Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SC-HC55DB Panasonic
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until 201 1/03/07 Op erati ng I ns tru ct ion s Com pact S tereo Sy st em Model No. SC-HC55DB SC-HC35 De ar cust ome r Th an k yo u for pu r cha si ng this pr od uct . For opt imum p erfor manc e and sa fet y , ple ase re ad th ese i nstruc tio ns c arefu lly .
2 R QT X12 67 Safe ty p recautio ns Un it ≥ T o reduc e the ris k of fire, electric s hock or product damage, – Do not expose this unit to rain, moisture, dripping or splashing. – Do n ot place objects filled with liquids, such as v ases, on t his unit .
3 R QT X12 67 Unit and media care Pull ou t th e AC ma ins lea d fro m the o utlet be fo re ma in te nanc e. ∫ Clean this unit with a soft, dry cloth ≥ When dir t is h eavy , wrin g the clot h moi sten ed in wat er ti ghtl y to wi pe th e di rt, a n d t he n wi pe i t w i th a d rie d cl ot h.
4 R QT X12 67 Connec tions 3 Connect the AC mains lead. Con nec t th e A C m ain s l ea d afte r al l o the r co nne ct i on s ar e comp lete . T urn th e unit on af te r a few seco nds. ∫ Notes on speakers ≥ These speakers do not have magnetic shielding.
5 R QT X12 67 Open the EX T -IN AU X/ Headphon e/U SB co ver to c onnec t hea dph ones, USB de vice s or exte rna l music de vice s (e. g. MP3 play er ). Push the pro jecting par t to open the cover A . T op View ∫ Connect the h eadphones ( not supplied ) ≥ Listening at full v olume for long periods m ay dam age the us er ’s ears.
6 R QT X12 67 Att aching the unit to a wal l (optional) ∫ Supplied accessories ≥ 1 Saf et y hold er sc rew B ( Silver ) ≥ 2 Saf et y hold er sc rews C (B lack ) ≥ 1 Sa fety ho lder D ( > 3).
7 R QT X12 67 2 Measure and mark the p osition of the wall mount brackets ( B oth sides). ≥ Use figures below to ident ify the screwing positions. The p osition to at ta c h the wall mo unt bra ckets Sp ace re qui red 3 Attach the wall m ount bracket to the wa ll with 2 screws F .
8 R QT X12 67 Control reference guide B utt on s su c h a s 2 fu ncti on the s ame as t he re mote con tro l. They c an b e used int er chang eabl y . T op view Fron t v iew Re mo te con tro l Main un.
9 R QT X12 67 Open ing/Closing the sliding door Pr ep arat ion Press [ Í ] t o t urn the un it on. For dis c operati ons : A While the sliding doo r is closed, press [CD < ] to open the sliding d oor . For iPo d/iP hon e oper ations : B While the slidin g door is clo sed, pr ess [iPod < ] to open the sliding d oor .
10 R QT X12 67 Disc o peratio ns 1 Press [ Í ] to turn t he unit on. 2 Open the sliding d oor . ( > 9) 3 With the label of the disc facing towards y ou, tilt the dis c into the disc tray under the slid ing door . 4 Place the disc onto the spindle in the centre and then push the disc down until it clicks into place.
11 R QT X12 67 Radio ope rations 1 Press [EXT-IN, RADIO] r epeatedly to select “FM” or [HC35] “AM”. 2 Press [ 6 ] or [ 5 ] to select the frequency of the requir ed station. ≥ “ST” is d is pla y ed wh en a st ere o F M br o adc as t i s be in g received .
12 R QT X12 67 Sound adjus tmen t The f ollo win g soun d ef fect s can be added to th e audi o out put. ≥ Y ou may exp erience a red uction in sou nd quality when t hese effects are used with some sources. I f this occurs, turn the s ound effects of f.
13 R QT X12 67 [HC55] DAB operations DAB (Dig ital A u di o B roa dc a sti ng ) i s a n ew fo rm of r ad io t h at is bro ad c ast d ig ita lly. Un lik e reg u lar an al og ue b roa dc ast i ng, d igit a l ra dio de ter ior ates less, and i s thus able to pr ovid e qual ity s ound cl ose r to th at of a di sc .
