Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 43W7774 Nortel Networks
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2350 Mission College Blvd. Suite 600 Santa Clara, CA 95054 www .bladenetwork. net Alteon OS Co m m a n d R e f e r e n c e Nor tel 10Gb Uplink Ethernet Swit ch M odule for IBM BladeC enter ® V ersion 1.
Alteon OS Command Refer ence 2 43W7774, May 2007 Copyright © 2007 Blade Network T echnologies, Inc., 2350 Mission College Blv d., Suite 600, Santa Clara, California, 95054, USA.
43W7774, May 2007 3 Co n t e n t s Preface 13 Who Should Use This Book 14 How This Book Is Organized 15 Typographic Conventions 16 How to Get Help 17 The Command Line Interface 19 Connecting to the Switch 20 Management Module Setup 20 Factory-Default vs.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 4 Contents 43W7774, May 2007 Setup Part 3: VLANs 38 Setup Part 4: IP Configuration 39 IP Interfaces 39 Default Gateways 40 IP Routing 41 Setup Part 5: Final Steps 41 O.
Alteon OS Command Reference Contents 5 43W7774, May 2007 FDB Information 76 Show All FDB Information 77 Clearing Entries from the Forwar ding Database 77 Link Aggregation Control Protocol Informat.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 6 Contents 43W7774, May 2007 Access Control Li st Informati on 118 Link Status Inform ation 119 Port Information 120 Logical Port to GEA Port Mapping 121 Fiber Port SFP Status 122 Information Dump 122 The Statistics Menu 123 Statistics Menu 123 Port Statistics 125 802.
Alteon OS Command Reference Contents 7 43W7774, May 2007 SNMP Statistics 165 NTP Statistics 169 Statistics Dump 170 The Configuration Menu 171 Configuration Menu 172 Viewing, Applying, and Savin g.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 8 Contents 43W7774, May 2007 802.1x Configuration 215 802.1x Global Configuration 216 802.1x Guest VLAN Configuration 218 802.
Alteon OS Command Reference Contents 9 43W7774, May 2007 Open Shortest Path First Config uration 266 Area Index Configuration 268 OSPF Summary Range Configuration 269 OSPF Interface Configuration .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 10 Contents 43W7774, May 2007 Re-Mark Configuration 314 Re-Marking In-Profile Configuration 315 Update User Priority Configuration 316 Re-Marking Out-of-Profi le Confi.
Alteon OS Command Reference Contents 11 43W7774, May 2007 ARP Cache Maintenance 345 IP Route Manipulation 346 IGMP Maintenance 347 IGMP Group Maintenance 348 IGMP Multicast Routers Maintenance 349.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 12 Contents 43W7774, May 2007.
43W7774, May 2007 13 Pref a ce The Alteon OS Command Refer ence describes how to configure and use th e Alteon OS soft- ware with your Nortel 10Gb Up link Ethernet Switch Module (GbE Switch Module). For documentation on inst allin g the switches physically , see the Installation Guide for you r GbE Switch Module.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 14 Preface 43W7774, May 2007 Who Should U se This Book This Command Reference is intended for network installers and system administrators engaged in configuring and maintaini ng a network. The administrator should be familiar with Ethernet concepts, IP addressing, the IEEE 802.
Alteon OS Command Reference Preface 15 43W7774, May 2007 How T his Bo ok Is Organized Chapter 1 “The Command Line Interface,” describes how to connect to the switch and access the information an d configuration menus.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 16 Preface 43W7774, May 2007 T ypographic C on ventions The following table describes th e typog raphic styles used in this book. T able 1 T ypographic Conventions Ty p e f a c e o r Sym b ol Meaning Example AaBbCc123 This type is used for names of commands, files, and directories used within the te xt.
Alteon OS Command Reference Preface 17 43W7774, May 2007 How to Get Help If you need help, service, or technical assis t ance, see the “Getting he lp and technical assis- tance” appendix in the Nortel 10Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Installati on Gui de .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 18 Preface 43W7774, May 2007.
