The basic oper ation of t he Polaris PVT system is dependent on engine speed and vehi cle to rque req uirem ents . As en gin e speed i ncreases , t he forc e exer ted on the movable drive sheave by the flyweights also incre ases.
105 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION PV T System PVT Dryin g There may b e some in stan ces when water i s acciden tly i nges ted in to the PVT system. Use the following instructions to dry it out before opera ting: 1. Re move the drain plug and allow the wate r to drain.
106 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Kee p the battery te rminals and conne ctions free of cor rosion. If clea ning is necessa ry , remove the cor rosion with a stiff wir e brush. W ash with a solution of one table spoon baking soda a nd one cup wate r .
107 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Batt ery Removal 1. Re move the strap secur ing the battery . 2. Re move the batte ry vent tube from the batter y . 3. Disco nnect the b lack (n egati ve) bat tery cabl e first . 4. D isconnec t the red (positive ) battery cab le next.
108 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Battery Installation and Conn ections 1. Se t the batte ry in the ba ttery holder . 2. I nstall the ba ttery vent tube . NOTE: It m ust be free of obstructions a nd secure ly installed. If not, batter y gases could accumul ate and cause an expl os ion.
109 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning and S torage See page 1 17 for the part numbers of Polaris-r ecomme nded products. Cleaning the A TV Keep ing your A T V cle an will not only improve its a ppear anc e but it ca n also exte nd the life of va rious components.
11 0 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning and S torage See page 1 17 for the part numbers of Polaris-r ecomme nded products. Sto rag e Tips Clean t he Exterior Make ne cessary r epairs and the n clean the A TV thoroughly with mild soap an d war m water to remove all dirt and gr ime.
111 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning and S torage See page 1 17 for the part numbers of Polaris-r ecomme nded products. Sto rag e Tips Fog the Engi ne 1. Remove the spark plug a nd add 2-3 ta blespoons of Pre mium 4 Sy nth etic 0 W40 en gine o il .
11 2 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning and S torage See page 1 17 for the part numbers of Polaris-r ecomme nded products. Sto rag e Tips Batte ry Mai ntena nce Remove the batte ry and add distille d water to the prope r leve l . Do not use tap water , w hich m ay cont ain mi nerals t hat red uce batt ery life.
11 3 TROUBLE SHOOTIN G Drive Belt and Cover Problems Po ssibl e Cause Soluti on Dri ving t he A TV ont o a pick up o r tall trailer in high r ange . Shif t tr ans mis si on to l ow range duri ng loa ding of the A TV to pre vent be lt bur ning. Sta rti ng out going up a steep inclin e.
11 4 TROUBLE SHOOTIN G Contact your Polaris dea ler for se rvice if you’ re unable to identify solutions using the following c harts. Engine Doesn’t T urn Over Possi ble Ca use Sol ution Tripp ed circu it b reaker Reset th e b reaker Lo w battery vo ltag e Rec har ge ba tte ry to 12.
11 5 TROUBLE SHOOTIN G Engine Backfires Possi ble Ca use Sol ution W ea k spa rk f rom s park pl ugs Insp ect, clean and /or replace spark p lug s Inco rrect spark p lug g ap or heat rang e Set gap t .
11 6 TROUBLE SHOOTIN G Engi ne Stops or Loses Pow er Possi ble Ca use Sol ution Out of fuel Turn fu el valv e to reserv e, refuel Kinke d or plugged fue l vent li ne Insp ect an d rep lace W ater p re.
11 7 POLARIS RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS Part No. Descri ption Engine Lubr icant 2870791 Fogging Oi l (12 oz. Aerosol ) 2871721 Polar is Premi um Gold Synthet ic 2-Cycl e Oil (qt .) 2871240 Polar is Premi um Gold Synthet ic 2-Cycl e Oil (2. 5 gal. ) 2872927 VES Syntheti c 2-Cycle Oi l (qt .
11 8 SPECIFICA TION S SPORT SMAN 600 Gro ss V ehicle W eig ht 1240 lbs /563kgs Fu el Cap acity 4.7 5 gallo ns/1 7.9 8 liters T owing Ca pac ity 1500 lbs /681 kgs Hit ch T ongue Capa cit y 15 0 lb s/68 .1 kg s (Rear rack capacity and tongue w ei ght not to ex ceed 20 0 lbs/9 0.
11 9 SPECIFICA TION S SPORT SMAN 600 Shif t T ype Side Le ver (Hig h, L ow, Neutral, R everse, P ark) Gear R edu ction - L ow 7.5/ 1 Gea r Reduc ti on - Reve rs e 5.1 1/1 Gea r Reduc tion - High 3.09/ 1 Driv e Ratio - F ron t: 3.82/ 1 Driv e Ratio - F inal 3.
120 SPECIFICA TION S SPORT SMAN 700 Gro ss V ehicle W eig ht 1240 lbs /563kgs Fu el Cap acity 4 .7 5 gallon s/17 .9 8 liters T owing Ca pac ity 1500 lbs /681 kgs Fro n t Rack C apacity 100 l bs/ 45.4 kgs Rear R ack C apacity 200 lbs /90.7 kgs Hit ch T ongue Capa cit y 15 0 lb s/68 .
121 SPECIFICA TION S SPORT SMAN 700 Shif t T ype Side Le ver (Hig h, L ow, Neutral, R everse, P ark) Gear R edu ction - L ow 7.5/ 1 Gea r Reduc ti on - Reve rs e 5.1 1/1 Gea r Reduc tion - High 2.89/ 1 Driv e Ratio - F ron t: 3.82/ 1 Driv e Ratio - F inal 3.
122 WARRANTY LIM ITED W ARRANT Y Polaris I ndustries Inc., 2100 Highway 55, Medina, MN 55340, give s a SIX MONTH LIMITED W ARR ANTY on all components of the Po laris Al l T errai n V ehicle (A TV) agains t defects i n materi al or workma nship. Polar is also gives a one year limite d warra nty on the final drive cha in for failure due to def ects.
123 WARRANTY W ARRANT Y COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS: LIM IT A T IONS OF W ARRANTIES AND REM EDIES The Polar is limited warr anty exclude s any fa ilures that ar e not ca used by a def ect in materia l or workma nship. This warranty doe s not cover accid ental dam age, n ormal wear an d tear , ab use o r imp roper han dli ng.
125 INDEX A Accesso ries 69 ................... Adjus tme nts 86-95 ................ Ag e Restrictio ns 11 ............... Air F ilter Serv ice 96 ............... All Whe el Dr ive 44 ............... Au tom atic Transmissio n 4 3 ......... Au xiliary B rake 87 .
126 INDEX M Main Sw itch 3 6 .................. MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICA TION 69- 112 ........ Ma inte nance R ec ord 74 ............ Ma king Tur ns 58 ................. Ma st er Cyli nder 39 ............... Max imu m T o win g C apacities 55 ..... N NOISE EMI SSION CONTROL SYSTEM 68 .
Operate without proper training or instruction. Operate on public roads. A collision can occur with another vehicle. Operate at speeds too fast for your skills or the conditions. Use ALCOHOL or DRUGS before or while operating this v ehicle. Carry Passengers.
An important point after buying a device Polaris 700 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Polaris 700 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Polaris 700 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Polaris 700 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Polaris 700 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Polaris 700, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Polaris 700.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Polaris 700. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Polaris 700 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center