Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 7100 Oki
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C7100/C7300/C7500 USER’S GUIDE — WINDO WS 2000 l.
PREF ACE > 2 E v e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t i s c o m p l e t e , accurate, an d up-to-date. The manufacture r assumes no responsibi lity for the r esults of error s beyond its control.
CONTENTS > 3 CO N T E N T S Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Featu res. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Using t his Manua l . . . .
CONTENTS > 4 Printer Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Whic h printe r driver? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Instal led op tions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CONTENTS > 5 Secu re print ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Confi denti al pri nting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Deletin g conf identi al pri nt jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CONTENTS > 6 Cannot pr int. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Application error or general protection fault is displa yed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Insuff icient memory.
CONTENTS > 7 Disk M ainten ance m enu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Syst em Adjus t menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Maint enance me nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PREF ACE > 8 NOT ES, C AUTIONS AND W ARNINGS NOTE A note appears in this manual like this. A note provides additio nal informatio n to supplemen t the main text which may he lp you to use an d understand the product. CAU TI ON ! A caution ap pear s in this m anual lik e this.
INTRODUCTION > 9 INTR ODUC TION Congratulations o n purchasing this colour printer! In this chapter you will find a summary o f the main features of your printer follo wed by s ome advic e on ho w to use th is User’ s Guide to get the most from your printer.
INTRODUCTION > 10 > PCL5c emulation and genuine Adobe Post Script 3 with automati c switching. > V ers atile p aper h andlin g wi th st andar d 530 sh eet paper tr ay and 100 shee t multi purpose tray , up to a maximum of 1690 sheets capaci ty with th e optio nal second and th ird paper trays.
INTRODUCTION > 11 USING T HIS MA NUAL This manual wi ll lea d you logical ly through the unpac king, setting up and operation of your printer to help you to mak e the best use of its many advanced fea tures. Also included are guidelines for troubleshooting and maintenance to ensure that it c ontinues to perform at its best.
INTRODUCTION > 12 PRINTIN G PAG ES The whole b ook, Individual pages, or se ctions may be printed. T he proced ure is: 1. Fro m the t oolbar , select [File], then [Print ] (or pr ess the Ctr l + P keys ). 2. Choose which pages you wish to print: (a) [All pages], for th e entire manual.
GETTING STARTED > 13 GETTING STARTED UNPAC KING Afte r unpac king the p rinte r and cho osing a suitab le place to pu t it, check that all the necessary par ts are available t o continue. 1. The prin ter. 2. 4 toner cart ridges (cyan, magenta, yel low and black).
GETTING STARTED > 14 CD-ROM DISK CONT ENTS The CD-ROM disks supplied with your pr inter contain the following softwa re: CD1 - DRIVER S > Oki L PR > CD I nstall > Oki T em plate > Stora.
GETTING STARTED > 15 CD4 - PRINT C ONTROL SOFTWARE > Print Control software PRINTER LOC ATI ON Plac e th e pr inte r on a f lat sur fac e lar ge e noug h and stro ng en ough to accept th e size and weig ht of the prin ter. Th ere must be suffici ent space around the pri nter to allow for access and printe r mainte nance.
GETTING STARTED > 16 PRINTER C OMPONENTS 1. To p c o v e r 2. C ontrol panel 3. To p c o v e r r e l e a s e c a t c h 4. Multi purpose tray ( manual feed) 5. Paper support extension 6. Pap er g ui de s 7. Front cover 8. Pap er t ray 9. Paper level indi cator 10.
GETTING STARTED > 17 11. LED head s (4 ) 12. Discha rge r olle r 13. Fuse r u ni t 14. Image drum and toner cartridge (cyan) 15. Image drum and toner cartridge (magenta) 16.
GETTING STARTED > 18 18. Power c onnector 19. Rear exit paper t ray 20. Interf aces and option car d slot 21. USB interface connector 22. Parallel interface connector 23.
SETTING UP > 19 SETTING UP Before connecting this printer to a computer and power supply, the toner cartr idges must be in stalled and paper inserted in t he paper tray. PAC KAGING AND PR OTECTIVE SHEET R E MOV AL 1. Remo ve any adhes ive tape and pack aging from the printer.
SETTING UP > 20 3. Re move th e LED he ad re str ainer fr om behin d th e LED hea ds i n the top cover..
SETTING UP > 21 4. Re move the four im ag e drum s and pl ace th em on a lev el surface. CAUTION! > Never expose image drums to light for more th an 5 minutes. > Always hold im a ge drum by the ends. > Never expose image drums to dire ct sunlight.
SETTING UP > 22 5. Remove the protective sheet s from each of th e four image drums..
SETTING UP > 23 6. Re plac e the four im age dr ums into the pri nte r maki ng su re eac h image drum is instal led in its correct co lour location.
SETTING UP > 24 T ONER CARTRIDGE INST ALLATION 1. Remove the four colour toner cartridges from th eir pack a ges. 2. Shake the toner cartridges back and forth several times th en, holding eac h toner cart ridge horizontally , remove the tape. Re move the l oc king pie c e fr om be hind the c olour ed to ner rele ase l eve r.
SETTING UP > 25 cartridge. Make sure the colours of the toner car tridge and imag e d rum correspond. 4. Gently push the ton er cartridge down engaging the lock i ng pin int o the groov e on th e imag e drum.
SETTING UP > 26 5. Gently push the coloured lever toward the rear o f the mac hine un til i t sto ps. Thi s rele ases the toner int o the image d rum.
SETTING UP > 27 LOAD ING PAP ER 1. Remove the paper tr ay from the printer..
SETTING UP > 28 2. Adjust the paper guides and rear stopper for the size of paper being used. 3. T o prev ent pape r jams: > Don’t leave space between the paper and the paper guides and rear stopper . > Don’ t ov erfil l the p aper tr ay .
SETTING UP > 29 4. If fitte d, a lower p aper tray cann ot be used to print if there is no paper tray inserted above it. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2).
SETTING UP > 30 5. For fac e down printi ng, mak e sure th e rear paper exit is closed (the paper exits from the top of the printer). Pape r is stac ked in printed order and paper tray capac i ty is appro ximately 500 sheets, dep ending on paper weight.
SETTING UP > 31 MANU AL FEED 1. Open the multi purpose tray and extend the paper feed guides. 2. Load the paper and adjust the paper guides to the siz e of paper being used. 3. Lo ad th e pape r into the mu lti purpos e tr ay with the pri nt f ace upward for singl e sided printing and print fac e downward for duplex printing.
SETTING UP > 32 5. Load envelopes or letter headed paper f a ce up a s shown for both port rait and landscape printing. CAUTION! Don’t open or close the rear paper ex it while printing as it may r esult in a paper j a m.
