Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CL-1208 ATEN
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User Manual CL-1208 CL-1216 2005-04-26.
Warning! This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digita l device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Packing List Basic Package The basic CL-1208 / CL-1216 package cons ists of the following equipment: M 1 CL-1208 / CL-1216 KVM Switch with Standard Rack Mounting Kit M 2 Custom KVM Cable Sets (2L-5202.
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Table of Contents 1. Introduction Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Computers .
F7 SCAN: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 F8 LOUT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5. Hotkey Operation Hotkey Port Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Invoking Hotkey Mode . .
About This Manual This User Manual is provided to h elp you get the most from your CL-1208 / CL-1216 system. It covers all aspects of installation, configuration and operation. An overview of the inform ation found in the manual is provided below. Overview Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces you to th e CL-1208 / CL-1216 System.
Conventions This manual uses the followi ng typographical conventions: Courier Indicates text that you should key in. [ ] Indicates keys you should press. For example, [Enter] means to press the Enter key. If keys need to be chorded , they appear together in the s ame bracket with a plus s ign between them : [Ctrl+Alt].
Chapter 1. Introduction Overview The Master View CL-1208 / CL-1216 KVM Switch is a control unit that allows access to multiple co mputers from a single KVM (keyboard, monitor, and mouse), console.
Setup is fast and easy; plugging cables in to their appropriate ports is all that is entailed. Because the CL-1208 / CL-1216 intercep ts keyboard input directly, there is no soft ware to configure; no n eed to get involved in complex installation routin es; nor any need to be concerned with incompatibility problems.
Features M Integrated KVM console with 15"or 17" LCD m onito r - in a Slideaway housing M Slideaway housing is less than 1U - w ith top and bot tom clearance for smooth operation in a 1U high system rack. M Space saving technology - two cons oles (one bus) co ntr ols up to 8 (CL-1208) or 16 (CL-1216) computers.
Hardware Requirements Computers The following equip m ent mus t be in s talled on each co mputer : w A VGA, SVGA or Multisync card. Note: The integrated LCD monito r’s m axi mu m res olu tio n is 1024 x 768 (15") or 1280 x 1024 (17").
Note: 1. The CL-1208 / CL-1216 does not support serial mice. You cannot use Serial-to-PS/2 adap ters with the cables. At tempts to do so will not work. 2. If your computer uses an AT st yle keyboard socket you will need to purchase a PS/2-to-AT keyboard ad apter (Part No.
CL-1208 / CL-1216BL Front View 2 3 6 12 9 10 & 11 1 1 3 13 7 8 4 & 5 2 3 6 12 9 10 & 11 1 1 3 13 7 8 4 & 5 2005-05-03 CL-1208 / CL-1216 User Manual 6.
1 Handle Pull to slide the KV M module out; push to slide the module in (see item 13 in thi s table). 2 LCD Display After sliding the KV M module out, flip up the cover to access the LCD monitor. 3 LCD Controls The LCD On/Off switch is l ocated here, as well as buttons to control the position and pi cture settings of the LCD display.
CL-1208 / CL-1216 Rear View 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2005-04-26 CL-1208 / CL-1216 User Manual 8.
1 Daisy Chain Port When Daisy Chaining Uni ts, the cable plugs in here. 2 CPU Port Section The cables that link to the computers plug in here. Note: The shape of these 15-pin connec tors has been specifically modi fied so that only K VM cables des igned to work with this swi tch can plug in (s ee the Cables section on p.
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Chapter 2. Installation Before you Begin Single Stage Installation In a Single Stage installatio n, there are no additional switches daisy chained down from the first unit.
4. Power on the switch. 5. After the switch is powered on, power on the computers. 1 2 3 4 2 2005-04-26 CL-1208 / CL-1216 User Manual 12.
Daisy Chaining To control even more computers, up to 31 Master View ACS-1208A / ACS-1216A units can be daisy chain ed down from the CL-1208 / CL-1216. Note: It would be unnecessarily wasteful and expensive to use CL-1208 / CL-1216 switches for dais y chaining since there is no point in having consoles on the chain ed switches.
