Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DTR-100D Planet Technology
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USB 2.0 Digital TV Receiver (DVB-T) DTR-100D User’s Manual.
Copyright Copyright © 2008 by PLANET Technology Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprodu ced, transm itted, transcribed, stor ed in a retrieval system, or translated into.
and of the computer manufacture must therefor e be allowed at a ll tim es to ensure the safe use of the equipment. Revision User’s Manual for DTR-100D Model: DTR-100D Rev: 1.
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Feature ................................................................................................
3.2.5 Setup ...................................................................................................... 69 General ......................................................................................... 70 TV .............
Chapter 1 Introduction Planet DTR-100D is DVB-T Digital TV recei ver that offers a complete and cost effective solution for Digital TV broadcasting. Planet DTR-100D connects Digital TV w ith your com .
Supports Time-Shifting(Require s P4 2.0GHz or higher CPU) Supports EPG (Where available) Supports Teletext (Where available) Supports Snap Shot in JPEG format Supports Multi-Channe.
Remote Controller Button Definition Button Description Power Turn on or off digital TV receiver. CH(+,-) Click + or - button to adjust the channel. VOL(+,-) Click + or - button to adjust the volume of sound. Full Screen To switch into full scree n mode.
Chapter 2 Hardware Installation This chapter offers information about instal ling your router. If you are not familiar with the hardware or software parameters pr esented here, please consult your service provider for the values needed. 2.1 System Requirement Pentium 4 compatible processor 1.
3. Install Device Driver & Utility (1) After installing the DTR-100D into your co mputer or notebook, the system will find a new hardware device as the below figure “Found New Hardware W izard” will appear. Please click “Cancel” to exit the Wizard.
Microsoft DirectX 9 , and ArcSoft TotalMedia . The installation procedure: Windows Media Player 9 Î Microsoft DirectX 9 Î TotalMedia Î DTR-100D’s Driver.
Windows Media Player 9 and Di rectX 9, or higher version, you can skip this part of installation. Step 1 Î Click “ Windows Media Player 9 ” button from setup program of the installation CD. Step 2 Î Select the language version whic h you want to install and click “ OK ” to continue.
Step 4 Î Please wait for a few seconds for Installing. Step 5 Î Click “ Next ” to continue. 13.
Step 6 Î Select your Privacy Options in this step and click “ Next ” to continue. Step 7 Î Configure your desktop and Windows Me dia Player 9 Series default settings, and then click “ Finish ” to exit the wizard.
2.2.2 Install Microsoft DirectX 9 Before installing DTR-100D’s driver, it is ne cessary to install Windows Media Player 9 and DirectX 9, or higher versio n for your Operating System. If your system already has Windows Media Player 9 and DirectX 9, or hi gher version, you can skip this part of installation.
Step3 Î Click “ Next ” to continue installation. Step 4 Î Waiting for the operating system finish es installing DirectX 9 com ponents. 16.
Step 5 Î After operating system completes DirectX9 installation, and click “ Finish ” to restart your system. 17.
Step 6 Î Once the computer is rebooted, your system will find the DTR-100D hardware device which are not installed yet. When the below Wizard window is shown, please click “ Cancel ” to continue. 2.2.3 Install ArcSoft TotalMedia Software To execute TotalMedia application, your system must have Media Player 9 and DirectX 9 or higher version.
Step 2 Î Select the languages for this installa tion from the choices below, and then click “ OK ” to next step. Step 3 Î The Welcome wizard will appear, and click “ Next ” to continue.
Step 4 Î Please read the following license agreement carefully. To install ArcSoft TotalMedia, you mu st accept this agreement and click “ Yes ”. Step 5 Î To install to this folder, click “ Ne.
Step 6 Î Select Program Folder and click “ Next ” to continue. Step 7 Î Please wait for while for setup procedure. 21.
