Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 9200 Plinius Audio
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2 CONG RATULATIO NS on your d ecision to become the pr oud owner of this Pliniu s 9200 Integr ated Am plifier . This manual has been prepared to hel p you und er stand the ope r ation of your amplifier, and to provide inf or mation abo ut its desi gn and t he var iety o f w ays it ma y be u sed.
3 DESI GN PHILOS OPHY Fro m a dist ance yo u can see th at the design of t he Pliniu s pro ducts is mor e than an appl ied st yli ng exercise to the front panel. We have star ted from t he ground up to produce a casing for our electronics that is un rival l ed in it s physic al st ren gth an d visual si mplic it y.
4 C ONTENTS Int rod uct ion .................................................................................................................. ............. Page 2 Design Ph ilo sop hy ..................................................................
5 P RECAUT IONS Please tak e special no te of the follo wing prec autio ns befor e operat in g your new amplif ier: • The P linius 9200 Inte grated Ampli fier ca n de liver in ex cess of 200 watts in to 8 ohm s. Thi s am plifie r is a lso ca pab le of a v ery la rge pea k cu rrent de livery .
6 RECO RD SOURC E V OL UM E xx x TUNE R TA P E 1 T APE 2 ST A NDB Y CD PH ONO PLINIUS A MPLIF IER F EATURES – F RONT P ANEL The f ro nt of t he Plinius 9 200 I ntegrated A mplif ier incor porates al l t he faci lities you w il l r equir e on a dai ly basi s.
7 A MPLIF IER F EAT URES – R EA R P ANEL This pa nel inc orp orates al l term ina ls f or con nectin g the i npu t sig nals from you r CD pla yer, tune r, e tc, a nd th e out puts to t he loudspeaker s and main s su pply.
8 C D XLR INPU T TER M INAL S Below the CD RCA inpu ts are a n a ddi tiona l se t of ‘ li ne lev el’ X LR ba lance d inp uts fo r use with sou rc e compo nents t hat feat ure XLR bal anced outputs. B alanced signal s are carr ied via a thr ee way cable.
9 GROUND LIFT SWITCH Thi s swit ch al lows the signal ground to be disco nnec ted fr om the chassis. I n some instal latio ns a hum lo op may exist due to duplicat e ground pat hs from di fferent equipment . Use this switc h to remove the connection from 0V to ground thus allowing some flexibility in your particul a r set-up.
10 I NSTALLAT ION AND O PERAT ION PL AC EMENT AN D V ENT ILAT ION Your P linius 920 0 ma y ope rate a t a m odera tely hi gh temperat ure when being dr iven hard. The ideal lo cation i s upon a rigid st and, or floor mo un ted aw ay from dir ect contact wit h any temperat ure sensitiv e mater ials or deep pi le car pets.
11 I NP U T / O UTP UT C ONNECTION It is impor tant that yo u connect your loudspeakers (output s) and source component s (inpu t s) to t he Plinius 9200 Integrated Amp lif ier correctly to ensu re t he a mplif ier is not damag ed, and sounds it s best with your system.
12 to th e Plin ius 9 200 inp uts , s elect the line in put ch osen abov e on the rece iver (eg . ‘ Line 1’) an d ope rate the re ceiv er a s no rma l. You w ill be a ble to se t the P lini us 920 0 vo lume con trol to a le vel that will a llo w th e loudn ess of i t s source co mponents to match those fr om th e rec eiver.
13 P HAS ING ( OR PO LAR I TY) It is important to achieve go od ster e o imaging in your l istening room. By observing the wi r ing instructions above, each p ower amplifier/loudspeak er comb inatio n should be in phase.
14 9200 F EAT URES REMOTE CONTROL Prov ided with you r Plini us 9200 is a thre e functi on re mo te contro l. Th e two bu ttons at th e top of the rem ote ad jus t the volu me le vel, and the bu tton be low switc hes the am plifi er in a nd out of m ute.
15 To re-fi t the fu se, ins ert the fu se a nd ge ntly tu rn it as far as p ossible antic lockwis e (to the le ft). Now p ush the fu se ca p in firm ly, th en turn clo ckwi se (to the ri gh t) un til i t comes to a st op. Relea se i nward pres sure on t he cap and the f use will be fitt ed secur ely.
16 L OUDSPEAKER S ELECT ION Your Plinius 9 200 I ntegrat ed Amplif ier is designed f or use with h igh fi delit y loudspeaker s. It shou ld no t be used t o operat e any ot her t ype of appl iance or equipment .
18 I NDEX Bi -w iring ...................................................................................................................... ............ Page 12 Date o f Manuf act ur e .................................................................
19 C ONTA CT D ET AIL S Al l o peration al, tech nical and descript ive mat erial publ ished here i s subject to change at any time wit hout notice. For fu rt her product information or quer ies, please cont act us at t he address below. PL INIUS pr oduc ts ar e design ed and manuf actur ed by: Plinius Audio Lt d.
An important point after buying a device Plinius Audio 9200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Plinius Audio 9200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Plinius Audio 9200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Plinius Audio 9200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Plinius Audio 9200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Plinius Audio 9200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Plinius Audio 9200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Plinius Audio 9200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Plinius Audio 9200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center