Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 9788 Paradyne
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FrameSa ver ® DSL Models 9720, 9783, and 9788 User’ s Guide Docume nt No. 9700-A2-G B20-20 Decem ber 2002.
A Decembe r 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Copyright © 2002 Paradyne Corporation All right s reserve d. Printed in U .S.A. Notice This pu blicati on is prot ected by f ederal cop yright law .
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 i Contents About This Guide Purpose an d Intend ed Audie nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Document Organizat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Product- Related Doc uments .
Conten ts ii Decembe r 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 3 Configuration Pro cedures Basic Conf iguratio n From the User Interfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Configur ation Opt ion Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 iii 5 Configuring the FrameSaver DSL R outer FrameSaver DS L Route r Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 IP Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts iv Decembe r 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Controllin g Router CL I Acces s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 Access L evels (Com mand M odes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 Changing A ccess Le vels .
Contents 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 v 8T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Proble m Indicato rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 Resetting the Unit an d Restoring Communi cation . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts vi De cember 20 02 9700-A2-GB20-20 Adminis tering a nd Managi ng Advan ced SLM A ctivations . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 Entering an Activa tion Certifi cate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 Checking A ctivation Ce rtificate S tatus .
Contents 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 vii RMON Alar m and Eve nt Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-14 Network Phy sical Inte rface Al arm Defau lts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-15 Frame Relay Link Al arm Defaults .
Conten ts viii December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Model 972 0 and 9 783 CSU/DSU Data Po rt Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . E-7 Standar d V.35 Strai ght-through Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-7 Model 978 8 CSU/DSU Da ta Port Connec tor .
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 ix About Th is Guide Purpose and Intended A udie nce This doc ument c ontains informat ion that a pplie s to F rameS a ver DSL (Dig ital Subscr iber L ine) 9720, 9783, and 9788 C SU/DSUs (Channel Ser vic e Unit/D ata Ser vic e Units) and F rameSaver DSL rout ers ru nning fir mware rele ase lev el 2.
Abou t This Gu ide x Decem ber 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 A master gloss ar y of ter ms and acr onyms used in P aradyn e docu ments is av ailable on the World Wide Web at www.
About This Guide 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 xi Pr oduct-Related Documents Complete Paradyne docum entati on for this produc t is av ail able at www .
Abou t This Gu ide xii De cember 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 T o or der a p aper copy of this m anual: Within t he U .S.A., call 1-8 00-P ARAD YNE (1-800 -727-23 96) Outsid e the U.S .A., c all 1-72 7-530-8 623 Con ventions Used Convent ion I nt erpre tat ion [ ] Brac ket s indicate a n optional e lement.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 1-1 1 About FrameSa v er DSL Devices This cha pter includ es the following: System Over view F rameSav er DS L F eature s on page 1 -2 — CSU/DSU-Spe cific Features .
1. About F rameSaver DS L Devices 1-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 FrameSa ver DSL F eatures Based up on the m odel o rdered, or whether the device has be en upgraded to Ser vic e Lev el V er ifier.
1. About Fra meSaver DSL Devices 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 1-3 CLI Access and Configuration. Provides a r outer Comm and Line I nterface (CLI), alon g with th e menu-dri ven user interface, f or configu ring and man aging the route r . I t is a ccessed from the Ma in Menu via a direct CO M por t conne ction or T elnet.
1. About F rameSaver DS L Devices 1-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Diagnostic F eature Set The following feature set is com mon to a ll F rameSaver DSL de vices. It p rovides basic Fr ameS av er frame re lay and diagnos tic capabil ity , wh ich inc ludes the f oll owing features: Easy I nstallation .
1. About Fra meSaver DSL Devices 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 1-5 Multiplexed PVCs. Provides a method of multiplexing manag ement d ata with cust omer data transparentl y ov er a single P VC (P er ma nent Vir tual Circuit ) when F rameS av er devices are at ea ch en d of the circuit.
1. About F rameSaver DS L Devices 1-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 T rap Event Log. Shows the SNMP (S imple Networ k Man agemen t Protoc ol) trap e vent log for the F rameSaver unit, with the most .
1. About Fra meSaver DSL Devices 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 1-7 Netw ork User History Synchronization. Allows cor relation o f RMON2 User Histor y sta tistics among al l SL V de vic es in a networ k.
1. About F rameSaver DS L Devices 1-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 The illus tration below shows a typical network configuratio n that i ncludes a F rameSav er DS L Router .
1. About Fra meSaver DSL Devices 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 1-9 OpenLane SLM System P aradyne’ s OpenL ane ® Ser v ice Lev el M anagem ent (SLM ) solution is an ope n, stand ards-bas ed, highly distr ibutable system o ff er ing r obust scalab ility an d flexibility .
1. About F rameSaver DS L Devices 1-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 2-1 2 User and Command Line Interfaces, and Basic Operation This cha pter explains how to ac cess, use, and n avigate the menu- driven user interface and the router’ s Comm and Line I nterface (CLI ).
2. Use r and Comm and Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Ope ration 2-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Logging O n Star t a se ssion us ing one o f the following me thods: T elnet sessi on via: — An in -band man agemen t channel through t he frame re lay network (frame relay network s er vice provider).
2. Use r and Command Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Operati on 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 2-3 Proc edure T o log in w hen secu r ity is b eing enforced: 1. T yp e your assigne d Logi n ID and press Ente r . 2. T ype your P assword and pres s Enter.
2. Use r and Comm and Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Ope ration 2-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Main Menu Entr y to a ll F rameS av er device tasks begins a t the Ma in Menu, w hich p rovides acce ss to sev eral me nus. The Access Level appears at the to p of the screen when security ha s been se t up .
2. Use r and Command Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Operati on 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 2-5 Screen W ork Ar eas There ar e two user wor k areas : Scr een ar ea – Wher e you input infor mation o r infor mation i s displ ay ed. Functio n keys area – Where you pe rf or m specifi c screen functions.
2. Use r and Comm and Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Ope ration 2-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Na vigating Menu-Dr iv en User Inter face Scr ee ns Y ou can navigate the m enu-dr iven user int erface screen s by using: K eyboard keys. Function keys to switch between the two s creen wor k areas.
2. Use r and Command Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Operati on 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 2-7 Function K eys All func tion keys located in the lower par t of th e screen (see the example i n Screen W or k Ar eas on page 2- 5) operate the same wa y throug hout the scr eens.
2. Use r and Comm and Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Ope ration 2-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Swit chin g Betwe en Sc reen Areas Use Ctr l-a to s wit ch between sc reen ar eas (s ee the example in Screen W or k Areas on page 2-5). Proc edure T o switch to the function ke ys area f rom the s creen a rea: 1.
2. Use r and Command Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Operati on 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 2-9 Na vigating the Router’ s CLI Access t he F rameSav er DS L Router’ s Comm and Line I nterface by pressing the Shift-r fu nction ke y fro m the Ma in Menu.
2. Use r and Comm and Line Inte rfaces, and Ba sic Ope ration 2-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 3-1 3 Conf iguration P r ocedures While i t is eas iest to c onfigure F rameSav er devices us ing the OpenLane SLM system , y ou can c onfigure the F rameSav er DSL CSU/DSUs and route rs using the menu-dri v e n user inte rf ace.
3. Co nfig ura tion P roce dure s 3-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Basic Conf iguration From the User Interface Config uration option settin gs deter min e how the Fr ameSaver DSL device operates. Use t he unit’ s Conf iguration E dit/Disp la y menu to display or chan ge configura tion op tion setti ngs.
3. Configur ation Procedures 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 3-3 Conf iguration Option Ar eas The Fr ameSaver device arrives with c onfig ured factor y default setting s, which a re located i n the Factor y Default Configurati on option area.
3. Co nfig ura tion P roce dure s 3-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Accessing and Displ aying Configuration Options T o ac cess and displ ay configuration options, load a configu ration opti on set in to the edit ar ea. Proc edure T o l oad a set o f conf iguration o ptions for editing: 1.
3. Configur ation Procedures 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 3-5 Changing Conf iguration Op tions When sec uri ty has b een se t up, only Secu rity A ccess Lev el 1 user s ca n change configura tion op tions. See Chapter 6 , Secu rity an d Logi ns , for additional informati on.
3. Co nfig ura tion P roce dure s 3-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 F or the route r , saving als o updat es the rout er’ s confi guration d atabase, addi ng newly configu red DLCIs or subne ts that do not yet e xi st in the r outer da tabase. NO TE: There ar e other me thods of changi ng config urations, like SNMP a nd A uto -Configuratio n.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-1 4 Conf igurat ion Opti ons This cha pter desc ri bes all t he conf iguration options av a ilable on the Fr ameS av er DSL devices.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 — Config urin g T el net and /or FTP S ession s — Conf iguring SN MP NMS Se curity — Config urin g SNMP T raps — Config urin g.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-3 Using the Easy Install F eature An Eas y I nstall screen is p rovided for c ustom configu rations, but i s not requir ed for nor mal ins tallatio n. The Fr ameSaver Easy Instal l feature provides mi nimal c onfigu ration.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 T ab le 4-1 . Easy In stal l Configuratio n Opti ons (1 o f 4) DSLAM T y pe (9783) P ossib le Settin gs: Pa radyne, Alcatel (Ne wBridge), P airGain, Nokia Def ault Sett ing: Par a dy n e Ensures i nteroper ability wi th non-P ar adyne DSLAMs , not ju st the Hotwire GranDS LAM.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-5 TS Acces s P ossib le Settin gs: None, DLCI, VPI,VCI, DLCI_on_VPI,VCI Def ault Sett ing: [Depen ds on model ] Spec ifi es the typ e of Vi r tua l Cir cui t (VC ) by whic h spe cial trou blesho otin g (TS ) acce ss is provi ded to se r vice pro viders .
