Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NTRN10AN Nortel Networks
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*A0549426* NTRN10AN Nortel Networks OPT era Me tr o 350 0 Multiservice Platf o rm Rel ease 1 2.1 Plan ning a nd Orde ring Gui de—P ar t 1 of 2 Standard Issue 1 April 2004 Wh at ’ s in side... Overvi ew Operati on, administration, and maintenan ce (O AM) features Har dw are feature descriptions See P ar t 2 for t he f o llowing .
Copyright 2000 – 2004 No rte l N e two r ks , A ll Ri gh ts R es er ve d The inf o rmation cont ai ned he rei n is t he pr operty of Norte l Ne twor ks and is str ict ly c onfi dent ial .
iii Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 NTRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Is s 1 Apr 2004 Contents 0 Abou t this docu ment ix Suppor ted software ix Suppor ted hard ware x T echn ical suppor t and inf o r mation xii Overv iew 1-1 Network el ement ov er view 1-1 Release 12.
iv Contents OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Commo n Language Locat ion I dentifier 2-44 Connection ID 2 -45 Consolidated l oad 2-45 Dense wa ve.
Conten ts v Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Retrieving performa nce moni toring counts 2-1 10 Ph ysical PMs 2-111 P e rf or mance moni toring .
vi Con tents OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Synchro nization-status message s 2-156 User-specified q uality lev el s f or timing s ources 2-15.
Contents vii Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 VTX-48e circuit pack 3-55 Equipping rule s 3-56 Extended s helf proc essor (SP x) 3-56 TL1 ses si.
vi ii Conten ts OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-3 Protection s w itching 3-78 Section data communicati on channe l (SDCC) 3-79 OC-3x4 optica.
ix Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 NTRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Is s 1 Apr 2004 About this document 0 Y ou are reading P art 1 of Nortel Networks OPT era Metr o 3500 Multiservice Platform Releas e 12.1 Planning and Or dering Guide , NTRN10AN.
x About this docum e nt OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Suppo r ted har dw are This document s upports the OPT era Metro 3500 shelv e s (NTN476AA, NTN476D A) and the Univ ersal OPT era Metro 3500 s helf (NTN 476AH).
About this docume nt xi Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT e ra Me tro 350 0 N TP l ibr ar y EX1541p OPT era Metro 3500 Network Interoperabil.
xii About t his doc ument OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T echni cal sup po r t a nd in forma tion For technical support and information fr om Nortel Networks, r efer to the follo wing table.
1-1 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 NTRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Is s 1 Apr 2004 Overvi e w 1- Ne tw or k el ement ov ervie w The Nortel Networks OPT e ra Metro 3 500 network element is a.
1-2 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 1- 1 OPT era M etro 35 00 slot ass ignmen t s (S TX-192 install ed in shelf) EX1470p For V.
Overview 1-3 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 1- 2 OPT era M etro 35 00 slot ass ignmen t s (V TX-48/VTX -48e instal led in shelf) EX10.
1-4 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Re lea se 12 .1 f eatur es The Release 12.1 OPT era Metro 3500 s ystem of fers the foll owing ne w.
Overview 1-5 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Uni-directional Path switc hed Ring at OC3, OC-12, OC-48 or OC-192 rates Yes except OC-192 Yes Du.
1-6 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Conve rting an OC-4 8 linear point-to-point ne twork to an OC-48 linear point-to-point network ove.
Overview 1-7 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Upgr ading a fiber span from an OC-48 t o an O C-192 rate No Yes See Note 3 Conve rting a VT-assi.
1-8 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPTera Metr o 3500 Shelf Assembly (NTN476A A) Yes Yes See Note 4 OPTera Metro 3500 S helf Assembly.
Overview 1-9 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-3 c ircuit pac k in s lots 1 1 and 12 (UPS R, 1+1 linear point - to-poi nt and 1+1 linear ADM).
1-10 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STM-1 opt ical interf ace (1+1 protec tion) (i n J-SDH m ode) See Note 5 No No STM-1x 4 optical i.
Ov er vie w 1-11 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC -48 sec tion and line Yes Yes OC-192 section and li ne No Yes Physical performance m onito.
1-12 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Challeng e / R esponse auth entication Yes Yes Centralized a uthentication through a RA DIUS serv.
Ov er vie w 1-13 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STS-4 8c, S TS-24c, STS-1 2c, STS-3c, ST S- 1, VT1.5 ti me sl ot interchange (TS I) on 1+1 linear, UPSR Yes except S TS24c & STS-4 8c Yes VT1.
1-14 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 NP/SP version checking Yes Yes OC -3 1+ 1 high speed exerciser Yes Yes OC-12 1 +1 high-spee d exe.
Ov er vie w 1-15 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Time o f day synchroni zation Yes Yes VT1 .5 group al a rm Yes No Note 1 : See T ab le 1-2 on page 1-16 f or a list of optical circuit packs suppo r ted by each STX and VTX-ser ies circui t packs.
1-16 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Releas e 1 2.1 Ha rd wa re Co mpatib ilit y Mat rix For a list of s upported electr ical and optical interf aces by STX and VTX-series circuit packs in Releas e 12.
Ov er vie w 1-17 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-3x4 Yes Yes Si n gl e slot ci rcuit pack s support ed in slots 3 through 10 . OC- 3 Ye s Y es • Single sl ot circui t packs sup por ted in slots 3 through 10 .
1-18 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 4x10 0BT(OPE ) Yes Yes • Single slo t circui t p ac k sup por ted in slots 3 through 10 . • Maxim um bandwidth assignable to a RPR is ST S12c with both VT X-series and ST X-192 circuit packs.
Ov er vie w 1-19 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Sup p or te d co nfi gur at io ns For network element c onf igurations supported in Release 12.
1-20 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Tab le 1 -3 Summary of n e twork topology sup ported - mai n optical i n terfaces configu red as .
Ov er vie w 1-21 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Tab le 1 -4 Summary of n e twork topology sup ported - mai n optical i n terfaces configu red.
1-22 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STX-1 92 OC-192 Linear S pur OC-48 (requires OC-48 ST S circuit pack) OC-12 OC- 3 UPSR OC-48 (req.
