Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2000 Phonetics
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9 CPP Monitor 2000 User’s Manual . . Crucial Power Products V ersion 3.0.
i Contents Important Safety Instruction s ......................... . 11 C A UTIO N .......................................................................... . 12 FCC Requirement s ............................................................. . 12 T elephone Consumer Protectio n Ac t .
ii CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual WIND O WS 3.1 INS T ALL A TIO N ................................................. . 28 Running the Soft w ar e ......................................................... . 28 CPP Monitor 2000 Menu Ba r .........
iii Sla ve ID ....................................................................................... 43 P ass wor ds .................................................................................... 43 Incoming Calls: .............................
iv CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual High Alar m Limit : ....................................................................... . 53 Minimum Input Reading : ............................................................ . 53 Maximum Input Reading : .
v Current Status: ............................................................................. 70 Data Logger: ................................................................................ 70 Use Start T ime: ......................................
vi CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Enabling A ut o An s we r Mod e .............................................. . 89 Enabling P olling Mod e ....................................................... . 89 APPENDIX A ...............................
vii APPENDIX G ................................................. 115 Accessories .................................................... 115 APPENDIX H ................................................ 117 Returning the Unit for Repair ...................
viii CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual.
CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 10 E v e r y e f fo r t has been made to ensure that the info r mation in this document is complete, accurate and up-to-date. Crucial Power Products assumes no responsibility for the results of e r rors b e y ond its control.
11 Important Safety Instructions Y our CPP Monitor 2000 has been careful l y designed to g i ve y ou y ears of safe, relia b le perfo r mance . As with all electrical equipment, h o w e v e r , there .
CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 12 3 . The unit has been droppe d , or the enclosure is damaged. 4 . The unit doesn ’ t function no r mal l y w hen y ou ’ re foll o wing the operating inst r uctions. A v oid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical sto r m .
13 m a y connect to y our telephone line and still h a ve all of those d e vices ring w hen y our telephone number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the REN ’ s of all d e vices connected to one line should not e xceed f i v e (5.0) .
CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 14 uses and can radiate radio frequen c y ene r gy an d , if not installed and used in accordance with the inst r uctions, m a y cause ha r mful interference to radio communications.
15 accepta b le method of connection. In some cases, the compa n y ’ s inside wiring associated with a single line ind i vidual se r vice m a y be e xtended b y means of a ce r ti f ied connector assem b l y (telephone e xtension cord) .
CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 16.
17 Chapter 1 : Int r oduction Chapter 1: Introduction W elcome to the CPP Monitor 2000 b y CPP . The 2000 is a p o w erful monitoring, ala r m, and data l o gging system. It can monitor equipment and e n vironmental conditions using 8 un i versal inputs, plus built-in p o w er failure detection .
CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 18 v oice, alphanumeric page r , numeric page r , fax or e-mail . Y ou also h a v e the capability to pr o g ram a call list for each input as w ell as four time zones to assign telephone numbers to . Y ou can e v en monitor the input v alues in real-time through the local po r t or on- line via modem.
19 Chapter 1 : Int r oduction summa r y and application chapters are included to help y ou speed pr o g ramming and to understand CPP Monitor 2000's features . Y ou should thorough l y read this manual to esta b lish a basic understand- ing of the system and keep it as a reference.
CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 20.
21 Chapter 2: Installation Chapter 2: Installation This chapter pr o vides info r mation to install the CPP Monitor 2000. Please read the entire chapter before sta r ting. OPER A TING ENVIRONMENT The CPP Monitor 2000 should be mounted and operated in a clean, d r y e n vironment .
22 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual POWER SURGE PROTECTION The CPP Monitor 2000 can be damaged b y p o w er su r ges and lightning through the telephone line and the p o w er supp l y .
23 Chapter 2: Installation It is impo r tant to note that w hen the unit is tu r ned o f f, all pr o g ram- ming is retained in non- v olatile memo r y via the inte r nal 3V lithium batte r y . The “C” cell Ni-Cad batteries are not in use w hen the p o w er s witch is o f f.
24 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Line Seizure Line seizure g i v es the 2000 unit the ability to “seize” the telephone line w hen it needs to dial out. F or e xample, if an eme r gen c y occurs w hich puts the 2000 in ala r m mode, the unit will be a b le to dial out e v en if a telephone has been left o f f the hook .
