Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HC-V750 Panasonic
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Owner ’ s Manual High Definitio n Video Camera Model No. HC-W850 HC-V750 Please r ead these instructio ns carefull y before using th is product, and save this manual f or future use. SQT01 55 until 2014/1/28 Register online at ww w .p anasonic.c om/registe r (U.
- 2 - ∫ About the reco rding format for recording motion pictures Y ou c an select fro m A VCHD *1 , MP 4 or iFra me recording formats to reco rd motion pictur es using this unit. ( l 74 ) *1 It is compatible with the A VCHD Progre ssive (1 080/60 p).
- 3 - ∫ For the purpose s of this owner’ s manual ≥ SD Memory Card, SDHC Memor y Card and SDXC M emory Card are r eferre d to as the “SD card ”.
- 4 - Read this first ............. .......... ................ .......... 2 Prep aration Names a nd Functi ons of Main Parts ....... ..... 7 Power su pply........ ........... ................ .......... ... 11 Inserting/ removing t he battery ... ...
- 5 - Advanced (Playb ack) Playback Operati ons ................ ................ ... 85 Motion pi cture pla yback us ing operatio n icon ....... ............... ........... ....... 85 Creatin g still picture from motion pict ure ....... .............
- 6 - Wi- Fi Wi-F i ® f unction ..... ................ ........... ........... 132 [Link t o Cell] .... ........... ............... ........... ...... 134 Preparat ions before using [Link to Cell] .... ........... ................ .......... 134 Using [Link to Ce ll] with a direct co nnection .
- 7 - 1 Speaker 2 Shoe adapto r releas e lever [SHOE ADAPTOR RELEASE] ( l 213 ) 3 Recor ding/ playba ck bu tton [ / ] ( l 19 ) 4 Level Shot Fun ction button [ ] ( l 44 ) 5 Power bu tton [ ] ( l 18 ) 6.
- 8 - 16 Shoe adapto r moun ting part [SHOE ADAPTOR] ( l 213 ) 17 Status i ndic ato r ( l 18 , 163 ) 18 Reco rding st art/ stop bu tton ( l 24 ) 19 LCD m onitor (T ouch scre en) ( l 20 ) ≥ It can ope n up t o 90 o . ≥ It can rotate up to 180 o A towards the lens or 90 o B tow ards the opposit e direction.
- 9 - 28 Grip belt Adjust the len gth of the grip belt so that it fits your hand . 1 Flip the belt. 2 Adjust th e lengt h. 3 Replace the bel t. 29 Head phon e termi nal [ ] ( l 72 ) ≥ Excessi ve sound pr essure fro m earpho nes and headph ones ca n cause he aring lo ss.
- 10 - 31 Wi-Fi but ton [Wi-Fi ] ( l 134 , 140 , 14 3 , 150 , 152 , 156 , 171 , 174 ) 32 Wi-Fi Transmitte r ( l 133 ) 33 NFC touc h area [ ] ( l 136 , 144 ) 34 Sub Camera ( l 45 ) 35 Infrared light ( .
- 1 1 - ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit The ba ttery that can be used wit h this u nit is VW -VBT190/V W-VBT380 . ≥ The un it ha s a fu nction for distin guishi ng ba tteries which can b e used safely. The dedica ted batt ery (V W-VBT 190/VW-V BT380) s uppor t s th is func tion.
- 12 - Charging the battery The uni t is in the st andby con diti on wh en the A C adap tor i s conn ecte d. The pr imar y cir cuit is alw ays “live” as lon g as the A C adaptor is connected to an elec trical out let. Important: ≥ Do no t use t he AC ad aptor /DC cabl e with any oth er equi pment as it is d esigned only fo r this unit.
- 13 - ∫ T o charge by connectin g to other device It is po ssible to ch arge by co nnecting to other de vice with th e USB cabl e (suppli ed). Please r efer to page 189 . ≥ If th e st atus indi cato r fla shes at a p art icul arly fast or slow rate , refer to page 206 .
- 14 - Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recordin g time ≥ T em per ature : 25 o C (77 o F)/humidity: 60%RH ≥ Chargi ng time s in parenthes es are when charg ing from the USB terminal . ≥ Maximum continuo us recorda ble time s and ac tual recor dable tim es in parenth eses ar e when recording with the Sub Camera * .
- 15 - ≥ The in dicated chargin g time is for w hen the batter y has be en disch arged comple tely . Charging time an d record able time v ary dep ending o n the usag e cond itions s uch as hig h/ low tem perature.
- 16 - The unit can record still pictures or motion pic tures to an SD card. T o record to an SD card, read the following. Cards that you can use w ith this unit Use SD cards confor ming t o Class 4 o r high er of the SD Speed Class Ra ting* f or mo tion pictur e rec ording.
- 17 - Inserting/removing an SD c ard Caut ion: Check that th e access lamp h as gone off. 1 Open the S D card cover and i nsert (remove) the S D card into (from) the card slot B . ≥ Face the label side C in the directio n shown in the illustration and press it straight in as far as it will go.
- 18 - Y ou c an turn th e unit o n and off usi ng the po wer button or by opening an d closing the LCD monitor. Open the LCD monitor and press the power button to turn on the unit. A The status indica tor lights on. The uni t is turne d on wh en the LC D monit or is op ened, and unit is tu rned off when it is cl osed.
- 19 - Y ou c an switch t his unit b etween R ecording M ode (Mot ion Pict ure Record ing Mod e/S till Pict ure Record ing Mode) and Playb ack Mo de by press ing the recordi ng/playback button.
- 20 - T o display th e recording mode swi tching icon Display of the recor ding mode switching icon will d isappear when no tou ch operation is performe d for a spe cific period of time.
- 21 - About the T ouch Menu T ouch (lef t side )/ (right side) of on t he T ouch Menu to swit ch the operation icons. ≥ It is also possible to switch t he operation ic ons by sliding the T ouch Menu right or left while touching i t. B Y ou can ch ange the oper ati on icon s to dis play .
- 22 - The clock i s not set at the time of pur chase. Make sure to se t the clo ck. 1 Select the m enu. ( l 31 ) 2 T ouch the date or time to be set, then set the desired value u sing / . A Displa ying th e World Time setting ( l 32 ): [HOME]/ [DEST INA TION] ≥ The year can be se t betwee n 2000 an d 2039.
- 23 - ∫ Basi c ca mera posi tion ing 1 Hold th e unit with both han ds. 2 Put you r hand thr ough the grip be lt. 3 It is con venient to use the Recordin g button ic on A when h olding the unit at waist leve l. ≥ When recording, m ake sure your f ooting is stable and there is no danger o f colliding with another pers on or obje ct.
- 24 - 1 Open the L CD monitor , and set this unit to Mo tion Pic ture Reco rding Mode . ( l 19 ) 2 Press the rec ording start/stop button to start r ecording. A Record ing button icon B When you be gin re co rdin g, ; change s to ¥ . 3 Press the rec ording start/stop button again to pause recording.
- 25 - ≥ If the record ing/pla yback b utton i s press ed durin g moti on pict ure re cordin g, the r ecording will stop and th is unit will be sw itched to P laybac k Mode. ≥ T o change t he reco rding format, ch ange t he [ REC FORMA T ] or [REC MODE ].
- 26 - 1 Open the L CD monitor , and set this un it to Still Pi cture Recordi ng Mode. ( l 19 ) 2 Press the button h alfway . (For Auto Foc us only) Focus indication: 3 Press the button fu lly . ≥ If you set the Optical Imag e S tabilizer function ( l 64 ) to ([MODE1]) , then the Image S tabilizer function will be more effective.
- 27 - ∫ About the screen indic ations in Still Picture Rec ording Mode ∫ About the focusing area When ther e is a co ntrasting object ahe ad or beh ind the subject i n the focus area, the subject m ay not be fo cused. I f so, move t he cont rasting obj ect out o f the focus area.
- 28 - 1 Set this unit to P layback Mod e ( l 19 ). 2 T ouch th e play mode se lect i con A ( l 21 ). ≥ Y ou c an also set b y touch ing , selecti ng [VIDEO SETUP] or [PICT . SETU P] # [MEDI A, VIDEO/PICTURE ]. ( l 31 ) 3 Select the still picture C or the recording format of th e moti on pictur e D you wish to play back.
