Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DMC-ZS45 Panasonic
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Owner’s Manual for advanced features Digital Camera Model No. DMC-ZS45 Please read thes e instr uctions careful ly befor e using this pro duct, and sav e this ma nual f or future us e. SQW01 69-1 F0215HH1035 Reg ist er onli ne a t www.p m/register (U.
- 2 - Content s Before Use Care of the cam era ...... .... .... ...... ..... .... ...... .... ..... . .... ...... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... 6 St andard Accessories ........... ................. ............... .. .... .
- 3 - • Extended Opt ical Zoom (EZ) ................................... ... ....... .... ...... ........... .......... .. 60 • Intelligent Zoom .............. ................. .............. ........ .... .... ..... .... .... ...... ... .... ....
- 4 - • Registering Personal Menu Se ttings (Registering custom settin gs) ....... .......... .. 88 • Record ing usi ng re gistere d custo m set ...... ...... .......... .. ... .... ...... ........... .... .... ...... 8 9 Enter ing T ext..... ....
- 5 - • T ak ing pictures via a smartphone/tablet (remote recording) ... ..... ........... .......... 1 33 • Pla ying b ack p icture s in the camer a .... .... ..... ...... .... ... . ..... ...... .......... ........... .... .. 133 • Saving images stored in the cam era .
- 6 - Before Use Care of the camera Do not subject to strong vibration, shock, or pressure. • The lens, monitor , or e xternal c ase may b e damag ed if u sed in t he following c ondition s. It may also ma lfunct ion or imag e may not be recorde d if y ou: – Drop or hit the c amera.
- 7 - Before Use St andard Accessories Check that all the accessories are supplied before using the ca mera. • The access ories and t heir shape will d iff er dep ending on the co untry or area wher e the camera was purchased. For det ails on t he acces sories, refer to “ Basic Owner’s Man ual” .
- 8 - Before Use Names and Functions of Main Parts 1 Flash (P62) 2 Self-timer indicator (P67) AF Assist Lamp (P102) 3 Lens (P6 , 183) 4 Speaker • Be car eful not to cover t he speak er with your finger . Doing so may ma ke sound dif ficult to hear .
- 9 - Before Use 15 Strap eyelet (P24) • T o prevent dr opping, be su re to a ttac h the supplied strap an d fit it t o your wrist. 16 Lens barrel 17 [HDMI] socket (P155) • Do not connect with any cable other t han an HDMI micro cable. Doing so may c ause malfunction .
- 10 - Before Use Y ou can adjust the angle of the monitor . 1 Flip up the bottom of the monitor lightly to open. 2 Adjust the angle of the monitor . • Be ca refu l not to ca tch your f inge r , etc. in th e mo nitor. • When rotating the monitor , be careful not to apply too much for ce or drop the camera.
- 11 - Prepar ation Charging the Bat tery Use th e dedi cated A C adapt or ( supplied ), USB connec tion ca ble ( supplied) and battery . • The battery is not charge d when the camera is shipped. Charge t he battery before use. • Char ge the b attery on ly wh en it is in sert ed in the cam era.
- 12 - Prepar ation 1 Slide the relea se lever in the direction of the arrow and o pen the card/b attery doo r . • Always u se ge nuine Panasonic batt eries.
- 13 - Prepar ation • Char ge the b attery in are as wi th an amb ient temp erat ure, betw ee n 10 o C an d 30 o C (50 o F and 86 o F ) (same as the bat tery tem peratur e), is r ecommended.
- 14 - Prepar ation ∫ About the charging lamp ∫ Cha rging tim e When using the AC adaptor (supplied) • The indi cate d cha rgin g tim e is f or wh en the batte ry h as be en d i scharged completely . The charging time may vary depending on how the battery has bee n used.
- 15 - Prepar ation • Do not le ave any met al items (suc h as c lip s) near the c ont act a r eas of the power plug. Otherw ise, a fire and/or ele ctric s hocks ma y be c aused by sho rt -circuiting or the resulting heat gener ated.
- 16 - Prepar ation ∫ Recording still pictures Recording conditions by CIP A standard • CIP A is an abbrevia tion of [Camera & Imaging Product s Associ ation ]. • T e mperatu re: 23 o C (73.4 o F )/Humidity : 50%RH when monit or is on. • Using a Pan a sonic SD Memory Card .
- 17 - Prepar ation ∫ Playback • The operating ti mes and numbe r of recordable pic tures will diff er according to the environment and the operating conditions.
- 18 - Prepar ation Inserting and Removing t he Card (optional) • Check that this unit is turn ed off. • We rec ommend us ing a P anasonic c ard. 1 Slide the relea se lever in the direction of the arrow and o pen the card/b attery doo r .
- 19 - Prepar ation About the Built-in Memory/ the Card • Y ou c an copy the rec orded pict ures t o a ca rd. ( P124) • Mem ory size : App rox. 78 MB • The acce ss ti me f or t he built- in mem ory m ay b e lon ger than the access time for a ca rd.
- 20 - Prepar ation • During access ( image w riting, r eading and d eleting, forma tting etc.), do not turn this unit off, remove the battery , card or disconnect the AC adaptor (supplied ). Furthermore, do n ot subject the camer a to vib ration , imp act or st atic electrici ty .
- 21 - Prepar ation ∫ About t he di splay of the number of recordabl e pic tures and a vai lable recording time ∫ Number of recordable pictures • [ i 99999 ] is dis played if there are more than 100,000 pictur es rem ain ing.
- 22 - Prepar ation Setting Date/Time (Clock Set) • The clock is not set whe n the camera is shipped. 1 Press came ra [ON/OFF] button. • If the language s elect s creen is not dis played, proc eed to ste p 4 . 2 Press [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the la nguage, and press [MENU/ SET].
- 23 - Prepar ation Select [Clock Set] on the [Setup] menu an d then press [MENU/S ET] . (P41) • The cl ock can be res et as shown in step s 5 and 6 . • The clock setting is maintained for about 14 days using the bui lt-in cl ock batt ery even without the battery .
- 24 - Prepar ation Tip s for t aking good pictur es Hold the cam era gentl y with both hands, k eep your arms still at your side and st and with your feet sli ghtly ap art. • Do not swin g arou nd or pul l for cefully on the unit with t he str ap attac hed.
