Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Option 11C Mini Nortel Networks
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Opti on 11C Mini Plannin g and Ins tallati on G ui de Merid ian 1 Option 11C Mini Plann ing and In stall ation G uide Docum ent Number : 553-3021 -209 Docum ent Releas e: Stan dard 3.
Page 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide 4 Revision histor y April 2000 Issue 3.00, S tand ard. This i s a globa l document and i s up -issued for X11 Rele ase 25 .0x. Septem ber 19 99 Issue 2.00, S tand ard. Updated t o i nclude Option 11C Mi ni Phase I I c ontent .
Pa ge 4 o f 33 2 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00.
Page 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide 12 Content s Ab out th is g uide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Who shoul d r ead this guid e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pa ge 6 o f 33 2 Content s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Mis ce llan eou s it em s fo r in st alla tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Differe nces bet ween Optio n 11 C Mini and Optio n 11C . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chapt er 3 — S y stem a nd site requirem ents .
Content s Page 7 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Imp or tanc e of Rin ger Eq uiva le nce Num be r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Hea rin g a id comp ati bil ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pa ge 8 o f 33 2 Content s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Ch apter 10 — Conn ectin g the Chassis Exp ander to the Main Cha ssis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Chapt er 11 – Inst allin g the s y stem g round . . . . . 139 Cha ssi s po we red by t he sam e serv ice pan el .
Content s Page 9 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Chapt er 15 — Insta llin g and co nnect in g SDI and Ethernet ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Mo dem set up requ ir eme nts . . . . . . .
Page 1 0 of 332 Content s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Act iva tin g t ermi nal s on a D SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1 Ch apter 18 — Conn ectin g the trunks . . . . . . . . . . 253 Con ne ctin g t runk s w ith out a PF TU .
Content s Page 1 1 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide ESD I s ett ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 92 Te lep hone ton es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 1 2 of 332 Content s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Cre ati ng mod el t runk s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 29 Modifyi ng model trunks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 1 3 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide 16 About this guide Who s hould read this gu ide The Option 11C Mini P lann ing and Inst all ati on G u ide is for pe rsons res pons ible for planning an d insta ll ing th e Opti on 11C Mini syst em.
Page 1 4 of 332 About thi s guide 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Termi nolo gy used in t his gui de The Opt ion 11C Mini Plan ning and In stall ati on Guide is a global documen t. This gui de conta ins some terms which a re not common in the UK.
About this guide Pa ge 1 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Rela te d do cu m en ts Refe r t o the follo wing document s for addit ional in formation: • Option 11C an d 1 1.
Page 1 6 of 332 About thi s guide 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 • M3900 Series Mer idian Digit al Tele phone Descr iptio n, Installat ion, and Admi nistratio n (553-3001- 216) • Meridi.
Page 1 7 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide 26 Chapter 1 — Introd ucing the Option 11C Mini This cha pter provi des an overvi ew of the Optio n 11C M ini system. Optio n 11 C M ini sy ste m desc ript ion The Opt ion 11C Mini is a small co mmuni catio ns syste m based on exis ting Option 11C technol ogy.
Page 1 8 of 332 Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Option 11C M in i 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 You c an co nfigu re the Opti on 1 1C Mini as a no n-blocki ng s ystem. You do not have to provis ion th e Opti on 11C Mini for speech pat hs or time slot s.
Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Opt ion 11C Mini Pa ge 1 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Insta lling so ftware and config uring d ata The Opt ion 11C Mini support s a mini mum of X11 Releas e 24.24 softwa re. Ever ything from gene ral business fea tu res to ad vanc ed applica tions are avai lable .
Page 2 0 of 332 Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Option 11C M in i 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Security Device A S ecu rity De vic e come s wi th ea ch ne w O pti on 11C M ini syst em . At tach th e Se cur i ty De vice t o th e c ompo nen t s ide of th e MSC c ard at t he t ime of i nit ial in sta llati on.
Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Opt ion 11C Mini Pa ge 2 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Set-Based Ad m inistration The Set -Based Admini stration feat ure m akes syst em i nstalla tion and admini strat ion easier.
Page 2 2 of 332 Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Option 11C M in i 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 •M e r i d i a n M A X • Meridi an L ink / CC R • Symposiu m Call Ce nter • Symposiu.
Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Opt ion 11C Mini Pa ge 2 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide The Chas s is Expande r provid es four card sl ots . The Chassis Expander supp orts Mer idian Ma il Mini i n S lot 10 only. You c an plac e a ny IP E card in slo ts 7, 8, 9, a nd 1 0.
Page 2 4 of 332 Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Option 11C M in i 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Backup / reserve power You c an co nfigure re serve po wer us ing an Uni nterrup tible Powe r Supply (UPS). T he Option 11C Mini s ys tem doe s not include the UPS.
Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Opt ion 11C Mini Pa ge 2 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Rest or ing dat a If da ta be comes corrupt or i noperab le, you ca n rest ore ba .
Page 2 6 of 332 Chapter 1 — Intr oduc ing the Option 11C M in i 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00.
Page 2 7 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide 44 Chapt er 2 — I denti f y ing the Option 1 1C Mini equipment This cha pter desc ribes the main compone nts used to ins tall th e Option 11C Mi ni. T hi s chap t er al s o des cr ib e s th e d if fere nce s bet ween th e O p ti on 1 1 C Mini an d Option 11 C syst ems.
Page 2 8 of 332 Chapter 2 — Ident ifyi ng th e Option 11C Mini equi pment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Chassis i nstall ation option s You c an ins tal l the Main Cha ssis a nd Chassi s.
Ch apt er 2 — Identi fying the O ption 1 1C Mi ni eq uipment Page 2 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Figur e 2 25-pai r cable conne ctors on the back of the Main Chass is The Auxili ary (AUX), Serial Dat a Inte rfa ce (SDI), and Etherne t conn ectors are on th e back left-ha nd side of the Mai n Chass is.
Page 3 0 of 332 Chapter 2 — Ident ifyi ng th e Option 11C Mini equi pment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Figur e 3 Connecto rs on the back of the Main Chassis Power co rd connecto r SD I .
Ch apt er 2 — Identi fying the O ption 1 1C Mi ni eq uipment Page 3 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Fig ure 4 shows t he connecto rs on the back of the Chass is Exp ander.
Page 3 2 of 332 Chapter 2 — Ident ifyi ng th e Option 11C Mini equi pment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Powe r switch Ther e is a power swit ch on th e fr ont of the N TD K 9 1 Main Ch a ssi s and th e NTDK92 Chass is Ex pander. Us e this switc h to turn the Opti on 11C Mini power on and off .
Ch apt er 2 — Identi fying the O ption 1 1C Mi ni eq uipment Page 3 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Ta b l e 2 Asia P acifi c/Cala pow er supp l y DIP swi tch set tings In the As ia Pac ifi c/Ca la regio n, usag e of the high vol tage Mess age Wait ing Lamp is opt ion al.
Page 3 4 of 332 Chapter 2 — Ident ifyi ng th e Option 11C Mini equi pment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 Note: Set the dip swit ches be fore t he s ystem powers up . Fig ure 5 shows the power switch, power s tat us indic ator, and DIP swit ch se ttings .
Ch apt er 2 — Identi fying the O ption 1 1C Mi ni eq uipment Page 3 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Res erv e po wer su ppl y You can use an Uninte rruptib le Power Supp ly (UPS) to provi de a backup power supply for the NTDK91 and the NTDK92 chass is .
Page 3 6 of 332 Chapter 2 — Ident ifyi ng th e Option 11C Mini equi pment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 Apri l 20 00 NTDK16 48-port Dig ital Line Car d The NTDK16 48-p ort Di gital Line Card prov ide s an in terface t o a maxim um of 48 di gital inte grated voic e and 48 data po rts.
Ch apt er 2 — Identi fying the O ption 1 1C Mi ni eq uipment Page 3 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and Install ation Guide Cables a nd wir es Tabl e 5 lists the Opti on 11C Mini ca ble kits and their cont ents .
Page 3 8 of 332 Chapter 2 — I d entif yi ng the Opti on 11C Mini e quipment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Tabl e 6 lists misc ella neous cabl es and wires us ed with the Optio n 11C Mini . NTTK16 cab l e kit f o r Euro pe A0381307 pow er cord fo r Europe The A03813 07 connec ts a system chass is to a 220 V A C com mercial power sourc e.
Ch apter 2 — Identi fying t he Opt ion 1 1C Mini equip ment Pa ge 39 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide NT AK19EC cabl e The NT AK19E C is a two-port SDI cab le us ed with the NT AK03 circuit car d.
