Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CX500 Pioneer
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Operating Instructions CX303 DVD/CD Receiver XV -CX303 Speaker System S-CX303 CX505 DVD/CD Receiver XV -CX505 Speaker System S-CX505 CX500 DVD/CD Receiver XV -CX500 Speaker System S-CX500 CX303_505_500.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
CAUTION The ST ANDBY/ON switch on this unit will not completely shut off all power from the AC outlet. Since the power cord ser ves as the main disconnect device for the unit, you will need to unplug it from the AC outlet to shut down all power .
4 En Thank you for buying this Pioneer product. Please read through these operating instructions so that you will know how to operate your model properly. After you hav e finished reading the instructions, put them in a safe place for future reference .
5 En 08 USB playback Using the US B interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Basi c pla yba ck con trol s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Scanning files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Playing a JPEG slideshow . . . . . . .
Before you start 01 6 En Chapter 1 Before you start Checking what’s in the box Please check that you’ve received the following supplied accessories: • Remote control • AA/R6 dry cell batteries.
Before you start 01 7 En Range of the remot e control unit The remote contro l has a range of about 7 meters. It may not w ork properly if: • There are obstacles between the rem ote control and this unit’s remote sensor. • Direct sunlight or fluorescent light is shining onto the remote sensor.
Before you start 01 8 En Attaching the br ackets CX500 model only Attach the brac kets as described below. Before attaching, make sure to check which Home theater sound setup you want to use.
Before you start 01 9 En Wall-mounting the speake rs CX505 – C enter speaker, Surr ound speakers onl y CX500 – Fro nt speakers, Center speakers , Surr ound spe ake rs Depending on the speaker setup y ou choose, you can wa ll-mount the front, center and surround speakers.
Connecting up 02 10 En Chapter 2 Connecting up Impo rta nt • Before making or changing any connections, switch o ff the power and unplug the power cord from the AC outlet. • When making cable con nections, make sure not to bend th e cables over the top of this unit .
Connecting up 02 11 En • Since there is onl y one terminal to connect the two center speakers, you will need to use the supplied Y-cable for the connecti on. • Twist and pull of f the protective shields on each wire. • Connect the wires to the speaker.
Connecting up 02 12 En Multichannel speaker connections CX505/CX5 00 mo del onl y Connect each speaker using the color-coded speaker cable. Match them to the colored labels above the speaker terminals (see illustration below). The illustration s hows the CX505.
Connecting up 02 13 En • Try not to place the surround speakers further away from the listening position than the front and center speakers. Do ing so can weaken the surround sound effec t. • Make sure all speakers are installed securely to prevent accidents and impro ve sound quality .
Connecting up 02 14 En External FM antenna Use a PAL connector to hook u p an external FM ante nna. Connecti ng to your TV This system offers three types o f video connecti ons. If your TV has com ponent video inputs, see Connecting using the component video output bel ow.
Connecting up 02 15 En Connect ing auxiliary compon en ts This system has a front panel audio input as well as stereo analog inputs on th e rear panel. • See Using the USB interface on page 35 to co nn ec t th e f ro nt p a nel USB INPUT . • Conn e ct the LI NE IN jacks on the rear panel to an auxiliary playb ack comp onent.
Controls and displays 03 16 En Chapter 3 Controls and displays Front pane l 1 STANDBY/ON Switches the player on or into standby. 2 Playbac k control s The skip buttons are used for skipping on dis cs. The p laybac k c ontro l butto ns are used for playing, pausing an d stopping playback.
Controls and displays 03 17 En Display 1 Character dis play 2 Format indicators 2 PL II (CX505/ CX500 only) – Lights duri ng Dolby Pro Logi c II dec oding. 2 D – Lights during play back of a Dolby Digit al sourc e. DTS – Lights durin g playback of a DT S source.
Controls and displays 03 18 En 3 Num ber buttons an d SHIFT function s The number buttons can be used for selecting tracks directly, the functi on s above the buttons are accessed b y pressing SHIF T at the same time as the button. PGM ( SHIFT + 1 ) – Use to program/play a program list (page 31).
Controls and displays 03 19 En 15 RETURN Press to return to a previous menu screen. TEST T ONE ( SHIFT + RETURN ) (CX505/CX500 o nly) – Press to output the test tone for speaker setup (page 25). 16 SLEEP Press to set the sleep timer (page 47). DISPLA Y Switches between informat ion displays (page 34).
Getting started 04 20 En Chapter 4 Getting started Using the on -screen displays For ease of use, this system mak es extensive use of graphical on -screen displays (OSDs). All the screens are navigated in basically the same way, using the cursor buttons ( , , , ) to change the highlighted item and pressing ENTER to select it.
Getting started 04 21 En Basic playback cont rols The following table shows the basic controls on the remote for playing discs 1 . You can find other playback features in the chapter 7. Resume and Las t Memory When you stop playb ack of a disc, RESU ME shows in the display ind icating that you can resume playba ck from that point.