Step 8 Î The installShield Wizard has succes sfully insta lled ArcSoft TotalMedia, click “ Finish ” to exit the Wizard. Step 9 Î There will be one TotalMedia icon sh own on Desktop after the installation: 2.2.4 Install DTR-100D’s driver Your Operating System MUST has DirectX9 or higher version before you install the driver.
Step 2 Î The InstallShield wizard will appear, and click “ Next ” to continue. Step 3 Î Click “ Install ” to begin installation. 23.
Step 4 Î Please wait for while during device driver is installing. Step 5 Î Before using the device, it is recommen d that restarting the computer for device complete the setting. Choose “ Yes, I want to res tart my computer now ” and click “ Finish ” to restart computer.
Step 6 Î To check if the driver is properly installed: For Windows 2000 Click Start Î Settings Î Control Panel Î System Î “ Hardw are ” tab Î choose “ Device Manager ” For Windows XP Click Start Settings Î Control Panel Î System Î “ Hardw are ” tab Î choose “ Device Manager ”.
Chapter 3 User Interface ArcSoft TotalMedia is an all-in-on e multim ed ia application that allows y ou to access and work with digital photo, home video, recorded TV programs, and your digital music library directly from your TV or home computer.
(3) From /Start/All Program/ArcSoft TotalMedia 3/TotalMed ia 3 . 3.2 Main Monitor After launch your TotalMedia Monitor, it is divided into the main sections as TV , Picture , Music , Video , and Setup .
Parameter Description 3.2.1 TV This section allows you view and edit the settings for TV Recording. 3.2.2 Picture This section allows you view photos stored within any folder on your computer. 3.2.3 Music Allow you to listen, record, and transfer music files.
z Floating Toolbar This floating toolbar appears for a few seconds whenever you move the m ouse: (1) Home button : The “ Home button ” takes you to the program’s Startup screen.
3.2.1 TV When you watch TV for the first time, the application will prompt you to configure the TV channels. After the configurati on is complete, you can use your Remote Controller to change channels, or use the channel control (+/- button) in the floating toolbar at the botto m of the screen.
Step 2 Î Select your region and click “ Next ” to continue. 32.
Step 3 Î Click “ Start ” button to scan the available TV channels. Step 4 Î Please wait for few minutes for channel scanning. 33.
Step 5 Î After scanning is completed , the messa ge will show the number of available channels was found. Click “ OK ” to exit this screen. Step 6 Î Click “ Finish ” button to continue.
Step 7 Î After TV channel confi guration is completed, you can start watching your TV. Channel Preview After you save all scanned TV channels, you can use hot key “ Shift + Ctrl + S ” to preview all channels.
Step 1 Î Select “ TV ” in the Startup Screen. Step 2 Î After enter the TV s ection, press hot key “ Shift + Ctrl + S ” on keyboard. 36.
Step 3 Î You will see the all channels in the preview screens as below. If you want to see the particular channel on the preview scre ens, simply click the screen to view it. Full Screen Display the Video over the entire program display area – Typ ically the en tire screen.
" Note You should check the “ Time-Shift ” option in TV Settings to display the time bar. Favorite Channel List Press “ Ctrl+D ” to display the Favorite Channel Li st and select a channel to watch.
z To remove a channel, click on its corresponding “ Delete ” icon (trash cam ) z To rearrange your list, press the UP/DOWN arrow buttons on the right of each channel. z Click on the UP/DOWN arrow buttons on the left to browse the channel list. 3.2.
" Note This option is only available if you are using an EPG service. The Internet EPG may not be available in all countries and the EPG on some digital services may bit be supported. Channel This section lets you view the channel list and select a specific channel. The available channels are listed here. Th ere is a preview window in the bottom left corner of the screen. To watch a channel, cl ick o n it, and it will appear in the preview window. Recorded TV This section displays you r recorded TV shows. When you playback recorded TV, you can fast forward or reverse using either the controls on your Remote Controller, or on the floating toolbar. You can click the button next to the preview window to play it in Full Screen mode.