43W7774, May 2007 19 C HAPTER 1 T he Co mmand Line Inter fac e Y our GbE Switch Module (GbESM) is ready to perform basic switchin g functions right out of the box. Some of the more advanced features, ho wever , require some administrative configuration before they can be used effectively .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 20 The Comm and Line Interface 43W7774, May 2007 C onnec ting to the Switch Y ou can access the command line interf ace in any one of the following ways: Using a T.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Command Line Interface 21 43W7774, May 2007 Switch Module is installed. Fo r addi tional information, see the Installation Guide ).
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 22 The Comm and Line Interface 43W7774, May 2007 Figure 1- 1 Switch management on the BladeCenter managemen t mo dule 4. Y ou can use the default IP addre sses provided by the management module, or you can assign a new IP address to the switch modu le through the managem ent module.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Command Line Interface 23 43W7774, May 2007 5. Enable the following featur es in the management modu le: External Ports (I/O Module T asks > Admin/Po wer/Res.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 24 The Comm and Line Interface 43W7774, May 2007 Establishing an SSH Co nnec tion Although a remote network adm inistrato r can manage the co nfiguration of a GbE Switch Module via T elnet, this method does not pro vide a secure connection.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Command Line Interface 25 43W7774, May 2007 Running SSH Once the IP parameters are configured and the SSH service is turned on the GbE Switch Module , you can access the command line interface using an SSH connec tion.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 26 The Comm and Line Interface 43W7774, May 2007 A ccessing the S witch T o enable better swit ch management and user accountability , three levels or classes of user access have been implemented on the GbE Switch Module .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Command Line Interface 27 43W7774, May 2007 N OTE – W ith the exception of the “admin” user , access to each user level can be disabled by setting the password to an empty value.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 28 The Comm and Line Interface 43W7774, May 2007 Setup V ersus CLI Once the administrator password is verified , you ar e given complete access to the sw itch.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Command Line Interface 29 43W7774, May 2007 C ommand Line Histor y and Editing For a descri ption of global co mmands, shortc uts, and command line editing functions, see “Menu Basics” on page 47 .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 30 The Comm and Line Interface 43W7774, May 2007.
43W7774, May 2007 31 C HAPTER 2 Fi r st - Ti m e Co n f i g u r a t i o n T o help with the init ial proces s of configuring your switch, th e Alteon OS softw are includes a Setup utility . The Setup utility pr ompts you step-by-step to ente r all the necessary information for basic configuration of the switch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 32 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 U sing the S etup Utility Whenever you log in as the syst em administrator unde r the factory default configuration, yo u are asked whether you wish to run the Setup utility .
Alteon OS Command Reference First-Time Configuration 33 43W7774, May 2007 Star ting Setup When Y ou Log In The Setup prompt appears automa tically wh enever you login as the system administ rator under the factory default settings. 1. Connect to the switch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 34 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 Stopping and Restarting Setup Manually Stopping Setup T o abort the Setup utili ty , press <Ctrl-C> duri ng any Setup quest ion . When you abort Setup, the system will p rompt: Enter n to abort Setup, or y to restart the Setup prog ram at the beginnin g.
Alteon OS Command Reference First-Time Configuration 35 43W7774, May 2007 N OTE – When the GbE Switch Module is reset, the d ate and time to rev ert to default v alues. Use /cfg/sys/date and /cfg/sys/time to re-enter the current date and time. The system displays the date and time setti ngs: 3.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 36 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 8. T urn Spanning T ree Pr otocol on or off at the prompt: Enter y to turn off Spanning T ree, or enter n to leave Spanning T ree on.
Alteon OS Command Reference First-Time Configuration 37 43W7774, May 2007 3. Configure Gigabit Ethernet port autonegotiation mode. If you selected a port that has a Gigab it Ethernet connector , the system prompts: Enter on to enable port autonegot iation, off to disable it, or press <E nter> to keep the current setting.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 38 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 Setup P ar t 3: VLANs If you chose to skip VLANs configur atio n back in Part 1, skip to “Setup Part 4: IP Configura- tion” on page 39 .
