Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 500PS PC Concepts
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Using thi s Guide Intr oduci ng Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Prin ter Fro nt View of Prin ter Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Intr od uction This User’ s Refer ence Guide e xplains how to us e your D /A1 size or A0+/E + size HP DesignJet 500PS Pr inte r .
Using th is Guid e Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Prin ter Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Usin.
Using th is Guid e Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Prin ter Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ho w.
Using th is Guid e Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Prin ter Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Rela.
Using th is Guid e Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Prin ter Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions User’ s Refer ence Guide Navigation The b utton s on each side of the sc reen all ow y ou to rapidl y na vigate th ough this documen t .
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer • Y our Printer ’ s Main F eatures A general over view of the m aj or features of your prin te r .
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Y our .
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions • Un.
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions HP Ink Supplies HP Ink Sup pl ies for you r printer contain t w o components: print he ads and ink car tridges .
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Print .
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Y ou can print on rol l medi a or sheet media up to 4 2 inches (1066.
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions User I.
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Memory The D/A1 size and A0+/E+ siz e HP DesignJet 500PS print ers come with 16MB or inte r nal Random A ccess Memory (RAM).
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Printer Fro nt View of Printer Print er Connect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Driver.
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Prin ter Fr ont Vi ew of Printer Printe r C o nn ecti o ns Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions .
Using thi s Guide Intr oducing Y our HP DesignJet 500PS Prin ter Front View of Pr i nt e r Prin ter Con nect ions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions P.
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media & Ink The D/A 1 size and A0 +/E+ size f or mat HP DesignJet 500 PS Printer s use a v ariety of m edia.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media C hoi ce • Choosing P aper or Ot her Media Y our printe r suppo r ts se ver al types of paper .
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Choosing P aper or Other Media F or best.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions P aper T ypes The f ollo wing t opics ad dress the v arious type s of medi a av ailab le, th eir par ticul ar use a nd how t o obtai n inf ormation about them.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ph ysical Characteristics of Pa p er T ypes The f ollo wing tab le list s the ph ysic al char acteristics and sel ection numbers of supported HP Prem ium Printing Material .
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Addit ional Informa tion A bout P aper T ypes HP High-Glos s Pho to Paper C3882A C 388 1A 6 mil (158g /m2) - 1 00 ft.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Additional In formation Abo ut Paper T yp es The f ollo wing HP Premium Printin g Material can be used to per f orm the printhead alignment , see Printhea d Alig nment .
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Combinations o f Media T ype and Print Q.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions CAD Drawings — Mono The f ollowin g tab le lis ts the recommended print q uality sett ings f or specif ic usag e with typi cal media.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions CAD Drawings and GIS — Color (Lines and low density) The f ollowin g tab le lis ts the recommended print q uality sett ings f or specif ic usag e with typi cal media.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions CAD Rendering, GIS and Images — Color and CAD (high ink density) The f ollowin g tab le lis ts the recommended print q uality sett ings f or specif ic usag e with typi cal media.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Han dli ng Y our P aper or T ype of Me d.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Obtai ning Ro ll or Sheet P ape r In f o rmatio n If ro ll med ia or shee t media i s lo ade d, th e ty pe of me di a is dis pl a yed whe n y ou select t he Pap er men u on the front panel.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Print Ti mes f or a Select ed Print Qual ity The f ollow ing ta ble lists s ome typi cal printing times f or D/A1 siz e paper .
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Print a bl e A r e a The f ollo wing top.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions ANSI P aper The f ollo wing tab le li sts the print abl e area f or the ANSI paper s ize system.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Arc hitectural Pa per The f ollow ing ta b le lis ts the pr intab le ar ea f or t he Arch it ec tu ral pa per size system.
Media Choi c e Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions ISO Pape r The f ollow ing ta b le lis ts the pr intab le ar ea f or t he ISO paper size system.
Media Choic e R oll M ed ia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridg es Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Roll Media The f ollo wing proce dure.
Media Choic e R oll M ed ia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridg es Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Install ing a New Roll on the Printe r The an imatio n sequence sho ws ho w to ins t all a ne w roll of paper on the print er .
Media Choic e R oll M ed ia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridg es Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Loading Roll Media The ani mation s equence show s ho w to lo ad a new rol l of paper on the print er .
Media Choic e R oll M ed ia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridg es Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Unloading Roll Media The an imation sequence show s ho w to unl oad a r oll of paper from the pri nter .
