Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product M10-IT Omron
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Digit al Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Model M10-IT • Instruction Manual • Mode d’emploi • Gebrauchsanweisung • Manuale di istruzioni • Manual de instrucciones • Gebruiksaanwijzing .
2 Contents Bef ore using th e unit Introduction ............ ............ ............. ............. ............. ............. ..... 3 Impor tant Safety Information ......... ............. ............. ............. ..... 4 1. Ove rview ..........
3 Intro duction EN Befo re us ing the unit Introduction Thank you for purchasing the OMRON M10-IT In tellisense Upp er Arm Bloo d Pressu re Mon itor . The OMRON M1 0-IT Intellis ense is a fully aut omatic blood press ure monit or , oper ating on the o scill ometri c prin cipl e.
4 Impo rtant Sa fety Info rmatio n Import ant Safety Information Consu lt you r doc tor dur ing preg nancy , arrhy thmia a nd ar teriosc lero sis. Use th e unit only t o store t he des ignated users mea sure ment r esults. Plea se re ad thi s sec tion c aref ully before usin g the un it.
5 Impor tant Safe ty Infor mation EN • Neve r plug i n or unpl ug the p ower cor d from th e electr ic ou tlet with wet ha nds. (Battery Usage ) • If batt ery f luid sho uld ge t in yo ur eyes , imme diately rinse wi th ple nty of cl ean wa ter . Cons ult a doc tor imme diatel y .
6 1. Ove rview 1. Ov erv iew Main Unit A. Displa y B. SET butto n C. Morni ng/Evenin g A verage ( / ) bu ttons D. MEMOR Y butto n E. USB conn ector j ack (USB 1.1 comp atible) F . O/I ST AR T but ton G . User ID s elect ion swi tch (A & B) H. Battery comp artment I.
7 1. Ove rview EN Arm Cuff K. Arm cuff (Cuf f: arm circumfe rence 22-42 cm) L. Air Plu g M. Air T ube K M L.
8 1. Ove rview Display N. Systolic blood pre ssure O. Dia stolic bloo d pressure P . H eart be at sy mbol 1. (Fla shes du ring m easure men t ) 2. (If flash ing a fter m eas uremen t com plete d indica tes b l oo d pre ssur e out of rec ommende d rang e) Q.
9 1. Ove rview EN Package Content s AE.So ft stora ge bag AF . Four “AA” a lkaline (LR6) batteri es AG .USB cable AH.CD-ROM (Blood pressur e mana gement sof tware) • Instru ction ma nual • Gua.
10 2. P repar ation 2. Pr ep ar ati on 2.1 Inst alling/ Replacing the Batteries 1. T urn th e main unit u psi de dow n. 2. Slide the batt ery cover in th e dire ction of the arro w while pr essing t he ribbed part of th e cove r .
11 2. Pr epara tion EN Battery Life & Replacement If the b attery low sy mbol ( ) appe ars on th e dis play , re place all fo ur batterie s at th e same time. - W hen th e batter y low s ymbol ( ) s tart s to bli nk, you wi ll stil l be abl e to us e the un it for a s hort whi le.
12 2. P repar ation 2.2 Setting the D ate and T ime Y our bl ood pr essu re mo nito r auto mat ical ly stor es up to 8 4 i ndivi dual meas urement v alues wi th the d ate and time. T o ma ke us e of the memory and aver age v alues fun ction s: • Set the unit to the co rrect date and time before taking a meas urement for the first time.
13 2. Pr epara tion EN 4. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the m onth. Th e month is set a nd the d ay digi t s fl ash o n the disp lay . 5. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the d ay . Th e day is se t and th e hour digi t s fl ash o n the disp lay . 6. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the h our .
14 2. P repar ation 7. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the m inutes . The m inutes s ettings is s et. Th e unit automatic ally turns itself of f after the minute set ting ha s b een se t. T o adjust the date an d time , pr ess the S ET butto n while the u nit is in stand by mode.
15 2. Pr epara tion EN 2. Refer to Chapter 2 .2.2 to start setting the dat e and time. Wi th this ma nual s etting of date and tim e the un it need s to be manu ally s hut off. It will not automa tical ly turn of f aft er the min utes h ave be en set.
16 3. Using the Unit Oper ating instr uctio ns 3. Using t he Unit 3.1 How to Sit C orrectly When T aking a Measurem ent Y ou can take a measur ement o n either y our left or right arm . Notes: • Meas urem ent s sho uld be taken in a quie t place and you sh ould be in a re laxed , seated p ositi on.
17 3. Using the Unit EN Notes: • Correc t pos ture dur ing meas urement i s nec essary to get ac curate resu lt s. • Y ou should also try to measu re your blo od press ure at the same tim e each day . ( With in 1 ho ur after waking up is recomm ended.