Page 4 0 of 332 Chapter 2 — I d entif yi ng the Opti on 11C Mini e quipment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Miscell aneous item s for ins tallatio n The followi ng is a list of miscell a neous items t hat yo u can use as part of Option 11C Mi ni s ystem inst allation .
Ch apter 2 — Identi fying t he Opt ion 1 1C Mini equip ment Pa ge 41 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide • additio na l Mod e m Eli minator (NULL Modem wi thout hardware hands hakin g). The A0601397 c onve rter may be requi red to inte rfa ce th e DTE to th e sys tem .
Page 4 2 of 332 Chapter 2 — I d entif yi ng the Opti on 11C Mini e quipment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Po w e r • AC po wer only • univ ersal po wer supply f actory install ed in ch.
Ch apter 2 — Identi fying t he Opt ion 1 1C Mini equip ment Pa ge 43 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide • C: d r ive on NTDK97 is 16 Mbytes • Z: driv e on NTDK9 7 is 1.
Page 4 4 of 332 Chapter 2 — I d entif yi ng the Opti on 11C Mini e quipment 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 48-port Digi tal Line Card Onl y t he Op tion 11C Mini syst em supports the NTDK1 6 48-po r t DLC .
Page 4 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 68 Chapt er 3 — S ystem and si te requireme nts Before you i nstall the Option 11C Mi ni sys t em, make sure tha t the sit e mee ts all envir onmental, grounding, power, an d cros s-co nnect te rminal requi rements.
Page 4 6 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Eart hquake br acing requir ements fo r cha s s is i nsta l l ed on a wall in a ve rtica l pos iti.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 4 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Fast e n t he mount ing bracke t for each chas sis to t he pi e c e of plywood wi th the five, 1 i n. #14 screws su ppli e d wit h the brac ket .
Page 4 8 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 The fol lowi ng a re addi tional grounding req uirements: • Ground conduct ors f or the Option 11C Mi ni system: — must not be s malle r tha n #6 AWG ( #40 metri c) at a ny poi nt (see Tabl e 10 on page 49.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 4 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide • All co ndu cto rs mu st t erm in ate in a pe rm ane nt way . Ma ke sur e al l termina tions are easi ly visible and ava il a bl e for mainte nan c e pur pos es.
Page 5 0 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Groun d bus isolation (Canada and the United States) Accord ing to the ex cepti on to art icle 384-20 in t he United Sta te s Natio nal Ele ct rical Co de (NEC), a pa ne l’s g r ound bus can be isol at e d from the hous ing.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 5 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Protection Correc t grou nding is a ne cessary c omponent of the protecti on system for equi pm e nt.
Page 5 2 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 You can use an y of the fol lowing busbar s a s a syste m SPG: • build ing princi pal ground , n.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 5 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Gr ound ing me thod The me th od of grou nding us ed for the Optio n 11C Min i depends on whethe r the sa me se rvice pa nel po wers al l chassi s.
Page 5 4 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Chassis powered by d ifferent servic e pane l s For each Main Cha ssis, c onnect a #6 AWG (#40 Me tric Wire Gauge ) grou nd wire from t he chass is to the NTBK80 gr oundi ng block.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 5 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Com m e rc i al po we r re qu i r em e nt s The Opt ion 11C Mini s yst em is availa ble with AC-power onl y.
Page 5 6 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 1 1 A C input requi rement s for each NTDK91 and NTDK92 (North America) Vo l t a g e Reco.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 5 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Site requiremen ts The fol lowi ng is a lis t of requi red site featur e s for an opt imal Option 11C Mini AC-powered s yst em ins talla tion.
Page 5 8 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Loc at io n of po we r ou t lets The maxi mum dist anc e between a powe r outle t and t he syste m c has s is depe nds on the lengt h o f the power cord .
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 5 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Receptacl es Rece ptacle requi rements are as fol l ows: • When install ed o n the wall , ins tall rece ptac les wit hin reach of t he cha ssis power cor ds.
Page 6 0 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Power t he tr ansfor mer pr imary t hrough a de dic ated circuit . If the p rimary has a plugga ble cord , make a n a dditi ona l ground conne ct ion between the Option 11C Mi ni SPG and a known bui lding ground refe rence.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 6 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 7 Typica l plu ggabl e cord Isola ti on Trans f or mer wiring plan • • • • •• • 553-8322.EPS Notes: 1 Power source is site dependent.
Page 6 2 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Tr ansf orm er s w ithou t plug gab le p ower cord s If the tra ns f orm er does not hav e a pluggable c ord, hardwire the transform er to an el ec trica l pan el.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 6 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 8 Typica l har dw ir ed Isolat ion Tr ansformer wi ring pl an • • • • • • • 553-8323.EPS Notes: 1 Power source is site dependent.
Page 6 4 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Powe r con sumpt ion worksh eets fo r t he Opti on 11C Mi ni system Use th e worksheet s (T abl es 15 to 17) in th is s e ction to dete rmine t he power cons um pti on for the Option 11C Mini s ys tem.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 6 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 1 5 Option 11C M ini po w er consumption : Main Chassis Ta b l e 1 6 Opt.
Page 6 6 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 A uxili ary e quip ment p ower Termin a l s, prin ter s , mod em s, and othe r d a ta unit s use d with the Option 11C Mini require s pecial wiring consid erati ons.
Chapt er 3 — System and si t e re qui remen ts Page 6 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Mai nte nance an d admini str ation t e r minals Refe r to “Term inal setup” on pa ge 201 for informat ion a bout s etti ng up termina ls recommended f or use with the Opti on 11C Mini syst e m.
Page 6 8 of 332 Chapter 3 — System and site r equi remen ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Mer idi an Ad min ist rat ion To ol s The Opt ion 11C Mini support s t he Meridian Admini s t rat ion Tools (MAT) appl icati on.
Page 6 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 82 Chapt er 4 — C reati ng an eq uipment layout pla n and a card slot assignm ent plan Take so me time to plan the install ation of the Opti on 11C Mini. Th is pr eparation helps to mak e sure that t he syste m performs c orrect ly.
Page 70 of 332 Chapt er 4 — Cr eat ing an equipm ent l ayout plan and a car d slot assi gnment plan 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 — ver ti call y on a wall — hor iz ontally on a wall • in a ra ck / ca b in et •o n a t a b l e Each Opti on 11C Mini chass is measur e s 8.
Chapter 4 — Cr eating an equipment layou t plan and a card sl ot as si gnment pl an Page 71 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 9 Typica l la yout f or instal l ing the chassi s on a wall i n a horiz ontal posi ti on Note: Lea ve w al l s p ac e for th e cr o ss - c o nn e ct ter m inal .
Page 72 of 332 Chapt er 4 — Cr eat ing an equipm ent l ayout plan and a car d slot assi gnment plan 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 10 Typica l la yout for ins tal ling th e chassi s on a wall in a vertical p osi t i on Note: Lea ve w al l s p ac e for th e cr o ss - c o nn e ct ter m inal .
Chapter 4 — Cr eating an equipment layou t plan and a card sl ot as si gnment pl an Page 73 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Equ ipmen t layou t plan for installi ng the .
Page 74 of 332 Chapt er 4 — Cr eat ing an equipm ent l ayout plan and a car d slot assi gnment plan 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 11 Typica l la yout for ins tal ling th e chassi s on a table Note: Lea ve w al l s p ac e for th e cr o ss - c o nn e ct ter m inal .
Chapter 4 — Cr eating an equipment layou t plan and a card sl ot as si gnment pl an Page 75 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Equ ipmen t layou t plan f o r ins talling the cha ssis in a rack/ cabinet You c a n ins tal l the Main Chassis and Chas sis E xpander in a 19 i nch ra ck/ca binet .
Page 76 of 332 Chapt er 4 — Cr eat ing an equipm ent l ayout plan and a car d slot assi gnment plan 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 12 Typica l la yout f or instal l i ng th e c hassis in a rack/ca b ine t Note: Lea ve w al l s p ac e for th e cr o ss - c o nn e ct ter m inal .
Chapter 4 — Cr eating an equipment layou t plan and a card sl ot as si gnment pl an Page 77 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide C ard slot assig nme nts Pre par e a card slot as s ignment pla n in advan ce. The card slot al location pla n shows circui t card to slot assi gnments.