- 25 - Basic Selecting the Recording Mode ∫ List of Recording Modes Switching the mode by rot ating the mode dial. • Rotate th e mo de di al slo wly t o sele ct t he de sired m ode . ¦ Intelligent Auto Mode (P26) The subjects are recorded using se ttings automatically selected by the ca mera.
- 26 - Basic T aking pictures using the automa tic function (Intelligent Auto Mode) Recording Mode: The camera will set the most appropriate settings to match the subj ect and the recording conditions so we reco mmend this mode for beginners or those who want to leave the settings to the camera and take pictures easily .
- 27 - Basic 2 Press the sh utter button halfway to f ocus. • The foc us indicat ion A (gree n) light s when the subject is focuse d. • The AF area B is displayed a round th e subject’s face by the Fac e Detec tion f unction. In ot her cas es, it is dis played at the point on th e subject which i s in focus.
- 28 - Basic When the camera identifies the optimum scene, the icon of the s cene concerned is displayed in blue for 2 seconds, after which its color changes to the usual red. When t aking pic tures When re cordin g moti on pic tures • [ ¦ ] is set if none o f the scenes are applic able, a nd the stand ard setting s are set.
- 29 - Basic Following menus can be set. • For the sett ing method of the menu, refer to P41 . ¢ Avai lable set tings may be diff erent from ot her Record ing Mod es.
- 30 - Basic ∫ [Motion D eblur] When [Motion Deblur] is set to [ON], [ ] is displayed on the reco rdin g screen. The camera automatically sets an optimal shutter speed accordin g to the motion of the subject to reduce blur on the subject. • It is initial ly set to [ON] o n the camer a.
- 31 - Basic T aking Pictures with Y ou r Favorite Setting s (Program AE M ode) Recording Mode: The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and the apertur e value accor ding to the brightness of the subject. Y ou can take pictures with great er freedom by changing various set tings in the [Rec] menu.
- 32 - Basic Focusing Aim the AF area at the subject, and then press the s hutter button halfway . • The AF area may be displ ayed la rger f or cert ain zoom magnifi cat ions and in d ark plac es. ∫ About focus range The focus range is displayed wh en operating the zoom.
- 33 - Basic ∫ When the subj ect i s not in focus (s uch as whe n it is not in the center of the compos ition of the pictu re you want t o t ake) 1 Aim the AF area at the subject, and press the s hutter butt on half way to fix the foc us and exposure.
- 34 - Basic Recording Motion Pictures Appl ica ble m od es: A Available recordin g time B Elapse d recording time • Y ou can record motion pi ctures f itting each Record ing Mode. • Release the motion picture bu tton right after you pre ss it. • The reco rding st ate indic ator (r ed) C will flash while recording mo tion pictures .
- 35 - Basic • Depending on th e t ype of the card, the card access indicatio n m ay appear for a while a fter record ing motion pict ures. This is no t a malfunc tion. • The scr een may be blacked out mom entaril y , or t he unit ma y reco rd noise d ue t o static elec tricity or electroma gnetic waves e tc.
- 36 - Basic S t ill pictures can be recorded even while recording a motion pi cture. (Simultaneous recording) During m otion picture recording, press the shutter button fully to record a s till picture. • The picture is saved with the f ollowing cond itions.
- 37 - Basic Playing Back 1 Press [ ( ]. ∫ Playing Back Motion Pi ctures Press 2 / 1 to se lect a pict ure wit h a M otion P ictu re icon (such as [ ]), and then press 3 to play back. C Motion pict ure icon D Motion pict ure recordin g time • Afte r play back st arts, the elap sed playba ck ti me is displayed on the screen.
- 38 - Basic • When the camera is turn ed of f, pre s s and h old [ ( ]. If you tur n it on this w ay , the p layback screen will be displ ayed automatical ly . (If to o many images ar e store d in th e card, it may take a while for the ca mera t o tur n on.
- 39 - Basic Y ou can create a single still picture from a recorded motion pi cture. 1 Press 3 to p ause mo tion picture playback. 2 Press [MENU/SET]. • Confirmatio n screen is display ed.
- 40 - Basic Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictures cannot be recovered. • Pictures on the bui lt-in memory or the card that are being play ed bac k will b e deleted. • Pictures that are not in the DCF stan dard o r th ose tha t are p rotec ted c annot be deleted.
- 41 - Basic Setting the Menu The camera comes with menus that allow you to choose the settings for taking pictures and playing them back just as you like and menus that enable you to have more fun with the camera and use it more easily . In particular , the [Setup] menu contains some important setting s relating to the camera’s clock and power .
- 42 - Basic ∫ Close the menu Press [ ] repeatedly until the recording/playback screen is displayed. • When rec ording image s , you can also close th e menu by pressing the s hutter button halfwa y .
- 43 - Basic By using the Quick Men u, some of the menu s ettings can be easil y found. • The feat ures th at can b e adjusted using Quick Menu are det ermin ed by the mo de or a display style the camera is in. Using the Q uick Menu 1 Press [Q.M ENU] when recording.
- 44 - Basic About the Setup Menu For details on how to select the [Setup] menu settings, refer t o P41 . • [Clo ck Se t], [Econo my] and [ Auto R evie w] ar e imp ortant i tems.
- 45 - Basic • Refer to P88 for details. • Some sub jects may appe ar diff erently from actu ality o n the mo ni tor . However , this does no t affect the rec orded pic tures. [Airplane Mode] Restricts Wi-F i setting s. [ON]: Wi-Fi functions cannot be used.
- 46 - Basic • The bright ness of the pict ures displa yed on t he moni tor is inc r eased so some subject s may app ear diff erent f rom real life on the mon itor . Howev er , this does not af f ect th e record ed picture s. • When [Moni tor Luminance] is set , the usage t ime is reduced.
- 47 - Basic • Motion pict ure rec ording area display is only a n approximation. • Recording area display may dis appear whe n zooming to T ele depen d ing on t he pict ure size settin g. • The sett ing i s fix ed to [ OFF] in the foll owing case.
- 48 - Basic • [Auto Review] is activa ted rega rdless of it s sett ing in t he foll owing cases. – When usin g Auto Bra cket – When us ing [Bur st Sho oting] . • The sett ing i s fixed to [2S EC] in t he f ollowing cas e. – Intelligent Auto Mode • [Auto Review] do es not work when record ing mot ion pictures.