SETTING UP > 33 POWER CONN ECT ION 1. Co nnec t the power cable (1) into the power so c ket on the printer, t hen into a grounded power supply outlet. 2. Switc h th e printer ON using the main power switc h (2). The print er will g o through it s initialisation and warm up sequ ence.
SETTING UP > 34 CO N T R O L P A N E L 1. Attention ind icator (red) . ON indicates that attention is req u i re d , but pr inting will c ontin ue. FLASH ING indi cates that attention is required , but prin ting will stop . 2. Ready indicato r (green) .
SETTING UP > 35 11. Onlin e butt on . Switc hes betwe en online and offline status. MENU SETTINGS CHANGI NG THE DISPL AY LANGUAGE Carry ou t the f ollow ing instr uctions t o chang e the lan guage t hat is disp layed on the pri nter’s LCD. 1. Press the Online but ton to return th e printer to offli ne status.
SETTING UP > 36 C ONF IRMATION PRINTOUT Print a list of menu settings to confirm that the printer is correctly configured. 1. Press the Men u but ton until th e INFORM A TION M ENU is di spl ayed, then pr ess the Select button. 2. C onfirm that PRINT MENU MAP is displayed on the L C D.
SETTING UP > 37 Paper feed selection The paper feed, paper size, paper weight and media type can be set manually on the printer using the control panel as follows.
SETTING UP > 38 Pap er size 1. Press the Online but ton to return th e printer to offli ne status. 2. Press the Men u button until PRINT MENU is displayed, then preset Select button. 3. Press either Item (+) or (– ) button rep eate dly unti l EDIT SIZE is displa yed.
SETTING UP > 39 Media ty pe and w eight Your printer automat ically detects paper type and weight . You have the op tion, however, t o over ride these settings as follows: 1. Press the Online but ton to return th e printer to offli ne status. 2. Press the Menu button until MEDIA MENU is displa yed, then pre ss the Sele ct butt on.
SETTING UP > 40 Paper , envelope types, tran sparencies and adhesive labe ls We rec ommend the following guidelines when se lecting paper and envelopes for use in this printer: > All paper and envelopes sho uld be stored flat an d away from moisture, direct sunlight and heat sources.
SETTING UP > 41 P APER FEED AND EX IT Selection of which paper fee d and which paper exit to use for prin ting and whe ther simp lex (single sided) o r duplex ( double sid ed) print ing is available, depends upo n the paper size, media weight and media type t hat is use d.
SETTING UP > 42 PAPER W EIGHTS AND MEDIA SETTING S * Not availa ble Pa p e r weight Media wei ght Feed Exit Tr ay 1 Tr ay 2 / Tr ay 3 Manual Re ar (fa ce up To p ( f a c e down 60 to 64 g/ m ² Lig.
SETTING UP > 43 PRINTER SETTINGS C ONF IRMING CURRENT SETTINGS Current menu settings can be confirmed by printin g a menu map. 1. Press the Online but ton to return th e printer to offli ne status. 2. Press the Menu butt on unti l th e INFORM A TION MENU is availa ble.
SETTING UP > 44 LIST OF MENU SETTINGS Listed in th e following tab les are the available pr inter sett ings. The default settings for the printer are in bold text . Print jobs menu (Only displayed if a hard disk is fi tted.) Information menu Item Va l u e Description ENTER PASSWORD **** Sets p assword usi ng a four- digit number (0~9).
SETTING UP > 45 Te s t P r i n t m e n u Shut down menu Print Menu Item Va lu e Description PRINT ID C HECK PATTERN Execute Prints ID check pattern to detect bad ID. Displayed only if "TEST PRINT MENU" of the System Maintenance Menu is set to ENABLE.
SETTING UP > 46 MULTI-PURPOSE (MP) TR AY US AGE Normal tray; Hig h priority tray; F eed when mism atch ing ; Do not use Spec ifies MP tr ay usa ge. As normal tray: (Tray select/switch) Use as a normal tray. High priorit y tray: (Valid with T ray select only).
SETTING UP > 47 EDIT SIZE Cass et te si ze ; Letter; Executive; Leg al 14; Legal 13.5; Legal 13; A4; A5; A6; B5; Cust om; Com- 9 envelope; C o m-10 envelope; Monar ch envelope; DL Enve lope; C5 Enve lope; C4 E nvelo pe Cassette size is s electe d when u sing standard si zed pap er in th e pape r tray.
SETTING UP > 48 Media menu Item Va l u e Description T RAY 1 MEDIA TYPE Plai n ; Letterhead; Tr a n s pa r e n c y ; Bo nd ; Recycled; C ard stock ; Rou gh. User ty pe 1 - 5 Selects the paper type for T ray 1. User type 1 - 5 are di spl ayed only if registe r ed in the hos t PC.
SETTING UP > 49 Co l o u r m e n u Item Val u e Des cript ion AUTO DEN SITY MODE Auto ; Manual Select whe ther density adjustment and T oner R esponse C urve (TRC ) compensation is automatic. Auto: Den sity adjus tment is automatically run under specifi ed cond itions, and ref lected in the TRC compensa tion.
SETTING UP > 50 C YAN, MAGENTA, Y ELLOW OR BLACK DARKNESS 0 +1+2+3-4-3-2-1 Adjusts &DQ 0DJHQWD < HOORZ %ODF N engine density . The Darkness settings for eac h CMYK value wil l be reflected as offs et values (additions) to the corrections through the Adjust De nsity/TR C Compensatio n function.
SETTING UP > 51 Syst em configuratio n menu CMY 100% DENSITY Disabl e ; enable Selec ts enable /disable 1 00% out put ag ains t the CM Y100 % TR C compens at ion. O rdinarily , the TRC compens ation functi on contro ls the appropriate print density; thus, 100% output is not always enabled.
SETTING UP > 52 CLEARA BLE WARN ING On ; Job PCL emulation: Sets the time before deleting err or mess ages. If On, pr ess Error Delete s witch to display erro r. If Job, e rror remains dis played until next print job is received . PS emulat ion: E rror messages are only shown duri ng job regardless of setting.
SETTING UP > 53 PCL emulation Item Va lu e Descr iption FONT SOU RCE Resident ; Dimmo; Dow nlo ade d Selects location o f the PCL font used. Dimmo is disp layed only whe n font DIMM R OM exists i n the sl ot. Downloaded only appears if fonts have been dow n loaded to the printer .