Page 78 of 332 Chapt er 4 — Cr eat ing an equipm ent l ayout plan and a car d slot assi gnment plan 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 To prepare a plan fo r card slot a ssign ment, wri te t he t otal number of c ircu it card s require d for the insta ll ation in Table 1 8.
Chapter 4 — Cr eating an equipment layou t plan and a card sl ot as si gnment pl an Page 79 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Note 1: Install the N T6D70 SIL C c ard in the Main Cha ssis (Sl ots 1, 2, or 3) if i t is used as a clock c ontrolle r.
Page 80 of 332 Chapt er 4 — Cr eat ing an equipm ent l ayout plan and a car d slot assi gnment plan 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 See Figu res 13 and 14 for the ca rd slot ass ignments in the Ma in Cha ss i s and Chas s is Expande r.
Chapter 4 — Cr eating an equipment layou t plan and a card sl ot as si gnment pl an Page 81 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 14 Card slot assi gnments for the Chassis Exp ander Note: Refer t o Tabl e 18 on page 78 for a lis t of ca rds th at you c an ins ert in t he Ch assis E xpande r.
Page 82 of 332 Chapt er 4 — Cr eat ing an equipm ent l ayout plan and a car d slot assi gnment plan 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 8 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 90 Chapt er 5 — R egulat ory in f or mation This chapt er includes regu latory inform at ion for Am eri can, Canadian , an d Inter national in s t alla tions of the Opti on 11C Mini.
Page 8 4 of 332 Chapter 5 — Regulator y inf or m ati on 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 If your Me rid ian 1 Opti on 1 1C Min i equip ment c auses harm t o the te lephon e networ k, the telep hone company can di scont inue your servi ce tem pora ri ly.
Chapter 5 — Regulat ory informati on Page 8 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Before you ins tall any e quipmen t, must m ake s ure t hat i t ca n con nect to th e fa cili ties o f the lo cal telec ommunic ations com pany.
Page 8 6 of 332 Chapter 5 — Regulator y inf or m ati on 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Europ ean co mplianc e infor matio n The Option 11C Mini m eets t he followi ng Europea n techni c al regula tions : CTR 1, CTR 2, C T R 3, CT R 4, CTR 6, CT R 10, CTR 12, CTR 13, CTR 1 5, CTR 17, C TR 22, CTR 24, and th e I-ETS 300 131.
Chapter 5 — Regulat ory informati on Page 8 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide FC C compli ance: register ed equ ipmen t for Di rect In ward Dial (D ID) calls Part 68 of the FCC’s rules state that equipment registe red fo r Direct Inward Dial (DID) ca lls m ust provide correct answer supervisio n.
Page 8 8 of 332 Chapter 5 — Regulator y inf or m ati on 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 2 0 Netw ork connection speci fi cati ons Po r t s M T S / WA T S Facil ity Interf ace Code S.
Chapter 5 — Regulat ory informati on Page 8 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide If t he Opti on 11C Mini causes inte rference to ra dio or tel evision re ceptio n, try to cor rect the interfe re n ce using the follo w ing meas ur es.
Page 9 0 of 332 Chapter 5 — Regulator y inf or m ati on 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 9 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 100 Chapt er 6 — I nstalling the Op tion 11 C Mini This cha pter con ta i ns tool s a nd readin es s c hec klis ts. Before b e gi nning the ins talla tion, make su re you ha ve all th e tools neces sary to instal l the Opti on 11C Mini.
Page 9 2 of 332 Chapter 6 — I n stalli ng t he Opt ion 11C Mini 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Rea di ne ss check lis t Have you: re ad a ll sa fety in struct ions in “ Chapter 7 — Impo.
Cha pter 6 — Ins tallin g the Option 11 C Mini Page 9 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 5 If you r Option 11C Mi ni s ystem requires eart hquake br acing, r e fer to “Cha pter 8 — Bracing th e Option 11C Mini agai nst earth quakes” on page 105.
Page 9 4 of 332 Chapter 6 — I n stalli ng t he Opt ion 11C Mini 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Refe r t o one of the foll owing proce dures: — Proced ure 7: “Groundi ng the Opt ion 11C .
Cha pter 6 — Ins tallin g the Option 11 C Mini Page 9 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 12 Inst all the Mi ni S ystem Control ler (MSC) card a nd the 48-port Digital Lin e Car d. a Ins ta ll th e S ec u ri t y D ev i ce on th e N TD K 9 7 M SC ca rd.
Page 9 6 of 332 Chapter 6 — I n stalli ng t he Opt ion 11C Mini 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 17 If Et hernet is requi re d , insert an in dustry-stand ard Medium Acc ess Unit (MAU) direc tl y into th e Ether ne t c onne c t or at the back of the cha ssi s .
Cha pter 6 — Ins tallin g the Option 11 C Mini Page 9 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 27 Rep l ace the f ac eplat e. a Fi t th e bra cke ts at the bott om of the fac ep lat e i nto the r aised edg e at the bott o m of th e cha ss i s .
Page 9 8 of 332 Chapter 6 — I n stalli ng t he Opt ion 11C Mini 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 17 Fitt i ng the facepl ate on to t he front of the chassi s c Sl ide th e fa cepl ate to the ri ght , and t igh ten the qu ick -rel eas e sc rews in to th e two holes at th e top of the cha ssis.
Cha pter 6 — Ins tallin g the Option 11 C Mini Page 9 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 18 Pushing the face plate down into plac e to align w it h chassi s Push .
Page 1 00 of 332 Chapter 6 — Instal li ng th e Opti on 11C Mini 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 10 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 104 Chapt er 7 — I mpor tan t safety instru ction s Symbo ls you must reco gnize When y ou see the symbol s hown b elow on Option 11C Mini equ i pment or do cum entat ion, loo k f or i mporta nt oper a ting and main tenanc e instruc tions.
Page 1 02 of 332 Chapter 7 — Important s af e ty instru ct i ons 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Safe ty in struct ions when inst alling tele phone equi pment The fol lowi ng a re sa fe t y instr uctions for ins tal ling tel ephone equip m e nt: • Never inst all tele phone wiring d uring a ligh tning st orm.
Chapte r 7 — Importa nt safet y ins truct i ons Page 10 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide • Some equi pm ent has a three - wire groundin g plug. Thi s type of p lug has a third groundi ng pin. As a safety feat ure , the plug onl y fits into an iso lated ground out let.
Page 1 04 of 332 Chapter 7 — Important s af e ty instru ct i ons 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 10 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 114 Chapt er 8 — Bracing t he Opti on 11C Mini against e arthquakes This chapt er provide s th e recommende d ins talla ti on m eth od f or b racing the Option 11C Mini system again st ear thquake s.
Page 1 06 of 332 Chapter 8 — Br acing the Opt ion 1 1C Mini a gainst eart hquakes 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 When you ha ve determined th e requi r ed backboard siz e, make sur e the measur ements are with in t he li m it s l isted in Tabl e 21.
Chapter 8 — Braci ng th e Opti on 11C M ini a gainst e arthqua kes Pag e 107 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Table 23 provi des the hardware r ecommend ations for ear thquake br acing . Table 24 lists the maximum si zes of wal l st uds with a 16-inc h spacing.
Page 1 08 of 332 Chapter 8 — Br acing the Opt ion 1 1C Mini a gainst eart hquakes 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Table 25 lists the maximum sizes of wall studs wi th a 24-inch spaci ng.
Chapter 8 — Braci ng th e Opti on 11C M ini a gainst e arthqua kes Pag e 109 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 3 Deter m ine w here t o place the fast eners Refer to Figur es 19 thr ough 21 if you ne ed help with where to place the fast eners on the ba ckboard.
Page 1 10 of 332 Chapter 8 — Br acing the Opt ion 1 1C Mini a gainst eart hquakes 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 19 Plywood fa stener loc ati ons fo r wood and metal stud wall s — 16 inch spaci ng 553-8336.EPS 12 in. 16 in. 12 in.
Chapter 8 — Braci ng th e Opti on 11C M ini a gainst e arthqua kes Pag e 111 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 20 Plywood fa stener loc ati ons fo r wood and metal stud wall s — 24 inch spaci ng 553-8337 12 in. 24 in.
Page 1 12 of 332 Chapter 8 — Br acing the Opt ion 1 1C Mini a gainst eart hquakes 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 21 Plywood fa stener loc ati ons fo r concr ete and masonry wall s 553-8338 24 in. Fasteners Fasteners 24 in. 24 in. 24 in.