- 49 - Basic • When you play b ack pi ctures on a PC, t hey ca nnot be displ ayed i n t he rot ated dir ection unless the OS or software is compatible wit h Exif. Exif is a file format f or still pictures which allows recording informatio n etc. to be added.
- 50 - Basic • Do n ot turn the camer a off duri ng fo rmat tin g. • If a card has been ins erted, only the card is format ted. T o fo r mat the b uilt-in memory , remove t he car d. • If th e card has bee n for matted o n a PC o r other equipmen t, fo rm at i t on t he camera again.
- 51 - Recording T aking Pictures of Y ours elf ([Self Shot] ) Appl ica ble m od es: If you rotate the monitor , Self Shot Mode is activated. Y ou can easily take pictures of yourself while looking at the s creen.
- 52 - Recording 2 Press [MENU/SET] to set the soft skin effect, the number of pictures to b e t aken, an d other det ails. (P53) • Operate the buttons on the back of the unit while looking at the screen. Be carefu l not to operate the wrong buttons and not to drop the camera.
- 53 - Recording When you press [MENU /SET] in step 2 , you can change the following settings. • Y ou can also chan ge the [Slimming Mode] sett ing in [Self Sh ot] in the [Re c ] menu . (P54) ¢ 1 This can be s et only when In telligent Auto Mode is set.
- 54 - Recording • When the [Sof t Skin] is se t – The smoo thi ng effec t is appl ied to the part that has a s imi lar ton e to t he compl exion of a s ubject , as well.
- 55 - Recording ∫ [Win k dete ctor] When the camera detects a wink using the Face Detection functio n, it counts down from three and takes a picture. 1 Check that a yellow frame i s d isplayed on th e face of the perso n who wil l win k. • Winks of the pe ople who a re not indicate d with the yello w frame will not be de tected.
- 56 - Recording Y ou can also take p anorama pictures in Self Shot Mode. By recording with Panorama Shot Mode, you can enjoy a variety o f self-portraits, suc h as t hose with your friends or those incorporating a wide b ackground.
- 57 - Recording ∫ T echnique for Pano rama Shot Mode • Since the dist ance be tween th e camera and su bject i s close when you t ake p anorama pi c tures in Self Sho t Mod e, the edges of the pictures m ay appear signific an tl y distort ed. Swivel the camera around its center when moving it in the recording direction.
- 58 - Recording About the Monitor Press [DISP .] to chang e. • During motion picture playback, pa norama playback or a slide sh ow , you can only select “Normal Display” or “No Display”.
- 59 - Recording Using the Zoom Appl ica ble m od es: Y ou can zoom in to make people and objects appear closer or zoo m out to record landscapes in wide angle. ∫ Screen display Example of display when Extended Optical Zoom (EZ), Intelligent Zoom and Digital Z oom are used together .
- 60 - Recording This function works when an y of the picture sizes ( P91) indicated with is selected. Y ou can zoom in further than you can with the Optical Zoom with out deteriorating the image quality . Maximum magnification: 45 k (This includes the opti cal z oom magnification.
- 61 - Recording This function works when [Digital Zoom] (P100) in the [Rec] menu is set to [ON]. Although the image quality deteriorates ever y time you zoom in further , you can zoom in up to four times the original zoom magnification. • Whe n usi ng the [i .
- 62 - Recording T aking Pictures Using the Built-in Flash Appl ica ble m od es: Set the flash to match the recording. 1 Press 1 [ ‰ ]. Flash Do not cover it with your fingers or other objects.
- 63 - Recording 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the se tting and then press [MENU/SET]. ¢ 1 This can be set only when Intellige nt Auto Mode is set. The icon changes dependi ng on the typ e of subjec t and b rightnes s. ¢ 2 The flash is activated twice. The subject should not move unti l the sec ond flash is activ ated.
- 64 - Recording ∫ A vailable Flash Settings in Recording Mode The available flash settings depend on the Recording Mode. ( ± : Available, —: Not available, ¥ : Scene M ode initial setting) ¢ [ ] is displayed. • When [ ] is selec ted, [ ], [ ], [ ] or [ ] is set depe nding on the t ype of su bjec t an d brightness .
- 65 - Recording ∫ The available flash range (approximati on) ∫ Shutter speed for each flash set ting ¢ The shut ter speed changes depend ing on the [S tabili zer] s etting . The shut ter speed becomes a max imum of 1 s econd i n the f ollowing cases .
- 66 - Recording T aking Close-up Pictures ([AF Macro]/[Macro Zoom]) Appl ica ble m od es: This mode allows you to take close-up pictures of a subject, e. g. when taking pictures of flowers. 1 Press 4 [ # ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the ite m and then p ress [MENU/SET ].
- 67 - Recording T aking Pictures with the Self-time r Appl ica ble m od es: 1 Press 2 [ ë ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the se tting and then press [MENU/SET]. • This function is no t availa ble in the f ollowing cas es: – Self Shot M ode (Whe n takin g pi cture s in S elf S hot M ode, you can set the Se lf-t imer in [Coun tdow n].
- 68 - Recording Compensating th e Exposure Appl ica ble m od es: Use this function when you cannot achieve appropriate expos ure due to the difference in brightness between the subject and the backg round. 1 Press 3 [ È ] to displa y [Exposure Com p.
- 69 - Recording T aking Pictures Using Auto Brack et Appl ica ble m od es: In this mode, 3 pictures are automatically recorded in the selec ted expos ure compensation range each time the shutter button is pressed. With Auto Bracket d 1E V • If you tu rn off the camera, Auto Bracket will be canceled .
- 70 - Recording T aking Pictures by Specifying the Aperture/ Shutter Speed Recording Mode: Set the aperture value to a higher number when you want a sharp focus background. Set the aperture value to a lower number when you want a soft focus bac kground.
- 71 - Recording Set with a faster shutter speed when you want to take a sharp p icture of a fast moving subject. Set to a slower shutter speed when you want to create a trail e ff ec t . 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ]. 2 Press [EXPOSURE]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to s et the shutter s peed.