Rename a video file name Trim a Video Scheduling This section lets you program the applic ation to record TV shows, then the application will monitor the schedu le and record the schedu led program s automatically on the correct day and time.
(1) Add: Let you enter in a new program for recording: z Enter the name of the program (Click “ A_ ” to access a virtua l keyboard), then select a channel, record fr equency (once, daily, or week ly), and set the start/stop recording times.
(2) Modify: Let you edit the recording deta ils of the selected item. (3) History: Display a history of your recorded TV shows. 45.
(4) Deleting a scheduled recording: To delete a scheduled item, highlight the item , then choose and click the “ Delete ” icon that appears to its rig ht. (5) Scheduling conflicts: If conflicting recording sessi ons are scheduled, you will be presented with a summary of the conflic ts and asked to update the schedule.
Step 1 Î Reset TV Signal will clear all your pr evious configurati on data. If you want to reset the TV Signal, click “ Yes ” to continue. Step 2 Î Select your region and click “ Next ” to continue.
Step 3 Î Click “ Start ” to scan for available channels. This process may take several minutes. Step 4 Î After TV Channel rescanning is comp leted, the m essage will show the numbers of channels are found.
Step 5 Î Click “ Next ” to continue. Step 6 Î Click “ Finish ” to exit. 49.
Set up 2 tuners. After setting up one tuner, if there is another tuner in your PC, you can repeat the steps for the second tuner. Choose the option you want from the vari ous pull-down lists. The program also provides “ Previous ” and “Next” buttons to switch between setup pages.
(3) TV Settings: This section lets you view and edit the TV settings. z Choose the device you want to use. z Choose Close Caption/Subtitle and Tim e Shifting from the list. z Setting the Time Shifting feature to “ On ” enable you pausing live TV and watch recorded TV before the recording is complete.
(4) Import Channel List: This section lets you import th e channel list that you saved before. z Go to the folder that contains the ch annel list file you wa nt to import (for example: My Favorite.chl). Click on the “ Up One Level ” button to go up one directory level.
(5) Export Channel List: This section lets you export the current channel list. z Browse your computer and go to the folder that you want to save the channel list file. z To rename a channel lis t f ile, click on the “ A_ ” icon to bring up a virtual keyboard or type in your file name directly.
3.2.2 Picture This area lets you view photos stored within any folder on your computer. z At the top of the screen, the currently viewed folder is lis ted.
(1) Rotate: Rotate the photo 90 degrees countercl ockwise or clockwise by clicking the corresponding icon. (2) Zoom In/Out & Pan: Use this tool to zoom in and out on your photo. When zoomed in, you can move to hidden areas of the photo by switching to the pan tool.
When you finished, click “ Done ”. (5) Crop: You can crop your photo to any one of a variety of set propo rtions that are ideal for perfect prin ting. Choose the proportion to which you want your photo cropped (8x6, 7x5, 4x6…etc) Using the “ +” and “ - “buttons, resize the crop box to your prefer.
(7) Delete: Choose this option to delete the current photo. (8) Exit: It takes you back to the previous screen. Print This feature enables you to print multip le pho tos across a number of pages. (1) Go to the folder that contains the photos you want to print.
(3) Choose “ Next ”. (4) Choose a “ Photo Print Size ” and select the “ Paper Siz e ” you are using. A preview of your choice will appear to the right. (5) Enter the number of “ Copies ” you want of each printed page. (6) Click “ Print ”.
Slide Show Settings Here you can set the transition effects, timing and backgroun d music for your slide show: z From the “ Interval ” section, set the display time for the slides.
60. My Playlists Here you can play, organize, and create new audio playlists. Playlists are compatible with Windows Media Player 9 and stored in the “ My DocumentsMy Music My Playlists ” directory.
