Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product KX-TD500 Panasonic
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Thank you f or purchasing the P anasonic Model KX-TD500, Digital Super Hybrid System. Model No. KX-TD500 Digital Super Hybrid System Features Guide D I G I T A L S U P E R H Y B R I D S Y S T E M R U N O F F L I N E A L A R M Please read this manual bef ore connecting the Digital Super Hybrid System and sav e this manual f or future reference .
Introductio n 2 Features G uide Intr oduction About t his Feat ures Gui de This Feature s Guide is design ed to serv e as an ove r all fe atures reference for t he Pana sonic Digital Super Hybri d System, KX-TD500. It e xplains what the KX-TD500 Sys tem can do, and ho w to obtai n the most out of i ts many featur es and capabil ities.
Introduc tion Features Guide 3 T e r m su s e di nt h i sF e a t u r e sG u i d e Installa tion Manual Refer ences The re quire d insta llat ion inst ructi on tit les desc ribed in t he Inst allation Manual are noted for your referen ce.
T ab le of Con tents 4 Features G uide T able of Contents 1 General F eatur es . .................... .................... .................... ............. ..... 9 1.1 System Expansion ........................... ....................................
T able of Content s Features Guide 5 T1 Carr ier .................................. .................................... .................................... ............ .9 7 T enant Servi c e .................. .................................... .
T ab le of Con tents 6 Features G uide Quick Dialing .................. .................................... .................................... ..................... 210 Redial ............ .................................... ......................
T able of Content s Features Guide 7 1.13 A udible T one Feat ures............................. .................................... ............................. 284 Conf irmation T ones ................... .................................... ......
T ab le of Con tents 8 Features G uide Calling Name Identif ication Restrict ion (CNIR) .................................... ..................... 361 2.3 ISDN Attended Featur es .................................. .................................... .
General Features Features Guide 9 Section 1 General F eatures.
General F eatures 10 Features Guide 1.1 System Expansion EXtr a De vice P ort ( XDP) Descr iptio n A DPT and a n SL T can be c onnected to the s ame extensio n port but h ave dif ferent e xtension numbers so tha t they can act as compl etely diff erent exte nsions.
General Features Features Guide 11 1.2 System Administration System Programming and Diag nosis wi th P ersonal Computer Descriptio n The KX-TD500 syst em can be programmed a nd administer ed using a Persona l Computer (PC). The Progra m ming Guide is re quired to perform PC Programming.
General F eatures 12 Features Guide (Met hod 3 .) U sing a n ext ernal m odem Please r efer to "External Modem Contr ol" of Section "1. 3 System Features " and Section "4.3 .36 Exte rnal M odem Co ntrol " in the User M anual.
General Features Features Guide 13 Instal lation Manual Refer ences • 2.6.3 RMT Card (KX-T96196) • 2.6.4 ERMT Card (KX-TD50197) Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 10.
General F eatures 14 Features Guide T raff i c Measur ement Descr iptio n Prov ides current traf fi c information about fo llowing ite ms indi vidually . Y ou can collect and displa y the traf fic infor mation using the Mainten a nce Console PC. 1. Station 2.
General Features Features Guide 15 User Pr ogramming with Pr oprietary T elephone Descriptio n Allo ws a PT user to assign o r change the follo wing Syst em Programming items at hi s own PT . Conditions • User Progra mming Pas sword is re quired to perfo rm User Programm ing.
General F eatures 16 Features Guide 1.3 System F eatur es Account Code Entry Descr iptio n An Account Cod e (max. 10 dig i ts) is used to i dentify incoming a nd outgoing CO calls for accou nting and billi ng purposes.
General Features Features Guide 17 • TR S Level Each account code is appe nded with unique TRS Leve l for "T oll Restr iction Overri de by Acc ount C ode E ntry" f eat ure. • Emergency numbe rs Regar dless of the Account Code Entr y mode setting, emer gency number s can be dialed out without enter ing an account code.
General F eatures 18 Features Guide A utom atic Calli ng Ca ncel Descr iptio n If this f eature is enable d, the system automat ically disc onnects the CO line in us e when the CO call i s not answered in a specif ied peri od of time.
General Features Features Guide 19 A u tomatic Conf igurat ion *1 Descriptio n This is o ne of the DP T Integrati on fea tures . If DPT lnte gration is acti va ted, the system tra nsmits the exte nsion number conf iguration info rmat ion to the V oi ce Proc essin g System ( VPS ).
General F eatures 20 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences Not applicab le..
General Features Features Guide 21 Backgr ound Music (BGM)—External Descriptio n Background Music (BGM) ca n be broadcast thr oughout the of fice v ia the extern al pagers. The BGM through External P agers can be turned on / off b y the M anag er and the Operato rs.
General F eatures 22 Features Guide Calling Party Control (CPC) Signal Detection Descr iptio n The Calling P arty Contro l (CPC) Signal is an on-h ook indication (di sconnect signal) se nt from the Ce ntral Of fice when t he telephone i s hung up at t he other end.
General Features Features Guide 23 User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 24 Features Guide Class of Service (COS) Descr iptio n Used to d efine a set of se rvice s a vaila ble to the exte nsion u ser . Up to 96 di fferent ty pes of Clas s of Service can be est ablished b y System Programming. A Class of Service numb er i s assi gned to each e xtensio n by System Pr ogramming.
General Features Features Guide 25 Conditions • Wa l k i n g C O S The ex t ensi on user can make a t oll call at other lo wer le vel COS ext ensions (toll / ou tward restric ted) by employing his o wn higher lev el COS temporarily .
General F eatures 26 Features Guide Dial T ype Selection Descr iptio n Used to se lect the des ired dialing m ode for each CO li ne rega rdless of origi nating call ex tension (rotary or tone ).
General Features Features Guide 27 DIL 1:N Group Descriptio n Used to group ext ensions or Extension Groups or both so that an inc oming CO call comes in on mu ltiple exte nsions s imult aneou sly . DIL 1:N i s one of the f iv e dif ferent types o f Incoming Group.
General F eatures 28 Features Guide Door Opener Descr iptio n Allo ws the exte nsion users to unlock the door for a visitor from thei r extens ions. The door can be unlock ed by e xtension users ass igned as the dest ination of doorphone ca lls anyti m e b y dialin g the appropria te feature number .
General Features Features Guide 29 Extensio n Gr oup Descriptio n T o support ef fici ent utilization of ex tensions, the y can be group ed together a s an Extension Group. An y extensi on in the Exte nsion Group can pic k up a call ringi ng at another e xtension within th e same Extens ion Group (Call Pickup - Gr oup) .
General F eatures 30 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.4 Extension Port Ass ignment –G r o u p N o . • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – Login / Logout • 3.
General Features Features Guide 31 User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 32 Features Guide Exte rnal Mo dem Contr ol Descr iptio n The system s upports an exter nal modem (Please r e fer to Not es ) plug ged into the RS-232C Port 1. The s ystem communicate s with the re m ote terminal at data rat e of up to 19,200 bps and enables remote syst em maintenance through an externa l modem.
General Features Features Guide 33 • The conne ction chart for the ext ernal modem (25-pin) is as follo ws: • An A T Com man d (for in itiali zatio n, en ablin g Aut omat ic An swer, etc.) can o nly be prog rammed by Serial Inte rface / remote prog ramming softw are.
General F eatures 34 Features Guide Flexible Numbering Descr iptio n The numbers used fo r the access codes of syste m f eatu res and the numbers used for ext ension numbers are not f ixed. The y can be set as re quired, pro vided ther e are no co nflicts.
General Features Features Guide 35 27 Stat ion Pagin g Answe r 43 28 CO Call Pickup 4 29 Group Call Pickup 40 30 Directed Call Pickup 41 31 Hold 50 32 Hold Retrie ve - Stati on 51 33 Hold Retrie ve - .
General F eatures 36 Features Guide In additio n to the flexible fe ature numbers, f ixed feat ure numbers are provide d on the ne xt page. 58 Login / Logout 45 59 A utoma tic Cal lback B usy Ca ncel .
General Features Features Guide 37 Conditions • Flexibl e feature numbe rs can only be dialed whi le a dial tone i s heard. • If " " or "#" is included in a feature nu m ber , it w il l not be possibl e for users wi th dial pulse (DP) telephone to acc ess the feature.
General F eatures 38 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.4 Extension Port Ass ignment – Attri bute –D N • 2.3 Numbering Pla n •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – Fix ed Feature Number F eatures Guide Refer ences None User Manual Refer ences • 6.
General Features Features Guide 39 Floating Station Descriptio n V irtual e xtension number s can be assigned to resour ces to make them appear as real exte nsions.
General F eatures 40 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – 1st Hundre d Block Exten sion – 2nd Hundred Block Extens ion – 3rd Hundred Block Extens ion – 4th H.
General Features Features Guide 41 Host PBX A ccess Descriptio n The sy stem ma y be insta lled beh ind an exist ing hos t PBX. Th is is per formed by con nect ing (ext ension) lines from the hos t PBX to CO line ports of th e KX-TD500 System. Conditions • T o enable Host PBX Access, put the host P B X li ne in a T runk Group.
General F eatures 42 Features Guide Incoming Gr oup Descr iptio n T o suppor t eff icient u tilization of ext ensions, the y can be grouped together as an Inco m ing Group. Incoming Gr oup is used to direct inco ming calls (b oth exten sion and outside ) to a group of answerin g extensions as sociated with the type of incoming cal ls.
General Features Features Guide 43 b) When "VM" or "AA" is sp ecified i n the "Group T ype" s etting of an Extension Group , and "DIL 1:N" is sp ecified in the "Group T ype" setting o f an Incoming Gro up, all the ext ensions bel onging to the Exte nsion Group wo rk as a VM or AA group.
General F eatures 44 Features Guide 1.8 Ringing Fe atures • Log-In/Log -Out • Station Hu nting User Manual Refer ences Not applicab le..
General Features Features Guide 45 Integration , A utomated A ttendan t (AA) Service Descriptio n This is o ne of the VP S Integrati on fea tures . The Automated Attendant (AA) Service, pro vided by the VPS , answers incomi ng calls and then ro utes th e caller t o the desi red exten sion au tomati call y .
General F eatures 46 Features Guide Condition s • Start AA Ser vice after FW D , IRN A of CO call When an ou tside call is routed to a VM port b y Call Fo rwarding or IRN A fea ture, AA Service can be acti v ated instea d of VM Service b y System Programmi ng.
General Features Features Guide 47 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.4 Extension Por t Assignment – Group No. • 1.5 VPS (DPT) Port Assignment • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – Login / Logout • 3 .3 Ext ensio n Grou p –F D N –T e n a n t N o .
General F eatures 48 Features Guide Integration, DPT *1 Descr iptio n This is one o f the VPS Integra tion features . Wi th DPT Integra tion, the KX-TD500 Syst em sends the VPS the inf ormation and commands on the call ing extensio n via DPT interfaced dat a link to he lp it work mo re effectively .
General Features Features Guide 49 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.2 Slot Assignment • 1.4 Extension Por t Assignment –C a r d N o . – Attri bute • 1.5 VPS (DPT) Port Assignment –T V S N o . –V P S C a r d – T ype – Jack No. –P o r t N o .
General F eatures 50 Features Guide 1.9 Answeri ng Features • Live Call Scr eenin g (LC S) 1.12 Con v ersation Feat ures • T wo- W ay Recording i nto the V oice Mail User Manual Refer ences Not applicab le.
General Features Features Guide 51 Integration, Inband Descriptio n This is o ne of the VP S Integrati on fea tures . W ith Inband Int egration, the KX-TD500 Syste m sends the certain inf ormation to the VPS with DTMF tones. I nband Integ ration can be cate gorized into th e follo wing two types : 1.
General F eatures 52 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 3.2 T runk Group – Intercept Dest ination – Day / Nig ht • 3.3 Extension Group –F D N –T e n a n t N o . – [Overflo w Setting ] Destination – Day / Night –G r o u p T y p e •4 .