25 Chapter 2: Installation WIRING SENSOR S AND TRANSDUCERS The r mistors : The unit will accept 2.8K and 10K the r mistors . These should be wired to an input te r minal and the adjacent g round te r minal. F or compati b le the r mistors check the the r mistor data in the appendices.
26 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual LED INDIC A T ORS The LEDs pr o vide on-site ala r m and status info r mation. Listed bel o w are descriptions of h o w the LEDs w ork.
27 Chapter 3 : Com m unications Chapter 3: Communications This section describes h o w to install and con f igure the CPP Monitor 200 0 W ind o ws Soft w are for y our computer and modem.
28 Sensaphone ® 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 5 . Inse r t disk 1 of the CPP Monitor 2000 Database. 6 . Select Sta r t>Run and type a:Setup. e x e and click OK . This will install the Borland Database Engine. 7 . F oll o w the prompts and install disk 2 when instructed.
29 Chapter 3 : Com m unications AU T OM A TIC PO R T DETECTION SCREEN CPP Monitor 2000 Menu Bar The menu bar at the top of the wind o w lists menu commands for selecting a unit, con f iguring y our communication po r ts, sending and rece i ving pr o g ramming, ena b ling automatic features and other functions .
30 Sensaphone ® 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual ________________________________________________________________________ P olling (Alt, O) Unit Schedule, Ena b le ___________________________________________.
31 Chapter 3 : Com m unications Modem Setup String: Manager 2000 all o ws y ou to enter a setup string using th e A T command set . These are usual l y on l y needed if y ou are h a ving trou b le getting y our modem to connect to a CPP Monitor 2000 unit.
32 CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Advanced Comm Setup Th e Ad v anced Comm Setup fo r m can be used to tune and custom- ize the communication perfo r mance of Manager 2000 . T ypical l y y ou will not need to change these parameters for a n y reason.
33 Chapter 3 : Com m unications Options The Options fo r m (under the Con f iguration menu) all o ws y ou to customize the displ a y to y our taste . Y ou can h a v e th e T oolbar and/or the Statusbar be displ a y ed or hidden . Y ou can elect to see the commands as icons with t e xt or as icons on l y .
34 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Options screen.
35 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Chapter 4: Programming The CPP Monitor 2000 soft w are pr o vides access to all of the unit ’ s pr o g ramming through point-and-click menus . The unit can be pr o g rammed either local l y through the serial po r t or remote l y via modem .
36 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual New Unit Data Form Procedure 1. Click the Open button on th e T oolba r , then click the “N e w” button on the “Open Connection” fo r m. O r , from the menu bar choose F ile, then N e w Unit. 2. F ill in the Unit Description and Phone Numbe r .
37 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming COMMUNIC A TING WITH CPP Monitor 2000 This section describes the procedure for communicating with a CPP Monitor 2000 unit.
38 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Y our PC will inst r uct the modem to dial the CPP Monitor 2000 unit using the phone number from the Unit Data fo r m . The CPP Monitor 2000 will an s w er the call and esta b lish a connection with y our modem.
39 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming T o view a Data File Off-line: 1. Click the “Open” button on th e T oolba r . The “Open Connection” fo r m will appea r . 2. Choose a unit from the t e xt b o x. 3. Click Edit on the “Open Connection” fo r m .
40 Sensaphone ® 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual System Settings form System Identification Unit Phone Number: The Unit ’ s Phone Number is the identi f ication number of the CPP Monitor 2000 and can be up to 16 digits long . This is automati- cal l y f illed in from the info r mation y ou pr o vided w hen setting up the unit on y our compute r .
41 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming f illed in from the information y ou pr o vided w hen setting up the unit on y our compute r . When CPP Monitor 2000 sends a c o ver page with a F ax transmission or ale r ts an alphanumeric page r , the Unit Description is sent as pa r t of the basic info r mation.
42 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Alpha Pager Speed This is the baud rate of the data connection bet w een CPP Monitor 2000 and y our alphanumeric pager se r vice.
43 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Slave ID This is the modbus address of the CPP Monitor 2000 unit. It is set b y default and should not be changed unless y ou are using multiple units that might h a v e the same, and therefore conflicting, ID numbers . The Sl a ve ID can be set to a n y number bet w een 1 and 247.