Media Choic e R oll M ed ia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridg es Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Remo ving Roll Media fr om the Printer The an imation sequence show s how t o remov e a roll of paper from the pri nter .
Media Choic e R oll M ed ia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridg es Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Remo ving Roll Media from the Spindle The an imation sequence show s how t o remov e a roll of paper from the rol l spindl e .
Media Choic e R oll M ed ia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridg es Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Cutter Replacement The ani mation sequence sho w s t he complet e proce dure f or the repl acement of the paper cut ter in y o ur printer .
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Choic e Roll M edia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Sheet Media • Which Si de Up? Instruct s you how to identif y which side of the sheet media shou ld be printed on.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Choic e Roll M edia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Which Side Up? The print er p rints on th e si de o f t he pap er th at f aces u p . It ma y be important to loa d t he s heet wi th th e co rre ct sid e f a c in g up.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Choic e Roll M edia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Whi ch E dge Fi r st ? Y ou can loa d sheet paper in eith er por trait o r landscape o rientati on.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Choic e Roll M edia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Loading Sheet Med ia The an ima tion s equen ce s hows how to loa d a new shee t of paper on the printer .
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Choic e Roll M edia Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Unloading Sheet Media The ani mation se quence show s how to un load a sheet of paper from th e printe r .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink System These t opics co ver the v ario us elements of the Ink Syste m. • What ar e HP I nk Suppli es? Detail s the elem en ts of the HP Ink Suppli es supplies .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions What are HP In k Supplies? F or each of the f our ink colors us ed in the prin ter , there ar e tw o separa te componen ts, the prin thead and t he ink car tr idge .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Component identification The f ollo wing il lustr a tion will help y ou identif y the compon ents of the HP Ink Supp lies.
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink Su pply Guid el ines F or optim um .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Precautions Handle H P In k Supplies wi th care . In particula r , the print head, which i s a high-pr ecisio n de vice, must be hand led care fully .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Color Calibration Y ou can cali br ate the ink sy stem f o r th e speci fic medi a loa ded in y our printer .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Drying Time The f ollo wing topics d etail t he drying time f unction and ho w to use it t o ensure y ou obtain the hi ghest qua lity print under all conditions .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Drying Time Settings With so me paper ty pes and en vironmenta l conditions t he ink needs time to dr y bef ore the paper i s unload ed.
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions T ypical Drying Times The f ollo wing tab le show s the typica l dr ying times f or He wlett -P acka rd tested p aper at appro ximately 2 5 ° C with 50% re lative humi dity .
Media Ch oice Roll Media S heet Medi a Ink System Ink Cartridges Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Drying Procedure The drying proced ure operates as f ollow s: 1. The printed image emerg es from ben eath the print er windo w and a v acuum holds i t on the platen of the pr inter .
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink C ar trid ge s Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink Car tridg es • Ink Ca r tr idge Errors Detail s the err or messages th at could be displa yed on the front pa nel for the Ink Cartridges .
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink C ar trid ge s Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink Car tridg e Errors The F ront P an.
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink C ar trid ge s Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink Cartridg e Levels The F ront P anel wi ll t el l y ou whe n y our in k supp ly is l ow , v ery lo w or empty .
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink C ar trid ge s Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink Car tridg e Informatio n Use the f ollo wing procedu re to dis pla y the Ink Car tridge In formation sc reen on th e front panel.
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink C ar trid ge s Printheads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink Cartridg e Replacement The ani mation seq uence oppos ite shows ho w to repl ace an Ink Ca r tridge.
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printh eads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printheads • Pr inthead Errors Detail s the diff erent error mess ages th at could be dis pla y ed on the fron t panel f or the P rint heads .
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printh eads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printh ead Errors The F ront P anel can d.
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printh eads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printh ead In format io n Use the f ollo wing procedu re to dis pla y the Printhead s Informati on screen on the fr ont pane l.
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printh eads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printhead R eplacement The an imation sequ ence sho ws ho w to r eplace a printhe ad in the printe r .
Media Choice Roll Media Sheet Media Ink System Ink Cartridges Printh eads Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printhead Ali gnm ent Y ou should hav e o.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Sol.
Solv ing Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Solving Pr oblems • T o fi nd t he meaning of fr ont -panel message s, see Me ssage Descriptions .