General Features Features Guide 53 User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 54 Features Guide Integration, V oice Mail (VM) Service Descr iptio n This is o ne of the VPS Int egration f eatures. The V oice Mail (VM) Service, pro vided b y the VPS, is a v oice message recei ving (taki ng) and deli very s ervice which all ows call ers to leav e messages in t he m ailbox of t he desired e xtension user .
General Features Features Guide 55 System Explanation 1. Call F orwarding (All Calls, Busy , No Answer , Busy / No Ans w er) to a VM extension If the exte nsion user sets Call F orwarding to a VM exten sion, the call directed to that exte nsion is fo rward ed to a VM exten sion w ith Follow-on ID of th e extens ion use r .
General F eatures 56 Features Guide 2. Inter cept Routing No Answer (IRNA) to a VM extension If an in coming CO call di rected to a cer tain ext ension is not an swered within a specif ied perio d of tim e (IRNA timer) , the call is r edire cted t o a VM extens ion wi th Follow-on I D of the corres ponding extensi on.
General Features Features Guide 57 Conditions • IRNA of DIL 1 :N call s If a DIL 1:N call (an out side call which comes i n on multiple ext ensions simultaneo usly) is not answere d within a spe cified pe riod of time, the system red irects the cal l to the pre- dete rmin ed covering ext ensio n.
General F eatures 58 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.4 Extension Port Ass ignment –G r o u p N o . • 1.5 VPS (DPT) Port Assignment • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – M essag e W ai ting S et / Ca ncel / Cal l Bac k – Call FWD - Do Not Disturb Set / Cancel – Login / Logout • 3.
General Features Features Guide 59 1.11 T ransferr i ng Featur es • Cal l Forwa rding • Inter cept Routing 1.17 Display Fe atures • Messa ge W aiting User Manual Refer ences • 2 .2.3 F lexible Bu tton A ssig nment • 3.2.5 [005] Flexi ble CO Button Assignment • 4.
General F eatures 60 Features Guide Integration, VPS Descr iptio n The V oice Processing System (VPS) pro vides Automated Attenda nt (AA) and V oice Mail (VM) Services .
General Features Features Guide 61 Out line s ketc h of V PS In tegr ation Conditions None Programming Gui d e Refer ences System Programming is not re quired.
General F eatures 62 Features Guide Limited Cal l Duratio n Descr iptio n Limited Ca ll Duration is a system progra m mable fe ature that disconn ects a CO call when a specif ied ti m er e xpires. A warning tone is sent to the e xtension u ser 15 seconds, 10 seconds, and 5 s econds before th e time limi t.
General Features Features Guide 63 User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 64 Features Guide Lockout Descr iptio n If one pa rty in a con ve rsation goe s on-hook, the y both are dis connected from the speec h path automati cally . A reord er tone is sent to the of f-hook party befor e it is dis connected. No opera t ion i s necessary .
General Features Features Guide 65 Manager Ext ension Descriptio n One ext ension in eac h tenant can be a ssigned as the Mana ger Extension. This ext ension can perf orm t he followin g Mana ger ser .
General F eatures 66 Features Guide Mixed St ation Capa bilit ies Descr iptio n The KX-TD500 system supp orts a wide range of telephone se ts as follo ws: • Digi tal Prop rieta ry T elep hone s (DPT.
General Features Features Guide 67 Instal lation Manual Refer ences •2 . 4 E x t e n s i o n C a r d s • 2.5.6 BRI Card (KX-TD50288) • 2.5.7 PRI23 Card (KX-TD50290) Programming Gui d e Refer ences System Programming is not re quired. F eature s Guide Ref erences None User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e.
General F eatures 68 Features Guide Music on Hold Descr iptio n The system pro vides "Music on Hold" to cal lers on hold, if av ailable. Condition s • Operatio ns such as Call H old, Exclusi ve Cal l Hold or Consul tation Hold gener ates Music on Hold.
General Features Features Guide 69 User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 70 Features Guide Night Service Descr iptio n The syste m supports both Night and Day modes of oper ation in a dif fere nt arrangement. The Day mode i ncludes the Lunch a nd Break mode. Only a DI L destination ca n perform in Lunch / Break mode .
General Features Features Guide 71 • The follo wing progra m ming ite ms may be assigne d in a dif ferent wa y between day mode and night mode: (2.2 T enant) — Ale rt Exte nsion – Day / N ight (2.4 Class of Service (COS)) — TRS Le vel – Day / Night (2.
General F eatures 72 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es •2 . 2 T e n a n t – Alert Extension – Day / Night – DA Y / NIGHT Switching Mode – Day (SUN-SA T) – Night (SUN-SA T) – Lunch-Start (SUN-SA T) – Lunch-End (SUN-SA T) – Break-Start (SUN- SA T) – Brea k-End (S UN-S A T ) • 2.
General Features Features Guide 73 Off Premise Extension ( OPX) Descriptio n SL Ts ins talled of f the premis e can be operat ed via a public or p riv ate netw ork in the same w ay as exten sions on the premise. These tel ephones are called Of f Premise Extension s (OPX).
General F eatures 74 Features Guide Operator Gr oup Descr iptio n It is ef fici ent to handle a high vol ume of operator -seeking cal ls by a group of ex tensions called "Ope rator G roup," w hich ca n consist of on e or more exten sions .
General Features Features Guide 75 (1) Outline sketch of Operator feature 1. When " Ringin g T ype" i s set to "Mul ti" An in comin g call (int erc om / ou tside call ) arrives at al l Ope rator exten sions at the sam e tim e.
General F eatures 76 Features Guide (2) What if all Operator extensions are bu s y? All Busy W aiting Queue W aiting Queue W aiting Queue Intercept Destination Outside calls Intercom calls Overflo w Destination is not programmed. Overflo w Destination is programmed.
General Features Features Guide 77 Note • An incoming call whi ch is arri ving at a CO ke y of an Operator PT e xtensio n is regarde d as an ar rived call. All Logout W aiting Queue W aiting Queue W aiting Queue Intercept Destination Outside calls Intercom calls Overflo w Destination is not programmed.
General F eatures 78 Features Guide Condition s • T enant Ser vice If "T enant Se rvice" is emplo yed, each tenan t can hav e its o wn unique "Operator G roup" in the Exten sion Group inde pendently . Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.
General Features Features Guide 79 Outgoing Message (OGM) Descriptio n Allo ws the Manager or an Operator to record and pl ayback Outgoing Messages . The foll owing three types of Outgo ing Messages can be recorded. DISA message: This message is playe d when an outsid e caller acc esses the system via DISA line.
General F eatures 80 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.3 Syste m Features • Outgoing Message (OGM) Group 1.5 Atten ded Features • Direc t Inwar d System Access ( DISA) • Uniform Call Di stributi on (UCD) 1.
General Features Features Guide 81 Outgoing Message (OG M) Gr oup Descriptio n OGM resources on the DISA ca rd can be grouped t ogether as an OGM Group. Up to eight OGM Groups can be created i n the system. Conditions • T enant Se rvice If T enant Service is emplo yed, the af filiati on of OG M Group should be deci ded by System Programmi ng.
General F eatures 82 Features Guide Paralleled T elephone Descr iptio n Any PT can be connec ted in parallel with an SL T . The follo wing two combinati ons of teleph ones are av ailable: a) APT + SL .
General Features Features Guide 83 • I f DPT + S L T are use d, the exte nsi on use r canno t orig inat e a call fr om the S L T if the DP T is: — in programming mode • Call W aiting T one Call W aiting ton e rings at PT only . Instal lation Manual Refer ences • 2.
General F eatures 84 Features Guide Phantom Extension Descr iptio n This allo ws the system to route the ca l ls to a phantom e xtension. The call to a phanto m ext ension arri ves at the ext ension who has the correspondi ng Phantom b utton.
General Features Features Guide 85 User Manual Refer ences • 2 .2.3 F lexible Bu tton A ssig nment • 2.2.10 Phantom Butt on Ringing On/Of f Assignment • 3.
General F eatures 86 Features Guide Released Link Operation Descr iptio n When Rele ased Link Operati on is enabled , an exten sion user will be automati cally released from a call (e xtension, outsi de) after transfer ring it to the destination , i f the dest ination ex tension is idle.
General Features Features Guide 87 Remote Stati on F eatur e Contr ol Descriptio n Allo ws both the Manager and the Oper ators to set a nd cancel the fo llowing f eatures for ot her exte nsions.
General F eatures 88 Features Guide 1.9 Answeri ng Features • Live Call Scr eenin g (LC S) 1.11 T ra nsfer ring F eatur es •C a l l F o r w a r d i n g User Manual Refer ences • 4.4.3 Call L og Incoming, Log Lock • 4.4.4 Li ve Call Sc reening (LCS) P a ssw ord Clear • 4.
General Features Features Guide 89 Remote Station Lock Control Descriptio n Allo ws the M anag er and the Operators to lock other e xtensions remote ly , that is, from their o wn exten sions.
General F eatures 90 Features Guide Secr et Dialing Descr iptio n Used to con ceal all or par t of a regi stered teleph one number that normally a ppears on the display .
General Features Features Guide 91 Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) Descriptio n Stat ion Me ssag e Deta il Reco rdin g (SMD R) auto mati cally r ecord s deta iled ca ll inf ormati on fo r CO calls. A printer c onnected to SIO #2 port of RS- 232C on the bas ic shelf can be used to prin t incoming an d outgoing CO cal ls.
General F eatures 92 Features Guide <T ype-B> The SMDR is printed with the abo ve form at when "T ype-B" is selecte d as Output T ype b y System Prog ramming.
General Features Features Guide 93 7. Dial Number Outgoing call: sho ws the o ther party's t elephone number . V alid di gits are 0 thro ugh 9, , #, P (if P A USE button i s pressed) or "=" (if a host PBX access cod e is entered). Rec eived c all: s hows <INC OMIN G>.
General F eatures 94 Features Guide • SMDR (Station Messa ge D etail Reco rding) records the detai led Ti med Reminder info rmati on and pr ints it out au toma tical ly when the Timed Remi nder st arts and it is answered o r not answered . This can be enabl ed or disabled b y System Progr amming.
General Features Features Guide 95 User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 96 Features Guide System Data Default Set Descr iptio n This s ystem pe rmits re -initi aliza tion o f syste m-pr ogra mmed d ata. S tarti ng up th e KX -TD50 0 system with def ault val ues can be done using the Operation Swi tch ( MODE) on the CPU card <Sectio n "2.
General Features Features Guide 97 T1 Carrier Descriptio n The T 1 line i s at the b ottom o f the di gital t ransm issi on hie rarchy . A T1 l ine c arrie s 1.544 M bps of data ( which can be v oice or an ything else). The T1 line contains 2 4 voice channels.
General F eatures 98 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.2 Slot Assignment – Sys tem Clo ck St atus – Clock Conf iguration Mode – Clock Conf iguration Mas ter Card No. – Clo ck Con f i gurat ion Pri orit y 1 - 8 • 1.6 T1 Port Assignment F eatures Guide Refer ences None User Manual Refer ences Not applicab le.
General Features Features Guide 99 T enant Ser vice Descriptio n The KX-TD500 Syst em can be share d with up to eight t enants . When tenant ser vice is utilize d, each tenant can use t he system reso urce dif ferently an d independentl y from other tenants.
General F eatures 100 Features Guide Condition s • The foll owing f eatures do not w ork between e xtensions if the y do not belong t o the same tena nt.
General Features Features Guide 101 T ime-Out, V ariable Descriptio n Provid es tim ers to co ntrol variou s feat ures o r func tion s. The follo wing ti mers are prog rammable: Syst em Data Ran ge Ho.
General F eatures 102 Features Guide Condition s None T runk Group Da ta Range Disconne cting T ime 0.5 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 4.0 / 12.0 s P a u s eT i m e 1 .