Ov er vie w 1-23 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 VTX-4 8e OC- 48 (requires dual slot circuit pac k ) Linear (pt-to-pt or ADM chain) OC-1 2 OC-.
1-24 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Tab le 1 -6 Sum mary of ne twor k topol og y line rat es Network top ology Su pp orted o n pl atf.
Ov er vie w 1-25 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The follo wing D WDM wa velength topologies are also supported: • mesh ed ring • hubbed ring • point-to-point Int erw orking • OPT era Metro 5000-series Multis ervice Platform (Release 6.
1-26 Overview OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • T ransportNode OC-12 TBM (Release 14) : — 1+1 linear point-to-poin t at O C-3, and OC-12 li.
2-1 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 NTRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Is s 1 Apr 2004 Operation, administration, and maintena nce (O AM) features 2- This section describe s the operations , administra tion, and mainte nance (O AM) features of Release 12.
2-2 Operation , administrati on, and maintenan ce (OAM ) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Optica l Ether net / Lay er 2 (OE/L2) o n O .
Opera ti o n, adm inistration, an d main tenance (O AM) feat ures 2-3 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Gigab it Ether net Drop and C ontinue OPT era Metro 3500 Release 12.
2-4 Operation , administrati on, and maintenan ce (OAM ) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 1 Gigabit Ethern et dr o p and continue application EX1543p Because the conn e ction is unidirectional the oth er direction (timeslot) can be reused for another circuit.
Opera ti o n, adm inistration, an d main tenance (O AM) feat ures 2-5 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 At the GE unidirectional add node, local client f ailures are propagated to the far end using Client Signal Fail (CSF) client management f rames.
2-6 Operation , administrati on, and maintenan ce (OAM ) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 audible and visible of fice alarm outputs). T he network element, whether the alarm point is dis abled or enabled, recor ds all alar ms when the conditions that cause an alar m occ ur .
Opera ti o n, adm inistration, an d main tenance (O AM) feat ures 2-7 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 En vir onm ental al arms Both the OPT era Metro 3500 and DS1 service module ( DSM) support en vironme ntal alarms.
2-8 Operation , administrati on, and maintenan ce (OAM ) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT era M etro 3500 supports bandwidth manag.
Opera ti o n, adm inistration, an d main tenance (O AM) feat ures 2-9 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BLSR • supports BL SR protocol on OC -192 circ uit packs equipped with STX-192 circuit packs in slots 13 and 14.
2-10 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 2 OPT era Metro 3500 b an d w i.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-11 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 A BLSR of fers a network-le vel protec tion capability , and differ s from a UPSR in that the nodes in a BLSR ar e a ware of the larger conf iguration.
2-12 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Lockout of working: pre vents a protection switch of the working line to the pr otection line.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-13 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BLSR Line Prot ection Oscill ation Contr ol OPT era Metro Release 12.0 int roduced a line protection oscillation control mechanis m fo r BLSR syst ems.
2-14 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BLSR single span F iber cut e x am ple St ep Acti on 1 The BLSR ring i s c lean. T r ibutaries are added/drop ped at Nodes 1 and 4.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-15 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BLSR single span F iber cut e x am ple St ep Acti on 6 Node 4 receives the me ssage on the long path, and enters into a ‘ Bri dged ’ state.
2-16 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BLSR single span F iber cut e x am ple St ep Acti on 9 Node 3 receives the ‘ Brid ged ’ status indication from Node 4.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-17 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 4 BLSR ring switch example EX1230p.
2-18 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 5 BLSR ring switch example EX12.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-19 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 6 BLSR ring switch example EX1241p.
2-20 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 7 BLSR ring switch example EX12.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-21 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 8 BLSR ring switch example EX1242p.
2-22 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 9 BLSR ring switch example EX12.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-23 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 10 BLSR ring switch example EX1243.
2-24 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 11 BLSR ring switch example EX1.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-25 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BL SR nodal / m ulti-span failur e scenar io .
2-26 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 If Node D fails, path c is squelched at Node A and path d is squelched at Node C. Path b is not squelched, as the path is rerouted from Node A to Node B by the protection switch.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-27 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 12 OC-48 BLSR node failure example.
2-28 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 13 OC-192 BL SR n ode failure e.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-29 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 14 STS paths an d squ elch map for.
2-30 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BL SR c onf i gur at ion dist ri bu tion T.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-31 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BLS R con nec tion audi t If t he re is a dis.
2-32 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 VT as signed e nd-to-end connect ions nece.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-33 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 15 STS BL SR w ith VT assignm ent .
2-34 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Pr o visi oni ng ru les The follo wing B LSR provi sioning r ules represent the s um of engineering r ules - as enf orced by system s oftware - plus pro vis ioning recommendations.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-35 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 5 In t h e following types of RPRs, i t is re.
2-36 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Exa mple of provisio ning rules for OC- 48.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-37 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Exa mpl e of provisio ning rule s for OC- 48 .
2-38 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Exa mple of pr ovi sioni ng r ules f or OC.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-39 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Exa mpl e of provisio ning rule s for OC-192 .
2-40 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Sp ec ial p ro v i sio ni ng co nsi dera t.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-41 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 20 RPR over a BL SR and subtending.
2-42 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 21 Virtua l RPR over BLSR and s.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-43 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 O AM su pported on BLSR In s ervice channel rol lover A user can m ov e VT or ST S channels within the same s pan.
2-44 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Chan ging t he BL SR c onfigu rat ion / conn ec tion aud i t pe rio d A user can edit the BLSR c onf iguration / connection audit per iod.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-45 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • UUU is the network entity code. The combination of these codes compri se a unique place, a unique building and a spec if ic e ntity .
2-46 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note 2: Switching f rom SONET mode to Superset mode results in a w arm restar t of t he shelf pr ocessor .
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-47 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 22 OPT era M etro 3500 b ands OM11.
2-48 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Eight C-Band w avelengths along with 1534. 04 nm wav elength a re s upported for t he OC-192 D WDM G.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-49 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Additional OMX modules are required for ea ch D WDM band. The DWDM bands ca n be multiple xed onto o ne optical f iber to daisy-chain the OMX modules together .