Solv ing Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Finding the Sou r ce of Y our Prob lem 1. Look at t he front - panel di splay f or messag es.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Diagnostic Print B Interpretation 1.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions T r oubleshooting Flow Chart The f ollo wing di agr am show s t he flo w of the troub leshootin g procedu re.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Inco mplete Line s When y ou look at the i mage you ha ve prin ted there are : • Missing or f aint li nes.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Col o r Co n s istenc y pr oblem s • Some medi a ma y discolor or chan ge with age.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Color A ccuracy Conf iguration The conf igurati ons of the pri nter def in es how ink is ap plied to each typ e of media.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Problems Ink Suppl y Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Gettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solu.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Problems Media Problems Image Error Other Pro blems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Soluti.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Problems Media Problems Image Error Other Pro blems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Soluti.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media P rob lems • Media Detail s the gener al rules to f ollow to a void me dia probl ems.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Clearing a Medi a Jam If the front pane l displa ys this message : There is probab ly paper ja mmed in the p rinter .
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Remo ving Jammed P aper 1. Open the windo w .
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions W arped Lines • The med ia it self ma y be w arped.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Smears or S cratching on Y our Printed Media This pr obl em can appear on pap er-bas ed coated me dia if a lo t of ink is prin ted quickl y .
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Loading Pr oblems The fr ont panel k eep s indicatin g th at media is misa ligned or incorre ctly position ed.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pro blems I mage Error Other Problems G ettin g Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Media Output Pr oblems Prints F all on the Floor After Being Cut • Mak e sure the media bi n is open.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr oblems Image Error Other Pro b l ems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Image Error • Image is In comple te Details the a ction s to t ake when th e pr int is: Blank , P a r tia l or h as su ff ered clippi ng .
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr oblems Image Error Other Pro b l ems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr oblems Image Error Other Pro b l ems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr oblems Image Error Other Pro b l ems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr oblems Image Error Other Pro b l ems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr oblems Image Error Other Pro b l ems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Print is Distorted or Unintelligible • The int erf ace cab le betw een your comp uter and the printer cou ld be fau lty .
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr oblems Image Error Other Pro b l ems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index So.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Proble m s Image Er ro r Other Pr oblems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index S.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Proble m s Image Er ro r Other Pr oblems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index S.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Proble m s Image Er ro r Other Pr oblems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printer Does not Print • Y ou ma y hav e a power pr obl em.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Proble m s Image Er ro r Other Pr oblems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index S.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Gettin g Help • HP Customer Care Details about the HP Cu stomer Care pro gram.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions HP Customer Care As y our strateg ic support par tner , we make it our busin ess to help ke ep your b usiness running sm oothly .
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions What to Do Bef ore Y ou Call 1.
Solvin g Problems Image Quality Pr oblems In k Supply Pr oblems Media Pr o blems Image Error Other Problems Getting Help Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions HP DesignJet Online Direct acce ss to HP and the inf ormation you want, when y ou need it .
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Front P anel The pr inte r ’ s front pan el is a user -friendly interf ace that giv es y ou access to a compr ehensiv e set of printer funct ions .
The Fr ont P anel Menu Structure N avigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions The Front P anel The pane l on t.
The Fr ont P anel Menu Structure N avigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Navigation K eys The di spla y s.
The Fr ont P anel Menu Structure N avigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Display Screen The disp lay screen of t he fron t panel sho ws the main men u (the wo rds displ ay ed may v ar y).
The Fr ont P anel Menu Structure N avigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Action Ke ys The Cancel k ey ca ncels the current printer ope ration (p rinting or pr eparing f or printi ng).
The Fro nt P anel Menu Stru ctu re Na vigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Menu Structure The f ront p anel di spla y area sc reen sh ows t he fou r clas ses of m enu option s av ailable represented with specifi c icons.
The Fro nt P anel Menu Stru ctu re Na vigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Pa p e r M e n u Clic k on a menu item t o go to the r ele vant t opic.
The Fro nt P anel Menu Stru ctu re Na vigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink Menu Clic k on a menu item t o go to the r ele vant t opic.
The Fro nt P anel Menu Stru ctu re Na vigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Job Management Menu There ar e no Job Manage ment Menu opti ons av ailable f or your mod el of HP Desig nJet Printer .
The Fro nt P anel Menu Stru ctu re Na vigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Set-up Menu Clic k on a menu item t o go to the r ele vant t opic.
The Fro nt P anel Menu Stru ctu re Na vigating the Menu System Message Descriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Set-up Menu ( c on tinued) Clic k on a menu item t o go to the r ele vant t opic.
