Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DP-C106 Panasonic
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Digital Color Imaging System Model No. DP-C106 Operating Instructions Before operating this machine, please read these instructions completely and keep these operating instructions f or future ref erence. Options D A-TL28C/TL26C/RM64C/RM128C/DU26C/SM112C/S27C W ARRANTY U .
TR A D EM A RKS/COPY RIGHTS The f ollowing tradem arks and registered tr adem arks are us ed throughout th is manual. Microsof t, MS-DOS, W indows, and W indows NT are ei ther register ed tradem arks or trademarks of Microsof t Corporation in the United Sta tes and/or other countr ies.
iii Safety Notes, Compliances Certifications, and Other Notices Panasonic r eserv es the right t o change this i nformation w ithout notice , and makes no warranty , express or implied, w ith respect to this i nformation.
Safet y Notes, Com pliances, Cer tifications , and Other Notices iv Never push objects o f any kind i nto the slots in the cover s, as they may touch dangerous voltag e points or s hort out parts that c ould result i n a risk of fire or electric shock.
Safet y Notes, Com pliances, Cer tifications , and Other Notices v Unplug the DP-C10 6 from t he wall outl et and refer serv icing to qualified servi ce personnel un der the followi ng conditions: •.
Safet y Notes, Com pliances, Cer tifications , and Other Notices vi Safety Notes FCC This equi pment has been test ed and fou nd to com ply with the lim its for a Class A digit al device, p ursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Safet y Notes, Com pliances, Cer tifications , and Other Notices vii WA RNING This prod uct is certi fied, manu factured a nd tested in complianc e with str ict safety an d radio frequency i nterference r egulations.
Safet y Notes, Com pliances, Cer tifications , and Other Notices viii WA RNING This is a C lass A product. In a do mestic envi ronment thi s product may cause radio frequency inter ference in w hich case the user may be requi red to take a dequate measures.
ix T able of Co ntents 1. Getting t o Know the DP-C106 ................................................................................. 1 Printer, Front View ............................................................................................
Table of contents Operating I nstructio ns x Loading Tra nsparencies into the Bypass Tray.................................................... 28 Loading Postc ards into the By pass Tray ............................................................ 29 Loading Envelopes i n the By pass Tray .
Operating I nstructio ns Table of conten ts xi Transporting the Scann er ....................................................................................... 68 5. Problem Solv ing ...................................................................
Table of contents Operating I nstructio ns xii Printing Proble ms .................................................................................................... 122 On a W in dows W orkstati on ...................................................
1 Getting to Kno w the DP-C106 Printer, Front View 1. Paper Tray 1 – place paper supply here 2. Duplex Unit/Kit – o ption that allows two-sided pri nting 3. Front Cover – open to access the Toner Cartridg es and the Print/Copy Cartridge 4. Control Panel – use to access the Printer menus and to v iew messages 5.
Getting to Know the D P-C106 Printer, Re ar View 2 Printer, Rear View 11. Scanner Po we r Connector –provi des power to t he Scanner 12. Scanner Interfac e Connector – pr ovides int erface to the Scanner 13. A rea 4 Access C over – open to access pa per jams 14.
Printer, Interna l View Getting to Know the DP-C10 6 3 Printer, Internal View 17. Toner Carousel A ccess – the four Toner Cartridg es are inst alled one at a time, t hrough thi s openi ng 18. Fuser Jam Cle arance A rea – the Fuser appli es heat to t he Toner i n order to adhere it to the pa per 19.
Getting to Know the D P-C106 Pr inter Control Panel 4 C/ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 00 1 0 Printer Contr ol Panel 1. Control Panel Screen – use to vi ew the system st atus, menu options, problem messag es, and fault codes 2. ( ) A RROW buttons – use t o view listed options i n a menu 3.
Scan ner and Au tomati c Documen t Feede r (ADF) C omponen ts Getting to Kn ow the DP-C10 6 5.
Getting to Know the D P-C106 Scanner an d Autom atic Docum ent Feeder ( ADF) Componen ts 6 7. Registration Guide – alig n the or iginal w ith the Registration G uide 8.
Scanner Control Pa nel Getting to Know the D P-C106 7.
Getting to Know the D P-C106 Scanner Con trol Pa nel 8 15. Zoom ( ) A RROW buttons – use to select R educe/Enlarg e from 25- 400% 16. Reduce/Enlarge ( ) ARROW buttons – use t o select o ne of the preset re duction or enlarge ment setting s 17. Reduce/Enlarge indicators – indicat es which setting is curre ntly selected 18.
Options and Supplies Getting to Know the D P-C106 9 Options an d Supplies The DP-C10 6 is a di gital Col or Copi er/Printer w hich can pr oduce imag es with great color and clarity . Furthermor e, its copy ing/printi ng functionali ty can also be greatly enhanced by th e additio n of the foll owing opti ons and s upplies.
Getting to Know the D P-C106 Options and Supplies 10 Supplies Part Name Part No. 1 Black Toner C artridge DQ-UR26K 1 Cyan Toner Cartr idge DQ-UR 26C 1 Magenta Toner Car tridge DQ-U R26M 1 Yell ow Tone.
11 Basic Cop ying This chapter contains th e elements and basic fu nction descri ptions o f the DP- C106 Copi er Contr ol Panel. Al so include d are gui delines for placing th e DP- C106 in copi er mo.
