Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 139PREPL Paragon
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PARAGON Technologie GmbH, Systemp rogrammierung Heinrich - von - Stephan - Str. 5c 79100 Freiburg, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 761 59018201 Fax +49 (0) 761 59018130 Internet www.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 2 CONTENTS Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5 What’s New i n Disk Wipe r 10 .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 3 Data Sanitiz ation .................................................................................................................................... 13 Data Secur ity Standards .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 4 Basic Partitioni ng Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Hard Disk Management .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 5 INTRODUCT ION Data securi ty nowada ys is the burning i ssue not o nly for co mpa nies and government agencies, but rank and file people as well. Our personal ity is now fully e mbedded i n compute r techno logy.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 6 Please take into considera tion the mentioned ab ove peculiarities o f the certain versio ns when working w ith the program.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 7 AUTOMATIZATION FACI LITIES Task schedul ing to automate routine operations. It can be particularly effective when you have to re peat a sequence of actions on a regular basis.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 8 GUID Partiti on Table (GPT). It is the next generatio n of a h ard dis k partitioning scheme developed to lift restrictions of the old MB R. GPT di sks are now supporte d by Wind ows Vis ta/7, Ser ver 2008, Mac OS X and Linux.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 9 SVGA video a dapter a nd moni tor Mouse LINUX/DOS BASED WIPI NG CD To us e the Par agon Linux /DOS Wiping CD on your.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 10 6. Confirm Install ation . On the Read y to Install the Pro gram page click the I nstall button to star t the installation or t he Back button to return to a ny of the previous pages and modify the i nstallation settings.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 11 Afte r you have inserte d the Wipi ng CD into a CD/DVD dri ve and r estarte d the com puter, the Boot me nu appears . The Boot m enu contai ns the following com mands: Normal Mode .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 12 Wipe Wizard (enables to destroy all on - disk information or only remnants of deleted files/directories); Fil e Tra.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 13 BASIC CONCEP TS This chapter explains terms and ideas that s how how the program w orks. To understand these helps to obtain a general notion of the operation performa nce a nd makes it easier for the us er to operate the program.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 14 NAVSO P - 5239 - 26 for MFM encoded drives . At first to writ e the fixed value (0xffffff ff) to the target data are a, then the fixed value (0xbfffff ff), and then ra ndom values.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 15 an extended partition with logical drives. However, these operati ng systems also introduce a new disk configu rati on type - dynamic disk - which must be under stood to effective ly configur e and m anage har d disks.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 16 The bulk of software today is written for a 32 - bit processor . It can meet the requirements of almost any end user. However that is not the case when dealing with servers processing large amounts of data with complex calculat ions of very large numbers.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 17 The Launc her’s wi ndow can b e conditiona lly subdivi ded in to sev eral sections that diffe r in their purpose and functionality: 1. Main Menu 2. Tool Bar 3. Virtual Operations Bar 4.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 18 MA IN MENU The Main Menu provides access to the entir e functionality of the pro gram.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 19 Wizards Wipe Hard Disk or Partition.. . Destroy all on - disk information or only re mnants of delete d files/directories H.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 20 Properties… Get in - depth information on the pro perties of selecte d partition View Toolbar Manage the Tool Bar represe.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 21 Open the He lp syste m VIRTUAL OPERATIONS B AR The progra m supports previ ewing t he result ing layout of hard di sks befor e actual ly exec uting opera tions (so - called virtual mode of executi on).