(1) Create Playlist: Here you are able to make a custom playlist from the music on your computer: z Go to any folder to find the music you want to add to your new playlist.
z Arrange your songs by highligh ting then and using the “ Up” & “Down “buttons. z Remove a song by choosing the “ Delete ” button (It looks like a trash can). z Once your playlist is set, click “ Save ”. (2) Refresh: Updates playlist if they ’ve been m odified with Windows Media Player.
z To remove a song by click the “ Delete ” button (trash can icon). z To add more songs to your playlist, click “ Add music ” navigate to the fold er containing the songs you want to add, and select the songs then click “ Next ”. z Once your playlist is set, click “ Save ”. Ripping Music CDs It’s easy to rip (convert) your audio CDs into audio file s you can play back on your computer. Step 1 Î Select the tracks you’d like to rip.
Step 2 Î Select “ Rip ”. The audio files will be ripped into the di rectory specified in your settings. Click “ Settings ” to view and change this directory: z The Rip CD Settings page enables you too choose a file format for ripped files (WMA), the quality setting, and the direct ory used for saving the ripped files.
3.2.4 Video This area enables you play video files st ored on your computer and capture video. 67. Playing Movies – Previewing, Renaming, and Deleting z To preview, rename or edit a video fi le, begin by selecting the video. If the file is not in the current direc tory, use the navigation control at the top of the screen to go to the folder containing the file.
3.2.5 Setup This area lets you configure the basic settings for each module of the program: 69. General This screen enables you to view and edit basic program settings: (1)Printer: Choose your default printer. 70.
(2)Frame Storage: Here you can set the save location and file type for captured screenshots. (3)Video Recording Storage: Select the location on your computer where all of your recorded TV programs will b e saved. You can als o set the quality ( HQ : Î High Quality; SP : Standard Play; LP : Long Play; EP : Extended Play).
(4) Display Settings: Modify the settings for how the program displays on different type of hardware. z Hardware Acceleratio n should be set to On for mo st system that meet the system requirements, but in the case of a low performance video card, turning Hardware Acceleration Off can improve perform ance.
(5) About TotalMedia : Get inform ation about TotalMedia and access to ols for registering your product and searchin g for program updates and patches. TV Here you can view and edit default settings for recording from TV. Reset TV Signal: This section lets you view and edit the settings for TV signal. Edit Channels: View and edit channels for recording from TV TV Settings: This section lets you view and edit TV settings. Video Modify settings for capturing video: This device does NOT support Video Capture function, please skip Video setting. If you click “ Video ” on the Settings section, the window below will be shown: Click “ OK ” button to close the window and you will enter into “ Capture Settings ” window below.
simply click “ Cancel ” to leave the window. Pictures Here you can set the transition effects, timing and backgroun d music for your slide show: 76.
z From the “ Interval ” section, set the display time for the slides. z Click the “ Fit to Soundtrac k” option to override the sl ide interval setting and have the slide show is timed to match the duratio n of your music soundtrack.
z Choose " Rip to CD Settings " to change the file format for ripped tracks (WMA). z Choose the quality setting, and set th e destination for your ripped music. z The “ Get CD Information for the Internet ” op tion will automatically se arch from the Internet for CDDB information (title, artist, album nam e, etc.
EC Declaration of Conformity For the following equipment: *T ype of Product : USB 2.0 Digital TV Receiver (DVB-T) *Model Number : DTR-100D * Produced by: Manufacturer‘s Name : Planet T echnology Corp. Manufacturer‘s Address : 11F , No. 96, Min Chuan Road, Hsin T ien Ta i p e i , Ta i w a n , R .
An important point after buying a device Planet Technology DTR-100D (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Planet Technology DTR-100D yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Planet Technology DTR-100D - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Planet Technology DTR-100D you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Planet Technology DTR-100D will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Planet Technology DTR-100D, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Planet Technology DTR-100D.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Planet Technology DTR-100D. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Planet Technology DTR-100D along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center