Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HDC-SD900 Panasonic
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Operating Instructions High Definit ion V ideo Camer a Model N o. HDC-SD900 HDC-TM900 HDC-HS900 Before us e, please re ad these inst ructions completely .
- 2 - ∫ About the reco rding format for recording motion pictures Y ou can select from A V CHD, 1080/50p or iFrame rec ording fo rmats t o recor d motion pictures usin g this unit. ( l 48 , 59) A VCHD: Y ou can rec ord high d efinition quality images with this for mat.
- 3 - Back up data periodicall y . The HDD is temporary stor age. In order to avoid e rasing d ata due t o stat ic elec tricity , electro magneti c waves, breakag e, and failures, ba ck up the dat a to a PC or DVD disc. ( l 108, 121) If the HDD experienc es any abnorma lity , back up data immediately .
- 4 - Infor mation fo r Y our Safe ty . ...... ...... ........ . 2 Prep aration Parts ident ific ation and ha ndlin g ..... ...... . 6 Power su pply ..... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ........ .. 10 Inserti ng/rem oving the b atter y..... ..... . 10 Charg ing the batter y .
- 5 - Delet ing sce nes/ still pic ture s ... ...... ..... .. 91 Dividing a scene (A VCHD, 1080/50p) ......... ......... ........ 92 Dividing a scene to parti ally delete (iFram e) ....... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... .... 93 Delet ing p erso nal i nfor mati on .
- 6 - 1 Spe aker 2 Power button [ ] ( l 17) 3 Inlet (cooling fan) ( l 22 ) 4 Intelligent auto/Manual button [iA/MANUAL] ( l 29, 75) 5 Op tical ima ge stabiliz er b utt on [ O.
- 7 - 24 LCD moni tor (T ouch screen) ( l 19) ≥ It can open up t o 90 o . ≥ It can ro tate up to 180 o A towards the lens or 90 o B towa rds the vie wfinder. 25 View finder ( l 23) 26 Zoom bu ttons ( l 46 ) 27 Sub recording start/stop button ( l 22) ≥ This butt on functi ons in the same manne r as the rec ording sta rt/st op button.
- 8 - 29 Microphone termi nal [MIC] ≥ A comp atible plu g-in powered microphone can be used as an e xternal microphon e. ≥ Audio will be stereo (2 ch) wi th the external mic rophone input . ≥ (Micropho ne input level meter) is displ ayed when the ext ernal microphon e is connecte d.
- 9 - / 39 Shoe ada ptor mounting part ( l 158) 40 Shoe adapto r cover ( l 158) 41 Shoe adapto r rele ase lever [SHOE ADAPTOR RELEASE] ( l 158) 42 DC input terminal [DC IN] ( l 11 ) ≥ Do not use any ot her AC adaptors except the suppl ied one.
- 10 - ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit The battery that can be used with this unit i s VW-VBN130/VW-VBN260. ≥ The unit has a function for d istinguishing batteries w hich can be used safely . The dedicated battery (VW-VBN130/VW-VBN2 60) supports this function.
- 1 1 - Charging the battery The unit is in the s tandb y conditi on when th e AC adap tor is conn ected. The primar y circuit is always “live” as long as the AC adaptor is connected to an ele ctrical outlet. Important: ≥ Use the supplie d AC adaptor .
- 12 - Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recordin g time ≥ T emperature: 25 o C/humidit y: 60%RH ≥ When using the v iewfinde r (times in parent heses are when us ing the LCD monito r) HDC-.
- 13 - HDC-HS900 Battery m odel number [V olta ge/Ca pac ity (minim um )] Charging time Recording destination Recordi ng mode Maximu m continuously reco rdabl e time Actual recorda ble time Supplied bat tery/ VW-VBN13 0 (optional) [7.
- 14 - ≥ These times are approximatio ns. ≥ The indica ted cha rging time i s for wh en the batter y has been d ischarged completel y . Charging time and recordable time va ry depending on the usage conditions such as high/low temperature. ≥ Recordable time of 3D recording mode is t he same.
- 15 - The unit can record still pictures or motion pi ctures to an SD card, built-in memory or HDD. T o record to an SD card, read the following . Cards that you can use w ith this unit Use SD cards confor ming to Class 4 or hig her of the SD Spee d Class Rating* for motion pi cture recor ding.
- 16 - Inserting/removing an SD c ard Caution: Check tha t the a ccess lamp h as gone of f. 1 Open the LCD monitor . 2 Open the SD card/terminal cover and insert (remove) the SD card into (from) the card slot. ≥ Face the label sid e B in the direction shown in the ill ustrati on and press it straight in as far as it will go.
- 17 - Y ou can t urn the unit o n and off using the power butt on, t he LCD monit or or the vi ewfinder . T urning the unit on and off wi th the power button Press the powe r button to tu rn on the unit.
- 18 - ≥ The unit will not turn of f unless the LCD monitor is closed and the viewfinder is retracted. ≥ The unit will not turn of f while record ing motion pictur es even if the LCD monitor is closed and the viewfi nder is retract ed.
- 19 - Y ou can operate by directly touchin g the LCD monito r (touch scr een) with your finge r . It is easier to use the stylus pen (supp lied) for det ailed operati on or if it is hard to oper ate with your f ingers. ∫ T ouch T ouch and release the touch screen to sele ct icon or picture.
- 20 - About the touch menu T ouch (lef t side)/ (right side ) of on the touch menu to switch the operation icons. T ouch (left si de)/ (right side) of o n the touch m enu. ≥ It is also poss ible to switch the oper ation icon s by sliding th e touch menu right or lef t while touchin g it.