Getting started 04 22 En Listening to th e radio The tuner can receive both FM and A M broadcasts, an d lets you memorize you r favori te stations so you don’ t have to m anually tune in every time you want to listen (see Memorizing statio ns on pag e 23 for more on this).
Getting started 04 23 En Memorizin g stat ions You ca n sav e up to 30 st ation presets so that you alw ays have easy a ccess to your fa vorite stations without having to tune in manually each time. Manually saving sta tion presets 1 Tune to an AM or FM radio station.
Setting up for surround sound 05 24 En Chapter 5 Setting up for surround sound CX505/CX5 00 mo del onl y Home theater sound s etup Depending on the size and c haracteristics of your roo m, you can pla.
Setting up for su rround sound 05 25 En For Extra Po wer mode Aft er pla cing your sp eakers , compl ete Setting the cha nn el lev e ls then refer to Spea ke r Distance on page 45 to complete your surround sound setup. Setting the channel le vels Set the relative channe l levels from your main listening pos ition.
Home theater sound 06 26 En Chapter 6 Home theater sound CX505/CX5 00 mo del onl y About the l istening mo des As exp lained in Home theater sound setup on page 24, there are two basic surround speaker setup options available.
Home theater sound 06 27 En Using Fr ont Surround The Front Surround mode and Extra P ower mode are effective when DVD/CD or USB is selected as the input source and you are using the Front surround speaker setup as described in Home theater sound setup on page 24.
Disc playback feature s 07 28 En Chapter 7 Disc playback features Impo rta nt • Many of the functions c o vered in this chapter apply to DVD discs, Video CDs/ Super VCD s, CDs, DivX video and WMA / MP3/MPEG-4 AAC/JPEG discs, although the exact operation of some varies slightly with the kind of disc loaded.
Disc playback features 07 29 En While the slideshow is runni ng: Browsing DV D or Video CD / Super V CD discs with the Disc Navigator Use the Disc Navigator to browse through the content s of a DVD or Video CD/ Super VC D disc to find the part you wa nt to play.
Disc playback feature s 07 30 En Browsi ng WMA, MP3, MPEG-4 AAC, DivX video and JP EG fi les with th e Di sc Na vig ator Use the Disc Navigator to find a particular file or folder by filename. 1 Pres s HOME MENU and se lect ‘Disc Naviga tor’ from the on-screen men u.
Disc playback features 07 31 En 2 Se lect ‘Repea t’ t hen selec t a re peat pla y option. 1 If program play is active, select Prog ram Repeat to repeat th e program list, or Repea t Off to cancel. • For DVD discs, select Title Repea t or Chapter Re peat .
Disc playback feature s 07 32 En • For a CD or Video CD/Super VCD, select a track to add to the program list. After pressing ENTER to select the title/ chapter/track, the step number automatically moves down one. 4 Re peat step 3 to bui ld up a program l ist.
Disc playback features 07 33 En 3 Press PLAY LI ST 1, 2 or 3. The file is added to the playl ist you select. 4 Re peat steps 2 and 3 unti l you’ re done.
Disc playback feature s 07 34 En Swit ching langu age/au dio channe ls When playing d iscs recorded with dialo g in two or mor e lang uages, or wit h dual-mo no audio 1 you can switch these during playback. 2 • Press AUDIO rep eatedly to sele ct an audio l anguage optio n.
USB playback 08 35 En Chapter 8 USB playback Using the US B inte rf ace It is possible to li sten to two-channel audio 1 and watch JPEG files using the USB interface on the front of this unit. Connect a USB mass storage device 2 as shown below. 1 With the player switched on, press US B.
USB playback 08 36 En Scanning files You can fast-s can forward o r backward at various different speeds. • During pl ayback, press or . Press repeatedly to increase the scanning speed (shown on-screen). • To resume playback, press (play).
Singing karaoke 09 37 En Chapter 9 Singing karaoke Singing karaok e Using the karaoke features you can plug in a microp hone and mix th e sound of your own voice with a backing track 1 . You can select a backing track from audio so urces such as CDs, DVDs, VCDs or USB devices .
Adjusting the sound 10 38 En Chapter 10 Adjusting the sound Using the Sou nd menu There are several optional sound setti ngs you can make fr om the sound men u.
Adjusting the sound 10 39 En Boosting th e bass level If you w ant to bring u p the low end for certain kinds of music or sound sources, you can us e the bass boost to do so. • Press X.BOOM repeatedly to select a mode. The options are as follows (the X.
Audio Settings and Video Adjust menu 11 40 En Chapter 11 Audio Settings and Video Adjust menu Audio Settings menu The Audi o Settings menu offers featu res for adjusting the way discs sound. 1 Pres s HOME MENU and se lect ‘Audi o Settin gs’ from th e on-scree n disp lay.
Audio Settings and Video Adjust menu 11 41 En • Contrast – Adjusts the contrast between light and dark ( –16 to +16 ) • Gamma – Adjusts the ‘warmth’ of the picture ( High , Medium , Low .
Initial Settings menu 12 42 En Chapter 12 Initial Settings menu Using the Initi al Setting s menu The Initial Settings menu provides audio and video output settings, parental lock settings, and display settings, among others . If an option is grayed out it m eans that it cannot be ch anged at the curren t time.