2-50 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 D WDM configura tions The follo wing OMX c.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-51 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 25 Logical conn ections in a h ubb.
2-52 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 26 Physical connections in a me.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-53 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Linear point-to-point A point-to-point configuration transports traf fic between two s ites on a protected OM X DWDM system.
2-54 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 F a cili ty at tr ib u tes V isible and pr.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-55 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 29 Electrical Loopback types Optic.
2-56 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 30 F acili ty lo opbac k Ex1394.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-57 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 — shelf pr ocessor res tarts — software u.
2-58 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 32 2x100BT -P2P loopback con ditioning Net work su rv eill ance Exte nded netw ork pr ocesso r (N Px) The NPx s upports TCP/IP , X.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-59 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T el e me t r y byte - or i en ted se r i al .
2-60 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note: Although TBOS mapping a ssignments are set from the head- end netw ork element, you can r etrie ve TBOS f rom any remote network element.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-61 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Path trace is used by an ST S path te rminating equipment (PTE) to v erify its continuous connection to the intended transmitting STS PTE.
2-62 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T ARP transparency is required for oper at.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-63 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Resilien t pac ket ring (RPR) object A resilient packet ring (RPR) ob ject is a S O NET bandwidth pipe.
2-64 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • flexible Ethernet acc ess and network .
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-65 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 RPR config urat ion alert OPT era Metro 3500 will generate an alarm and trap notifying users when the maximum number of nodes on the RPR ri ng is exceeded.
2-66 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 NNI F ilter s incr eased to 204 8 • OPT era Metro Release 12.0 augmented the number of individual NNI f ilters to 2048.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-67 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 There is no flo w control support on the LAN and the W AN, and no policing and shaping i s per formed.
2-68 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 34 2x100BT -P2P circuit p a ck mo de l PPP/BCP HDLC STS1/3C PPP/BCP HDLC STS1/3C 10/100BT 10/100BT 2x100BT-P2P 100BTFOS-slot slot:=3.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-69 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 35 2x100BT -P2P log ical datapath o verv iew Br idge Cont ro l Pro tocol The Bridge Contr ol Protocol ( B CP) is negotiated when pac kets for transport are Ether net.
2-70 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 When connecting to OC n circuit packs, the follo wing protection schemes supported by the OCn circuit pack can be used.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-71 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Opt ica l Ethern et-P riva te Li ne ( OE-PL) .
2-72 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 interfaces f or data m a nagement, suc h as the Bay Command C onsole command lin e i nterface (BCC CLI) a nd Simp le Network Ma nagement Protocol ( SNMP).
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-73 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 For more de tails, see the • OPT er a P ack.
2-74 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • Fully managed thr ough Site Ma na ger .
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-75 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Equi pme nt alar ms The 2xGigE/FC-P2P circuit pa ck supports the standard OPT era Metro 3500 equipment alarms.
2-76 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Inter card Fail This ala rm is raised when.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-77 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Sm all F or m Fac tor Pl ugga bles (S FP) a larm s T able 2- 10 on page 2-77 , li sts equipment al arms a ssocia ted to the s mall f orm factor pluggables (SFP) modules .
2-78 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Table 2-11 Ingress L AN po rt alarms Alarm.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-79 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Rx Excessive Error ratio T his alar m is r ai.
2-80 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 36 LAN Ingress Alarms EX1493p E.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-81 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Table 2-12 Egress WAN p ort and s ervice alar.
2-82 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Link Down (See Note ) This al arm is rais .
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-83 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Client Servic e Mismat ch This al arm is rai .
2-84 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 37 Egress W AN po rt an d ser vice al arms EX1494p Band width management The 2xGigE/FC-P2P circuit pa ck supports both contiguous and virtual concatenation bandwidth provisioning.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-85 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Virtua l concatenation When the VCA T attribute in the W AN port is s et to EN AB LE, up to 7 STS3c or 21 STS1 connections ca n be cr oss connected to a 2xGigE / FC -P2P W AN port.
2-86 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 ADVETHDPX (LPA duplex) Link par tner adv ertised Dupl ex capabi litie s. Only val id when ANST ATUS is C om ple te d.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-87 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Fibre Chann el facility T able 2- 14 on page 2-87 , lists facility par ameters supported by the 2xGigE/FC-P2P Fibre Channel LAN port.
2-88 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BBCOVERRIDE (BBC overr ide) Use this BBC value in stead of the snooped (no n-int rusivel y mon itored) value (BBC) .
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-89 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 W AN facility T able 2- 15 on page 2-89 , lists facility par ameters supported by the 2xGigE/FC-P2P W AN interface.
2-90 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Eth ernet Oper ation al Measu rements The .
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-91 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The 2xGig E/FC-P2P circuit packs coll ects Generic I nterface Operational Measurements (Generic Interface OMs) which contain a set of counters not specific to an y inter face type.
2-92 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OUTFRAMESDISCDS (Out d iscar ded fr ames) NA Number of FC frames di scarde d due to egress buffer overflo w.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-93 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T able 2- 18 on page 2-93 def ines the Ethe rnet spec if ic Operat ional Measurements (OM) supported by the 2xGigE/FC-P2P circuit pac k.
2-94 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 DEFERTRANS (Delay ed Trans missio n) Half Count of frames fo r which the first tr ansmissi on attempt is delayed because the medi um is busy .
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-95 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 P e rf orman ce M oni torin g Performance monitoring (PM) refers to the in-service, non- intrusiv e monito ring of t ransmission quality .
2-96 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 38 Storage over Son et EX1495p Storage networks cannot tolerate data discard.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-97 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T o support storage extension o ver v ery lon.
2-98 Ope ration, administr ation, an d maintena nce (O AM) feat ures OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 If congestion s hould occur at the destination storage de vice, it would be gin withholding R _RD Ys from the egress OPT era Metro 3500.
Operation, administration, and maintenan ce (OAM ) features 2-99 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Ge neric F raming P ro cedure an d Virtu al C.