- 21 - When th e unit is turne d on for the fi rst time, a mes sage asking you to set the date and ti me will appear . Select [YES] an d perf orm st eps 2 to 3 below t o set t he d ate and time. 1 Select the m enu. ( l 34 ) 2 T ouch the date or tim e to be set, then set the desired v alue using / .
- 22 - ∫ Basi c ca mera pos it ion ing 1 Hold the unit wit h both hands. 2 Put your ha nd through th e grip belt . 3 It is convenie nt to use su b recording st art/st op button A when holdi ng the unit arou nd your waist. ≥ When record ing, make sure your f ooting is stab le and there is no danger of colliding with another per son or obj ect.
- 23 - ∫ T o adjust the image in the viewfi nder Adjust to make the im age clear by rot ating the e yepiec e corrector d ial. ≥ Extend the view finder and close the LCD monit or to tur n on the viewfi nder . ∫ T o record showing the content s to a p artner Extend the v iewfinder an d rota te the LCD monito r towards the len s side.
- 24 - The card, bu ilt-in memory , and HDD media can be s elected sep arately to re cord motion pictures or still pictures. 1 Change the m ode to or .
- 25 - 1 Change the m ode to . 2 Open the L CD monitor or extend the viewfinder . 3 Press the recording star t/stop button to start re cording. A When yo u begin r ecordi ng, ; changes to ¥ . 4 Press the recording star t/stop button again to p ause recording.
- 26 - ≥ There are 3 recording forma ts that can be used with this unit: A VCHD that records high-de finition mot ion pictures , 1080/50p that record s motion pictur es in maximum quality for th is uni t and i Frame tha t record s motion pict ures suit abl e for p layback and edit ing on Mac (iMovi e’1 1).
- 27 - 1 Change the m ode to . 2 Open the L CD monitor or extend the viewfinder . 3 Press the button halfw ay . (For auto focus only) 4 Press the button fully . Focus indicatio n: ≥ If you set the optical image sta bilizer function ( l 47) to ([MODE1] ), then the ima ge stabilizer function will be more effective.
- 28 - ∫ About the scre en indication s in still picture recordin g : St ill picture operation indicator ( l 135) R3000: Remaining nu mber of still pictures (Flashes in red when [0] appear s.
- 29 - The following mode s appropriat e for the condit ion are set just by pointing the unit to what you want to rec ord. *1 In motion picture re cording mode onl y *2 In still picture recording mode on ly ≥ Depending on t he recording cond itions, the unit may not enter t he desired mode .
- 30 - ≥ Faces can not be de tected depend ing on th e recordi ng condit ions, s uch as wh en faces are of certa in sizes or at cert ain tilt s or when digit al zoom is used.
- 31 - 1 Change the m ode to . 2 T ouch the pla y mode sele ct icon A . ( l 20) 3 Select the [VI DEO/PICTURE] you w ish to play bac k. ≥ T ouch [ENTER]. / Select the [M EDIA] and [VIDEO/PIC TURE] you wish to pla y back. 4 T ouch the sce ne or the still picture to be played bac k.
- 32 - 5 Select the p layback operation by touching the o peration i con. ∫ Change the th umbnail display While t he thumbnai l is displaye d, the thumb nail display changes in the following or der if t he zoom lever or zoom butto ns are oper ated to side or side.
- 33 - ≥ Sound will be heard only d uring norma l playback . ≥ If p ause p lay is continu ed for 5 minutes, the s creen r eturns to the thumbnail s.
- 34 - ≥ T ouch (lef t side)/ (right side ) of on the touch menu to display . ( l 20) 1 T ouch [MENU]. 2 T ouch the top m enu A . 3 T ouch the sub menu B . ≥ Next (p revious) page can be display ed by touching / . 4 T ouch the desired item to enter the setting.
- 35 - Using the quick me nu This allows qui ck setting of some of the menus. ≥ T ouch (lef t side)/ (right side ) of on the touc h menu to displ ay . ( l 20) 1 T ouch [Q.MENU]. The follo wing menu s can be set. T ouch the des ired menu. ≥ The items dis played dif fer depe nding on the pos ition of th e mode switch or sett ings.
- 36 - ≥ The items displayed differ depending on the position or settings of the mode switch. Select the menu. Please ref er to page 21. It is possible t o display and rec ord the time at the travel destin ation by select ing your home region and th e travel destination .
- 37 - 5 (Only when set ting the regio n of your travel destina tion) T o uch / to select your travel destin ation and t ouch [ENT ER]. ≥ T ouch [SUMMER TIME SET] to set daylight saving ti me.
- 38 - The unit is put into record ing pause appro x. 1 second when the unit is turned on with the mode set to or . ≥ Depending on t he recording cond itions, start time may be longer than 1 second. ≥ In the quick power on mode, the zoom mag nification be comes 1 k .
- 39 - Please ref er to page 44. The recordin g lamp lights up during reco rding and flashes when the unit rece ives a signal from the remot e control or when the self- timer is coun ting down. When this is set to [OFF] , it does n ot light during r ecording.
- 40 - It adjust s the brigh tness of the viewfin der . ≥ These settings will not af fect the images actually recorded. 1 Extend the viewfinder an d open the LCD monit or . 2T o u c h [ E V F S E T ] . ≥ The viewfi nder turns on. 3 T ouch / to adjust t he setting.
- 41 - Set the fi le number of the iFrame and sti ll picture record ed next to 0001. ≥ Folder numb er is updated and fil e number will st art fro m 0001. ( l 131) ≥ T o reset the folder number , format the SD card, built-in memor y or HDD, and then perform [NUMBER R ESET].