Basi c Copy ing 12 7. Numeric Keypad • Use buttons 0-9 to select t he copy quantity, enter pers onal passwords, an d speci fy particular feature settings. • Use the C lear button to reset copy quantity back to 1 or to clear an incorrect numeric setting.
Basi c Copy ing 13 Copy Mode The de fault setting for the DP- C106 is t he pri nter mode. To make a co py y ou must cha nge the Copi er/Printer to the c opier mo de.
Basi c Copy ing 14 Aut o S ta r t W hi le the Please Wait messag e appears o n the Copi er Screen, you cannot start copy op erations. Y ou may , howev er, progr am your copy job. Once the Copier/Pr inter has s uccessfully entered copy mode , your copy job wil l automati cally beg in to prin t.
Basi c Copy ing 15 Positioni ng the Origi nals There are two w ays to positio n original s on the DP- C106: on t he Docu ment Glass or in the ADF. The Document Glass Perform th e follow ing steps to us e the Doc ument Gl ass: 1. Raise the AD F. 2. Align the or iginal i nto the re ar, left-h and corn er of the D ocument Glass face dow n.
Basi c Copy ing 16 The DP-C106 de tects original sizes in either inches or millime ters. The table below l ists the vari ous paper si zes that the D P-C106 c an auto matically det ect when con figured to inches an d to millimeters. For inform ation on changing t he copier confi guratio n between i nches and millimeters, go to the Too ls Mode.
Basi c Copy ing 17 The Automatic Document Feeder (A DF) The A DF al lows y ou to load up to 30 origi nals into the DP- C106 for continuous scanning. Each orig inal is scan ned indiv idually , beginning w ith the bottom she et. To use the ADF per form the follow ing steps: 1.
Basi c Copy ing 18 3. Gently push the orig inals into th e ADF, as sh own below , until the AD F Light illum inates. To prevent paper jam s, ensure tha t the origina l docum ents rest agai nst the rear ed ge of the ADF. Make sure t hat the A DF Light illu minat es.
Basi c Copy ing 19 5. Return the D ocumen t Tray to th e origi nal position. 6. If you are l oading l arge siz e original s into the ADF , pull out the Exi t Tray Extension o f the Doc ument Ex it Tray.
Basi c Copy ing 20 Making a Copy Perform th e follow ing steps to make a c opy on the DP- C106: 1. If the Copi er/Printer is in pr inter mo de, press the Copy button. 2. Press the Clear A ll button to res et all default s ettings. The settings for all of the copy f eatures are not displ ayed on th e Main Screen .
21 Copy Fe atures The follow ing copy features ar e avai lable on th e DP-C106 C opier/Printer : • Reduce/Enl arge Options • Paper Supply Selection • Original T ype Selection • Lighten/Dar ken Adjustment • Quality A djustment • Advanced Featur es This chap ter provi des detail ed inform ation abou t using each of these fe atures.
Copy Featur es 22 • Preset % - The Preset % s ettings are show n on the Copi er Contr ol Panel. The Copier/ Printer a utomatical ly determi nes output size b ased on the selecte d reductio n or enlarg ement per centage.
Copy Featur es 23 4. Perform on e of the follow ing: • Use the Reduce/Enlarge ( ) A RROW buttons to select 10 0 % to produce a copy that is the sa me siz e as the orig inal docum ent.
Copy Featur es 24 Paper Suppl y The Paper Supply feature al lows y ou to select th e desired paper for y our copies. The follow ing Paper Su pply selections a re av ailable o n the DP-C10 6: • Au t o – T he C opier/Pr inter aut omatically determines origi nal size and t he appropr iate paper supply.
Copy Featur es 25 4. Use the Paper Supply ARROW buttons to select o ne of the followi ng: • Auto You cann ot use the Auto Paper Supply feature wi th the Auto % Reduce/Enlar ge option. You m ust select a specifi c reduc e/enlarge percentag e. Inform ation on t he Reduc e/Enlarge fea ture is provided a t the beginning of this ch apter.
Copy Featur es 26 2. Perform on e of the follow ing: • If loading A3 over size paper, e nsure that the blue- green, le ft-hand Paper Gui de is low ered and snappe d into pl ace. • If loadi ng any ot her size pap er, li ft the blue-g reen, l eft-hand Pa per Guide.
Copy Featur es 27 5. Insert your paper stock i nto the By pass T ray . Place t he left-ha nd edge o f the paper stock against t he le ft-hand paper guide. Follow thes e guidelines to help m inimiz e paper jams in the Bypass Tray: • Do not use paper that i s fold ed, creased or curled.
Copy Featur es 28 Loading Transparencies int o the By pass Tray Transpare ncies can b e fed only from the By pass Tray or optional Transpare ncy Tray that goes int o Tray 1 positi on.
Copy Featur es 29 Loading Postcards int o the By pass Tray Postcards m ust be fed thr ough the Bypass Tray . When printi ng on the back of pre-pri nted postcards , make sur e that the postcard is not bent. To avoid pa per jam s, flatten ev ery bend by h and before printing.
Copy Featur es 30 Loading Envelopes in t he By pass Tray All env elopes must b e fed throug h the By pass Tray . Open the flap and ins ert the env elope, one at a time, i nto the Bypass Tray as show n below.