Chapter 8 — Braci ng th e Opti on 11C M ini a gainst e arthqua kes Pag e 113 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 4 Conti nue with Option 11 C Mini syst em inst allation Now that you ha ve securely fa ste ned the backbo ar d t o t he wall, you can c ontinue wi th t he Opt i on 11 C Mini syst em Instal lation.
Page 1 14 of 332 Chapter 8 — Br acing the Opt ion 1 1C Mini a gainst eart hquakes 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 11 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 134 Chapt er 9 — I nstallin g the c hass is This ch apter descri bes the four methods you ca n use to instal l the Opti on 11C Mini chassis.
Page 1 16 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Insta lling the chass is on a wa ll in a vertica l pos ition Items required To i nstall the c ha ssis.
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 11 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 22 Typica l la yout for install i ng th e chassi s on a wall i n a verti cal p osi tion Note: Lea ve spac e fo r th e cr oss- co nne ct t ermi nal.
Page 1 18 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Pro cedure 2 Inst alling the Opti on 11C Mini chass is on a w a l l in a vertical posi t ion 1 Draw the verti cal cen t er lin e of the chassis on the plywood backboar d.
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 11 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 3F a s t e n t he chassis brac ket t o the back of the chassis usi ng the four #8- 32 machi ne screw s suppli ed with the bra cket kit. See Figur e 24.
Page 1 20 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 25 Chassis on a wall in a verti cal pos i tion 6 If you want t o inst al l a Ch assi s Expander , re peat the a bove st eps. Refer to the equipme nt l ayout pla n for t he measurem ent s and where to pla ce the Chassi s Expand er.
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 12 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Insta lling the chass is on a wa ll in a horizo ntal positio n Items required To insta l .
Page 1 22 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 26 Typica l la yout f or i ns tall ing th e chassi s on a wall i n a horiz ontal positi on Note: Lea ve spac e fo r th e cr oss- co nne ct t ermi nal.
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 12 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Pro cedure 3 Inst alli ng the Opti on 11C Mini chass i s on a wall in a hori zontal posi t ion 1 Draw two vert ica l lines 18.5 inc hes apart on the plywood backboar d.
Page 1 24 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 27 Thumb scr ew s on the wall shel f bra ckets 5 Place th e chassi s on t he shelf br acket s. Caref ully sl ide t he chass i s on the wal l shelf bracket s until it tou ches th e chassi s stops on the brac ket s.
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 12 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 28 Chassis stops on the wall shel f bracket s 6 Fasten the chassi s in posi tion usi ng the f our th um b screw s, locat ed on the bottom sid e of the shel f bracket s.
Page 1 26 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 29 Chassis inst all ed on a wa ll i n a hori zontal position 8 If y ou want to i nstall a Chass is Ex pander on a wal l in a hor izonta l posit ion, repe at the above ste ps for t he Chassis Expander .
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 12 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 30 Typica l la yout for ins tal ling th e chassi s on a table Note: Lea ve w al l s p ac e for th e cr o ss - c o nn e ct ter m inal .
Page 1 28 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Pro cedure 4 Inst alling the Opti on 11C Mini chass is on a table 1 Place th e chassi s upside down on a horizo ntal work surf ace. 2 Fasten t h e four rubbe r feet sec urely to t he bottom of t he chassis using t he mach i ne scr ews.
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 12 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 3 Place th e chassis ri ght si de up o n the rubbe r feet. 4 Pos it ion t he chassis so that the air inlet s and exhaust s are free from any obstructio ns.
Page 1 30 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 32 Typica l la yout f or ins tal ling th e chassi s i n a rack /cabine t Note 1: Leave wa ll s pace for t he cr oss-conne ct termi nal. Note 2: The rack/cab inet does not ha ve to be right aga i ns t the wall .
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 13 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Pro cedure 5 Inst alli ng the Opti on 11C Mini chass i s i n a 19 i nch rack /cabinet 1 Fasten the lef t chas si s gui de bra cket to t he le f t r ack/cabinet support .
Page 1 32 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 3 Attac h the le ft ear brac ket (marked wit h an “L”) to the holes on the lef t side of the chassis (near the front) . Use two #8-3 2 machine scr ews.
Chapt er 9 — Insta lling the chassi s Page 13 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 6 Use the four r emaining #12-24 self-ta pping s crews to f asten t he chassi s to the ra ck/cabi net support s (two screws on each si de). Make sure t hat the back of the chassi s is on the chassi s guide brack et s .
Page 1 34 of 332 Chapter 9 — Instal li ng th e chass i s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Note: In add i tion to more Optio n 11C Mi ni chassi s, you can instal l other Data Communicatio ns Equi pment i n a rack / cabinet with t he Opti on 11C Mini .
Page 13 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 138 Chapt er 10 — Conn ecting t he Chas sis Expander to the Main Chassis This chapt er desc ribes how to add a Chas s is Expande r to your Opti on 11C Mini sy s t em.
Page 1 36 of 332 Chapter 10 — Connectin g the Chassis Expande r to the Ma in Chas sis 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 5 Tight en the scr ews on the conne ct or s. Note: The expa nsi on cable kit (NTDK8 9) con tains two NTDK9 5 cabl es. Figur e 36 sho ws th e M ain Ch assis and Chass i s Ex pander con nected with the two NTDK95 cables.
Chapter 10 — Connecti ng th e Chassis Expan der t o the Mai n Chassis Page 13 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 8 Foll ow t he proce dur es for start ing the Option 11C Mini in “Chapte r 16 — Starting the Option 11C Mini and install i ng soft ware” on page 209 .
Page 1 38 of 332 Chapter 10 — Connectin g the Chassis Expande r to the Ma in Chas sis 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 13 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 146 Chapter 11 – Installing the syste m ground This cha pter desc ribes how to gr ound the Opti on 11C Mini cha ssi s .
Page 1 40 of 332 Chapter 11 – Insta ll i ng t he system ground 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Cons ider t he Main Chassis and the C hassis Expander as the sa m e gr ound. Jumpe r the g round w ire f rom th e Chassi s Ex p ander t o the M ain Chassis.
Chapte r 11 – Ins tal l i n g t he sys tem ground Page 14 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Cha ssis grou ndi ng in stru ctio ns Proc edure 7 d escribe s how t o grou nd t he Optio n 11C Mini Mai n Chas sis a nd Chassi s Exp ander .
Page 1 42 of 332 Chapter 11 – Insta ll i ng t he system ground 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 37 NTBK80 gr ound block 3 Cons ider each M ain Chass i s and Chass is Expander pai r as one ground. Jumper the Chassis Expa nder ground to th e Main Chassis ground.
Chapte r 11 – Ins tal l i n g t he sys tem ground Page 14 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 38 Groundi ng a Main Ch assis and Ch assis Expander pair 5 Connect the gr ound ing block to the groun d bus in the AC power servi ce panel, using #6 AWG wire.
Page 1 44 of 332 Chapter 11 – Insta ll i ng t he system ground 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Pro cedure 8 UK grounding pr ocedure for the Option 11C Mini chas sis 1 Conn ect a prot ect ive and funct io nal ground wire from the groundi ng strip on the Krone Test Jack Frame to the ground at the buil di ng entry poin t.
Chapte r 11 – Ins tal l i n g t he sys tem ground Page 14 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 39 Groundi ng multi ple p ieces o f equi pm ent in a rack 7 8 9 1 0 P.
Page 1 46 of 332 Chapter 11 – Insta ll i ng t he system ground 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 14 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 168 Chapt er 12 — Install ing t he circu it card s This chapt e r des crib es h ow and where to instal l circui t ca rds u s e d in the Option 11C Mini s ys tem.
Page 1 48 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Refer to the Intel li gent Periphe ral Equipment Ci r c uit Car d Supplemen ts f or full descripti ons of c ountry-s pecific IPE c ards and t heir install ation pr ocedures .
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 14 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 41 Circu i t ca rd assi gnments i n the M ain Cha ssis Note 1 : See Tabl e 18 on page 78 for the cards th a t you can inse rt i n the Main Cha ssis .
Page 1 50 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 42 Circu i t ca rd assi gnments i n the Chas si s Expa nder Note 1 : See Tabl e 18 on page 78 for the cards th a t you can inse rt i n the Chas s is Expande r.
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 15 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ci rcuit cards requi red for t he Op tion 11C M ini If a ci rcui t card ha s a symbol of a swi tch on it s fa cepl at e, it is e qui ppe d with optio n s wi tches, strapping pl ugs, or both.
Page 1 52 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 PCMCIA i n terfac e The NTDK97 MSC c ar d has a 2-sl ot PCMCIA i nterfa ce s ocket loca ted o n i ts fa ce plate. You can inse r t a S oftwar e Deliv ery card in to the soc ket.