General Features Features Guide 103 Programming Gui d e Refer ences •2 . 5 S y s t e m T i m e r • 3.2 Trunk Grou p • 3 .3 Ext ensio n Grou p • 3.5 Incoming Group • 4.2 Trunk Lin e • 4 .3 Ext ensio n Line F eature s Guide Ref erences None User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e.
General F eatures 104 Features Guide Tr u n k B u s y - O u t Descr iptio n Allo ws the Mana ger and an Opera tor to b usy out a CO li ne to pre vent e xtension us ers from accessi ng it. [The de tails of T runk Busy-out feature] There ar e the follo wing two t ypes of trunk por t relay statu s which is set to T runk Busy-out .
General Features Features Guide 105 The Specif ication of T runk Busy-out On Card T ype The status of T runk Busy-out set to "On" Note LCO T Idle stat us (Defau lt) Loop OFF Busy stat us (th.
General F eatures 106 Features Guide Condition s None Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – T runk Busy-out •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – ELCO T / LCO T Busy-o ut Loop Rela.
General Features Features Guide 107 User Manual Refer ences • 4 .4. 12 Trunk Bus y-Out Se tting.
General F eatures 108 Features Guide Tr u n k G r o u p Descr iptio n A l lC Ol i n e sa n dT I El i n e si nt h es y s t e mc a nb eg r o u p e di n t ou pt o4 8T r u n kG r o u p s .
General Features Features Guide 109 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – T r unk G roup A cces s • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – T r unk Gr oup Set ting • 2.7 T r unk to T runk Restri ction • 3.2 Trunk Grou p – Intercept D estination – Da y / Night – Pause T ime before Flash Signa l – Max.
General F eatures 110 Features Guide T runk Route Contro l Descr iptio n Allo ws the Mana ger and the Operat ors to make a call us ing a specif ic trunk.
General Features Features Guide 111 W alk ing Station Descriptio n Used to mov e an exten sion to a new loca tion without re- programming. Extens ion data such as exte nsion number , One-T ouc h dialing mem ory remain the same after the re-loc ation of the exte nsion.
General F eatures 112 Features Guide 1.4 F ault Recov ery/Diagnostics Local Alarm Descr iptio n If a system error is det ected during on-line communi cation mode, the Alarm light on the Manager e xtension tur ns red. An error message wil l be shown on the dis play PT of the Manager b y pressing the red lit Alarm b utton.
General Features Features Guide 113 [Legend] Error Mess age Priority Alarm LED (When a problem occurs) The Alarm light turns red automati cally . The corre sponding erro r message is s hown on t he displ ay PT , if it is idle, b y pressing the red lit Alarm b utton.
General F eatures 114 Features Guide (When the pr oblem is solv ed) When the pro blem is solv ed, the Alar m light goes of f and the display P T shows t he initial display . Condition s • Alarm b utton assignment Alar m button can b e assign ed to a flexibl e CO button on PT by Sta tion, U ser or Sy stem Programming.
General Features Features Guide 115 P ower F ailu r e R e-Start Descriptio n When tu rning back on the e lectricit y , the sys tem re-start s the stored da ta automati cally .
General F eatures 116 Features Guide P ower F ailur e T ransfer Descr iptio n Po wer Failure T ransf er connects specif ic telephon es (any SL T) to the pr e-determined CO lines in the e vent of system po wer fail ure.
General Features Features Guide 117 1.5 Attended F eature s Caller ID Ser vice Descriptio n Prov ides the display PT user with a call er's information, suc h as name and telephone numb er, sent fr om th e Cen tral O f fice over t he CO li ne as signe d to re ceive Caller ID s ervic e call s.
General F eatures 118 Features Guide Installation Manual Refe rences • 2.5.5 ELCO T Card (KX-TD5018 0) • 2.7.4 Caller I D Card (KX-TD193) Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.
General Features Features Guide 119 Caller ID Ser vice on T1 Line Descriptio n Provi des the display PT user with a caller's in formation, such as telephon e number (max. 24 digits) , sent from the T1 Centra l Off ice ov er the CO line assigned to rece iv e Caller ID servic e calls .
General F eatures 120 Features Guide Installation Manual Refe rences • 2.5.4 T1 Digital T runk Card (KX-T96187) Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.6 T1 Port Assignment – Channel T ype •4 . 2 T r u n k L i n e – Incoming T ype –N a m e –C a l l e r I D • 4.
General Features Features Guide 121 Di re ct In Line s (DIL) Descriptio n Enables an incoming CO cal l to go directl y to one or more answe ring points wi t hout a ssistance of the operator .
General F eatures 122 Features Guide Ou tline s ketch of Direc t In Li nes (D IL) Condition s • DI L to the mode m allows the ca ller to per form re mote adm inis tratio n. When re ceiving incomi ng calls (T A F AS fea ture), DIL page s an exte rnal pager .
General Features Features Guide 123 F eature s Guide Ref erences None User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 124 Features Guide Dir ect In ward Dia ling (DID ) Descr iptio n Allo ws incoming CO ca lls to reach a specif ic exte nsion, a virt ual extensi on or a group of ext ensions in th e system dire ctly in accorda nce with the su bscriber number s ent from the Central O ff ice.
General Features Features Guide 125 [Example] Digit to recei ve DID: 4 (di gits) Dig its to dele te: 1 (digi t) Number to be added: 2 The System modi fies the re ceiv ed subscriber nu m ber "43 11" into "2311" as follo ws: P r o c e s s e di nS t e p2 : 4311 3 11 The fir st digit "4" was delete d.
General F eatures 126 Features Guide This is dete rmined by System Pro gramming <Secti on 2.8 System Option, "18. Dest ination Busy - DID" in the Prog ramming Guide>. • The tenant number and V PS trunk group numbe r can be assi gned in the DID tabl e so that the sy stem is s hared w ith ten ants o n a DID N o.
General Features Features Guide 127 1.17 Display Fe atures • Dis play , Call In form ation User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e..
General F eatures 128 Features Guide Dir ect Inward System Access ( DISA) Descr iptio n Allo ws an outside calle r to access spe cific syst em featur es w ith out operator assist ance as if the cal ler is a n exte nsion use r in t he sy stem .
General Features Features Guide 129 Flow c hart o f pos sib le cas es an d result s for DIS A ca lls Conditions • The follo wing items are requi red to utilize the DISA featu re: a) An optional DISA Ca rd (KX-T96191) must be ins talled. Up to e ight D ISA c ards c an be i nstal led i n the s ystem .
General F eatures 130 Features Guide c) The DISA OGM(s) sh ould be recorded b y the Manage r or an Operator . d) The OGM T ype shoul d be set to "DISA" un der OGM Group setting.
General Features Features Guide 131 3. Silence Dete ction: Used to di sconnect the t runk line when the sy stem detects no signal during a CO-to-CO line call b y DISA or A GC. • DISA Call Re-try by Press i ng The " " ke y can be ent ered during a DISA call.
General F eatures 132 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.7 DISA Port Assignment • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – OGM Playback / Record • 2.
General Features Features Guide 133 1.11 T ransferr i ng Featur es • Inter cept Routing User Manual Refer ences • 3.2.10 [010] DISA / TIE User Code Set • 4.
General F eatures 134 Features Guide Ring Gr oup Descr iptio n Allo ws both ext ension and outsid e users to ring all e xtension s in a Ring Group simultane ously by di aling the Float ing Directory Numbe r (FDN) of the Ri ng Group. This featur e is useful for tal king to or transferri ng calls to anyone in the sa m e group.
General Features Features Guide 135 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.4 Extension Por t Assignment – Group No. • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – Login / Logout – Group Login / Logout • 3 .3 Ext ensio n Grou p –F D N –T e n a n t N o . – Group T ype • 3.
General F eatures 136 Features Guide T runk Answer Fr om Any Station (T AF AS) Descr iptio n A tone signal is emitt ed from the ex ternal pager when an incoming CO call is recei ved. An y ext ension user can answer the cal l. Condition s • Hardwar e Requir ements A user -supplied externa l paging de vice i s required to u tilize th is feature .
General Features Features Guide 137 F eature s Guide Ref erences 1.3 System Fe atures • Flo ating S tation User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.78 T runk Answer Fro m Any Statio n (T AF AS).
General F eatures 138 Features Guide Unif orm Call D istrib utio n (UCD) Descr iptio n Calls t o a UCD group are distri buted un iformly among the group members so th at each member can s hare the same load .
General Features Features Guide 139 (1) Outline s ketch of UCD feature 1. When more than one call is in th e UCD group, the 1st call wil l arri ve at exte nsion A f irst.
General F eatures 140 Features Guide 2. If the 1st call ar riv es at exte nsion A, a) the 2nd call wil l arriv e at exte nsion B. b) the 2nd call wil l arri ve at e xtension A. 3. When t he 2nd call arri v es at ex tension B, the 3rd call will arri ve at e xtensio n C.
General Features Features Guide 141 • Group Logi n / Logout When a single ext ension belongs to multip le differ ent Incoming Groups at a time, Gr oup Login / Logout se tting work s on the Incoming G roup basis.
General F eatures 142 Features Guide (2) T ypes of calls w hich come in on a UCD Gr oup FDN (Floating Dire ctory Number) for UCD Group can be assigned or dial e d as a destinatio n of the follo wing calls: • UCD Call W aiting This fea ture is dif ferent from re gular Call W a iting.
General Features Features Guide 143 UCD Group DIL1:N Group Ring Group Phantom Extensions DIL DISA DID DID (ISDN) KX-TD500 System Intercom Calls Ext. Ext.
General F eatures 144 Features Guide (3) What if all extensions in a UCD Group ar e busy or logged out? All Busy Time Table procedure Waiting Queue Outside calls (including transferred calls) Intercom calls (including transferred calls) Waiting Queue Time Table is programmed.
General Features Features Guide 145 Notes • Overfl ow desti natio n One of the fo llowing fi ve de stina tions ca n be assig ned as th e Overflow dest inatio n per UCD Group: an e xtension, other Extens ion Groups, other Inco ming Groups (exce pt DIL 1:N Group), Pha ntom Extension or T AF AS (outs ide calls only).
General F eatures 146 Features Guide Command list and functions Command Functi ons S (1-8) OGM ( 1-8) is sent to the caller if a vail able. If not, wai t until OGM (1-8) becom es ava ilable. 1T -4T Callers are put in the w aiting queue for N (1-4) 8 seconds while hearing t he ringback tone.
General Features Features Guide 147 Procedur e Assignment Example UCD Time T a ble pr oce dure c an be as sign ed a s follows: (Example 1 ) 1. The ca ller h ears OG M 1, if availabl e. (Sample OGM 1) • What if OGM 1 is b usy? The call er firs t hears a ri ngback tone an d then will hear OGM 1 as soon as it bec omes av aila ble (Go t o step 2) .
General F eatures 148 Features Guide (Example 2) 1. The c aller hea rs OG M 1, if availab le. (Sample OGM 1) • What if OGM 1 is busy? The calle r first hears a ring back tone and t hen will hear OGM 1 as soon as it becomes av ai lable (G o to step 2) .
General Features Features Guide 149 (Example 3 ) 1. The caller is put i n the wait i ng que ue for 8 second s (1T). 2. The caller is tra nsferred to the Ove rflo w destinat ion.
General F eatures 150 Features Guide Condition s • This fea ture must be enabl ed by System Programming f or the desired UCD Group( s). • In additi on, each ext ension must enable re gular Call W ai ting feature <Sec t ion " 4.3.17 Call W ait ing" in t he Us er Manua l>.
General Features Features Guide 151 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.4 Extension Por t Assignment – Group No. • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – Login / Logout – Group Login / Logout – UCD Monitor Mode •2 . 5 S y s t e m T i m e r – Intercept T ime •2 .