The Fr ont P anel Men u Stru cture Navigating th e Menu System Message Descriptio ns Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Na vigating the Men u System F rom th e top l e vel o f the menu sy stem, y ou can na vigate t hrough the menus u sing the d ispla y ke ys.
The Fr ont P anel Men u Stru cture Navigating th e Menu System Message Descriptio ns Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Navigation Example This sec t ion provi des a typi cal ex amp le of how to na vigate thr oug h the menus to con f igu re a specif ic print opti on.
The Fr ont P anel Men u Stru cture Navigating th e Menu System Message Descriptio ns Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions 3. Use t he Up and Do wn ke ys to high lig ht th e Drying time menu option. The disp la y shows the Dryin g tim e optio n highli ghted.
The Fr ont P anel Men u Stru cture Navigating th e Menu System Message Descriptio ns Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions 6.
The Fr ont P anel Men u Stru cture Navigating th e Menu System Message Descriptio ns Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions 9. Pres s the T o p ke y to retur n to the top level menu. The dis pla y sh ows the Ink menu.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Message Des criptions This is a list of the err or message s in the front -panel displa y .
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Error Select Replace Printheads The pr inter has detected that one or more of the printheads is missing or has an error , as indicated b y flashing crosses.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ink car tridge replacement required The printer has detected that one or more of the ink car tri dges is missing or has an error , as indicated b y flashing crosses.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Install missing c ar tridges before replac ing printheads Y ou are replacing printheads, but the printer has detected that one or more car tridges are missing.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Option not a vailab le now Y ou hav e selected an option in the menu that is not av ailable at the moment.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions P aper mispositioned The paper is not properly positioned in the printer . Either it is out of the load line margins or it has mo v ed too much from its pre v ious position.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions P aper too big Press ENTER to ret.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions P aper too small Press ENTER to r.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printhead replacement not av ailable now .
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printheads not aligned P aper too.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Problems dete cted in INK CAR TRIDGES.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Right edge of sheet too f ar from.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Sheet not loaded Load sheet with printed pattern The printer is tr ying to perform a scan of the calibration pattern, but no sheet was f ound.
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Unable t o init iali ze ink s ystem . Call HP representativ e. The system cannot successfull y complete the star tup .
The Front P anel Menu Structure Navigating the Menu System Message D escriptions Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Oth er Prin ter Options Index Solutions Front Panel Messa ges (continued) Messag e Explanation and Action W ar ning! Machine calibrations need to be performed.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Printer Configurati on Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printer Options The p r inter has man y optio ns that y ou can use to e nsure tha t the image you print has the l ook and ap pear ance y o u want.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Pa ge Format Setting Page Size in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Printer Configurati on Pa g e F o r m a t • P age Description e xplains ho w to make sure the y ou obtain the prin ts from you r print er in the f ormat you want .
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Pa ge Format Setting Page Size in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Printer Configurati on P age Description This sec tion ex plains ho w to make sure t hat the prin ter pro duces y our print in the page f or mat y ou want.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Pa ge Format Setting Page Size in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Printer Configurati on Pa g e.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fr ont Pa ne l Image Appearance Print Man age ment Prin ter Configurati on Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Setting P ag e Siz e in the Fr ont P anel No front pa nel page siz e op tions are a va ilable f or y our printer model.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Image Appea rance These t opics e xplain ho w you can con tr ol the o ver all appe aran ce of y our prints.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Set-up M enu Printing Ima ges in Gra yscale There are time s when y ou ma y w ant to print a col or image in gr aysc ale because it is f aster .
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions P.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions H.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Print Qu alit y Y ou can set the ov erall print quality fr om th e fr ont p ane l ( Set-Up > Print Qualit y ).
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions I.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Pri nt Management P rinter Configura tion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions B.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Mana gement Printer Conf igurat io n Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Print Management These t opics describe the be st meth ods of manag ing the work that t he printer is do ing.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Mana gement Printer Conf igurat io n Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Cancelli ng a P age th at is Print in g Use the f ollo wing procedu r e to canc el a page tha t is curr en tly being printed .
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Mana gement Printer Conf igurat io n Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions .
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printer Configuration These t opics ex p lain how to c han ge the configur ation of y our printer .
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Aler t Buzzer Yo u r HP DesignJet 500P S printer is equipped wit h an aler t b uzz er that is us ed to warn you when: • A task ha s complete d.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Screen Contrast Y ou can adjust the screen contr ast of the fro nt panel to be st suit the ambie nt light ing condi t ion s at yo ur location.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Altitude Setting Yo u r HP DesignJe t 500PS printer con tains a v acuum pu mp which is u s ed to hold t he medi a onto the plate n.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutio.