- 42 - ≥ Do not turn th is unit of f or remove the SD c ard, while forma tting. Do not ex pose the uni t to vibratio ns or shock. The used spac e an d rem aini ng re cor dab le time of the SD car d can be chec ked . ≥ When the mode switch is set t o , remaining re cordable t ime for the s elected reco rding mode i s displayed.
- 43 - Perform the tou ch scree n calibr ation if a di ff erent o bject to the one tou ched is s electe d. 1 T ouch [CALIBRA TION]. ≥ T ouch [ENTER]. 2T o u c h t h e [ _ ] that ap pears on th e screen wit h the supplie d stylus pen. ≥ T ouch [ _ ] in sequence (up left # down left # down right # up right # cent re).
- 44 - Select the menu. 1 Power on/off button [ ] Unit can be tu rn ed on /off w hen the LCD monito r is op ened or the vi ewfin der is extend ed. ≥ Unit canno t be turned on by th e power on/ off button when 36 hours have passed afte r the unit is turned of f.
- 45 - ∫ Remote control usable range A Remote control sensor Dista nce: Wi thin a pprox. 5 m Angle: App rox. 10 o up and 15 o down, lef t, and right ≥ The re mote con trol is in tended for in door operation . Outdo ors or under stro ng light, the unit may not operate properly eve n within the usab le ranges.
- 46 - ≥ Maximum zoom magnif ication for rec ording motion pictures can be se t with [ZOOM MODE]. ( l 59) ≥ Y o u can al so zo om by simp ly tou ching the LC D mo nit or .
- 47 - ≥ If you ta ke your fin ger off the zoom lever duri ng zoom operat ion, the oper ation soun d may be recorde d. When return ing the zoom lever t o the original po sition, mov e it quietly . ≥ When the zoom ma gnificat ion is 12 k , the su bject s are focused at ab out 1.
- 48 - This is a 1080/ 50p (1920 k 10 80/50 prog ressive) re cording mode that can recor d in maximum quality*. * This means the hig hest qualit y for this unit.
- 49 - Y ou can record us ing convenie nt functions just by the ea sy operation of touching the screen. 1 T ouch (lef t side)/ (right side) o f on the touch me nu to dis play touch fu nction icons. ( l 20) 2 (e.g. A F/AE t racking ) T ouch the touc h function ico n.
- 50 - It is possibl e to set the focus and exposure to the subject specified on the touch screen. The focus and exposur e will keep follo wing the sub ject aut omaticall y even if i t moves. (Dynamic tracki ng) 1T o u c h . ≥ When [F ACE RECOG .] ( l 61) is [ON] and a regis tered face is det ected, the t arget is automa tica lly lock ed.
- 51 - In motion picture re cording mod e, you can further improve optical im age stabilization by touching and holding optical im age stabilizer lock icon. With this function, you can furt her re duc e th e ef fe cts of the sh ake tha t ten d s to occ ur w he n u sing zo om.
- 52 - Select the operation icons to add dif ferent effe cts to th e images to be recor ded. 1 T ouch (lef t side)/ (right side) o f on the touch me nu to dis play the ope ration icons. ( l 20) ≥ T ouch / on touch menu to swi tch pag es upward or downward.
- 53 - When you st art rec ording, the im age/audi o gradually appears . (Fade in) When you pause recording, the image /audio gradu ally disappear s. (Fade out ) ≥ The fade set ting is cancelled when the record ing stop s.
- 54 - ≥ After setting PRE-REC, if recording star ts in less than 3 seconds, or while the PRE-REC indication flashes within about 3 seconds after initiating the quick start operation, motion pictures taken 3 seconds before pressing the recording start/stop button cannot be recorded.
- 55 - When th e b utton i s pres sed, the flash i s act ivated and the p icture will be record ed. Use the built- in flash in o rder to record sti ll pictur es in dark plac es.
- 56 - This is for recording st ill pictures usin g the timer . Each time t he icon is select ed, the indica tion change s by one sett ing in the followi ng order: Ø 10 (Records af ter 10 second s) #.
- 57 - A more impr essive image can be obtained by focusing on the object only in close-up and shading off the bac kground. ≥ The unit can f ocus on th e subject at a dist ance of approx. 70 cm . ≥ When the T ele macro is set with the zoom ma gnificati on less th an 12 k , it will automati cally be set to 12 k .
- 58 - When you r ecord image s in diff erent si tuations , this mode automatic ally set s optimum sh utter speeds a nd ape rtures. ≥ (Sport s/Portrait/Spotlight/Snow/Beach/S unset/Scenery) j The shutter speed is 1/6 or more in still pict ure recording mode.
- 59 - ≥ (Night s cenery/Nig ht port rait) j The shutter speed is 1/2 or more in still pict ure recording mode. j It is r ecommended using a tripod. ≥ (Night portrai t) j The flash is set to [ON]. Set the max imum zoom ratio for t he motion pict ure recording mode .
- 60 - A scene that moves slowly for long period of ti me is recorded fra me by frame with an interval, and is recorded as a short ti me motion pic ture. A frame is record ed with a set recor ding interv al. 25 frames will make up motion picture of 1 second.
- 61 - It is possi ble to continuo usly record moti on pictur e to an SD card when there is no space available in the built-in memory . (It allows you to record only to SD card from built-in memory .) ≥ Set [MEDIA SELECT] to [Buil t-inMemory]. ≥ Set [REC M ODE ] to [ HA] , [H G], [H X] or [HE ] ( l 59), or s et to 1 080/50 p rec ording mode.
- 62 - ∫ Registerin g a face for face recog nition ≥ Up to a maximum of 6 peo ple can be regis tered. 1 Align the person’s face with the gui de. ≥ T ake a picture of the pers ons face fro m the front, ensuring that their hai r does not hide the outline of their f ace, the ir eyes or the ir eyebr ows.