SETTING UP > 54 PPR Emulation Item Va lu e Description PEN WI DT H ADJ UST ON; OFF IN PCL, when sw itched ON , emphasi ses the pen width to impro ve the ap pearance of lines sp ecifi ed with minimum width. CHARACT E R PITC H 10 CPI ; 12 CPI; 17 CPI; 20 CPI; PROPOR TIONAL Specif ies character pi tch in IBM PPR emulation.
SETTING UP > 55 FX Emul ation Item Va lu e Description CHARACT E R PITC H 10 CPI ; 12 CPI; 17 CPI; 20 CPI ; P ROP ORTI ONAL Specifi es characte r pitch in t his emulation. CHARACT E R SET Set 1; Set 2 Specifi es a character se t. SYMB OL SE T IBM 437 Speci fies a symbol set .
SETTING UP > 56 HP-GL/2 Emul ation Item Va lu e Descr iption PEN 0 - 1 5 WI DT H 0.0 - 12. 0 mm Pen 0: 0. 13 mm Pen 1: 0. 18 mm Pen 2: 0. 25 mm Pen 3: 0. 35 mm Pen 4: 0. 50 mm Pen 5: 0. 65 mm Pen 6: 0. 70 mm Pen 7: 0. 80 mm Pen 8: 0. 90 mm Pen 9: 1.
SETTING UP > 57 CHARACT E R PITC H 6 CPI ; 9 CPI Specifies the de fault siz e of characters in GL/2 drawings. This wi ll not affect GL/2 mode in PCL. SELECT PAPER Edit size ; Plot size all; Plot size equip Specifies the meth od to determi ne the paper si ze in GL/2 drawings.
SETTING UP > 58 Parall el me nu USB menu Item Va lu e Description PAR ALL EL Enable ; Disab le Selects paral lel (Cen tronics) in terfac e. BI-DIRECTION Enab l e ; Dis a ble Selects bi-directional communication. ECP Enable; Disabl e Selects ECP mode.
SETTING UP > 59 IEEE1 394 menu (Only disp layed if IEEE 1 394 is inst alled .) Network menu (Only displayed if a network card is fitt ed.) Item Va lu e Des cript ion SPEED S100; S200; S400 Sets the upper lim it of transfer speed in communication layer.
SETTING UP > 60 Memory menu Disk mai n t enanc e (Only appear s if a hard di sk is fitted. ) Item Val u e Des cript ion RECEI VE B UFF SIZE Auto ; 0.5 Mb; 1 Mb; 2 Mb; 4 Mb; 8 Mb; 16 Mb; 32 Mb Sets the size of the re ceive buffer and will dep en d on t he amount of m emory installe d in the pri nter.
SETTING UP > 61 System adjust menu Item Va lu e Description X ADJU ST 0.00 m m ; +0.2 5 to +2 .0 mm; – 2.0 to – 0.25 m m Adju sts o vera ll prin t pos ition horizontally in 0.20 i ncrements . Y ADJUS T 0.00 mm ; +0.2 5 to +2 .0 mm; – 2.0 to – 0.
SETTING UP > 62 Mainten a nce menu Item Va l u e Description EEPROM RESET Execute Initia lises EEPRO M for each unit. SAVE MENU Execute Save s the current menu settin gs. REST ORE Execute Reverts to st ored menu settings . (Only dis played if there ar e saved menu settings).
SETTING UP > 63 Usage men u Item Va l u e Description TO T A L P A G E COUNT nnnnnn S hows total number of pages printed. TRA Y 1 P A G E COUNT nnnnnn Shows n umber of pages pri nted from tra y 1. TRA Y 2 P A G E COUNT nnnnnn S hows number of pages printed from tray 2.
SETTING UP > 64 Admini stra tor menu. (Only s ystem ad ministrator s have access t o this menu .) In order to enter this menu, turn o n the printer while holding down the I t e m + Item + Item + Item + /Item – Item – Item – Item – buttons.
SETTING UP > 65 USB ME NU Enable /Dis a ble E nable/Dis able USB MENU. Set to Disab le, USB ME NU is n ot displayed . IEEE 13 94 MENU Enabl e /Dis a ble Displayed only when the IEE E 1394 b oard is fitted. Enable/Disable IEEE 1394 MEN U. Set to Disable, I EEE 13 94 MENU is no t displayed.
SETTING UP > 66 SWITC H ING OFF In normal circumstances t h e power save facilit y should be used to avoid having to switch the prin ter off. How ever if you do wish t o switch the printer off manually, please carry out the following pro cedure: 1.
SETTING UP > 67 INT ERF ACE S YOUR PRINTE R IS EQUIPPED W ITH A SELECTION OF DATA IN TERFACES: 1. Paral lel – F or direct c onnection t o a PC. Thi s port requires a bi-d irect i ona l (IEEE 1384 c omplian t) pa ral lel cab le.
SETTING UP > 68 > If you are c o nnecting your printer direc tly to a stand alone computer proceed to the Chapter headed “ Printer Drivers” .
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 69 PRINT ER DRIVERS CD1 cont ains the pri nter dr ivers. Ple ase refer to the r eadme f ile on t his CD for the latest inform ation on printer drive r installation. WHICH PRINT ER DRIVER? Your print er comes w ith Windo ws drivers fo r PCL and Pos tScript (P S).
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 70 The setup program w ill give you a number of options, su ch as changing the printer ope rator panel language and making a test pr int to ensure that your printer is operating correctly.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 71 INSTA LLED OPTIO NS Certain op tions may have been installed i n this print er. For th ose that are inst alled, please chec k that they a ppear enabled on the Menu map (S ee “Confirm ing curren t setti ngs” i n “Se tting Up”) .
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 72 4. In [Installable Options], adjust the am ount of memo ry to be the same as th at now insta lled in the printer, as shown in the Menu Map.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 73 INTERNAL H ARD DISK Post Sc rip t 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t] m enu. 2. Highlight the printer name and click on [File] then [Propert ies]. 3. Clic k o n the [Device Settings] ta b. 4. In [Installable Options], click on [Hard Disk], a nd set it to [Installed].
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 74 PCL 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t] m enu. 2. Highlight the printer name and click on [File] then [Propert ies]. 3. C lick on the [De vic e Options] tab. 4. Check [Printer Hard Disk]. 5. Cl i ck o n [ O K ] .
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 75 DUPLEX UNIT PostScript 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t] m enu. 2. Highlight the printer name and click on [File] then [Propert ies]. 3. Clic k o n the [Device Settings] ta b. 4. In [Installed Options], click on [Duplex] and set it to Installed.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 76 PCL 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t] m enu. 2. Highlight the printer name and click on [File] then [Propert ies]. 3. C lick on the [De vic e Options] tab. 4. Check [Duplex Option Unit] 5. Cl i ck o n [ O K ] .