- 29 - 5 T ouch the scene or the still pictur e to be played b ack. ≥ T o display the n ext (previous) page: j Slide the thumb nail displa y upward ( downwar d) while t ouching it. j Switch the T ouch Men u, and then t ouch (up) / (dow n) on the thumbnai l scroll lever .
- 30 - ≥ Sound will be heard only during normal playback. ≥ If pause pl ay is conti nued for approx. 5 minute s, the scree n returns to the t humbnails .
- 31 - ≥ T o uch (left sid e)/ (righ t side) of on the T o uch Men u to display . ( l 21 ) 1 To u c h . 2 T ouch the top me nu A . 3 T ouch th e submenu B . ≥ Next (p revious) page is dis played by to uching /. 4 T ouch the desired item to enter th e setting.
- 32 - Set the display meth od for the screen informatio n display. Please r efer to page 22 . It is po ssible to d isplay an d record t he time at the tra vel destin ation by selecting your hom e region and t he travel destinati on. 1 Select the menu.
- 33 - 4 (Only wh en sett ing the reg ion of your travel destinat ion) T o uch [D ESTIN A TI ON]. ≥ T ouch [ENTER]. ≥ When t he home reg ion is set for the first time, the sc reen for s electing h ome/travel de stination appears after settin g the hom e regio n successi vely .
- 34 - It is po ssible to ch ange the date and time disp lay mod e. ≥ The date an d time are not di splayed wh ile the recordi ng mode switchi ng icon is disp layed. ( l 19 ) ≥ When t he T ouch Shu tter is e nabled, the recor ding mode switching i con is constantly d isplayed.
- 35 - When abou t 5 min utes have pass ed wit hout any o peration, t his unit a utomati cally turn s off to save battery life . ≥ This unit will not a utomatically turn off even if [ECONOMY (BA TT)] is set to [ON] in following cases: j Using the A C adaptor* j Using th e USB ca ble for P C etc.
- 36 - This u nit is put into record ing pause approx. 0. 6 secon ds after the L CD monito r is reo pened. ≥ When in Quick St art Standby M ode ab out 50% of the power used in recor ding pause mo de is bein g consum ed, so t he recordin g time w ill be re duced.
- 37 - T ouch screen operation, starting and sto pping of recor ding and unit on/off can be confi rmed with th is soun d. When [O FF] is selec ted, the sou nd is not o utput at th e start/end o f recording , etc. 2 Beeps for 4 times When an er ror oc cu rs, f ollo w the inst ruct ions disp la yed on the scre en.
- 38 - This make s it easier to view t he LCD m onitor i n bright pla ces includ ing outdoo rs. ≥ These setting s will not affect the images actu ally recorded. ≥ When t he AC ada ptor is in use, the L CD moni tor is set to au tomatica lly . ≥ Record able time w ith the ba ttery is shortened when th e LCD is m ade bri ghter .
- 39 - Set to [ YES] for cha nging the m enu setting s back to th e default co ndition. ≥ Settings for [CLOCK SET] and [LANGUAGE] will not be chang ed. ≥ If you restor e the default setting s, this unit will switch to the Motion Pictu re Recording Mode.
- 40 - Set the file num ber of the MP4/iFr ame and still picture recorded next to 0001. ≥ Folder number is u pdated and file number will start from 0001. ( l 190 ) ≥ T o reset the folder num ber, format the SD c ard, and t hen perfo rm [NUMBER RESET].
- 41 - The used space and re maining recordab le time o f the SD c ard can be checked . ≥ The rem aining r ecordable time in t he curren tly set Rec ording Mode is displayed only in t he Motion P icture Re cording M ode. ≥ T ouch [EXIT] to close the i ndication.
- 42 - This ite m is use d to start the unit demon stration . ≥ If [DEMO MODE] i s switched to [ON] an d you touch [EXIT] whe n there i s no SD ca rd inserted and while this unit i s connected to the A C adapt or, the demon stration au tomatically starts.
- 43 - A Zoom bar ≥ Maximum zoom r atio for re cording motion pi ctures can be set w ith [ZOO M MODE]. ( l 73 ) ∫ About the zoo m bar The zoom bar is displayed during the zoom operation. ∫ About the zoo m speed ≥ The zoom speed va ries dep ending on the ra nge over w hich t he zoom lev er is mo ved.
- 44 - This fu nction de tects the hor izontal tilt o f the unit, and au tomatically corre cts it to the lev el posit ion. ≥ The ic on change s when the t ilt exceed s the co rrection ra nge. ≥ When t he tilt exc eeds the co rrection range, m ove the un it to the position w here / is displayed.
- 45 - Using t he Sub Came ra and th e Main Ca mera, you can record two images simultaneously . (T win Camera) Use th e Sub C amera to enjoy r ecordin g yourse lf, a f amily m ember next to you or scener y diffe rent fr om that s een f rom the M ain Came ra.
- 46 - ∫ Displaying o r hiding the Sub W indow T ouch . ≥ Each tim e you touch the icon, yo u can di splay or hi de the Sub W indow. ≥ When t he Sub Wi ndow i s hidden, th e image of the S ub Camera will not be reco rded. To exit the Twin Cam era fun ctio n Rotate the S ub Camera to a posit ion in the ra nge C ( 0 e to appr oximatel y 30 e ).
- 47 - Changing and adjusting the settings of the Su b Camera and the S ub Window ∫ Changing the size of the S ub Win dow Select the menu. * Y ou can select this item only if you e nable either of t.
- 48 - ∫ Setting and a djusting the color bala nce, brightnes s, and focus 1 T ouch Sub Window . 2 To u c h . 3 T ouch th e icon y ou want to s et or a djust. * In Mo tion Pictur e Recor ding Mode only 4 (When [WB] is t ouched ) T ouch / to select White Bal ance Mode.
- 49 - 1 T ouch the Recor ding Mode but ton icon . 2 T ouch th e desi red Recor ding M ode butt on ic on. *1 In Mo tion Pictur e Recor ding Mode only *2 In S till Picture Recording M ode only Advanced.
- 50 - The fol lowing m odes (appr opriate for the con dition) are set just by pointing the unit to what you w ant to rec ord. *1 In Mo tion Pictur e Recor ding Mode only *2 In S till Picture Recording M ode only ≥ Dependi ng on the recording conditio ns, the unit may no t enter the desire d mode.
- 51 - ∫ Intelligent Aut o Mode When switching to Intelligent Auto Mode, the Automatic White Balance and Auto Focus operate and automatica lly ad just the colo r balan ce and focu sing. Depen ding on the bright ness of the subject e tc., the aperture and shutte r spee d are aut omatical ly adjuste d for an o ptimum br ightness .
- 52 - Please r efer to page 50 for de tails about the effect o f each mod e. (Portrai t)/ ( Scener y)/ (Spotli ght) *1 /( L o w L i g h t ) *1 / (Nigh t Portrait) *2 / (Nigh t Scener y) *2 /( M a c r.
- 53 - 1 T ouch to adjus t the h orizo nt al pos ition of the in-focus portion . ≥ If you tou ch the s creen, you can ad just the horizontal position of the i n-focus po rtion. ≥ When n o touch op erations are per formed fo r approxim ately 1 second, [Reset], [SIZE], and [E NTER] are displayed.
- 54 - 1 (Whe n adj usti ng the brig htn ess) To u c h . ≥ The level of brigh tness is sw itched ev ery time you touch the icon . (S ta ndar d) # (Bright ) # (Dark) 2 (Whe n adj usti ng the colo r bal ance) To u c h . ≥ The level of co lor balance is switched every time you touch the ic on.
- 55 - ≥ Chan ge the Re cordin g Mode to . ( l 49 ) T ouch the desired Scene Mode. ≥ T ouch [ENTER]. ≥ (Sports/Portrait /Soft Skin/Spotlight/Sn ow/Beach /Sunset/Sce nery) j The shu tter spe ed is 1/ 8 or more in S till Picture R ecordi ng Mode. ≥ (Sun set/L ow Ligh t) j The shu tter speed is 1/30 o r more in Motion Picture Re cording Mode.