General F eatures 152 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.3 Syste m Features • Extension Grou p • Incomin g Group • Outgoing Message (OGM) 1.8 Ringing Fe atures • Log-In/Log -Out User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.80 UCD Login Moni tor • 4.
General Features Features Guide 153 1.6 Originating F eatures Alternate Calli ng—Ring /V oice Descriptio n Allows an exte nsion u ser eit her to ring -sig nal (Ri ng call ) or voice-s ignal (V o ice cal l) the oth er PT exte nsions. Ring call: The calle d PT rings.
General F eatures 154 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 2.2.7 Inte rcom A ler t A ssignmen t • 4. 3.3 Alte rnate C alling — R ing / V oice • 4.
General Features Features Guide 155 A utomati c Callback Bus y (Camp-On) Descriptio n The sy stem c alls bac k the exten sion us er when th e calle d party or the sel ected C O line be come s idle, if this featu re was activ ated befo rehand.
General F eatures 156 Features Guide A utomati c Route S election (AR S) Descr iptio n Automat ic R oute Select ion (ARS) is a syst em programmable feat ure that automatica lly selects the leas t expensi ve ro ute av ailable at the time an outg oing CO call is made.
General Features Features Guide 157 Ta b l e B As sho wn in T able B, the least costly route v aries with the day of t he week and the time of day . T o select the lea st expens ive line at a certai n time, split the day in to three zones as follo ws: T o program the ti m e zones list ed abov e, use the program "ARS - T ime T able.
General F eatures 158 Features Guide Assign the ab ove Rout ing Plan (T able D) to "ARS - Routi ng Plan" in the Programmi ng Guide. Enter the T runk Group numbers in orde r of priority . If the speci fied T runk Group requ ires digits modif ication, as sign the appropri ate Digits Mod ificati on T able number (0 1 to 48).
General Features Features Guide 159 According t o T able F , ent er the Access Codes in the re spectiv e Modifi cation T abl es as follo ws: If Modif ication T a ble 1 is applied , the user -dialed n umber "9-1-234-56 7-8910" is modif ied to "9-10 333-1-234-567-8910 " to access the le ast expensi ve Carri er E.
General F eatures 160 Features Guide Fl ow Char t of A RS p roced ures Sends a busy tone. A long distance call is initiated. Toll Restriction Check Restricted Call is not made.
General Features Features Guide 161 Conditions W ARNING The so ftwa re contain ed in ARS f eatu re t o allow use r acces s to the netw ork mus t be upgraded to r ecognize new ly established net work are a codes and exchange codes as they are plac ed into service.
General F eatures 162 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.54 Outw ard Dialing, T r unk Acc ess.
General Features Features Guide 163 Busy Sta tion Sign aling (B SS) Descriptio n Used to prompt a b usy ext ension (ringing or enga ged in a call) to answer a ne w incoming call . When BSS is acti vated b y the calling ex tension, a call waiti ng tone is generated at the b usy exte nsion to info rm that anothe r call is wai ting.
General F eatures 164 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.6 Origi nating Features • Of f-Hook Call Announcement (OHCA) • Of f-Hook Call Announcement (OHCA), Whispe r 1.9 Answeri ng Features •C a l l W a i t i n g User Manual Refer ences • 4.
General Features Features Guide 165 Do Not Disturb (DND) Override Descriptio n Allows th e e x tens ion us er to ring th e other ext ensio n in DND mo de by dialin g "1" whil e hearing the DND t one. Conditions • Class of Servic e (COS) pr ogramming COS programming < Section 2.
General F eatures 166 Features Guide Electr o nic Station Lockout Descr iptio n Allo ws the extens ion user to lock his exte nsion so that other users cannot mak e outside calls. Any 3 -digit numeric code (000- 999) can be used t o lock and unlo ck the exten sion.
General Features Features Guide 167 Emergency C al l Descriptio n Allo ws any e xtension user to dial out a pre- assigned emer gency n umber after seizi ng a CO line reg ardless of the restr ictions imposed o n the ext ension. Conditions • U p to 10 emergen cy numbe rs, such as 91 1 (emerge ncy servi ces) can be sto red .
General F eatures 168 Features Guide Executiv e Busy Override Descr iptio n Allows the ext ensio n user to in terru pt an existi ng extens ion / out side ca ll.
General Features Features Guide 169 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – Data Lin e Secur ity Set / Cancel – Ex e cut ive Busy Ov erride Deny Set / Cancel – T runk Route Co ntrol • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – Busy O verride – Busy O verride D eny •2 .
General F eatures 170 Features Guide Inter O ff ice Ca lling Descr iptio n Allo ws the ex tension user to ca ll another e xtension user wi thin the system or a tenant.
General Features Features Guide 171 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.4 Extension Por t Assignment – Attri bute –T e l . T y p e –D N • 2.2 T enant – Inter -tenant Calling (1 - 8) • 2 .
General F eatures 172 Features Guide Line Prefer ence—Outgoing (Idle Line/No Line/Prime Lin e) Descr iptio n A PT user can sele ct a desired outgoing lin e preference to origi nate calls fr om the f.
General Features Features Guide 173 User Manual Refer ences • 2 .2.3 F lexible Bu tton A ssig nment • 2.2.12 Preferred Line Assi gnment — Outgoing • 3.
General F eatures 174 Features Guide Off-Hook Call Announcement (OHCA) Descr iptio n OHCA allo ws the e xtension user to inform a busy exte nsion (engag ed in a call usi ng the handset) t hat another call is wait i ng by tal king through the bui lt-in speak er of the busy ex tension's PT .
General Features Features Guide 175 • D L Cc a r dw i t hD P T A DLC card allo ws 8 DPTs that can be called with the OHCA feature at the same time. • D H L Cc a r dw i t hD P T A DHLC card allo ws 8 DPTs that can be called with the OHCA feature at the same time.
General F eatures 176 Features Guide Off-Hook Call Announcement (OHCA), Whisper Descr iptio n This is a va riation of the OHCA feature. The dif ference is, OHCA pr ovides tw o-way communicati on, but Whi sper OHCA provides one-w ay (from the cal ling ex tension to the c alled exte nsion) communica tion.
General Features Features Guide 177 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – C a l lW a i t i n g S e t/C a n c e l • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – Off -Hook Call Announcement (OHCA) •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – Whisper OHCA t o extensions other than T7 4XX F eature s Guide Ref erences 1.
General F eatures 178 Features Guide Operator Call Descr iptio n T o direc t operator -seeking incomi ng calls to the Operators , one of the foll owing w ays can be used.
General Features Features Guide 179 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.4 Extension Por t Assignment – Group No. • 2.2 T enant – Operator FDN • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – Opera tor Call • 3 .3 Ext ensio n Grou p –F D N –T e n a n t N o .
General F eatures 180 Features Guide PDN Call Descr iptio n If the E xtension 1001 has a n SDN butto n which correspond s with the PDN b utton of the Extensio n 2001 (PDN o wner), the E xtension 1001 ca n call the Extens ion 2001 simply by pressin g the associ ated SDN but ton twice.
General Features Features Guide 181 Secr et B usy Override Descriptio n Allo ws the e xtension user to inte rrupt an e xisting call (either "between two insi de parties " or "between a n inside par ty and an outside party") w ithout informin g the other part y .
General F eatures 182 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.69 Secre t Busy Override.
General Features Features Guide 183 T oll Restriction Descriptio n T oll Rest riction is a syst em programmable fe ature that, in con junction with t he assigned Class of Servic e, can prohibi t certain e xtension us ers from placi ng unauthori zed toll calls .
General F eatures 184 Features Guide [Expla nation] Le vel 8 None None Level 1: allows all ca lls. Le vel 2: denies codes sto red in the TRS Deny Co de T able for Lev el 2 e xcept the codes stored i n TRS Exception Code T ables f or Lev els 2 through 6.
General Features Features Guide 185 Example of T oll Re striction pr ogram ming Here is an example t o expl ain the procedures for T oll Rest riction programming. 1. Det ermi ning the ap plic ation Determine t he dialing nu m ber s that should be d enied for le v els 2 through 6.
General F eatures 186 Features Guide b) T oll Restri ction - "TRS Deny Code" Depending o n the applica tion, enter the TRS Den y codes in the associat ed tables. Num eric c hara cters a nd th e wild c ard ch aract er "X" ca n be us ed.
General Features Features Guide 187 c) T oll Rest riction - "TRS Exception Code" Dependin g on the appli cation, enter the e xception codes i n the associat ed tables. Numeri c characters a nd the wild card c haracter "X" c an be used.
General F eatures 188 Features Guide Flow Ch art o f T oll Re stric tion Condition s W ARNING The s oftw are conta ined in TR S feat ure to all ow use r acce ss to t he ne twork mu st be upgraded to r ecognize newl y established netw ork area codes and exchange code s as they The user makes a toll call.
General Features Features Guide 189 are plac ed into service. Fai lure to upgr ade the pre mises PBXs or peripher al equipment to r ecognize the new codes as they are es tablished will r estrict the customer and the custo mer's employees from gaining a ccess to the n etwork and to t hese codes.
General F eatures 190 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es •2 . 2 T e n a n t – System Speed Dial TRS Le vel Ov erride • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – TRS Le vel – Day / Night – Call from TRS Level 7 Exten s ion – T ra nsfe rring C O dial ton e (exempted fro m TRS) •2 .
General Features Features Guide 191 T oll Restriction f or Special Carrier Access Descriptio n If your s ystem has acces s to multipl e telephone comp anies, acces s to a specif ic compan y requires a carri er access code pr eceding the t elephone number .
General F eatures 192 Features Guide T oll Restriction Override by Account Code Entry Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension user to ov erride toll r est riction tempo rarily to mak e a toll call f rom a toll– restri cted telephone .
General Features Features Guide 193 • If the ext ension user does not en ter any acc ount code or enters an in valid a ccount code, an ordinary toll res triction c heck is done. Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – Account Co de • 2.
General F eatures 194 Features Guide T oll Restriction Override f or System Spe ed Dialing Descr iptio n Allows the exten sion us er to override T ol l Restri ction in S ystem Sp eed Di aling . Norma lly , calls o riginated b y System Speed Diali ng are rest ricted depen ding on the ex tension's t oll restri ction le vel.
General Features Features Guide 195 T runk Access Descriptio n There are the foll owing f our ways to access an idle CO lin e for making a call . Conditions [Gen eral] • Class of Servic e (COS) pr ogramming COS progra m ming d etermines the trunk gro up av ailabl e for each ex tension user <Section 2.
General F eatures 196 Features Guide • After dialing the fe ature number or pr essing the CO b utton, the e xtension user will hear on e of the follo wing tones: Dial tone : I ndicates that an idle CO line is seize d. — is sho wn on the dis play .
General Features Features Guide 197 [Idle] • A utomati c Route Select ion (ARS) "T runk Access, I dle" functions whe n Automatic Route Sele ction (ARS) is not acti v ated.
General F eatures 198 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es •2 . 2 T e n a n t – Aut omat ic Ro ute Se lec tion • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – Local CO Line Access / ARS – T runk Group Access • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – Tr unk Group Setting • 2.
General Features Features Guide 199 T runk Connect ion Assignment —Outgoing Descriptio n Used to det ermine the T runk Group which ca n be accessed b y an ext ension user for making outside c alls on a Clas s of Service bas is. This feat ure is useful t o pre vent unau thorized toll calls .
General F eatures 200 Features Guide W a lking COS Descr iptio n Allo ws an extens ion user to make a toll cal l at other lo wer le vel COS ex tensions (toll / out ward restri cted) by empl oying his o wn higher le ve l COS temporarily . Condition s None Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.
General Features Features Guide 201 1.6 Origin ating Features • T oll R estric tion User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.84 W alking COS.
General F eatures 202 Features Guide 1.7 Dialing F eatures A utom atic Sta tion Relea se Descr iptio n If the e xtension user fai ls to dial any digi ts within a specif ied time period af ter going off -hook, the user w ill be disconnect ed from the line aft er a reorder tone is se nt.