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Networ k 1 DSL Line Rate (9783) P ossib le Settin gs: – If DSLAM T ype is set to P aradyne , or if DSLA M T ype is s et to Nokia an .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-7 Netwo rk 1 Chann el (9720) P ossib le Settin gs: B1, B2 Def ault Sett ing: B1 Specifies the B channe l used f or data transf er when th e line r ate is 64 kbps. Displa y Co nditions – Netw ork 1 Channel a ppears on ly when Netw ork 1 Oper ating R ate is set to 64.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Entering System Inf ormat ion and Setting the System Cloc k Select S ystem In f o r mation to s et up or d isplay the gene ral SNMP na me for the unit, the l ocation, a contact f or the unit, an d set the s ystem c lock.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-9 Conf iguration Op tion T ables Config uration opt ion des cri ptions c ontained in t his ch apter ar e in menu orde r , ev en though this may not be the orde r in whic h they are acces sed when conf igur ing the unit.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring the Overall System The Syste m menu op tions are desc ri bed in the following section s: Config urin g F rame Relay and L.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-11 LMI Beha vior (9783 and 9788) P ossib le Settin gs: Independent , Net1-FR1_Follo ws_P ort-1, P ort-1_Follo ws_Net1-FR1, P or t-1_Codepen.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-12 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 LMI Status En quiry (N1) P ossib le Settin gs: 1 – 255 Def ault Sett ing: 6 Configu res the LM I-defined N 1 paramete r , whi ch sets the number of status e nquiry polling cycles that the use r side of the LMI initi ates bef ore a fu ll status enquiry is initiat ed.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-13 Conf iguring Class of Service Def initions Select C lass of S er vice Definitio ns from the S ystem me nu to displ a y or c hange the Class o f Ser vic e defin itions to be used w ith latenc y , availability , and throughp ut measur ements of I P traffic on IP Enabled cir cuits.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-14 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 8. Select S ave, t hen s el ec t P gD n or PgU p . Th e Class o f Ser v ice Defin itions p age reappear s. In the C ode P oints A ssigned column n ext to your selected name ther e is n ow a Y fo r Y es .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-15 Code Point Def inition s Select Cl ass of Ser vice Definition s from the S ystem menu, th en PgD n or PgU p, t o display or chang e the Co de P oint defin ition s for a Class of Ser vic e ID .
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-16 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring Ser vice Lev el V erification Option s SL V opti ons are selecte d fro m the Sy stem m enu.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-17 SL V T ype A va ilab le Settings: Standar d, COS 1–COS 7 Def ault Sett ing: – If SL V F eature is enab led: Standar d – If SL V F .
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-18 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 SL V Timeout Err or Event Thresh old A va ilab le Settings: 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . 20 Def ault Sett ing: 3 Specifies the number of co nsecutiv e missed SL V pack ets that must be detected bef ore an SL V Timeout Err or Event is declared .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-19 Conf iguring Gene ral System Options Select G eneral from the Sy stem menu to confi gure the g eneral sy stem configura tion op tions (s ee T ab le 4-6, Gener al Option s ). Main M enu Con figuration Sy stem General T able 4-6.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-20 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring Network Interfaces Config uration of networ k inte rface is descr ibed i n the following sections : Config urin g the Net.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-21 T able 4-8. Netw ork Phy sical Interfa ce Options (97 83) Line Rate M ode P ossib le Settin gs: Hunt, A utoRate, Fixed Def ault Sett ing: A utoRate Specifies the mode to be used f or rate s election.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-22 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 T able 4-9. Netw ork Phy sical Interfa ce Options (97 88) Line Rate M ode P ossib le Settin gs: Auto Rate, Fixed Def ault Sett ing: A utoRate Specifies the mode to be used f or rate s election.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-23 Conf iguring Frame Relay for the Network Interface Select Fr ame Relay from the Networ k me nu to display or chan ge the networ k F rame Relay options (s ee T able 4-10, Networ k F rame R ela y O ptions ).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-24 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring Circuit Records f or the Network Interface (9783, 9788) Circuit r ecords ca n be cre ated or mo dified an d PVCs c an be create d bas ed on ex ist ing DLCIs using the Networ k Circuit Recor ds screen .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-25 DLCI T ype P ossib le Settin gs: Sta nda rd, Mul tipl exed, IP Ena bled Def ault Sett ing: Mult iplexed Spec ifi es whe ther the DLC I is st andar d, mult ipl e xed, or I P Enable d.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-26 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Bc P ossib le Settin gs: – 9783: 0 – 232000 0 – 9788: 0 – 231200 0 Def ault Sett ing: 0 Allows you to d isplay or change the DLCI’ s committed burst s ize. Displa y C onditions – This o ption appears only when C ommitted Burst Size is s et to Other .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-27 Conf iguring A TM for the Netw ork Interface (9783, 9788) Select A TM fr om the Network menu to displ ay or change A TM opti on settin gs (see T able 4-12, Network A TM Options ). Main M enu Con figuration Networ k AT M T able 4-12.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-28 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring the User Data or V irtual Router P ort The following user da ta por t and v ir tual route r por t inter f ace character i.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-29 T ransmit Cloc k Sour ce P ossib le Settin gs: Internal, Extern al Def ault Sett ing: Internal Determines whethe r the DTE’ s transmit ted data is cloc ked into the F ra meSav er unit b y internal tr ansmit cloc k or e xternal cl ock pro vided b y the DTE.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-30 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring Frame Relay on the CSU/DSU’ s Data Port Select Fr ame Relay from the Data P or ts menu to confi gure the user data por t frame relay character istics (se e T able 4-14, CS U/DSU F rame Relay Options ).
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-31 LMI Clearing Event (N3) P ossib le Settin gs: 1 – 10 Def ault Sett ing: 1 Configu res the LMI -defined N3 pa rameter , which sets th e numbe r of error-free me ssages that mu st be rec eived bef ore clearing an error e v ent.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-32 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring DLCI Re cords Depending on the m odel, DLCI re cords c an be cr eated a nd modifi ed, and PV Cs created based on existing D LCIs, usin g the Net work, Da ta P or ts, or Vir tual Router P or ts DLCI R ecords screen.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-33 CIR (bps) P ossib le Settin gs: – 9720: 0 – 144000 – 9783: 0 – 232000 0 – 9788: 0 – 231200 0 Def ault Sett ing: 0 Determines the data rate f or the DLCI th at the net work commits to a ccept and c arr y without discarding frames; the CIR in bi ts per se cond.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-34 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Excess Bur st Size Be (Bits) P ossib le Settin gs: – 9720: 0 – 144000 – 9783: 0 – 232000 0 – 9788: 0 – 231200 0 Def ault S.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-35 Conf iguring PVC Connections TS Mana gement is initial ly enabled and configur ed on VP I,VCI 0,35 by default.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-36 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Destinati on Link P ossib le Settin gs: Net1-FR1 Def ault Set ting: Initiall y bl ank Specifies the fra me rela y interf ace used as the de stination li nk; the to en d of a f rom -to link.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-37 Conf iguring the IP Path List Select I P Path List (Static) fr om the Con figuration E dit/Disp la y me nu to display or chang e the list of static path I P addres ses explicitly defined i n the u nit.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-38 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Setting Up Management and Communication Options available from the Ma nageme nt and Co mmunicatio n menu are de scr ibed in the f oll .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-39 T able 4-18 . Node IP Options (1 of 2) Node IP Address P ossib le Settin gs: 001.000.0 00.000 – 126.25 5.255.255, 128.000.0 00.000 – 55, Clear Def ault Sett ing: Clear (000.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-40 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Manageme nt MTU Size P ossib le Settin gs: 90–1500 Def ault Sett ing: 1500 (Release 2. 1.) Specifie s the Maxim um T ra nsmission U nit (MTU) siz e, in b ytes, to b e used f or managem ent traff ic.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-41 Conf iguring Management PVCs T o de fine i nband mana gement links, selec t Manageme nt PVCs ( see Ta b l e 4 - 1 9 , Managemen t PVC Op tions ). First, co nfigure t he DLCI inte rf ace r ecords a t the Managemen t PVC loc ation.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-42 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 T able 4-19 . Management PVC Op tions (1 of 4) Name P ossib le Settin gs: ASCII T ext Entry Def ault Set ting: Initiall y bl ank F or the mana gement PVC , spec ify a uniq ue name to d ispla y on scr eens (e.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-43 Set DE P ossib le Settin gs: Enable, Disab le Def ault Sett ing: Disable Specifies whether fr ames (pa ck ets) sent o n a manage ment PVC h av e the Dis card Eligib le (DE) bit set.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-44 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Primary EDLCI P ossib le Settin gs: 0 – 62 Def ault Set ting: Initiall y bl ank Specifies the EDLCI n umber used by a management PVC when a m ultiple x ed DLC I is selecte d. EDLCIs i dentify uniq ue indiv idual conne ctions wit hin multi ple xed DLCIs .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-45 Primary Link RIP P ossib le Settin gs: None, Proprie tary , Proprietary In , Standard_ou t Def ault Sett ing: – F or multi plex ed DLC.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-46 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring Gene ral SNMP Managemen t Using SN MP protoc ols, the Fr ameSaver unit can b e managed as an N MS SNMP agent. Y o u must have Le vel-1 acce ss to dis play or confi gure thes e options.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-47 C o m m u n i t yN a m e2 P ossib le Settin gs: ASCII te xt entry , Clear Def ault Sett ing: Clear Specifies the second of two na mes that are allo wed to access the objects in t he F rame Sav er uni t’ s MIB .
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-48 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring T elnet and/or FTP Sessions T e lnet and FTP op tions co ntrol in terconne cted IP networ k and s ecur ity acce ss applica ble to the sess ion.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-49 Session A ccess Lev el P ossib le Settin gs: Level -1, Level-2, Level-3 Def ault Sett ing: Leve l-1 Specifies the high est security le vel allo wed w hen acces sing the me nu-driv en user interf ace v ia a T elne t session.