- 56 - ≥ (Firew orks) j The shu tter speed is 1/30. j Image m ay get w ashed out when recor ded in b right surr ounding . ≥ (Nigh t Scener y/Nigh t Portra it) j The shu tter spe ed is 1/ 2 or more in S till Picture R ecordi ng Mode. j Using a tripod is recom mended.
- 57 - ≥ The sound of t he part s recorded as FULL HD Slow Motion Video will not be recorded ( will be displaye d during th e recordin g). ≥ In FULL HD Slow M otion Video Mode, still pictures cannot be recorded. ≥ In FUL L HD Slow Motion Video M ode, im ages and so und are no t output fr om this u nit to ano ther device.
- 58 - ≥ Chan ge the Re cordin g Mode to . ( l 49 ) 1 Press the but ton to record th e still pictures. ( l 26 ) 2 T ouch [E nter]. ≥ A still picture will be recorded, and it will b e displayed in a semi-trans parent state on the recording screen. L ook at t he picture to estima te how far you sho uld mov e the subjec t for th e next recor ding.
- 59 - ≥ The Ma nual Fo cus, Wh ite Balan ce, Shu tter Speed , Brig htness (Iris an d Gain) s ettin gs are retained when you chan ge betw een Mot ion Pictu re Record ing Mode a nd Still Pic ture Reco rding Mo de. Push the Multi Manual Dial to switch to Manual Mode.
- 60 - White Bala nce Automa tic White B alance fun ction ma y not repr oduce nat ural colo rs dep ending on the scen es or lighting conditions. If so, you can adjust the White Balance manually . ≥ Switch to Manua l Mode. ( l 59 ) ≥ For in forma tion on how to set it ems with the Mu lti Ma nual Di al, refe r to page 59 .
- 61 - Manual shutter spee d/iris adjustment Shutte r Sp eed: Adjust it w hen rec ording fast-moving subjects. Iris: Adjust it when the screen is too brigh t or too d ark. ≥ Switch to Manua l Mode. ( l 59 ) ≥ For in forma tion on how to set it ems with the Mu lti Ma nual Di al, refe r to page 59 .
- 62 - Manual Focus adjus tment If auto fo cusing is d ifficult du e to the co nditions, the n use M anual Focu s. ≥ Switch to Manua l Mode. ( l 59 ) ≥ For in forma tion on how to set it ems with the Mu lti Ma nual Di al, refe r to page 59 . 1 (When MF assist fu nction is used) Select the menu.
- 63 - Y ou c an record using conve nient fu nctions just by the ea sy operation of tou ching the sc reen. 1 T ouch (left si de)/ (right side) of on the T ouch Menu to display T ouch Func tion icons. ( l 21 ) 2 T ouch th e T ouch F unction icon. (e.g.
- 64 - Use the Image Stabilizer to reduce the eff ects of shake d uring recording. This unit is equipped with Hybrid Optical Image Stabilizer . Hybrid Optical Image S tabilizer is a hybrid of Optical and Electrical Ima ge S tabilizer . T ouch to sw itch the Imag e St abilizer on/off.
- 65 - It is poss ible t o set the fo cus and expo sure to the subje ct sp ecifi ed on the tou ch sc reen . The fo cus and ex posur e will keep followi ng the s ubject automatic ally even if it mo ves. 1 To u c h . ≥ An icon is displayed B . 2 T ouch the object and lock the t a rget.
- 66 - In Moti on Pictur e Recor ding Mode , you ca n furthe r improv e optica l image stabiliza tion by touch ing and hold ing . With th is func tion, yo u can furth er redu ce the effects of th e shake t hat ten ds to oc cur wh en using zoom. 1 T ouch to turn the Image Stabili zer on.
- 67 - Select th e operatio n icons to add di fferent effects to the images to b e recorde d. 1 T ouch (left si de)/ (right side) of on the T ouch Menu to display the operati on icons . ( l 21 ) 2 T ouch an operation icon. (e.g. PRE-REC) ≥ The op eratio n icons that are display ed in the T ouch M enu can be chan ged.
- 68 - When you start rec ording , the im age/aud io gradu ally appear s. (Fad e in) When you pause rec ording , the im age/aud io grad ually disa ppears.
- 69 - This al lows r ecording of the pictur es and sound to start ap proximat ely 3 second s before the recor ding start/ stop bu tton is presse d. ≥ appears o n the s creen. ≥ Aim t he unit at the s ubject b eforehan d. ≥ There is no bee p sound.
- 70 - Reduces the p henomen a whe re human eyes be come r ed fro m flashe s. ≥ The flash is acti vated 2 time s. ≥ The red -eye p henomeno n tends to appear i n certain re cording conditio ns and mor e with so me people than wi th others.
- 71 - It is possible to record with illumination even in dark pl aces. Each time th e icon is select ed, the ind ication chang es by one s etting in the following ord er . ([ON]) # ([AUTO]) # ([ OFF] ) ≥ When the battery is low and the light canno t be lit, the will be displayed on the screen.
- 72 - ≥ Using a trip od is recommen ded. ≥ In darker areas, A uto Focus ma y focus a bi t slowe r . T his is nor mal. Night Mode ([COLO R]) ≥ Record ed scen e is se en as if frames wer e misse d. ≥ If set in a bright p lace, th e screen m ay become washed out for a wh ile.
- 73 - This functio n is identical t o Scene Mod e in Recording M ode. ( l 49 ) The shut ter spe ed and ap erture, e tc. are aut omatical ly adju sted to ma tch the scene you wa nt to record. ≥ This ite m is displ ayed in the menu only when [Time Lapse Rec] in Crea tive Cont rol Mod e is set.
- 74 - ≥ The l arger the digital zoom magn ificatio n, the mor e the im age qual ity is de grade d. ≥ This fu nction cann ot be u sed in Still Picture Recordi ng Mode. Swit ch th e reco rdin g fo rmat o f moti on pi ctur e. ≥ This function’s default s etting is [A VCHD] mode.
- 75 - ≥ Record able time u sing th e battery ( l 14 ) ≥ This funct ion’s default setting is [ HG] mode. ≥ Please r efer to page 21 1 for de tails about approxima te recorda ble time . ≥ When t he unit is moved a lo t or m oved quickly, or when a fast-m oving su bject is re corded, mosaic- type noise may app ear at pl ayback.
- 76 - This functio n displays the horizontal/ver tica l tilt of the unit with the ele ctronic level. ∫ T o correct the tilt ≥ The hor izontal ti lt display A and vertical tilt dis play B appe ar yellow w hen the re is a ti lt, and appear green when th ere is a lmost no tilt.
- 77 - Y ou c an record bright pictu res eve n in dark pla ces by slo wing the shutter sp eed. ≥ Switch to Manua l Mode. ( l 59 ) ≥ The shut ter spe ed is set to 1/30 or more de pending on the su rroundi ng bright ness. ≥ This fu nction cann ot be u sed in Still Picture Recordi ng Mode.
- 78 - This will change the set ting of the Image Stabilizer function to the one appropr iate for the recording when a W ide Con version Lens (optio nal) is a ttached to this unit.
- 79 - Y ou can set the built-in mi crophone 's sound qual ity as appropr iate for th e scene you want to re cord. ≥ Set [MIC SETUP] to [SURROUND] or [STEREO MIC]. ( l 80 ) 1 Select the menu. 2 (When [Cus tomize] is selected ) Select the desired item.
- 80 - (When [Directional] is selected in S tep 2) Select an item. 4 T ouch [E XIT] . ≥ appears on the screen. ≥ Dependi ng on the recording conditio n or sound quality, the desired effect may not be achiev ed. ≥ The opt ion is set to [Auto] when an extern al micropho ne is co nnected.
- 81 - ≥ If you w ish to r ecord highe r qualit y sound an d maintain realism e ven when zo oming in, for instance, when recording a music recital, we recommend setting [MIC SETUP] to [SURROUND]. ≥ [MIC SETUP] will become [STE REO MIC] when the [REC F ORMA T] is se t to [MP4/iFrame].
- 82 - Adjust th e quality of the i mage whi le recordin g. Adjust by output ting to a TV while adjusting the qual ity of the i mage. ≥ This se tting is retained when yo u chan ge betw een Mot ion Picture Recordi ng Mode a nd Still Pict ure Reco rding Mode.
