Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product STK594 Atmel
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STK5 94 ............ .......... ......... ................... ......... ................... ......... ....... User Guid e.
T ab l e of Cont ent s Sect ion 1 Introdu ction ........... ................... ......... ......... ................... ......... ............... 1-1 1.1 F eatur es ... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .
Se cti o n 4 Using System Designer ........... ......... ................... ......... ......... ............... 4-1 4.1 Prepari ng the Exa mple File s ................. ..................... ............................. .. 4-1 4.2 D escri ptio n ...
FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 1-1 Rev. 28 19A– FPSLI–07/02 Secti on 1 Introduct ion The STK594 boar d is a top mod ule designed t o add AT94K FPSLI C ™ suppor t to the ST K500 development board. With this board t he STK500 is ext ended to support all cur- rent AT94K FP SLIC devices in a single developmen t environment.
Intr oducti on 1-2 FPSL IC STK594 User Guide 2819A–F PSLI–07/0 2 1. 1 Featur es STK 5 00 C om pat i bl e A VR Studio ® and System Designer ™ Co m pa t ib le Supp or ts A T94K AL and A T94KAX De.
FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 2-1 Rev. 28 19A– FPSLI–07/02 Secti on 2 Using the STK594 Top Module 2. 1 Prep aring the STK500 for Use with the STK594 Prio r to using the S TK59 4 with the STK50 0, it is n ecessary to ma ke a few a djustm ents to t he STK 500 S tar ter K i t to all ow for pr oper op erati on of Atmel’ s AT94 K FPSLI C de vice s.
Using the STK59 4 Top Module 2-2 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A–F PSLI–07/0 2 Fi gur e 2-1 . Connec ting the STK594 to the STK500 Board Note: Connec ting the STK594 with the wrong ori e ntation may damage the boards. Note: Do not mount the S TK594 at t he same time an AVR is m ounted on the ST K500 board.
Using the STK59 4 Top Module FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 2-3 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 2.3 P ro gram min g th e AT94K De vices Th e F PSL IC c onf igur ati on pro ces s in vol ve s con fig urin g th e F PG A, the AV R ® pro gram co de and t he FP SLIC dat a me mor y.
Using the STK59 4 Top Module 2-4 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 2. 5 TOSC Switch The AT94K d evice provides dedicated I/O pins for TOSC1 and TOSC2, rather than sharing w it h the general p urpose I/O pins. The TOSC switc h selects whether or not the 32 kHz crystal is connected to the pins of the device.
Using the STK59 4 Top Module FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 2-5 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 2. 7 Two-Wir e Seri al Interf ace (TWSI) The AT94K device includ es dedicated I/O pi ns for the TWSI rather than sharing with the general purpos e I/O pins. Figure 2-8 shows the pinout of a header for the dedicated TWSI pins.
Using the STK59 4 Top Module 2-6 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 2. 9 Split Power S uppl y Supp or t The AT94K FPSLIC devic es exist in two di fferent v ariati ons, the AL and AX. The AL variation i s a 3.3V device m anufact ured on a 0 .
FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 3-1 Rev. 28 19A – FP SL I – 07/02 Secti on 3 Instal ling System Designer Syste m Desi gner is the idea l software platfo rm for all AT94K FPSLIC d evelopme nt.
Inst al li ng Syste m Designer 3-2 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 3.2 S yst e m D es i g ner Installa tion This in s tall atio n assumes that you have no p revious ver s io n of Syst em D e signer installed in your machi ne.
Instal ling System De signer FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 3-3 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 3. 4.2 Con figur ing t he System Design er Li cen se 1. Once you ha ve receiv ed your System Designer licen se from Atme l, place the file in the C:SystemDesigner di re ct ory .
Inst al li ng Syste m Designer 3-4 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02.
FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 4-1 Rev. 28 19A – FP SL I – 07/02 Secti on 4 Using System Designer Thi s tut ori al wil l guide you thr ough the r equi red s teps fo r de sign ing and pr ogra mming AT 94K seri es devices using System Designer. 4. 1 Prep aring the Example F iles Before starting the tutorial, a few p reparations need to be performed: 1.
Using Syst em Designe r 4-2 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Fi gur e 4-1 . Tutorial D esign Block Dia gram 4. 3 Design F low The design present ed in this tutorial, onl y performs th e req uired steps for designing and pr ogram ming an AT94K serie s devi ce.
Using Syst em Designer FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 4-3 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Fi gur e 4-3 . Ne w P roject Wizard Window - S tep 1 of 6 3. Press Ne xt . The window to create a project file opens, see Figure 4-4. Fi gur e 4-4 . Ne w P roject Wizard Window - S tep 2 of 6 4.
Using Syst em Designe r 4-4 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Fi gur e 4-5 . New Project Wizard Window - Step 3 of 6 5. Select A T94 K40AL-25DQC from the pa r ts li st as this i s the par t f ound on the STK594 dev e lopment bo ard, and pres s Ne xt .
Using Syst em Designer FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 4-5 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Fi gur e 4-7 . New Project Wizard Window - Step 5 of 6 7. Select Done with P ar t s . Syst em Design er suppo r ts multiple par t par titioning, howe ver for this tutorial only one par t will be us ed.