5. Power up the ins tallatio n acco rding to th e follo win g proced ure: a) Power on the First Station (CL-1208 or CL-1216). Wait a few seconds for the unit to ascertain its Station ID. b) Plug in the power adapter s for each dais y ch ain ed Statio n on th e installation in turn (Seco nd Station, then Thir d Station, etc.
CL-1216 A CS-1216A A CS-1216A 2005-04-26 Installati on 15.
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Chapter 3. Basic Operation Opening the Console The CL-1208 / CL-1216’s cons ole is located under the to p cover. To access the console, slid e th e console module out and raise the cover. Note: As a safety precaution, to keep th e co ns ole from accid en tally slid in g out, the console is lo ck ed in to th e In position.
Closing the Console To slide the console modu le back in, clo s e th e co ver and do the following: 1. Pull the safety catches on the unit’s side rails toward you and push the module in until it stops. 2. Release the catches; pull th e module slightly towa rd you; then push it all the way in.
LCD OSD Configuration The LCD Buttons The LCD OSD allows you to set up and config ure the LCD display. Four buttons are used to perform the configuration, as descri bed in the table, below: Button Function MENU M When you have not entered the LCD OSD Menu func tion, pressing this button invokes the Menu func tion, and brings up the Mai n Menu.
The Adju stment Setting s An explanation of the LC D OSD adjustment settings is given in the table below: Setting Explanation Brightness Adjusts the bac kground black lev el of the screen image. Contrast Adjusts the foreground whi te level of the sc reen image.
Port Selection The CL-1208 / CL-1216 provides three port selection methods to access the computers on the installation: Manual; OSD (On Screen Display) menus, and Hotkey. OSD Operation is discussed in the ne xt chapter; Hotkey Port Selection is discussed detail in Chapter 5.
Hot Plugging The CL-1208 / CL-1216 supports hot plugging - components can be removed and added back into the in stallation by unplugging their cables from the ports without th e need to shut the unit down.
Powering Off and Restarting If it becomes necessary to Power O ff one of the ACS- 1208A / ACS-1216A units, unplug the power adapter cable from the rear panel. Before starting it back up you must do the following: 1. Shut down all the compu ters that are attached to it.
Port ID Numbering Each CPU port on a Master View installation is assigned a unique Port ID. The Port ID is made up of two parts: a Station Number , and a Port Number : M The Station Number - is a two digit number which reflects the switch’s position in the dais y chain sequence.
Chapter 4. OSD Operation OSD Overview The On Screen Display (OSD ) is a m e nu driven method to handle computer control and switching ope rations. All procedures start from the OSD Main Screen. To pop up the Main Screen, tap the [Scroll Lock] key tw ice.
When you invoke the OSD, a screen similar to the one below appears: Note: 1. The diagram depicts the Admini strator’s Main Sc reen. The User Main Screen does not show the F4 and F6 functions, since these are reserved for the Admin is tr ato r an d can ’t be accessed by ordinary Users.
OSD Navigation w To dismiss the menu, and deactivate the OS D, Click the X at the upper right corner of the OSD Window; or press [Esc] . w To Logout, Click F8 or the Z Z Z symbol at the top of the Main Screen, or press [F8] .
OSD Functions OSD functions are us ed to config ure and control the OS D. For example, you can: rapidly switch to any port; scan selected ports only ; limit th e lis t you wish to view; designate a port as a Quick View Port; cr eate or ed it a port name; or make OSD setting adjustments.
F2 LIST: This function lets you broaden or narrow the scope of wh ich ports the OSD displays (lists) on the Main Screen. Many of the OS D functions only operate on the computers cu rrently selected for Listing on the Main Screen with this function.
F3 SET: This function allows th e Admin is tr ator an d each Us er to s et up th eir own, individual, working envir onmen t. A s eparate profile for each is s tor ed by th e OSD and is activated accordin g to the Us er nam e provid ed durin g L ogin .
