Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HDC-SD60 Panasonic
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Operating Instructions High Definit ion V ideo Camer a Model No. HDC-SD60 HDC-TM60 HDC-HS60 Before us e, please re ad these inst ructions completely . Please also r efer to O peratin g Instructi ons (PDF format) recorded on the CD-ROM cont aining the Operating Instructions (supplied).
2 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Informatio n for Y our Sa fety ∫ EMC Electric a nd magnetic comp atibil ity This symbol (CE) is loc ated on the ratin g plate . Use only the re commended acce ssories. ≥ Do not use any ot her A V multi cables and USB cab les exce pt the supplied one.
3 (ENG) V QT2M64 ∫ Informatio n for Users on Collection an d Disposa l of Old Equipment an d used Batterie s These symbols on the products, packaging, and/ or accompanying documents mean that used electrical and electronic products and batteries should not be mixed with general household waste.
4 VQT2M64 ( ENG) ≥ If the High Definit ion Vi deo Camera is adversely affect ed by electroma gnetic equipment a nd stop s funct ioning pro perly , turn the Hi gh De finition Video C amer a off and remove t he battery or dis connect AC adaptor . Then reinse rt the bat tery or reconnec t AC a daptor and tu rn th e High Definition Vi deo Camera on.
5 (ENG) V QT2M64 Preparatio n Basic Ad vanc ed Other s Infor mation for Y our Sa fety .... ......... ....... 2 Accessori es ........ ...... ...... ........ ...... ....... .... 6 Prep aration Befo re u sin g [1] Parts identi fication a nd handli ng ...
6 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Accessories Check the ac cessories bef ore using th is unit. Product numbers cor rect as of Fe b. 2010. Thes e may be subject to change.
7 (ENG) V QT2M64 Pre paratio n Before u sing 1 Part s identification and handling 1 Power button [ ] ( l 20 ) 2 Spe aker 3 Intelligent auto/Manual button [iA/MANUAL] ( l 27) 4 Op tical im age stabiliz er but ton [ /O.
8 VQT2M64 ( ENG) 18 LCD moni tor (T ouc h screen) ( l 22) ≥ It can open up t o 90 o . ≥ It can ro tate up to 18 0 o A towards the len s or 90 o B towards t he opposit e directio n. 19 Recording s t art/stop button ( l 25) 20 Sub recording start/stop button ≥ This butt on functi ons in the same manne r as the rec ording sta rt/st op button.
9 (ENG) V QT2M64 27 Status indicator ( l 20 ) 28 Photoshot button [ ] ( l 26) 29 Zoom lever [W/ T] (In motion picture recording m ode or still picture recording m ode) ( l 31) Thumbnail display switch [ / ]/ V olume lever [ s VOL r ] (I n play back mode) 30 DC input term inal ( l 15) ≥ Do not use any other AC adaptors except the supplied one.
10 VQT2M64 ( ENG) 1 Power button [ ] ( l 20 ) 2 Spe aker 3 Intelligent auto/Manual button [iA/MANUAL] ( l 27) 4 Op tical im age stabiliz er but ton [ /O.
11 (ENG) V QT2M64 18 LCD moni tor (T ouc h screen) ( l 22) ≥ It can open up t o 90 o . ≥ It can ro tate up to 18 0 o A towards the len s or 90 o B towards t he opposit e directio n. 19 Recording s t art/stop button ( l 25) 20 Sub recording start/stop button ≥ This butt on functi ons in the same manne r as the rec ording sta rt/st op button.
12 VQT2M64 ( ENG) 27 Status indicator ( l 20 ) 28 Photoshot button [ ] ( l 26) 29 Zoom lever [W/ T] (In motion picture recording m ode or still picture recording m ode) ( l 31) Thumbnail display switc.
13 (ENG) V QT2M64 Pre paratio n Setup 1 Power supply ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit The battery that can be used with this unit is VW-VBK1 80/VW-VBK360. ≥ This unit has a function to distinguish the batteries that can be used, and the batteries (VW-VBK180/VW -VBK360) are co mpa tible with this functi on.
14 VQT2M64 ( ENG) ≥ Press the power button to turn off the power . ( l 20) Inst all the battery by ins erting it in the direction shown in the figure. Inserti ng/removing the batter y Removing the battery Be sure to h old down the po wer button u ntil the statu s indicato r goes off.