Alteon OS Command Reference First-Time Configuration 39 43W7774, May 2007 Repeat the steps in th is section until all VLANs have been configured. When all VLANs have been configured, press <Enter > without specifying any VLAN. Setup P ar t 4: IP Configur ation The system prompts for IP parameters.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 40 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 T o keep the current setting, press <Enter>. 4. If configuring VLANs, specify a VLAN for the interface.
Alteon OS Command Reference First-Time Configuration 41 43W7774, May 2007 3. At the pr ompt, enter y to enable the default gatewa y , or n to leave it disabled: 4. The system prompts you to conf igure another default gateway: Repeat the steps in this section u ntil all defa ult gateways have been configured.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 42 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 3. Next, decide whether to apply the changes at the pr ompt: Enter y to apply the changes, or n to continue without applyin g. Changes are normally applied. 4. At the prompt, dec ide whether to make the changes permanent: Enter y to save the changes to flash.
Alteon OS Command Reference First-Time Configuration 43 43W7774, May 2007 Setting Passw ords It is recommended that you cha nge the user and administrator pas swords after initi al configu- ration and as regularly as required under you r netw ork security policies.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 44 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 The System Menu is displayed. 4. From the System Menu, use the following command to select the System Access Menu: The System Access Menu is displayed. 5. Select the administrator password.
Alteon OS Command Reference First-Time Configuration 45 43W7774, May 2007 6. Enter the current administra tor password at the prompt : N OTE – If you forget your administr ator password, call your tech nical support representativ e for help using the password fix-up mo de.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 46 First-Time Configuration 43W7774, May 2007 4. From the System Menu, use the following command to select the System Access Menu: 5. Select the user password. 6. Enter the current administra tor password at the prom pt.
43W7774, May 2007 47 C HAPTER 3 Menu Basics The GbE Switch Module’ s Comman d Line Interface (CLI) is used for viewing switch informa- tion and statistics. In addition, the adm ini strat o r can use the CLI for performing all levels of switch configuratio n.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 48 Menu Basics 43W7774, May 2007 Th e Main Menu The Main Menu appears after a successful conn ection and login. The following table shows the Main Menu for the administrator login. So me features are not available under the user login.
Alteon OS Command Reference Menu Basics 49 43W7774, May 2007 Menu Summar y Information Menu Provides sub-menus fo r displaying information abou t the current status of the switch: from basic system settings to VLANs, and more. S tatistics Menu Provides sub-menus for displaying switch perf ormance statistics.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 50 Menu Basics 43W7774, May 2007 Global C ommands Some basic commands are recognized throughout the menu hierarchy . These commands are useful for obtaining online help, navigatin g throug h menus, and for applying and saving con- figuration changes.
Alteon OS Command Reference Menu Basics 51 43W7774, May 2007 revert Remove pending configuration cha nges between “apply” commands. Use this command to restore configur ation parameters set since last apply . revert apply Remove pending or applied c onfiguration cha nges between “ save ” com- mands.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 52 Menu Basics 43W7774, May 2007 pushd Save the current menu path, so yo u can jump back to it using popd . popd Go to the menu path and positio n previously saved by using pushd . who Displays a list of users that ar e logged on to the switch.
Alteon OS Command Reference Menu Basics 53 43W7774, May 2007 C ommand Line Histor y and Editing Using the command line interface, you can retrie ve and modify previously entered commands with just a few keystrokes.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 54 Menu Basics 43W7774, May 2007 C ommand Line Inter face Shor tcuts C ommand Stack ing As a shortcut, you can type multiple commands on a single line, separated by fo rw ard slashes ( / ). Y ou can connect as many commands as required to access the menu option that you want.