2-100 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 In GFP-T , client signals are de coded and mapped into GFP-T fr ames; these frames ca n be tra nsmitted immediately without waiting for the rece ption of an entir e client data frame .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 101 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The OPT era Metro 3500 2xGigE/FC-P2P circuit pa ck maps Gigabit E thernet client signals via GFP-F frames and maps FC100/FICON clients s ignals via GF P -T fr am es.
2-102 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Optic al interoper abil ity of OP T er a M.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 103 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Thr eshold v alues There are three perform .
2-104 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 See T able 2-22 for a list of pe rformance monitoring parameter definitions. For a list of DS3 performance monitoring parameters supported on the DS3 circuit packs, see T a ble 2-23 .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 105 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 SES- LFE Sever ely er rored seconds , lin e.
2-106 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 ES-P Errored seconds, path • SONET: Coun.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 107 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 SES- PFE Sever ely er rored second s, path,.
2-108 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 FC-P Failure count, path • SONET: Count .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 109 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T ab le 2- 24 DS 1 pe rformanc e mo nit ori.
2-110 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Re tr ievi ng p e rfor manc e moni t or ing c ou nts OPT era Metro 3500 R elease 11.0 intr oduced enhancements for re trie ving performance monitoring (PM) counts.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 111 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T able 2- 25 describes the termination characte rs for the R TR V -PM r esponse mess ages.
2-112 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Physical PMs are gauge type readings that can go up or down during a collection period.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 113 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPRN OPRN is the de viation from the rece i vers midpoint operational range.
2-114 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 P erf ormance m onito ring t hreshold cr oss ing alerts (TC A) This feature gr oups together T CAs to minimize the number of alarms raise d from a particular f acility .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 115 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 When TCA summary alarm re porting is e nabl.
2-116 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • TCA summary alarms will not clea r if; — the equipment or f acility that a summ ary alarm is raised aga inst is put out-of-service (OOS).
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 117 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 41 Site Ma na ge r main window EX1506p Presid e Applic ation s P lat f orm and Mul tiser v ice MO A s uppo r t Preside Appli cations P latform Rel.
2-118 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Protecti on swit ching At the OC-48 line rate, an optica l f iber cut c ould result in 1344 VT1.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 119 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • For c ed switch on w orking channel of a span. This s witches traf fic from the w orking c hannels on a span to the protection channe l s around the ring.
2-120 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Pr otec tion perf o rma nce monit oring pa.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 121 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The PSC-W , PSC-P , and P SD parameters are.
2-122 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Secu rity an d ad m inist ra tion OPT era Metro 3500 Release 12.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 123 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Loc al ‘ chall enge-re sponse ’ use r a.
2-124 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note 4: Because of the po w er granted b y the Challenge / Response Authenticat ion Protocol, the local shared sec ret must be kept secur e and must not be lost.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 125 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Centralized user administration and au then.
2-126 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • The minimum tim eout is one second. Howe ver , the minimum timeout per request is a lso one s econd.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 127 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The Acces s-Request is submitted to the RADIUS server through the network. If no r esponse is returned within a length of time, the reques t is re-sent a number of times.
2-128 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Users are able to provision on the SPx: .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 129 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 not store or re tain a ny clear t ext passwords in non- volatile storage.
2-130 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The e xistence of any blocking conditions on the shelf processor and/or the netw ork pr ocessor can block the Sav e and Res tore application from e xecuting any f urt her actions.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 131 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Level 4 • Administra tion allows complete a ccess to all commands, except for automatic surve illance of all network elements in the network processor span of contr ol.
2-132 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The SI D must be between 1 and 20 char acters (inclusiv e).
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 133 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 SPx logi n s essi ons The maximum number of incoming login se ssions to the networ k element is six.
2-134 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 For remote login, for example, a remote lo.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 135 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 42 Logi cal fl ow o f int ru sio.
2-136 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • spaces (deleted as entered), lo wercas.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 137 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Users with UPC 1 through 3 will not be allo wed to log in if their pas swor ds ha ve expired.
2-138 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT era Metro allo ws a ny user with a UPC lev e l 4 and abov e to add, delete, or retrie ve the A ccess Control List (A CL) for a node.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 139 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 e vents on the local network elem ent as opposed to a ne twork le vel vie w . Further , the e vents shall be categorized by a Log Name which is indicati ve of the situation that caused the log.
2-140 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Mod ifiab le Login Bann er The default login banner is subdivided i nto two parts: a warni ng banne r and a f ixed banner par t, see Figure 2-43 on page 2-140 .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 141 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Once the temporary warning message is no longer needed, the backup modif ied warning banner c an be res tored.
2-142 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • The follow ing operations Set, Sav e ,.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 143 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figure 2- 46 on page 2- 143 , shows an example of hybrid ( VT & STS-managed) end-to-end connections in an OC-192 ring.
2-144 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 47 Hybrid end-to-end connection.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 145 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 A STS- 1 managed DS1 facility is cross conn.
2-146 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Eng ine erin g rul es The follow ing engin.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 147 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 These configu rations requir e synchr onization among the networ k elements to a void the ef fects of the SONET synchronous tr ans port s ignal pointer repositioning within the frame.
2-148 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T rib utar y li ne t imi ng T rib utary line timing is s how n in F igure 2-49 on page 2-155 , e xam ple d).
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 149 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The best timing referen c e source is a high-le vel stratum clock. Tim i ng m od e s The four pos si ble timing modes for OPT era Metro 3500 network elements are: • Free r un.
2-150 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 the module automatically enters acquire mode. The maximum time a module can remain in holdov er mode is 24 hour s.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 151 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 timing s ignal quality from a network element in holdover m ode in th e event a timing r eference is disrupted.
2-152 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 48 Hierar chical network synchr.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 153 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Building- integrated t iming suppl y (BITS).
2-154 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 When the ne twork element timing mod e is .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 155 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T rib utar y li ne t imi ng T rib utary line timing is s how n in F igure 2-49 on page 2-155 , e xample (d).