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 15 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Digitone Receiver, tone generation, tone detection functions The NTDK97 MSC card p.
Page 1 54 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 43 MSC card wi t h the se curity device inst alled 3 Inser t the NTDK97 MSC card i n the CPU slot (sl ot 0) of t he Main Chassis . 4 Lock t he latche s on the card.
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 15 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide NTDK16 48-port Digital Line Card The NTDK16 48-p ort Di gital Line Card prov ide s an in terface t o a maximu m of 48 di gital i ntegra ted vo ice and da ta s ets.
Page 1 56 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Note 1: Y ou ca n only p lac e t he NTDK16 Digi tal Line Card i n sl ot 4 of the M ain Ch ass is. Note 2: The Option 11C Mini syst e m does not re quire the NTDK16 Digit a l L ine Card to op erate.
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 15 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 2 8 NT8D14 Univer sal trunk — modes and opt ion settings 2 Inser t the card in its assi gned slot .
Page 1 58 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 2 9 NT8D15 E&M T runk card opti on set t i ngs 2 Inser t the card in its assi gned slot .
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 15 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide •E S D I • DCH/DPN SS The NTAK02 SDI/ DCH car d uses jumper plugs to c onfigur.
Page 1 60 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 3 0 Switc h sett in gs ( P or t s 0 and 1) T abl e 31 Sw i t ch se t ti ng s (Por ts 2 an d 3) Ta b l e 3 2 Jum per se t ting s 2 Inser t the card in its assi gned slot .
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 16 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide NTAK03 TDS/DTR card The NTDK97 MSC card pr ovides the NTAK03 TDS/DT R card functi ona l ity. Ho wev er, t he TDS /DT R c ard ca n exi st wi th th e M SC car d i f yo u w ant t o acc ess addi tional T DS/DTR units.
Page 1 62 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 NTA G26 XMFR card The NTDK9 7 MSC card prov ides th e func tional ity of the E xte nded Multi -frequen cy Receive r (XMFR) c a rd. Howev er, t his ca rd can e xist wi t h the MSC ca rd if you want to ac ce ss additi onal XMF R cap abi lity.
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 16 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide NT5K 21 XMFC card The NTDK9 7 MSC card prov ides the functi ona l ity of the Extende d Multi -frequen cy Compe lle d Sende r/R eceiver (XMFC) card.
Page 1 64 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 NT1R 20 Off-P remi se Stat ion (OP S) analo g lin e card The OPS a nal og line c ard pr ovides e igh t OPS lin es. You ca n ins tall this car d in sl ots 1 throug h 3 in the Main Cha ssi s o r slot s 7 th rough 10 in the Chassi s Expa nder.
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 16 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Tabl e 33 pr ovi des OP S anal og line car d configur ati on i n form at i o n.
Page 1 66 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 46 OPS analog line card: jumper b lock locat ions Jumper bl ock lo cat ions.
Chapter 12 — Ins talli ng the circ uit cards Page 16 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 47 OPS analog li ne card cross conne ctions Dig ital Trun k cards The Opt ion 11C Mini s upport s t he fol lowing digi tal trun k card s: • NTAK09 1.
Page 1 68 of 332 Chapter 12 — Instal ling the ci rcuit card s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 • NTRB21 1.5 Mbit DT I/PRI • NT6D70 SILC (when used as a clock controll er) Note: The digi tal tr unk c a rds can be instal led o nly in slots 1-3 o f t he Main Cha ssis .
Page 16 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 184 Chapt er 13 — Install ing and conn ecting the cr oss-co nnect t ermin al This ch apter descri be s how to insta ll a nd connect a n Option 11C Mini s ystem usin g t he BIX , R eic hle Mas ari (G erm any ), or K rone T est Ja ck Fr ame ( UK ) cr os s-con nect te r m inals .
Page 1 70 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 For inform at ion about 1.5 Mbit and 2.0 Mbi t DTI/PRI-rela te d wi ring and cabl es, refe r to the fo llowing document s: • Option 11C 1.
Chapt er 13 — Inst alling and con necting the cr oss- connect ter minal Pag e 171 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide • one 25-pair c abl e from e ac h QUA6 PFTU • wiri.
Page 1 72 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 48 Typica l BIX cross- connect terminal layo ut Note: One 25-pai r cab le cont ains C a rd 4 a n d Card 6 (un its 0-7).
Chapt er 13 — Inst alling and con necting the cr oss- connect ter minal Pag e 173 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 49 Typica l Rei chle Masari cross- connec t t er minal lay out (Ge r many) Note: One 25-pai r cab le cont ains C a rd 4 a n d Card 6 (un its 0-7).
Page 1 74 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 3 Attac h label s on the cr oss-connect terminal to ind icate the te.
Chapt er 13 — Inst alling and con necting the cr oss- connect ter minal Pag e 175 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 50 25-pai r cable on three Krone st rips P ai .
Page 1 76 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Proc edure 21 desc ribes how to install the Krone Test Jack Frame for the UK.
Chapt er 13 — Inst alling and con necting the cr oss- connect ter minal Pag e 177 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 51 Typica l Krone cross- connect te rm ina l layout (UK) Note: One 25-pai r cab le cont ains C a rd 4 a n d Card 6 (un its 0-7).
Page 1 78 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 3 Atta ch label s o n the cr oss- connect ter minal to indi cate the.
Chapt er 13 — Inst alling and con necting the cr oss- connect ter minal Pag e 179 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide For 1.5 Mbit and 2.0 Mbit DTI/PRI-re lated wiring and cable information , refe r to t he fol lowing documents: • Option 11C 1.
Page 1 80 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 3 Tight en the velc ro straps whe n you have connected each cable t o the chassi s. 4 For s yst ems requi red t o meet CISPR-B Elec tr omagneti c Compa tibili ty (EM C), pe rform the f ollowin g step.
Chapt er 13 — Inst alling and con necting the cr oss- connect ter minal Pag e 181 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 54 AUX cable connect or Termi nat e t he AUX c able a t th e cros s connec t t erminal , acc ording to Table 34 .
Page 1 82 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 3 4 A UX cab le t ermi nat ion in f o rm at ion 7 For i nstalla tions in Germany, c omplete the form shown in Figure 55 fo r each car d slo t .
Chapt er 13 — Inst alling and con necting the cr oss- connect ter minal Pag e 183 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 55 Cross connec t i ons rec or d ———— .
Page 1 84 of 332 Chapter 13 — Instal ling and connect ing the cross -c onnect ter m in al 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 18 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 190 Chapt er 14 — Install ing Power Failur e Tr ansf er U ni ts This c hapter describ es how t o install a QUA6 Power Failur e Trans fer Uni t (PFT U).
Page 1 86 of 332 Chapter 14 — Instal li ng Power Fai lur e Tr an sfer Units 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 56 J1 ca ble labels 4 Conn ect the PF TU power and contr ol co nnections to the AUX connect or on t he Mai n Chassi s. See Figure 57 on page 187 and Table 35 on page 188.
Chapter 14 — Inst alling Power Failure Trans f er Unit s Pag e 187 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 57 Auxil iary connec tor AUX connect or.
Page 1 88 of 332 Chapter 14 — Instal li ng Power Fai lur e Tr an sfer Units 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 3 5 Contr ol a nd power co nnections on cable J 1 5 Connect the Attend an.
Chapter 14 — Inst alling Power Failure Trans f er Unit s Pag e 189 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 58 Power fail transf er PFT U contr ol lead signals To conn ec t PFTUs from other manufa ct urers, us e the infor m a ti on provi de d in T a bl e 3 6.
Page 1 90 of 332 Chapter 14 — Instal li ng Power Fai lur e Tr an sfer Units 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Note 1: Refer t o Figure 57 o n page 187 t o see where the Auxil iary c ab le conne cts to the Opt ion 11C Mini sy st em . Note 2: If po w e r is removed from the QUA6, a transfer of the PFTU can occu r.
Page 19 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 208 Chapt er 15 — Install ing and conn ecting SDI and Et hernet ports This cha pter con ta ins modem setup re quirem ent s and .
Page 1 92 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Mode m setup r equire ments Modem s c onne cted to the Opti on 11C Mini are.
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 193 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ins tal li ng and c onne cting SDI ports You ca n use a swit c h s ett ing on th e circuit c a rd’s face plate to c on trol the ba ud rate f or port 0.