Copy Featur es 31 Making a Copy Using the Bypass Tray Use the following procedure to make a copy using the Bypass Tray : 1. If the DP-C 106 is in printer mode, press th e Copy button to enter copy mode. 2. Press the Clear A ll button to restore de fault settings.
Copy Featur es 32 CA UTION Feeding p aper into the Bypass Tray that has b een pr inted on on e side fro m another co pier can d amage the DP- C106 beca use of the differences in toner temperat ure and che mical speci f icati ons. It is r ecommende d that you cr eate manual, 2-Sided co pies using paper pri nted on by the DP- C106 onl y.
Copy Featur es 33 • Color - The Cop i er/Prin ter will use all Toner Cartrid ges for full color copy output. The follow ing Origi nal Type selecti ons are available i n Full color mode: • Text/Photo – U se this s etting w hen the orig inal consis ts of color tex t and photog raphs or color tex t and a photo fr om a mag azine or newspaper .
Copy Featur es 34 Using the Color Mode Featur e Follow these steps to make a copy usi ng the Color Mode featur e: 1. If the DP-C 106 is in printer mode, press th e Copy button to enter copy mode. 2. Press the Clear A ll button to restore de fault settings.
Copy Featur es 35 Lighten/Darke n The Lighte n/Darken feature e nables y ou to adjust t he over all density of the copy outp ut. This featur e offers an Auto Contr ast option as well as five lighten/dar ken lev els. W hen the Auto option is s elected, the Copier/Pr inter au tomatical ly deter mines the density of the or iginal.
Copy Featur es 36 Qualit y A dju stment The Quali ty Adjust ment featur e allow s you to adj ust the foll owing features: • Sharpness – to adj ust the line shar pness of your copy outp ut. For detai l use a dark er line s harpness. For softness use a lighter l ine sharpness.
Copy Featur es 37 8. Press the Select button. Quality Adjustment selecti on is displayed o n the Copier Screen. 9. Press the Exit bu tton. The M ain Screen i s display ed on the C opier Screen . 10. Enter your desired number o f copies using the Nu meric Keypa d.
Copy Featur es 38 Using the Background Mask Feature Follow these steps to make a copy using the Backgroun d Mask fea ture: 1. If the DP-C 106 is in printer mode, press th e Copy button to enter copy mode. 2. Press the Clear A ll button to restore de fault settings.
Copy Featur es 39 Advanced Features The Adv anced Feat ures optio n includes the follow ing: • Output – to change t he tray that your co pies output t o. The opti on can be set to eith er the Ex it Tray, the left- hand side Ou tput Tray , or the Top Tray, the tray abov e the prin ter wher e print jobs are outp ut.
Copy Featur es 40 Using the Output Feature Use the following procedure to make a co py using the O utput feat ure: 1. If the DP-C 106 is in printer mode, press th e Copy button to enter copy mode. 2. Press the Clear A ll button to restore de fault settings.
Copy Featur es 41 Determining Output with the Optional 10 Bin Sorter The 10 Bin Sorter functi ons are available to co py jobs only. 1. Select the Copy button on the co pier contr ol panel to enter Copy Mode. 2. Select the A dvanced Features butt on. 3.
Copy Featur es 42 Using the Erase Feature Use the following procedure to make a co py using the O utput feat ure: 1. If the DP-C 106 is in printer mode, press th e Copy button to enter copy mode. 2. Press the Clear A ll button to restore de fault settings.
Copy Featur es 43 9. Press the Select button. Adv anced Features sel ection is displ ayed on the Copier Screen. 10. Press the Exit bu tton. The M ain Screen i s displayed on the C opier Screen. 11. Enter your desired number o f copies using the Nu meric Keypa d.
Copy Featur es 44 7. Use the ( ) A RROW buttons to hig hlight one of the follow ing: • OFF to turn th e 2-Sided feature o ff. • Long Edge Binding to flip the images along the l ong edg e of the output. Thi s feature prints the top of the long edge side 1 imag e on the same e dge of the page as t he top o f the side 2 i mage.
Copy Featur es 45 Using the 2 Up Feature Use the following procedure to make a co py using the 2 Up feat ure: 1. If the DP-C 106 is in printer mode, press th e Copy button to enter copy mode. 2. Press the Clear A ll button to restor e default se ttings.
Copy Featur es 46 9. Use the ( ) A RROW buttons to select one of the followi ng: • NO to turn th e 2 Up feat ure Off. • YES (L → R) to tur n the 2 Up feature On, a nd positi on the i mages from left to rig ht. • YES (R → L) to tur n the 2 Up feature On , and positi on the i mages from right to le ft .
47 T ools Mode Use the Tool s button on the C opier Contr ol Panel to access Tools Mode on your DP-C 106. The Tools Mode feature pr ovides access to meter infor mation and the ad ministra tive feat ures that al low y ou to customiz e and serv ice your copier.
Tools Mode 48 Use the following procedure to access the Meter Check screen: 1. Press the Tools button on the C opier Co ntrol Pan el to displ ay the Tools Main Menu on the Copi er Screen. 2. Using the ( ) A RROW buttons highli ght the Meter Check feat ure.