- 63 - ∫ Changing the information of a registered person 1 Select the menu. 2 T ouch the desired item to enter the setting. ≥ Up to 3 face shots can be registered . T o additionally regist er or to change /delete t he regis tered fac e shots, touch or the face s hot.
- 64 - When a regist ered person is detected by fa ce recogn ition during rec ording, th e name register ed for that pers on is displayed. ≥ Displayed name will disappea r after a while. ≥ It is display ed according to the registra tion orde r setting from the first per son.
- 65 - Y ou can record br ight pictures even in dark pl aces by slowing the shutter spee d. ≥ Swit ch to manu al mode . ( l 75) ≥ The shutt er speed is set to 1/25 or more depe nding on the su rrounding brig htness. ≥ This func tion canno t be used when using the 3D Conversi on Lens (optional ).
- 66 - Recording motion p ictures with mor e vivid colours, using x.v .Colour ™ tec hnology . ≥ Swit ch to manu al mode . ( l 75) ≥ Set [REC M ODE ] to [ HA] , [H G], [H X] or [HE ] ( l 5 9), or set to 10 80/ 50p reco rdin g mode. ( l 48) ≥ For more realist ic colours, use an HDMI mini cable with a TV th at support s the x.
- 67 - This will reduce the wind noise coming into th e built -in microphones while maint aining the realism. ≥ Swit ch to manu al mode . ( l 75) ≥ This func tion’s default s etting is [ON]. ≥ When swi tchin g to inte llige nt au to m ode, [WIN D NO ISE CANC ELL ER] i s set to [ON], and the settin g cannot be chan ged.
- 68 - When record ing, the input level from th e built-in micr ophones and the external mic rophone terminal can be adj uste d. ≥ Swit ch to manu al mode . ( l 75) 1 Select the menu. ≥ It is possible t o select the set ting fr om the quick menu in manu al mode.
- 69 - Change the lower setting of th e built-in micro phone accordin g to your choic e. ≥ Swit ch to manu al mode . ( l 75) ≥ Norma lly s et to [0dB ]. ≥ Select [+3 dB] or [+6dB ] to get stron g power feel ing at bass leve l. Adjust the quality of th e image while record ing.
- 70 - Displays th e luminance level of the centr e of the screen (l uminance displa y frame) in %. It makes th e adjustmen t of the bright ness of the object easier , by checki ng the luminance level o f the object, wh en recording same o bject in d if ferent surroundings .
- 71 - The hi gher the number of pix els, the higher the c larity of the pictur e when printi ng. ≥ The number of recording pixel s that can be s et changes dep ending on sele cted screen aspect rat io. ( l 72) ∫ Picture s ize and Maximum zoom rati o * Extra optic al zoom cannot be used.
- 72 - ≥ This function’ s defaul t settings are in still picture rec ording mode and in motion picture re cording mode. ≥ The re cording wil l become lon ger depen ding on the rec ording pix els. ≥ Please ref er to page 156 about the nu mber of recordable pictures .
- 73 - Recording is don e continuou sly at the rate of 50 still pictures per second. Use this funct ion to record an object with fast movement. 1 Select the menu. 2 Press the button. ≥ flash es in r ed during recording . ≥ First pre ss the button halfway , then pr ess it fully to set the fo cus and rec ord.
- 74 - Illuminat ing the subject makes it easier for the camera to focus when recording in low light conditi ons that mak e focusing diff icult. ≥ Swit ch to manu al mode . ( l 75) ≥ The avai lable dist ance of the AF as sist lamp is appr ox. 1.5 m.
- 75 - The operatio n sequence di ffer s for the LCD monitor and vie wfinder . ≥ The manual focus, white balance, shutter speed, brightness (Iris and Gain) s ettings are ret ain ed when you cha nge between mot ion picture r ecording mode and sti ll picture recor ding mode.
- 76 - White balanc e The auto matic white balanc e functi on may not reproduc e natural c olours depen ding on the scenes or lighti ng condi tions. If so, you can adjust the whi te balanc e manuall y . ≥ Press the iA/MANUAL button or the CAMERA FUN CTION button to switch to m anual mode.
- 77 - Manual shutter spee d/iris adjustment Shutter Speed: Adjust it when recordin g fast-movin g subjects. Iris: Adjust it when the screen is to o bright or too dark. ≥ Press the iA/MANUAL button or the CAMERA FUN CTION button to switch to m anual mode.
- 78 - Recording with manual focus Perform focu s adjustment s using the multi manual rin g. If auto foc using is dif ficult due to the conditions , then use manua l focus. ≥ Press the iA/MANUAL button or the CAMERA FUN CTION button to switch to m anual mode.
- 79 - With the 3D Convers ion Lens (opt ional) att ached, y ou can record l ife-like and powerful 3D video. T o view 3D vid eo, a televi sion th at support s 3 D is req uired. ≥ In the unit , the recordable 3D videos are si de-by-sid e format (2-s creen structu re).
- 80 - 4 T ouch [EXIT] to e nd the adjustm ent. ≥ Afte r adjustmen t, a single s creen appea rs. ≥ When re-attaching the 3D Conversion Lens or af ter an imp act etc ., it is recomm ended that you perf orm th e a dju stm en t ag ain . 5 Press the re cording st ar t/stop button to st art reco rding.
- 81 - ∫ Functions th at canno t be used durin g 3D recordi ng When rec ording wit h th e 3D Conv ersion L ens, you cannot use cer tai n functio ns. Functions not availa ble during 3D recording *1 The zoom positio n is fixed, and t he zoom operat ion is disabl ed.