18 3. Using the Unit 3.2 Applying the Arm Cuff Y ou can wrap the cu f f either on yo ur righ t or left arm. • Remov e tigh t-fitt ing cl othin g from yo ur upper arm. • Do not plac e the cuff over thick c lothes a nd do no t roll up your slee ve if it is too tig ht.
19 3. Using the Unit EN 3. Hold the gr ip on the cuff secur ely with your hand. 4. T urn the palm of your ha nd upwar d. 5. App ly t he cu f f to you r up per ar m so that the b lue str ip is cent red on th e midd le of y our inne r arm a nd poin t s down the in side o f the a rm.
20 3. Using the Unit 6. When the c uf f is po sitio ned co rr ectl y , clos e the fab ric fasten er FIRML Y . No tes: • Make certain the c uf f fits sn ugly around y our arm .
21 3. Using the Unit EN 3.3 T aking a Reading The uni t is des igned to take measur emen t s and sto re the meas urement v alue s in the memor y for two peop le us ing u ser ID A and user ID B. The uni t can als o be used to take a s ingle me asureme nt f or other person s usi ng the guest mode .
22 3. Using the Unit Selecti ng the User ID Sele ct yo ur user ID. Alway s use the sa me user ID when taki ng a meas urement. T he unit sto res the measur ement va lues in the memory by th e user ID selec ted. The se measu remen t values are u sed to calc ulate the morni ng aver ages a nd eveni ng ave rages.
23 3. Using the Unit EN Using the Si ngle Mode 1. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 2. Pr ess the O /I ST ART button . Al l symbol s appear on the disp lay . The user ID s ymbol y ou sel ected fla sh es on the displ ay . The c uf f start s to i nflate automatic ally .
24 3. Using the Unit 3. Infl ation s tops autom atica lly and the mea sure ment is started. As the cu f f deflates, decr easing n umber s appe ar on the dis play . T he heartb eat sy mbol ( ) flas hes at every h eartbeat. 4. Whe n the meas urement is compl ete, the arm cuff com pletely deflate s.
25 3. Using the Unit EN Selecti ng the Auto Mode Auto M ode ma y be s elected for either A or B us er . 1. Mak e sure t he unit is po wered off. 2. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 3. Pr ess and hold th e SET b utton. Th e auto mo de symbo l ( ) and the oFF set ting ap pears on the d isplay .
26 3. Using the Unit 5. Pres s the S ET butt on to c onfirm th e chan ge. Th e numbe r of s econd s between each meas urem ent is disp layed. No te: The d efault value between each m easurem ent is 60 se cond s. 6. Pres s the M EMO R Y bu tton ( ) to change the int erval o f time betwe en eac h measur ement.
27 3. Using the Unit EN Using t he Auto M ode 1. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 2. Pr ess the O /I ST ART button . Al l symbol s app ear on the disp lay . The user ID S ymbo l you sel ected fla shes on the display . The cuff st arts to infl ate auto matic ally .
28 3. Using the Unit Th e second measu reme nt starts automat icall y . Th e second m easurem ent is compl ete, wai ting to start th e next meas urement . Th e third m easur ement st arts au tomatical ly . Th e consec utive measur emen t s are com plete.
29 3. Using the Unit EN Impo rt ant: • If your s ysto lic or diast olic pressu re is outside th e standard ran ge, the h eartb eat symb ol wil l blink when the meas urement resu lt is disp layed . Recent rese arch suggests th at the fo llowi ng value s ca n be used as a guide to hig h bloo d pressu re for m easurem ents taken at h ome.
30 3. Using the Unit What is Irregul ar Heartbeat? An i rregular heartbe at is a hear tbeat rhythm th at varie s by more than 25% from th e ave rage heartb eat rhythm det ected while the u nit is meas uring t he sy stolic and dias tol ic blood pres sure .
31 3. Using the Unit EN 3.4 Instructions for S pecial C onditions If you r sys tolic pr essure is know n to be m ore t han 220 mmHg, p ress and ho ld the O/I ST AR T butto n until the arm c uff inflate s 30 to 40 mm Hg high er than y our sus pected systolic press ure.
32 3. Using the Unit 3.5 Using the Memory Function The uni t is des igned to s tore t he blood p ressur e and t he pulse rate in the me mory for two pe ople (user A and user B) e very time a meas urement i s co mpleted .
33 3. Using the Unit EN 3. Pr ess the ME MORY button ( ) to display the most rec ent set of i ndivi dual m easurem ent va lues on the s creen. The val ues ar e disp layed from the most r ecent to the o ldest . No te: The date and tim e are alter nately disp layed wit h the measu remen t valu es.
34 3. Using the Unit Morning a nd Evening A verages The uni t calcul ates and displ ays a weekly average for m easurem ents taken in t he mor ning ( ) an d even ing ( ). T he uni t stores 8 weeks of morn ing aver ages and 8 week s of ev ening averag es for ea ch us er (A and B ).
