Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AG-AC90PJ Panasonic
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Register now!! This product is eligible for the AVCCAM 3 Year Warranty Repair Program. For details, see page 10. Oper ating In structio ns Memory Card Camera-Recorder Model N o.
2 VQT4M90 THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN THE U.S.A. and CANA DA. The following ma rk and symbols are l ocated on bottom of un it s. Information for Y our Safety W ARNING: T o reduce the risk of fir e, electri c shock or pro duct dama ge, ≥ Do not expose this u nit to rain, moisture, dripp ing or splashing.
3 VQT4M90 indica tes safet y inform ation. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN THE U.S.A. FCC NOTICE (USA) Decla rati on of Confor mity Model Num ber: AG-A C90PJ T rade N ame: Panas onic Respon sible Part.
4 VQT4M90 AC adaptor This AC adaptor operates o n AC betwe en 1 10 V and 240 V . But ≥ In the U.S.A . and Canada, the AC adaptor mu st be connected to a 120 V AC power sup ply only . ≥ When co nnecting to an AC sup ply outside of the U.S.A. or Canada , use a plug adapt or to suit the AC ou tlet conf iguration.
5 VQT4M90 ∫ Concerning the battery Butto n-type battery: CR202 5 Batteries 1 Battery pack (Lithiu m ion bat tery pack) ≥ Use the specif ied unit to recharge the bat tery pack. ≥ Do not us e the bat tery pack with eq uipment o ther than the speci fied unit.
6 VQT4M90 ∫ Product id entificati on marking -If y ou see this symbol- Produc t Locat ion Memory Card Came ra-Rec order Bot tom Battery ch arger Bottom AC adapto r Bottom <For USA-California only> This product contains a CR Coin Cell L ithium Battery which contai ns Perchlo rate Mater ial – special handling may apply.
7 VQT4M90 IMPORT ANT SAF ETY INST RUCTION S Read t hese operati ng instruc tions car efully bef ore using t he unit. Follow th e safety instructi ons on the uni t and the appl icable s afety instruct ions listed b elow . Keep the se operatin g instruct ions handy for futur e referen ce.
8 VQT4M90 Brazil Only Brasil Apenas <Man useio d e bat eria s us adas > Cobrir os terminais po sitivo ( _ ) e nega ti vo ( ` ) com uma fita isolante adesiva, antes de depositar numa cai xa destina da para o r ecolhimento . O contato en tre partes me tálicas po de causar vazame ntos, gera r calor, romper a blindagem e produz ir fogo.
9 VQT4M90 ∫ Cautions for use Keep this unit a s far aw ay as po ssible fro m elect romagnetic equipm ent (su ch as micro wave ove ns, TVs , video g ames et c.). ≥ If you use thi s unit on top of or nea r a TV , the picture s and/or s ound on th is unit may b e disrup ted by electr omagnetic wave radiati on.
10 VQT4M90 ∫ Cards that you can use w ith this unit SD Memory Card, SDHC Memory Card an d SDXC Memory Card ≥ 4 GB or more Memory Car ds th at do not hav e the SDHC logo or 48 GB or more Memory Cards tha t do not ha ve the SDX C logo ar e not bas ed on SD Memory Card S pecifications.
11 VQT4M90 Infor mation for Y our Safe ty ....... ........ ....... 2 Accessori es ...... ....... .... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... 12 Opti onal acce ssories ....... ......... ........ . 13 Prep arati on Names and F unctions of Main Parts ..... 14 Power su pply.
12 VQT4M90 Check the a ccessories befor e using this unit. Keep th e accessorie s out of re ach of chil dren to p revent swall owing. Accessories Batt ery p ack Batt ery c har ger AC ad apto r AC cable (AG -AC 90P/ PJ) A for AC adapto r B for B attery c harger ≥ U.
13 VQT4M90 Optional ac cessories Some opti onal acces sories may n ot be availa ble in some c ountrie s. * R emove the l ens cap (s upplied). Produc t number s correct as of Oc t.