Initial Settings menu 12 43 En Disp lay se ttings Options se ttings Parenta l Lock • Default level: Off ; Default password: none ; Defau lt Country/ A rea cod e: us (211 9) To giv e you som e contr ol over what your child ren watch on your DVD p layer , some DVD- Video d iscs feat ure a Parental L ock level.
Initial Settings menu 12 44 En 1 S elect ‘Pass word’. 2 Us e the number buttons to input a 4- digit passwo r d then press ENTER . Changing your pas sword To change your pas sword, con firm your existing password then enter a new one. 1 S elect ‘ Password Cha nge’.
Initial Settings menu 12 45 En Make a no te of t he code as you wi ll need it when you register with a D ivX VOD provider. Playing DivX ® VOD content Some Di vX VOD cont ent may o nly be pla yable a fi xed numb er of t imes.
Additional information 13 46 En Chapter 13 Additional information Optiona l system set tings These settings are accessed by using the System Setup menu w hile in standby. 1 S witch the syst em into standby . 2 Press SYSTEM SE TUP . 3U s e / to choose the setting then press ENTER .
Additional information 13 47 En Key lo ck setting • LOCK O N – M a kes th e fro n t pa ne l bu tto ns and controls inoperative. • LOCK OFF – Restores regular use of the front panel buttons and controls. Volume mod e setting If you w ant to make fine r adjustments of the volume.
Additional information 13 48 En Disc compatibility table About DVD+R/DVD+RW compatibility Only DVD +R/ DVD+ RW di scs re corde d in ‘Video Mode (DVD Video Mode)’ w hich have been finalized, can b e played bac k. Howe ver, some editing made during the recording may not be played back accu rately.
Additional information 13 49 En • File extensions: .avi an d .divx (these mu st be used for the player to recognize DivX video f iles). Note that all files with the .avi extension are recognized as MPEG4, but not all of these are necessarily Div X video files and therefore may not be p layable on this player.
Additional information 13 50 En Handling discs Hold the d isc by it s edges when handli ng so as not to leave fingerprints, dirt or scratches on eith er side of the disc. Da maged o r dirty d iscs can affe ct playback performanc e. If a disc becom es marked w ith fingerprints, dust, etc.
Additional information 13 51 En Problems with co ndensation C o n d e n s a t i o n m a y f o r m i n s i d e t h e p l a y e r i f i t i s brought i nto a warm room from outsi d e, or if the temperature of the room rises quickly. Although this won’t d amage the p layer, it may tem por a rily im pai r p er form a nce .
Additional information 13 52 En Troublesho oting Incorrect operations are often mistaken for trouble and malfunctions. If you think that there is something wrong with this component, check the points b elow. Sometimes the trouble may lie in another compo nent.
Additional information 13 53 En DVD/CD/Video CD player SND . DEM O shows in the display a nd the unit can’t be controlled. • P ress and hold (stop) on the fron t panel for ab out five seco nds. Th e disc tray eje cts automati cally t o indicate th e Sound De mo mode is disabled.
Additional information 13 54 En WMA/MP3/MPEG -4 AAC/JPEG discs Tuner USB connection Noticeable di fference in D VD and CD volume. • DVDs and CDs us e different record ing methods. Th is is not a malf unc tio n. Problem Remedy Problem Remedy CD-ROM disc is not recognize d by the system.
Additional information 13 55 En Error Messages Using the language c ode list Some of the language options (see Language settings on page 42) allow you to set your preferred language from any of the 136 languages liste d in the Language code list . 1 Switch the system on.
Additional information 13 56 En Language code list Langua ge (Languag e code let ter), Language co de Country/Area c ode list Country/A rea, Cou ntry/Area code , Coun try/Area co de letter Japanese (j.
Additional information 13 57 En Specifications • Amplifier section CX505/CX500 model Continuous power output: Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 W per channel (1 kHz, 10 % T.H.D., 4 Ω ) Center . . . . . . . . 100 W (1 kHz, 10 % T.H.D.
Additional information 13 58 En Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 cm cone type x 2 Nominal impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ω Frequency range . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hz to 6 kHz Maximum input power . . . . . . . . . .
Additional information 13 59 En Note • Specification s and de sign subjec t to pos si bl e mo di fi cati o n wi th out no ti ce, du e to improvement s. Manuf actur ed un der licens e from Dolby Laboratori es.“Dolby”, “Pro Logic” and the double- D symbol ar e trademarks of Dolby Laboratori es.
<XRB3083-A> P ublished by P ioneer Corporation. Copyright © 2007 P ioneer Corporation. All rights reser ved. Printed in PIONEER CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-Chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.O. BOX 1540, Long Beach, California 90801-1540, U.
An important point after buying a device Pioneer CX500 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Pioneer CX500 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Pioneer CX500 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Pioneer CX500 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Pioneer CX500 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Pioneer CX500, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Pioneer CX500.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Pioneer CX500. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Pioneer CX500 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center