43W7774, May 2007 55 C HAPTER 4 T he Informat ion Menu Y ou c an view configuration information for the switch in both the user and administrator command modes. This chapter discusses how to use the co mmand line interface to display switch infor- mation.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 56 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info Informa tion Menu The information provided by each menu option is briefly described in T able 4-1 , with pointers to detailed information.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 57 43W7774, May 2007 port Displays port status information, including: Port alias Whether the port uses VLAN T agging or not Port VLAN ID (PVID) Port name VLAN membership Port Fast Fowarding status FDB Learning status For details, see page 120 .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 58 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys S ystem Inf ormation The information provided by each menu option is briefly described in T able 4-2 , with pointers to where detailed information can be found.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 59 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3 SNMPv3 Sy stem Information Menu SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3) is an extensible SNMP Framework that supp lements the.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 60 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 tparam Displays the T arget parameters table information. T o view a sample, see page 66 . notify Displays the Notify table inform ation. T o view a sample, see page 67 . dump Displays all the SNMPv3 informat i on.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 61 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/usm SNMPv3 USM User T able Information The User-based Security Model (U SM) in SNMPv3 provides securi ty services such as authen- tication and privacy of messages.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 62 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/view SNMPv3 View T able I nformation The user can control and restrict the access allowe d to a group to onl.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 63 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/access SNMPv3 Acc ess T able Informa t ion The access control sub system pr ovides authorization services.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 64 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/group SNMPv3 Group T able Informa t ion A group is a combination of security model an d security name that defines the access rights assigned to all the security names belonging to that group.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 65 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/taddr SNMPv3 T arget Address T able I nformation This command displays the SNMP v3 tar get address table informat ion, which is stored in the SNMP engine.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 66 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/tparam SNMPv3 T arget Parameters T able Information Name MP Model User Name Sec Model Sec Level ------------.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 67 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/notify SNMPv3 Notify T able I nformation Name Tag -------------------- --------------- ----- v1v2trap v1v2tra.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 68 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/snmpv3/dump SNMPv3 Dump Informat ion usmUser Table: User Name Pro tocol -------------------------------- --- ------.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 69 43W7774, May 2007 info/sys/chassis BladeC enter Chassis Information Chassis information includes details about the BladeCenter chassis and management module settings.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 70 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/general General S y stem Informa tion N OTE – The display of temperature wi ll come up only if the temper ature of any of the sensors exceeds the temperature threshold.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 71 43W7774, May 2007 IP address of IP interface #1 Hardware version and part number Software image file and versio n number Configu.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 72 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/log Show Rec ent Sy slo g Messages Each syslog message has a criticality level associated with it , included in text form as a prefix to the log message.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 73 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sys/user Use r S ta tu s This command displays the status of the configured usernames.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 74 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2 Lay er 2 Info rmation The information provided by each menu option is briefly described in T able 4-12 , with point- ers to where detailed info rmation can be found.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 75 43W7774, May 2007 stg In addition to seeing if STG is enabled or disa bled, you can view the following STG bridge infor- mation: Priority .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 76 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/fdb FDB Informa tion The forwarding database (FDB) contains in formation that maps the media access control (MAC) address of each known device to the swit ch port where the device address was learned.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 77 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/fdb/dump Show All FDB Information An address that is in the forwarding ( FWD ) state, means that it has been learned by the switch. When in the trunking ( TRK ) state, the port field represents the trunk g roup number .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 78 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/lacp Link Aggr egation C ontrol Protoc ol Information Use these commands to display Link Aggregation Protocol (LACP) stat us information about each port on the GbE Switch Module.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 79 43W7774, May 2007 selected Indicates whether th e port has been selected to be part of a Link Aggregation Group. prio Shows the value of the port priority . attached aggr Displays the aggregator as sociated with each port.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 80 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 info/l2/gvrp/gvd Show GVRP VLAN Database Information The GVRP VLAN Database table provides basic GVRP information for each VLAN, as follows: GVRP Registration state: Normal: The VLAN responds normally to GVR P reg istration information.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 81 43W7774, May 2007 info/l2/gvrp/gid Show GID State Machine Information For each GVRP-registered VLAN, the GID State Machine table indicates the GVRP participa- tion of switch ports. It also displays the po rts’ current Applicant and Registrar states.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 82 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 T abl e 4-17 lists the possible GVRP regi strar states for the port. The registrar receives GVRP messages from other GVRP participan ts on the ne twork.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 83 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/8021x 802.1x Information N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from t he screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 84 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 The followin g table describes t he IEEE 802.1x paramete rs. T able 4-18 802.1x Parameter Descriptions (/info/l2/8021x) Parameter Desc ripti on Port Displays each port’ s alias.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 85 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/stg Spanning T ree Information N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from t he screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 86 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 The switch software uses the IEEE 802.1d Sp anni ng Tree Protocol (STP). In addition to seeing if STG is enabled or disabled .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 87 43W7774, May 2007 Cost The port path c ost parameter is used to help determine the designated port for a segment.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 88 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/stg RSTP/MSTP Informa tion N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from the screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 89 43W7774, May 2007 Y ou can view po rt-specific RSTP info rm ation, including the following: Port number and priority Cost St at e The followin g table describes the STP parameters in RSTP or MSTP mode.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 90 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 Role The Role fi eld shows the current rol e of this port in the Spanning Tree. The port role can be one of the followin g: Designate d (DESG), Root (ROOT), Alternate (AL TN), Backup (BKUP), Disa bled (DSB), Master (MAST), or Unknown (UNK).