General Features Features Guide 203 Full One-T ouch Dialing Descriptio n Allows th e PT user to have simple a cces s to a desir ed party o r syste m featu re by pressin g just one butt on without fi rst going off- hook. Hands-fre e operation i s automatica lly prov ided simply b y pressin g one of the foll owing but t on s .
General F eatures 204 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 2. 2.3 Flexib le Butto n Assi gnmen t • 2.2.4 Full On e-T ouch Dialing As signment • 3.2.5 [005] Flexi b le CO But t on Ass ignment • 4.3.38 Full One-T ouch Di aling • 4.3.52 One-T ouch Dialing • 4.
General Features Features Guide 205 One-T ouch D ialing Descriptio n One-T ouch D ialing of fers the PT user One- T ouch access t o a desired part y or system fe ature by stor ing an extensi on number , telepho ne number , account code or a feature number ( up to 24 digits) i n a One-T ouch Dialing b utton.
General F eatures 206 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 2. 2.3 Flexib le Butto n Assi gnmen t • 2.2.4 Full On e-T ouch Dialing As signment • 3.2.5 [005] Flexi b le CO But t on Ass ignment • 4.3.52 One-T ouch Dialing • 5.2.13 One-T ouch Dialing But ton (Assignment) • 5.
General Features Features Guide 207 Pa use Insertion, A utomatic Descriptio n Used to insert a pre-a ssigned pausing time betw een the access code (CO line / host PBX / Centre x / Special Carr ier) and dialed digits .
General F eatures 208 Features Guide Pickup Di aling (Hot Lin e) Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension use r to call a pre -determined e xtension or outsi de party automa tically just by lifting th e hands et. This fea ture is also kno wn as Hot Lin e.
General Features Features Guide 209 User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.62 Pickup Dialing (Ho t Line).
General F eatures 210 Features Guide Quick D ialing Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension use r to call a desired pa rty by di aling a short c ode. Quick Diali ng is con venient for room ser vice calls in a hotel, for e xample.
General Features Features Guide 211 Redial Descriptio n "Redial" featur e can be cate gorized as t he follo wing two t ypes. Conditions [Gen eral] • Up to 24 digits (e xcluding the CO line access co de) can be stored and re dialed.
General F eatures 212 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.16 Button F eatures • Bu tton, F lexible User Manual Refer ences • 2. 2.3 Flexib le Butto n Assi gnmen t • 2.2.4 Full On e-T ouch Dialing As signment • 3.2.5 [005] Flexi b le CO But t on Ass ignment • 4.
General Features Features Guide 213 Station Speed Di aling Descriptio n Allo ws the e xtension use r to store fre quently dialed numbers (up to 24 digi ts) in order t o place a call wi th abbre viated dia ling for perso nal use.
General F eatures 214 Features Guide System Speed Dialing Descr iptio n The KX-TD500 sys tem provi des up to 1000 / tenant, 2 000 / system abb revia ted speed dial numbers (2 4-digit long for each) a vai lable to all ext ension users.
General Features Features Guide 215 <Meaning of each f ield> Notes • "Dial" a nd "Name" can be omi tted. If both f ields are blank, the ef fect is to del ete the e n t r yi nt h eP B X . • There ar e limits to the number o f entries p er tenant an d per system.
General F eatures 216 Features Guide 1.8 Ringing F eatures Do Not D isturb (DND) Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension user t o appear bu sy to an incomi ng CO or exte nsion calls.
General Features Features Guide 217 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – C a l lF W D- D oN o tD i s t u r bS e t/ C a n c e l • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – DND Override •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – Spec ial dial tone after setti ng feature – FWD / DND lamp pat tern • 4 .
General F eatures 218 Features Guide Log-In/Log-Out Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension use r to join (log- in) or lea ve (lo g-out) the group. They c an lea ve the gr oup temporarily whe n they ar e away fro m their desks, to pre vent calls being sent to thei r extensions.
General Features Features Guide 219 same UCD Group through Bus y Lamp Field of the correspon ding DSS butt on. UCD Login Monitor is enable d or disabled by Syst em Programming.
General F eatures 220 Features Guide Stati on Hun ting Descr iptio n If a cal led ext ension is b usy , Station Hunti ng redirect s the incoming cal l to an idle e xtension within t he same Extension Group / Incoming Gr oup. Idle e xtensions are automa tically searc hed for accord ing to the pre- determined hun ting type.
General Features Features Guide 221 • Messa ge W aiti ng noti f i catio n A mes sage wa iting n otificat ion to a n exten sion i n the st ation hu ntin g grou p is tre ated in the same manner as the ordi nary call. Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.
General F eatures 222 Features Guide T imed Reminder (W ake -Up C all) Descr iptio n Each te lephon e can be set to gen erate a n alarm tone at a pre set tim e as a reminde r . Wh en this featur e is set, an alarm tone will r ing for 30 seconds (default ) at t he progra mmed time.
General Features Features Guide 223 • Station Mess age D etail Reco rding (SMDR) SM DR auto mati cally re cord s the deta iled Timed Rem ind er info rmati on (dat e, time , tenan t no.
General F eatures 224 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es •2 . 2 T e n a n t – Alert Extension – Day / Night • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – T imed Reminder C onfirm / S et / Cancel •2 . 5 S y s t e m T i m e r – Ti m ed Reminder Ringing T ime – Ti m ed Reminder Arri ve Count – Ti med Reminder Arri ve W ait T ime •2 .
General Features Features Guide 225 T imed Reminder , Remote (W ake-Up Cal l ) Descriptio n Allows th e Manage r extensio n and the O perat ors to rem otely s et, can cel and co nfirm the wake –up cal l for an exten sion.
General F eatures 226 Features Guide • Aler t button a ssign men t The Alert b utton can be assigned to a flexi ble CO but ton on the Alert extensi on.
General Features Features Guide 227 1.9 Answering F e atur es ANSWER and RELEA SE b uttons O peration Descriptio n ANSWER and RELEASE b uttons ar e useful when usin g the headset or in hands-f ree mode. W ith the A N SWER b utton, an e xtension u ser can answer all incoming calls.
General F eatures 228 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 2. 2.3 Flexib le Butto n Assi gnmen t • 3.2.5 [005] Flexi b le CO But t on Ass ignment • 4.
General Features Features Guide 229 Answering, Dir ect T runk Descriptio n Allo ws the PT user to answer an in coming CO call simply b y directly pres sing a flashing CO but ton without lifting the handset or press ing the SP-PHONE / MONITOR b utton.
General F eatures 230 Features Guide Call Pickup Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension user to an swer a call (interco m, outside, doorph one) ringing at an y other ext ension. The fol lowing types ar e av ailable : Preventing o ther exte nsion s from pi cking u p call s ringi ng at his exte nsio n is also po ssibl e ( Call Pickup Deny ).
General Features Features Guide 231 • If more than one call i s ringing on an ext ension, Call Pickup to that e xtension w orks for the fir st arri ved call.
General F eatures 232 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.3 Syste m Features • Extension Grou p User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.13 Call Pickup • 4.3.17 Call W aiti ng • 4.5.9 KX-T7235 Display Feat ures - System Feature Access Menu • 4.
General Features Features Guide 233 Call W a it ing Descriptio n Used to inf orm a bus y extensi on that another call is w aiting. The b usy e xtension can answe r the second ca ll by disconnec ting the current call or pl acing it on hold. This featu re can be acti va ted or deacti v ated by d ialing the appr opriate fea ture number .
General F eatures 234 Features Guide • BSS / OHCA / Whisper OHCA If an ext ension user dial s "1" while hearing a b usy tone, BSS or OHCA or Whisper O H CA may be a ctiv ate d at the ca lled exten sion . This is de ter mined by the fo llowing con ditio ns.
General Features Features Guide 235 F eature s Guide Ref erences 1.6 Origin ating Features • Bus y Stati on Sign aling (B SS) • Of f-Hook Call Announcement ( O HCA) • Of f-Hook Call Announcement ( O HCA), Whisper 1.12 Con vers ation Features • Data Lin e Secur ity User Manual Refer ences • 2.
General F eatures 236 Features Guide Call W aiting fr om Cen tral Off ice Descr iptio n Duri ng a con ver satio n with an ou tside p arty , a call waiti ng ton e offered by the loca l Centr al Off i ce infor ms the exte nsion u ser of ano ther in comi ng CO call th at is waiti ng.
General Features Features Guide 237 Executiv e Busy Override Deny Descriptio n Allo ws the extens ion user to prev ent his ext ension from being interr upted by "Ex ecuti ve Busy Overr ide" from another ext ension user . Conditions • Class of Servic e (COS) pr ogramming CO S program min g <Sec tion 2.
General F eatures 238 Features Guide Hands-fr ee Answerback Descr iptio n Allo ws the PT (wi th SP-PHONE) user to a nswer an interco m call and talk t o the caller wi thout liftin g the h ands et.
General Features Features Guide 239 Line Pr eference—I ncoming (No Line/Prime Line/ Ringin g Line) Descriptio n A PT use r can sele ct the met hod use d to answ er inco ming c alls from t he followin g three li ne pref eren ces: a) No Line Pref erence No line is s elected when an ext ension user goes o ff-hook t o answer a call.
General F eatures 240 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 2. 2.3 Flexib le Butto n Assi gnmen t • 2. 2.11 P referr ed Li ne As sig nment — In com ing • 3.
General Features Features Guide 241 Liv e Call Scr eening (LCS) *1 Descriptio n This is o ne of the DP T Integrati on fea tures . Allo ws the PT user to monitor his v oice mailbox while a cal ler is leavi ng a message in it. The ex tension user ca n intercep t the recordi ng in order to talk wit h the caller .
General F eatures 242 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – Live Call Scr een ing • 4.3 Extension Line – [LCS Setti ng] Status – [LCS Setti ng] O per ation Mode – [LC S Settin g] Re cordin g Mod e – [LCS Setting] LCS P assword –C O K e y • 4.
General Features Features Guide 243 1.10 Holding F eatur es A utomati c Hold—F or Hold Descriptio n Allo ws the PT user engaged i n a call (e xtension or outs ide) to answer a n incoming call (ext ension or outside) or to get a ne w line for making a call without losin g the current call with a simpl e operation.
General F eatures 244 Features Guide A utom atic Hold —F or T rans fer Descr iptio n Allows the PT us er to tran sfer the ca ll (inter com , outsid e) to the des tinat ion part y with a sim ple operati on, without f irst pressing the TRANSFER butt on.
General Features Features Guide 245 Call Hold Descriptio n Allo ws the extensi on user to put a call (intercom, outs ide) on hold (Call Hold) . The held cal l can be retr iev ed by the e xtension user who he ld it or by an y other extens ion in the same tena nt.
General F eatures 246 Features Guide • Conf irmation T o ne A conf irmation tone is sent t o the ext ension user who retrie ve d the held call , when it is retrie v ed by d ialing the feat ure number . This tone can be eli minated b y System Programmin g <Section 2.
General Features Features Guide 247 Call Pa rk Descriptio n Allo ws the e xtension user t o place a call on hold into a system parking a rea so that an y extens ion us er can r etrieve the cal l. This re leas es the u ser from the p arked ca ll to p erfor m othe r operatio ns.
General F eatures 248 Features Guide Call S plittin g Descr iptio n When t here ar e two ac tiv e c alls o n an extens ion, an exten sion u ser can talk ei ther o ne of th em altern ately .
General Features Features Guide 249 Consul tation Ho ld Descriptio n Allo ws an exte nsion user to pl ace a call on hold te m pora rily on purpose to t ransfer it, t o make a Confer ence call, o r to perform Ca ll Splitti ng. AP Tu s e r can pl ace a call on Cons ultation Hold b y pressin g TRANSFER or CONF button .
