Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SC-AK340 Panasonic
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The i llu str at ion s sh ow SC-A K340. RQTV0061-6P PP C Op er at io ns in t he se in st ru c ti on s are d es c ri be d ma inl y us in g rem ote c on tr ol, b ut yo u ca n do t he o p era ti on s on th e ma in uni t if th e c on tro ls a re th e sa me.
2 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Dear customer Tha nk yo u for p urc ha si ng t hi s pr od uc t. For o pt imu m pe r fo rm an ce a nd s afe t y , p lea s e rea d th es e instruc tions carefully . The se o pe ra tin g in st ru c ti on s are a p pli c ab le t o the f ol low in g systems.
3 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
4 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH (L) (R) Getting started 4 Connect the AC power supply cord. For your reference T o save po wer w hen t he un it i s not t o be u se d fo r a lo ng tim e, unp lu g it f rom t he h ou seh ol d AC out le t.
5 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Step 2 - Inserting batteries into the remote control AA/R6/LR6 ■ Batteries • Ins er t so th e po le s (+ and – ) m atc h th os e in t he re mot e co nt ro l. • Rem ove if t he re mo te c ont ro l is n ot g oin g to b e us ed for a l on g pe ri o d of ti me.
6 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Overview of controls Main unit Main unit Refe r to t he nu mb er s in p are nt he ses f or p ag e ref ere nc e. AC supply indicator [AC IN] Thi s in d ic at or l ig ht s w he n th e uni t is c o nn ec t ed to th e AC po wer s up p ly.
7 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Discs Numeric buttons Basic play Basic play 1 Press [ 0 , OPEN/CLOSE] on the main unit to open the tray . The u nit t ur ns o n, loa d a di s c in th e cu rr ent t ray w it h th e lab e l fac in g up.
8 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Numeric buttons Changing multiple discs (MUL TI CHANGE) Changing multiple discs (MUL TI CHANGE) By main unit only 1 Press [ 0 , MUL TI CHANGE] to open the trays. 2 Press the button repeatedly to check and change multiple discs.
9 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Advanced play Program play To A c t i o n ch ec k p ro g ra m cont ents Pres s [ 4 , REW / ] o r [ ¢ , / FF] whe n “PG M ” is d i sp laye d in t he s to p m od e.
10 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH NOTE on CDs • Thi s un it c a n ac c es s u p to 9 9 tr ac k s. • Cho os e d is c wi th t hi s ma r k. • This u ni t ca n pl ay MP3 o r WM A fi les a nd CD - DA for ma t au di o CD- R / RW tha t have b ee n fi naliz ed .
11 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH 2 Press [ 0 OPEN] for DECK 1 or [OPEN 0 ] for DECK 2 and insert the cassette. Ins er t w it h th e si de to b e p laye d fac in g towa rd s you and t he ex po se d t ap e fa ci ng d ow n. Clo se t he ho ld er by hand.
12 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH FM allocation setting FM allocation setting By main unit only Thi s syst em c an al so r ec e ive FM b roa dc a st s al lo c ate d in 0. 1 MHz ste p s. T o change the step to 0.1 MHz 1 Press and hold [TUNER, BAND].
13 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH 4 Repeat steps 2 to 3 to set the finishing time. Finish time T o activate the timer 5 Press and hold [– ˚ PLA Y/REC] to turn on your desired timer . ˚ PL A Y no d is pl ay (o f f ) ˚ REC ➞ 6 Press [ y ] to turn off the unit.
14 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH MUSIC PORT jack Using the sleep timer Using the sleep timer Thi s fun c ti on e na bl es yo u to tu rn of f the un it a uto mat ic a lly af te r the s et t im e. Press [SLEEP] to select your desired time.
15 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH External unit Connecting to a portable audio equipment Connecting to a portable audio equipment Thi s fea tur e ena b les yo u to e njoy m us ic fr om a p or ta bl e au di o eq ui pm en t.
16 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH T roubleshooting guide Before requesting service, make the following checks. If you are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the remedies indicated in the chart do not solve the problem, refer to the “Customer Services Directory” on page 18 if you reside in the U.
17 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH AMPLIFIER SECTION AK340 AK343 FTC Output power THD 10%, both channels driven 50 Hz to 3 kHz (Low channel) AK340 : 81 W per channel (3 Ω ).
18 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U.S.A.) Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company , Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America On e Pan as on i c Way Se ca uc u s, N ew Je r sey 070 94 Panasonic Puerto Rico, Inc.
19 RQT8043 RQTV0061 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR CANAD A) Panasonic Canada Inc. P ANASONIC PRODUCT – LIMITED W ARRANTY Pa n a s o n i c C a n a d a I n c .
20 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH (L) (R) Preparativos iniciales 4 Conecte el cable de alimentación de CA Para su referencia Para ahorrar energía c uando no utiliza el aparato durante muc ho t ie mp o, de se nc hú fel o de l a tom a de CA.
21 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Paso Paso 3 3 - Función de demostración - Función de demostración Cuan d o el a pa ra to se e nc hu fe p or p rim er a vez pu ed e a pa re ce r en e l vi sua liz ad or un a de mo st rac i ón d e sus f un ci on es.
22 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Controles Aparato principal Aparato principal Los n úme ro s en tre p aré nte si s in di ca n la p ág ina d e ref ere nc ia . Indicador de alimentación de CA [AC IN] Este indicador se encenderá cuando el aparato esté conectado a la red de CA.
23 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Discos Botones numéricos Reproducción básica Reproducción básica 1 Pulse [ 0 , OPEN/CLOSE] en la unidad principal para abrir la bandeja. El aparato se encien de, c arga un disco en la bandeja ac tu al c on l a eti q uet a ha ci a ar ri ba .
24 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Botones numéricos Los botones descritos para “Cintas de casete – reproducción y grabación” son principalmente para la unidad a no ser que se indique lo contrario.
25 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Sintonización manual Sintonización manual 1 Pulse [TUNER, BAND] para seleccionar “FM” o “AM”. 2 Pulse [PLA Y MODE] para seleccionar “MANUAL”. 3 Pulse [ 4 , R EW / ] o [ ¢ , / FF] para seleccionar la frecuencia de la emisora requerida.
26 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Puesta en hora Puesta en hora Éste e s un re lo j de s is tema d e 1 2 h or as . 1 Pulse [CLOCK/TIMER] para seleccionar “CLOCK”.
27 RQT8043 RQTV0061 ESP AÑOL LANG - 4 FR A N ÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Otras operaciones básicas Otras operaciones básicas Para Acc ión ca mb ia r la confi guració n R ep et ir l o s pa so s d e 1 a 4 y 6 ( página 2 6 ).
En Panasonic Consumer Electr onics Company , Division of P anasonic Corporation of North America On e Pana so nic Way Se c au cu s, New J er sey 07094 http : / /www.panas m Panasonic Puerto Rico, Inc. Ave. 65 de In fan ter ía, Km. 9.5 San G ab ri el In d ust ri al Par k, Ca ro lina , Puer to Ri c o 00 9 85 Panasonic Canada Inc.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic SC-AK340 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic SC-AK340 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic SC-AK340 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic SC-AK340 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic SC-AK340 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic SC-AK340, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic SC-AK340.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic SC-AK340. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic SC-AK340 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center