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 77 ADDITIONAL PAPER TRAY S PostScript 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t] m enu. 2. Highlight the printer name and click on [File] then [Propert ies]. 3. Clic k o n the [Device Settings] ta b. 4. In [Installable Options], click on [Availabl e Tr a y] and select the number of trays installed.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 78 PCL 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t] m enu. 2. Highlight the printer name and click on [File] then [Propert ies]. 3. C lick on the [De vic e Options] tab. 4. Increase the number of [Installed Paper T rays] to the number of paper tr ays now inst alled.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 79 PAPER F EED, SIZE AND MEDIA - DEF AULTS The prefer red setup for thes e items is Autom atic. However, the y can be set m anually, as follo ws.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 80 Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Paper/Q uality] tab. 4. Select required pap er feed from [Paper Sou rc e ]. NOTE If [Automatically Select] is selected, the correct paper tray is automatic ally selected as the pape r feed.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 81 5. Clic k o n the [Ad vanced] button th en click on [Media Type] and select the re quired type. NOTE If [P rinter Set ting] is selected , make sure th e printe r has b een se t to t he correct med ia type.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 82 6. C lick on [Paper Size] and set the required paper siz e. 7. C lick on [OK] three times..
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 83 PCL 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t Menu]. 2. Highlight the printer name and click on [File] then [Propert ies]. 3. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Setup] tab. OR Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Setup] ta b.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 84 5. Select the required pap er feed from [Source]. 6. Se lec t th e requ ired pa per w eigh t fr om [W eigh t]. 7. C lick on [P aper F eed Option s] and mak e any ot her select ions required then clic k on OK 8. C lick on [OK] twice and close the printer dialog ue box.
PRINTE R DRIVERS > 85 PRINTER DR IVER NETW ORK EXT ENS ION Availab le on TCP /IP netwo rk connectio n only. The prin ter drive r network extensio n facility is only av ailabl e if your printer has been installed usin g the driver installer pro gram on the driv ers CD .
OPERATION > 86 OPERATION The precedin g section on Printe r Drivers explaine d how to set up the defau lt opera tion of th e various feature s. These w ere ac cess ed vi a the Windows p rogram. This section ex plains how to change the prin ters oper ation for spec ific print jo bs when required .
OPERATION > 87 Differenc es between the range of c ol ours a monitor or print er can repr oduce > Neither a printer nor a monitor is c apable of reproducing the full rang e of colours visible to the human eye. Each device i s restricted to a certain range of colours.
OPERATION > 88 Monitor settings The brig htness and co ntrast co ntrols on your monito r can change how your documen t looks on- screen. Additi onally, your mon itor colour tempera ture influenc es how "warm" o r "cool" th e colours loo k.
OPERATION > 89 CHO OSING A C O LOUR MA TC HING METH OD There is no correct w ay to achie ve a good matc h betwee n the document dis played on your mon itor, and it's prin ted equivalent. There are many fa ctors involve d in achieving accura te and reproducible colour .
OPERATION > 90 RGB or CM YK If you are printi ng photographic images from a graphics applicatio n such as Adobe Photoshop, you may be ab le to use S oft-Pr oofin g to simulate the prin ted image on your monitor.
OPERATION > 91 PCL DRIVER C OLOUR MATCHING OPTIONS The Colour M atching opt ions in the PC L driver can be used to help match your print ed colours to the ones displayed on your monito r. To use th e colo ur matc hing op tions in t he dri ver: 1. Acc ess the printe r set tings pa ge via th e [S tar t] m enu.
OPERATION > 92 Digit al C amera Optimised for printing photographs t aken with a digital cam era. This tends to pro duce prints with lighter an d brighter colours. For some photograph s, other settings may be bett er dependin g on the subjects and th e cond itions under wh ich they we re take n .
OPERATION > 93 POSTSCRIPT DRIVER C OLOUR MATCHING OPTIONS The P ostScript d river offers sev eral different method s of controlling the colour o utput of the printer.
OPERATION > 94 Monitor (6500k) Viv id Optimised for printing bright colours when usin g a monitor with a colour temperature of 650 0K. Id eal fo r office gr aphics and t ext. Monitor (9300k) Optimised for print ing photographs when us ing a monitor with a colour te mperatur e of 9300K.
OPERATION > 95 appearance of an image. T his may change the overall appearance of an image as all the colours are shifte d together. > Saturation Best choice for printing bright & sa turated colou rs if you d on't necessar ily care how accur ate the colo urs are.
OPERATION > 96 > ICM is the colour manag emen t system built-in to Windows. Windows ICM uses ICC pro files for your mon itor and printer ; these profiles describe the colours that your device is capable of reproducing. ICC profiles can be associated with your pr inter via the Colour Mana gement tab of the pri nter d river .
OPERATION > 97 Input profiles provide information abou t the colour in the origin al device that was used to capture or display the image data. For example, an input dev ice could be a scanner, digit al camera, or moni tor. Output prof iles provide information abou t the device to which you are printing.
OPERATION > 98 1. Click on the [Colour Ma nagement] tab. 2. Select [Automatic] or [Manu al] setting for colour matc hing..
OPERATION > 99 3. If using [Manual] setting, clic k on th e [Add] button and select the r equire d co lour pr ofile from t he lis t. C lick on [Add ] then [Apply].
OPERATION > 100 PostScript pri nter driver: (a) Click on the [ General] ta b, [Prin ting Preferenc es] bu tton, then [La yout] tab. OR Click on the [Ad vanced] t ab, [Printing Defaults] butto n, then [La yout] tab. (b) Click on th e [Advanc ed] butt on.
OPERATION > 101 (c) Select the required image colour management from [Graphic]. (d) Click on [OK] three t imes and clo se the printer dialo gue box.
OPERATION > 102 PCL printer d river: (a) Click on the [ General] ta b, [Prin ting Preferenc es] bu tton, then [Col our] tab. OR Click on the [Ad vanced] t ab, [Printing Defaults] butto n, then [Col our] tab. (b) Select the re quired printing and colo ur mode from [Colour Mo de].
OPERATION > 103 (c) To set the colour matc hing manually, set [M anual Colour] in [C olour Mo de]. (d) To print a colour sample use the [Colour S watch] button.
OPERATION > 104 MULTIPLE PAGES O N ONE S HEET PostScript pri nter driver: 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Layout] tab. OR Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Layo ut] ta b. 2. Sel ect the number o f pa ges pe r sheet f rom [P age s pe r Shee t] (16 pages pe r sheet max) .
OPERATION > 105 PCL printer d river: 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Setup] tab. OR Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Setup] ta b. 2. Select the required num ber of pages p er sheet from [F inishing Mode] (16 pages per she et max).