Tools Mode 49 Use the following procedure to access the Admi nistrativ e Features menu : 1. Press the Tools button on the C opier Co ntrol Pan el to displ ay the Tools Main Menu on the Copi er Screen. 2. Using the ( ) ARROW butt ons highl ight the Ad min me nu selecti on.
Tools Mode 50 Defaults for Copy The DP-C10 6 automa tically restores default feature s ettings. • W hen the power is sw itched On. • W hen restoring pow er from Energy Saver Mode.
Tools Mode 51 • Color Mode: This optio n allow s you to chang e the de fault setti ng for th e Orig inal Type featur e. The Orig inal Type de fault can be prog rammed to one of the follow ing: • B.
Tools Mode 52 Use the following procedure to change a De faults for C opy setting : 1. Press the Tools button on the C opier Co ntrol Pan el to displ ay the Tools Main Menu on the Copi er Screen. 2. Using the ( ) AR R O W buttons h ighli ght the Admi n menu op tion.
Tools Mode 53 Color The color balance setti ng changes t he toner density for the colors y ellow, magenta, cy an and black. Eac h color i s set for a high, mediu m and low density. Eac h color has a densi ty setting for three doc ument types: Text/Photo , Print Photo, and Phot ograph.
Tools Mode 54 9. Press the Select button. Color selection is displayed on the Copier Screen. 10. Using the ( ) AR R O W buttons , highlig ht one of th e follow ing: Y for Yellow , M for Magenta, C for Cy an and B for Black. Press th e Select button. 11.
Tools Mode 55 Au to Co lor A djust The Automatic C olor Adjust o ption allow s you to corr ect any col or degradati on that occurs from use t o maintai n the opti mum copy quality for the Copier/Pr inter. The color adj ustm ent is for copyi ng only. Wh en the DP- C106 is i n the pri nter mode, the adjustm ents have n o effect.
Tools Mode 56 10. Confirm t hat the Pr intout doc ument option is highl ighted. Press the Select bu tton. 11. Load 8.5 i n. x 11 i n. or A4 pa per in the Bypass Tray and press the Star t button. Load by long edge fir st. For directions on loadin g paper in the Bypass Tray, go t o the Copy Fea tures.
Tools Mode 57 Detect Document Size The DP-C10 6 can automa tically detect the siz e of an ori ginal i f it is a certain size. The c opier me asures or iginal doc ument siz es in millimet ers or in inches . For a com plete list of al l paper siz es the DP-C106 c an autom atically detect, go to the B asic Copying.
Tools Mode 58 Auto M ode Change The DP-C 106 can enter copy mode when origi nals are lo aded into t he ADF or the ADF is opened i f the Auto mode chang e featur e is set to C opy. You d o not need t o press the Copy button to e nter Copy Mod e. For further i nformation on usi ng the Copy button to enter co py mode, go t o the Basic Copyi ng.
Tools Mode 59 Limit Copy Set The max imum num ber of co pies allow ed for a sing le job ca n be set betw een 1 set and 9 9 sets. Use the following procedur e to select a Li mit Copy Set n umber: 1. Press the Tools button to display the Tools Main M enu on the C opier Screen.
Tools Mode 60 Timer Preset The DP-C10 6 has ti me limits for certain c onditi ons. In Tools M ode, you c an change the timer s ettings for the follow ing options : • A uto Reset: If th e Copier /Printer is not oper ated wi thin a desig nated amount of time, the mac hine returns to print mod e.
Tools Mode 61 6. Use the ( ) ARROW buttons to hig hlight the Tim er preset sel ection. 7. Press the Select button. Timer Preset selection i s display ed on the Copier Scr een. 8. Use the ( ) ARROW buttons t o highli ght the desired Timer feature that you w ish to cha nge.
Tools Mode 62 Sound Preset The DP-C10 6 emits ton es when it i s in certai n conditi ons. These t ones alert you w hen the Copier /Printer has reac hed a cer tain state.
Tools Mode 63 6. Use the ( ) ARROW buttons to hig hlight the Sou nd preset s election. 7. Press the Select button. Au dio Tones s election is displayed on the Copier Scr een. 8. Use the ( ) ARROW buttons t o select t he audio to ne featur e you would l ike to chang e.
Tools Mode 64 3. Press the Select button. Password In put is displ ayed on the Copier Screen. 4. Using the N umeric Key pad, enter y our Administr ator Passw ord. The numbers display as asterisks (*). If you m ake a mistake whi le enterin g a password , press th e Clear button.
Tools Mode 65 A DMI N Password The passw ord for the m achine super visor i s set to 9999 w hen the machine ships from the factory. For secure con trol of the machine, please chang e this password as so on as possi ble. The Adm inistrator Pass word can not be checke d after it i s enter ed.
Tools Mode 66 Version Inform ation If you sho uld ev er run into pr oblems with y our DP-C 106 and hav e the need to call for ser vice, y ou may need to prov ide your software v ersion in formation to the serv ice engi neer helping you. You ca n access all s oftware v ersion informati on throug h Tools Mode.
Tools Mode 67 Self Diagnostics The Sel f Diagnostics test allows you to prompt t he DP-C 106 to assess t he hardw are status. Use the following procedure to begin the s e l f-diagnostics test: 1. Press the Tools button to display the Tools Main M enu on the C opier Screen.