44 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual There are 3 tabs on the Inputs fo r m: Status , Ala r m Pr o g ramming, and Con f iguration. Status tab: The Status tab sh o ws the name, v alue, units of measure, status, ala r m state, and Min/Max v alues for all of the inputs.
45 Chapter 4: Progr amming choose hours, minutes, or seconds for time measurement, under the Conf iguration tab . When the limit of 999,999 is reached , the value will return to zero. Status: This is the cur rent status of each input with respect to that input’ s alar m pro gramming.
46 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Clear Alarms: The b utton mar k ed “Clea r Ala r ms” will, w hen presse d , clear all set ala r ms. Note : T o clear an individual ala r m, dou b le click on it in the “State” column.
47 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming a T a b le High of 75 and the CPP Monitor 2000 will scale the input to read bet w een 0 and 75.0 . Th e T a b le L o w & T a b le High f ields are also used to set the upper and l o w er limits for the bar and g auge monitors found on the Monitor fo r m.
48 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Note that for N . O . and N .C. input types, units of NONE will result in the unit speaking “open” or “closed” during a status repo r t.
49 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Pulse Count and Ru n T im e Accumulator: N/A Alarm High Limit: This is the v alue which will cause the unit to ma k e ala r m dialouts on an input high condition. 0-5 V , 4-20mA, an d T emperature: Pr o gramma b le range: -99,999.
50 Sensaphone ® 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Alarm Enable/Disable: This will ena b le or disa b le the dialout for this input. De f ault setting: Ena b led Alarm Reset T ime: The is the time all o w ed f.
51 Chapter 4: Progr amming Delete Input Monitors T o delete a monitor, select it b y clicking on it. Next, choose File>Delete from the Monitor menu. There are 3 types of input monitors: Bar , Gauge, and Contact Status. Belo w is a view of each and an explanation of its features.
52 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual High Alar m Limit: (upper red zone ) The high ala r m limit for this input . This is ta k en from the High Limit f ield on th e Ala r m Pr o g ramming tab of the Inputs fo r m. Minimum Input Reading: (l o w er b lack triangle ) This is the l o w est v alue reached b y this input.
53 Chapter 4: Progr amming High Limit: The highest possible reading of the monitor . This is taken from the T able High f ield on the Conf iguration tab of the Inputs form. Low Alarm Limit: (lo wer red zone) The lo w alarm limit for this input. This is taken from the Lo w Limit f ield on the Alarm Programming tab of the Inputs form.
54 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Input Label/Units Input OK graphic Input ALARM graphic none [check mark] [red X] OK/Fault [check mark] [red X] On/Off [Light Bulb - ON] [Light Bulb - OFF] Runni.
55 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Destination: The actual telephone number or E-mail address CPP Monitor 2000 dials to del i v er its repo r t or ala r m message . The Destination f ield can be up to 64 characters long for E-mail addresses and 32 digits for all other Dia l T ypes and m a y consist of numbers, letters, and special dialing codes.
56 CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Special Dialing Codes: Sometimes, w hen dialing out on ce r tain phone systems, CPP Monitor 2000 m a y need special inst r uctions to access an outside phone line, to contact numeric pagers, or to use alphanumeric pager se r vices.
57 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Specia l Alphanumeric Pager Dialing Codes A = alphanumeric pager ID (required) C = alphanumeric character pas s w ord (optional) A = alphanumeric pager ID : The “ A” dialing code is used ON L Y for alphanumeric pager destinations.
58 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual edit zones form The Edit Calling Zones fo r m d i vides up the 7 d a y w eek into 21 b locks of time . T o change the sta r t and end time for each b lock, drag the horizontal d i vider bars up or d o wn as needed .
59 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming the ala r m. Once ackn o wledge d , the remaining destinations will not be called. Example : An ala r m occurs and the CPP Monitor 2000 is pr o g rammed to call destinations #1,#2, and #3 and all 3 destinations ar e Ala r m Call Mode “Until Ackn o wledged .
60 CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Dial T ype: This is used to specify the type of call CPP Monitor 2000 will ma k e to a pa r ticular destination .
61 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Intercall Delay: The intercall del a y is the amount of time CPP Monitor 2000 will w ait after completing a call before calling the n e xt destination . The del a y is in seconds, with a de f ault of 30. Note : A 30-second del a y is too sho r t to all o w a call back if a pager is being called.
62 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual data log form Bel o w is a list of Data L o g pr o g ramming parameters, their de f ault settings and the range of pr o g ramming for each paramete r .