- 83 - 5 Push the Multi Manual Dial to set. ≥ appears on the screen. The high er the number o f pixels, t he high er the cl arity of the picture when pri nting. ≥ The num ber of re cording pixels th at can be se t changes depend ing on selec ted scre en aspect ratio.
- 84 - This allo ws you to select the a spect r atio of the pictures to suit p rinting or t he playb ack method . ≥ This funct ion’s default setting is [ 16:9]. ≥ When t he aspect r atio is set to [4:3] or [3 :2], black ba nds ma y appear o n the left and right of th e screen.
- 85 - Motion picture playback using operation icon For detail s on the b asic playb ack operat ions, re fer to page 28 . Advanced (Playback ) Playback Operations Play back op erat ion Playb ack di sp.
- 86 - Creating still picture from motion picture A single frame from th e recorded motion p icture can be saved as a still picture. For scenes recorde d in A VCHD or MP 4/iFrame, still pictures in (1920 k 1080) a re record ed, and for scenes sa ved in MP4 (Low Qua lity), still pictures in (640 k 360) are record ed.
- 87 - Highlight & T ime Frame Index An imag e of one sc ene is di splayed a s a thu mbnail a t set search conditio n. Scene can be pl ayed back from any midway p oint of the scene y ou wish to see . ≥ Operat e the zo om lever t o sid e and c hange ove r the thumbn ail display t o Highligh t & Time Frame I ndex.
- 88 - Resuming the previous pla yback If playb ack of a sce ne was stopp ed half way , th e playback ca n be resu med from where it was stopped. If playb ack of a mo tion pictu re is stopp ed, appe ars on the thumb nail view of the sto pped scene.
- 89 - Zooming in on a sti ll picture during play back (Playback zoom ) Y ou can zoom in by touching a still p icture during playb ack. 1 T ouch and hold the part you wish to zoom in on du ring still picture playback. ≥ It will d isplay enla rged in order of n ormal di splay ( k 1) # k 2 # k 4 .
- 90 - Playing bac k motion pictur es/still pictures by dat e The scen es or the st ill pictures record ed on the same day c an be pl ayed back in successio n. 1 T ouch the date select icon. ( l 21 ) 2 T ouch the playback date. The scen es or the st ill pictu res record ed on the date se lected are displayed as thumbn ails.
- 91 - Highlight Playback Part th at was r ecognized as c learly re corded is extracte d from m ultiple scene s, and it can be p layed back or sto red in a sh ort time wi th effects and m usic added. It is also po ssible to crea te an origin al Highlig ht Pl ayback by checkin g your favo rite scenes and setting up to extr act thos e scenes.
- 92 - ∫ Setting up the custom effect It is po ssible to e njoy the H ighlight Playback wi th your favorite effect by setting up the combination of an i mage effect and m usic. 1 T o uch [C USTOM ]. 2 T ouch [EFFE CT SETUP] or [MUSI C SELECT] . 3 (When [EFFECT SETUP] is sele cted) T ouch the desired effect.
- 93 - T ouch [ SET] to select the item to change. *1 If you tou ch [SET] of Highl ight Playback wh en the Baby Cal endar is di splayed, [SELECT DA TE] and [SELECT SCENES] will not be available. ( l 101 ) *2 If you touch [SET] of Highlight Playback when the Baby Calendar is displayed, these items will not be d isplayed.
- 94 - ∫ Che cking the f avo rite scen es 1 T ouch the scenes to be played back. 2 T ouch [Add] and add the f avorite part. ≥ Approximately 4 second s before and after touching [Add ] will be added a s favor ite. ≥ Number o f favorit e scenes th at can be a dded are 1 to 14.
- 95 - ∫ Playback ti me setting T ouch the playback time. ≥ The playb ack time of [AUTO] is a maximu m of appr ox. 5 min utes. ≥ Playback tim e may become shorter than the setting , or it may not even be played ba ck if the part recogniz ed as clea rly recorded is s hort.
- 96 - The scen es put toge ther as a Highligh t Playback can be saved as a single sce ne. The reco rded scen es can be sa ved in the SD card. 1 Stop the playback of the Highlight Playback or wait until the Highlight Playback is finished. 2 To u c h [ S AV E ] .
- 97 - Manual Edit Y ou can j oin desired scenes or parts of scenes in the order t hey were recorded t o play bac k or save as a single scene with mu sic added. ≥ Manual Edit cann ot be use d for MP4/iF rame s cenes. 1 Select the menu. 2 T ouch [1080/60p] or [1080/60i].
- 98 - ≥ Y ou c an also sel ect combin ations of sce nes and parts of scenes. ≥ Y ou c an select up to 99 scenes. (Each 3 second th umbnai l of part of a scene is treated as a single sc ene.) ≥ Y ou c an create a combined scene o f up to ab out 6 hou rs long.
- 99 - 4 (T o select t humbnail s by spec ifying a ran ge) T o uch [R ange ]. ≥ T o cancel th e operatio n, touc h it agai n. 5 (T o select t humbnail s by spec ifying a ran ge) T ouch the ran ge (st art and finis h point s) yo u want to play back.
- 100 - ∫ T o save a manually -edited scen e Y ou c an save ma nually ed ited scen es as a sing le scene. The reco rded scen es can be sa ved in the SD card. 1 Stop the playback of a manu ally-edited scene or wait until the playback is finished. 2 To u c h [ S AV E ] .
- 101 - Baby Calendar When a baby’s birth day and na me are r egistere d, scenes r ecorded sin ce the b aby’s birthd ay are displaye d as thumb nails for each age in mont hs. ≥ Scenes r ecorded b efore the birthd ay are not displayed . ≥ Scenes w ith no b aby in them are als o displaye d.
- 102 - ≥ If you tou ch the n ame displ ay , the screen for selecti ng a reg istered bab y is displ ayed. Fr om among th e 3 regi stered ba bies, se lect the bab y you wan t to displ ay , a nd touch [E NTER]. If you tou ch a na me with no r egistered birthda y ([ Baby 1 ]/[Baby 2 ]/[Baby 3]), you can register a new ba by .
- 103 - Changing the playback settings and play ing back the slide show 1 To u c h . ( l 21 ) 2 (Only wh en you w ould like to change the set tings) T ouch [SE T] to select the item to change. * Setting is not po ssible w hen the o peration i n Step 1 is perfor med wh ile thumbna ils in t he Stop Motion A nimation A ssist Mode a re disp layed.
- 104 - (Whe n [MUS IC SE LECT ] is s elec ted) T ouch th e desi red sound . ≥ T o uch [ENTER]. ≥ [USER BGM ] lets you u se the music stor ed on you r smartph one. T o set [USER BGM ], use the Wi-Fi func tion [Link to C ell] and create Highlig ht Playback fro m the smartph one app “Im age App”.
- 105 - Playing bac k still pictures recorded in S top Motion Animat ion Assist Mo de as a slide show ≥ For detail s on reco rding in S top Motion Animati on Assist M ode, refe r to page 58 . 1 To u c h . ≥ The record ing group cre ated most recently in Stop Motion Animatio n Assist Mode is displayed .
- 106 - ¬ Press the recording/playback button to switch this unit to the Playback Mode. ∫ T o delete the scene o r still pic ture being played bac k T ouch while scenes o r still pictures to be deleted are being played back.
- 107 - When you stop deleti ng hal fway: T ouch [CANCEL] wh ile deleting. ≥ The scenes o r still pictures that ha ve already been delete d when the deletion is canceled ca nnot be restor ed.
- 108 - Deleting p art of a sc ene (A VCHD) Unnecessary part of an AVCHD scene can be deleted. The de leted scenes c annot be rest ored. ≥ Press the recor ding/p layback button to switc h this un it to the Playba ck Mode , and to uch the play mo de select ic on.
- 109 - Dividing a scene (A VCHD) It is possible to divide an A VCHD scene. Any unwa nted parts in the scene c an be deleted aft er dividin g. ≥ Press the recor ding/p layback button to switc h this un it to the Playba ck Mode , and to uch the play mo de select ic on.
- 1 10 - Dividing a sce ne to p artially delet e (MP4/iFram e) Divide th e MP4/iF rame s cenes, and delete u nnecessar y parts. This div ides the recorded scenes in tw o and de letes the fr ont hal f or back h alf. The sce nes d elete d by dividi ng cann ot b e resto red.