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-50 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 FTP Login Required P ossib le Settin gs: Enable, Disab le Def ault Sett ing: Disable Specifies if a logi n ID and p assw ord a re required f or an FTP ses sion. If req uired, the login used is the same login used for a menu -driven user interf ace s ession.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-51 Conf iguring SNMP NM S Securit y Select S NMP NM S Secur ity fr om the Mana gement and Com munication menu to configur e trap mana gers (se e T able 4-22, SNMP NMS Secu rity O ptions ).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-52 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Access T ype P ossib le Settin gs: Read, Read/Write Def ault Sett ing: Read Specifies the type of access allow ed fo r an auth orized NMS when IP address v alid ation is perf ormed.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-53 Conf iguring SNMP T raps Select SN MP T raps from the Man agement and Communic ation me nu to configur e SNMP traps when a trap is generate d (see T able 4-23, SNMP T raps Options ).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-54 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Initial Ro ute Destination P ossib le Settin gs: Auto Route, Ethernet, COM, PVCname Def ault Sett ing: A utoRoute Specifies the initial rout e used to reach the speci fied T rap Manager .
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-55 Link T raps P ossib le Settin gs: Disable, Up, Do wn, Both Def ault Sett ing: Both Determines wh ether SNMP linkD own o r linkUp tr aps are sen t to the cu rrently confi gured trap manager(s).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-56 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 RMON T raps P ossib le Settin gs: Enable, Disab le Def ault Sett ing: Enable Specifies whether remote monitoring t raps are se nt to the curre ntly configu red trap manager(s ).
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-57 Conf iguring Ethernet Management Select E ther net M anagem ent from the Manage ment and Com munication menu to configur e managem ent traffic option s f or th e Ether net i nterface (see Ta b l e 4 - 2 4 , Ether ne t Manageme nt Option s ).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-58 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 IP Address P ossib le Settin gs: 001.000.0 00.000 – 126.25 5.255.255, 128.000.0 00.000 – 55, Clear Def ault Sett ing: Clear (000.0 00.000.000) Specifies the IP addres s needed f or the Ethernet managemen t link.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-59 Conf iguring th e Communication P ort Select C ommunicati on P or t f rom the Ma nageme nt and Communi catio n menu to display or chang e the c ommunication por t config uration opti ons (see Ta b l e 4 - 2 5 , Communicati on P or t Options ).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-60 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Stop Bits P ossib le Settin gs: 1, 2 Def ault Sett ing: 1 Det er min es t he numbe r of COM po r t stop bits.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-61 Inactivity T imeout P ossib le Settin gs: Enable, Disab le Def ault Sett ing: Enable Determines whet her a user sessi on is disconne cted after a sp ecified time o f inactivity (no ke yboard activity).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-62 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 RIP P ossib le Settin gs: None, Standar d_out Def ault Sett ing: None Specifies which Rout ing Inf or mation Protocol (RI P) is used to e nabl e routing of managem ent data b etween d evic es.
4. Conf iguration O ptions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 4-63 Conf iguring the COM Port to Support an External Modem Select E xter na l Modem ( Com P or t) to dis play or change the config uration opti ons that contr ol COM p or t exter nal d evice call pr ocess ing (see T able 4-26, Exter n al Mod em (C OM P or t) Optio ns ).
4. Co nfig ura tion O pti ons 4-64 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-1 5 Conf iguring the FrameSa ver DSL Router This cha pter includ es the following: F rameSav er DS L Router Over view on page 5 -2 IP Routing on page 5- 3 Addres s Re.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 FrameSa ver DSL Router Overview The F rameSaver DSL Router suppor ts loc ally attac hed hosts or sub nets and v ar ious custo mer pre mises d istr ibution networ ks that contai n IP forwarding devices or router s.
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-3 IP Routing The router uses d estinatio n-based routing. IP routing tables are maintaine d for both th e custome r data and manageme nt data d omain s to spec ify how IP datagrams are forwarded.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Interface Configuration The following examples requir e that I P address es hav e been ass igned to th e Ether ne t and Ser ial inte rfaces, and that a pas sthroug h PVC con nection exists to Rtr-S0.
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-5 Netw ork Address T ranslation Network Address T rans lation (NA T) is used whe n a pr ivate networ k’ s inter nal I P address es cann ot be used outsi de the pr ivate networ k.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 N A T Conf iguration Example In this NA T example: NA T is used f or one- to-one m apping of add resses. The Ether ne t interface is in the pri v ate add ress spa ce and the DSL inte rf ace is in public add ress spa ce.
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-7 Proc edure T o s et up NA T: 1. F rom the M ain Menu sc reen, pres s Ctr l-a the n Shift-r to access the rou ter’ s Command Li ne Inte rf ace. Ente r the following command s: en config t ip nat inside source static 10.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Netw ork Address P ort T ranslation Network Address P or t T ranslati on (NAPT ) allows multiple cl ients in a lo cal ne twork to simultane ously ac cess re mote networ ks usin g a singl e IP address.
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-9 Proc edure T o s et up NAPT: 1. F rom the M ain Menu sc reen, pres s Ctr l-a the n Shift-r to access the rou ter’ s Command Li ne Inte rf ace. 2. Set up an acces s list. T he following command spec ifies a lis t that includes address es 10.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 N A T and N APT Conf iguration Example The router can be c onfig ured for NA T an d NAPT s imultaneou sly .
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-11 Dynamic Host Conf iguration Protocol Serv er The router provides a Dyna mic Host Con figuration Proto col (DHCP) Ser ver f eatu re as spec ified in RFC 21 31, Dynami c Host Configurati on Proto col, and RFC 2132, DHCP Option and B OO TP V end or Extension s.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-12 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 DHCP Serv er with NA T Conf iguration Example In this DHC P Ser ver with NA T example: The clien ts are u sing dyn amic IP address as signmen t and use t he Ethe r net interface of the rou ter as th e next hop router (default gatewa y).
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-13 DHCP Serv er at Re mote Site Configu ration Example In this DHC P Ser ver at the remote s ite example: The DHCP clients se nd IP addres s request s to the spec ified DHCP ser ver .
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-14 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 DHCP Relay Conf iguration Example In this DHC P Rela y example: The router is con figured as a DHC P relay . UDP broadcast s received from DHCP clients a re conv er te d to routed DHC P requests and s ent to the DHCP ser ver .
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-15 Router Security The router offers secur ity vi a the following: Filter ing can be ena b led o r disabled for inbound and/.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-16 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 IP Filterin g F or mor e inf ormatio n about IP filte ring, see the Hotwire MVL, ReachDSL, RADSL , IDSL, and S DSL Ca rds, Models 831 0, 8312 /8314, 8510 /8373/83 74, 8303/83 04, and 8343/8 344, Us er’ s Guide .
5. Configuri ng the FrameSaver DSL Router 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 5-17 V erifying the End-to-End Manageme nt Path After in stallation o f a re mote route r , run a n A TM Ping tes t from th e Hotwire Gran DSLAM. Proc edure T o pi ng the router : 1.
5. Co nfig uri ng the Fra meSa ver DSL Ro ute r 5-18 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring the Router Using T erminal Emulation The CLI i s av ailable v ia a T elnet se ssio n or a di rect co nnection ov er the r outer’ s COM por t to a V T100-com patible ter mi nal or a PC r unning a ter min al emulatio n program.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 6-1 6 Security and Logins This cha pter includ es the following: Limi ting Access on page 6-2 Controll ing A synchrono us T er minal A ccess on page 6- 3 Controlling E .
6. Securi ty and Login s 6-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Limiting Access The Fr ameSaver DSL device provides access secur ity o n the following interfaces: Async hronous (async) ter mina l T el ne.
6. Secur ity and Login s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 6-3 Controlling Asynchro nous T erminal Access Direct a synchron ous ter m inal acc ess to t he menu-dr iven user in terface can be limited by: Requir ing a l ogin to the Communic ations p or t.
6. Securi ty and Login s 6-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Controlling External COM P ort Device Access Dial-in access to the us er inter face can be con trolled w hen an exter nal d evice (modem) i s connected to the u nit’ s COM por t. Th e Exter nal Device Com mands option must be set to A T .
6. Secur ity and Login s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 6-5 Limit ing T elnet Acces s T elnet ac cess can be lim ited b y: Disa blin g T elnet ac cess comp letely . Assign ing an access le vel for T el net sess ions. Requir ing a logi n f or T elnet sessi ons that are not on the TS Ma nagement Lin k.
6. Securi ty and Login s 6-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Limiting FTP Access FTP acc ess ca n be limi ted by: Disa blin g FTP access completel y . Limiting FTP band width. Requir ing a us er ID and password to login . Proc edure T o limit FTP acce ss when t he sess ion is not on the TS M anagement L ink: 1.
6. Secur ity and Login s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 6-7 Limiting T e lnet or FTP Access Over the TS Management Link Proc edure T o l imit T elne t or FTP access for a sess ion on the T S Manag ement L ink: 1. Select t he T elne t and FTP Sessio ns opti ons.
6. Securi ty and Login s 6-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Controlling SNMP Access The Fr ameSaver unit suppo r ts SNMP V e rsion 1 , which pr ovides li mited se curi ty through th e use of c ommunity nam es. There are three meth ods for limiting SN MP acce ss: Disa bli ng SNMP access .
6. Secur ity and Login s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 6-9 Assigning SNMP Community Names and Access Le vels The F rameSaver unit suppor ts the SNMP pr otocol an d can be m anaged b y an SNMP manager . SNMP manag er acces s can be limit ed by: Assign ing the S NMP co mmunity nam es that ar e allowed to acces s the F rameSaver unit’ s M IB.