OPERATION > 106 3. C lick on [Options] and select the requi red page border , layout and mar gins . 4. C lick on [OK] three times and close the print er dialogue box.
OPERATION > 107 CU STOM PAGE SIZ ES Custo m page size s can only be pr inted from the mult i purpose tra y (manual feed). The printer setting for the multi purpos e tray must be manually se t to custom pape r size before use. Width of a custom page size c an be f rom 76.
OPERATION > 108 4. Enter the width and h eight measurements in [Custom Page Size Definition], th en select [Paper Feed Di rection] if necess ar y. 5.
OPERATION > 109 6. C lick on the [Gen eral] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n and [Paper/Quality] tab then select the multi purpose tray in [Paper Source]. 7. C lick on [OK] twice and close the printer dialog ue box. PCL printer d river: 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Setup] tab.
OPERATION > 110 3. Enter the width and leng th measurements . 4. Cl i ck o n [ O K ] . 5. Check that [U s er Defined] is selected in th e [Size] box. Click on [OK] t wice and clos e the printe r dialog ue box. OR To save se ttin gs for la ter use : 1.
OPERATION > 111 PRINT RESOLUTION 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Job Opti ons] tab OR Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Job Options] tab. 2. Select the required prin ting resolution from [P rint Quality].
OPERATION > 112 DUPLEX PRINTING Duplex printing can only be carried out on standard paper sizes and paper weigh ts between 75 and 105 g/m 2 . The (optional) duplex unit mus t be fitted to the printer and enabled before duplex printing can be carried out.
OPERATION > 113 Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Layo ut] ta b. 3. Sele ct Flip on lo ng edge or Flip on short edg e fr om [Pri nt on Both Sides (Duplex)]. 4. C lick on [OK] twice and close the printer dialog ue box.
OPERATION > 114 PCL printer d river: 1. C lick on the [De vic e Options] tab. 2. Clic k o n the [Gen eral] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n then [Setup] tab. 3. Select long or short edge from [2- Sid ed printing]. 4. C lick on [OK] twice and close the printer dialog ue box.
OPERATION > 115 PRINTING BOOKLET S The (optional) duplex unit mus t be fitted to the printer and enabled befor e book let pr intin g can be ca rried ou t. PostScript pri nter driver: 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Layout] tab.
OPERATION > 116 2. Sele ct [Bookl et] fro m [Pag es pe r She et]. 3. C lick on [OK] twice and close the printer dialog ue box..
OPERATION > 117 PCL printer d river: 1. C lick on the [De vic e Options] tab. 2. C lick on the [Gen eral] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, [Setup] tab.
OPERATION > 118 4. C lick on [Options] and s et [Signature], [2Pages], [Rig ht to Left] and [Bind Margin] as required then click on [OK]. 5. C lick on [OK] twice to close the p rinter dialogue b ox.
OPERATION > 119 PRINTING WAT ERMARKS PCL printer d river: 1. C lick on the [Gen eral] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, [Job Optio ns] tab, then [Watermark ] button . OR Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Defaults] bu tton, [Job Option s] tab, t hen [Wa termark] butto n.
OPERATION > 120 3. T o create a new wat ermark or edit an exi sting wat er mark , click on the [New ] or [Edit] butto n. 4. T ype in the requ ired text and select siz e and angle in [T ext ]. 5. Select [Fon t], [ C olour], [T rim ] and [Position] o f the new w ater mar k, then c lick on [OK] .
OPERATION > 121 CO L L A T I N G Collating ca n be carried out wit h or without a hard disk drive fitted . Howev er, fittin g a HDD wil l achie ve greate r perf ormance. If the software application bein g used has a collate print option, it is recomm ended to use only one colla te option to prevent a ny conflicts in printing, i.
OPERATION > 122 FONT SUBSTITUTION Font s ubstit ution can only be carr ied out using Windo ws Po stScrip t driv ers. 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Layout] tab. OR Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Layo ut] ta b.
OPERATION > 123 4. Exp and [Pos tscript Optio ns] and sele ct the requ ired downl oad option from [ T rue T ype Fo nt Downlo ad Opti on]. 5. C lick on the [OK] button twice.
OPERATION > 124 6. C lick on the [Device Settings] tab and select required font substitutio n from [Font Substi tutio n T a ble]. 7. C lic k on [OK] a nd clo se the pri nter di alogu e bo x. PRINTING THE FONT LIST 1. Press the Menu button until PRINT MEN U is displayed, then press the S e l e c t Select Select Select bu tt on .
OPERATION > 125 PROOF AND PRINT Proof and print allow s printing of a single copy of a docume nt for checking be fore printing mu ltiple copies of th e same document . 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Job Opti ons] tab.
OPERATION > 126 (b) Enter a job name of up to 16 character s in [Jo b Na me] and check, if requir ed, [Request Job Name for each pr int job]. (c) Enter a four digit personal ID number using num eric charact ers 0 to 9. 2. C lick on [OK] three times and close the print er dialogue box.
OPERATION > 127 4. Press the Selec t butt on to selec t the prin t job an d prin t the remaining copies of the document. DELETING COPIES If the print j ob is i ncorrect, it must b e deleted from t he printer as follows: 1. Press the Menu button to acc e ss the PR INT JOBS MENU a nd press the S e l e c t Select Select Select bu tt on .
OPERATION > 128 SECURE PRINTING Secure printing or print ing with passwords allows the printing o f confiden tial documents o n printers that are sh ared with othe r users. 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Job Opti ons] tab.
OPERATION > 129 (b) Enter a job name of up to 16 character s in [Jo b Na me] and check, if requir ed, [Request Job Name for each pr int job]. (c) Enter a four digit personal ID number using num eric charact ers 0 to 9. 2. C lick on [OK] twice and close the printer dialog ue box.
OPERATION > 130 DELETING C ONFIDENTIAL PRINT JOB S If a confident ial print job ha s been printed , it can then be de leted from the pri nter as follows: 1. Press the Menu button to acc e ss the PRINT JOBS MENU and press the Select button. 2. Enter the p ersonal ID number using the butto ns on the pri nter control panel.
OPERATION > 131 STORE TO HAR D DISK Store to ha rd dis k (job s pooling) allows p rint jo bs to be te mporar ily store d on th e hard di sk be fore p rint ing. 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Job Opti ons] tab.
OPERATION > 132 (b) Enter a job name of up to 16 character s in [Jo b Na me] and check, if requir ed, [Request Job Name for each pr int job]. (c) Enter a four digit personal ID number using num eric charact ers 0 to 9. 2. C lick on [OK] twice and close the printer dialog ue box.