63 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Use Start T ime: Checking this b o x will make the CPP Monitor 2000 start its Data L o gger at the time indicated in the Sta r t T ime b o x.
64 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual RESET NOW Button This button will reset the Data L o gger (i.e., delete the records) in the 2000. If the Data L o gger w as just rece i v e d , a RESET within 5 minutes of d o wnloading will on l y delete the records just d o wn- loaded .
65 Chapter 4: Progr amming Viewing the Data Logger (off-line): T o view a unit’ s do wnloaded Data Logger of f-line, follo w the instructions for “Offline Communication” and “T o V ie w A Data File Offline” earlier in this chapter .
66 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual sample graph Reset: Deletes Data L o g records for the cu r rent CPP Monitor 2000 unit from y our PC. It will reset all the info r mation in the database for the selected unit. Print: Once the Data L o g records h a ve been displ a y e d , th e y m a y be printed b y clicking this button.
67 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming outgoing phone calls, and ala r m ackn o wledgments. Se e Appendi x A for a complete list of e v ents stored b y the Event L o gge r .
68 CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Bel o w is a list of pr o g ramming parameters for vi e wing the Event L o gger: event viewer form Unit selection: Since the MA N A GER 2000 soft w are can contain E v ent L o g info r mation for multiple CPP Monitor 2000 units, y ou must choose w hich unit ’ s E v ent L o g y ou wish to displ a y .
69 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming Event types: Select here the types of e v ents to displ a y : All E v ents o r Ala r ms On l y . Query T imes: Selects a range of e v ent times to displ a y . “Inc.All” will include all e v ent times in the CPP Monitor 2000, with a “ T o” date stretching into the future.
70 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Bel o w is a list of Repo r t pr o g ramming parameters, their default settings and the range of pr o g ramming for each paramete r . Current Status: T o send the cu r rent status of all inputs with the repo r t, check this b o x.
71 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming POLLING P olling occurs w hen a PC automatical l y calls a remote CPP Monitor 2000 with a modem at a predete r mined time and retri e ves informa- tion . The concept is similar to setting an ala r m clock to d o wnload a unit ’ s Data L o gger or Event L o g.
72 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual polling setup form The screen displ a y ed is the P olling Setup screen for the cu r rent l y selected unit . This screen all o ws y ou to choose w hat type of poll y ou w ould li k e to schedule and w hen the poll will ta k e place.
73 Chapter 4 : Pr o g r amming unit. If y ou wish to see the scheduled polls for a g iv en unit y ou can select that unit in the combo b o x on the P olling Summa r y fo r m.
74 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual If y ou are going to utilize the polling feature he a vi l y , t r y to schedule polling at times w hen it is unli k e l y that y our PC is being used. Print Data Log button If this button is lit, the PC will print the d o wnloaded Data L o gger info r mation after each poll.
75 Chapter 5 : Status Repo r t/ V oice Chapter 5: Status Report and V oice Messages The CPP Monitor 2000 pr o vides a v oice status repo r t via telephone using its o wn inte r nal v oice in combination with y our recorded input messages .
76 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual T o record a message, press the [#] k e y foll o w ed b y the message number y ou w ant. F or e xample, to record the ID message, press [#] then 9 . After y ou hear the sta r t beep, begin speaking into the phone.
77 Chapter 5: Status Report/V oice Sample Status Report Hello, this is (Unit Phone Number) Input one (recorded message #1), (input value), (units), (alarm status) Input tw o (recorded message #2), (in.
78 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual.
79 Chapter 6 : Ope r ation Chapter 6: Operation After installation and pr o g ramming h a ve been complete d , CPP Monitor 2000 is ful l y operational .
80 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Alarm Call Mode: Unti l Acknowledged vs. Inform Until Ackn o wledged: Destinations pr o g rammed wit h Ala r m Call Mode “Unti l Ackn o wl- edged” will continue to be contacted until one of them ackn o wl- edges the ala r m.
81 Chapter 6 : Ope r ation “The electricity is o f f ” “Enter ackn o wledgment code . ” In this e xample, the number o f V oice Message Repetitions w as set to three.
82 CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual N O T speak a v oice message. It is expecting the call to be an s w ered b y a PC r unning CPP Manager 200 0 W ind o ws soft w are. Once a connection is esta b lishe d , the CPP Monitor 2000 transmits the ala r m info r mation, then hangs up.