Using Syst em Designe r 4-6 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Fi gur e 4-9 . Project W indow 9. F rom the System Designer des ktop , click on the P ar t Gra phic (see Figure 4-9) to s w it ch to th e Design Flow Manager , see Figure 4-10.
Using Syst em Designer FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 4-7 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 4. 5 Assembli ng the Micr ocon troller Sour ce Code The A tmel AVR As sembler t ranslates assemb ly source c ode into object code.
Using Syst em Designe r 4-8 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Figure 4-12. Leonardo Spectrum, S uccessful Sy nthesis 7. Close Leonardo Spect rum, whe n p rompted to sa ve y our project press No .
Using Syst em Designer FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 4-9 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 3. Connect the c ounter's LOAD signal to FPGA- A VR I/O Select 0 . 4. Select the A VRI oSelects tab on the right-hand side of the dialog bo x. 5. Select the LO AD signal from the Input Des ign P o r ts and sel ect IOSELA0 fro m the A VRIoSelects .
Using Syst em Designe r 4-10 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 2. Select Open EDIF Netlist and B rowse to sel ect COUNTER.EDF , then pres s OK . Figaro should open and compl ete the Open , Map , and Pa r t s steps aut omatically , once com pleted t he Figaro B atch O ptions dialog app ears, see Figure 4-15.
Using Syst em Designer FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 4-11 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 4. 9 Bitstrea m Genera tion The Bits tream Gener ator takes t he output s from both t he FP GA and AVR compi lers , and generat es a single p rog ramming file for use in conf iguring t he AT 94K device.
Using Syst em Designe r 4-12 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Figure 4-17. Control Regi ster Settings Dialog 5. Press OK to generate the comb ined bitstream file. Note: It is p ossible to gene rate a b itstream for onl y the FP GA or AVR as you may onl y want to program that port ion of the FP SLIC device.
Using Syst em Designer FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 4-13 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Figure 4-18. In-System Program ming 3. Place the Programming s witc h in t he PR OG pos ition. 4. Using a 1 0-wire ribbon cab le from the STK500, conn ect POR TD to th e LEDS.
Using Syst em Designe r 4-14 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 Figure 4-19. CPS 2. Select /P: Partition, p rogram, and verify from a n Atmel file under Procedure. 3. Select FPSLIC_COUNTER.BST u nder Input File . 4. Select OUT.BST under Output F ile.
FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 5-1 Rev. 28 19A – FP SL I – 07/02 Secti on 5 Te chnical Specifi cations System Unit P h y s i c a lD i m e n s i o n s ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... .... 5 . 1 2 5 ” x2 . 7 5 ” W e i g h t ........... ....
Techni cal Specifica tions 5-2 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02.
FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 6-1 Rev. 28 19A – FP SL I – 07/02 Secti on 6 Complete Schemati cs See the fol lowi ng pages the co mplete sche m atic s and assembly dr awings of the STK5 94.
Complete Sch em a tics 6-2 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A CHW5472 ATSTK594 : Clock Circuitry Friday, April 26, 2002 Title A Size Document Numb.
Complet e Schemati cs FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 6-3 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A 52 P in connectors are double rows of Probe pins, 2 6x 2 o n e ach sid e of the chip.
Complete Sch em a tics 6-4 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A CHW5472 STK594 : Headers Title Size B Document Number Rev A Friday, April 26, 2002 Date: Sheet 3 of 6 GND GND GND GND PCT[7..0] TCK GND PET[7.
Complet e Schemati cs FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 6-5 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A A STK594 : In-System Programming Circuitry Title Size CHW5472 Document Number Rev A Fri.
Complete Sch em a tics 6-6 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A GND VCC VD D VOU T VCC VDD VCC VOUT VCC VDD VOUT TP1 T POINT F 1 J15 CON3 1 2 3 C16 10 uF TP2 T POINT F 1 TP3 T POINT F 1 C17 10 uF U3 LT1117-1.
Complet e Schemati cs FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 6-7 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A GND CTS RXD TXD RTS CTS RXD TXD RTS VCC VCC C22 0.1 uF U4 MAX3232 13 8 10 11 1 3 4 5 2 6 12 9 14 7 R1IN R2IN T2IN T1IN C1+ C1- C2+ C2- V+ V- R1OUT R2OUT T1OUT T2OUT P1 CONNECTOR DB9 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 C21 0.
Complete Sch em a tics 6-8 FPSL I C STK594 User Guide 2819A – FPSLI – 07/02.
Pr int ed on rec ycled pa per. 2819A – FPSLI – 07 /0 2 /x M © Atm el C orp or ation 2002. At mel C orpor ati on mak es n o w arr ant y fo r the u se of i ts pro ducts, ot her t han thos e e xpres.
An important point after buying a device Atmel STK594 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Atmel STK594 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Atmel STK594 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Atmel STK594 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Atmel STK594 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Atmel STK594, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Atmel STK594.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Atmel STK594. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Atmel STK594 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center