OPERATION > 133 DELETING COPIES If the print j ob is i ncorrect, it must b e deleted from t he printer as follows: 1. Press the Menu button to acc e ss the PRINT JOBS MENU and press the Select button. 2. Enter the p ersonal ID number using the butto ns on the pri nter control panel.
OPERATION > 134 OVER LA Y PRIN TING What are Overlays? Overla ys can be usef ul for tasks such as print ing lette rheads, forms, or invoices, and should red uce the need for pre -printed stationery.
OPERATION > 135 You don' t need to carry out a ll the step s above ev ery time you wish to print an overla y. If the files you wis h to use have alre ady been downlo aded to th e printer, you only need to carry out st ep (c) above.
OPERATION > 136 4. Choose all of the printer drive r settings with which y o u would lik e your overlay to print. 5. T r y to keep th e overlay to a single sheet . Don 't use N-up, dupl ex, finis h er o ption s, et c. until printi ng the document that includes the overlay .
OPERATION > 137 DOWNLOADING THE PRINT FILE TO USE AS AN OVERLA Y In the previous topic, you created a print (PRN ) file on your PC's hard disk. This t opic exp lain s how downl oad this fi le to th e prin ter usi ng the St orage De vice Manager .
OPERATION > 138 DEFINING OVER LAYS Post scr ip t pr in ter d ri ver : (a) Click on the [ General] ta b, [Prin ting Preferenc es] bu tton, then [Ov erlays] tab.
OPERATION > 139 (b) Click on th e [New] but ton. (c) Enter the file name o f a form in the [Form Name ] box and click on the [Add] bu tton . (d) If required, con tinue to add form files to the o verlay. (e) Enter a name for the o verlay in [Overlay Name] and select which pages the o verlay is to be printed on from [Print o n Pages ].
OPERATION > 140 (f) Click on [OK] . (g) Highlight th e overlay name in [D efined Overlays] a nd click on the [A dd] button t o add the overlay to the list in [Active Overlay s]. (h) Select [Use Overlay] from the drop down list. (i) Cl ick on [O K] twic e and clos e the printe r dialogue box.
OPERATION > 141 PCL printer d river (a) Click on the [ General] ta b, [Prin ting Preferenc es] bu tton, then [Jo b Opti ons] tab . OR Click on the [Ad vanced] t ab, [Printing Defaults] butto n, then [Job Optio ns] tab. (b) Click on th e [Overlay] but ton.
OPERATION > 142 (c) To define an overlay, clic k on the [Define Overla ys] button. (d) Enter the file na me of the ove rlay in the [Overl ay Name] box. (e) Enter th e ID of the file in [ID Values]. Please refer t o the user guide f or the storage m anager.
OPERATION > 143 (g) Highlight th e overlay name in [D efined Overlays] a nd click on the [A dd] button t o add the overlay to the list in [Active Overlay s]. (h) Check [Pr int Using Active Over lays]. (i) Click on [OK] three ti mes and clo se the print er dialo gue box.
OPERATION > 144 PRINTING POST ERS This opt ion allows you to configure and print p osters. It is only available with a PCL driv er. 1. Clic k o n the [General] tab, [Printi ng Preferences] butto n, then [Setup] tab. OR Click on the [Adv anced] tab , [Printing Default s] button , then [Setup] ta b.
OPERATION > 145 3. C lick on [Options] and enter the poster configuration details. 4. C lick on [OK] three times and close the print er dialogue box.
MAINTENANCE > 14 6 MAIN T E NANCE ADDING PAPER The L CD di splay wi ll in dica te whe n the number o f she ets of paper i n any pape r tray fall s below 30. At this ti me it is advis able to replen ish the tr ay as fo llows: 1. Remove the paper tray .
MAINTENANCE > 14 7 3. Refill the t ray with up to a ream (50 0 she ets) of paper, then replace the sheet s removed in step 2 . above (th is ensures that the oldest paper is used first, to help preventing paper jams). 4. Chec k that the paper guides and re ar stopper are correct f o r the size of paper being used.
MAINTENANCE > 14 8 5. If fitte d, a lower p aper tray cann ot be used to print if there is no paper tray inserted above it. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2).
MAINTENANCE > 14 9 CHANGING THE TONER CARTRIDGE When t he toner is running low, *** TONER LOW is dis played in the control panel (** * is the colour name). If prin ting continues without replacing the to ner cartridg e, CHANGE *** TONER is displayed and printing is ca ncelled.
MAINTENANCE > 15 0 2. Check the colour label of the ton er cartri dge to be ch anged. 3. Move the coloured lever (1) on the right of the to ner cartridge in the direction o f the arrow as far as it will go.
MAINTENANCE > 15 1 6. Shake the new toner cartridge bac k and for th severa l times. Then holding the toner cartridge horizo ntally , remove the tap e .
MAINTENANCE > 15 2 7. Insert th e new toner cart ridge into the image drum, left side first, e ngaging the drum loc ating peg in the hol e in the toner car t r i dg e. 8. Gently push the ton er cartr idge down, engaging the locking pin into the groove on the image drum.
MAINTENANCE > 15 3 9. Gently push the c oloured lever forward until it sto ps. This rel ease s the toner int o the imag e drum. 10. Gently wi pe the LED h ead s ur fac e with LE D lens cleaner o r a soft tissue. CAU TI ON ! Do not use methyl alcohol or oth er solvents on the LED head otherwise damage to the lens su rface wil l oc cur.
MAINTENANCE > 15 4 11. C lose t he top cover. NOTE After installing the new to ner cartridg e, the message on the display TONER L OW or CH ANGE TON ER shoul d disapp ear. H owever, this someti mes does not disappear unt il printing has been carrie d out.
MAINTENANCE > 15 5 CHAN GING THE IMAGE DRUM When th e image dr um reach es the e nd of its p roduct life , *** C HANGE DRUM is display ed in the control panel (* ** is the colo ur name). If printing continue s without replacing the image drum, CHANGE *** IMAGE DRUM is displayed and prin ting is cancelled.
MAINTENANCE > 15 6 2. Remove the toner cart ridge as follows: (a) Mov e the co loured le ver (1) on the ri ght of the toner cartridge in t he direction of the a rrow as far as it wi ll go.
MAINTENANCE > 15 7 3. Rem ove th e i ma ge dr u m. 4. Ma ke sure th e repl aceme nt imag e drum i s the c orrect colo ur and remove it from the pack aging.
MAINTENANCE > 15 8 5. Re mov e the prot ective sheet from the n ew im age drum ..
MAINTENANCE > 15 9 6. Instal l the new image drum into its correct colour location in the prin ter. (1).