General F eatures 250 Features Guide 1.12 Con v ersation Feat ures • Co nfere nce, 3 -Party • Co nfere nce, 5 -Party • Conferenc e, Unattended User Manual Refer ences Not applicab le.
General Features Features Guide 251 1.11 T ransferring F eatur es Call F orwarding Descriptio n Allo ws you to hav e incoming calls to your e xtension forw arded to a specif ied destinati on. Y ou may speci fy the circumst ances under which your call s are forward ed.
General F eatures 252 Features Guide • Floating Stat ion A Float ing Station cann ot be programmed as t he call forwa rding desti nation. • F orwarded call is not f orwarded furthermor e There can be only one stage of Call F orwardin g. If a call is forwar ded to an ext ension in Call For warding mode, the call is not forw arded furthermor e.
General Features Features Guide 253 [ N oA n s w e r ,B u s y/N oA n s w e r ] • The number of ri ngs before th e call is forw arded is pr ogrammable <Sect ion 2.5 System T imer / Section 4. 3 Extension Lin e, "Call F orwarding – No Ans w er T i me" i n the Programmi ng Guide >.
General F eatures 254 Features Guide • T reatm ent o f the forwar ded c all T oll Rest riction, Automatic Rou te Selection ( AR S) and Acc ount Code Entry require ments of the e xtension in Call F orwardi ng mode still appl y to the call f orwarded b y this feat ure.
General Features Features Guide 255 F eature s Guide Ref erences 1.3 System Fe atures • Limit ed Call Duration 3.1 TIE Line Featur es • TIE Line and Outsi de (CO) Line Connection User Manual Refer ences • 2 .2.3 F lexible Bu tton A ssig nment • 3.
General F eatures 256 Features Guide Call Forwarding—Al l Calls to an Inc oming Group Descr iptio n Allo ws you to hav e all calls to an Incoming Group forw arded to the pre-assigne d Incoming Grou p or Ex tensi on Gr oup.
General Features Features Guide 257 • Assignable des tination is FDN of Incoming Gr oup or Extension Gro up. If "DIL 1:N" is specif ied in "Group T ype " setting of In coming Group, this feature does no t work.
General F eatures 258 Features Guide Call T ransfer Descr iptio n Allo ws the extens ion user to transfer a call (e xtension, CO, TIE) to another pa rty .
General Features Features Guide 259 Hold Recall tone: Hold Recall tone is g enerated to the exten sion who trans ferred the cal l 50 seconds be fore the time-out . Hold Alarm tone: Hold Alarm tone is g enerated to b oth outside part ies 15 second s before the ti me-out.
General F eatures 260 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – Tr unk Group Setting – T ra nsfe r to CO – T ra nsfe r to TI E – Aut omat ic Hold •2 . 5 S y s t e m T i m e r – T ra nsfe r Recal l Time – CO- to-CO Lin e Cal l Dura tion Time •2 .
General Features Features Guide 261 Inter cept Routing Descriptio n Provid es auto mati c redire ction o f incom ing CO ca lls. The re are th e following two t ypes of Inte rcept R outin g: Rerout ing Acti vat ed when an incomin g CO call cannot be placed on t he destinatio n extensi on.
General F eatures 262 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es •2 . 5 S y s t e m T i m e r – Intercept T ime – D I S AI R N AT i m e • 3.
General Features Features Guide 263 One-T o uch T ransfer Descriptio n Allows th e PT user to tra nsfe r the call to the de stina tion exten sion si mply by pres sing the D SS (or Phanto m ) b utton. This eliminates th e needs for pressing the TRANSFER b utton and dialing the destina tion extension numbe r .
General F eatures 264 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.10 Holdin g Featu res • Automatic Hold— For Hold User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.
General Features Features Guide 265 Ringing T ransfer Descriptio n If the Ext ension 1001 ha s an SDN but ton which corr esponds with the PDN b utton of the Extension 2001 (PDN o wner), the Extensi on 1001 can transfer t he call on the SDN but ton to the Extens ion 2001 with a simple oper ation.
General F eatures 266 Features Guide 1.12 Con versation F eatur es Confer ence, 3-Party Descr iptio n The system supp orts 3-party confere nce calls which include outsi de or inside par ties or both. During a 2- party con v ersation, the ex t ensi on user can add a third p arty to their c on versation , there by estab lis hing a con fer ence.
General Features Features Guide 267 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – Relea sed Lin k Opera tion •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – Conf irmatio n tone for Ov erride, Bar ge-in, Confere nce and Pri vac y Release • 4 .
General F eatures 268 Features Guide Confer ence, 5-Party Descr iptio n A PT user can origi nate a 5-par t y con ference cal l which includ es outside or inside p arties or both. Condition s • Up to two 5-party c onference call s can be held at a time in t he system, e ven if TSW Conferenc e Expansion car d is installe d on the TSW card.
General Features Features Guide 269 User Manual Refer ences • 2 .2.3 F lexible Bu tton A ssig nment • 3.2.5 [005] Flexi ble CO Button Assignment • 4.
General F eatures 270 Features Guide Confer ence, Unattended Descr iptio n A PT user who o r igin ated a conferenc e call with two outs ide parties ca n lea ve the con ference for a w hile to a llow the ot her two par ties to con tinue c on vers ation .
General Features Features Guide 271 1.13 Audible T o ne Features • Hold Re call User Manual Refer ences • 2 .2.3 F lexible Bu tton A ssig nment • 3.
General F eatures 272 Features Guide Data L ine Security Descr iptio n Once Data Li ne Security is set on th e extens ion, communica t ion b etween the e xtension a nd the other en d is protected f rom any si gnal such as Ca ll W aiting, Hold Re call and Ex ecutiv e Busy Overr ide.
General Features Features Guide 273 Doorphone Call Descriptio n Doorphone pro vides a con v ersation between an e xtension us er and a visitor at a door . When a visitor pr esses the doorphone b utton, pre-as signed destinatio n exte nsions ring. The ext ension who answered the call can ta lk to the visit or .
General F eatures 274 Features Guide End-t o-End DTMF Sig naling (T on e Thr o ugh) Descr iptio n DTMF signali ng is required f or access to spec ial networ k services of fered b y some telephone compani es. This syst em allo ws the ext ension user to signal the other end using DTMF tones during an estab l ishe d call.
General Features Features Guide 275 Exter nal Featur e Access Descriptio n Allo ws the e xtension user t o hav e access to t he features of a host PBX, Cent rex or Ce ntral Off ice, s uch as Call W ai ting, etc. This i s performed b y putting the current party on ho ld and sendin g a flash signal to the other end durin g an outside c all.
General F eatures 276 Features Guide User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.18 Call W ait ing from Central Of fice • 4.3.35 External Fe ature Access • 4.3.
General Features Features Guide 277 Flash Descriptio n The FLASH b utton is use d to allo w a PT user t o disconnect the current c all and origin ate another c all without h anging up.
General F eatures 278 Features Guide Hands-fr ee Operati on Descr iptio n Allows th e PT user to dial a nd to ta lk to the o ther pa rty wi thout l ifti ng the h andset.
General Features Features Guide 279 Off-Ho ok Moni tor Descriptio n Allo ws a PT user on a handset call to let othe r people aroun d him monitor the call by p ressing the SP-PHONE butt on.
General F eatures 280 Features Guide Priv acy Release Descr iptio n Allows the PT us er to rel ease Auto mat ic Priv acy for an exi sting ca ll in orde r to establ ish a 3- party cal l.
General Features Features Guide 281 Pri vacy , A utomatic Descriptio n By defau lt all con ve rsations esta blished on CO li nes, exte nsion lines and d oorphone lines hav e pri vac y acti v ated, that is, a n exist ing call is not interru pted by an yone.
General F eatures 282 Features Guide Pulse to T one Con version Descr iptio n Allo ws the extens ion user to change the dialing mode from pulse dial to tone di al (DTMF) temporar ily during a call so that they can acces s special se rvices which req uire tone dia l ing such as a computer -accesse d long distance c all.
General Features Features Guide 283 T w o - W a yR e c o r d i n gi n t ot h eV o i c eM a i l *1 Descriptio n This is o ne of the DP T Integrati on fea tures . Allo ws the PT user to record th e current tele phone con ver sation into hi s own mai lbox or another e xtension user's mailbox.
General F eatures 284 Features Guide 1.13 A udible T one F eatur es Conf irmation T ones Descr iptio n A conf irmati on tone indicate s that an act ion was acc epted by the system, and the ex tension user can pro ceed to th e next operati on.
General Features Features Guide 285 Conf irmation tone 4 : Sen t when a 2-p arty cal l is chang ing to a 3-pa rty ca ll and vic e versa. (The se are ca used by Execut iv e Busy Override , Barge-in, 3 -party conference ca ll or Priv ac y Release.) It is possibl e to elimin ate this tone by Syste m Programming.
General F eatures 286 Features Guide Dial T ones, Distinctive Descr iptio n The follo wing four t ypes of dial tone patt erns are provi ded to gi ve informati on about features activ a ted on t he exten sion . Dial tone 1: Normal di al tone. None of the feat ures listed be low ar e acti vated.
General Features Features Guide 287 Conditions None Programming Gui d e Refer ences •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – Spec ial dial tone after setti ng feature F eature s Guide Ref erences None User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e.
General F eatures 288 Features Guide Hold Recall Descr iptio n Pre vents a ca l l on hold fr om being kept w aiting longer tha n a pre-determine d time. If the ti m er expi res, ringin g or an alarm t one is sent to t he extens i on use r who held the cal l as a reminde r .
General Features Features Guide 289 The displa y PT flashes t he indication of the held party for fi v e seconds at 15-second inte rvals synch roniz ing wi th the tone . Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan – C a l lW a i t i n g S e t/C a n c e l •2 .
General F eatures 290 Features Guide Ringing T one Selection Descr iptio n Allo ws the DPT user to select one of eight ringer freque ncies for each line access b utton (ICM, CO, DN). This is usefu l to disti nguish the type of incoming call s by rin ging.
General Features Features Guide 291 Ringing, Delayed Descriptio n The ext ension can be set to r i ng immedi ately , delayed rin ging, or no ri nging. Conditions • DIL 1:N Call When a DIL 1:N call (an outside call dir ected to multiple e xtensions) come s in, all destinat ion extens ions ring immediately b y default.
General F eatures 292 Features Guide Ringi ng, Discri minatin g Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension user t o identify t he incoming call by th e ringing patte rn (Please ref er to S e c t i o n" 4T o n e s/R i n gT o n e s " ) .
General Features Features Guide 293 1.14 P aging F eatur es Pag i ng Descriptio n Allo ws an ext ension user to m ake a v oice announcemen t to many pe ople at the same t ime. Y our message is announced o ver the b uilt-in speak ers of Proprietary T elephone s (PTs) or exter nal spe akers (Ex terna l Pagers) or bo th .
General F eatures 294 Features Guide - External in thi s order . Fo r example, if Paging - Ex ternal is o verridden b y T AF AS, a reor der tone is returne d to the performer of th e Pagi ng - External . If BGM is ov erridden by ano ther higher prior ity , it is interr upted and sta rts again whe n the higher priorit y is fini shed.
General Features Features Guide 295 User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.55 Paging • 4.3.56 Paging — Answer • 4.3.57 Paging Den y • 4.3.58 Pagin g and T ransfer.
General F eatures 296 Features Guide 1.15 Pr oprietary T elephone F eatur es Bac kgr oun d Music (B GM) Descr iptio n Allows the PT use r in on-h ook stat us to listen to B ackg round Mu sic (BGM ) from the built -in speak er of his PT .
General Features Features Guide 297 User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.7 Background Music (BGM).
General F eatures 298 Features Guide DSS Co nsole Descr iptio n The DSS (Direct Stat ion Selection) Console (KX-T7040, KX-T72 40, KX-T7440, KX-T7441) prov ides DSS bu ttons for dire ct access to st ations and b usy lamp display , and PF (Progra mmable Feature) b uttons.