14 R QT X12 67 With this func tion it is pos sibl e to ch eck th e sign al r ecept ion qu ali ty o f a s ele c ted fr eq ue nc y . If th e re cept ion qu alit y is po or , try adj us ting t he ant enna . P repar a tio n ≥ Pr ess [EXT -IN , RA DIO] re peat edly to sel ec t “D AB r ”.
15 R QT X12 67 Pr ess [D IS P LA Y] to chang e the displ ay . Th e inf or ma tio n w ill scro ll th rou gh t he di spla y . Each time you p ress the b u tton: Dynamic label (i nfor mat ion a bout th e.
16 R QT X12 67 Listening t o aud io from iPod or iP hone ∫ Inserting an iPod/iP hone 1 Open the sliding d oor. ( > 9) 2 Insert the suit able dock adapt er (not supplied) for the iPod/iP hone.
17 R QT X12 67 [HC55] Using a Bluetooth ® com pati b le d e vi c e ∫ Frequency band used This unit uses the 2.4 GHz frequency band, however other devices may use this frequency as well. T o avoid interference with other wireless devices, please follow the c autions listed below.
18 R QT X12 67 Y ou ca n sele ct the s ou nd inp ut le vel of t he Bl ueto oth ® devic e. 1 Press [ , iP o d] repeatedly to select “ BLUETOOT H”. 2 Press [SOUND] repeatedly to select “INPUT LEVEL” . 3 Press [ 2 , 1 ] to select “0”, “ i 1” or “ i 2”.
19 R QT X12 67 Listeni ng to audio from a USB device Dev ic e s whi ch ar e d ef i ned as U S B m as s s tor ag e c la s s: USB de vi ce s t h at su pp ort b ulk o nl y tr a ns fe r USB de vi ce s t h at su pp ort U SB 2. 0 f ull sp ee d Th e U SB c on ne ct ivit y en ab le s y o u t o c o nn ec t a nd p la y MP 3 tr acks f rom a USB devi ce.
20 R QT X12 67 T roubleshoo ting B efore req ue stin g ser vic e, ma ke the fol lo win g ch ecks . I f you a re in dou bt ab out so me of th e check poi nt s, or if the so lut ions ind ic a ted i n t he fo ll ow i ng gu ide do n ot so lv e th e pro bl em , c o ns ul t yo ur de aler for ins tr u ctio ns .
21 R QT X12 67 iPod/i Phon e doe s not turn on. Cannot op erate wi th [iPod MENU] b utto n. ≥ V er ify t hat the iPo d/iPh one ba tte ry is not depl eted befo re co nn ectin g it to the uni t. ≥ B efore in serti ng th e iPo d/i Phon e i nto t he doc k, tu rn b o th the unit and t he iP od/ iPho ne of f.
22 R QT X12 67 The fol low in g me ss ages or s erv ic e num be rs a pp ear on t he u nit ’s d is pla y w h en so me thi n g unu su al i s det ec ted du ring st artu p a nd use. “--:- -” ≥ Y ou plu gged the AC mai ns le ad in for th e fi rst ti me or th ere was a po wer fa ilu re rec entl y .
23 R QT X12 67 S pecif ications § MPEG-1 Layer 3, MPEG-2 Lay er 3 ≥ S pecifications are subject t o change w ithout n otice. Mass and dim ensions are approx imate.
Panasonic Corpor ation Web S i te : http ://pana sonic. net p RQTX12 67-B F021 1ST0 C Pa na son ic C o rpo rat io n 2 01 1 F or SC -H C5 5DB only SC-HC55DB&35GN-RQTX12 67-B.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic SC-HC55DB (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic SC-HC55DB yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic SC-HC55DB - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic SC-HC55DB you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic SC-HC55DB will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic SC-HC55DB, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic SC-HC55DB.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic SC-HC55DB. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic SC-HC55DB along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center