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 22 Wiping Tools Starting the Wipe Wizard t o help destroy all on - disk information or only remnants of deleted files /directo.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 23 Model. Small - sized bars display the following information about logic al disks: Serial number, Drive letter, Total size, File system. Furthermore, it is possible to estimate the used disk space by looking at the size of the ba r’s shaded area.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 24 Disk View , which o ffers the user t he followi ng options : - Disk Editor to view/edit sectors of the selected partition/hard disk; - Properties to view detailed information on the selected partiti on/hard disk in the brigh t graphical for m.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 25 Open the nex t brow sed page Stop loadin g the curr ent pag e Refresh the co ntents of the c urrent page Some features may b e unavailable i n the version of the pr oduct you have.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 26 This sectio n contains a set of general o ptions t hat will be taken in to account during a ny operatio n carri ed out with t he prog ram: Enable data loss protecti on .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 27 Here you can set a spe cific da ta erasur e algor ithm that w ill be use d by def ault during wipe oper ations. Some features may b e unavailable i n the version of the pr oduct you have.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 28 This section contains a set of options that wi ll be taken into accou nt during partitioning operati ons: Enable 64 K B clu ster size for FAT16 . Mark the chec kbox to ena ble 64KB clust ers for FAT 16 partitions.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 29 This section contains a set of option s that will be taken int o accou nt during t he Send log files and Send e - mail notification operations: Outgoing mail server (SMTP) .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 30 By clicking t he link at th e bottom of the window you can jum p to the Operation Depende ncy Options . Some features may b e unavailable i n the version of the pr oduct you have.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 31 This sectio n contains a set of options t hat wil l be taken i nto ac count when the Send e - mail no tification on apply function is enabled.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 32 The model and serial number of the disk serve as the title of the browsed p age. The disk layout is shown in form of a circula r graph, where the color of a sector correspo nds to a file sys tem of an appropriate par tition.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 33 Total size , used spa ce and fr ee space (in GB o r MB). Below there is a list of wizards, which may be called for this disk. All default value s of parameters will correspond to the disk s ettings.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 34 You can ma ke an IS O image i nstead o f burning a CD/DVD by select ing th e Emulator drive. CD/DVD writing parameters . Writing parameters include writing speed (maximum o r minimum) and the ability of ejecting the recorded disc after completing the operation.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 35 4. The program allows creating new parti tions only within blocks of un - parti tioned space. It ca nnot conve rt a free space on an existing partition to a new partition. DIALOG ST ARTUP In order to start the operati on yo u should take the following steps: Launcher 1.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 36 Partition size and position may al so be defi ned by usi ng the dra g - and - drop techn ique. To do that , just carry out the r equired operation on the Disk Map. T he virtual operation s are to be a vailable.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 37 SUPPORTED FILE SYSTE MS The program provides the a bility to format p artitions of the follow ing file systems: - FAT12 & FAT 16 - FAT32 - NTFS - Ext2 - Ext3 - Linux Swap v.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 38 In addition, there is the possib ility to make further detailed settin gs (although the default values will do in most cases). To activate t he adva nce mode, you need t o click t he More options but ton at t he foot of the dialog page.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 39 Call the po pup menu for the se lected par tition (ri ght click of the mouse b utton) the n select t he menu i tem: Delete Partition . DIALOG SE TUP Initially the program suggest s you just to rem ove references to the s elected partition from t he Partition Table.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 40 In this chapter you will fin d all the informatio n necessary to carry hard disk operations suppor ted by t he program (Updat e MBR, Convert to Basic, Chan ge Primary Slot).
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 41 Wipe mode . This section enables to switch between two options: - Wipe out all data . Select the option to irre ve rsibly destroy all on - disk data of the selected object.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 42 - In case you pre ferred to create a customiz ed algorit hm, the nex t page o f the wizar d ena bles to def ine up to 4 wiping patterns, number of passes for each wipin g pattern and for the group of patterns.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 43 The prog ram also enables to store the resulted rep ort. To do that, just press the Save button an d choose the exact l ocation in the opene d dialog.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 44 TASK SCHEDULING Automatio n of operati ons can r eally hel p you out when y ou’ve got t o accom plish cer tain routi ne op erations on a regular basis as it enables to execute them without your in volvement while optimizing your c omputer’s work -load.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 45 MA NAGING TASKS All scheduled tasks are placed in a separate list, wh ich can be retrieved by clicking the Sche duled Tasks.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 46 3. In the ope ned dial og window you can se e two ta bs - General and Schedule. Click the Ge neral tab to modify: Full path to the macro - command program - interpreter, which describes the scheduled task; Command line for st arting the interpret er (i.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 47 4. In the ope ned dial og enter t he requi red task name and specify t he task timetabl e; 5. The operation will be performed immedia tely after confirmation. This comma nd is una vailabl e if the re are no operatio ns on the List of P ending Operatio ns.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 48 SETUP Initially the program sugg ests some consistent values for all parameters. In most cases, yo u can just press the Gen erate button to confirm the operati on. Script file name and location .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 49 This command is unavaila ble if there are no operations o n the List of Pen ding Oper ations. To learn m ore about script s please c onsult t he Parag on Scripti ng Lang uage man ual.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 50 MOUNT PARTITION The program enables to assign or remove drive letters of existin g formatted partitions. ASS IGN DRIVE LETTER In order to mount a par tition you should take the following steps: Launcher 1.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 51 Modifying driv e letter of t he system pa rtition will result i n inability to boot the operating sy stem. After having processed par titions wit h install ed software, some programs may not ru n properly.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 52 3. Initially the program sugg ests some consistent values for all parameters. In most cases, you c an just press the Yes button to confirm the o peration. Automatically fix file system error s .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 53 Careless use of the Edit Sectors function may result in th e irreversible data corru ption. SEND LOG F ILES The progra m enables to sim plify the pro cedure of sending support r equests to the Pa ragon Su pport Team .