- 72 - Recording Determine the exposure by manually setting the aperture value a nd the shutter speed. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ]. 2 Press [EXPOSURE].
- 73 - Recording T aking panorama pictures (Panoram a Shot Mod e) Recording Mode: Pictures are recorded continuously while moving the cam era hori zontally or vertically , and are combined to make a single panorama picture. This mode allows you to add any of 13 types of effect s before r ecording.
- 74 - Recording 6 Press th e shutter b utton fully an d recor d a picture while mo vin g th e camera in a small circ le in the direction sele cted in Step 2 . 7 Press th e shutter b utton once ag ain to en d the pictur e recordi n g. • Recording can also be ende d by keeping the camer a still while r ecording.
- 75 - Recording • The zoom pos ition is fixed to Wid e. • [S tabilizer] is fixed to [OFF]. • The fo cus, White Balance, and ex posure are fix ed at the opt imum valu es for the f irst p ictur e.
- 76 - Recording T aking pictures that match the sc ene being recorded (Scene Mode) Recording Mode: Y ou can select any of 16 types of Scene Modes according to the subject and scene. 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to selec t the Scen e Mode and then press [MENU/SET].
- 77 - Recording When taking pictures of people outdoors during the daytime, thi s mode allows you to improve the appearance and make their skin tones look healthier . ∫ T echnique for Portrait Mode T o mak e this mode more effective: 1 Rotate the zoom lever as far as possible to T ele.
- 78 - Recording This allows you to take pictures of a person and the background with near real-life brightness. • Use the fl ash. ( Y ou can se t to [ ] .) • Ask the subjec t not to move while t aking a pict ure. • We rec ommend us ing a t ripod and the Se lf-time r for t aking pictu res.
- 79 - Recording Y ou can combine several pictures wi th dif ferent levels of expos ure into a s ingle picture with rich gradation. Y ou can minimize the loss of gradations in bright areas and dar k areas when, for ex ample, the contrast between the background and the subject is large.
- 80 - Recording This takes pictures of a baby with a healthy co mplexion. It is possible to set different birthdays and names for [Baby1] and [Baby2]. Y ou can select to have these appear at the time of pl ayback, or have them stamped on t he recorded image using [T ext S tamp] (P1 16) .
- 81 - Recording This mode minimizes the jitter of the subjects, and enables you to take pictures of these subjects in dimly lit rooms. ∫ Picture Size Select the picture size of 3M (4:3), 2.5M (3:2), 2M (16:9) or 2 .5M (1:1). This mode allows you to take vivid pictures of a starry sky or a dark subject.
- 82 - Recording T aking Pictures with different ima ge effects (Creative Control Mode) Recording Mode: This mode allows you to add any of 15 types of effect s before r ecording. Y ou can set the effect s to add by selecting example images and checking them on the screen.
- 83 - Recording For details on how to select the “Creative Control Mod e” settin gs, refe r to P82 . ¢ Thes e pictu res are exampl es to show the effect. This effect emphasizes the color to make a pop art picture. This effect gives a faded image.
- 84 - Recording This effect adds a dark and relaxing feel to the overall image and enhances bright parts. This effect creates a sepia image. This effect gives a higher contrast to create an impres sive bla ck and white picture. This effect gives your photo a dramatic contrast look.
- 85 - Recording This effect produces the optimum brightness for both dark and b right part s. This effect gives your phot o a dramatic color look. This eff ect reduces peripheral brightness to give t he impressio n of a toy camera.
- 86 - Recording This effect blurs peripheral areas to give the impression of a diorama. This effect blurs the overall image to produce a soft feel. [Miniature Ef fect] Items that can be set Directi on of t he blur Horizont al/V ertical • Press 2 / 1 to se lect t he direc tion of the blur, and press [ME NU/SE T].
- 87 - Recording This effect transforms pin-points of light into a st ar effect. This effect leaves one selected color to emphasize impressivene ss. [S tar Fil ter] [One Point Color] ∫ Set the color to leave in 1 Fit the color you want to leave in the frame at the center of the screen, and then press [M ENU/ SET].
- 88 - Recording T aking Pictures in Custom Mode Recording Mode: Y ou can register the current camer a settings as custom settings . If you then record in Custom Mode, you can use the registered s ettings. • Initi al setting of t he Program AE Mode is regis tered a s the cus tom set tings ini tially .
- 89 - Recording Y ou can easily call up the setti ngs you have registered using [ Cust.Set M em.]. (When calling up a custom set registered for [ ]) Set the mode dial to [ ]. • The cus tom set regist ered fo r [ ] is c alled up . (When calling up a custom set registered for [ ]/[ ]/[ ]) 1 Set the mod e dial to [ ].
- 90 - Recording Entering T ext Y ou can enter the name of your baby or pet when taking pictures . In addition, you can enter characters (comments) on the picture s you have taken. When a screen that looks like the one on the right is displayed , you can enter characters.
- 91 - Recording Using the [Rec] M enu For details on [Rec] menu settings, refer to P41 . Appl ica ble m od es: Set the number of pixels. The higher the numbers of pixels, the finer the detail of the p ictures will appear even when they are printed onto large sheets.
- 92 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: Set the compression rate at which the pictures are to be stor ed . • The sett ing i s fi xed to [ › ] in the f ollowing case.
- 93 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: This allows the Sensitivity to light (ISO sensitivity) to be se t. Setting to a higher figure enables pictures to be taken even in dark places without the resulting pictures c oming out dark. • For th e focu s range of flash when [A UTO] is set , refer to P65 .
- 94 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: In sunlight, under incandescen t lights or in ot her such conditi ons where the color of white t akes on a reddish or bluish tinge, this item adjusts to the color of whit e w hic h is clos est to wha t is seen by the eye in accordance with the light source.
- 95 - Recording ∫ Auto White Balance Depending on the conditions prevailing when pictures are taken, the pictures ma y take on a reddish or bluish tinge. Furt hermore, when a multiple number of light sources are bei ng used or there is nothing with a color close to white, Auto White Balanc e may not function properly .
- 96 - Recording Y ou can finely adjust the White Balance when you cannot acquire the desired hue by setting the White Balance. • Fine adj ustment is possible only wh en the Whit e Bal ance is se t to [ V ]/[ Ð ]/[ î ]/ [ Ñ ]/ [ Ò ]. 1 Select the White Bal ance to finely adjust and th en press [DISP .