- 1 1 1 - Protecting scenes/s till pictures Scenes/s till pictu res can be protected so that they are n ot dele ted by mistak e. (Even if you pr otect so me scenes /still pic tures, f ormattin g the med ia will de lete them .) ≥ Press the recor ding/p layback button to switc h this un it to the Playba ck Mode .
- 1 12 - Before copying, convert A V CHD or MP4 scenes to those with the image quality (MP4 (High Quality): 1280 k 72 0/30p or MP 4 (Low Quality) : 640 k 360/30p ) that su pports play back on a PC or u ploadin g on the i nternet. ≥ Scen es re cord ed in iF rame o r sav ed as MP4 (L ow Qual it y) cann ot be conve rted to MP4 .
- 1 13 - Y ou can con vert the playback speed of parts record ed in FULL H D Slow Moti on Video Mode ( l 56 ) to 1/4 no rmal sp eed, and c opy the m. Once conver ting scene s record ed in FULL H D Slow Moti on Video Mode , you can play them back on another devic e at 1/4 no rmal sp eed.
- 1 14 - ≥ Use the HDMI mini cable (s upplied ). ≥ HDMI is th e inter face for dig ital devic es. If you co nnect th is unit to a HDMI c ompatible hi gh- definitio n TV and then play bac k the reco rded high- definiti on images , you can enj oy them in h igh resolu tion with h igh qual ity sound.
- 1 15 - ≥ Check th e input set ting (inp ut swi tch) and th e audio i nput settin g on th e TV . (F or more inform ation, plea se read the oper ating ins truction s for the T V .) 3 Change the mode to to play back. ≥ When this unit is co nnected to a TV , no image will be displaye d on the TV in the fo llowing cases.
- 1 16 - Connecting with a HDMI mini ca ble Select th e desired m ethod of HDMI outp ut. ≥ [AUTO] dete rmines the output resolut ion automa tically based on in formati on from th e connecte d TV .
- 1 17 - ¬ Press the recording/playback button to switch this unit to the Playback Mode. 1 Select the menu. ≥ If you are not using VIERA Link, set to [OFF].
- 1 18 - 3 Operate with the remote con trol for the TV . ≥ Y ou can se lect the sc ene or pi cture you wa nt to pla y back by press ing the b utton up, d own, left or right, and then the button in the cent er . ≥ The following operations are ava ilable by pressing the color buttons on the remote control.
- 1 19 - ≥ In this Owner ’s Manual, “USB hard disk drive” is indicated as “USB HDD”. If you connect a USB HDD (commercially-available) to this unit b y using a USB Connection Cable (commercially-availa ble), you can copy m otion pictures and still pictures recorde d on this unit to a USB HDD.
- 120 - 1 (When using a de sktop HDD) Connect the AC adaptor (suppl ied with USB HDD) to the USB HDD. ≥ If you are us ing a bus-powered or portable USB HDD, this unit can supply power to the USB HDD by USB Connection Cable (commercially-available).
- 121 - ∫ Points to check before copying ≥ When using a USB HDD f or the first time, or usi ng a USB HDD that has been used with other d evices, first run [FO RMA T MEDIA]. ≥ Before copying, go to [MEDIA ST A TUS] to check the a mount of free space on the USB HDD.
- 122 - Simple copy 1 Connect this un it to the USB HDD to p repare for copying. ( l 11 9 ) 2 T ouch [S imple cop y]. ≥ When [Copy selected files] or [Playback HDD] is selected, terminate the connection with the USB HDD ( l 123 ), and th en perfor m the ope ration of Step 1.
- 123 - Playing bac k the USB HDD ≥ Only moti on pict ure/stil l picture t hat hav e been c opied by c onnect ing this un it to th e USB HDD or copied with HD Writer AE 5.
- 124 - ≥ It is also possible to switch t he med ia to pla y back by to uching t he play mod e select icon. When the USB HDD is connected, the (USB HDD) can be selected from the displayed media types. ( l 28 ) ≥ The scenes you have sav ed in Highlight Playback during playback of the USB HDD are save d in the SD ca rd.
- 125 - ≥ Blu-ray record ers are n ot sold in U S. ∫ Check before dubbing Chec k the equi pment use d for d ubbin g. * Some equipment may not be compatible with high -definition (A VCHD) pictu re quality . In such a case, c onnect wi th the C omposite video ca ble (commerc ially-a vailable) and dub wi th standard picture quality .
- 126 - ∫ T o dub using equipmen t with an SD card s lot Y ou c an dub by directly i nsertin g an SD c ard. ∫ T o dub using equipmen t with a USB terminal Y ou c an dub by connecting a USB cab le. ≥ Use the AC adap tor to free you from worrying about the batte ry running down.
- 127 - 3 Dubbing through opera tions on the Bl u-ray disc r ecorder or h igh-def inition (A VCHD) compatible DVD r ecorder . ≥ Do not us e any othe r USB cab les except the supplied one.
- 128 - ∫ Dubbing using equipment w ithout an SD card slot o r a USB terminal, or using a v ideo dev ice Y ou c an dub by connecting a n Co mposite vi deo cable (commerci ally-av ailable). ≥ Images are du bbed in standard qu ality . ≥ Use the AC adap tor to free you from worrying about the batte ry running down.
- 129 - By usi ng an Eye -Fi card ( commercia lly-avail able), you can rec ord moti on picture s and st ill pictures on the ca rd, and save them on a PC or uplo ad them o n a file- sharing web site via a wirele ss network. ≥ Insert an Eye -Fi card ( commerci ally av ailable) to the u nit.
- 130 - ∫ Using Eye-Fi d irect mod e The files can be tran sferred dire ctly from the Eye-Fi card to a smartp hone with out going through the wireless acces s point when necessary se tting is perform ed in a PC in advance. ≥ Install the software supplied with the Eye-Fi card on your PC, and configure the Eye- Fi direct mode s ettings.
- 131 - ≥ The Ey e-Fi menu only ap pears w hen an E ye-Fi ca rd is used. ≥ The Ey e-Fi transf er fea ture canno t be guar anteed to continue to opera te in th e future d ue to changes t o the card specificati on etc. ≥ Update th e firmwar e of the Eye-Fi card to th e latest o ne usin g the so ftware supplied with the Eye- Fi card b efore use.
- 132 - ∫ Use this unit as a wi reless LA N device When using equipment or compu ter systems t hat requir e more reliable security than wireles s LAN devices, ensure th at the app ropria te measure s are taken f or safe ty designs an d defects for the systems used.
- 133 - ∫ This unit is WPS-comp atible WPS (Wi -Fi Pro tected S etup™) is a function that allo ws you to easily set up a conn ection wi th a wireless LAN de vice and ma ke security-relat ed sett ings. ≥ This uni t cannot b e used to connect to a publi c wireless LAN conn ection.
- 134 - Using a smar tphone, you can perform reco rd/play back operati ons from a rem ote location or up load motion pictures an d still pictures re corded in this un it on SNS (Social N etworking Service ).
- 135 - Usin g NFC, you c an ea sily set up a dir ect c onnec tion betw een this un it an d th e smar tphon e. ∫ If the devic e is Android (NFC-c omp atible) Use NFC to set up a direct connection between this unit and the smartphone. ≥ Proceed to “Using [Link to Cell] with a d irect con nection”.
- 136 - Using [Link to Cell ] with a direct connec tion ∫ If the devic e is Android (NFC-c omp atible) ≥ Set t he NFC fu nctio n of th e sma rtpho ne to ON. 1 St art up th e smart phone ap plicat ion “Im age App” . 2 T ouch th e smart phone on of this unit.
- 137 - Using [Link t o Cell] wit h a wirel ess access point connection ∫ If the devic e is Android (NFC-c omp atible) ≥ Set t he NFC fu nctio n of th e sma rtpho ne to ON.
- 138 - About [Link to Cell] Smartp hone scree n shots are e xample displayed in Motio n Picture Recording M ode and P laybac k Mode . ≥ Depe ndin g on y our OS or th e ve rsion of th e smar tph one ap pl icati on “ Image App” , the s cree ns may differ fro m the ones above .
- 139 - ∫ In Recording M ode ≥ Recording motion pictures/still pictures ≥ Selecting a mode ≥ Using th e zoom (Ava ilable in th e medium or fast speed) ≥ Swit chi ng bet ween t he Re cordi ng.