- 82 - Motion picture playback using operation icon For det ails on the basic playback operations , refer to p age 31. Advanced (Playba ck) Playback operations Playback operation Playbac k display Oper ating s tep s Fast forward/ rewin d playback During Play back To u c h 5 during play back to fast forward.
- 83 - Creating still picture from motion picture A single fra me from the recorded moti on picture can be saved as a sti ll picture. Picture size of the still picture to be recorded is (1 920 k 1080). 1 Pause at the scene you want to save as a still pic ture during playback.
- 84 - ≥ A portion judg ed to be clearl y recorded will be detected and di splayed in thumb nail if you select [ HIGH LIGH T]. 3 (When [MINUTES] is selected) T ouch / to s et the time. ≥ It can be set up to a maximum of 60 minu tes. ≥ T ouch [ENTER].
- 85 - Zooming in on a sti ll picture during play back (Playback zoom ) Y ou can zoom in by touchi ng a still pi cture durin g playback. 1 T ouch and hol d the p art you wish to zo om in on during still pic ture playback. ≥ The still pic ture is zoomed in the fo llowing order: k 1 # k 2 # k 4.
- 86 - Playing bac k motion pictur es/still pictures by dat e The scene s or the still pic tures record ed on the same day can be pla yed back in su ccession . 1 T ouch the date select ico n. ( l 20) 2 T ouch the pla yback date. The scene s or the still pic tures record ed on the date selected are dis played a s thumbnail s.
- 87 - Highlight playback Part that was recognised as clearly record ed is extracted from a lon g recording, and it can be played back in a short time with ef fect s and music added.
- 88 - ∫ Priority settings 1 T o uch [F ACE] or [F ACE RECOG .]. ≥ T ouch [F ACE], any det ected fa ce, inclu ding the face of person regis tered for fac e recognit ion, is given priority on play back. 2 (When [F ACE RECOG .] is selected) T o uch a face to specify .
- 89 - ∫ Music se tting 1 T ouch your favo urite music. ≥ When [EFFECT SETUP] is set to [NONE], you will be able to sele ct [NO MUSIC] . When [NO MUSIC] is selected, the audi o recorded at the time of shoot ing is play ed b ack .
- 90 - (When [SLIDES IN TERV AL] is selected) T ouch the inte rval of playba ck for the slid e show . (When [MUSIC SEL ECT] is selected) T ouch the des ired sound. ≥ T o adjust the volume of musi c during playbac k of the slide show or audio tes ting, operate the volume lever or t he zoom butt ons.
- 91 - ¬ Change the mode to . ∫ T o delete the scene or still picture b eing played bac k T ouch w hile sce nes or still pi ctures to b e deleted are being pl ayed back. ∫ T o delete sc enes or still p ictures from the thumbnail di splay ≥ Switch the thumbnail display of the scenes or stil l pictur es to delete.
- 92 - ≥ The scenes or s till pictur es that have already been delet ed when the delet ion is cancelle d cannot be r estored. T o complet e editing T ouch [Return]. ≥ Y ou can also d elete scenes by touchi ng [MENU], s electing [E DIT SCENE] # [D ELE TE] # [ALL SC ENE S], [ MU L TI ] or [ SINGLE ].
- 93 - ≥ Y ou cannot divi de a scene if you are pla ying back a dis c with a DVD burner (optio nal) connec ted, or if th e number of scene s of a given dat e would exceed 99 scenes. ≥ It may not be poss ible to divide scenes with a short record ing time.
- 94 - Deleting personal information Deletes fac e recognition inf ormati on from scenes in whic h faces were recogni sed. ≥ Change the mode to and touch the pl ay mode selec t icon. Then se t [VIDEO/ PICTURE] to [1080/50p] or [A VCHD]. ( l 31) ≥ Personal informati on is not record ed in the iFrame scenes .
- 95 - Y ou can write the data selecting still pictures to be printed and the numb er of prints (DPOF data) onto the SD card. (Copy still pictu res recorded to the bu ilt-in memory or HDD to the SD card before s ettin g DPOF. ) ¬ Change the mode to and touch the play mode select icon.
- 96 - Y ou can com bin e th e rela yed sc en e ( l 61) in the built-in memory and the continued scene in th e SD card to be one into th e SD card. A Built-in memor y B SD card C Range of relay rec ording ≥ Change the mode to and touch the play mode s elect icon.
- 97 - T o cancel relay information ≥ When the relay informatio n is cancelled, combining of the relayed scenes will not be possible any more. ≥ When the disc pl ayback is selected while a DVD bur ner (optio nal) is conn ected, you canno t combine rela y scenes or cancel relay information .
- 98 - ≥ Use the A V multi cab le (supplie d) or HDMI min i cable (op tional) a nd check the o utput settings . ( l 101) ≥ HDMI is t he inter face for digita l devices .
- 99 - ≥ Check th at the plugs are ins erted as f ar as they go. ≥ Always use a gen uine Panasonic HDMI mini cable (RP -CDHM15, RP-CDHM30; optional). ≥ Do not use any ot her A V multi cables except th e supplied one. ≥ When con necting t o the c omponent terminal of the TV , the yellow plug of t he A V multi cable is not requi red.
- 100 - ∫ T o watch image s on a regula r TV (4:3) or when both side s of the images do not appea r on the s cree n Change the menu setting to dis play the images cor rectl y .
- 101 - Connecting with a HDMI mini ca ble Select the desired met hod of HDMI outp ut. ≥ [AUTO] determin es the output resolut ion a utomatic ally based on i nformation from the connec ted TV .
- 102 - ¬ Change the mode to . 1 Select the m enu. ≥ If you are not usi ng VIE RA L ink , set to [O FF]. 2 Connect t his unit to a Pa nasonic TV c omp atible with VIERA Link with a HDMI mini cable.