MAINTENANCE > 16 0 7. Push the tab inwards and remove th e blanking p late from the imag e drum. 8. Re-install the toner car tridge or rep lace it with a new toner cartridge of the corresponding colour. See “ Changing toner cartridge” above. 9.
MAINTENANCE > 16 1 CHANGING THE TRANSFER BELT When the transfer belt rea ches th e end of its pro duct life, CHANGE BELT UNIT is displayed in t he control pane l. Transfer b elt life is approxim ately 60000 sheet s, A4, l ong edge feed. However , this assum es a stan dard prin t job of thre e sheet s.
MAINTENANCE > 16 2 3. Press bac k the lock lever (1) and, using the handles (2 and 3), remo ve the o ld tran sfer belt f rom the prin ter. 4. Remove the new tr ansfer belt unit from its pack aging.
MAINTENANCE > 16 3 5. Using the handles (2 and 3), align the pins ( 4) with the grooves (5) on the p rinte r and i nse rt the new tran sfer be lt int o the printer. 6. Mov e the l oc k lever (1) to wa rd the front of t he prin ter and ensure it lock s the transfer belt int o place.
MAINTENANCE > 16 4 7. Install the cra dle complete with the four image drums and toner car tridges back into the printe r . 8. C lose t he top cover.
MAINTENANCE > 16 5 CHANGING THE FUSER U N IT When th e fuser unit re aches th e end of its product life , CHANGE FUSE R UNIT is displayed in the control panel. Fuser un it life is approximately 60 000 A 4 shee ts. 1. Switc h off the printer and op en the top cover.
MAINTENANCE > 16 6 2. Move the tw o locking levers (1 ) to the rear of the machin e to rel eas e the fu ser u nit. 3. Using the handle (2), rem ove the fuser unit from th e printer. 4. Remove the new fuser unit from its pack aging. 5. Using the handle (2), install the n ew fuser unit into the printer.
MAINTENANCE > 16 7 CLEA N IN G TH E L ED H EAD Clean the LE D head when prin ting does not c ome out clearl y, has white lin es or when t ext is blurred. 1. Switc h off the printer and op en the top cover. CAU TI ON ! Do not use methyl alcohol or oth er solvents on the LED head otherwise damage to the lens su rface wil l oc cur.
MAINTENANCE > 16 8 2. Gently wipe the L ED h ead sur face with LED lens c leaner or sof t tissue. 3. C lose t he top cover..
MAINTENANCE > 16 9 T RAN SPOR TING THE PRINTER This printer is a precision machine . If it is transported without its protective packaging it may be prone to mech anical damage. 1. T urn off the printer. 2. Disconnect the power cable and printer inte rface cab le from the printer and remove any paper from the paper trays.
MAINTENANCE > 17 0 4. Seal the aper ture on each image drum and its toner car tridge with plastic adhesi ve tape (1 ) to prev ent any toner sp illage during transportation. 5. Re plac e the fo ur imag e drums c omp lete with th eir to ner cartridges back into the printer.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 171 T R OUBL ESH OOTING LC D M E S SA G E S The liquid crystal display (LCD) on the control panel indicates the printer status an d if there is a problem with the printer.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 172 DISK FILE OPER A TION FAI LED Error wit h hard d isk ope rations. DISK FILE SYS TEM IS FULL Hard disk/f lash memo r y full. DISK FULL The in ter nal hard d riv e is full. EEPROM INITIAL IZE ERROR Call f or ser vice. EMPTY Indicate s which paper tray is empty.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 173 RS232C OVERFL OW ERROR Serial ov erfl ow err or. Chec k configur ation of seri al card. RS232C OVERRUN ERROR Serial overr un error. Ch eck c onfiguration of ser ial car d. RS232C P ARITY ERROR Se rial p arity error. Che ck configu ration o f seria l card.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 174 PA PE R J A MS A paper jam will be indica ted by an error mes sage on the LCD. Paper jams are cl eared as follows : Open the top cover of the prin ter. IN THE P APER TR AY Remove the pape r tray and any jammed paper from the prin ter, then re-install the paper tray.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 175 BEHIN D THE FRO NT COVER Open the f ront co ver and remo ve any j ammed p aper, th en cl ose the front cover..
TROUBLESHOOTING > 176 ON THE TRANSFER BELT (a) Remove all four image drum s as one unit in t heir cradle. (b) Carefully remove any jamme d paper from the transfer belt and top paper exit. (c) Replace all four ima ge drums as o ne unit into the printer.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 177 BEHIN D THE REA R COVER Open the rea r cover and rem ove any jammed pape r, then close th e rear cover..
TROUBLESHOOTING > 178 IN THE FUSER UNIT If there is any pape r jammed in the fu ser unit, carry out th e following: (a) Move the two coloured locking lev ers (1) either side of the fuser unit toward the rear of t he machine (t hey are spring l oaded towar d the fro nt).
TROUBLESHOOTING > 179 (c) With the coloured lever on the fuse r unit to your right, move it toward you. Slowly remove any jammed paper . (d) Repla ce the fuse r unit i nto th e print e r.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 180 IN THE DU PLE X UNIT If there is any pape r jammed in the D uplex unit, carry out the following: (a) Open the front c over and slide out th e dupl ex un i t.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 181 (b) Open the duplex top cov er and remove an y jammed paper. (c) Close the duplex top cover and slide the duple x unit back into the printer.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 182 IN A NY AD DITIONA L PAPE R TRAYS If any additional paper t r ay(s) are inst alled, remove the paper trays and chec k that no pape r is jammed along t he various parts o f the exit path. Final ly... When all paper ja ms have been c leared, clos e the top cover.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 183 PARALLE L TRA NSM ISSIO N M ODE If there are pro blems com municating w ith the computer , i.e. the printo ut is garb led or inc orrect, the transmissi on mod e of t he par allel interface can b e changed. 1. Press the Menu button until P ARALLEL ME NU is display e d, then pre ss the Sele ct butt on.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 184 PROB LEM SOLVING PAPE R FEED PRO BLE MS. If paper jams be come frequent: > Mor e than o ne sh eet feed s at a tim e; > Pap er c ur ls; > Paper feeds at an angle. P ossibl e cause Remed y The printer is not horizontal.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 185 PAPER JAM H AS BEEN CLEAR ED, BUT PRINTER DOES NOT PRINT. PRINTING FROM WINDO WS CANNOT C ONFIGURE FOR PARALLEL C ONNECTION. CA NN O T CO N F IG U R E FO R U S B CO NN E C T IO N. P ossibl e cause Remed y The top cover has not remain ed open until al l pap er j ams ha ve b een cleared.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 186 P ossibl e cause Remed y Comp uter does not support USB interf ace. Check i f t here is a USB con troll er in the W i ndow s devic e manager. USB ca ble do es n ot meet spec ification s. Use US B cable to s peci ficati on Ver.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 187 PRINTOUT IS GARBLED OR INCORRECT WITH PARALLEL CONNECTION. CANNOT PRI NT. LPT wr ite error di splaye d. PRNU SBx w r it e err or is di splayed . P ossibl e cause Remedy Possible mismat ch on parallel c onnecti on between comp uter and printer.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 188 APPLICATIO N ER ROR OR GENERAL PR OTECTION FAULT IS DISPL AYED. INSUFFICI ENT MEMORY. PRINTING IS SLOW . P ossibl e cause Remedy Applica tion is not suita ble for Wi ndows version . Upgrade the application. Memor y is insu ffi cient for number of applications running.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 189 PRINTER REQU ESTS PAPER SIZE CH A NGE TO CONTINUE PRINTIN G. UNCLE AR PRINTING Longitud inal whit e stripes Longitud inal fadin g Faint printing P ossibl e cause Remed y Paper l oaded in tray is different s ize from that formatted in software application.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 190 Fad in g i n p atch es Longitud inal blac k stripes Faint sh ading on unprint ed sections Blurred letter edge s P ossibl e cause Re med y The paper is moist. Store paper within specified tempe rature and humidity level s. P ossibl e cause Re med y Image drum is damaged.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 192 PRINTER T AKES A LONG TI ME TO START PRINTING . T ON ER RU BS OFF WH EN YOU RU B THE P RINTED SUR FACE. P ossibl e cause Remed y The printer has to warm up returning f rom power save mode. In the pr inter menu sett ings, set power save to a higher value to in crea se the leng th of time be fore entering power save mod e.