- 140 - Y ou c an use your smartpho ne to c heck on you r baby being mon itored by this uni t when you a re in another ro om. Th e smartphon e and this unit can be used l ike radio tr ansceiver s, allowin g the users to have a conversatio n by taking tur ns.
- 141 - Using [Baby Monitor] 1 Press Wi-Fi button and touch [Baby Moni tor]. ≥ The SSID of the wireless ac cess poin t to which this unit is conne cted is dis played. 2 Connect the smartphone to a wireless access point. ≥ T o connect it, se lect the SS ID of the wireless a cce ss poin t displayed o n the scre en of th is unit.
- 142 - T ouch [Setup] on the screen of this unit, and select the item you want to set. ∫ [Notification Se tup] This se ts whether to s end a notificatio n to the sm artpho ne when a sound is detected. ∫ [Notification T est] This tests if a notific ation can be sent to th e smartph one when a sound is detected.
- 143 - Y ou c an confir m the re cording screen of t his uni t from ou tside usi ng a smart phone . Prep arations before using [Home Cam] 1 Check if the wireless access point is comp atible with IEEE802.1 1b /g/n. 2 Install the smartphone application “Image App” on your smartphone .
- 144 - Using [Home Cam] ≥ Perform the ho me monitor ing o peration on the sma rtphon e. ( l 148 ) ≥ When the firew all is t urned on, the Wi-Fi f unction may not work correctly . If this occ urs, check the network se ttings. ∫ If the devic e is Android (NFC-c omp atible) ≥ Set t he NFC fu nctio n of th e sma rtpho ne to ON.
- 145 - 5 Selec t [Set conn ect. dest .] of th e smartphon e. 6 Enter the D evice ID and Password displayed on the screen of this un it into the smartphone. ≥ When t he entry is c omplete , select [ OK] (on y our Androi d device) or [Com plete] (on your iO S device).
- 146 - ∫ If the devic e is Android (NFC-c omp atible) ≥ Set t he NFC fu nctio n of th e sma rtpho ne to ON. 1 St art up th e smart phone ap plicat ion “Im age App” . ≥ When a Wi-F i conn ect ion g uida nce s c reen is displa yed, select [NO ].
- 147 - An image or sound may be i nterrupte d or a connectio n may be disco nnected dep ending on t he line state. Set [ IMAGE QUALITY] w ith this unit or the smartp hone app lication “ Image App” by usi ng the following values o f the recom mended optimal s peed (upstre am) as a guide.
- 148 - Refer to [Help] in the “ Image A pp” menu about how to o perat e. What you c an operate/se t with a sma rtphone du ring home monitoring ∫ What you ca n operate wit h a smartphon e Confirm t he condit ion inside the house The mon itoring video can be confirm ed.
- 149 - ≥ Setti ng can not be perf orm ed whi le op eratin g moni torin g wit h a sm artph one. T ouch [Set up] and sele ct desire d setting. ∫ [Home Monito r Connect] Y ou c an display th e registr ation scree n for a Device ID and Passwo rd. ≥ If [QR code ] is touched, a Q R code will be displayed on the screen of t his unit.
- 150 - Connecting this unit to a DLNA-compatible device via Wi-Fi, you can playback scene s and still picture s on the D LNA dev ice. A DLNA-compatible Device Prep arations before using [DLNA Play] 1 Check if the wireless access point is comp atible with IEEE802.
- 151 - Playing bac k on a TV Y o u can play back the scenes and still pictures recorde d with or stored in this unit on a TV . ≥ The foll owing sc enes can be played back: j Scenes reco rded in A VCHD j Scenes reco rded in MP4/iFr ame [720] j Scenes save d in MP4 (High Quality) or MP 4 (Low Quality) 1 Press Wi-Fi button and touch [DLNA Play].
- 152 - By setting up a Wi-Fi c ommunication between this u nit and a PC, you can cop y scenes and still picture s recorde d with this unit to t he PC . A PC Prep arations before using [Copy] 1 Check if the wireless access point is comp atible with IEEE802.
- 153 - T o cop y scenes and still pictur es by setting up a Wi-Fi co nnection between this u nit and the PC, complete t he foll owing prepar ations: j Turn on the P C j Create a shared folder (de stination folder ) *1 *1 The name of th e folder m ust cons ist of 15 or less alph anume ric characte rs.
- 154 - Copying to a PC ≥ Creat e a s hare d folde r (des tin ation fold er) o n the PC . ( l 153 ) 1 Press Wi- Fi butt on an d touc h [Copy ]. 2 T ouch the PC to be connected. ≥ T o search for PCs again, tou ch [Refr esh]. (When the PC you wa nt to conne ct to is not d isplayed) T ouch [M anual S etting] .
- 155 - ≥ Copy ing c an be p erfor med even w hen th e ba tter y is u sed fo r pow er , but we r eco mmend t hat t he AC adap tor be use d. ≥ Once scenes or still pictures are cop ied to a PC, the o riginal scenes or still p ictures cannot be copied to any PCs.
- 156 - Y ou c an broadc ast motion p ictures o f this uni t live by se tting up a link betwe en the “LUMIX CL UB” and UST REAM. A Y ou can also bro adcast moti on pictures live by connec ting this unit and a smartph one that supports tet hering. Wi-Fi [Live Cast] ≥ If [CLOCK SET] ( l 22 ) is no t set correctly , [Live Cast] cann ot be used.
- 157 - Prep arations before using [Live Cast] 1 (Whe n conn ect ing to a wi rele ss ac cess poin t) Check if the wireless access point is comp atible with IEEE802.1 1b /g/n. (For te thering con nection) Check if your smartphone is compatible with the tethering function.
- 158 - Broadcasting live Press Wi-Fi button and touch [Live Cast]. ≥ If a “LUM IX CLUB” Log in ID and Password has not b een registe red to this unit yet, ent er the m accord ing to the screen. ≥ If you touc h [Change AP], yo u can switch the wi reless access po int to anoth er one that has be en registere d to this un it.
- 159 - ∫ About the screen in dications in the Live C ast Mode ≥ Recording is perform ed in Intelligent Auto Mode. ≥ In Live Cast Mode, [RE C FORMA T] is set to [A VCHD], and [REC MODE] ( l 161 ) is set to [PH]/ [HA]/[HG]/[HE ].
- 160 - ∫ T o configure the e-m ail deliver y settings Y ou c an make th e deliver y setting of a broa dcast notifi cation e-m ail and the setti ng for the schedul ed time an d date of t he bro adcast in dicated in th e e-mai l. 1 T o uch [E-M AI L SETUP ].
- 161 - ∫ T o save in USTREAM 1 T ouch [Save in USTREAM]. 2 T ouch [ON] or [OFF]. ∫ T o set the image qual ity of a m otion picture y ou simu ltan eously broadcast a nd record 1 T ouch [REC MO DE]. 2 T ouch de sired r ecording mode. ∫ Broadcasting l ive with no sound 1 T ouch [M icrophon e On Air] .
- 162 - ≥ T o use the fo llowing W i-Fi fun ctions, you n eed to install the sm artphone applicatio n “Ima ge App”. j [Link to Cell] ( l 134 ) j [Baby M onitor] ( l 140 ) j [Hom e Cam] ( l 143 ) ≥ Use the latest ve rsion. ≥ The serv ice may n ot be able to be u sed pr operly dep ending on the type of sma rtphone being used.
- 163 - T o use the Wi -Fi functi on, conne ct this u nit to a w ireless access point or smartpho ne via Wi -Fi. ≥ Depe ndin g on th e Wi- Fi co nnect ion m eth od, av ailab le Wi-Fi funct ion s dif fer . ≥ If you sel ect [Histo ry], you ca n set up a Wi-Fi conn ection t hat uses the connecti on settings of a previo usly used W i-Fi fun ction.
- 164 - Using the [Wi-Fi Easy S etup] to set up a connection With the smartpho ne app lication “ Image App”, you can trans fer the foll owing information betwee n the smar tphone an d this un it by usin g the NFC or QR code fu nction. * Acquire a Login ID and Pa ssword for the “L UMIX CLUB ” on this unit in adv ance.