- 103 - 3 Operate w ith the rem ote control for the TV . 1) Press the button up, down, left or right to select a scene or still picture to be played back, and then pr ess th e bu tton in th e ce ntre t o se t it . 2) Activate t he opera tion ic ons that are d isplayed on TV s creen with the remote control for the TV .
- 104 - Connect the uni t to a 3D comp atible televi sion and play b ack scene s recor ded in 3D to enjoy life-li ke and powerful 3D video. ¬ Change the mode to and touch the play mode select icon. Then set [VIDEO/PICTURE] to [A VCHD]. ( l 31) 1 Select the m enu.
- 105 - ≥ Y ou cannot pl ay back 3D video on the LCD monitor of the unit . When you pla y back scen es recorded in 3D on t he LCD mon itor , they will be played back in 2D.
- 106 - Motion p ictures or st ill pictures recorded with this unit can be copied between an SD card inserted in this unit and a built -in memory/HDD. ∫ Check th e used sp ace o f the cop y destination It is possible to check the used space of t he SD card, built-in memory , or HDD by [MEDIA ST A T US] ( l 42).
- 107 - 3 T ouch desired items fo llowing the screen displa y . ≥ It will return to the pre v ious step by touching . ≥ (When [SELE CT SCENES] is sele cted) When touched, the scene/ still picture is select ed and the indication appear s on the thumbnail.
- 108 - Copy/Dubbi ng Motion p ictures or still pictures re corded with this unit can be copied to a DVD disc by connecti ng a DVD bu rner (opti onal) to t his unit using a USB Con nection Ca ble (suppl ied with DVD burner) . The copied DVD disc can also be played back.
- 109 - 1 Connect the AC a daptor (supplie d with DVD burne r) to the DVD burner . ≥ Y ou cannot su pply power to the DVD burn er from thi s unit. 2 Connect t his unit to the AC adaptor and chang e the mo de to . 3 Connect this unit to th e DVD burner with the USB Connection Ca ble (supplied with DVD burner).
- 1 1 0 - Copying to discs ≥ Y ou cannot copy from multip le SD cards to 1 disc. (Y ou can addi tional ly copy only to a DVD-RAM.) ≥ Y ou cannot copy motion pictu res together with still pictur es.
- 1 1 1 - Import ant Noti ce ≥ When connecting an optional DVD burner and this unit for copying a disc , do not insert a disc with re corded motion pictures in high definition picture qua lity into devices that do not support the A VCHD format. In some cases t he disc may get stuck in the device.
- 1 1 2 - ≥ The disc t hat was copi ed to can be played back by connecting this unit and a DVD burner . ≥ Do not turn of f this unit or the DVD burne r or disconn ect the USB Connec tion Cable while copying. Al so, do not shake this unit or the DVD burne r .
- 1 1 3 - Managing the copied dis c ≥ Connect this unit to t he DVD burner and then touch [PLA Y DISC]. ( l 109) ∫ Formatting dis cs This is for initializing DVD-RAM, DV D-RW and +R W discs. Please b e aware that if a dis c is formatted , then all the da ta re corded on the disc will be erased.
- 1 1 4 - ∫ Check before dubbing Check the equi pment used f or dubbing . * Some equipment may not be compat ible with high-defin ition (A VCHD) picture quality . In such a case, connect with t he A V multi cable and dub with standa rd picture quality .
- 1 1 5 - ∫ T o dub using e quipment with a n SD card slot Y ou can d ub by directly i nserting an SD card. ≥ / T o copy scenes or still pictures from the built- in memory o r HDD to a n SD card, see page 106. ∫ T o dub using equip ment with a USB terminal Y ou can d ub by connect ing a USB cable.
- 1 1 6 - 3 / T ouch the me dia you wis h to dub. ≥ When using the batt ery , the LCD monitor turns of f af ter abou t 5 seconds. T ouch th e screen to turn th e LCD monitor on. 4 Dubbing through operations on the Bl u-ray disc recorder or h igh- definition (A VCHD) comp atible DVD recorder .
- 1 1 7 - ∫ Dubbing using equipment w ithout an SD card slot o r a USB terminal, or using a v ideo dev ice Y ou can dub by connect ing a n A V multi c able. ≥ Images are dubbed in standard quality . ≥ Use the AC adap tor to free y ou from worryin g about the batt ery running down .
- 1 1 8 - Y ou can store 3D vide o with a DVD burner , a video devic e or a PC. ≥ Please refer t o page 108 fo r det ails about copy ing with a DVD bur ner . ∫ Copying unalt ered as 3 D video Recording fo rmat: [A VCHD] The scen es recorded in 3D using the unit c an be cop ied and s tored in un altered f orm as 3D video.
- 1 1 9 - ∫ Dubbing in st a ndard picture q uality ≥ Please refer t o page 1 17 for deta ils about dubbing in standa rd picture qualit y . Copying unal tered as 3D video When [3D PL A YBACK] is [3D], the 3D vid eo is recorde d in side-by- side format .
- 120 - ≥ Please refer t o page 121 fo r det ails about copy ing with HD W riter AE 3.0. When you use HD W rite r AE 3.0 to handle scenes recorde d in 3D, the followin g operati ons are p ossible. j Copying dat a to a PC (Scenes rec orded in 3D will be copied unal tered as 3D vid eo.
- 121 - HD Wr iter AE 3.0 Y ou can copy the motion/still pict ure data to the HDD of PCs or write to media like Blu-ray discs, DVD discs or SD cards using HD Writer AE 3.0, the sof tware installed in the supplied CD-ROM. Refer t o the o perating instruct ions of HD Writer AE 3.