Tools Mode 68 Transporti ng the Scanner The scanner module must be lock ed when trans porting th e DP-C10 6 to ensure ag ainst damag e. Locki ng the mo dule keeps it from sli ding and either damaging itself or ca using damag e to oth er parts o f the scan ner.
69 Problem Solv ing The follow ing lis t shows the types of proble ms identi fied in this ch apter: • Jam Cl earanc e • Copy/Pr int Quality Problems • Power Problems • Printe r Error Message s • Printe r Error Codes • Scan ner Error Message s Avoiding Paper Ja ms The follow ing conditio ns cause j ams in the Pr inter.
Problem Solvin g Clearing Paper J ams 70 Printer Jam Clearance A re as D C B A Area 1: By pass Tray and Bypass Transport Area 2: Pa per Feed Area from Paper Tray 1 or the D uplex Unit/Kit, w hen installed. Area 3: Pa per Feed Ar ea from th e System C onsole, w hen installe d.
Clearing Paper Jam s Problem Solvin g 71 ADF Jam Clearance Area Lift to op en the Le ft-hand AD F..
Problem Solvin g Clearing Paper J ams 72 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Clearing a Paper T ray Jam Problem Solving 73 Clearing a Paper Tra y Jam Perform thi s proced ure when the message CHECK LO ADING OF TRAY X (1, 2, or 3) is display ed on the C ontrol Panel. 1. Slowly open the Paper Tray all the way . Remove th e jammed paper and any pap er that is cr eased or tor n.
Problem Solvin g Clearing a Paper Tra y Jam 74 5. Firmly close the Paper Tray . 6. Try runni ng the j ob again. 7. If the proble m still exists, open the tray and turn t he stack of paper over.
Clearing a Duplex Uni t/Kit Jam Problem Solving 75 Clearing a Duplex Unit/Kit Jam Perform thi s proced ure only when the message CLEA R DUPLEX UNIT/KIT JA M is displayed on the Control Panel. CUTION DO NOT open t he Duplex Unit/Kit unl ess directed to do so from the Printer Control P anel.
Problem Solving Clearing a Duplex Unit/K it Jam 76 3. Firmly close the Duplex Unit/Kit..
Clearing Area 1 Jam s Problem Solvin g 77 Clearing A r ea 1 Jams Perform thi s proced ure when the message CLE AR JAM IN AREA 1 is display ed on the Co ntrol Panel . 1. Remove a ny jammed o r torn pa per or other stock fr om Area 1, Bypass Tray. Ens ure that ther e are no pieces o f torn stock re maining in the tray .
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 1 J ams 78 4. Lift the Transport Cov er using the handle as show n. 5. Remove a ny jammed o r torn paper as show n below. Ensure that ther e are no pi eces of tor n paper r emaini ng in the tr ansport. 6. Close the Transport C over.
Clearing Area 1 Jam s Problem Solvin g 79 7. Close the By pass Tray..
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 1 J ams 80 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Clearing Area 2 Jam s Problem Solvin g 81 Clearing A r ea 2 Jams Perform thi s proced ure when the message CLE AR JAM IN AREA 2 is display ed on the Co ntrol Panel . 1. Lower the Ar ea 2 Access Cover. 2. Remove a ny jammed o r torn stock from Area 2. Ens ure that ther e are no pieces of torn stock r emaining in t he area.
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 2 J ams 82 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Clearing Area 3 Jam s Problem Solvin g 83 Clearing A r ea 3 Jams Perform thi s proced ure when the message CLE AR JAM IN AREA 3 is display ed on the Co ntrol Panel . 1. Open the Ar ea 3 Access Do or. 2. Remove a ny jammed o r torn paper as show n below.
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 3 J ams 84 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Clearing Area 4 Jam s Problem Solvin g 85 Clearing A r ea 4 Jams Perform thi s proced ure when the message CLE AR JAM IN AREA 4 is display ed on the Co ntrol Panel . 1. Open the Ar ea 4 Top Left-hand C over. 2. Remove th e jammed paper. I f the paper is tor n ensur e that th ere are no pieces o f torn paper r emaining in the Print er.
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 4 J ams 86 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Clearing Area 5 Jam s Problem Solvin g 87 Clearing A r ea 5 Jams Perform on e of the follow ing procedures w hen the message CLEA R J AM IN AR E A 5 is display ed on the C ontrol Pan el. • If you do not hav e the Duplex Unit/Kit opti on instal led per form the Cleari ng the Fuser Ar ea procedur e below .
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 5 J ams 88 3. If the paper is not v isible, tur n the Green Knob in the directi on show n. 4. Ensure tha t there ar e no piec es of torn pa per remai ning i n the Fuser Area. 5. Return the Green L ever to the orig inal positi on.
Clearing Area 5 Jam s Problem Solvin g 89 Clearing the Upper I nver t er 1. In order to access Area 5, pull o pen the Upp er Inverter . 2. To releas e any paper , lift th e Green Lev er, and gently pull t he paper i n the dir ection of the arrow . If the paper i s not vi sible, turn th e Green Knob in the dir ection of the arrow .
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 5 J ams 90 3. Open the sm all, clear, cover and ensure t hat all th e paper an d paper bi ts are remov ed. a. If paper is visibl e under the cl ear cov er, hold the cov er open and push the pa per tow ard the pa per exit with y our fingers.