General Features Features Guide 299 DSS (Dir ect Station Selection) b uttons: Us ed to call a cor responding e xtensions wit h One- T ouch. Ev ery but ton is pro vided with an ind icator (Busy Lamp Fi.
General F eatures 300 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.1 Syste m Expansion • EXtra De vice Port (XDP) 1.11 T ra nsfer ring F eatur es • One-T ou ch T ransfer 1.16 Button F eatures • Button , Direct Station Sel ection (DSS) • Bu tton, F lexible User Manual Refer ences • 2.
General Features Features Guide 301 Handset Microphone M ute Descriptio n While on a handset call, the PT user (KX-T7 400 series PT only ) can turn of f the handset microphone b y pressi ng the A UTO ANSWER / MUTE but t on f or priv ac y reasons.
General F eatures 302 Features Guide Handset/Headset Selection Descr iptio n The system supp orts the use of optional headset on PTs. Condition s • Headse t mode can be set by: [DPT] Station Prog ramming [APT] HANDSET/HEADSET selector on the APT or on the handset or bot h • "OHCA" is a vai lable on an e xtension in He adset mode.
General Features Features Guide 303 Micr ophone Mute Descriptio n Allo ws the PT user to turn off th e microphone fo r pri va cy reasons. Conditions • This is ef fecti ve fo r the microphon e only; only y our voice w ill be muted dur ing a hands- fre e con ver satio n.
General F eatures 304 Features Guide Statio n Pro gram Clear Descr iptio n Allows the exte nsio n user to can cel the fo llowing func tions as signe d to his exten sion wi th a single o peration.
General Features Features Guide 305 User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.71 Station Program Cl ear.
General F eatures 306 Features Guide Statio n Pr ogrammin g Descr iptio n Allo ws the PT u ser to custo mize the e xtension to h is needs. T he follo wing are th e programming it ems a vailabl e: Fo r.
General Features Features Guide 307 User Manual Refer ences • 2 Station Programming • 4.4.3 Call Log Incoming, Log Lock • 4.4.4 Liv e C all Scree ning (LCS) Passw ord Clear • 4.
General F eatures 308 Features Guide Statio n Pr ogrammin g Data Default Set Descr iptio n Allo ws the PT user to retu r n all the follo wing it ems programmed on the t elephone to def ault settin g. Station Pro gramming is used to set or cancel t hese items at indi vidual tele phones.
General Features Features Guide 309 V olume Control—Speak er/Handset Receiv er/Headset/ Ringer Descriptio n Allo ws the PT user to change the follo wing as desired: Handset recei v er volume Headset.
General F eatures 310 Features Guide 1.16 Button F eatur es Button, Direct Station Selection (DSS) Descr iptio n DSS b utton permi ts the PT user one -touch access to other exte nsion users. Condition s • A DS S button can be a ssign ed to a flexibl e CO/D SS button o n a PT by Station , User or Syst em Pro gram ming .
General Features Features Guide 311 Button, Fl exible Descriptio n The use of Fl exible Butt ons on PT is det ermined b y Station, User or System Progr amming.
General F eatures 312 Features Guide Condition s • Station Pr ogramming mode A PT in St ation Programmi ng mode is treate d as a bu sy extensio n. CO but tons and DSS bu ttons on a PT in S tation Progr amming mode do not sh ow the indi cation of ca ll acti vity .
General Features Features Guide 313 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 4 .3 Ext ensio n Line –C O K e y –P F K e y •4 . 4 D S S C o n s o l e –D S S K e y –P F K e y F eature s Guide Ref erences 1.15 Propriet ary T elephone Feat ures • DSS Console 1.
General F eatures 314 Features Guide Button, Line Access Descr iptio n Used to get a line for mak ing / answering a call. Line Access Buttons ar e provided on PTs only . They are ca tegorize d as fol lows: All PTs in the system can be cate gorized as <ICM type PT> or <DN type PT>.
General Features Features Guide 315 Conditions [Gen eral] • Ringing T one Sele ction (DPT only) A ringing tone type for CO (S- C O, G-CO, L-CO) an d DN (PDN, SDN) but tons can be selected either b y Statio n or System Progr amming.
General F eatures 316 Features Guide [DN General] • DN Button Assignment (fle xible CO) A DN button ( PDN , SDN) ca n be assig ned to a fl exible CO button on a PT by S tation , User or System Programmin g. PDN: Up to three PDN button s can be assigned per PT and at leas t one PDN butto n should al ways be a ssigned to the CO 01 butt on.
General Features Features Guide 317 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2.2 T enant – Automatic Route Select ion • 2.4 Class of Service (COS) – T r unk Gr oup Set ting – SDN COS • 2.6 Local Hunt Sequence • 3.2 Trunk Grou p • 4 .3 Ext ensio n Line –C O K e y •4 .
General F eatures 318 Features Guide Buttons on P r oprietary T elephones and DSS Consoles Descr iptio n Proprie tary T elephones and DSS Console s are pro vided with th e feature / li ne access b uttons list ed be low . The fu nctio ns of the l iste d button s are a lso de scrib ed.
General Features Features Guide 319 The functions of the li sted buttons on KX-T Propri etary T elephones are des cribed belo w: A UTO ANSWER / MUTE: This dual functi on b utton is used for hands-free ans wer back and microphone mute during a con ver sation.
General F eatures 320 Features Guide CONF (Confer ence): Used to e stabl ish a 3-pa rty/ 5-pa rty conf erenc e call. FLASH: Used to di sconnect the cur rent call and g et another line for making a call wit hout hanging up (Flas h).
General Features Features Guide 321 Soft: Pressing a Soft b utton per forms the functi on / operati on appearing on th e bottom line o f the display . SP-PHONE (Speake rphone): Used for hands-fr ee operation. Pressin g the button cause s the telep hone to switch between handset and hands- free operation.
General F eatures 322 Features Guide F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.16 Button F eatures • Bu tton, F lexible User Manual Refer ences • 2. 2.3 Flexib le Butto n Assi gnmen t • 3.
General Features Features Guide 323 LED Indication Descriptio n The LED (Li ght Emitting Diode ) indicators of the Line Access Butt ons display the l ine conditio ns with the follo wing lighting patter ns: Off, Ste ady On, Slow flas h, Modera te flash, Rapid fla sh.
General F eatures 324 Features Guide LED Indication and the line status — S-CO button LED Indication Line Status Of f Idle Green On Y ou are us ing the line. Green s low flash Y o u h av e a he ld call. Green m ode rate flas h Y ou h av e on e of the foll owing: 1.
General Features Features Guide 325 • I tems ma rked wi th " " a re on ly av a ilabl e on th e Singl e-CO button . LED Indication and the line status — L-CO butt on LED Indication Line St atus Of f Idle Green On Y ou are using the line. Green slo w flash Y ou ha ve a held call.
General F eatures 326 Features Guide • Items ma rked with " " ar e only a vail able on the Singl e-CO butt on. Condition s None Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es System Prog ramming is not required. F eatures Guide Refer ences 1.16 Button F eatures • Bu tto n, Line A cces s User Manual Refer ences Not applicab le.
General Features Features Guide 327 1.17 Display F eatures Absent Message Capability Descriptio n Once set, t his option pr ovides a message on t he display of the call ing exte nsion, to sho w the reason for t he cal led extensi on's absence. Up to ni ne absent messag es, common to all e xtension users, can be progra mmed as desired.
General F eatures 328 Features Guide tone (di al tone 2) afte r going of f-hook de pending on Syste m Programming <Sect ion 2.8 System Opti on, "15. Specia l dial tone aft er setting featu re" in the Progr amming Guide>. Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.
General Features Features Guide 329 Bilingua l Display Descriptio n Provid es the dis play PT u ser wit h either an E nglis h or Fren ch disp lay . Ei ther dis pla y can be sele cted by Stat ion or Sys tem Pr ogram ming . Conditions None Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 4 .
General F eatures 330 Features Guide Busy La mp Field Descr iptio n The L ED (Li ght E mitti ng Di ode) i ndica tors o f the DS S (Di rect S tation Sele ction ) buttons, each of whic h c orres ponds to a selected e xtension , display whet her the corres ponding extens ions are idle o r busy .
General Features Features Guide 331 Call Dir ectory Descriptio n Allo ws the KX-T7431, KX- T7433, KX-T7436 and KX-T7 235 users to mak e a call using t he follo wing call directo ries which can ea sily be acce ssed by us ing the display .
General F eatures 332 Features Guide • Both "Name" and "Number" sh ould be store d in pairs for e ach System Speed Di a lin g No.
General Features Features Guide 333 Call F orwarding / D o Not Dist urb Descriptio n Allo ws the KX-T7436 a nd KX-T7235 users to s et or cancel th e Call Forw arding and Do Not Disturb ( DN D) feat ures using t he display m essages after pressing t he FWD / DND but ton.
General F eatures 334 Features Guide Call Log , Incoming Descr iptio n This is o ne of the Caller ID servic e features a vai lable for the follo wing DPT e xtensions only: KX-T7230, KX-T7235, KX-T7433, KX-T7436.
General Features Features Guide 335 • Call Log Incoming, Overwri te M ode If the Call Lo g is full (30 call recor ds are already logge d) when a new Calle r ID call comes in, the e xtension user can choose one of the foll owing tw o options.
General F eatures 336 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 1.2 Slot Assignment • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – Call Log Incoming, Ov erwrite Mode – Call Log In coming, Log Lock •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – Automatic adj ustment of the clock using Call er ID informat ion •4 .
General Features Features Guide 337 Call Log, Outg oing Descriptio n Provi des a KX-T7436 and KX-T7235 displ ay of the last fi v e outside tele phone numbers (up to 24 digits for e ach) dialed at the e xtension. This al lows the e xtension user to redi al the number by pre ssing the Func tion bu tton associate d with the telep hone number .
General F eatures 338 Features Guide Display Con trast Adjustment Descr iptio n Allows th e dis play P T use r to ad just the d ispla y cont rast. The adjusti ng method dif fers depending on the typ e of PT . DPT Soft b uttons and V olume b utton are used to adjust the con trast to one of three le vels.
General Features Features Guide 339 Display , Call Inf o rmation Descriptio n The displa y PT sho ws the e xtension user t he follo wing call inf ormation: Extension number and name Thes e are sho wn when calli ng or called b y an ext ension user and dur ing an establishe d interc om cal l.
General F eatures 340 Features Guide 3) T1 CO li ne - Cal ler ID Ser vic e Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es •2 . 5 S y s t e m T i m e r – Call Duratio n Count Start T ime •4 . 2 T r u n k L i n e –N a m e • 4.3 Extension Line –D N –N a m e – Initi al Dis play Sel ecti on • 5.
General Features Features Guide 341 Display , Date and T ime Descriptio n Allo ws the display PT user s to display the f ollowing " Date and T ime Notation" while o n-hook.
General F eatures 342 Features Guide Display , Self-Extension Number Descr iptio n Allo ws the displa y PT user to di splay their o wn extens ion port physic al number a nd extension number in St ation Progr amm ing mo de. Displa y example: Condition s None Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es System Prog ramming is not required.
General Features Features Guide 343 Message W aitin g Descriptio n The system supports t he ability t o inform the c alled party of a message w aiting.
General F eatures 344 Features Guide Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – M essag e W ai ting S et / Ca ncel / Cal l Bac k •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – M essag e W aiti ng lamp pat tern • 4.3 Extension Line – M essa ge Lamp –C O K e y • 4.
General Features Features Guide 345 Special Display F eatur es Descriptio n W ith the displ ay telephone, KX-T7431 , KX-T7433, KX-T7436 or KX-T723 5, the extens i on user can easi ly access se veral fea tures. The displa y teleph ones hav e the ability to perf orm the follo wing featur es.
General F eatures 346 Features Guide System F eatur e Access Menu Descr iptio n This fea ture provid es a display of the sys t em fea tures av ailabl e at any ti me and allo ws the ex tension user to hav e access to the desired fea tures.