- 122 - ≥ It is possible t o play back on a PC using a imag e viewer st andard to Wind ows or commercially availabl e image b rowsing s oftware, and c opy pictu res to a PC usin g Windows Ex plorer. ≥ Please refer t o page 133 fo r det ails about usin g a Mac.
- 123 - End User Licens e Agreement Before ope ning the CD-ROM p ackage, please read th e following . Y o u (“L ice nsee ”) are gr ant ed a li cens e fo r the Sof tware defin ed in this End User License Agre ement (“Agree ment”) on conditi on th at you agree t o th e terms and conditi ons of this Agre ement.
- 124 - ≥ Even if the sys tem requiremen ts mention ed in these ope rating instru ctions are ful filled, some PCs canno t be used. ≥ A CD-ROM drive is necessary to install the su pplied softw are application s. (A compatibl e Blu-ray disc/DVD wri ter drive and media are nec essary for writing to a Blu -ray disc/DV D.
- 125 - ≥ Supplied CD-ROM is available for Windows only . ≥ Input is not supported in langu ages other than English, German, French and Simplif ied Chinese.
- 126 - ∫ Operating e nvironme nt for the c ard reader fu nction (mass storage) ≥ The USB equip ment operate s with the driver installed as stand ard in the OS. PC IBM P C/A T comp atib le P C OS Windows 7 (32 bit/64 bit) Windows V ista (32 b it) (SP1 /SP2) Windows XP ( 32 bit) (SP3) CPU Windows 7/Windows V ista : 1.
- 127 - When installing the software, log on to your computer as the Administrator or with a user name wi th equiv alent au thorizat ion. (I f you do not h ave aut horizatio n to d o thi s, consult your manager .) ≥ Before st artin g the inst allation, close all appl ications that are runn ing.
- 128 - 5 Select whe re the applic ation is t o be inst alled, t hen click [N ext]. 6 Select [Y es] or [No] to crea te shortcut. ≥ A message r egarding the play back in t he environ ment used may be displaye d depending on th e perfor mance of the PC used.
- 129 - ≥ Connect t his unit to the PC af ter the soft ware applications are install ed. ≥ Remove the supp lied CD-ROM from your PC. A USB cab le (suppl ied) ≥ Insert t he plugs as f ar as they wi ll go. 1 Connect this u nit to the AC ada ptor .
- 130 - ≥ Do not use any ot her USB cables except the supp lied one. (Ope ration is not guaranteed with any other USB cables.) ≥ When the unit is connected to a PC, it cannot be turned off. Disco nnec t the USB c able , befo re tu rnin g this unit off.
- 131 - About the PC display When the unit is connecte d to a PC, it is rec ognised as an ext ernal driv e. ≥ Removable disk (Ex ample: ) is d isplayed in [Compu ter].
- 132 - ≥ T o use the software , log on as an Ad ministrator or as user name fo r stan dard user acc ount (only f or Windows 7 /Windows Vist a). The sof tware canno t be used with t he user name for a gues t accou nt. (On the PC) Select [St art] # [All Programs] # [Pana son ic] # [HD Writer AE 3.
- 133 - ≥ HD Writer AE 3. 0 is not availab le for Mac. ≥ iMovie’1 1 supporte d. For deta ils about iMovie’1 1, pleas e contact App le Inc. ≥ iMovie’1 1 is not compat ible with 1080/ 50p. 1080/ 50p scenes can not be importe d to a Mac. j For users who ha ve , it c annot acq uire the scenes rec orded in 1080/ 50p.
- 134 - ∫ T o disconnec t USB cable safely Drag [CAM_ SD] di sk icon to the [T rash], and then d isconnect the US B cable. ≥ For users who ha ve , [CA M_SD] and [CAM_MEM] are display ed on the desktop and for users who have , [CAM _SD] and [CAM_HDD] a re displaye d on the deskt op.
- 135 - *1 only *2 only ∫ Recording indi cations Other s Indications Motion picture recording mode Still pi cture r ecording mode HDC-TM900 HDC-HS900 +6 dB 0h00m00s R 1h20m 1h30m 1 / 100 OPEN MF 15. 1 1. 201 1 12:34 0dB +1 1h30m 1 / 100 OPEN MF 15. 1 1.
- 136 - Ø 10/ Ø 2 Self-T imer recording ( l 56) MEGA OIS ( l 27) B Zebra ( l 69) HDD Falling detection ( l 3) *2 99% Luminance level ( l 70) PRE-REC ( l 53 ) Interv al re cordin g ( l 60) // Bass se.
- 137 - ∫ Playback i ndications ∫ Indication o f connec tion to other device s ∫ Confirmato ry indications ∫ Confirmato ry indications when a DVD burner is connected 1 / ; / 5 // 6 // 7 / 8 / 9 / : / D / E / ;1 / 2; Display during pla yback ( l 31, 82) 0h00m00s Playba ck tim e ( l 31) No.
- 138 - Major conf irmation/er ror message s to be indicate d on the screen in t ext. *1 only *2 only Other s Messages PERIODICALL Y MAKE BACK UP OF DA T A IN BUIL T-I N MEMOR Y . *1 RECOMMEND DA T A BAC K UP PERIODICALL Y . *2 We recomme nd backing up import an t recorded motion pictures and still pictu res periodical ly to a PC, DVD disc et c.
- 139 - About recovery If faulty management inf ormation i s found, the mes sages may appear an d a repai r is performed. (Repa iring may tak e time depending on the error .) ≥ The ab ove messa ge is d isplayed wh en abn ormal manage ment i nformation is detec ted when the scenes are dis played i n thumbna il.