- 97 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: This allows the focusing method that suits the positions and nu mber of the subjects to be selected. ¢ [ Ø ] will b e used during mot ion pic ture rec ording. • The sett ing i s fi xed to [ š ] in the following case.
- 98 - Recording ∫ About [ š ] ([Face Detectio n]) The following AF area frames are displayed when the camera dete cts the face s. Y ellow: When the shutter button is pressed halfway , the frame turns gre en when the camera is focused . White : Displayed when more than one face is detecte d.
- 99 - Recording ∫ Setting up [ ] ([AF T racking]) Align the subject with the AF tracking frame, and then press 4 to lock onto the subj ect. A AF tra cking fra me • AF area will be displa yed in yello w when a subject is recognize d , and focus will au tomatically a djust conti nuously f ollowing the subj ect’s movement (Dy namic trac king).
- 100 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: Contrast and exposure will be adjusted automa tically when there is a big difference in brightness between the background and subject , to bring the ima ge close to real life. Setti ngs: [ON]/[ OFF] • Compensati on ef fect may not be ac hieved d ependin g on th e condit ions.
- 101 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: Pictures are taken continuously while the shutter button is pre ssed. ¢ The numb er of B urst r ecording pictures are li mited by the pi ctu re-t aking conditio ns and the type and/o r st atus o f the card use d.
- 102 - Recording • Depending on the operating conditions, it may t ake time to t ake the next picture if you repeat the recor ding of pi ctures. • It may t ake t ime to s ave pictures take n in Burst Mod e on th e ca rd. If you take pictures continuously while sav ing, the maximum num ber of recordable pic tures decreases.
- 103 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: When Red-Eye Reduc tion ([ ], [ ]) is selected, Red-Eye Removal is performed whenever the flash is used. The c amera automatically detects re d-eye and corrects the picture. Setti ngs: [ON]/[ OFF] • This fun ction works only whe n the came ra detect s a face.
- 104 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: Y ou can take a picture with date and time of recording. • Date information for pictures recorded with the [Date Stamp] set cannot be deleted.
- 105 - Recording Using the [Motion Picture] Menu For details on [Motion Pictu re] menu setting s, refer to P41 . • The [Motio n Picture] menu is not dis played i n the f ollowing c ase s. – [Sof t Focus] /[S tar Filter] (Creativ e Contro l Mode) Appl ica ble m od es: This sets up the picture quality of motion pictures.
- 106 - Recording Appl ica ble m od es: It will continually keep on focusing on a subject for which the focus was once set. Setti ngs: [ON]/[ OFF] • Set t his functi on to [OFF ] if you w ish to fix the f ocus on the position wh ere you sta rted th e moti on picture rec ording.
- 107 - Playback/Editing V arious methods of playback Y ou can play back the recorded pictures in various methods. 1 Press [ ( ]. 2 Press [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to selec t [Playback M ode], and the n press [MENU/SET]. 4 Press 3 / 4 to s elect item, and then press [MENU/SET].
- 108 - Playback/Editing Y ou can play back the pictures you have taken in sequence at specified intervals. In addition, you can play back the slideshow of a desired type of images, such as pictures or motion pictures. This playback method is recomm ended when you have connect ed the ca mera to a TV s et to view the pictures you have taken.
- 109 - Playback/Editing ∫ T o filter images for slide show playback Y ou can filter images and play them back in a slide show by selecting [Filtering] on the slide show menu screen. • If you select [ All], you can play back a ll images in a s lide sh ow .
- 110 - Playback/Editing Y ou can play back images sorted by category or recording date. • If you turn of f the camera or swit ch to t he Recor ding Mode, you c an can cel the f ilter . 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [Category Selection] and then press [M ENU/SET].
- 111 - Playback/Editing 1 Press 3 / 4 to select [Select Date] and then press [MENU/SET]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select the date to be p layed back, and then press [MEN U/SET]. • If there were no pictures recor ded during a mon th, that mo nth is not d isplayed .
- 112 - Playback/Editing Y ou can search for images by record ed date. • The recor ding da te of the pic ture sele cted in the pla yback s cre en bec omes the date s elected whe n the calend ar scr een is fir st displa yed. • Y ou can displ ay the c alendar b etween January 2000 a nd Decembe r 2099.
- 113 - Playback/Editing Having Fun with Recorde d Pictures ([ Creative Retouch]) Y ou can add your desired effect s to the pictures that you have taken. • The pro cessed pi ctures a re newly genera ted, so be sure that you hav e enough spa ce in t he built -in memory or on t he card.
- 114 - Playback/Editing Using the [Playb ack] Menu For details on [Playback] menu settings, refer to P41 . Y ou can perform actions like cropp ing recorded pictures, as wel l as set up the protection of recorded images, etc. • With [Crea tive Reto uch], [ T ext S tamp], [Res ize] o r [Cro ppin g], a new e dited picture is created .
- 115 - Playback/Editing ∫ T o delete the received location inf ormation 1 Select [Location Logging ] on the [Playback] menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Delete Location Data] and then press [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to select the period you want to delete, then press [MENU/S ET] .
- 116 - Playback/Editing Y ou can stamp recording dates/t imes and names on recorded p ictu res. 1 Select [T ext St amp] on the [Playbac k ] menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect [SINGLE] or [M UL TI] and the n press [MENU/SET]. 3 Select the picture, a nd then press [MENU/SET] to set.
- 117 - Playback/Editing 7 Press [ ]. 8 Press 3 to selec t [OK], and then pre ss [MENU/SET]. • Confirmatio n screen is display ed. It is execu ted wh en [Y e s] i s selec ted.
- 118 - Playback/Editing Recorded motion picture can be divided in two. It is recommende d for when you want to divide a part you need with a part you do not need. It c annot be res tored once div ided. • Motion pic tures cannot be d ivided at a locati on close to the st art or end o f the motion pic ture.
- 119 - Playback/Editing T o allow easy posting to web p ages, att achment to email etc., p icture size (number of pixels) is reduced. 1 Select [Resize] on the [Playba ck] men u. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect [SINGLE] or [M UL TI] and the n press [MENU/SET].