14 VQT4M90 1 Shou lder str ap fi xture ( l 17) 2H a n d l e 3 Sub zoom lever ( l 31) ≥ This le ver function s in the same manner as the zoom lever . 4 Sub recordi ng s t art/ stop bu tton ≥ This b utton funct ions in the sa me mann er as the recor ding start/stop button.
15 VQT4M90 19 Wireless r emote co ntrol sen sor 20 Intern al micropho nes 21 Record ing lam p 22 Speaker 23 Lens ( l 18) 24 Le ns ho od 25 INPUT 1, 2 (LIN E/MIC) sw itches 26 INPUT 1, 2 (+48 V) switch.
16 VQT4M90 45 LCD m onitor ex tract part [PULL] ( l 25) 46 LCD m onitor (Touch scre en) ( l 26 ) 47 Shou lder stra p fixt ure ( l 17) 48 Eye cu p attachme nt part ( l 17) 49 Eye cu p ( l 17) 50 Viewfi.
17 VQT4M90 ∫ Adjust the len gth of the grip belt so tha t it fit s your h and. ∫ Att aching the eye cup Att ach by al ign in g the no tc h of the ey e cu p att ac hmen t p art w ith t he p rot rus ion a t th e ins ide of the eye cup.
18 VQT4M90 ∫ Att aching the lens ca p Prot ect the l ens s urf ace w ith t he l ens cap w hil e th e unit is no t us ed. Attach or remove it by pinching o n it.
19 VQT4M90 ∫ About batteries that you can use with this unit (AG -AC 90P/ PJ) The batte ry that can be us ed with thi s unit is CGA- D54. (AG-A C90PX) The batte ry that can be us ed with thi s unit is CGA- D54s. Charging the battery Important: ≥ Do not use the AC cable with an y other eq uipmen t as it is designed only for this un it.
20 VQT4M90 1 Connect the AC cable to the battery charger and the AC outlet. (AG -AC 90P/ PJ only ) ≥ Use the AC cable ( K2CA2CA0 0025; supp lied) dedi cated for the battery charger. 2 Insert the battery into the batte ry charger by al igning the arrows.
21 VQT4M90 Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recordin g time ≥ T em per atur e: 25 o C (77 o F)/humidity: 60 %RH ≥ When u sing the view finder ( times in par entheses a re when us ing the LCD monit or) ≥ These ti mes are ap proxima tions.
22 VQT4M90 Connecting to the AC outlet The uni t is in th e st andb y co ndit io n when the AC adap tor is co nnect ed. The pr imar y ci rcui t is alway s “live” as lon g as the AC a daptor is co nnected to an electrica l outlet. Important: ≥ Use th e supplied AC ad aptor .
23 VQT4M90 The unit can record motion picture s or still pictures to an SD ca rd. Cards that you can use w ith this unit Use SD cards conform ing to Cl ass 4 or higher of the SD Speed Cl ass Ratin g for motion pictur e recor ding. ≥ Please ch eck the late st informati on on t he support website below .
24 VQT4M90 Set the power switch to ON while pressing the lock release b utton B to t urn on the uni t. A The status indica tor lights on. ≥ T o turn on th e unit aga in after the [ECO NOMY (BA TT)] or [ECO NOMY (AC)] is activated, set th e power switch to OFF once, and then to ON again .
25 VQT4M90 The view finder is tu rned off and the LCD m onitor is tu rned on when the LCD mon itor is extra cted. The viewfind er is turne d on when the LCD monitor is retracted. Using the LCD monitor 1 Extract the LCD monitor in the direction as indicated in the figure.
26 VQT4M90 How to use the touch screen Y ou c an operat e by directl y touching the LCD monitor (t ouch screen ) with yo ur finger. ∫ T ouch T ouch and release th e touch scre en to selec t icon or picture.
27 VQT4M90 When the unit is turned on for the fir st time, a messa ge asking you to set th e date and time will appear. Select [YES] and perform s teps 2 to 3 below to set the date and tim e. 1 Select the m enu. ( l 28) 2 T ouch the date or time to be set, then set the desired value using / .
28 VQT4M90 1 Press the MENU button . 2 T ouch the top menu A . 3 T ouch th e submenu B . ≥ Next (Pr evious) page c an be displ ayed by t ouching / . 4 T ouch the desired item to enter the setting. 5 T ouch [E XIT] t o ex it the me nu set ting . Preparation Usi ng t he m enu scr een MENU MENU AG-AC90-VQT4M90_mst.