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 54 By clickin g the Send button th e buil t- in mail client will generate a template request with attached compressed log files and then send it to the Paragon Support Team. LOG FILES Log files are simple textual files tha t can be opened by any text editor.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 55 With a hand y dialog you can s tudy logs o n any oper ation ca rried by th e progra m.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 56 3. In the boot menu selec t Normal Mode to use the Linux wiping en vironment (more preferable) or Safe Mode to use the PTS DOS wiping environment (in case you’ve got problems with Linux ).
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 57 6. On the next page choose the requi red hard dis k from the pull - down list (if se ver al) and the n select t he Update the MBR executable code option. 7. Confirm the operation.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 58 FIXING WINDOWS START UP ABILITY Let’s assum e that due to an unknown reas on your Windows fails to co mplete th e start up procedur e. At fir st ever ything seem s qui te OK, you can see the sta ndard sta rtup me ssages on the scree n, but at some m oment it hangs up.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 59 6. On the next page choose the required Windows installation from the list of found insta llations (if several), then selec t the Edit the Boot.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 60 9. On the next page cho ose a ha rd disk from the pull - do wn list (i f severa l), then t he requi red par tition. If you’re no t sure which installation you need, please use the Properties button to get more info on t he selected item.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 61 12. Confirm the operation. 13. After the operation is completed click the Report button to see a well informative summary page. The program also enables to store the res ulted report.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 62 By default the Normal M ode will be a utomatically init iated after a 10 second i dle period. 5. In the Linux launch menu select the File Transfer Wizard. You can find the same wizard in PTS DOS as well.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 63 8. Select files you want to copy and place them to Clipboard by pressing the left arr ow -button. Click the Calc button to esti mate the resulte d data size. 9. On the Select De stination Type, choose the way the data w ill be stored.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 64 13. After the o perati on is compl eted, cl ose the wizard by pressing th e appro priate but ton.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 65 5. On the Wizard' s Welcome page, click the Next button. 6. Select a disk where the files you need are stored from t he pull -dow n list in the right pane of the page. 7.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 66 Click the Calc button to esti mate the resulte d data size. 8. On the Select De stination Type, choose the way the data will be stored. Select the Burn data to CD/DVD item. 9.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 67 To irreversibly destroy all on - disk information without any possibilit y to recover and that way providing the maximum level of security, pl ease do t he follo wing: 1. Launch the Wi pe Wizard.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 68 6. Review all param eters of the operation and modify them if necess ary. 7. Complete t he wizar d and the n apply the pendin g changes. Some features may b e unavailable i n the version of the pr oduct you have.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 69 The progra m cannot create a new partiti on on a dynamic di sk, but onl y on a hard disk that uses the DOS partitioning scheme.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 70 You can fin d a name of the tool you need he re: http://kb.paragon - software.
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 71 The triad of values {[ Sectors - per - Track], [Tracks - per - Cylinder], [Amou nt - of - Cylinders]} is usu ally named the Ha rd Disk Geometry or C/H/S geometry. Tracks and cylinders are enumerated from "0", while sectors are en umerated from "1".
Copyright© 1994 - 2009 Para gon Soft ware Grou p. All ri ghts rese rved. 72 Windows 2 000 and XP s uppor t two quite differ ent parti tioning sc hemes: t he old D OS parti tioning sche me and the ne w Dynami c Disk Management (DDM). The prob lem is that earlier versions of Windows do not support DDM.
An important point after buying a device Paragon 139PREPL (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Paragon 139PREPL yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Paragon 139PREPL - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Paragon 139PREPL you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Paragon 139PREPL will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Paragon 139PREPL, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Paragon 139PREPL.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Paragon 139PREPL. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Paragon 139PREPL along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center