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 91 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/cist C ommon Internal Spanning T ree Information N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from t he screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 92 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 Y ou can view po rt-specific CIST info rmation, including the followi ng: Port number and priority Cost Link type and Port type The following table describes the CIST parameters.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 93 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/trunk T runk Group Info rmation When trunk groups are configured, you can view the state of each port in the various trunk groups.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 94 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l2/vlan VLAN Informat ion N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from the screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 95 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3 Lay er 3 Info rmation The information provided by each menu option is briefly described in T able 4-22 , with point- ers to detailed information.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 96 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 ip Displays IP Informati on. For details, see page 1 11 . IP information, includes: IP interface information: Inte rface number , IP address, subne t mask, VLAN number , and opera- tional status.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 97 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/route IP Routing Information Using the commands listed below , you can display all or a portion of the IP routes currently held in the switch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 98 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/route/dump Show All IP Route Information The followin g table describes the Type parameters. Status code: * - best Destination Mask Ga teway Type Tag Metr If --------------- --------------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ---- -- * 11.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 99 43W7774, May 2007 The followin g table describes the Tag parame ters. T able 4-25 IP Routing T a g Pa rame te rs Parameter Desc ripti on fixed The address belongs to a h ost or subnet attached to the switch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 100 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/arp ARP Informa tion The ARP information includes IP address and MAC address of each entry , address status flags (see T able 4-26 on page 100 ), VLAN and port for the address, and port referencing information.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 101 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/arp/dump Show All ARP Entr y Information N OTE – If you have VMA turned on, the referenced port will b e the designated port. If you h ave VMA turned of f, the designated port will be th e normal ingress port.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 102 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/arp/addr ARP Addr ess List Information /info/l3/bgp BGP Informa tion IP address IP mask MAC address VLAN Flags --------------- --------------- -- --------------- ---- ----- 205.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 103 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/bgp/peer BGP P eer information Following is an example of the information that /info/l3/bgp/peer prov ides. /info/l3/bgp/summary BGP Summary information Following is an example of the information that /info/l3/bgp/summary provides.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 104 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/bgp/dump Show all BGP Information Following is an example of the information that /info/l3/bgp/dump prov ides.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 105 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/ospf OSPF Information [OSPF Information Menu] general - Show general informa tion aindex - Show area(s) informa tion.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 106 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/ospf/general OSPF General I nformation dump Displays the OSPF information.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 107 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/ospf/if OSPF Inter face I nformation /info/l3/ospf/dbase OSPF Database Information Ip Address, Area, Admin Status UP Router ID, State DR, P riority 1 Designated Router (ID) 10.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 108 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 dbsumm Displays the following information about the LS database in a table format: a) the number of LSAs of each type in each area. b) the total number of LSAs for each area. c) the total number of LSAs for each LSA type for all areas combined.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 109 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/ospf/routes OSPF Information Route C odes Codes: IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 IA 10.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 110 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/rip Routing Information P rotocol Inf ormation Use this menu t o view information ab out the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) configuration and statistics.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 111 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/ip IP Informa tion IP information includes: IP interface information: Inte rface number , IP address, subnet mask, broadcast address, VLAN number , and operational status.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 112 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/igmp IGMP Multicast Group Informa tion T abl e 4-32 describes the commands used to display inform atio n about IGMP groups learned by the switch.