(F3 SET: continued) Setting Function PORT ID DISPLAY MODE Selects how the Port ID i s displayed: the Port Number al one ( PORT NUMBER ); the Port Name alone ( PORT NAME ); or the Port Number plus the Port Name ( PORT NUMBE R + PORT NAME ). The default is P ORT NUMBER + PORT NA ME).
F4 ADM: F4 is an Administrator only functio n. It allows the Administrator to configure and contro l the overall operatio n of the OSD. To change a setting Double Click it; or use the Up and Down Arrow Keys to move the highlight bar to it then press [En ter] .
(F4 ADM: continued) Setting Function EDIT PORT NAMES To help remember whi ch computer is attached to a parti cular port, every port can be given a name. Thi s function allows the Administrator to create, modi fy, or delete port names. To E dit a port name: 1.
(F4 ADM: continued) Setting Function SET QUICK VIEW PORTS This function lets the Admini strator select which Ports to include as Quick View ports . w To select/desel ect a port as a Quick Vi ew Port, use the Navigation Keys to move the highlight bar to it, then press the [Spacebar] .
(F4 ADM: continued) Setting Function RESET STATION IDS If you change the position of one of the S tations in the daisy chain, the OSD settings will no longer corres pond to the new situation.
F5 SKP: This function enables you to easily skip backward or forward - switching the KVM focus from the curren tly active computer port to the previous or next available one. w The selection of computer s to be available for Sk ip Mode switching is made with the Sc an/Skip Mode setting under the F3 SET function (see p.
F6 BRC: F6 is an Administrator only functio n. When th is functio n is in ef fect, commands sent from the console are broadcast to all av ailable computers on the installation.
F7 SCAN: This function autom atically switches among the available computers at regular intervals so that you can monitor their activity without having to take the trouble of sw itching manually. w The selection of computers to be included for Auto Scanning is made with the Scan/Skip Mode setting under the F3 SET function (see p.
F8 LOUT: Clicking the F8 field or, or pressing [F8] logs you out of the OSD, and blanks the Console scr een. This is different from simply deactivating the OSD when you are at the Main Screen by pressing [Esc].
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Chapter 5. Hotkey Operation Hotkey Port Access Hotkey Port Access allows you to provi de the KVM focus to any computer on your installation directly from the keyboard.
When Hotkey Mode is active: M The Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock LEDs flash in succession to indicate so. They stop flashing and revert to normal status when you exit HKM.
Auto Scann ing Auto Scan auto matically switches am ong all the active CPU Ports that are accessible to the curren tly lo gged on User at reg ular in ter vals , allo win g automatic monitoring of computer activity. (See Scan/Skip Mode of the OSD F3 SET function, p.
Invoking Auto Scan: To start Auto Scanning, key in the following Ho tkey combination: 1. Invoke HKM (see p. 41). 2. Press [A] . When you press A , you automatically ex it HKM; enter Auto Scan Mode; and Auto Scanning begins.
Skip Mode This feature allows you to switch between computer s in order to monitor them manually. You can dwell on a par ticular port for as long or as little as you like - as opposed to Au to Scanning, which auto matically switches after a fixed interval.
Hotkey Beeper Control The Beeper can be Hotkey to ggled On an d Off (s ee Activ ate Beep er , p. 33). To toggle the Beeper , key in th e follo win g Hotk ey co mbin atio n: 1. Invoke HKM (see p. 41). 2. Press [B] After you press B , the Beeper toggles On or Off.
Hotkey Summary Table [Num Lock] + [-] [Port ID] [E nter] S witches ac cess to the computer that corresponds to that Port ID. [T] [n] [Enter] Sets the Auto Sc an interval to n s econds - where n is a number from 1 - 255. [A] Invokes Auto Scan Mode. When Auto Scan Mode is i n effect, [P] or Left Click pauses A uto Scanning.
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Chapter 6. The Firmware Upgrade Utility The Windows-based Firmwa re Upgrade Utility (FWUpgrade.exe) provides a smooth, automated process for upgr ading the KVM switch’s firmware. The Utility comes as part of a Firmwa re Upgrade Package that is specific for each device.