- 165 - When [Wi-Fi] i s selected ≥ If you are using a n Andro id device , start up the smartphon e applic ation “ Imag e App ”. 1 (If the d evice is Android ) On the smartphon e, select [Wi-Fi], and select th e SSID displayed on th is unit.
- 166 - Enter a P IN code to s et the Wi-Fi connection 1 T ouch [PIN code ] in Ste p 6. 2 T ouch the wireless access po int to be c onnected. ≥ If you tou ch [Refr esh], you ca n searc h for wirel ess access p oints again. 3 T ouch [ENT ER]. 4 Enter the PIN code displayed on this unit screen into the wireless access point.
- 167 - ≥ When conn ecting b y [Manual Setting ], confirm th e SSID ( Identific ation name ), Authe ntication method, Encryption type, and Encryptio n key (Passwor d) of th e wireless acc ess point you are using. 1 Press Wi-Fi b utton. ≥ When t he Wi-Fi button i s pressed fo r the fi rst time, a m essage is displaye d.
- 168 - ≥ Check the wireless access points instructio n manual an d settings wh en a s aving wireless acce ss point. ≥ The Encryp tion me thods are [A ES], [TKIP ] and [W EP] in desce nding order o f strength . We recomme nd you con nect wi th the stro ngest poss ible En cryption me thod.
- 169 - Setting up a dire ct connection to a smartphone Check if the sma rtphone you are using is compatible with WPS ≥ For US custo mers enter SS ID and Passwo rd or scan QR code to connect.
- 170 - 1 Press Wi-Fi butto n and t ouch [ Wi-F i Setup] . 2 T ouch [Di rect Connecti on]. 3 On the smartphone, select the SSID displayed on this unit from the Wi-Fi setup me nu. 4 Enter the Password displayed on this unit’s screen on the smartphone.
- 171 - Connecting from the history Each use of a Wi- Fi functi on is stored in the Wi -Fi conn ection h istory . Connec ting from th e histor y allows you to ea sily set up a connectio n using t he pre vious con nection sett ings. 1 Press Wi-Fi button and touch [History].
- 172 - ≥ Please r efer to th e operati ng ins truction of the devic e in use for details about t he setting o f the wireless acce ss point or s martphone. If the Wi-Fi conne ction cannot be est ablished Proble m Check points It ca nnot connec t to th e wireless access p oint.
- 173 - It takes long time ev ery time to connec t to a smartp hone. ≥ It may take long er time to connec t depen ding on th e Wi-Fi connectio n setting of the smart phone , but it is not a malfunct ion. This unit is not display ed in the W i-Fi sett ing scr een of the s martp hone .
- 174 - Conf igur e vari ous sett ings ne cess ary t o use t he Wi -Fi f unct ion. When conn ected to W i-Fi, the se ttings canno t be chang ed. 1 Press Wi-Fi butto n and t ouch [ Wi-F i Setup] . 2 T ouch desire d menu item . Y ou c an add or delete w ireless access points, or r earrang e the di splay order of wirele ss access points.
- 175 - This item allows yo u to use NFC to tur n on this unit, establish a remote connection, and configure the home monitoring settings. Please r efer to page 149 .
- 176 - Y ou c an view a nd change this unit’s Device name (SSID), which i s used for opera ting this u nit as a wireless acces s point. 1 T ouch [INPUT], and enter the desired Device name (SSID).
- 177 - Y ou c an change the wor kgroup setting. ≥ When copying scen es or still pictures to a PC using a Wi-Fi funct ion [Copy], you nee d to create a shared fo lder on the PC a nd connect this unit to the workgro up to whi ch the PC belong s. (The default se tting is [WO RKGROUP].
- 178 - ∫ Check o r change the a cquired L ogin ID/Pas sword ≥ T o cha nge the “LUMIX CLUB” Passwor d on this unit, acces s the “LUMIX CLUB” website fr om your sma rtphone o r PC and change the “LUMIX CLUB” P assword in advanc e. 1 Press Wi-Fi butto n and t ouch [ Wi-F i Setup] .
- 179 - When se nding imag es to WE B services , the WE B service being u sed must be registe red with the “LUMIX CLUB”. Registering multiple WEB services will sen d images to all services simultaneously . ≥ Check the “ F AQ/Contact us” on the foll owing si te for com patible WEB se rvices.
- 180 - HD Wr iter AE 5.1 Y o u can copy the motion/still picture data to the HDD of PCs or write to media like Blu-ray discs, DVD discs or SD cards using HD Writer AE 5.1, the software installed in the supplied CD-ROM . Refer to the ope rating in struction s of HD Writ er AE 5.
- 181 - ≥ It is possible to play back still pict ures on a PC using a image viewer standard to Windows or commercially available image browsing software, and copy still pi ctures to a PC using Windows Explo rer. ≥ Please r efer to page 192 fo r details ab out using a Mac.
- 182 - End User Licens e Agreement Before opening th e CD-ROM package, pl ease read the fol lowing. Y ou (“L icensee” ) are granted a license fo r the Software d efined in this E nd User License Agreem ent (“Agr eement”) on co ndition that you agree to the te rms and co nditions of this Agreem ent.
- 183 - Article 9 With rega rd to MICRO SOFT SQL SERVER CO MP ACT 3.5 produc ed by Micro soft Corporation (1) Licen see shall use the MICR OSOFT SQL SERVER COMP ACT 3.5 only when included in the Softwar e, and sha ll not use the MICROSOFT SQL SER VER COMP ACT 3.
- 184 - ≥ Even if the sys tem requirem ents mentioned i n this owner ’s manual are fulfilled, som e PCs cannot be used. ≥ A CD-ROM drive is necessary to install the supplied software applications. (A compatible Blu-ray disc/DV D writer d rive and m edia ar e necessar y for writ ing to a B lu-ray disc/D VD.
- 185 - ≥ Supplied CD-ROM is available for Windows o nly . ≥ Input i s not suppo rted in languages other t han Englis h, Germ an, Fren ch, Simplifi ed Chinese and Russian.
- 186 - ∫ T o use the HD W riter AE 5 .1 Y ou will need a high performance PC d epending on the f unctions to be u sed. It may no t properly play ba ck or prope rly oper ate depen ding on the environ ment of the PC use d. Refer to t he ope rating enviro nment and notes.
- 187 - When in stalling the software, l og on to your comp uter as the Admi nistrat or or wi th a us er name w ith equiva lent author ization. ( If you d o not have authoriz ation to do t his, consul t your man ager .) ≥ Before starting the in stallation , close all applicatio ns that are runnin g.
- 188 - ≥ Connect th is unit to the PC after the software app lications are installed. ≥ Remove the supplied CD- ROM from your PC. A USB ca ble (suppl ied) B Turn the side w ith the sym bol up t o connect t he micr o B end o f the USB C able to t he USB terminal o f this unit.
- 189 - ∫ T o disconnect USB cable safe ly Select the icon in task tray disp layed o n the PC, a nd then click [ Eject Panasoni c Video Camera]. ≥ Depe ndin g on y our P C’ s set ting s, th is ic on ma y not be dis play ed.
- 190 - About the PC display When th e unit is connected to a PC , it is re cognized as an exte rnal dri ve. ≥ Removabl e disk (E xample: ) is disp layed in [Computer] . Exampl e folde r structu re of a n SD car d: The following data will be recorded.
- 191 - ≥ T o use the softwar e, log o n as an A dministr ator or a s user nam e for standar d user account (o nly for Wind ows Vista/Window s 7/Win dows 8/Win dows 8.1 ). The softw are canno t be used w ith the u ser na me for a g uest ac count. (On th e PC) Select [St art] # [All Programs] # [Panason ic] # [HD Writer AE 5.
- 192 - ≥ HD Writer AE 5.1 is not compatible with Mac. ≥ iMovie s uppor ted. For d etails abou t iMovie, please c ontact Apple Inc. ∫ Operat ing enviro nment ≥ Even if th e system requirem ents men tioned in thi s owne r’s ma nual is fu lfilled, some comp uters cannot be used.
- 193 - * only ∫ Recording indi cations Others Indications Motion Picture Recording M ode Still Picture Recording Mode HC-W850 R 3000 +1 1 / 100 OPEN MF 0dB +1 MEGA PRE-REC 24M LOW CUT 0.