15 (ENG) V QT2M64 The unit is in the s tandb y conditi on when th e AC adap tor is conn ected. The primar y circuit is always “live” as long as the AC adaptor is connected to an ele ctrical outlet. Important: ≥ Use the supplie d AC adaptor . Do not use the AC adaptor of another dev ice.
16 VQT2M64 ( ENG) ∫ Chargin g/Recordin g time ≥ T emperature: 25 o C/humid ity: 60% Charging and recordin g time HDC-SD60 Battery mo del number [V oltage/ Cap acity (minimu m)] Charging time Maximum continuously record able t ime Actual reco rdabl e ti me Supplied ba tter y/ VW-VBK18 0 (option al) [3.
17 (ENG) V QT2M64 ≥ These times are approximatio ns. ≥ The indica ted cha rging time i s for wh en the batter y has been d ischarged completel y . Charging time and recordable time va ry depending on the usage conditions such as high/low temperature.
18 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Pre paratio n Setup 2 Recording to a card The unit can record still pictures or motion pi ctures to an SD card, built-in memory or HDD. T o record to an SD card, read the foll owing. Use SD cards confor ming to Class 4 or highe r of the SD Speed Class Rat ing * for motion pi cture recor ding.
19 (ENG) V QT2M64 Caution: Check tha t the a ccess lamp h as gone of f. 1 Open the LCD monitor . 2 Open the SD card cov er and inse rt (r emove ) the S D card into (from) the card slot B . ≥ Face the label sid e C in the direction shown in the ill ustrati on and press it straight in as far as it will go.
20 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Pre paratio n Setup 3 T urning th e unit on/off Y ou can turn t he power on and off usin g the powe r button or by opening a nd closing th e LCD monitor . Press the powe r button to turn on the power . A The sta tus indic ator li ghts.
21 (ENG) V QT2M64 Pre paratio n Setup 4 Selecting a mode Change the mode to recording or playback. Operate the mode s witch to ch ange the mod e to , or . Moti on pi ctur e reco rding mo de ( l 25) Still picture recor ding mode ( l 26) Playba ck mode ( l 28) HDCSD60&TM60&HS60EP-VQT 2M64_mst.
22 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Pre paratio n Setup 5 Adjusting LCD m onitor Y o u can ope rate by direc tly tou ching the LCD monitor (tou ch screen) with your fin ger . It is easier to us e the stylus pen (s upplied) for det ailed operat ion or if it is hard to operate wit h your finger s.
23 (ENG) V QT2M64 Pre paratio n Setup 6 Setting date a nd time When th e unit is turne d on for the fi rst time, a mes sage asking you to set the date and ti me will appear . Select [YES] an d perf orm st eps 2 to 3 below t o set t he d ate and time. ¬ Change the mode to or .
24 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Basic Recording/ Playback 1 Selecting a media to record [HDC-TM60/HDC-HS60] The card, bu ilt-in memory , and HDD media ca n be selected sep arately to record moti on pictures or still pictures. 1 Change the m ode to or . 2 Select the m enu.
25 (ENG) V QT2M64 Basic Recording/ Playback 2 R ecor din g moti on pictures 1 Change the m ode to . 2 Open the L CD monitor . 3 Press the recording sta rt/stop button to start re cording. A When you beg in recording, ; c hanges to ¥ . 4 Press the recording sta rt/stop button again to p ause recording.
26 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Basic Recording/ Playback 3 Recording still pictures 1 Change the m ode to . 2 Open the L CD monitor . 3 Press the button halfway . (For auto focus only) 4 Press the button fully .
27 (ENG) V QT2M64 Basic Recording/ Playback 4 Intelligent auto mode The following mode s appropriat e for the condit ion are set just by pointing the unit to what you want to rec ord.
28 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Basic Recording/ Playback 5 Motion picture/S till picture playback 1 Change the m ode to . 2 T ouch the pla y mode sele ct icon A . 3 T ouch the desire d media to be pl ayed back motion p ictures or still pictur es.
29 (ENG) V QT2M64 4 T ouch the sce ne or the s till picture to be played bac k. ≥ Next (previou s) p age can be display ed by touchin g /. 5 Select the p layback operation by touching the operation icon. A Operation ic on ≥ T ouch / to disp lay/not-dis play the operation icon.
30 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Basic Setup 1 Using the menu sc reen 1 Press the M ENU button. 2 T ouch the top m enu A . 3 T ouch the sub menu B . ≥ Next (p revious) page can be display ed by touching / . 4 T ouch the desired item to enter the setting. 5 T ouch [EXIT] or pre ss the MENU button to e xit the menu setting.