Preparation To prepare for the firmware upgrade, do the following: 1. From a computer that is not part of your KVM installation go to our Internet support site an d choose the model na me that relates to your device to get a list of available Fir m war e Upgrade Pack ag es .
Starting the Upgrade To upgrade your firmware: 1. Run the downloaded Fi rmware Upgrade Packag e file - either by double clicking the file icon, or by opening a command line and enter ing the full path to it. The Firmware Upgrade Utility Welcome screen appears: Note: The screens shown in this section are for reference only.
3. Click Next to continue. The Firm ware Upgrade Utility main screen appears. The devices capable of bein g upgraded are listed in the Device List panel: 4. As you select devices, a detailed desc ription of each appears in the Device Description panel.
5. After you have made your device selection(s), Click Next to perform the upgrade. If you enabled Check Firmwar e V er sion , the Utility compares the device’s firmware level w ith that of the upgrade f iles.
Upgrade Succeeded After the upgrade has comp leted, a screen appears to inform you that the procedure was successful: Click Finish to close the Firmwa re Upgrade Utility. Upgrade Failed If the Upgrade Succeeded screen doesn’t appear , it means that the upgrade failed to complete successfully .
Firmware Upgrade Recovery There are basically three conditions th at call for firmware upgrade recovery: M When you invoke Firmware Upgrade Mo de (see p. 50), but decide not to proceed with the upgrade. M When the Mainboard fi rmware upgrade fails. M When the I/O firm ware upgrade fails.
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Appendix Connection Tables The following tables ind icate the relationship between the number of Master View units and the number of computer s that they control on a daisy chained installation: CL-12.
OSD Factory Default Settings The factory default settings are as follo ws: Setting Default OSD Hotkey [Scroll Lock] [Scrol l Lock] Port ID Display Pos ition Upper Left Corner Port ID Display Durati on.
Clear Login Information If you are unable to perform an Admini strator login (becau se the Username and Password information has become corrupted, or you have forgotten it, for example), you can clear the login informatio n with the following procedure: 1.
Rack Mounting Standard Ra ck Mounting A standard rack mountin g kit is provided with your CL-1208 / CL-1216. The kit enables the switch to be mounted in rack with a depth of 45 - 85 cm. To rack mount the sw itch, do the following: 1. Slide the switch in to the rack and sc rew the front brack ets to the rack.
Optional Ra ck Moun ting For convenience and flex ibility, three optional r ack mounting kits are available: 1) a long br acket (68.0 - 110.0 cm) standa rd rack mounting kit; 2) a short bracket (41.5 - 70cm) Easy-Installation rack mount kit; and a long bracket (68.
2. Attach the left and right easy-installation mounting rails to the inside of the rack. The flange th at supports the switch w ill be to the inside. a) Screw t he front flanges to the ra ck first. b) Slide the bars w ith th e rear flan ges to war d th e rack until th e flan ges make contact with the r ack, then screw the rear flanges to the rack.
3. Slide the switch onto the support flanges and secu re it to the mounting rails at the front. 4. Slide the rear attachme nt sliding bracket along the slide bar until it contacts the rear of the switch, then screw it to the rear of the switch.
Specifications Function CL-1208 CL-1216 Computer Connections Direc t 8 16 Max 256 (via Daisy Chain) 512 (via Daisy Chain) Port Selecti on Push button switc hes: OSD (On Screen Display ); Hotkeys LEDs .
Troubleshooting Problem Solution There are ghost images on the external monitor. The distance between the external consol e and the CL-1208 / CL-1216 is too great. The maximum cabl e distance shoul d not exceed 20m and, in some cas es, may need to be shorter.
An important point after buying a device ATEN CL-1208 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ATEN CL-1208 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ATEN CL-1208 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ATEN CL-1208 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ATEN CL-1208 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ATEN CL-1208, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ATEN CL-1208.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ATEN CL-1208. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ATEN CL-1208 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center