Clearing Area 5 Jam s Problem Solvin g 91 b. Pull the pa per in th e directio n of the arr ow show n below. c. If paper is o nly par tially vi sible under the cover, check under the tray for acc ess to the pap er.
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 5 J ams 92 4. Close the sm all clear cov er and mov e the Gr een Lev er to the lower positio n. 0 301 1 13A - W OL 5. Firmly close the Upper I nverter.
Clearing Area 6 Jam s Problem Solvin g 93 Clearing A r ea 6 Jams Perform thi s proced ure when the message CLE AR JAM IN AREA 6 is display ed on the Co ntrol Panel . 1. In order to access Area 6, open t he Lower Inverter C over. 2. Remove th e jammed paper.
Problem Solvin g Clearing Area 6 J ams 94 Clearing Jams in the 10 Bin Sorter 1. Read the messages tha t display on the copier and print er control panels. 2. Slide the 1 0 Bin Sor ter to the left aw ay from the DP- C106. 3. Lift the Ja m Clearanc e Cover.
Cop y /Pr int Qualit y Problem s Problem Solvin g 95 Copy/Print Qualit y Proble ms If the problem still e xists after following the instructions in this table, call your local Author ized Pa nasonic Re presentativ e. Description Possible Cause A ction Faded print/c opy Printer ou t of adj ustment.
Problem Solvin g Copy/Print Qu alit y Problem s 96 Blank pag es Sheets of pa per are sticking together. Remove th e paper stack from the Paper Tray . Fan the corner s of the stack, and repl ace it in t he Paper Tray . The Low Tone r messa ge is display ed on the C ontrol Panel.
Adjustin g the Pr inter Co lor Problem Solving 97 A dj usting the Printer C olor Perform thi s procedur e if you have color problems s uch as insuffi cient amounts of one or more color s, or ex cessive amo unts of one or more c olors.
Problem Solving Adjustin g the Print er Color 98 d. If you see all the circ les in a row , write 0 nex t to the row. 6. Repeat ste p 5 for each c olor row s, drawi ng circles ar ound your pre ferred selections or recordi ng a 9 or a 0 next to th e row.
Adjustin g the Pr inter Co lor Problem Solving 99 2. Gray Balance P age The gray patch you select is used by the printer t o balanc e all color s. 1. Press the ITEM/ENTER butto n. Th e PRINTING GRAY BA L A N CE PA GE is displ ayed, and after a moment th e page i s deliv ered the TopT ray.
Problem Solving Adjustin g the Print er Color 100 3. Comparison Pag e The Comp arison P age allow s you to se e the changes t hat you mad e during the Visual Cal adjust ment. On the page are four r ows o f color photog raphs. The first r ow and the third row show the c olor setup before y ou selecte d VisualCal.
Printer Error M essages Problem Solvin g 101 Printer Error Messages If the problem still e xists after following the instructions in this table, call your servi ce support and report th e problem . Message Possible Caus e A ction 010-317 C ALL FOR SERVICE There may be an electrical problem.
Problem Solvin g Printer Er ror Mes sages 102 Message Possible Caus e A ction CLOSE AREA 5 The Area 5 Access Cover is open. Close the Area 5 Access Cover. CLOSE DUP LEX UNIT/KIT The Duplex Unit/Kit is open. Close the Dup l ex Unit/Kit. CLOSE FRONT COVER The Front C over is open .
Printer Error M essages Problem Solvin g 103 Message Possible Caus e A ction INSTALL YEL LO W TONE R CARTRIDGE The Y ellow Toner Cartr idge is emp ty Replace the Yell ow Toner Cartr idge. LOAD [STOCK SIZE] IN TRAY 1 Paper Tray 1 is low on the speci fied stock.
Problem Solvin g Printer Er ror Mes sages 104 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Printer E rror Codes Problem Solv ing 105 Printer Error Codes An Error C ode may indicate t hat an electric al or mec hanical pr oble m exists in the Printer . Typical error co des, six dig it numbers w ith a hyphen i n the middl e, are follow ed by th e words CA LL FOR SERVICE .
Problem Solving Printer Er ror Codes 106 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Scanner Error Codes Prob lem Solvin g 107 Scanner Error Codes An Error C ode may indicate t hat an electric al or mec hanical pr oble m exists in the Scan ner. Typi cal error co des, xx digit numbers, are follow ed by the w ords CA LL FOR SERVICE . If an err or code should appear on the Scann er Control Panel per form the follow ing steps: 1.
Problem Solving Scanner Er ror Codes 108 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
10 Bin Sor ter Error Messages Problem Solving 109 10 Bin Sorter Error Messages Message Cause and Solution A3-Ov i s not avail able w ith Sorter. Select top tray . The paper si ze selec tion you made for the job, for example, 12 x 18 i nches, is n ot valid.