- 120 - Playback/Editing Y ou can enlarge and then clip the important p art of the recorde d picture. 1 Select [Croppin g] on the [Playback] m enu. 2 Press 2 / 1 to s elect the pic ture, and then press [MENU/SET]. 3 Use the zoom l ever and press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to sel ect the p arts to be cropped .
- 121 - Playback/Editing DPOF “Digital Print Order Format” is a system that allows the u ser to select which pictures to print, how many copies of each picture t o print and whether or not to print the recor ding date on the pictures when using a DPOF c ompatible photo printer or phot o printing store.
- 122 - Playback/Editing ∫ T o pr int th e date After setting the number of prints, set/cancel printing with th e recording date by pressing [DISP .]. • Depending on th e phot o prin ting s t ore or the prin t er , the date may not be print ed even if you set t o print t he date.
- 123 - Playback/Editing Y ou can set protection for pictures you do not want to be delet ed by mistake. 1 Select [Pr otect] on the [P layback] menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect [SINGLE] or [M UL TI] and the n press [MENU/SET]. 3 Select the picture, a nd then press [MENU/SET].
- 124 - Playback/Editing Y ou can copy the data of the pic tures you have taken from the b uilt-in memory t o a card or from a card to the built-in memory . 1 Select [Copy] on the [Playback] me nu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the co py desti nation and the n press [ MENU/SET].
- 125 - Wi-Fi Wi-Fi R function ∫ Use the camera as a wireless LAN device When using equipment or comp uter systems that require more reliable security th an wireless LAN devices, ensure that the appr opriate measur es are taken for safety designs and defects for the systems used.
- 126 - Wi-Fi ∫ About the Wi-Fi conn ection lamp ∫ About the [Wi-Fi] button Pressing and h olding [Wi-Fi] before con necting to Wi-Fi (When c onnect ing to a smar tphone /t ablet) • The informa tion required f or conn ecting the sma rtphone/ tab let t o this un it (QR cod e, SSID and p assword) is displa yed.
- 127 - Wi-Fi This owner ’s manual refers to both smartphones and tablets as “ smartphones” from this point on unless noted otherwise. • When sen ding ima ges on a mobile net work, h igh pac ket co mmunication fees may be incur red dependi ng on the details of yo ur cont ract.
- 128 - Wi-Fi Controlling with a Smartph one/T abl et Using a smartphone, you can record images on the camera and save them. Y ou need to inst all “ Panasonic Image App ” (referred to as “ Image App ” from this point on ) on your smartphone. The “ Image App ” is an application provided by Panas onic.
- 129 - Wi-Fi By pressing and holding [Wi-F i], you can easily connec t the cam era to a smartphone or tablet. 1 Press and hold [Wi-Fi]. • The informati on required for connec ting the smartp hone to this unit (Q R code, SSID an d p assword) i s displa yed.
- 130 - Wi-Fi If you are using an iOS device When scanning the QR cod e to set up a connection (If you are reconnecting the camera, steps 1 to 5 are not required) 1 S tart “ Image App ”. (P128) 2 Select [QR code], and then select [OK] . 3 Using “ Image App ”, scan the QR code displayed on the screen of the camera.
- 131 - Wi-Fi When using an S SID and p assword to set up a connection 1 T urn on the Wi-Fi function in the setting menu of the smartphon e/tablet. 2 Select the SSID displayed on the scr een of the camera. 3 Enter the password displayed on the screen of the camera.
- 132 - Wi-Fi ∫ T erminating the con nection Af ter use, te rminate the co nnectio n to the smartph one. Once tur ning off the connection, you can perform normal recording and playback. 1 Press [ ]. • Confirmati on screen is display ed. It is e xecut ed when [ Y es] is select ed.
- 133 - Wi-Fi 1 Connect to a smartphone. (P 129) 2 Operate the smartphone. • Remote recor ding is disabled in the fo llowing Recording Mode s. If you try to use it, the camera will swit ch to Progr am A E Mo de.
- 134 - Wi-Fi 1 Connect to a smartphone. (P 129) 2 Operate the smartphone. Saving ima ges store d in the cam era 1 Selec t [ ]. • Y ou can switch the image s to be dis played by selec ting t he icon ( A ) on the top l eft of the sc reen. T o displa y images stored in the camera, select [LUM IX].
- 135 - Wi-Fi Y ou can acquire location information from a smartphone, and wri te it on images afterwards. • Y ou can write locatio n informatio n s ent from a s martphon e on i mages by using [Location Logging] in the [P layback ] menu of the camer a.
- 136 - Wi-Fi ∫ Methods for s endin g and i mages t hat c an be s ent • Some ima ges may n ot b e played back or sent dependi ng on t he dev ice. • For informa tion on the playback of images , chec k the ope rating ins tructi ons of the des tina tion device.
- 137 - Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select [New Con nection], and then press [MENU /SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to select [Send Images While Recording], and then press [MEN U/SET]. 4 Press 3 / 4 to select [Smartphone], and then press [MENU/SE T].
- 138 - Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select [New Con nection], and then press [MENU /SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to select [Send Images Stored in the Camera], and then press [M ENU/SET]. 4 Press 3 / 4 to select [Smartphone], and then press [MENU/SE T].
- 139 - Wi-Fi When sending images to PC ∫ Methods for s endin g and i mages t hat c an be s ent • When you send a moti on pict ure, w e recommen d supplyi ng power wi th the AC a daptor ( s uppli ed). • Some ima ges may n ot b e played back or sent dependi ng on t he dev ice.
- 140 - Wi-Fi • Create a PC user acc ount [ account name (up to 254 characters ) a nd passw ord (u p to 32 chara cters)] consist ing of alphanumeric charact ers. An a ttemp t to cr eate a rec eive folder may f ail if the a ccoun t i ncludes non-a lphanumer ic charac ters.
- 141 - Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select [New Con nection], and then press [MENU /SET]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to select [Send Images Stored in the Camera], and then press [ MENU/ SET] . 4 Press 3 / 4 to select [PC], and then press [MENU/SET ].
- 142 - Wi-Fi T o transfer imag es automatically ([Smart T ransfer]) Smart Transfer is a function that automatically transfers image s in the camera to a PC. The transfer starts when you connect the camera to the AC adaptor (supplied). • Whe n [Aut o Transfer] is set to [ ON], t he c amera auto matic ally u ploads r ecorded images.