P a g e Format Setting Page Si ze in the Fro nt P anel Image Appearance Print Management Prin ter C o nf igur a t ion Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions Logs Yo u r HP DesignJet 500P S printer k eeps a log f or the print hea ds and an error log.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Other The Othe r ta.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Car e of the P rinter Insta lling E xpansi on Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Care of the Printer This sec tion contains i nf or matio n on ge neral maint enance of the printer .
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Car e of the P rinter Insta lling E xpansi on Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Cleaning the Prin.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Car e of the P rinter Insta lling E xpansi on Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Storing and Movin.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Installin g Expansi.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Netw ork Car d Installation HP JetDirect Networ k Card Install ation 1.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions 3. Re m ove the cov er com pl et el y In si d e the compartment ther e ar e two slo ts for a LAN card o r an Accessory card.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions 6. Insert the LAN cable into the LA N card. I t is simply pus hed into place and clic ks when l ocke d.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions HP-GL2 Accessory Car d Installation Not a vailab le f or y our printer mod el.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Specifications •.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Functional Speci f.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions HP Supp or ted Me .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Resolution Pr int .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Margins Roll (normal) Sh eet (nor mal ) Ro ll (small) Sh eet (small) Side Margi ns 5 mm Leading Edge Mar gi n 17 mm T r ai ling Edge Margi n 17 mm Accur acy 0.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ph ysical Specifications Physical S pecif ication s Ty p e Wei g ht Width Depth Height D/A1 siz e printe r 38.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Memory Specificati.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Printer P o wer Sp.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ecological Speci fications Ecol ogical Sp ecific ation s Ener g y effi cienc y Com pli ant with Energ y Star Pr ogr am EP A (US).
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions En viromental Specificatio ns NOTE: At altitudes greater then 3000m the printer ma y have operational pr oblems.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Acoustic Specifica.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Connection S pecif.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Cab le Specifica tion The conn ector on the printer is 36-pi n f emale connect or .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Recommended Cables.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Ordering Accessories Y ou can orde r supp lies a nd ac cess orie s i n any of the followin g wa y s: • Call your loca l auth or ized H P deal er .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Documentation Lang .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Slo vaki an C7769-9.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Hardware Item HP Part Nu mber Mem ory Modules 64 MB C2387A 128 MB C2388A All memory expansi on modules are: SODIMM 168p i n x 64 EDO 50 na nose cond s, 3.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossary Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Consumable Items T .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions Glossary Te r m M e a n i n g ANSI pape r An American standar d paper siz e; e.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions driv ers Softwa re that cont r ols the c ommunicat io n between a computer and a de vice .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions ISO paper An international standa rd paper si ze; e.g . A1, A2, etc. JIS A Japan ese standard pap er siz e.
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions platen The e xterior part of the p rinte r o n whic h t he p ape r r ests be f ore go in g int o th e printe r .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions RIP Raster Im age Processor . R TL Raster T ransf er Language is one of Hewlet t-P ac kard ’ s s tandard graphic s language s for pl otter s an d pr inters .
Care of the P rinter Install ing Expa nsion Cards Specifications Ordering Accessories Glossar y Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Othe r Prin ter Options Index Solutions T erm Meaning spindle The rod whi ch holds th e roll of paper .
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Inde x A acousti c sp eci fi ca tio ns Action Key s Adva nced C.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z None Typical E ecologi cal spe cificat ions Enter K ey enviro n.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ink cart ridges HP Ink S upplies ink ca rtridges HP Ink S upplies ink emula tion mode selecti n g Ink Menu Ink Supp lies.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Media Cutter Handlin g Media T ypes Additi onal I nformatio n C.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z N natural tracing pap er Navigating the Menu System Navigation .
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Architec turaI Pa per ISO Pa per Printed Image Inc orrect Image.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z S Set-up M enu Setup Poster Sheet Media Informa tion Loading Un.
Medi a & In k Introduc tion Fr ont P anel Other Prin ter Options Index Solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z print butt on relate d informa tion tabs V vellu m W Warped Lin.
An important point after buying a device PC Concepts 500PS (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought PC Concepts 500PS yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data PC Concepts 500PS - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, PC Concepts 500PS you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get PC Concepts 500PS will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of PC Concepts 500PS, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime PC Concepts 500PS.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with PC Concepts 500PS. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device PC Concepts 500PS along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center