Problem Solvin g 10 Bin Sor ter Error Message s 110 Invali d for Stack The selecti ons (such as paper siz e) you ma de for the job are not vali d for stacking . Redirect the j ob to the Top Tray or change the selections s o the j ob may be sent for stacking.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 111 Netw ork Problem Solving Because t he DP-C106 s erver is part of the Pri nter, most r eferences i n this chapter ar e simply to the Pri nter.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 112 Network Protocol Setup Messages The follow ing table l ists the ne twork pr otocol messag es that you may see during the N etwork Protocol s etup. It also contains the last Set up screen shown be fore the mess age appeared, a description of the pr oblem, an d any action requi red.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 113 Message Setup Screen Description and A ction NO NDS TREES FOUND. ENABLE N DS (NET W ORK SE TUP> SERVICE SE TUP> PSERVER SETUP> NDS SETUP) No NDS tree s were found on the Novel l networ k. Ensure that the Frame Types on the Printer are pro perly con figured.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 114 Message Setup Screen Description and A ction ERROR. CANNOT OPEN BINDERY CONNECTION T O NDS SERVER. SELECT FILE SERVER FROM LI ST (NET W ORK SE TUP> SERVICE SE TUP> PSERVER SETUP> BINDERY SE TUP) Select this server thr ough NDS Setup or disable N DS and select it t hrough Bi ndery.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 115 Message Setup Screen Description and A ction NOVELL E RROR CODE, FOLLOW ED BY A MESSAG E. ANY BIND ERY SETUP SCREEN Novell NetW are has re ported an e rror. The Printe r Control Panel r eports the er ror num ber and displ ays a brie f message.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 116 Novell Probl ems During Network Setup In Networ k Setup, w hen you are c onfiguring y our IPX (N ovell) connection, the DP-C106 q ueries the network for Novell file serv ers and trees and tempor arily attaches t o them.
• Enable a g uest accou nt on the Net W are serv er for the purpose o f setup. • Login to a differen t account. On the logi n screen, chang e the default na me (guest) to supervisor or enter anoth er vali d login name . When y ou are pro mpted for a password, enter the c orrect passw ord for the acco unt you nam ed.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 118 Message Cause Suggested A ction or Exit Notify IPX (Nov ell) Administrator DP-C106 i s already connected to a file server . Something unexpect ed has happened and the us er general ly cannot recover without the interv ention of the system ad ministrator .
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 119 Runtime Printer Error Messages For error messages rel ated to ca nceling jobs and printi ng, including the D isk Full mess age and al erts to local media, r efer to the sections Jo b Managem ent Error Messages and Clear ing the Pr inter .
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 120 Message Description and A c tion • Check these s ettings quickly by printing a Configur ation page. At the client workstati on, ensur e that the appro priate ne twork protocol s are loaded, and that t he W indow s directory contains a c onfigured Efinl.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 121 Name Table In This Location For This Item IPX/SPX Netw orks TCP/IP Netw orks Server Setup Serv er Name option Administrator def ines name Administrator def .
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 122 Printing Problems On a Windo w s Worksta tion Setting Up Pr inting on Window s NT 4.0 W orkstations If you have problem s installing the Printer with W indows NT 4.0, try installing an other PostScript Pr inter (such as the Appl e Laser W r iter II g ) and th en reinstall the Pri nter.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 123 On a Mac OS Workstation Setting up th e Printer in t he Chooser If auto-set up does not wor k and you are prompted to select the PPD, select the appropr iate Printer file i n your System:Ex tensions:Print er Descri ptions folder.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 124 General Pri nting Problems If this Happens Try this You cannot c onnect to the Printer. Make sure tha t the Printer is no t being calibrated from the Con trol Panel . If the Print er is being calibrate d from the Cont rol Panel, you can se lect it in the Choos er, but y ou cannot co nnect to it.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 125 • Did y ou select the DP-C 106 as t he curren t Printer? Before printing , you must select the DP-C106 as the curr ent Print er from your W indows computer , Mac OS computer, or UNIX workstati on. • Make sure tha t the Printer is switched On.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 126 • Restart y our Window s computer, enter BIOS s etup, and if you h ave a BIOS setting for the paral lel port, ensure tha t it is set to ECP mo de and not to Bi- Direction al, EPP, or any other mode.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 127 Problems with P rint Qu ality If this Happens Try this Print setti ngs for y our job out put do not matc h the settings y ou gave . Ensure tha t you did not over ride the setting for the job i n anoth er place.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 128 If this Happens Try this Your pr inted file a ppears too dark. Adjust the Brightness o ption. Use the Br ightness opti on when printing from an applicati on to lig hten your i mage whenev er you print a PostScript or Encaps ulated PostScri pt (EPS) file.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 129 Job Manageme nt Problem So lving This section lists error messages you might see, a nd prov ides some troubles hooting g uidelines s hould a problem ar ise wi th the Printer . If you are unable t o resolve a problem after refer ring to this chapter, contact y our authoriz ed service/support c enter.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 130 Message Correctiv e A ction/ Addit ional Information Print/Copy Cartrdg . type mis matched The Print/C opy Car tridge i nstalled is not th e correct cartrid ge. Remove the cartridg e and check y our documentati on for speci fications on the correct cartridge to install.
Network Problem Solving Problem Solving 131 Unexpected Printing Results If this Happens This is the Problem A cover pag e is not printed w hen you repr int a sav ed raster j ob Cover pages are not printed w ith saved raster jobs that hav e already pr inted.
Problem Solvin g Network Pr oblem Solving 132 Clearing the Printer Cleari ng the Printer is an Admi nistrator option th at can be us ed as a last resort i f a job persi sts in the syste m and prev ents printi ng despite a ttempts to cancel or delete it.