2-156 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 For an OPT era Me tro 3500 system to be synchronized with high-quality t iming signals fr om an external source such as a B ITS.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 157 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Synchronization-status messages ar e carrie.
2-158 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Use r-s peci fied qualit y level s fo r timi ng sou rc es A user can s pecify or over ride the qualit y le vel of an incoming timi ng source.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 159 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 50 Synchronization flo w detail .
2-160 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T est Ac ce ss The tes t access feature monitors a nd tests s ignal quality of cross-connec ts through a te st acces s port (T AP).
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 161 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figure 2-51: Site Manager T e st Access Ses.
2-162 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note 3: ST S24c and STS48c rates are only supported on s helves equipped with OC-48 STS interface s in slots 3 through 10 and STX-192 circuit packs.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 163 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 53 T est a ccess-mo nitor state .
2-164 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 54 Monitoring te st acc ess-Sin.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 165 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Spli t test a ccess The split test access is an intrusiv e, se rvice-aff ecting oper ation.
2-166 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 58 Split t e st access-Single F.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 167 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 D u a l FA D , S P LT E F In a du al F AD en vironment, both s ignal directions (path A and path B) can be monito red at the same time .
2-168 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Eng ine erin g rul es The following engineering ru les apply to the test acc ess f eature: • Optical T APs must be in unprotec ted mode.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 169 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Site Manager T est Acc ess Sessions Managem.
2-170 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 62 Tim e of day syn chroni zat ion (SP s are unde r the NP ’ s spa n of control) EX1407 The maximum number of provisionable servers on the network processor is f iv e.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 171 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Table 2-34 TO D sy nch ron izati on pa rame.
2-172 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 TL1 Changes to Cr o ss Connect AID parame ter W ith the introduction of the ne w STX-192 circuit pack in OPT era Metro Release 12.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 173 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T able 2- 35 on page 2-173 pro vides a sample of the output of R TR V -E QPT command whe n performed with different ST X and VT X-series circuit packs .
2-174 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Da ta b ase ch an g e even ts Database change e vents (DBCHG ev ents) re sult only in the case of successfully compl e ted comma nds .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 175 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 A T A G sequ ence n umbe rs A T A G is a numeri c trans a ction identifie r simila r to C T A G.
2-176 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 T wo ways to ma nage VTs on a UPSR are: • Use dedicated STS at ea ch node and p rovision STS connections at each pass-thr ough VT-managed OPT er a Metro 3000 node on the subtending UPSR .
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 177 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 64 P er-site dedicated STS - no VT loss in case of a f ib er cut EX1547p OM3500 (W/VTX) OC-3/12/48 UPSR ring Note 1: There is no VT loss in the ev ent of a fiber cut.
2-178 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 65 Virtua l ring (path-in-line).
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 179 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 66 Virtua l ring (path-in-line) .
2-180 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 67 Improper use of STS path bri.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 181 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 VT groo mi ng on a U PSR Y ou can use OP T era Metro 3 000 NEs equipped with VTX circuit p a cks at an OPT era Metro 3500 STS-managed site to groom VT s.
2-182 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 68 VT grooming w ith dedicated STS at e ac h site EX1555p OM3500 OM3500 OC-3/12/48 UPSR ring OC-3/12/48 UPSR ring Note: F or simplicity only one direction is shown.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 183 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 69 VT gr oomi ng w ith shared VT -manag ed S TS EX1557p OM3500 OM3500 OC-3/12/48 UPSR ring OC-3/12/48 UPSR ring Note: F or simplicity only one direction is shown.
2-184 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Co llocated OPT era Metr o 3000 NE and d e.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 185 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 70 Collocated OPT e ra Metro 350.
2-186 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Co llocated OPT era M etr o 3000 NE an d s.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 187 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 71 Collocated OPT e ra Metro 350.
2-188 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 2- 72 Collocated OPT e ra Metro 35.
Operation, adm inistration, and maintenance (OAM ) features 2- 189 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 UPSR plannin g guidelin es sum mar y This section summarizes guidelines for STS-managed OP T er a Metro 3500 and OP T era Metro 3000 UPSR conf i gurations.
2-190 Op eration, admini stration, a nd main tenance (O AM) features OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004.
3-1 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 NTRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Is s 1 Apr 2004 Har d ware fe ature descriptions 3- This chapter pr ovides descriptions of the OPT era Metro 3500 Shelf and OPT era Metro 3500 Univ ersal Shelf with s upported components f or Release 12.
3-2 Hardware f ea ture descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-192 opt ical interf ac e circuit pack 3-59 OC-192 DWDM G.
H ardware feature descriptions 3-3 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Ext ended Reac h (ZX) Small For m Fa ctor Plug gab le (S FP) (N TTP 51DZ) OPT era Metro 3500 Rele ase 12.1 introduces a new extended reach (ZX) s mall form factor pluggable f or the 2xGigE/FC-P2P interfaces .
3-4 Hardware f ea ture descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT e ra Me tro 3500 S hel f a nd the OP T era Metro 350 0 U niv ersal S he.
H ardware feature descriptions 3-5 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 She lves e quipp ed with STX- 192 cir cuit pack s On all types of sh elv es, slots 13 and 14 are double-width slots for the S TX- 192.
3-6 Hardware f ea ture descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Tab le 3 -3 Supp or ted she lf e qui pme nt a nd ope ra tiona l te mp erat .
H ardware feature descriptions 3-7 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-12 E R (Extended Reac h) • supporting STS-12c NTN404LA 0 ° C to 50 °.
3-8 Hardware f ea ture descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-48 S TS IR (I nt er med iat e Reac h) NTN440KA 0 ° C to 50 ° C ( 32 °.
H ardware feature descriptions 3-9 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-48 E R DWDM • 1555.75n m • The OMX does not support the OC-48 D WDM 1555.
3-10 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Electri cal tributary circuit packs DS1 NTN430A A 0 ° C to 50 ° C ( 32 .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-11 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 2x10 0BT-P2P • Optica l Ether n et-Priv ate Line • Nativ e Et hernet bet ween t wo Et hernet por ts and mapped i nto tr ansparen t Lay er 1 netw ork • IEEE 802 .