- 143 - Wi-Fi When using Smart Transfer for the first time, follow the steps below to set it up. From the next time on, you can change th e settings from [Set De stination] (P144) . 1 Select [Wi-Fi Setu p] in the [Wi-Fi] men u, and press [M ENU/SET]. (P41) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Smart T ransfer], and press [MENU/SE T].
- 144 - Wi-Fi Changing the transfer destination or settings of images. 1 Select [Wi-Fi Setu p] in the [Wi-Fi] men u, and press [M ENU/SET]. (P41) 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [Smart T ransfer], and press [MENU/SE T]. 3 Press 3 / 4 to select [Set Destinati on], and press [ME NU/SET].
- 145 - Wi-Fi About Connections Y ou can select a connection method after selecting a Wi-Fi func tion and a destination. When connecting with the same settings as the prev ious ones, yo u can use the Wi-Fi function quickly by connecting via [History Connection] or [Favorite Con nect ion].
- 146 - Wi-Fi Y ou can select the method for connecting to a wireless access point. ¢ WPS refe rs to a func tion that a llows yo u to ea sily c onfigure th e settings related to th e connec tion a nd sec urity o f wireles s LAN devices.
- 147 - Wi-Fi Search for available wireless access points. • Confirm encry ption k ey of the sel ected wi reless access po int if the net work authen ticatio n is encrypted . • When con necting by [Ma nual Inpu t], confirm S SID, enc ryptio n typ e, encryption key of the wir eless access point yo u are using.
- 148 - Wi-Fi Y ou can directly connect your device and the c amera. Connect ing to a sma rtphone/t ablet (direct con nection) Connection method Description of settings [Manual Connection] Enter the SSID and password into the device. The SSID and password are displ ayed on the c onnecti on wait ing screen of this uni t.
- 149 - Wi-Fi When the Wi-Fi function is used, a record is saved in the histo ry . Y ou can register records as favo rites . Connecting from the history or favorites allows you to easily connect with the same settings as the previous ones. 1 Press [Wi -Fi].
- 150 - Wi-Fi 1 Press [Wi-Fi]. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select [Favorite Conne ction], and then press [MENU/S ET]. 3 Select the favorite item you wa nt to edit with 3 / 4 , and then press 1 .
- 151 - Wi-Fi T o send images, select [New Connection] , and select the method for sending them . Even after completing the connection, you can still change the siz e of the images to be sent. ∫ Images that can be sent ¢ Sending b y [Sen d Images While Rec ording] is not availabl e.
- 152 - Wi-Fi A picture can be automatically s ent to a specified device every time yo u tak e it. • Since the camera gives prior ity to rec ording, sending may t ake longer dur ing the recording. • When con nected wit h [Send Images While Reco rding], [ ] is displayed on the recording screen, and [ ] is display ed while sending a file.
- 153 - Wi-Fi [Wi-Fi Setup] Menu For details on how to select the [Wi-Fi] menu settings, refer t o P41 . Configure the settings required for the Wi-Fi function. [Wi-Fi Setup] cannot be changed when connected to Wi-Fi. 1 Select [Wi-Fi Setu p] in the [Wi-Fi] men u, and press [M ENU/SET].
- 154 - Wi-Fi • For det ails on how to enter c haracte rs, ref er to “ Enteri ng T ext ” s ection on P90 . • Make a copy of password. If you forget the pas sword, you can reset it with [Res et Wi-Fi Setti ngs] in the [Setup] menu, howe ver other set tings will also be reset.
- 155 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent Playing Back P ictures on a TV Screen Pictures recorded with this unit can be played back on a TV scr een. Preparations: T urn this unit and the TV off . 1 Connect the cam era and a TV . • Check t he di rections of t he co nnectors, and plug them st raight in or unplug them s traight out.
- 156 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent 2 T urn on the TV and s elect the inp ut to mat ch the termina l in us e. 3 T urn t he camera on and then press [ ( ]. • Depending on the [Picture Siz e], black bands may be displayed on the top and bottom or the left and right of t he pi ctur es.
- 157 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent Saving still pictures an d motion pictures on your PC Y ou can transfer the pictures in the camera to a PC by connecti ng the camera a nd the PC. • Some PCs can read directly from t he card removed from t he camera .
- 158 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent 1 Connect the computer and camera w ith the U SB connection c able (supplied). • Please turn th is unit on a nd your PC be fore co nnecting . • Check t he di rections of t he co nnectors, and plug them st raight in or unplug them s traight out.
- 159 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent ∫ About the folder stru cture of the camera The content (folder structure) of the built-in mem ory of the ca mera/the card is displayed on a PC as follows: • A new fol der is created when pict ures are tak en in the followin g situ ations .
- 160 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent Printing the Pict ures If you connect the camera to a printer supporting PictBridge, y ou can select the pictures to be printed out and instruct that printing be started on the camera ’s mo nito r . • Some print ers c an print directly from th e card removed f rom t he camer a.
- 161 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent 1 Press 3 . 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect an ite m and then press [MENU/SET]. 3 Press 3 to selec t [Print st art] and then pres s [MENU/SET]. • If the print chec k scre en has app eared, sele ct [Y es], and pri nt the pictures.
- 162 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent Select and set the items both on the screen in step 2 of the “Selecti ng a single picture and pr inti ng it” and in step 3 of t he “Se lecti ng multip le pictures and pri nting them” proce dures.
- 163 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent • Paper sizes not supp orted by the printer will n ot be displayed. [Paper Size] { Settin gs on the print er ar e prioriti z ed.
- 164 - Connectin g to ot her equipm ent • An item cannot be sele cted if the print er do es not s upport the page layou t. ∫ Layout print ing When printing a picture several times on 1 sh eet of paper For example, if you want to print the same picture 4 times on 1 sheet of paper , set [Page Layout] to [ ä ] and then set [Num.
- 165 - Other s Screen Display ∫ In re cor ding 1 Recording Mode 2 Recording Qu ality (P105) Picture Size ( P91) 3 Quality (P92) 4 Flash (P62) 5 Optical Image S tabilizer (P103) Jitt er a lert (P24).