ACCESSORIES > 1 93 AC CE SSORIES NETWORK INT ERFAC E CAR D The network interface card is an Ethernet board that supports Ether Talk, T CP/IP, IPX/SPX , IPP, SNM P, NDS and Ne tBEUI pr otoco ls. It can be co nnected us ing 10/ 100BASE-T X. 1. T urn off the print er and disconnect the power cable.
ACCESSORIES > 1 94 5. Prin t a Menu Ma p as fol lows to confi rm th e netw ork in terf ace card is corre ct ly insta lled . (a) Pr ess the Men u butto n twic e to acc ess th e INFORMA TION MENU. (b) Pres s the Select button and confirm that PR INT MENU MAP is displayed o n the LCD.
ACCESSORIES > 1 95 Instal lation 1. Switc h off the printer and disconnect the power cable and printer interface c able. 2. Loosen the two screws (1) and remove t he mother b oard.
ACCESSORIES > 1 96 4. If the memor y mod ules are of the same capacity , the o rder of SDRAM s lots to us e is Slot 1, Slot 3 , and Sl ot 2. (a) If the memory modules are of different part number/ capaci ty, ins ert th e highest module into Slot 1, the secon d high est i nto Slot 3 and the lowest int o Slot 2.
ACCESSORIES > 1 97 INTERN AL HARD DI SK The optional internal hard dis k is used for proof and print, passwo rd or sec ure prin ting. Instal lation 1. Switc h off the printer and disconnect the power cable and printer interface c able. 2. Loosen the two screws (1) and remove t he mother b oard.
ACCESSORIES > 1 98 4. Insert the handle locating lugs (2) and four locat ing feet (3) into the holes in the moth er board making sure the hard disk c onnect or (4) st arts to engag e with th e sock et on the contr ol board.
ACCESSORIES > 1 99 DUPLEX UNIT Instal lation 1. Switc h off the printer and disconnect the power cable. 2. Open the front cover (1). 3. Inser t the duplex unit (2) into the prin ter engaging the sides of the duplex unit in the slots in the printer.
ACCESSORIES > 2 00 ADDITIONAL PAPER TR AYS Two addition al paper trays can be inst alled and, when combin ed with the standard paper tray, paper capacity increases to appro ximately 1590 she ets. Instal lation 1. Switc h off the printer and disconnect the power cable and printer interface c able.
ACCESSORIES > 2 01 2. Lower t he p rin ter gen tl y on to the ad ditional p aper tray u nit aligning the holes and connec tion sock et on the base of the printer with the locating pegs and plug on the additional paper tray unit. 3. C onnect th e printer inter face c able and power cable, then switc h on t he printer.
ACCESSORIES > 2 02 4. Prin t a Menu Map as f ollow s to con firm the a dditiona l paper tray is corre ct ly i nstalle d. (a) Pr ess the Men u butto n twic e to acc ess th e INFORMA TION MENU. (b) Press th e Select button and c onfirm PRINT MENU MAP is displayed on the LC D.
ACCESSORIES > 2 03 C7000 C CS The C7000 C CS fac ility allows you to add A4 copy ing functionality (via a scanning and printing process) t o your printer.
SPECIFICATI ONS > 204 SPEC IFICATION S Print method LED exposed light source electronic pho tographic memory Reso lu ti on C7100 - 6 00 x 120 0dpi C7300 - 600 x 1200 dpi C7500 - 1200 x 1200dpi Co l.
SPECIFICATI ONS > 205 Media size - any tray A 4, A5, A6 (tray 1 only), B5, Legal 13/13.5/14 i nch, letter, Executive. Media size - MP tray A4, A5, A6, B5, Legal 13/13.
CONS UMA BLE S > 20 7 CO N S U M A B L E S Descript ion Life (Sheets) Or der c ode HIG H CA PACI TY T O NE R - M ON O 10,0 00 @5% A4 41 963008 HIG H CA PACI TY T O NE R - CYAN 10,000 @5% A4 4196300.
> 214 INDEX A Additional memory ............. ....... 194 Additional paper trays ........ ....... 200 B Booklets .................... ............... 115 C Components .............. ................. 16 Connection Power cable.... ..................
> 215 Sizes ...... ................ ................. 38 Types ..................... ................. 40 Paper jams ........ ................ ....... 174 Parallel Menu .................... ......... 58 Power cable ....... ................ ........
> 216 OKI CONTACT DETAILS Oki Systems (UK) Limited 550 Dundee Road Slough Tradin g Estate Slough, SL1 4LE Tel: 44 (0) 1753 819819 Fax: 44 (0) 1753 819899 http: //ww Oki Systems Ireland Limited The Square Indu stri al Co mple x Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland Tel: +353 1 4049590 Fax: +353 1 4049591 http: //ww w.
An important point after buying a device Oki 7100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Oki 7100 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Oki 7100 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Oki 7100 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Oki 7100 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Oki 7100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Oki 7100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Oki 7100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Oki 7100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center