83 Chapter 6 : Ope r ation “Hello, this is (user recorded ID message)” “The electricity is o f f ” “Hello, this is (user recorded ID message)” “The electricity is o f f ” “Enter ackn o wledgment code . ” CPP Monitor 2000 will n o w w ait 5 seconds for th e T ouch- T one ackn o wledgment code to be entered .
84 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Bel o w is an example of w hat CPP Monitor 2000 will s a y w hen you call it back to ackn o wledge a typical ala r m: “Hello, this is (user recorded ID messag.
85 Chapter 6 : Ope r ation Alar m Acknowledgment - Alphanumeric Pager Dialout CPP Monitor 2000 will dial out to y our alphanumeric pager se r vice and le a ve a message on the displ a y of y our page r . (See Pr o g ram- ming Section, Chapter F ou r , for dialing to beepers/pagers) .
86 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual and w ait for a callback ackn o wledgment . This w aiting period is called the “intercall del a y time . ” During this time y ou m a y call the unit back from a T ouch- T one phone . W ait for the unit to beep.
87 Chapter 6 : Ope r ation data, w hich includes the cu r rent conditions of each input, p o w er status, and batte r y condition. If the Data L o gger is ena b led and pr o g rammed to send with repo r ts, a Data L o g repo r t will also be sent at this time.
88 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual After the beep, s a y y our message clear l y . The input ala r m messages m a y be up to 4 seconds long . The ID message can be up to 6 seconds long.
89 Chapter 7 : A uto-Ans w er and P olling Chapter 7 : Polling Mode & Aut o Answer Mode P olling mode an d Aut o An s w er mode all o w y our PC to communi- cate automatical l y with multiple CPP Monitor 2000s.
PB CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual.
91 Appendix A: System Ev ents APPENDIX A System Events List EVENT LOGGER - List of System Events Startup completed Unit reset by user Data Lo gger reset Data Logger started Data Logger stopped Data Lo.
PB CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual No an s w er V oice call an s w ered Modem connect F ax connect E-mail connect Numeric pager connect Alpha pager connect Message del i vered Hanging up Inbound .
93 Appendix B:Engineering Specfif ications APPENDIX B Engineering Specifications Electrical P o w er Requirements: 120V A C 60Hz 10W (UL listed po w er supply) P o w er Surge Protection: 17V Metal Oxi.
PB CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Datalogging Number of Channels: Inputs 1-8 , A C P o w er & Nicad Battery backup (selecta b le) T otal Number of Samples: 32,768 Sampling Rate: Pr o gramma b le from 1 second to 200 hours All samples include date and time.
95 Appendix B:Engineering Spec f i f ications Programming Pr o g ramming Connection: RS232 DB25 F emale DCE; 38,400 baud Pr o g ramming Method: local or remote PC with CPP Monitor 2000 Soft w are for .
PB CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Dimensions: 12.1"W x 7.2"H x 1.6"D W eight: 3 lbs. (4 lbs. with batteries) Approvals FCC P a r t 68 FCC P a r t 15 Clas s A W arranty One y ear pa r ts and labor w a r rant y . Speci f ications subject to change without notice.
97 Appendix C: Thermistor T ables APPENDIX C Thermistor T ables 2.8K Thermistor Data Degrees Celsius Resistance (Ohms) -50 187,625 -40 94,206 -30 49,549 -20 27,180 -10 15,491 0 9,142 10 5,572 20 3,498.
PB CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 10 K The r mistor Data D e g rees Celsius Resistance (Ohms) -50 441.3K -40 239.8K -30 135.2K -20 78.91K -10 47.54 0 29.49K 10 18.79K 20 12.25K 30 8,194 40 5,592 50 3,893 60 2,760 70 1,990 80 1,458 90 1,084 100 816.
99 Appendix D: RS232 Specifications APPENDIX D RS232 S pecifications DB25 Socket Conf iguration:DCE F emale Start/Stop Protocol: None P ort Speed: 38,400 bps Communications Protocol: 8 data bits, no p.
CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual PB.
101 Appendix E: Modb us Protocol APPENDIX E Modbus Protocol Function 02 - Read Input Status Address W ord 0000 - 0001 Returns ok/alar m for each input queried.