- 166 - Other s ∫ In playback • The inf ormatio n of images recorde d with other device s, su ch as their icon s or recording in formation, may not b e display ed cor rectly . I n addit ion, th e funct ions o f t he ca mera may not be avail able for them.
- 167 - Other s Message Display Confirmation messages or error messages will be displayed on th e screen in some cases. The major messa ges are described below as examples. [This picture is protected] • Delete t he pi cture a fter c anceling the protect se tting.
- 168 - Other s [Memor y Card Error ]/[Th is memory card cannot be us ed] • Use a card compat ible with this unit . (P19) [Insert SD card again]/[T ry another card] • An error h as occur red accessing the card . Insert the car d again. • Insert a differe nt c ard.
- 169 - Other s [Failed t o connect wirel ess access point ]/[Connection failed]/[ N o desti natio n found] • Check following r egarding the wireless access poin t. – The wireless acce ss point information set on t his unit is wro ng . Check t he authe ntication t ype, enc rypti on typ e, and encryption key .
- 170 - Other s T roubleshooting First, try out the following procedures (P1 70 – 181) . • The batt ery is exhauste d. > Charge t he batt ery . • If you leave the camera on, the ba ttery will be exhausted. > T urn th e camera off frequen tly by using the [ Economy].
- 171 - Other s • Is the mode di al correct ly set ? • Is there any memo ry remaini ng on the bui lt-in memory or t he car d? > Delete the p ictures wh ich are not neces sary to increase availab le spac e in th e me mor y .
- 172 - Other s • Is t he ISO sen sitivit y hi gh or th e shut ter sp eed s low? (ISO sens itivity is set t o [AUTO ] when the came ra is shi pped. Therefore, when taki ng picture s indoors et c. noise will appear .) > Decrea se t he ISO sen sitiv ity .
- 173 - Other s • Set t he AF ar ea to the dist incti ve color of the su bjec t if ther e is a par t that is dif ferent f rom the sur roun ding col or. (P 99) • If th e camera is mov ed too slowly , th e ca mera assumes that came ra motion was stop ped an d ends the still picture recording.
- 174 - Other s • This phe nomenon a ppears when y ou pres s th e shutt er b utton halfw ay to set the a perture value and does no t af fect t he recor ded pict ures. • This phe nomenon also ap pears when the brig htness changes when t he came ra is z oomed or when the camera is moved.
- 175 - Other s • Is t he fl ash se tting set to [ Œ ]? > Change t he fl ash set ting. (P62) • The fl ash cannot be used in the following cases: – When a set ting other than [OFF] is selecte.
- 176 - Other s • Is t he c lock in the ca mera set prope rly? (P22) • When pict ures e dited using a PC or pictur es t aken by other equi pme nt are searched, they may display da tes dif fering from t he a ctual d ates on wh ich the pictu res wer e ta ken.
- 177 - Other s (General tip s for usin g a W i-Fi co nnectio n) • T ry [Res et Wi-F i Sett ings] i n the [Setu p] men u. • Use within t he communic ation ra nge of the dev ice to b e connecte d. • Is any devic e, such as microwave ov en, cordless phone , etc.
- 178 - Other s • From th e Wi-Fi setting menu on the s martphone, tur n of f and t he n on the Wi-Fi fu nction. • When the firewa ll of t he OS, security soft ware, et c. is enabled , connect ing t o th e PC may not be possible. • Some OS versions, including Windows 8, use two types of account s: a loc al account and a Microsoft account.
- 179 - Other s • Is th e camera c onnecte d to the TV correctly ? > Set th e TV inpu t to E xter nal Input Mode . • Depending on the TV model, the pi ct ures ma y be elong ated h orizo ntal ly or v ertically or the y may be displayed with thei r edge s cut of f.
- 180 - Other s • When usin g a prin ter with a Cropping or b orderless printin g fun ction, c ancel t his fu ncti on before printing. (For det ails, refer to the operatin g inst ructions for t he pri nt er .) • When you order phot o stud ios to print pictur es, as k the photo studi o if t he 16:9 pictures ca n be printed.
- 181 - Other s • It is possible th at the subject may be warp ed slight ly , or t he bo rders get colored, depending on the zoom magn ificatio n, due to the c haracte risti cs of the lens, but this i s not a mal functi on. • When using the Exte nded Optic al Zoom, the zooming action will s top te mporarily .
- 182 - Other s Cautions for Use Keep this unit as far away as possible from electrom agnetic equ ipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.). • If you use this unit on top of or nea r a TV , the pictures a nd/o r sound on this unit may be disrupte d by electroma gnetic wav e radi ation.
- 183 - Other s Before cleaning the camera, remove the battery or disconnec t th e po we r pl ug from the outlet . Then wipe t he ca mera wi th a dry , sof t clot h. • When th e camera is soi led badly , it c an be clean ed by wiping th e d irt of f with a wrung w et cloth, and then wit h a dry cloth.
- 184 - Other s The battery is a rechargeable lithium ion battery . Its ability to generate power comes from the chemical reaction t hat t akes place inside it. If the surr ounding tempe rature i s too high or too low , the operating time of the battery may beco me shorter .
- 185 - Other s Do not leave the card where the temperature is hig h, where elec tromagnetic waves or st atic electricity are easily generated or exposed to direct su nlight. Do not bend or drop the card. • The card may be damaged or the recorde d co ntent ma y be d amaged or deleted.
- 186 - Other s • S tore t he batt ery in a cool and dry p lace with a relat ively st a ble tempera ture: [ Recommended tempera ture: 1 5 o C to 25 o C (59 o F to 77 o F), Recommended humidity: 40%RH t o 60%RH] • Always remov e the battery and t he card from the camera.
• SDXC Logo is a tra demark of SD-3C, LLC. • HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High- D efinit ion Multimed ia Inte rface a re trademark s or regis tered trademarks of HDMI Lic ensing LLC in th e United S t ates and other c ountr ies. • QuickT ime and the QuickT ime logo a re tradema rks or registered t rad emarks of App le Inc.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic DMC-ZS45 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic DMC-ZS45 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic DMC-ZS45 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic DMC-ZS45 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic DMC-ZS45 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic DMC-ZS45, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic DMC-ZS45.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic DMC-ZS45. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic DMC-ZS45 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center