3-12 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT era Packet Edge System circuit packs O PT er a Pa ck et Edg e Sy s te m 4x10 0BT • IEEE 802 .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-13 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 O PT er a Pa ck et Edg e Sy s te m 2x10 00LX • IEEE 802.3z (Gigabit Ether net) compli ant • 50 or 62.5 µΜ Mult i-Mode fiber , or 10 µΜ Sing le Mode fiber • Max dist: 5 50m ( 50, 6 2.
3-14 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STX-1 92 • supporting OC-19 2 or OC-48 l ine rate in slot s 11 and 12 • Ref er to T abl e 3-7 on page 3-52 for elect rical and opti cal circui t pac ks supported.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-15 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Cooling unit assemb lies Universa l shelf cooli ng u nit assembl y • inc.
3-16 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 DS1 29-84 Fron t I /O m odule • serving D S1 ports 29-84 • front acces.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-17 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 BNC 12-Port Front I/O module • serving D S3 and EC- 1 ports • front ac.
3-18 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 LI Fs an d LOAMs LIF (left i nterf ace) NTN451B A 0 ° C to 50 ° C ( 32 .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-19 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Tab le 3 -4 Shelf slots and supported circuit packs Slot Ci r cuit p ack (.
3-20 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 16 Extended network processo r (NPx) , Intershelf LAN (ILAN) 17 Protection switch extender (PSX) Note 1 : DS1 interf a ces are suppor ted on shel ves equipped with VTX -ser ies circuit pac ks.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-21 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 1 OPT era M etro 350 0 Shelf Assembly (NT N4 76D A) EX0911p Cab.
3-22 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 2 OPT era M etro 350 0 Shelf Assembl y (NTN4 76D A) equipped wi.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-23 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 3 OPT era M etr o 3500 Un iversal Shel f Assem bly (NTN476AH) w.
3-24 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 4 OPT era M etr o 3500 Un iversal Shel f Assem bl y (NT N476AH).
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-25 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 5 OPT era Metro 3500 Un iver sa l Shelf Asse mbl y (NT N476AH) .
3-26 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Repla cea ble I/O modul es I/O modules f or the OPT era Metro 3500 S helf and the OPT era Metro 3500 Uni versal S he lf pro vide input and output of electrical signals for traf fic.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-27 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The OPT era Metro 3500 U ni versal Shelf Assembly (NTN476AH) I /O modules .
3-28 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Tab le 3 -5 I /O m odu le t ype an d sl ot pos iti ons ADD / DROP Traffic .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-29 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 DS3, EC -1 12 BNC 12-port Front I/O m odule (NTN452J A) OPTera Metro 3500 .
3-30 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 6 DS1 1- 28 Fr ont I/ O mod ule (N TN45 2A A) EX0769p Figu re 3.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-31 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 8 DS1 29 -84 Front I/O module (NT N452EA) EX0765p Figu re 3- 9 .
3-32 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 10 8xRJ-45 F ro n t I/O mo dule (NTN4 52NA) ex0797t Figu re 3- .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-33 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 12 DS1 2 9-56 Front Enhanced I/O mo dule (NTN4 52CH) EX1152p Fi.
3-34 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 14 BNC 12-P ort Front Enhanced I/O module (NTN452JH) EX1154p Fi.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-35 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 16 DS1 1 -28 Rear I/ O module (NTN452BA) EX1155p Figu re 3- 17 .
3-36 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 18 DS1 2 9-84 Rear I/O module (NT N452F A) EX1155p Figu re 3- 1.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-37 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 20 BNC 12-P ort Rear I/O mo dule (NT N452 KA) EX1155p Co mmon m odule s OPT era Metro 3500 S he lf and th e OPT era Metro 3500 Uni versal Shelf support replaceable common modules in T able 3-5 on page 3-28 .
3-38 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 21 Left O AM (L O AM ) (NTN451M A, NTN451M H) EX0790p Left interf ace (LIF ) (NTN451B A, NTN451BH) The LIF is ins erted in s lot 1a and provides a connection for the LO AM.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-39 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 22 Left i n terface (LIF) ( N TN451B A, NTN451 BH) EX0730p Po w.
3-40 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT e ra Me tro 3500 c o oli ng u nit a sse m bl y an d co oli ng u nit fan modu les (NT N45 8Q A) The cooling unit assembly (NT N458Q A) contains thr ee cooling unit f an modules (NTN458HC) a nd en vir onmental sensors.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-41 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Un iver sal coo lin g unit ass embl y and coo lin g unit fan mo dule s f o.
3-42 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 20 A ( Univ ers al ) pow e r m od ul e (NT N45 1HA) The OPT era Metro 3500 Univ e rsal Shelf supports the Uni versal po wer module (NTN451HA).
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-43 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 P ower In put Alarm This circuit detects input po wer f ailure. A green light “ on ” indicates normal operation. If input po we r has been los t, this l ight is of f.
3-44 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT era M etr o 35 00 BIP (E ur opea n depl oy ment) (N TFW56 B A) The BIP NTFW56BA (f or European deployment) is mounted at the top of the OPT era Metro 3500 equipment frame.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-45 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 26 Core cir cu it packs - VTX equipped OPT era Metro 3500 shelf.
3-46 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 27 Core ci r cu it packs - S TX-192 equipp ed OP T era Metro 35.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-47 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 28 T rib ut ary ci r cu it packs EX1474p Status Out In OC-12 OC.
3-48 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 29 OPT era Pac ket Edge circuit packs EX1417p 4x100BT Fail Stat.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-49 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 30 2xGigE/FC-P 2P and SFP interfaces EX1459p.
3-50 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 31 NPx, I LAN, PSC, and PSX c ir cuit p ac ks EX1195p Status Ac.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-51 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STX-1 92 circu it pac k (NT N41 5AA) STX-192 circuit packs can be equipped in s lots 13 and 14. The STX-192 circuit pack is rated for operation in the temperatur e range of 0 ° C to +5 0 ° C.