6. Securi ty and Login s 6-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Limiting SNMP Access Thr ough IP Addresses An add itional l ev el of sec urity is pr ovided by: Limiting the NMS IP addr esses th at can ac cess th e F rameSaver unit. SNMP Managemen t Sys tem IP addr ess validat ion.
6. Secur ity and Login s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 6-11 Controlling Router CLI Access The F rameSaver DSL R outer can be man aged fro m an NMS usi ng SNMP , or from the route r’ s comman d line in terface (CLI ).
6. Securi ty and Login s 6-12 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Changing Access Le vels The Operato r and Adm inistrator have the same Logi n ID with diff ere nt passwords f or thei r acce ss lev el. T o dete rm ine th e lev el of acc ess for a session, refer to Access Le v els (Com mand Mode s) on page 6-11.
6. Secur ity and Login s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 6-13 Cr eating a Login f or the User Interface A login is requ ired to ac cess the user interface if sec uri ty is en abled.
6. Securi ty and Login s 6-14 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Modifying a Login Logins a re mo dified by dele ting th e ex is ting lo gin and c reating a new one. Deleting a Login Proc edure T o del ete a l ogin r ecor d: 1. Select A dminis ter Login s: Main M enu Con trol Admin ister Lo gins 2.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-1 7 Operation and Maintenance This chapte r inclu des the f ollowi ng inf ormati on: Displaying Identity System In f or m ation on page 7-2 Viewing LEDs and Con trol .
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 — Ether ne t P erf or m ance Stati stics — Cl earing P erf or manc e Stat isti cs T rap Event Log on page 7-43 FTP File T ransf e.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-3 V iewi ng LED s and Control Leads The Fr ameSaver DSL unit’ s faceplate inc ludes L EDs ( light -emit ting diode s) that provide st atus on the unit a nd its in terfaces.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 In additio n to LE Ds, control le ads can b e moni tored via th e menu-d riven user interface.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-5 Display LEDs & Con trol Leads Screen for a 97 83 Router R efresh the screen to view contro l lead tran sitions. LED Descriptions T able 7-1, L ED Descr iptions , i dentifies the front panel LEDs.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Control Lead Descriptions In additio n to the se LEDs, additi onal cont rol lead s can be monitore d through the Display LEDs & Control Leads screen . They are desc rib ed in Ta b l e 7 - 2 , C o n t r o l Leads .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-7 T able 7-2. Contr ol Le ads Labe l Indica tion Wh at It Mean s General OK Operat ional The de vice ’ s hardw are and firmw are are oper ational. Alar m Alar m Pre sen t The devic e has de tec ted a faul t that may interf ere with operatio n.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 De vice Message s Message s in T able 7 -3, D evi ce Mes sages , appear in t he messa ges area at the bottom of the use r int erf a ce screen s. All d e vice mess ages are listed in al phabeti cal order .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-9 Duplic ate DLCI Number DLCI ente red is not unique f or the fram e rela y link. No action is needed ; pre vious contents of the DL CI numb er field are restore d. File T ransf er Comple te (Seen at an FTP terminal.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Limit of Mg mt PVCs reac hed N e w was se lected from t he PVC Connec tion T able and the ma ximu m number of managem ent PVCs has already b een creat ed. Do not c reate the man agement PVC .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-11 No Primar y Destination Link DLCIs A va ilab le N ew o r Mo di fy was selec ted from the PVC C onnection T ab le, b ut e ven though DLCI s ar e available to for m a connec tion, no DL CIs are av aila ble on th e network link, which is a suit able Primary PVC Destination.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-12 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Resett ing Device, Please W ait . .. Ye s was en tered f or Reset COM Port usage field of the S ystem Paused menu .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-13 Router CLI Messages The router ’ s Command L ine Int erf a ce message s are li sted alphabeti cally in T able 7-4, CL I Messag es . Ref er to Appen dix C, Router CLI Com mands, Codes, and Desig nation s , f or sho w comman ds and add itiona l informa tion.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-14 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 % DLCI numb er must be 16 –10 07 T he DL CI en tere d is n ot in t he vali d range. % F r ame-Rela y enca psulatio n is only suppo r ted on Serial por ts An attempt was made to enabl e frame relay enc apsul ati on o n the E ther net p or t .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-15 % Maxi mum number of dy nami c NA T t ransla tio ns r ule s reac hed An at temp t was mad e to ad d a dy nam ic NA T trans lati on, but the max imum num ber of tran slat ions hav e a lready been reached.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-16 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 % Sub-inte rfaces are only supported on the Seri al 0 Interf ace An attempt was made to enter a sub -interf ace on the E ther net p or t . % Sub-inte rfac e does not e xist An attempt was m ade to create a route usi ng a non-e xistent s ub-interf ace .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-17 % The DHC P Server an d NA T cannot both be ena bled An attempt was made to enabl e the DHCP ser ver and Net work Address T ranslatio n (NA T), b ut the y are alr eady enab led.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-18 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Status Inf ormation Status i nformation is usef ul when monito ring the F rameSaver unit.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-19 System and T est Status Messages T o access System a nd T est sta tus in f or m ation: Main M enu S tatus S ystem a nd T est Stat u.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-20 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Health and Statu s Messages T able 7-6, He alth an d Status Messages , p rovides Health an d Status m essages that apply to the F rameSav er unit.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-21 LMI Di scovery In Pr ogress, Po r t 1 LMI proto col disc ov er y is be ing perf ormed to de ter mine the proto col to be used on th e specified fr ame rela y link. This is not an alarm condi tion so System Operational appear s as w ell.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-22 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 T e st Status Messages T est stat us mess ages, listed in T able 7-7, T est Status M essages , a ppear in the rig ht column of the Sy stem and T e st Status screen . Y ou hav e the option to continue the test or to ab or t t he test.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-23 IP P ath Connection Status Screen Example T able 7 -8. IP Pat h Conn ectio n Sta tus Field Status What It Indi cates FR Link Net1-FR1, P or t-1 The frame rela y link. DLCI 16 through 1007 The IP Enab led DLCI .
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-24 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 PVC Connection Status PVC Conne ction Status is selected from the S tatus menu. Main M enu S tatus PVC Connec tion Status PVC Connection Status Screen Example Only PVC c onnectio ns wit h an active Source DLCI con figuration are shown.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-25 DLCI DLCI (16–100 7) VPI,VCI (0 –15 VPI, 31– 255 VCI) Identifies the sour ce/destinati on of the specifi ed vir tual circ uit. Manageme nt PVCs buil t on the A TM link di spla y the VPI/VC I va lue in par entheses ins tead of a DLCI number.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-26 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Netw ork Interface Status Network Interface Status ca n be viewed from the Status menu. Main M enu S tatus Network Interface Status Net wor k Inte rface Statu s Scre en Exam ple T able 7-10.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-27 IP Routing T able (Management T raffic) Use the IP Routin g T able for Manage ment T raffic to see all m anagement t raffic IP routes c onfig ured in th e F rameSav er u nit.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-28 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 T able 7-11. IP Routing T able V a lues Field What It Indica tes Destin ation The Destinati on IP Addres s f or the route : 000.000.0 00.000 – 223.255 .255.255 Mask The Destinati on Subnet Mas k f or the rout e: 000.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-29 P erf ormanc e Statistics Use the P erfor mance S tatistic s menu to di splay statisti cal infor matio n f or a sele cted i nterface. Stati stica l inf or mati on is us eful when r esearchi ng the sev er ity and frequ ency or du ration o f a condit ion.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-30 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Service Level V erification Performance Statis tics The sta tisti cs in T able 7-12, SL V P erf or manc e Stat istics for Multiplex ed DLCI , appear wh en Ser vice Lev el V e rifica tion (SL V) is sel ected fr om the P erfor mance Statisti cs menu.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-31 Inbound D ropped F ram es T otal numb er of fr ames tra nsmitted b y the fa r-end de vice that wer e dropp ed in trans it.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-32 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 F or a n IP Enabled DL CI, statistic s are s hown f or las t, minimum, av erage, and maximum r ound tr ips, and for dropp ed SL V res ponses, for each of t he sev en classe s of service.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-33 F ar End Name The system na me config ured f or the far -end F ram eSav er de vice , obtained using its IP address . Unknown appears if the f ar end de vice is not a F rameSa ve r or if no response has bee n receiv ed since th e last reset.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-34 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 DLCI Perf ormance S tatistics Acces s DLCI stat istics from the Perf or mance Statisti cs me nu. Main M enu Sta tus P erformance S tatistic s DLCI One page o f DLCI perform ance stati stics appe ar for each enabled frame relay link that has a t leas t one DLCI.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-35 Additional P erformance Statistics f or IP Enabled DLCI If the sel ected DLCI i s IP Ena b led , the DLCI P erf or manc e Statistic s screen h as a seco nd page li sting s tatistic s by Class of Se r vic e.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-36 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Frame Relay Perf ormance Statistic s Acces s frame relay stati stics from the P erform ance St atistics menu. Main M enu Sta tus P erformance S tatistic s Fr a m e R e l a y P erformanc e statis tics are on ly di splay ed for enabled frame relay links.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-37 Frame Re lay LMI (CSU/DSUs only) LMI Protoc ol The LM I protocol c onfigured for the frame re lay l ink. Normal conditio n. Status Ms g Receiv ed Num ber of LMI status mes sages receiv ed o ver t he interf ace .