35 3. Using the Unit EN About t he W eekly A verages Morning W eekly Avera ge This i s the av erage for meas urements taken during th e mor ning (4:00 AM- 9:59 AM ) between Sunday and S aturday . An av erage for each day i s calcula ted for up to th ree meas urements taken within 10 minut es of t he first mea su rement of the mor ning.
36 3. Using the Unit T o Displ ay Morning and Evening A verages 1. Sele ct you r us er ID (A or B). 2. Pr ess the mo rnin g ave rage button ( ) or th e eve ning aver age butto n ( ). The av erage for th e curre nt week “THIS WEEK” appe ars on th e disp lay .
37 3. Using the Unit EN Notes on Display Combinat ions In add ition t o the mo rnin g averag e and even ing av erag e symbol s, the unit m ay al so di splay th e mo rning hy pert ensio n symbol if the morning averag e for t hat week is abov e the h ome blood pres sure gui deli ne.
38 3. Using the Unit The morni ng hyperten sion sy mbol ( ) appear s if the weekly avera ge for m orning m easurem ents is abov e 135/ 85. In thi s case t he mor ning h ypertens ion sy mbol ( ) is display ed when the ev ening average is di splaye d, reg ardle ss o f the va lues for the even ing av erage.
39 3. Using the Unit EN 3.6 Downloading Dat a to a PC Omron ’s blood p ressure m anagem ent so ftware inclu ded with this uni t allo ws you to vi ew , manage and pr int data abou t blood pressu re meas ured by the OM RON M10- IT Intellis ense. Plea se se e attached “Ins t allati on Guid e” be fore ins talling s of tw are onto a PC.
40 4. Quick Refe rence Guid e 4. Quick Refe rence Guide This Qui ck Reference Guide i s for referenc e only . Pl ease read the entire manual befor e using the unit for the f irst time. T o help ensu re a rel i able read ing, avoid eating, smoki ng, or exercis ing for at least 30 minutes before t aking a measure m ent.
41 5. H andling Er rors and Prob lems EN Care a nd mainten ance 5. Handling Errors and Problems 5.1 Erro r Mes sages Error Display Cause Remedy Cuf f is under inflated. Carefully read and repeat the steps listed under Chapt er 3.3. Movement dur ing measurem ent.
42 5. Hand ling E rr ors an d Pro blems 5.2 T roubleshooti ng Problem Cause Remedy No display appe ars when the O/ I ST ART button is pressed. The batteries ar e empty . Replace the batteries. Cannot measure or readings are too high. Is the cuff wrapped correctly around the arm? Attach the arm cuff correctly .
43 6. Main tenance a nd St orage EN 6. Maintenance a nd S torage T o prot ect you r unit from damage, please observe the follo wing: • Do not subject your unit and cuf f to extreme temperatures, humidity , moisture or direct sunlight. • Do not fold the cuf f or tubing tightly .
44 7. Opt iona l P arts 7. Optional Part s Using t he Optiona l AC Adapter Insert b atteries i nto the b attery compartme nt even when usi ng the A C adapte r . Notes: • Neve r plug i n or unpl ug the p ower cor d from th e electr ic ou tlet with wet ha nds.
45 8. T echnical Data EN 8. T e chnical Da t a Note: Subject to technical modification without prior noti c e. • This OMRON product is produced under t he strict quality system of O MRON HEAL THCARE Co. Ltd., Japan. The Cor e component for OMRON b l ood pres sure monitors, which is the Pressure Sensor , is produced in Japan f or assembly .
46 8. Te chnical Da ta This marking shown on the product or it s literature, indicates that it should not be di sposed of, with other household wastes at t he end of it s working life.
47 9. S ome Useful Infor mation a bout B lood Pr essure EN 9. Some Useful I nf orm ation about Blood Pressure What is Bl ood Pressure? Bloo d press ure is a me asur e of the force of blood flowing again st the walls of the arterie s. Ar teri al blo od pres sure is cons tantly c hangin g during the cou rse of the heart's cycle.
48 9. Some Useful Infor mation about Blood Pressure Classific ation of Blood Pr essure by the W o rld Health Organiza tion The W or ld Hea lth Orga niza tion (WHO ) and th e Inter nation al Soc iety of Hyperte nsion (ISH) d evelo ped the Blood Pressur e Classi fica tion shown in thi s fig ure.
49 9. S ome Useful Infor mation a bout B lood Pr essure EN Manuf acturer OMR O N HEAL THCARE Co ., Ltd. 53, Kunot subo , T erado-cho , Muko , K yoto , 617-0002 J AP AN EU-repres ent a tiv e OM RON H EAL TH CAR E E URO PE B.V . Scorpius 33, 2132 LR Hoofddorp , THE NETHERLANDS www .
An important point after buying a device Omron M10-IT (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Omron M10-IT yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Omron M10-IT - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Omron M10-IT you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Omron M10-IT will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Omron M10-IT, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Omron M10-IT.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Omron M10-IT. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Omron M10-IT along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center