31 (ENG) V QT2M64 Advanced Recording (Advanced) 1 Zoom in/out function The maxi mum opti cal zoo m ratio is 25 k . The def ault setti ng of the [Z OOM MOD E] is [i.Zoo m 35 k ]. It can be extend ed to a maximum of 35 k during mot ion pictur e recording mode .
32 VQT2M64 ( ENG) If the number of the recording pixels is set to any thing ot her than the max imum number of recording pixels i n still picture recording mode , the still pictur e can be recorded with a zoom ratio of a maxi mum of 50 k without degr ading the pictur e qual ity .
33 (ENG) V QT2M64 Advanced Recording (Advanced) 2 Optical image st abilizer function Optical image sta bilizer can stabilize the image with out decreasing the image quality as much. ¬ Change the mode to or . ∫ Changing the optical i mage st abil izer func tion when in still picture recording mod e [MODE1]: The funct ion works all the ti me.
34 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Advanced Editing 1 Deleting scenes/s till pictures ¬ Change the mode to . ∫ Deleting multi ple sce nes/still pic tures from the th umbnail display 1 Press the button while the thumbnail view scre en is displa yed. 2 T ouch [ALL SCENES] or [SELE CT].
35 (ENG) V QT2M64 Advanced Editing 2 Form atting Please b e aware that if a me dium is formatt ed, then all the d ata r ecorded on the medium will be erased and cannot be restored. Back up important data on a PC, DVD disc etc . Select the m enu. ( l 30) ≥ When for matting is compl ete, touc h [EXIT] to exit the message screen.
36 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Advanced With a TV 1 W a tching V ideo/Pictur es on yo ur TV ≥ Use the supplied A V multi cable. Check the output settings when connecting the component termi nal or the video terminal with the A V multi cable. ≥ Use of the follo wing Panas onic HDMI mini cabl es is recommende d to connect the unit to the HDMI terminal.
37 (ENG) V QT2M64 ≥ Check th at the plugs are ins erted as f ar as they go. ≥ Do not use any other cable s except a genui ne P anasonic HDMI mini cable (RP -CDHM15, RP-CDHM30; optional) . ≥ Do not use any ot her A V multi cables except th e supplied one.
38 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Oth ers About co pyright ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws Recordi ng of pre-recor ded tap es or discs or other pu blished or broadcast material for purposes other than yo ur own private use ma y infrin ge copy right la ws. Even for the purpose of pri vate use, recording of cert ain mat erial ma y be restrict ed.
39 (ENG) V QT2M64 Oth ers Specifications High Definition Video Camera Inform ation for your safety Power s ource : DC 5.0 V (When us ing AC a daptor ) DC 3. 6 V (Whe n usin g batter y) Power consumptio n: Recording: 4.4 W 4.4 W 4.7 W Charging: 7.7 W 7.
40 VQT2M64 ( ENG) White balan ce adjus tmen t Auto tra cking white bala nce system St andard illumination 1,400 l x Minimum requi red illu minat ion Approx . 4 lx (1/25 in low ligh t mode) Approx . 1 lx with the colou r night vi ew functio n A V multi conn ector video output level A V video outpu t level: 1.
41 (ENG) V QT2M64 Motion pictures Mass in operation Appr ox. 299 g [with batt ery (suppli ed) and an SD card (option al)] Appr ox. 300 g [with batt ery (supplied)] Appr ox.
42 VQT2M64 ( ENG) Still pictures AC adaptor Inform ation for your safety S pecif ications may change wit hout prior not ice. Recording media SD card SD Memory C ard (FA T12 and F A T16 system comp lia.
43 (ENG) V QT2M64 Oth ers Reading th e Operating Instruc tions (PDF format ) ≥ Y ou have practi sed the basic ope rations introduc ed in these operat ing instruc tions and want to pro gress to adva nced operation s. ≥ Y ou want to check the T ro ubleshooting .
Panasonic Corporation Web site: Pursuant to at the directive 2004/108/EC, article 9(2) Panasonic Testing Centre Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, Germany © Panasonic Corporation 2010 EU HDCSD60&TM60&HS60EP-VQT 2M64_mst.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic HDC-SD60 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic HDC-SD60 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic HDC-SD60 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic HDC-SD60 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic HDC-SD60 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic HDC-SD60, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic HDC-SD60.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic HDC-SD60. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic HDC-SD60 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center