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-38 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 A TM Performance Statistics (9783, 9788) Acces s Asynch ronous T ransfer Mode (A TM) stati stics fr om the Perf or mance Statisti cs menu. Main M enu Sta tus P erformance S tatistic s AT M A TM link, Net 1-A TM, must be enabled for these stati stics t o appear .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-39 VCC Perf ormance Statistics (9783, 9788) Access V ir tual Channel Co nnecti on (VCC) s tatistics from the Perf or mance Statisti cs menu.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-40 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 SHDSL Line P erf ormance Statistics (9788) Access S HDSL stat istics from the Perf or mance Statisti cs m enu. Main M enu Sta tus P erformance S tatistic s xDSL Li ne These sta tistic s account f or all traffic on the DSL line.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-41 Ether net Pe rf ormance Statist ics Access E ther net p or t sta tistics from the P erformanc e Statistic s menu. Main M enu Sta tus P erformance S tatistic s Ether n et These sta tistics account f or all traffic on the Eth er net por t.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-42 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Clearing Perf orman ce Statistic s P erf or ma nce stati stics co unters c an be res et to the b aseline when us ing a directl y-connec ted asyn chro nous t er minal and your secur ity Access L e vel is Lev el-1.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-43 T rap Event Log The T rap Event Log displays all traps sto red in th e SNMP trap e vent log. The f oll owing log example de scr ibes the alar m c onditions that will generate an SNMP trap f or a physical interface, and f or the frame relay LMIs and DLCIs.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-44 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 FTP File T ransfers F rameSaver de vices suppor t a sta ndard File T ransfer Protocol (FTP) ser ver ov er T rans missi on Control P rotocol (T CP). T o provide backup , a com plete bina r y image of the co nfiguration files c an be copied to a host.
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-45 Initiating an FTP Sessi on Initiate a n FTP sessio n to a Fr ameS av er n ode in the s ame way you would initiate an FTP to any other IP -addres sable device.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-46 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Upgrading System Softwar e If you need to up grade the F rameSaver unit’ s program code, you need to download the s oftware into th e Alter nate Release d irector y .
7. Opera tion and M aintenanc e 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 7-47 Determining Whether a Download Is Completed T o veri fy download c ompletion , check the Identi ty screen . Main M enu S tatus Identity Check Alter nate Software R e v . und er the NAM Identi ty colum n.
7. Opera tion and M aintenance 7-48 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 T ransfe rring Collected Data SL V user h istor y statis tics and LMI pa ck et capt ure data c an be u ploaded to an NMS or a Network As sociate s Sniffer using F TP , whi ch is faster than o ther methods.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-1 8 T r oubleshooting This cha pter includ es the following: Problem Indi cators on page 8-2 Rese tting t he Unit and Re storing C ommun icat ion on page 8- 3 T ro ub.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Pr oblem Indicators The dev ice pr ovi des a n umber of indica tors t o alert yo u to po ssib le prob lems. Indicators . . . See . . . LEDs View ing LEDs a nd Control L eads in Chapter 7, Opera tion and Main tenance, and the user inter face s creen.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-3 Resetting the Unit and Re storing Communication Y ou can r eset the un it in one of four wa ys: Reset it fr om the Con trol menu. Cycle th e power . Reset the co nfiguration options for the COM por t, or reload th e f acto r y default settings.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Restoring Communication with an Impr operly Conf igured Unit Config urin g the unit i mproper ly co uld rende r the menu- dri v en us er inter f ace inacce ssible. If this occurs, con nectivi ty to th e unit ca n be r estored v ia a dir ectly conne cted asy nchrono us ter mina l.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-5 T roubleshooting Management Link Featur e A dedic ated troublesh ooting manage ment link is available to help ser v ice providers i solate device problems w ithin thei r networ ks. This feature allows T elnet or FTP access to t he uni t on this l ink.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 V iewing L MI Captured Packets from the User In terface The twelve most recen t LMI ev ents ar e stored i n the trace log . Once th e captur e buff er or trace l og is full, the old est packets are ov erwr itten.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-7 Te l n e t The T elnet feature al lows you to initi ate a T elne t session with a T elne t ser ver on an IP aware de vic e.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Alarms The following table describe s the alar m co nditions that will gen erate an SNMP tra p f or a physical interface, and the frame relay LMIs and DLCIs. These alar m conditi ons also generate Hea lth and Status m essages seen on t he Sy stem and T es t Status s creen.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-9 LatExcee d IP_Address , COS x, DLCI nnnn 1 An IP SL V Lat ency Thr esho ld has been ex ceeded f or the specifie d Class Of Service of the path. Contac t your se rv ice pro vider . Link Do wn Administr ativ ely (CSU/DSU on ly; minor alarm) The D TE po r t is disa bled through s oftware .
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 LOSW F ailure at Network 1 - hhh:mm:ss Contigu ous fra mes with LOSW def ects ha ve been detected for at least 2 seco nds.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-11 V iewi ng the T rap Event Log The T rap Event Log displays all traps sto red in th e SNMP trap e vent log.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-12 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Device Pr oblems T ab le 8- 2. Devic e Probl ems Sym ptom Po ssibl e Ca use So lutio ns Cannot a ccess the unit or the menu-driv en user inte rface . Login/pas s word is incorre ct, COM port is imprope rly co nfigu red, or th e uni t is otherwis e configured so it pre ven ts access .
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-13 AT M P r o b l e m s T able 8-3. A TM Prob lems Symptom Possible Caus e Soluti ons Out-of-Cell Delinea tion (OCD) e vent s; loss of cell del ineation. Line imp airments. C heck D SLAM stat istics.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-14 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Frame Relay PVC Problems T able 8-4. Frame Relay PV C Prob lems Symptom Possible Caus e Soluti ons Los ing D ata F rame r elay netw ork is ex periencing prob lems . Run PVC Loo pback and P attern tests to i solate the p roble m, then con tact the ser vi ce pr ovider.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-15 T ests A vailable The following F rameSaver DSL tests are av ailable. CSU/DSU T est Menu Example Router Te s t M e n u E x a m p l e main/test .
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-16 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Network a nd Dat a P or t P VC T ests d o not appe ar on the T e st menu w hen no PVCs hav e been c onfigu red on the interface. Network A TM Loopba c k T ests do es not a ppear if no A TM links are e nabled on the network interface.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-17 Starting and Stopping a T est Use this procedu re to sta r t, m onitor , or stop spec ific tests. T o abor t a ll active tests on all i nterfaces, see Abor ting Al l T ests . Proc edure T o star t and st op a lo opback or se t-patter n test: 1.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-18 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 PVC T ests PVC tests can be r un on a requ ested DLCI for a selected inte rf ace. Data P or t PVC tests do not apply to the DSL router .
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-19 PVC Loopback The PV C Loopback loo ps frames back to the selec ted in terface on a per-P VC basis. This tes t logica lly (not physically) loo ps back frames r eceived from ano ther F rameSaver de vice th rough the selecte d frame rel a y PV C to the s ame de vice.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-20 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Monitor Patt ern This test mon itors p ack ets fill ed with a he xad ecimal 5 5 test patte r n and s equence number over the selected interface and DLCI to another F rameSaver de vice.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-21 Network A TM Loopback A Networ k A TM Loop back is a nondi sru ptive test that c an be r un on a Vir t ual Channel Co nnection (VCC) for an A TM link on the networ k int erface . Select a n enabled A TM l ink so av ail able VCCs can be selected f o r testing on the link.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-22 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 The fo llo wing f ields are e xpl ained belo w . The following mess ages can ap pear on l ine 24 : If an A TM Loca tion ID h as not yet been co nfigured , Loopback T ype is s et to Segment, a n A TM Ping i s star ted, and an ATM Location ID must be configured message is displayed.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-23 Data P ort Physical T ests The F rameSaver DSL CSU/DSU suppor ts a single physical test f or the d ata por t, the DTE L oopback.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-24 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 IP Ping T est An IP Pi ng can test con nectivity between the manage ment data p ath and the F rameSaver uni t and any F rameSav er uni t, router , or NMS to whi ch it has a r oute. In additio n, the t est ca n be r un to a ccess a r emote unit for configuration pur pos es.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-25 T able 8-5. Ping Optio ns (1 of 2) T arget IP Addres s P ossib le Settin gs: 000.0 00 .0 00.001–126.000. 000.000, 128.000.0 00.000–2 23.255. 255.255 Def ault Sett ing: 000 .000. 000. 000 Specifies the IP addres s to whi ch a ping wil l be sent.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-26 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Encapsulatio n A va ilab le Settings: Routed Def ault Sett ing: Routed Specifies the IP encapsula tion used b y the data stre am.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-27 When th e ping has c ompleted no r mally , timed ou t, or been st opped us ing the Stop comm and, inform ationa l fields ar e displ a yed as shown in Ta b l e 8 - 6 , P i n g Responses . T able 8-6.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-28 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 IP Ping T est – Procedur e 1 Proc edure T o ping any far-end Fr ameS av er device: 1. Select t he IP P ing test. Main M enu Te s t IP Pi ng 2. Enter th e IP Addr ess to pi ng, then s elect St ar t.
8. Troub leshooting 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 8-29 IP Ping T est – Procedur e 2 Proc edure T o pi ng the NMS at the c entral site o r an SNM P trap manag er : 1. V erif y that the c entral si te NMS has the F rameS av er unit’s IP address in its routing table so it ca n communic ate with the F rameSaver unit.
8. Troubl eshootin g 8-30 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Lamp T e st The F ram eSav er device sup por t s a Lamp T est to verify that all LEDs are lig hting and fun ctioning proper ly . All LED s flash o r blink o n and off at the sa me time ev er y 1/2 seco nd dur ing ex ecu tion of the t est.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 9-1 9 Setting Up OpenLane f or FrameSa v er Device This ch apter incl udes: OpenLane Suppo r t of F rameSaver De vices on page 9-2 Settin g Up the O penLane SLM Sy stem.
9. Setting Up OpenL ane for FrameSa ver Device 9-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 OpenLane Support of Frame Sa ver De vices The OpenL ane Ser vice Level Managemen t (SLM) system provides the followin.
9. S etting Up Open Lane for Fra meSaver Device 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 9-3 Setting Up FrameSa ver Support With Op enLane SLM’ s extensive online Hel p , the a pplicatio n is s elf-doc umenting and you ha ve access to the most curr ent system infor matio n.