Page 1 94 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 2 Connect the NTBK48 3- por t SDI cab le t o the 9- pin SDI c onnec t i on (CO M RS-232) at the bac k of th e Main Chass i s .
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 195 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 60 An additi onal ferrite f ilter att ached to the SDI cable 3 Conn ect t he system term i nal to th e cable m a rked “port 0” o n the NTBK48 3-por t cable.
Page 1 96 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 NTAK 0 2 SDI/DCH ca rd Only the Main Cha s si s supports the NTAK02 SDI/DCH card.
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 197 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 3 9 NT AK02 pi nou ts — P ort 0 at the cros s- c .
Page 1 98 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 12T 12R BK-O O-BK RXDB TXD B TXDB RXDB I O O I - - - - - - - - 25T 25R V- S.
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 199 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide NTAK 03 TDS/DTR c ard The N T D K9 7 MSC ca rd inclu des the fu n ct ional ity of th e NTAK03 TDS/DTR c ard. However, y ou can als o conf igure the NTAK03 c ard, i f requi red.
Page 2 00 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Note: A modem elim ina t or is suppl ied wi th the sy st em .
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 201 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Term inal set up The t ermi nal can b e s e tup any tim e, exce pt d uring d at a tr an s missi o n. Do n ot se t up t he termina l duri ng data tr ansmiss ion to avoid po tential data los s.
Page 2 02 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 3 Chan ge the val ue in each field on each set up screen as necessar y. Use the keys l i sted in Table 45 to view and change set up value s.
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 203 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 4 6 HP700/3 2 setup v alues Global set-up screen Host Port 1 Keyboar d U .
Page 2 04 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 4 7 VT 42 0 se t up va l u e s Global Set-Up On Line Comm1 = RS232.
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 205 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 4 8 VT 22 0 se t up va l u e s Global Set-Up On Li .
Page 2 06 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ins tall ing a nd conne cting a n ethe rn et ca ble Ethern et connection The Opt ion 11C Mi ni system provi des a 10 Mbit Eth ernet connec tion to a Local Area Network (LAN).
Chapte r 15 — Insta lling and conn ecting SDI and Ethernet p orts Pag e 207 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Note: When the time co mes to configure the Ethe rnet lin k, use Overla y 117.
Page 2 08 of 332 Chapter 15 — Instal li ng and connect ing SDI and Ethernet por ts 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 20 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 228 Chapt er 16 — Star ting the Optio n 11C Mini and in stallin g software This cha pt er describe s how to start the Option 11C Mini syst em a nd to make sure that the sy stem is opera tin g correc tly .
Page 2 10 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Star t-up proce dures Pro cedure 27 Start- up pr ocedure for a ne w system ins t al l a ti on, using the MSC card 1 Test t he power outl et .
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 211 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 6 Perf orm an EDD us ing Overlay 43. Afte r the syst em is lo aded, a menu -dr i ven program call ed th e “Sof tware I nstall ation Progr am” is automat ical ly c alled up.
Page 2 12 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 The fla sh ROM store s i nformation a b out the s e lections. The inf ormation is a lis t of ins t ructions th at the progr am fo llows when it runs.
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 213 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide • Confirm Upgr ade Inf orm ation: This opti on allows you to review the se lected ins tall ation optio ns .
Page 2 14 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Featu re set and ISM p arameter s The S of t ware Ins talla tion Progra m al lows the se lect ion of a feat ur e se t to be ins talle d and enab led on the Option 11C Mini sys tem.
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 215 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Note: Off-sit e programming of dat aba s es i s subject to a ll sec uri t y keyc ode restric ti ons.
Page 2 16 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Pro cedure 29 Inst al ling s oftware 1 Make sure the MSC c ard is i n CPU sl ot (slo t 0) of the Main Chassis . Fo r firs t-ti me insta llat io ns, so ftw are is inst alled from th e MSC card .
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 217 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 64 PCMCIA card slot loc at i on 4 Obse rve th e termi nal sc reen. If t he scr een displays t he fol l owing: Curr ent syste m time an d date: 00: 00:00 - - 00/ 00/00 go to Step 5 on page 218.
Page 2 18 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 5 Set the sy stem Ti m e and Date . Note: The Time and Date pro mp t appe ar s when the In sta ll Setup Progr am detects a sys tem Year Date th at i s not i n the r ange of 1995-2 095.
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 219 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 7 Selec t the Featu re Set to be enabl ed. Note: The Featur e Set select ed must match th e one provid ed wit h keycod es.
Page 2 20 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 10 Confi rm Featur e Set and pack ages.
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 221 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 12 Selec t a D a t ab ase using th e PCMCIA card . If you ar e insta ll i ng f r om the MSC card, g o to Step 1 1 on page 220.
Page 2 22 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 14 Review ISM paramet er s . Note: On a new i nstal lation, the I SM par ameters di splay ed on the ter minal scr een are the def aul t set t i n gs related to t he Feature Set sele ct i on.
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 223 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 15 Selec t ISM par am ete r s.
Page 2 24 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 16 Confirm ISM par ameters.
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 225 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 17 Defi ne the AUX ID. Note: The defaul t AUX ID is t he sys tem ID provided wi th th e Opti on 11C Mini .
Page 2 26 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 19 Revie w and confir m info rmatio n enter ed.
Chapter 16 — Starting t he Op ti on 11C M ini and i nstalli ng softwa re Pag e 227 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 20 Enter the keycodes fro m the Ke ycode Data Sheet.
Page 2 28 of 332 Chapter 16 — St arting t he Opt ion 11C Mini a nd ins ta lling so f tw a re 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 22 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 252 Chapter 17 — Connecting th e teleph ones This cha pter con ta i ns ins tr uct ions for co nnec ti ng telephone s to t he cros s-con nec t te rminal.
Page 2 30 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Refe r t o the i nstructi ons p r ovi de d wit h the tel epho ne or Att endant Cons ole and to the f.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 231 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 4 Conn ect t he other en d of the cro ss-connect wi re to the as si g ned TN termina l block.
Page 2 32 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 66 Meridi an Digital Tel ephone cross conn ect i ons Unit 0 Unit 1 Unit 14 Unit 15 T0 R0 T1 .
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 233 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 67 48-por t Digital Li ne Card cr oss connecti ons Note: Figure 6 7 is an e xample which shows t he cr oss co nnections for the Ca rd 4/Card 6 conn ec tor.
Page 2 34 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Co nnect ing t eleph ones w ith out a PF TU Pro cedure 31 Connecti ng teleph ones wit hout a PFTU 1 Locate the te lephone termina t i ons on t h e cross -connect termi nal.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 235 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 7 Conn ect t he other en d of the cro ss-connect wi re to the as si g ned TN termina l block. Table 52 on page 242 provide s the default DN assign ments.
Page 2 36 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Pro cedure 33 Connecti ng an off -p remise tel ephone 1 Inst all the NTAK92AA Off-Premise Protection Mo dule on the wall using fo ur #10 1/2 in (mi nimum ) scr ews.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 237 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 3 With cros s-connect wi re, connect the l ine car d and other connect i ons t o the conso le as shown in Figur e 69 on page 23 8.
Page 2 38 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Figur e 69 Atten dant Conso l e conne ctions Cross-connect block W-BL BL-W W-O O-W Y-BL BL-Y V-S S-V.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 239 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 4 9 T erminal Number ass i gnments — Main Chassis and Chassis Expander Physi cal slot Logic al sl ot Firs t TN... Last TN Cable Ch assis 11 01 00.
Page 2 40 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 PFT 2 9T 9R R-BR BR-R Connect to the telep hone 10T 10R R-S S-R Connec t to the telep hone line car .
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 241 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 5 1 Color combi nations of cabl e pairs Color W-B l Bl-W W-O O-W W- G G-W.
Page 2 42 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Tabl e 52 li sts t he defau lt DN a ssignm ents f or the Main Chassi s and Chassis Expa nder.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 243 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Tabl e 53 lists the de fau lt DN ass ignments for the Ma in Cha ssis and Chassi s Expa nder fo r Germany.
Page 2 44 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Cro s s -co nnecti ng termi nal Digi tal Subsc rib er Loop s Refer t o ISDN BRI A dminis tration and.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 245 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 5 4 T elephone tones Ta b l e 5 5 Teleph one tones f or Germany Note 1: Before you acti va t e a telephone , make sure that you ha ve deci ded on its f inal location .