3-52 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 For a complete list of electrical and optical inter faces supported b y VTX-48, VTX-48e and STX -192 equipped OPT era Metro 3500 shelf, refer t o T able 3- 7 on page 3- 52 .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-53 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 All OPT era Metro 3500 shelves equipped with STX-192 circuit pac ks will r.
3-54 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Alar m LE D de fini tions The following table provides a list of L EDs on the STX-192 cir cuit packs. VTX -48 circu it pa ck (NT N41 4AA ) VTX-48 circuit packs can be equipped in slots 13 and 14.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-55 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Equi p pin g ru le s The VTX-48 circuit pack is a double-width c ircuit pack that can be ins talled in slot 13 and slot 14 of the OPT e ra M etro 3500 shelf.
3-56 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Equi p pin g ru le s The VTX-48e circuit pack is a double-width circuit pack that is installed in slot 13 and slot 14 of the OPT era Metro 3500 s helf.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-57 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Ala rms and TBO S Of fice alarms, TBOS, a nd en vironmental I/O are under the control of the SPx. The S Px monit ors all circ uit packs in the s ystem fo r probl ems.
3-58 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The NPx c ommunicates with the c o-located SPx thr ough the backplane ove r Ethernet.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-59 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Equi p pin g ru le s The NPx m ust be installed in s lot 16. See T able 3-3 on page 3-6 for opera tional temper ature ranges.
3-60 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STS-1 path t race f or O C-192 OPT era Metro 3500 supports path trace ca pability for OC-192 s ervices. Path trace is a 64 byte ASCII s tring that can be pr o vis ioned b y the user .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-61 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Alar m LE D de fini tions The following table lists the OC-192 interface circuit pa ck LEDs. The following table lists the modif ie d alarms associated to the OC- 192 interface circuit pack.
3-62 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Equi p pin g rul es The OC-192 optica l interface circuit pack can be installed in slots 11 and 12. See T able 3-3 on page 3-6 for oper ational temperature ranges.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-63 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Protection of path f ailu res on a s ingle OC-192 optical interface completes in 60 ms, but protection of simulta ne ous path failures on multiple optical interfaces completes in less th an 200 ms.
3-64 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-192 D WDM G.7 09 FEC op tical inter face ci r c uit p ac k (See T abl e 8- 11 on pa ge 8-1 9 in Part 2 of th is guid e for P EC c odes ) The OC-192 D WDM G.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-65 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Equi p pin g rul es The OC-192 D WDM G.709 FEC circuit pack are equipped in slots 11 and 12 of the O PT era Metro shelf . See T able 3-3 on page 3-6 for oper ational temper ature ranges.
3-66 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Sect ion tr ace f or OC-4 8 OPT era Metro 3500 supports s ection trace capability for OC -48 services .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-67 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-48 p ro tection s witch ing OC-48 traf fic can be protected b y 1+1 linear , UPSR, or BLSR protection. 1+1 linear protection OC-48 linear protection switching is 1+ 1 non-re verti ve, unidirectional or bidirect iona l .
3-68 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The W ait-to-Restore (WTR) bridge r equest is issued on both the long a nd short paths when working channels mee t the restoral threshold a fter a signal degrade or signal f ail condition.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-69 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STS-1 path t race f or O C-48 OPT era Metro 3500 supports path trace ca pability for OC-48 s ervices. Path trace is a 64 byte ASCII s tring that can be pr o vis ioned b y the user .
3-70 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Alar m LE D de fini tions The follo wing tabl e lists the OC-48 STS interface circuit pack LEDs. Equi p pin g rul es The OC-48 S TS optical interf a ce c ircuit pack can be installed in slots 3 through 12.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-71 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 STS-12 c , S TS24c or STS- 48c si gnals: one f rom the pro visioned w orking optical interf ace circuit pack and one from the switchmate optical interf ace circuit pack.
3-72 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Alar m LE D de fini tions The follo wing tabl e lists the OC-48 D WDM interface circuit pack LEDs. Equi p pin g rul es The OC-48 D WDM cir cuit pack are equipped in slots 11 and 12 of the OPT era Metro sh elf.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-73 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Optical recei ve The OC-12 interface receiv es an optical OC-12 signal on the optical receiv e channel. The OC -12 optical s ignal is con verted into an STS-12 or ST S-12c signal.
3-74 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC-12 path s witching uses nonre verti ve protection. There are no permanent VT1.5, STS-1, STS-3c, or STS-12c protection or working paths.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-75 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC12x4 S TS IR o pti cal i nter face circui t pa ck (NT N44 6CA) The OC-12x4 optical interface circuit pack provides the same functionality as the OC-12 optical interfa c e circuit pack, but ha s four optical lines.
3-76 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Optical transmi t The OC-12x4 STS optical inter face circuit pack receiv es STS-12, and ST S-12c frames fr om the STX- 1 92 circuit pac k.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-77 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Section data comm unication c ha nnel (SDCC) An OC-12 line c arries a DCC channel that can be edited, pro visioned, and deprovisioned.
3-78 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Optical recei ve The OC- 3 optical inte rf a ce circuit pack receiv es an optical s ignal on the opti cal receiv e channel.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-79 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note: VT1.5 signal rate is supported on OPT era Metro 3500 shelves equipped with VTX-series circuit packs.
3-80 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OC- 3x4 o pt ical in te rfac e c ircuit p ack (NT N44 1AA, AC) The OC-3x4 optica l interface circuit pack provides the s ame functionality a s the OC-3 optical interface circuit pack, but has four optical lines.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-81 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 • 62.5 µ m mode-conditi oning patch-cor d is r e quire d on the tr ansmitter a t each end of t he link.
3-82 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note: 1+1 line pr otection can be used only between OC-3 ports which ha ve the same port number and which are located on OC -3x4 optical interface c ircuit packs installed in adjacent slots .
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-83 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Equi p pin g ru le s Connecti vity for the 3 E C-1 signals a t each slot is through the BNC 12-Port Front I/O module (NTN452J A) on the OPT era Metro 3500 Shelf (NTN476D A).