9. Setting Up OpenL ane for FrameSa ver Device 9-4 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Ordering Advanced SLM Featur e Set Activations When advanced SL V func tionality is need ed at a si te, an Activation Cer tifi cate (F ea ture No.
9. S etting Up Open Lane for Fra meSaver Device 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 9-5 The Activation Certif icate An Acti v a tion Cer tifica te will be sent t o you via Federal Expres s.
9. Setting Up OpenL ane for FrameSa ver Device 9-6 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Administering and Managing Advanced SLM Activations The OpenL ane SLM system provides the f ollowing f eatu res that all ow you to adminis ter and m anage your Ac tivation Cer t ificates and Advanced S LM activations.
9. S etting Up Open Lane for Fra meSaver Device 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 9-7 Entering an Activation Certif icate Once you rece ive an Activation Cer tifica te, enter the Ac tivation Cer ti ficate nu mber into your OpenL ane SL M syste m’ s datab ase.
9. Setting Up OpenL ane for FrameSa ver Device 9-8 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Sche dulin g Act ivati ons Y ou can ac tivate one, many , or all F rameSaver de vices at any time, until al l the activations o rdered f or the c er ti ficate h av e been completed .
9. S etting Up Open Lane for Fra meSaver Device 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 9-9 Checkin g the Status of Sc heduled Ac tiva tions Y ou can che ck the status of schedule d activations or ca ncel act.
9. Setting Up OpenL ane for FrameSa ver Device 9-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 10-1 10 Setting Up Network Health f or FrameSa v er Device F rameSaver units are com patible with Con cord Com municati on’ s Networ k Health software.
10. Settin g Up Network Health for FrameSaver Dev ice 10-2 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Installation and Setup of N etwork Health Refer to the Network Health Ins tallation Guide for installati on instr u ctions applica ble to your networ k plat f or m.
10. Setting Up Network Health for Fra meSaver De vice 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 10-3 Discovering FrameSa ver Elements Once lic enses are entered and you hav e ac cess to the appli cations, the Discover dialog box opens. Us e this di alog box to searc h for F ram eSav er devices in your network and discover their DLCIs.
10. Settin g Up Network Health for FrameSaver Dev ice 10-4 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Conf iguring the Discover ed Elements Network Health se ts the speed for discovered eleme nts when i t polls t he device for the first tim e. F or a F rameSaver de vice, the speed set would b e the unit’ s CIR.
10. Setting Up Network Health for Fra meSaver De vice 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 10-5 Grouping Elements f or Reports Once the discovery process is comp leted a nd require d changes are mad e, the newly discovered elements (DLCIs) sh ould be or ganized in to a group for Health repor ting.
10. Settin g Up Network Health for FrameSaver Dev ice 10-6 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 Generating Report s f or a Group Once Net work Hea lth has had su fficient t ime to g ather data from the po lled DLCIs and the DLCI s have been grouped, you ca n star t gene rating repor ts.
10. Setting Up Network Health for Fra meSaver De vice 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 10-7 About T rend Reports By spec ifying specifi c variables l ike bandwidth, trend ana lysis can be performe d and shown o n T r end Repor ts. Up to ten variables for a DLCI, or ten D LCIs on one v ar iable can b e generated on a sing le trend repor t.
10. Settin g Up Network Health for FrameSaver Dev ice 10-8 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 — Elements S ummary Rep or t – Comp ares DLCI traffic with volume a nd the basel ine, bandwidth utiliza tion, and e rrors.
10. Setting Up Network Health for Fra meSaver De vice 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 10-9 — Frame Saver SL V Plus A t-a-G lanc e Repor t F or Fr ameS av er uni ts with the SL V an d SLM re por ting f e ature se t, performs tr end anal ysis on up to te n specif ied variables for DLCIs.
10. Settin g Up Network Health for FrameSaver Dev ice 10-10 December 2002 9700-A2-G B20-20 T rend Repor ts – P erform t rend anal ysis o n up to ten s pecifi ed variables for DLCIs. V ar iables ot her than bandwidth c an be selected for a trend repor t (e.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 A-1 A Menu Hierar chy Menus The following table show the F rameS a ver DSL devices’ menu organi zations. F rameSav er DS L CSU/DSUs Menu Str ucture on page A-2 F rame.
A. Menu Hiera rchy A-2 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 FrameSaver DSL CSU/DSUs M enu Structure S t a t u s System and T est Status Self-T est Results Last System Reset Health and Status Te s t S t a t .
A. Menu Hier archy 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 A-3 Configurati on System F rame Rela y and LM I Class of Ser vice Defi nitions Service Le v el V erification Gener al Network Ph ysical F ram e Rela.
A. Menu Hiera rchy A-4 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 FrameSaver DSL Rou ters Menu S truc ture S t a t u s System and T est Status Self-T est Results Last System Reset Health and Status Te s t S t a t.
A. Menu Hier archy 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 A-5 Configurati on System Class of Ser vice Defi nitions Service Le v el V erification Gener al Network Ph ysical F ram e Relay Circuit Records AT M .
A. Menu Hiera rchy A-6 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-1 B SNMP MI Bs, T rap s, and RMON Alarm Defaults This a ppendix c ontai ns the following: MIB Supp or t on page B -2 Downloading M IBs an d SNMP T raps on page B -2 S.
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-2 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 MIB Support The F rameSaver unit suppo r ts the SNMP V e rsion 1 , and has t he cap ability of being man aged by any indus tr y-sta ndard SNM P manager and acc essed by ex ter nal SNMP manage rs using th e SNMP protoco l.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-3 System Gr oup (mib-2) This sec tion provides the system descr iptio n and s ystem ob ject iden tifier for the System Group for the F rameSaver DSL de vice, which is an SNM Pv1 MI B.
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-4 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 Interfaces Group (mib-2) Clar ificatio n for objects i n the Inter f ace s Group, as defined in RFC 15 73 and RFC 1213, which is an SNM Pv1 MIB, is pr ovided in thi s secti on.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-5 NetScout Probe Indexes to the Interface T able (ifT able) F or rem ote mon itor ing at si tes where F rameSav er un its are opera ting with NetScout Probes, use the ifN ame, ifDescr, and ifIndex provided in Ta b l e B - 2 , NetScout Interface Objects Infor mation .
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-6 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 Standards Compliance f or SNMP T raps This sec tion des cribes the F rameS a ver unit’s com pliance with S NMP format stand ards and wit h its s pecial operationa l trap features.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-7 T rap: warmStart This trap i ndicates that the Fr am eSav er unit h as bee n reset and has s tabilized. T rap: auth enticationFailur e This trap i ndicates that acc ess to the F rameSav er un it was uns uccessful due to lack of authen tication .
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-8 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 T rap: linkU p and linkDo wn These t raps are sup por ted o n the following inte rf aces: Physical subla yer interfac.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-9 Physi cal Subla yer (contin ued) Synchrono us Data P or t (Supported by the media-s pecific RS232-li ke MIB .) ifInde x (RFC 1573) ifAdminSta tus (RFC 1573 ) ifOperStat us (RFC 1573) de vLastT rapString (de vHealthAndStatu s.
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-10 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Frame Re lay Lo gical Link Sub lay er – Represe nted by entr y in MIB II I nterf aces T able.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-1 1 T rap: e nterprise-Sp ecific These t raps indicat e that an enter p ris e-specifi c ev ent ha s occurr ed. Suppor ted enter pr ise- specifi c traps are l isted al phabet ically bel ow .
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-12 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 enterpriseLatency- Rest ored (121 ) ifInde x (RFC 1573) de vLastT rapString (de vHealthAndStatu s.- mib An IP SL V latency v alue has gone bac k belo w a thresho ld for a particular Class of Ser vice f or a path.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-1 3 T rap: RM ON-Specific T wo t raps are defi ned to sup por t the Alar m a nd Events Group s of RM ON. See RMON Ala r m and Event Defaults on page B-14 f or the d efault v alues that will generate RMO N-specif ic traps.
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-14 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 RMON Alarm and Event Default s The F rameSaver unit suppo r ts aut omatic ge neration of RMON al ar m and ev ent informati on. Ea ch alar m s ets an SNM P variable to moni tor .
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-1 5 Network Physi cal Interfac e Alarm Defaults This alar m only app lies to th e F rameSaver unit’ s networ k interface. Frame Relay Link Alarm Defaults These a larm s apply to the F rameS av er unit ’ s frame relay link inter f aces.
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-16 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Tx Discar ds D MIB: pdn_F rExt.mib (Enterprise) Ta g : de vF rExtLin kTxDisca rds OID: . .1.1795.2.2 4. I 900 s ecs (15 mi ns ) Rising 1 1 Rx T otal Errors D MIB: pdn_F rExt.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-1 7 DLCI Alarm Defaults These a larm s apply to all DLCI s on th e network interface and can be crea ted duri ng RMON i nitiali zation or when a DLCI is c reated.
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-18 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 Maximu m Latency D MIB: pdn_F rExt.mib (Enterprise) Ta g : de vF rExtLat encyMax OID: . .1.1795.2.2 . I.D 60 secs (1 min ) 0M a x i m u m capabili ty 0 Missi ng Latency Respon ses D MIB: pdn_F rExt.
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-1 9 OID Cross-Refer ences The F rameSaver unit suppo r ts aut omatic ge neration of RMON al ar m and ev ent informati on. Eac h alar m s ets an SNMP v ar iable to m onitor .
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-20 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 . .1.1795.2.2 . . . .1.1795.2.2 4.1.1 .3.I . D DLCI CIR MIB: pdn_F rExt.mib (Enterprise) Ta g : devF rExtDlciCIR . .
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-2 1 . .1.1795.2.2 . . . .1.1795.2.2 61.I .D Network F rames Dropp ed Abov e EIR MIB: pdn_F rExt.mib (Enterprise) Ta g : de vF rExtDlciRxFrNetDro pOverEir .