133 Maintenance Cleaning Proced ures This section contains the recommen ded cleani ng procedures for the DP- C106. Cleaning the Printer Covers The Print er does not req uire cle aning. How ever, if y ou wish to cle an the outside cov ers, perfor m the following pr ocedure.
Maintenanc e Cleaning Pr ocedures 134 Cleaning the Scanner For the best copies, it i s recomme nded that you clean th e Scann er at least once a month. Document Glass and A DF Cover If the Docu ment Glass is dirty, the copy qual ity can be l ess than desira ble.
Cleaning Pr ocedures Mai ntenance 135 Cleaning the Docum ent Feeder (A DF) Document j ams can be created by dirt on the fee d rollers or the fee d belt of the ADF. It i s reco mmended that you cl ean the feeder once a month. 1. Lift the ADF. 2. Moisten a clean soft clot h with w ater and wipe the feed belt .
Maintenanc e Cleaning Pr ocedures 136 4. Close the ADF. 5. Open the Ja m Access Cov er. 6. Clean the Fe ed Roll ers as show n. 7. Close the Jam Access Cov er.
Replacin g the Toner Car tridges Maintenanc e 137 Replacing the Toner Car tridges Use this pr ocedur e when y ou are re ferred h ere from t he Proble m Solvin g section, or when a m essage to inst all a Toner Cartridg e is displ ayed on th e Control P anel.
Maintenanc e Replacin g the Toner Cartridges 138 b. Turn the Rotary Knob in the direction o f the arrow until it stops. c. Repeat th e steps until the desir ed cartri dge is v isible in the opening.
Replacin g the Toner Car tridges Maintenanc e 139 5. Remove th e new Toner Cartr idge fro m the box and shake i t seven or eight times as shown..
Maintenanc e Replacin g the Toner Cartridges 140 7. Use the ha ndle on th e end o f the cart ridge to rot ate the car tridge in the direction of the ar row.
Replacin g the Print/C opy Cartr idge Maintenanc e 141 Replacing the Print/Cop y Cartridge Use this pr ocedur e when y ou are re ferred h ere from t he Proble m Solvin g section, or when a m essage to chang e the Pr int/Copy C artridge i s displayed on the Co ntrol Pan el.
Maintenanc e Replacing the Pr int/Cop y Cartridg e 142 4. Rotate the y ellow lever B in the direction o f the arr ow, until th e Dot is aligned w ith the Unlocked sy mbol.
Replacin g the Print/C opy Cartr idge Maintenanc e 143 7. Place the Print/Copy Cartridg e on sever al sheets of us ed paper. WA RNING NEVER disp ose of a use d Print/Copy Cartri dge in an o pen flame. Ton er could expl ode and cause burns. 8. Install the Pr int/Copy Cartri dge: a.
Maintenanc e Replacing the Pr int/Cop y Cartridg e 144 9. Holding the cartr idge by the h andle , align the g uide with th e Printer rail . 10. Push the c artridge al l the w ay into the Printer unti l it snaps i nto plac e. 11. Rotate lever B in the directio n of the arr ow until th e dot is aligned w ith the Locked sy mbol.
Replacin g the Print/C opy Cartr idge Maintenanc e 145 12. Rotate lever A in the directio n of the arr ow until th e Dot is aligned with the Locked sy mbol.
Maintenanc e Replacing the Pr int/Cop y Cartridg e 146 This page is intent ionall y left blank ..
Replacin g the Print/C opy Cartr idge Maintenanc e 147 Replacing the Toner Wast e Contai ner Perform thi s proced ure when the message TONER W A S TER CONTAINER FULL is display ed on the Printer C ontrol Panel. 1. Remove a new Toner Was te Co ntainer from the box , and sav e the box.
Maintenanc e Replacing the Pr int/Cop y Cartridg e 148 5. Place the used container in the box . WA RNING DO NOT dispos e of used To ner W aste C ontainer s in an open flame. U sed Toner coul d expl ode and caus e burns. 6. Push the new Toner W ast e Container into the Print er until it clicks into place.
Storing t he Supplies Maintenanc e 149 Storing the Supplie s Toner Cartri dges • Store the Toner Car tridges aw ay from direct sunli ght in the follow ing envir onment: • Temperatur e = 37-95° F .
Maintenanc e Storing the Supplies 150 Print/ Cop y Cartridge.
T ypes of P aper This chart summarizes the characteristics of papers for digital color copying and printing. It is not intended to be an exclusive guide to ordering paper. Rather, use it to create new ideas for using papers in jobs. Remember, not all paper in a grade comes in every combination of size, weight, and/or finish.
T ypes of P aper This chart summarizes the characteristics of specialty materials f or digital c o lor c opying and printing. It i s not intended to be an exclusive guide t o ordering these m aterials.
Digital Color Imaging System Model No. DP-C106 Operating Instructions Before operating this machine, please read these instructions completely and keep these operating instructions f or future ref erence. Options D A-TL28C/TL26C/RM64C/RM128C/DU26C/SM112C/S27C W ARRANTY U .
An important point after buying a device Panasonic DP-C106 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic DP-C106 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic DP-C106 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic DP-C106 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic DP-C106 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic DP-C106, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic DP-C106.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic DP-C106. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic DP-C106 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center