3-84 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note 2: For Nortel Networks interworking and multi-vendor network scenar ios , DC C interoper a bility c an be achie ved with the appropri a te provis ioning.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-85 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note 2: If there is a 29-56 DS1 I/O module installed, and if slots 7 a nd .
3-86 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 DS 1 ma pp er (NT N43 0AA, BA) T wo types of DS1 mapper s are av ailable: the DS1 mappe r (NTN430AA) and the DS1 enhanced mapper (NTN430B A).
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-87 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Y ou can provi s ion a maximum of 84 protected DS1 faciliti es for each shelf. Alar m LE D de fini tions The follo wing table pr ovides a list of the DS1 m a pper LE Ds .
3-88 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 DS3x3 mappers ar e installed in pairs and DS3 protection s witching is 1+1 non-re vertiv e. The DS3x3 circuit pack can be installed in sl ots 3 through 10.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-89 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 DS3x 12 / DS 3x 12e m a pper (NTN435AA, AH) / (N TN435B A) The DS3x12 mappe r (NTN435AA, NT N435AH) a nd DS3x12e (NTN435BA) mapper have 12 DS3 ports which function independently .
3-90 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The maximum number of working DS3x12 / DS3x12e mappers that c an be insert ed in a shelf is four . See T able 3-3 on page 3-6 for oper ational temperature ranges.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-91 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 For more information about supported DS3 PM parameters for the DS3VTx12 mapper , see T a ble 2-23 on page 2-108 .
3-92 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 For information about Optical E thernet Pri vate L ine s e rvice, see Opti.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-93 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note 2: If there is a 29-56 DS1 I/O module installed, and if slots 7 a nd .
3-94 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT e ra Packet Ed ge S y stem 4x 100B T ci rcuit pack (NT N43 3BB) Each OPT era Packet Edge S yste m cir cuit pack works as a dist ributed swi tch and bridge to connect Ethernet LANs on a high-speed SONET netw or k.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-95 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Note 3: If t he re is a 29-84 DS1 I/O module i ns talled, and if slots 7 t.
3-96 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 OPT e ra Packet Ed ge S y stem 4x 100F X circu it pack (NT N43 3EA , F A) The OPT era Packet Edge System circuit pack works as a distrib uted switch and bridge to c onnect Ethernet L ANs on a high-speed SONET network.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-97 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Alar m LE D de fini tions The f ollowing table provides a list of the OPT era P ac k et Edge 4x100FX circuit pack LEDs. See Figure 3-28 on pa ge 3-47 for the 4x100FX face plate layout.
3-98 Hardware f e ature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Alar m LE D de fini tions The follo wing table pro vides a list of the OPT e ra P acket Edge 2xGigE circuit pack LEDs. See Figure 3-28 on pa ge 3-47 for the 2xGigE faceplate layout.
Hardware f eature descriptions 3-99 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 If a 4x100B T , 4x100FX, 2x100BT - P2P or 2xGigE/FC-P2P circuit pack is in.
3-100 Hardware feature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Alar m LE D de fini tions The follo wing table provides a lis t of the OPT era Packet Edge 2xGigE/FC -P 2P circuit pack LEDs. See Figure 3-28 on page 3- 47 for the 2xGigE/FC-P2P faceplate layout.
Hardware f eature d e scriptions 3- 101 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Pr otection s witc h extend er (PSX) (NT N41 3AA) The PSX circuit pack (NTN413AA) houses all of the relays that perform DS1 equipment protection switching f or DS1 ports 29 to 84.
3-102 Hardware feature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 32 OMX + F iber Manage r 4C H equipm ent d rawer Enha nced OMX +.
Hardware f eature d e scriptions 3- 103 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The distinguis hing features of the OMX + Fiber Manager 4CH are: • E.
3-104 Hardware feature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 33 OMX shelf (NTN449ZW ) EX0795t Fi be r Ma nag e r ( n ot requ .
Hardware f eature d e scriptions 3- 105 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 The Fiber M anager can be front-mounted or mid-mounted in equipment racks of v arying sizes .
3-106 Hardware feature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 34 Fiber m an age r (NT 0H 57BB ) EX1255p Spring-loaded lock Cable outlet 19" mounting brac ket Note: The OMX fiber manager capacity is 16 fibers x 6.
Hardware f eature d e scriptions 3- 107 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 DS 1 se rvic e mod ule (D SM) sh elf (NT N40 7M A) The DS1 service module (DSM) is a peripheral shelf connected to an OPT era Metro 3500 network element.
3-108 Hardware feature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 35 DS1 service mod ule (DSM) (NTN407MA) EX0958p OAM adapter modu.
Hardware f eature d e scriptions 3- 109 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 36 DS1 service m odule (NTN407M A) (fro n t co ver op en) e.
3-110 Hardware feature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 37 DSM O AM (Hardware Re lease 6) with cover off EX1434p Alar m .
Hardware f eature d e scriptions 3- 111 Planning an d O rdering Gui de — Part 1 of 2 N TRN10AN Rel 12.1 Standard Iss 1 Apr 2004 Figu re 3- 38 DSM O AM (Hardw ar e Release 6) with cover o n EX1438p D.
3-112 Hardware feature descriptions OPTe r a Met ro 3500 M ultiservice Platform NT RN10AN Rel 12 .1 Sta ndard Iss 1 Apr 2004 For m ore i nf o rma ti on , r ef er to : • DSM DS1x84 inter face specifi.
OPT era Metro 3500 Multiser vice P latf orm Planni ng and Ordering Gui de — P ar t 1 of 2 Copy ri gh t 2000 – 2 004 Nor tel Ne twor ks, Al l Ri ghts Re ser ved The in fo rmati on co ntai ned he rei n is the p rop ert y of Nor tel Net w ork s an d is s tr ict ly co nf id ent ial.
An important point after buying a device Nortel Networks NTRN10AN (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nortel Networks NTRN10AN yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nortel Networks NTRN10AN - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nortel Networks NTRN10AN you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nortel Networks NTRN10AN will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nortel Networks NTRN10AN, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nortel Networks NTRN10AN.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nortel Networks NTRN10AN. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nortel Networks NTRN10AN along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center