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-22 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 . .1.1795.2.2 . . . .1.1795.2.2 2.I LMI Una v ailable Seconds MIB: pdn_F rExt.mib (Ent er prise) Ta g : de vF rExtLi nkNoLMISecs .
B. SNMP MIBs, Traps, an d RMON Alarm Defaults 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 B-2 3 See T able B-13, Alar m OID Cross-Reference , f or an RMON alarm OID cro ss- referenc e. T able B-13. Alarm OID Cross-Refer ence (1 of 2) Object ID (OID) 1 It em MIB/T ag .
B. SNMP MIBs , Traps, and R MON Alarm De faults B-24 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 . .1.1795.2.2 I . N Fr ame Siz e Upper Limits (1– 5) MIB: pdn_F rExt.mib (Enterprise) Ta g : devF rExtFrameSzU pLimi t . .1.1795.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-1 C Router CLI Commands, Codes, and Designations CLI Commands The F rameSaver DSL Router is man aged wit h te xt com mands f rom the Comm and Line Inter f ace ( CLI). The CL I can b e accessed: Locally v ia a PC or asynchr onous ter m inal con nected to t he COM por t.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-2 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 This a ppendix c ontains the following tables for comma nds: T able C-1 , P ager Co mmand T able C-2 , Access Con.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-3 Pager Command The page r comma nd allows you to en able or disable scree n paging for a CLI sessi on, and enter com ments at t he com mand line, whi ch is usef ul when addin g comm ents within s cri pts.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-4 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 Conf iguration C ommands Config uration cont rol co mmands pu t the route r in configurati on mode and allows you to sav e co nfiguration chan ges. T o show a configu ration, see T able C-1 3, Show Command s .
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-5 Interface Com mands Interface comma nds allow you to confi gure the Ether net and networ k inter f aces, and their sub-inter f aces. T able C-4. Interface Commands (1 of 3) interface intf-type intf-num no interface intf-type intf-num .
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-6 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 ip address ip-add r subnet-m ask no ip address [ ip-add r subnet- mask ] Minimu m Access L ev el: Administrator Comma nd Mode: config-if (E thernet), config-subif (Serial) Assigns an IP address to the Ethernet interf ace or a Serial port sub-inter face .
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-7 [ no ] ip unnumbered [ null 0 ] Minimu m Access L ev el: Administrator Comma nd Mode: config-su bif Enabl es or disab les I P processing on a serial sub -interf ace with out assigni ng an e xplici t address .
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-8 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 IP Routing Commands Inter net Protocol ( IP) routi ng co mmands a re used to enable and d isable IP ro uting, and to cr eate or d elete s tatic r outes in the routin g table.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-9 Bridge Commands Bri dge comm ands a re used to enable or di sable simultan eous b ridg ing an d routing, configurat ion of brid ge groups a nd their attri butes, and apply or remove bri dge groups from an i nterface or sub-inte rf ace.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-10 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 [ no ] bridge-group brid ge-group Minimu m Access L ev el: Administrator Comma nd Mode: config-if , config-subif Allow s a user to apply or re mov e a se t of bridge g roup par ameters to/ from an i nterfac e or sub-interf ace.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-1 1 ARP Commands Addres s Resolu tion P rotocol (ARP) co mmands ar e used to create entri es in the ARP table, specify how long the informa tion will be r etained, and r emov e dynam ic entr ies in the ta ble.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-12 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 NA T C o m m a nd s Network Address T ranslatio n (NA T) comman ds are used to e nable or disable NA T on an in terface or s ub-inter face and sp ecify wh ether IP addres ses on the i nterface are public or private.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-1 3 ip nat pool pool- name star t-ip- addr end-i p-addr { netmask netma sk | { prefix-length | / } pref ix-l engt h.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-14 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 (Contin ued from pre vious page) pool – Spec ify the n ame of a poo l of addre sses a vaila ble f or dyn amic addres s trans lation. F or inside s ource tr anslatio n, this is th e pool of local addres ses.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-1 5 DHCP Server Commands Dynamic Host Confi guration Pr otocol (DHCP) s er ver command s are us ed to enable or disable the DHCP ser ver , an d create or delete a DH CP pool.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-16 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 lease { days [ hours ] [ minutes ]| infinite } no lease [ days [ hours ] [ minutes ]| infinite ] Minimu m Access L ev el: Administrator Comma nd Mode: config-dhcp Allows you to speci fy or clear the lease time f or an IP address assigne d to a DHCP client.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-1 7 network network -num [[ netmask ] netmask | { prefix-length | / } prefix-le ngth ] no network [ network -num [[.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-18 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 DHCP Relay Agent Commands Dynamic Host Confi guration Pr otocol (DHCP) relay agent c ommand s T able C-10.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-1 9 Filter ( access-list) Comm ands Filter c ommand s are used to creat e or de lete Acc ess Lists.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-20 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 (Contin ued from pre vious page) For Extend ed IP Access Lists: Exam ple : access-list 100 permit tcp pro tocol – The IP pro tocol to wh ich the fi lter will be ap plied.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-2 1 For Extend ed IP Access Lists: (contin ued) sr c-port – Speci fy a T CP or UDP por t number to be fi lte red. V a lid if the pro toc ol spec ifi ed is tcp o r udp .
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-22 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 [ no ] ip access-group access -list-1- 199num [ in | out ] Minim um Access Le vel: Ad ministr ator Comma nd Mod.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-2 3 Diagnostic Commands Diagnosti c comma nds a llow you to ping or trace t he route t o a speci fied destination .
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-24 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 traceroute [ protocol ] dest - ip [ source source- ip ] [ length byt es ] [ timeout time ] [ hops hops ] [ interface intf-typ e intf-num [.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-2 5 Show Commands Sho w comma nds allo w y ou to displa y in fo r mati on. T able C-13. Show Comm ands (1 of 4) show arp Minimu m Access L ev el: Operat or Comma nd Mode: Standar d Displ ays the devices in t he ARP table.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-26 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 show configuration { saved | unsaved } Minimu m Access L ev el: Administrator Comma nd Mode: All config mode s .
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-2 7 show ip dhcp binding [ ip-addr ess ] Minimu m Access L ev el: Operat or Comma nd Mode: Standar d Allows users to display address bindings associated with the DHCP ser ver .
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-28 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 show ip traffic Minimu m Access L ev el: Operat or Comma nd Mode: Standar d Displa ys the I P statisti cs f or the de vice . show spanning-tree Minimu m Access L ev el: Operat or Comma nd Mode: Standar d Displa ys th e dev ices span ning-tree topol og y .
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-2 9 Ethernet T ype Codes Use T able C-14, Ether net T ype Co des (Hex) , when specifyin g the filte r applie d to incomin g Ethe rn et packets by T ype Cod e. Many of the T ype C odes lis ted below are dist ributed by Xerox Cor poration .
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-30 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 6004 DEC LA T 80A3 N ixdorf Comp uters 6005 DEC Dia gnostic Protocol 80A4 – 80B3 Siemens G ammasonics Inc.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-3 1 Pr otocol and P ort Designat ions The following tables are used f or filter ing.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-32 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 All 5 n = All redi rects 5 0 net-redirec t Redirect f or network 5 1 host-redir ect Redirect f or host 5 2 net-.
C. Router CLI Comma nds, Codes, an d Designa tions 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 C-3 3 TCP Port Design ations Use the T ransmis sion Contr ol Protoc ol (TC P) por t desi gnations in Ta b l e C - 1 6 , TCP P or t Desig nations , wh en sp ecifyin g a speci fic TCP po r t to be filter ed.
C. Route r CLI Comm ands, Cod es, and Desig nations C-34 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 UDP Port Designation s Use the User Dat agram Proto col (UDP) p or t designati ons in T abl e C- 17, UDP P or t Designation s , when sp ecifyin g a sp ecific UCP por t to be fi ltered.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 D-1 D Router Command Line Summaries and Shortcuts CLI Summaries F or sum mari es of Comm and Li ne Interface comman ds, see: T able D-1, S how Commands T able D-2 , Access Control a nd Syste m Lev el Com mands T able D-3, CL I Comman ds F or d ef ault s ettings, see CLI Command Default Settings on page D -6.
D. Route r Command Line Summari es and Shortc uts D-2 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 Show Command Su mmary T able D-1, S how Commands , l ists all o f the s how , or dis play , comman ds f or the CL I. T able D-1. Show Comm ands Command F unction s how a r p Displa ys all the de vices in the router’ s ARP tabl e.
D. Router Command Line Summaries and Shortcut s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 D-3 Access C ontr ol and System Le vel C ommand Sum mary T able D-2 , Access Control a nd Syste m Lev el Com mands , lis ts of all of the acc ess control and sys tem lev el co mmands f or th e CL I.
D. Route r Command Line Summari es and Shortc uts D-4 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 CLI Com mand Summ ary T able D-3, CL I Comman ds lists o f all of th e system -lev el com mands for the CL I. F or t he default settings, see CLI Command Default Settings on page D- 6.
D. Router Command Line Summaries and Shortcut s 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 D-5 enc apsu lation enc aps ulati on- type encaps ulation-pr otocol [ n o] f r ame-relay i nte rface-d lci dlci-n um in terf ace intf-typ e intf-nu m [. sub-intf-n um [ p oint-to- point] ] n o in terf ace intf-type intf-num.
D. Route r Command Line Summari es and Shortc uts D-6 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 CLI Command De fault Settin gs The following lis t shows the default setting s: !software version d1.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 E-1 E Connectors, Cabl es, and Pin Assignments This appe ndix show s the rea r panels of the FrameSa ver DSL CS U/DSUs and routers, an d the pin a ssignme nts for the c.
E. Conn ectors, Cables , and Pin A ssignments E-2 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 Rear Panels Figur e E-1. Model 9720 C SU/DSU Rear Panel Figur e E-2. Model 9783 C SU/DSU Rear Panel Figur e E-3.