29 VQT4M90 Formatting cards If you use the SD car ds for the first time fo r recording with this unit, fo rmat the ca rds. Please be aware th at if a medium is for matted, then all th e data recorded on the m edium will be erased a nd cannot be restore d.
30 VQT4M90 1 Change the mode to . ≥ Extract t he LCD mon itor . 2 Press the recording start/stop button C to start recording. ≥ Recording will stop when you press the recording start/stop bu tton again. 1 Change the mode to . ≥ Extract t he LCD mon itor .
31 VQT4M90 It can be zoomed up to 12 k . ≥ It can zoo m up to 25 k when the [i.Zoom] is set to [ON]. ≥ Zoom m agnificatio n can be c hecked in the screen di splay of Z 00 to Z9 9.The value gets larger when zoo med i n, and th e va lue get s sm alle r wh en z oom ed ou t.
32 VQT4M90 Focus Perfor m focus adju stments using t he focus ri ng. If au to focusing is difficult d ue to the c onditions, then use Manua l Focus. ≥ Switch to Manua l Mode. ( l 31) 1 Press the FOCUS A/M/ ¶ bu tton to switch to Manual Focus. ≥ It will switch to MF from AF.
33 VQT4M90 Manual shutter spee d Adjust th e shutter s peed when recordi ng fast-mo ving subjects. ≥ Switch to Manua l Mode. ( l 31) 1 T ouch the LCD monit or to disp lay the oper ati on icons and touch . 2 T ouch / to adjust se ttings. ≥ When [AUTO ] is touche d, the shu tter speed is se t automatically .
34 VQT4M90 Using the USER button T o use the set US ER button, press U SER1 to USER3 bu tton or touch th e USER4 to USE R7 button icon disp layed when you touc h the LCD m onitor .
35 VQT4M90 1 Change the mode to . 2 T ouch the play mode select icon A . 3 Select the [ MEDIA] and [V IDEO/PICTURE] yo u wish to p lay back. ≥ T ouch [ENTER]. 4 T ouch th e scene or the still picture to be played back. ≥ The reco rding form at is disp layed in the thumbnai l display of the motion pict ures.
36 VQT4M90 W a tching Vi deo/Pictures on your TV Connec t this unit to a TV . A HDMI co nnector B A V multi connector ≥ Please use “High S peed HDM I Cables” tha t have the HDMI lo go (as show n on the cover). Cab les not conf orming to t he HDMI standard will not work.
37 VQT4M90 Memory Card Camera -Rec order Informat ion for you r safety Others S pecification Power sour ce: DC 12 V (When u sing AC adaptor) DC 7.2 V (Whe n using bat tery) Power cons umpt ion: 12.9 W Recordi ng f ormat: A VCHD format version 2.0 compliant (A VCHD Pr ogressive) Motio n pictur e compr ession: MPEG-4 A V C/H.
38 VQT4M90 AC ad apt or Informati on for your safety Dimensions: 1 15 mm (W ) k 37 mm ( H) k 57 mm (D ) [4.53 q (W) k 1.4 6 q (H) k 2.24 q (D)] Mass (Weight): Approx. 210 g (Approx. 0.46 lbs.) Batter y charge r Informati on for your safety Dimensions: 70 mm (W ) k 44.
39 VQT4M90 ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws ∫ Licenses ≥ SDXC Lo go is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC. ≥ “A VCHD”, “A VCHD Progressive” and the “A VCHD Progressive” logo are tra demarks of Panaso nic Corpora tion and S ony Corpo ration.
Web Site: © Panasonic Corporation 2012 k 40 ページ 2012 年9月25日 火 曜日 午後1 時18分.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic AG-AC90PJ (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic AG-AC90PJ yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic AG-AC90PJ - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic AG-AC90PJ you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic AG-AC90PJ will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic AG-AC90PJ, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic AG-AC90PJ.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic AG-AC90PJ. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic AG-AC90PJ along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center