Page 2 46 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Act ivating a defau lt model wi th a cha racter dis play Pro cedure 35 Activ ati ng a de fault m odel t elephone with a char acter displ ay 1 Plug the t ele phone set i nt o the jac k and wait 20 seconds bef or e you li ft the han dset .
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 247 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 3 Press the pound k ey agai n to select the de fault extens ion number . You he ar the r elocation tone. The character dis play shows “OK”.
Page 2 48 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Act ivating a defau lt model wi thout a char acter d ispl ay Pro cedure 36 Activ ati ng a de fault m odel t elephone without a char acter display 1 Plug the t ele phone set i nt o the jac k and wait 20 seconds bef or e you lif t t he handset.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 249 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Act ivating a custo mized mod el with a character display Pro cedure 37 Activ ati ng a cu stomi zed tel ephone 1 Plug the t ele phone set i nt o the jac k and wait 20 seconds bef or e you lif t t he handset.
Page 2 50 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Note: If o ther k eys require s econ dary exte nsion numbe rs, you ar e pr ompted until you enter al l of the requi red e xtension numbers fo r the mode l.
Chapte r 17 — Connecti ng t he tel epho nes Pag e 251 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 3 Enter the cust omized ext ension num ber and press the pound key. You hear a shor t hi gh-pitched beep whi ch l as ts f our s econds, followed by s i lenc e (re location tone).
Page 2 52 of 332 Chapter 17 — Con nectin g the telephones 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 25 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 278 Chapt er 18 — Conn ecting t he trun ks This chapt er des cr ibes how to conne ct trunk s di re c tl y to the trunk ca rd, with or without the use of a Power F ail ure Trans fer Unit (PFTU).
Page 2 54 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Con nec tin g tr unks wi thou t a P FTU Pro cedure 39 Connecti ng trunks without a PFTU 1 From the as s.
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 25 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 5 6 P ower Fa il ure T ransf er Uni t conne ct i ons QU A6 J1 cable Functi on Pa .
Page 2 56 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 T r unk c onnec t ions NT8D 14 Univer sal tru nk card The Un iversal trunk card provide s e i gh t analog tru nks that c a n f unction in t he mode s shown in Tabl e 57.
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 25 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 5 8 NT8D14 Univer sal trunk conne ctions Cable f rom chassi s RAN mode P agi ng m.
Page 2 58 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 NT 8D15 E&M T r unk car d Ta b l e 5 9 NT8D15 E&M T runk c ard Cabl es Card 1 through Card 10 f.
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 25 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide NT 6D70 SIL C and NT6D7 1 UILC c ards Refer t o ISDN BRI A dminis tration and Maint enance Gui de (553-3011 -311) for a complete descripti on of trun k DSL i nstalla tion a nd c onnect ions.
Page 2 60 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 6 1 E&M 2-wire T ype 2 Lead d esignations Pins Pair c olo r Unit number T0 R0 27 2 W-O O- .
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 26 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide E& M TIE trunk card (4 -Wir e) Ta b l e 6 2 E&M TIE trunk car d (4-wi re) Ca bles .
Page 2 62 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 6 3 E&M TIE trunk car d (4-wi re) Cable s Card 1 through Card 10 fr om cha ssi s Column 1 .
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 26 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide E& M TIE trunk card (2280 Hz) 13T 13R BK- G G-BK Unit 3 38 13 RA RB RA RB 14T 14R BK-B.
Page 2 64 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 E& M TIE trunk card ( RAN) E& M TIE trunk card ( MUS) Ta b l e 6 5 E&M 2-wire Recor ded Ann.
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 26 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide CO & DID trunk card Ta b l e 6 7 Centra l Office & Direct Inward Dia l trunk conne.
Page 2 66 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Cen tral Office trunk car d Ta b l e 6 8 Centra l Office trunk co nnections Cable f rom chassi s Pai r .
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 26 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide T r unk c onnec t ions (U K) NT5K 17 Direct Inward Dial ca r d term ination s Cr os s conn.
Page 2 68 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 NT 5K18 Exch ange li ne trunk c ard te rmination s Cr oss co nnect the NT5K18 Ex change line trun k card a s shown i n Table 70. Note: The conne ct ions on the NT5K18 Exchang e lin e trun k c ard are pola rity sensiti ve .
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 26 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide T3 R3 32 7 R-O O-R Un it 3 33 8 R-G G-R T4 R4 34 9 R-BR BR-R Un it 4 35 10 R-S S-R T5 R5 3.
Page 2 70 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 NT5K 19 Analo g TIE li ne trunk card te rminatio ns Cr os s connect the NT5K1 9 ana log T IE line t runk card a s shown in Ta ble 71. Note: The sp eech pairs on the NT5K19 ca rd are pola rity in s e nsitive .
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 27 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 7 2 NT5K19 2W Type 1 mode terminat i on s Pair Pi ns Pair color U nit nu mber T0 .
Page 2 72 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 7 3 NT5K19 4 W T ype 1 mode term inations Pair Pi ns Pair co lor Unit numbe r TA TB 26 1 W-BL .
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 27 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 7 4 NT5K19 AC15 mode pair te rmina tions Pair Pi ns Pair color U nit nu mber TA T.
Page 2 74 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ac tiv ati ng a de faul t mo de l t ru nk Due to th e au tomat ic 3 0 second tim e- out on t he a dmini strat ion m enu, pr epare the data t hat yo u want to i nput before you begi n.
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 27 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Pro cedure 41 Activ ati ng a defaul t model tru nk 1 Lift the hand set of the admini strat io n tel ephone. 2 Enter the admini st ration Flexible Featur e Code to access the admini st r ation menu.
Page 2 76 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 8 Term ina te the sequence by hang ing up the tele phone re cei v er.
Chapter 18 — Co nnecting the tru nks Page 27 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 6 Enter the TN in Opt ion 11 f ormat (CCUU). The r esponse “MO DE L?” prompt s you t o selec t a m o del nu mber for th e tru nk. 7 Enter a trunk model number for t he speci f i ed TN, and ro ute and press t he po und key (#).
Page 2 78 of 332 Chapter 18 — Con nectin g the trunk s 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 27 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 284 Chapt er 19 — Conn ecting an ext ernal alarm This c hap ter desc rib es the pro cedure s for c onne cting a n exte rnal a larm to th e Option 11C Mini s ys te m .
Page 2 80 of 332 Chapter 19 — Con nectin g an e xt ernal alarm 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 3 Use LD 15 and make the f ollowin g changes. Note: The followi ng l i st only cont ains the prompt s requi r i n g a respo nse. Use a Carr ia ge Return , <CR>, t o acc ept the def aul t valu es for the other prom pts .
Chapter 19 — Connect ing an externa l al arm Pag e 281 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Figur e 70 Contact s in PFTU 8T (R -G) 8 R (G-R) 6T (R -BL) 6R ( BL-R) 7T (R -O) .
Page 2 82 of 332 Chapter 19 — Con nectin g an e xt ernal alarm 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ta b l e 7 7 P ower Fa il ure T ransf er Uni t conne ct i ons Unit Pa i r Color N orm al mode F.
Chapter 19 — Connect ing an externa l al arm Pag e 283 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide P F T 5 21T 21R V- B L BL-V Makes w ith 22 T and 22R Opens 22T a nd 22R Mak es wi.
Page 2 84 of 332 Chapter 19 — Con nectin g an e xt ernal alarm 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000.
Page 28 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 314 Appendix A – Pr eprogrammed data When you firs t ins ta ll an Opti on 11C Mini s ys tem, you must ent er custom er data i nto the ove rla y program s. You must, for example, ass ign feature s to tel ephone ke ys for the te le phones to work correc tly.
Page 2 86 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Pass wor ds an d co des Tabl e 78 lists each func tion i n the left col umn with its pa ssword or code on the r igh t.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 287 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Fir st di gi ts Tabl e 79 shows the defau lt num bering plan for Opt ion 11C Mini: Ta b l e 7 9 Defaul t numberi ng plan— Fi rst di git Note: The fi rs t number of the defaul t numberi ng plan is preprogr ammed as 2200.
Page 2 88 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Impo r t ant ext ension numb ers Ta b l e 8 0 Defaul t numberi ng pl an— important ext ension n umber s .
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 289 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Exte nsions assig n e d t o card slots Ta b l e 8 1 Extensi ons assigne d to card sl ots i.
Page 2 90 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 F le xibl e Feat ur e Cod es Many admin istrative proc edures us e Fle xible Fea ture Code (FF C) data . Tabl e 82 li sts t he FFCs f or the Opt i on 11C Mini system.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 291 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide SDI po rts The minimum system por t c onfi guratio n for Op tion 11 C Mini i s 3 SD I ports, all of whi ch are on the NTDK97 MSC card. You can ge t a dd itional por ts by i nstalli ng an NTAK02 SDI/DCH ci rc ui t card.