- 194 - B PRE-REC ( l 69 ) T ime Lap se Rec ording ( l 54 ) Zoom M icropho ne ( l 80 ) Focus Microph one ( l 80 ) S tereo Mic rophone ( l 80 ) Lowcut ( l 78 , 79 ) / Wind Noise Cancele r ( l 78 ) / Po.
- 195 - ∫ Playback i ndications ∫ Indication o f connec tion to Wi-F i ∫ Indication o f connec tion to USB HDD ∫ Indication o f connec tion to other device s ∫ Confirmato ry indications 1 / ; / 5 // 6 // 7 / 8 / 9 / : / D / E / ;1 / 2; Displ ay du ring play back ( l 29 , 85 ) 0h00 m00s Playback T ime ( l 29 ) No.
- 196 - Major con firmation/erro r messages to be indicated on the screen in t ext. Others Messages CHECK CARD. This c ard is not co mpatible o r it cann ot be recogn ized by th e unit. If this me ssage appears even th ough motion pictur es and still pictur es are recorded on an SD card, th e card may be uns table.
- 197 - About recovery If fault y managem ent inf ormation i s found, the messag es may appear an d a repair is perfor med. (Repairing may take time de pending on the er ror .) ≥ is displaye d when abnormal manag ement infor mation is detec ted when th e scenes ar e displayed in thumbnail.
- 198 - ∫ It is not a m alfunctio n in following ca ses Others T roublesh ooting A clicki ng sou nd is he ard when th e unit is shaken. ≥ This is th e sound of the len s moving and is n ot a defect .
- 199 - “ERROR OCCURRED. PLEASE TURN UNIT OFF , THEN TURN ON AGAIN.” is displa yed. ≥ The unit h as automat ically detected an error. Restart the unit by turning the unit off and on. ≥ The unit will be turne d off in about 1 minute if the unit is not turned off and on.
- 200 - Col or or brig htness of th e image c hanges, or you may see ho rizontal bars in the image. The LC D monito r flic kers indoo rs. ≥ Col or or brig htn ess o f the image may c hange , or you m ay se e horizontal b ars in t he imag e when the object is record ed under fl uorescen t light, mercury li ght or sodium l ight, etc.
- 201 - When c onnected by the USB cable, th is unit is not dete cted by the ot her devic es. ≥ When con nected to o ther devi ces using o nly the battery , reconnect u sing the AC adap tor . VIE RA Link does not work . (Settin g on this unit) ≥ Connect with a HDM I mini cab le (sup plied).
- 202 - Cann ot use [ DLNA Pl ay]. ≥ Mak e sure the television is compatible with DLNA. Read the instructio ns for the televis ion you are using. ≥ Make sure the wireless access point and t his device are properl y connected . ≥ Approach th e wireless access poi nt and reconn ect.
- 203 - ∫ If A VCHD scenes do not chan ge smoothly when played ba ck on another d evice The images may be still for several seconds at the joins between the sc enes if the following operati ons are pe rformed wh en mult iple scene s have be en contin uously pla yed bac k using anoth er unit.
- 204 - Keep this uni t as far away as p ossible from elect romagne tic equi pment ( such as micro wave ove ns, TV s, vide o game s etc.) . ≥ If you use thi s unit on top of or near a TV , the picture s and/or s ound o n this uni t may be disrup ted by electr omagneti c wave ra diation.
- 205 - When you are not going to us e the un it fo r an exte nded time ≥ When st oring t he unit in a cupboa rd or cabine t, it is re commende d that you place a desiccant (silica gel) in with it. The batt ery use d in this u nit is a r echargeab le lithium-ion batt ery .
- 206 - If you drop t he bat tery acc identally , check to see i f the term inals ar e damag ed. ≥ Inserti ng a batte ry with d amaged te rminals can dama ge the unit. Do no t thro w an old batter y int o fire. ≥ Heating a battery or th rowing it into a fire may result in an ex plosion.
- 207 - When dispos ing o f or giv ing a way th e SD card, n ote that: ≥ Formatt ing and deletion of da ta on this u nit or computer only cha nges the f ile mana gemen t inform ation and does not co mpletely delete the data i n the SD card.
- 208 - When a name or birthda y is set by Baby Calendar , personal information will be included in this unit. When th e Wi-Fi f unction is used, t he SSID, Password, and other personal information will be included in this u nit. Setting a Wi-Fi passw ord is re comme nded to prot ect pe rs onal in for mati on.
- 209 - ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws Whate ver you have reco rded a nd cre ated can b e used for you r pers onal entert ainment only . Under copy right l aws, ot her mate rials cannot be u sed w ithout obtaining permi ssion fr om the holders of the copyr ights.
- 210 - This prod uct incor porates th e followin g software: (1) t he softw are develo ped ind ependentl y by or f or Panas onic C orporation , (2) t he software owned by third party and li censed to Pa nasonic Corporatio n, (3) t he software licensed under the GNU Genera l Publ ic License, V ersion 2 .
- 21 1 - ≥ The stated times ar e the app roximate re cordab le times for continu ous rec ording. A Favors im age qu ality B Favors Recor ding time ≥ “h” is an abbre viation for hour, “min” for minute and “s ” for secon d. ≥ If recording for long pe riods, prepar e batteries for 3 or 4 times the p eriod you wish to record for .
- 212 - ≥ The stated numbe r is the approxi mate num ber of rec ordable picture s. ≥ The nu mber of record able pic tures d epend s on the subjec t being recorded . ≥ Maximum numbe r of recor dable pi ctures that can be displayed i s 9999. If the numbe r of recordable pictures e xceeds 9999, R 9999+ is displayed.
- 213 - Some option al access ories m ay not be av ailable in some c ountri es. Attach the Wide Conve rsion L ens (VW-W 4907H: optio nal) ND filter or MC protector of the Filt er Kit (V W-LF49N: o ptional) in front o f the lens. ≥ Y ou will not be able to use the flash and video light.
- 214 - About the Remote Pan T ilt Cradle If you con nect this unit to t he Rem ote Pan Tilt Cradle VW-CT R1 (opt ional) by USB cabl e, this uni t can autom aticall y track the movement of the subject b eing recor ded. This u nit zoom s in/out the image automatically , and the Remote Pan Tilt Cradle pans and tilts this unit.
- 215 - 5 T ouch [Re mote Pa n Ti lt Crad le]. ≥ The Rem ote Pan Tilt Cr adle Mode selection screen i s displaye d. ≥ If you hav e touch ed an it em other than [Remo te Pan Tilt Cra dle] or i f the Remo te Pan Tilt Cra dle is not reco gnized correctly , reconnect the US B cable.
- 216 - ≥ Connec ting the Re mote Pan Tilt Cradle to this un it. ( l 214 ) ≥ Set [Pan ning Angl e]/[Tilt A ngle]/[Tilt Speed ] in adva nce. ( l 218 ) 1 T ouch the des ired Remot e Pan T ilt Cr adle Mode. ≥ If you touch [SETUP], the Setup menu will be displayed.
- 217 - ≥ When this u nit is conn ected to th e Remote Pa n Tilt Cradle, this unit is set to Motion Pict ure Recording Mode. You cann ot switch this unit to Still Picture Recording Mode. ≥ We recomm end that you make a test re cording i n advance to check if th e image and soun d are recorded correctly .
- 218 - When the Remo te Pan Tilt Cradle is connected to this unit, the Remote Pan Tilt Cradle setup menu can be se t. ≥ Connec ting the Re mote Pan Tilt Cradle to this un it ( l 214 ) 1 T ouch [SE TUP] in the Remote Pan Tilt Cradl e Mode screen. 2 T ouch desire d menu item .
- 219 - Y ou can u pdate the firmware ve rsion of th e Remote P an Tilt Cradle. ≥ Before updating t his unit, upd ate the Rem ote Pan Tilt Cradle. If you upd ate th is unit first , the Re mote Pa n Ti lt Cra dle may bec ome un usable. Y o u can watch the demonstration of how the Rem ote Pan Tilt Cradle will operate when [Party Scene] is set.
Panasonic Corporation Web site:
An important point after buying a device Panasonic HC-V750 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic HC-V750 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic HC-V750 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic HC-V750 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic HC-V750 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic HC-V750, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic HC-V750.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic HC-V750. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic HC-V750 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center