PB CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 1 E Alpha page speed 1 2:1200 1:300 1200 20 Dialout pre f ix 8 string[0-9 * # P W D ] none 28 Online timeout 2 0 to 255 min 4 2 A Auto d a ylight s a ving s 1 1.
103 Appendix E: Modb us Protocol 04 Second 1 0 to 59 06 Da y 1 1 to 31 08 Month 1 1 to 12 0A Y ear 1 0 to 99 05 Reporting 00 Report time inter val 4 0 to 199:59:59 04 Reports to send 1 0:None, 1:Statu.
PB CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 00 Name 16 Input # 1 0 T ype 1 0 to 8 (see list) 1 12 L o w setpoint 4 -99,999.9 to 99,9999.9 0 16 High setpoint 4 -99,999.9 to 99,9999.9 100 1 A Ala r m l o w limit 4 -99,999.9 to 99,999.9 0 1 E Ala r m high limit 4 -99,999.
105 Appendix E : Mod b us Protocol 60 Unused 8 0 Another destination record 60 CPP Monitor 2000 Identi f ication 00 Sl a v e Address 1 1 to 247 255 12 Run Diagnostics 1 (writing a nonzero r uns diags).
PB CPP Monito r 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 0C Clear Max Min for 3 0D Clear Max Min for 4 0E Clear Max Min for 5 0F Clear Max Min for 6 10 Clear Max Min for 7 11 Clear Max Min for 8 12 Clear Max Min for .
107 Appendix E: Modb us Protocol * 6: 4-20 mA * 7: 0-5 V olt * 8: Pulse Counter * 9: Run-time Accumulator Input Units: The follo wing list comprises the a vailable units that can be selected at of fset 28h of the input programming. This affects both v oice and data references.
PB CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual Dialout T ypes: The foll o wing is the list of a v aila b le dialout types that can be selected at o f fset 50h of the destination pr o g ramming.
Appendix F: T roubleshooting 109 APPENDIX F: T roubleshooting In the event that a problem is encountered, this section will assist you in determining the cause, so that you can return the unit to its usual monitoring routine with minimal interruption.
110 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 2 . The CPP Monitor 2000 w on ’ t communicate with m y computer using the modem. The sl a v e ID in the unit does not match the Sl a v e ID in Manager 2000. The CPP Monitor 2000 is on the phone communicating with someone else.
Appendix F: T roubleshooting 111 w on ’ t an s w er a call. The Rings Unti l An s w er is set too high . As a result, the Manager 2000 soft w are is timing out before the 2000 an s w ers the call. The unit will not dial out if y ou are l o gged on through the RS232 port.
112 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual ala r m e xists . An unackn o wledged ala r m e xists on l y w hen the red LED blinks on the front panel. Increase calling rounds to a number g reater than zero. Extend the length of the intercall time for each destination.
Appendix F: T roubleshooting 113 The temperature sensor wires are touching or h a v e sho r ted. The shunt for setting the input type is not installed in th e TMP/D R Y posi- tion. The CPP Monitor 2000 is compati b le with a speci f ic type of 10K the r misto r .
114 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 2 . The CPP Monitor 2000 sta r ts dialing as soon as I tu r n it on. The shunt for setting the input type is in the wrong position. The unit has an unackn o wledged ala r m and is still t r ying to del i v er its message.
115 Appendix G : Accessories APPENDIX G Accessories The sensors listed bel o w are a v aila b le from CPP and represent the most common l y used input d e vices. Other d r y contact sensors, designed for more specialized applications, m a y also be used.
116 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual NOTES.
117 Returning the 2000 f or r epair APPENDIX H Returning the Unit for Repair In the e v ent that the CPP Monitor2000 does not function proper l y , w e suggest that y ou do the foll o wing: 1 ) Record y our obser v ations r e garding the 2000 ’ s malfunction.
118 CPP Monitor 2000 User ’ s Ma n ual 3 ) T o a v oid shipping del a ys, y ou must include the foll o wing info r mation : a ) Y our name, address and telephone numbe r . b ) A note explaining the pro b lem. 4 ) Ship y our package to the address bel o w: SE R VICE DE P A R TMENT Phonetics Inc.
An important point after buying a device Phonetics 2000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Phonetics 2000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Phonetics 2000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Phonetics 2000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Phonetics 2000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Phonetics 2000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Phonetics 2000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Phonetics 2000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Phonetics 2000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center