Page 2 92 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Enhanced Serial Da t a Interfac e (ESDI) port Port 9 is pr epr ogrammed as an ESDI port and suppo rts Meridian Mai l Mini .
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 293 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide T r un k rout es Tabl e 85 shows preprogra mmed trunk rout e in formation t ha t you must have on hand to ac ti vate and modify tru nks.
Page 2 94 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Tr unk mo dels Note: All trunk s are pro gramm ed as imm ediat e start /supe rvisi on = Ye s, with the exc ept ion of tr unks with an aste risk (*) nex t to the m.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 295 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 19 EM4 DIP - DID XUT 1 LDR (Win k Star t Supv = Y es DIP 3COM/ 600 2L D R (Win k Star t Su.
Page 2 96 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 7 GRD DTN 3COM/900 8 LOP DTN 3COM/900 MUS XUT 1 3COM/600 A WR XUT 1 600/120 0 RAN XUT 1 600/120 0 P AG XUT.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 297 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide * These t runks are se t for Wink s tart.
Page 2 98 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Note: Off-pre mises St ation (OPS) t elep hones do not have thei r own tel ephone mode ls. You can, howe ver, creat e OPS models by e nterin g D D in r esponse t o the CDE N pr ompt in L D 10.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 299 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Ta b l e 8 9 Class of Service options - A CD telephon es Prompt Mea ning UNR Unres tricted.
Page 3 00 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ad min istr ati on tele phone mode ls M2008 mod el 99 Intend ed use : Administra ti on (m a in t en ance) .
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 301 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide M2616 mod el 99 Intend ed use : Administra ti on (m a in t en ance) tele phon e Assign e d.
Page 3 02 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Central An swering Position (CAP) te lephone mod els M2616 and M2216 CAP telephone mod el 60 Intend ed use.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 303 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide An alog (5 00/2500-ty pe) te lephone m odels Note: When you are ac tivat ing a n a nalog (500- type) telep hone , you must us e an anal og (2500 -type) tele phone to defi ne t he features .
Page 3 04 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 M2006 General busine ss telephone models Ta b l e 9 4 M200 6 General bus i ness t elephone models Model In.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 305 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide M2008 General busine ss telephone models Ta b l e 9 5 M200 8 General bus i ness t elephone.
Page 3 06 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 M2008 Tw o-line gener al business teleph on e models Ta b l e 9 6 M200 8 T wo-line gener al busi ness tele.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 307 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 28 T wo-l ine ge neral bu s i ne ss telep hone FND , GPUA , LNA , MW A, NDD , FBD 7 - Aut .
Page 3 08 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 M2008 m anager tele pho ne model s Ta b l e 9 7 M200 8 Mana ger te lephone models Model Inte nded use Assi.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 309 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide M2008 Me ssage center telepho ne mod els Ta b l e 9 8 M200 8 Mes sage cent er te lep hone .
Page 3 10 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 M2216 ACD telephone models Ta b l e 9 9 M221 6 A CD telephone models Model Inte nded use Assigne d Class o.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 311 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide M2616 Se cretary teleph on e models Ta b l e 1 0 0 M261 6 Secret ary te l ephone m odels M.
Page 3 12 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 M2616 Advanced b usiness telep hone Ta b l e 1 0 1 M261 6 A CD telephone models Model Inte nded use Assign.
Appendi x A – Prepr ogra m med data Pag e 313 o f 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide M2616 Ma nag er telepho ne mod els Ta b l e 1 0 2 M261 6 Mana ger te lephone models Model .
Page 3 14 of 332 Appendix A – Preprogram m ed dat a 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 M2616 Me ssage center telepho ne mod els Ta b l e 1 0 3 M261 6 Mes sage cent er te lep hone m o dels Model.
Page 31 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 332 Appendix B – Changing prepr ogr ammed data Gene ral in forma tion The preprog rammed data on the Op tio n 11C Mini syste m can pro vide a star t ing point for programmi ng the syst e m’ s telephone and trun king informat ion.
Page 3 16 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Ch ang i ng the def ault n umberin g plan Exte nsions assign ed ar e differ ent fro m the defaul t nu mber ing pla n Compa r e the fir s t digi ts as signe d to thi s sys tem with the defa ult numbe r in g plan .
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 31 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide 6 Select “ 4 INSTALLATION OPTIONS” by ent eri ng the number “4”. The c haracter display reads: 1 DEFAULT SETS 2 NUMBERING PLAN 7 Select “2 NUMBERING PLAN” by entering th e numbe r “2”.
Page 3 18 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Example: In this e xample, the new numberi ng plan start s at ext ensi on num ber 4500 .
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 31 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Shif ting the num beri ng p lan t o a n ew car d sl ot The f irst n umber in the numbering p la n is assigned to slot 1, unit 0. You can shi ft the firs t num be r in the nu m berin g plan to a differe nt c a rd sl ot.
Page 3 20 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Example: The fi rs t num ber in the number ing pl a n is 2200. F o r the fi rst n umber in th e numbe ring p l an t o be 2300, a nd th e firs t l ine c ard i s i n slot 6, perform the follo w i ng ca lcula tion: 1 Locate the fi rst line card.
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 32 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Obtain i ng the use o f card slot 10 If anoth er circuit card re quire s card slot 10, remove the si x Meri dian Mail Mini a gent s programm ed for this card slot.
Page 3 22 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Co nflicts with Call P ark ext ensi on nu mbers Ext en s i o n num b ers for sy s te m ca ll pa rk ar e p r ep ro gr a m m ed fo r the Ce n tra l Answe r ing P os ition .
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 32 3 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Co nfli cts with the att endant ex tension nu m ber You canno t remove the a tte ndant exte ns ion number com ple tely from the Option 11C Mini syste m data, but you c an rep la c e it with anoth er number.
Page 3 24 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Co nfli cts wi th Flex ible Fea ture Co des If t he pre programmed Fl e xible Feature Codes (FFC) confl ict with t he pr ogramming requi red for the Opti on 11C Mini syst em, remove the da ta from the sy stem using LD 5 7.
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 32 5 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide To rem ove al l access code s , ente r the foll owing commands : REQ OUT Action requ.
Page 3 26 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Cre ati ng an alog t ele phone models You must ent er the foll owin g inform a tion in LD 10 to .
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 32 7 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Creat ing dig ital mo del t elepho nes To cre at e model digi tal tele phon e s , you must pro gram key 0 with a fu nc t ion that can act as a prime ext ensi on number or its equiv alent .
Page 3 28 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Pri nt ing m ode l in for mati on To print infor ma tio n about model te lephones, us e L D 20 . An alog te lephon es LD 20 REQ PR T TYPE 500 M MODL YYY “YYY” = the te le phone mode l number.
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 32 9 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Cr eatin g mo del t runks an d ch angi ng r oute acce ss co de s If you need a t runk th at is dif ferent fro m the defa ult models provi ded in Option 11C Mini software, use Overl ay 14 to d e sign a mode l.
Page 3 30 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 Modi fy ing mode l tr unk s If you wa nt to mo dify a t runk, l oad LD 14 a nd enter the foll ow.
Appendix B – Changing prepr ogra mmed data Page 33 1 of 332 Optio n 11C M ini Plannin g and I nstall ation G uide Cha ngin g a r out e acc ess c ode Use this pro c edu r e to ch an g e a rou t e acc es s co de . Pro cedure 47 Changing a rout e access code 1 Lift the hand set of the admini strat io n tel ephone.
Page 3 32 of 332 Appendix B – Changing pr epr ogr a mmed data 553-30 21-209 Stand ard 3.00 April 2000 6 Enter the new ac cess code and pr ess the pou nd key. The di splay s hows “CODE CHANGED”. Afte r a del ay of approxi mately f our secon ds, y ou hear special dial tone and the seq uence repeats when th e prompt “ROUTE ACCESS?” appear s.
F amily Product Manu al Contacts Cop yright FCC notice T rademarks Document number Produ ct release Document r elease Date Publ ish Mer idian 1 Option 11C Mini Plan ni ng and I ns tallati on Guide Copyright © 1999–2000 Nor tel Netw ork s All Rights Reser ved Inf ormation is subject to change without notice.
An important point after buying a device Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nortel Networks Option 11C Mini along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center