E. Conne ctors, Cabl es, and Pin As signments 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 E-3 Figur e E-4. Model 9783 Rou ter Rear Pan el Figur e E-5. Model 9788 Rou ter Rear Pan el The secti ons that follow provide pin assign ments for eac h interface and som e cables.
E. Conn ectors, Cables , and Pin A ssignments E-4 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 DSL Network Interface and Cab le The DSL network interface connect or is an 8-posi tion un ke yed RJ48C-type modular jack. T able E-1, DSL Networ k I nterface Connector , shows the pin assign ments for the inte rface .
E. Conne ctors, Cabl es, and Pin As signments 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 E-5 Model 9783 COM P ort Connector T able E-2, Mo del 9783 C OM P or t Connecto r , provides the pi n assignm ents for the F rameSav er Mo del 9783 CS U/DSU’ s and r outer’ s 25-p osition EI A-232-E communica tion po r t c onnector.
E. Conn ectors, Cables , and Pin A ssignments E-6 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 Ethernet P ort Connector T able E-4, Eth er net P or t Connector , provid es the pi n assignmen ts for the F rameSaver CSU/DSU’ s and route r’ s Ether net interface 8-posit ion un ke yed modular jack, which is simila r to an RJ 45 jack.
E. Conne ctors, Cabl es, and Pin As signments 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 E-7 Model 9720 and 9783 CSU/ DSU Data Port Connector T able E-5, Mo del 9720 and 9783 CS U/DSU Data P or t Connector , provides the pin assign ments for the 3 4-posit ion V .
E. Conn ectors, Cables , and Pin A ssignments E-8 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 Model 9788 CSU/DS U Data Port Connector T able E-6, Model 9 788 CSU/DS U Data P or t Con nector , provides th e pin assign ments for the 2 5-posit ion EIA- 530-A c onnector to the DT E.
E. Conne ctors, Cabl es, and Pin As signments 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 E-9 EIA-530- A-to-V .35 Adapter An EI A-530-A- to-V .3 5 adapte r f o r the Mode l 9788 CSU /DSU user data po r t mus t hav e the following connec tions. An appro pria te adapte r is av ailable from Paradyne (F eatur e No .
E. Conn ectors, Cables , and Pin A ssignments E-10 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 EIA-530-A -to-X.2 1 Adap ter An EIA- 530-A-to- X.21 adap ter for the Model 9788 CSU/DS U user data por t must hav e the following connec tions. An appro pria te adapte r is av ailable from Paradyne (F eatur e No .
E. Conne ctors, Cabl es, and Pin As signments 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 E-1 1 Conf iguring an External Modem Proc edure T o c onfigu re an extern al modem: 1. Disconn ect the as ynch ronous t er minal from the standa rd cable. 2. Reconnec t the cross ov er ca ble to the external modem .
E. Conn ectors, Cables , and Pin A ssignments E-12 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 DB25-to-DB25 Crossov er Cable A standa rd cros sov er cable can be u sed to connect the Mode l 9783 COM por t to an extern al modem. The exter nal mode m must be configur ed so it is comp atible with the Fr am eSav er CSU/DS U .
E. Conne ctors, Cabl es, and Pin As signments 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 E-1 3 DB9-to-DB25 Crossov er Cable A standa rd cros sov er cable can be u sed to con nect t he Model 9 720 or 9788 COM por t to an externa l mode m. The exter nal modem must be c onfigur ed so it i s compatible wi th the F rameSaver CSU/DSU .
E. Conn ectors, Cables , and Pin A ssignments E-14 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 F-1 F T echnical Specif ications T ec hnical s pecific ation s f or th e F rameSav er DS L CSU/D SUs and rout ers are the same, e xcept that the router s do not hav e a data por t.
F. Techn ical Specifi cations F-2 December 200 2 9700-A2-G B20-20 COM P o r t (9783) Standard Data rate s 25-positi on (DB25) connecto r EIA-232-E/ ITU V .24 (ISO 2110) 9.6, 14.4, 1 9.2, 28.8, 38.4, 57.6, and 115.2 kbps COM P ort (9720 , 9788) Standard Data rate s 9-positio n (DB9) conn ector EIA-232-E/ ITU V .
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 G-1 G Equipment List Equipment See Cables on page G -5 for cables you can ord er . Description Model Number FrameSa ver DSL 97 20 CSU/DS Us F rame Sav er DSL 97 20 CSU/DSU with 8 PVCs and the Di agnostic Fe ature Set. Includes 1-Slot Hous ing, 120 V AC P ow er Supply , Netw ork Cab le, V .
G. Equ ipmen t List G-2 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 FrameSa ver DSL 9783 DSU/C SUs (continue d) F rameS aver DSL 9783 C SU/D SU wi th 64 PVC s and A dvance d SLM Fe ature Set. Includes 1-Slot H ousing, 120 V AC P ow er Supply , Network Cab le , Installa tion Instructi ons, a nd Quic k Ref erence .
G. Equ ipment List 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 G-3 FrameSa ver DSL 978 3 Router s F rame Sav er DSL 97 83 Router w ith 8 PVCs and the Diagnos tic Fe ature Set. Includes 1-Slot H ousing, 120 V AC P ow er Supply , Network Cab le , Installa tion Instructi ons, a nd Quic k Ref erence .
G. Equ ipmen t List G-4 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20 NMS Products OpenLan e Enterpr ise 7805-D1 -001 OpenLan e W orkgroup 7805-D1 -003 NetScout M anager Plus – For UNIX or Windo ws NT 9180 NetScou.
G. Equ ipment List 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 G-5 Cables This t able lists cab les y ou ca n order . Description Part Number Fea ture Number IDSL, SDSL, or SHDSL Ne twork Cable with 8-Pin RJ48C -type Con nectors ( 2 0f e e t/6 . 1m e t e r s ) Fo r use in th e U .
G. Equ ipmen t List G-6 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20 -20.
9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 IN-1 Index Numerics 55 hexa decimal tes t pattern, 8-19–8-20 A aborting tests, 8- 17 Acce ss CLI an d configur ation, 1-3 control co mmands, C-3 controll ing CLI, 6-1.
Index IN-2 December 20 02 9700-A2-GB20-20 Backsp ace, 2-6, 2-9 Back-to-Back, 4-8 Mode Activ e, 7-20 basic feat ure set, 1-4 Bc, 4-26, 4-33 Be, 4-26 blank f ield, 2-8 Bridge CLI co mmands , C-9 filt er.
Index 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 IN-3 Config uration Auto, 1-4 CLI ac cess an d, 1-3 CLI co mmands , C-4 displa ying and changing options, 3-4 Edit/Di splay menu, 3 -2 FTP transf er rate, 1-4 men.
Index IN-4 December 20 02 9700-A2-GB20-20 delet ing a lo gin, 6 -14 design ations ICMP, C-31 TCP port, C-33 UDP port, C-34 Desti nation based ro uting, 5-3 Default IP, 4-39 DLCI, 4-36 EDLC I, 4- 36 In.
Index 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 IN-5 EIR enfor cement, 4-23 statist ics, 7-31 elemen ts/DLCIs, 10-3 Embedde d Data Link C onnection I dentifier (EDLC I), 4-35– 4-36, 4-44 emul atio n pro grams.
Index IN-6 December 20 02 9700-A2-GB20-20 Hop, 7-28 Hunt (L ine Rate Mode ), 4-5, 4-21– 4-22 I ICMP, 5-2 design ations, C -31 Ident ity, display ing, 7-2 IDSL netw ork ph ysi cal i nter face o pti o.
Index 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 IN-7 LMI and P VC availabi lity, 1-6 Behavio r (9720), 4-10 Behavio r (9783 and 978 8), 4-11 Cleari ng Event (N3), 4-11, 4-31 configu ring frame relay and, 4 -10 .
Index IN-8 December 20 02 9700-A2-GB20-20 modif yin g a logi n, 6 -14 Monit or DTR, 4-29 Pattern, 8 -20 RTS (Control), 4-29 monit orin g Frame Saver unit, 7-18 LEDs and c ontr ol lea ds, 7-3 MTU, 4-40.
Index 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 IN-9 OK control lea ds, 7-7 LEDs , 7 -5 OpenLa ne SLM features , 1-9, 9-2 setting up for Fram eSaver devices , 9-1 syste m, 1 -9 operat ing mode, 4-8 Operati ng R.
Index IN-1 0 Decembe r 2002 9700-A2-GB 20-20 PVC availa bility, 1-6 connec tion status, 7-22, 7-24 connec tions, 4- 35 Loopbac k, 8-19 Manage ment, 4-41 maximu m numbe r, 1-5 multipl exed, 1-5 tests, .
Index 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 IN-1 1 serial n umber of the NAM, 7-2 server, DHCP, 5-11 Service, A servi ce lev el reports, 10-6 verifi catio n configu ring, 4-16 statist ics, 7-30 Service Lev .
Index IN-1 2 Decembe r 2002 9700-A2-GB 20-20 Status Activati on Certificate s, 9-7 check ing scheduled ac tivations, 9- 9 Ethernet i nterface, 4-57 Health an d, 7-20 info rmat io n, 7-1 8 LMI Enquiry .
Index 9700-A2-G B20-20 December 20 02 IN-1 3 Transmi t Clock Invert, 4- 28 Source, 4-29 Transpar ent Mode, 4-7, 4-27 Traps authenti ficationFail ure, B-7 DLCI, 4-55 down loadi ng MI Bs an d, B- 2 Ente.
Index IN-1 4 Decembe r 2002 9700-A2-GB 20-20.
An important point after buying a device Paradyne 9788 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Paradyne 9788 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Paradyne 9788 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Paradyne 9788 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Paradyne 9788 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Paradyne 9788, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Paradyne 9788.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Paradyne 9788. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Paradyne 9788 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center