- 140 - Other s T roubleshoot ing Power Problem Check point s This unit cannot be tur ne d on . This unit does not st ay on long enough. Battery runs dow n quickly . ≥ Charge the battery again t o ensure it is suf ficiently charge d. ( l 11 ) ≥ In cold places, the bat tery using t ime becomes shor ter .
- 141 - Indication Problem Check point s Remaining battery indication is not displ ayed properl y . ≥ The remain ing battery c apacit y indication is an approx imation. If the rema ining batte ry c apacity indi cation is no t display ed correct ly , fully char ge the bat tery , discharge it and then c harge it again .
- 142 - Obje ct seems to be warped. ≥ Object seems to be warped slightl y when t he objec t moves ac ross t he image v ery fas t, but t his is be cause the unit is usin g MOS for the image sensor . Th is is not a malfunct ion. Playback Problem Check point s Any scenes/ still pictu res cannot be played back.
- 143 - With oth er pr od uc ts Problem Check point s Although this unit is corr ectl y co nne cte d to a TV , images ca nnot be seen. The im ag es are squeezed horizontally . ≥ Please read the operat ing instru ctions of your TV and select t he channel t hat matches t he input used for the connect ion.
- 144 - When the USB cab le is disconnected, an error messag e will app ear on the PC . ≥ T o disconnect t he USB cab le safely , doub le-click the icon in th e task tra y and follow th e instruc tions on the screen. Cannot se e the P DF operating instru ctions for HD Writer AE 3.
- 145 - ∫ If scenes do not cha nge smoothl y when pla yed back on another device (A VCHD, 1080/50p) The images may be still for several seconds at the joins between the scenes if the foll owing operation s are performe d when multiple sce nes have bee n continuous ly played back us ing another un it.
- 146 - Keep this unit as fa r away as possib le from electromagne tic equipment (suc h as microw ave ovens, TVs, video games etc.) . ≥ If you use t his unit on to p of or near a TV , the pictures and/or sound on this unit may be disrupt ed by electroma gnetic wave radi ati on.
- 147 - Do not use the unit for surveill ance purposes or othe r business uses. ≥ This unit was des igned for con sumer intermitt ent use. It was not intend ed for continu ous use, or for any in dustrial or commercial appli cation result ing in prolong ed use.
- 148 - The battery used in this unit is a rec har gea ble l ith ium -ion batt er y . It is susceptible to humid ity and t emperature and the effect in creases the more the temperat ure rises or falls. In cold areas, the full charge indic ation may not appear or the low battery indicatio n may appear abo ut 5 minutes af ter st arting use.
- 149 - When the st atu s indicat or is flashi ng at a particul arly fast or slo w rate , the following should b e considered. Flashing with appr ox. 4 second pe riod (off for approx. 2 seconds , on for approx. 2 seconds): ≥ When the bat tery is over discharge d or the temperat ure of the bat tery is too high or low .
- 150 - When vi ewing 3 D video , we recommend t aking a brea k every 30 to 60 minutes . ≥ Viewing f or extende d periods may cau se eye-fat igue. Short-sighted or long-sighted persons, those wi th differ ences in t he sight o f their right and lef t eyes, an d those with astigmati sm are advised to corr ect thei r vision by wearing glasses et c.
- 151 - ≥ When t he LC D moni tor ge ts d irty , wi pe it with a s oft cl oth, suc h as ey e gl ass cleaner . ≥ Do not touc h the LCD monitor with your finger nails, or rub or press with stro ng force . ≥ It may become hard to see or hard to recognise t he touch when t he LCD protect ion sh eet i s aff ixed.
- 152 - When conde nsati on forms on th e unit, the lens will cloud up and the un it may not work proper ly . Make every eff ort to ensure that condens ation d oes not form. If it does form, take th e ac tions desc rib ed b elow. Causes of c ondensat ion Condensati on ta kes place when the ambient temperat ure o r humid ity is changed as fol lows.
- 153 - ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws Recordi ng of pre-recor ded tap es or discs or other pu blished or broa dcast material for purposes other than yo ur own private use ma y inf ring e copy right laws. E ven fo r the purpose of pri vate use, record ing of cert ain mat erial ma y be restrict ed.
- 154 - ≥ SD cards are o nly mentione d with thei r main memory size. The st ated times ar e th e approxima te recordable ti mes for continu ous recording .
- 155 - ≥ If recordi ng for lo ng periods, p repare ba tter ies for 3 or 4 t imes the p eriod you wish to record for . ( l 12, 13) ≥ The defa ult setting is [HG] mode. ≥ Recordable time of 3D recording mode is t he same. (Du ring 3D recordi ng mode, 1 080/50p and iFrame rec ording mode c an not be used.
- 156 - ≥ SD cards are only mentioned with their main memory si ze. The st ated number is the approxima te number of record able pictur es. (When [ASPECT RA TIO] is set to [4:3] and [QUALITY] is set.
- 157 - ≥ The number of recordable picture s depends on whether and are used together and on the subject being re corded. ≥ Maximum number of recordable pictures tha t can be displayed is 99999.
- 158 - ∫ Att aching the optional accessor ies on the shoe adaptor / 1 Open th e shoe adaptor c over . 2 Atta ch the shoe adaptor t o this unit. ≥ When removing the shoe adap tor , slide the SHO E ADAPT OR RELE ASE leve r , and remov e the shoe ad aptor while s liding the lever .
Panasonic Corporation Web site:
An important point after buying a device Panasonic HDC-SD900 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic HDC-SD900 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic HDC-SD900 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic HDC-SD900 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic HDC-SD900 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic HDC-SD900, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic HDC-SD900.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic HDC-SD900. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic HDC-SD900 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center