General Features Features Guide 347 Programming Gui d e Refer ences System Programming is not re quired. F eature s Guide Ref erences None User Manual Refer ences • 4.
General F eatures 348 Features Guide.
ISDN Features Features Guide 349 Section 2 ISDN F eatures.
ISDN Feature s 350 Features Guide 2.1 ISDN F e atur es Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Descr iptio n Inte grated Service s Digital Net work (ISDN) is a hierarchy of digit al switching and transmis sion systems. ISDN t ransmits vo ice, data, and imag e in digital format .
ISDN Features Features Guide 351 exte nsion (with DN) or virtual ext ension (with FDN) directly after tra nslation of the MDN number . MDN (Multiple Dir ectory Number) Conf iguration 1005 (Ext.
ISDN Feature s 352 Features Guide Flow c hart of requ ired progr ams for IS DN Condition s None BRI PRI P-P P-P P-MP Select " P-P" or "P-MP" as Access Mode in program 1.
ISDN Features Features Guide 353 Instal lation Manual Refer ences • 2.5.6 BRI Card (KX-TD50288) • 2.5.7 PRI23 Card (KX-TD50290) Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.
ISDN Feature s 354 Features Guide Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Extension Descr iptio n The KX-TD500 Syst em support s the connec t ion of T erminal Equ ipment with separat e power supplie s.
ISDN Features Features Guide 355 Conditions • COS (Class of Service) for I SDN exten sion port applies to all T erminal Equi pment on the same S0 bus (BRI card). Instal lation Manual Refer ences • 2.5.6 BRI Card (KX-TD50288) • 2.5.7 PRI23 Card (KX-TD50290) Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.
ISDN Feature s 356 Features Guide 2.2 ISDN Originatin g F eatur es Call ing Line Id entif icati on Pr e sentation (CLIP) Descr iptio n Calling Li ne Identif ication Prese ntation (CLIP ) enables t he calling part y's number to be sho wn on the display o f the called pa rty's tele phone when a cal l is recei ve d.
ISDN Features Features Guide 357 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.2 Slot Assignment • 1.8 BRI Port Assignment • 1.9 PRI Port Assignment • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan –C L I P • 4.2 Trunk Lin e –S u b s c r i b e r • 4 .3 Ext ensio n Line – [CLIP Number] Publi c • 4 .
ISDN Feature s 358 Features Guide Call ing Line Id entif icati on Restriction ( CLIR) Descr iptio n Allo ws the e xtension user to restrict t he presentati on of the callin g party's number to the called party whe n making a call . This is one of th e ISDN suppleme ntary services .
ISDN Features Features Guide 359 User Manual Refer ences • 4.3.20 Calling Li ne Identif ication Re striction (C LIR) / Calling Name Identif ication Restrict ion (CNIR).
ISDN Feature s 360 Features Guide Callin g Name Id entif icat ion Presentation (CNIP) Descr iptio n Call ing Na me Iden tificatio n Pres enta tion (C NIP) en able s the ca lling p arty' s nam e to be shown on the display o f the called pa rty's tele phone when a cal l is recei ve d.
ISDN Features Features Guide 361 Calling Nam e Identi f ication Restric tion (CNIR) Descriptio n Allo ws the e xtension user t o restrict the prese ntation of the calling p arty's name to t he called party when m aking a call. Th is is one of the ISDN supplemen tary servic es.
ISDN Feature s 362 Features Guide 2.3 ISDN Attended F eatur es Dir ect In ward Dia ling (DID ) Descr iptio n Prov ides automati c direction of an incomin g call from ISDN t o a specif ic ex tension. T o reali ze this service, t he DID number informed f rom ISDN telephone compa ny is require d.
ISDN Features Features Guide 363 Digits Modif ic ation Procedur es The Sys tem m odifies the D ID n umber ac cord ing to th e following th ree p aram eters . 1. Digit to r eceiv e DID The number of digit s eff ectiv e in the r eceiv ed DID nu m ber . 2.
ISDN Feature s 364 Features Guide or disable the te nant assigned on a DID No. basis by System Pr ogramming <Section 2.8 System Opti on, "VM T runk Service for DID " in t he Programming Guide>. • T enant numb er is used to det ermine the time mod e (day/night) f or the correspo nding DID number .
ISDN Features Features Guide 365 Multiple Dir ectory Number ( MDN) Ringing Service Descriptio n Provi des automatic direction o f an incoming ca ll from ISDN to a sp ecifi c extens ion. T o realize t his service, the MDN number inf ormed from ISDN telephone compan y is require d.
ISDN Feature s 366 Features Guide 3. Number to be added The dia ls to be inse rted at the b eginning of th e digit s proces sed in Ste p 2. [Example] Digit to recei ve DID: 4 (digits ) Digi ts to d el.
ISDN Features Features Guide 367 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 1.8 BRI Port Assignment •2 . 8 S y s t e m O p t i o n – Dest i nati on Busy - DID – Illegal N umbe r - DID • 3.2 Trunk Grou p – Intercept D estination – Da y / Night • 4.
ISDN Feature s 368 Features Guide.
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 369 Section 3 TIE Line F eatures.
TIE Line Feature s 370 Features Guide 3.1 TIE Line F eatur es Outsid e (CO) Line and TIE Line Connecti on Descr iptio n TIE lin es are usu ally use d to link two or mo re dista nt locat ions whe re high volum e callin g tra f fic exist s.
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 371 PBX-2 • 2.7 T runk to T runk Restric tion • 8.2 TIE R outing T able – PBX Code: 951 2. When a cal ler makes a CO call accordi ng to "DID Dial Regist ration" Call Flow 1. Employ ee-1 at a local branch makes a CO call to PBX-1 vi a DID (ISDN) or DID line.
TIE Line Feature s 372 Features Guide Prog ramming example: T o make up the TIE Li ne Network ab ove, t he follo wing System Progr amming is require d at PBX-1 and -2 respecti v ely . PBX-1 •2 . 3 N u m b e r i n g P l a n – (01) 1st Hundred Block Extensi on: 10 – (77) Other PBX 01: 2 • 8.
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 373 Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2 .3 Num berin g Plan • 2.7 T r unk to T runk Restri ction • 4.2 Trunk Lin e – [DID/TIE] Digits to dele te – [DID/TIE] Number to be added • 8.2 TIE Routing T a ble – PBX Code • 9.
TIE Line Feature s 374 Features Guide TIE Lin e and Outs ide (CO) Line Connect ion Descr iptio n TIE Lines ca n be used to minimize the cost of cal ls to a distant loc ation outside of t he TIE Line Netwo rk. A l ong d istan ce cal l from one lo cati on may be a loc al cal l fro m anot her lo catio n.
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 375 PBX-2 • 2.7 T runk to T runk Restric tion • 4.2 T runk Line – [TIE Line] TIE-to- CO Security Mode • 8.2 TIE R outing T able – PBX Code: 951 Conditions • T runk to T runk Restric tion Used to all ow or r estrict t runk-to-trunk p ath connec tion.
TIE Line Feature s 376 Features Guide T I EL i n ea n dT I EL i n eC o n n e c t i o n Descr iptio n TIE call s among sev eral dif ferent company location s can be done by dialing a 3 or 4-di git ext ension number only , or b y dialing a loc a tion n umber (PBX Code) and an e xtension number .
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 377 PBX–2 • 2.3 Nu mber ing Pla n – (01) 1st Hundred B lock Extension: 20 – (77) Other PBX 01: 1 • 8.2 TIE R outing T able 2.
TIE Line Feature s 378 Features Guide PBX-2 •2 . 3 N u m b e r i n g P l a n – (76) TIE Line Access: 77 • 8.2 TIE Routing T able – PBX Code: 951 Condition s None Pr ogramming Guide Referenc es • 2.3 Numbering Pla n – TIE Line Access • 2 .
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 379 TIE Line Network – Alter nate Routing Descriptio n When more t han two PBXs at dif ferent locat ions are inter connected wit h a network of TIE Lines, your KX-TD500 w orks as an i nter mediate switching of fice to oth er PBXs in the netw ork by relayi ng TIE calls fr om one PBX to another .
TIE Line Feature s 380 Features Guide Prog ramming example: T o real ize the call f low ment ioned abov e, the foll owing Sys tem Programming is r equired at PBX-1, -3, and -4 respec tiv ely . PBX-1 • 8.2 TIE Routing T able – PBX Code: 951 • 2 .
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 381 Note • If you want to rest rict "call re lay from PBX-1 t o PBX-2 via PBX-3, " set TG11 to "Y es" at PBX-3 using T runk to T runk Restr iction Programmin g. Conditions None Programming Gui d e Refer ences • 2.
TIE Line Feature s 382 Features Guide TIE Line Service Descr iptio n A TIE lin e is a pri vate ly lease d commu nica tion lin e between t wo or more P BXs, whic h prov ides ef fecti ve commun ications betwee n company member s at dif ferent loc ations.
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 383 b) Locati on Number (PBX Code) + Extension Nu m ber Routing Pr ocedure 1: TIE Routing T able Prov ides for the r outing of call s ove r the TIE Line Ne twork. Up to 3 6 routing pat terns can be prog ramm ed in thi s table.
TIE Line Feature s 384 Features Guide Routing Procedur e 2: Routing Flow Chart (1) When a call is made b y an extens ion user in y our PBX Analyzing extension dialed number Extension Own Ext.
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 385 Routing Pr ocedur e 3: Routing Flo w Chart (2) Analyzing digits sent from the other PBX. Does the leading 3 digits of the recei ved digits match your PBX Code? .
TIE Line Feature s 386 Features Guide Condition s • Basic Pr ogramming The Progra m ming ite m s list ed in the follow ing "Programming Gui de References" are alw ays required to make use of TIE line s. • A pplication Pr ogramming Programming items requ ired v ary depending on a type of ap plications.
TIE L ine Fe atur es Features Guide 387 F eature s Guide Ref erences 1.11 T ransferr i ng Featur es •C a l l T r a n s f e r User Manual Refer ences Not applicabl e.
TIE Line Feature s 388 Features Guide.
Features Guide 389 Section 4 T ones/Ring T ones.
T o ne / Rin g T on e 390 Features G uide T one P atterns Confirmation T one 1 1s Confirmation T one 2 Confirmation T one 3 Confirmation T one 4 Dial T one 1 Dial T one 2 Dial T one 3 Dial T one 4 Bus.
Features Guide 391 T one P atterns Hold Alarm T one 15 s 5s Call W aiting T one 1 (outside/intercom) Call W aiting T one 2 (outside) Call W aiting T one 2 (intercom) Outside Calls / Outside Call Hold .
T o ne / Rin g T on e 392 Features G uide.
Index Features Guide 393 Section 5 Index.
Index 394 Features Guide A Absent Message Capability 327 Account Code Entry 16 Alternate Callin g—Ring/Voice 153 ANSWER an d RELEASE buttons Operation 2 27 Answering Features 227 Answering, Direct T.
Index Features Guide 395 I Inco ming Gr oup 42 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 350 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Exten- sion 354 Integration, Au tomated Attendant (AA) Ser vice.
Index 396 Features Guide TIE Line Net work – Alternate Rou ting 379 TIE Line Service 382 Timed Reminder (Wake-Up Call) 222 Timed Reminder, Remote (Wake-Up Call) 225 Ti me-Ou t, Vari able 1 01 Toll R.
Index Features Guide 397.
Printed in Japan KK0899MN6113 (M) P anasonic Consumer Electronics Compan y Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One P anasonic Wa y Secaucus, NJ 07094 P anasonic Sales Company Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc. 2000 Panasonic Communications Co.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic KX-TD500 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic KX-TD500 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic KX-TD500 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic KX-TD500 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic KX-TD500 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic KX-TD500, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic KX-TD500.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic KX-TD500. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic KX-TD500 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center