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 113 43W7774, May 2007 info/l3/igmp/dump IGMP Group Inf ormation IGMP Group info rmation includes: IGMP source address IGMP Group address .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 114 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 info/l3/igmp/mrouter/dump IGMP Mrouter Information IGMP Mrouter information includes: VLAN and port where the Mrouter is.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 115 43W7774, May 2007 /info/l3/vrrp VRRP Information V irtua l Ro ut er Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) suppor t o n GbE Switch Module p rov ides redu n- dancy between routers in a LAN .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 116 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/qos Quality of Ser vice Information /info/qos/8021p 802.1p Informa tion [QoS Menu] 8021p - Show QOS 802.1p info rmation T able 4-34 QoS Menu Options (/info/qos) Command S yntax and Usage 8021p Displays the 802.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 117 43W7774, May 2007 The following table describes the IEEE 802.1p priority to COS queue information. The follow ing table describes t he IEEE 802.1p por t priority informat ion. T able 4-35 802.1p Priority-to-COS Queu e Parameter Descriptions Parameter Desc ripti on Priority Displays the 802.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 118 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 info/acl Ac cess C ontrol List Informat ion Access Control List (ACL) information incl udes configuration settings for each ACL and ACL Group.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 119 43W7774, May 2007 /info/link Link Sta tus Information N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from t he screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 120 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/port P or t Informa tion N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from the screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Information Menu 121 43W7774, May 2007 /info/geaport L o g ic a l P o rt t o GE A P ort M a pp i ng N OTE – The sample screens that appear in this document mi ght differ slightly from t he screens displayed by your system.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 122 The Information Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /info/sfp F iber P or t SFP Sta tus This command displays the status of the Sm all Form Pluggable (SFP) module on each Fiber External Port.
43W7774, May 2007 123 C HAPTER 5 Th e St a ti s t i c s M e n u Y ou can view switch performance statistics in both the user and administrator command modes.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 124 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 The information provided by each menu option is briefly described in T able 5-1 , with pointers to detailed information.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 125 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/port <port alias or number> P or t Statistics This menu displays traffic statistics on a port -by-port basis. T raffic statistics include SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) objects.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 126 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/port <port alias or number> /8021x 802.1x Authentica tor Statistics This menu option enables you to display the 802.1x authenti cator statistics of the selected port.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 127 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/port <port alias or number> /8021x 802.1x Authen ticator Diagnostics This menu option enables you to disp lay the 80 2.1x authenticator diagnost ics of the selected port.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 128 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 authTimeoutsWhile- Authenticating T otal number of times that the state machin e tra n siti ons from AUTHENTICA TING to ABOR TING , as a result of the Back end Authen- tication state machi ne indica ting authen tication timeout.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 129 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/port <port alias or number> /brg Bridging Statistics This menu option enables you to display the bridg ing statistics of the selected port.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 130 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 dot1TpLearnedEntry Discards The total number of Forwarding Databa se entries, which have been or would have been learnt, but have been discarded due to a lack of space to store them in the Forwarding Database .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 131 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/port <port alias or number> /ether Ethernet Statistics This menu option enables you to display the eth ernet stat.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 132 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 dot3StatsMultiple- CollisionFrames A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibite d by more than one collision.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 133 43W7774, May 2007 dot3StatsInternal- MacReceiveErrors A count of frames for whic h reception on a particul ar interface fails due to an internal MAC sub layer receive err or .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 134 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/port <port alias or number> /if Inter face Sta tistics This menu option enables you to display th e interface statistics of the selected port.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 135 43W7774, May 2007 ifInUnknownProtos For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface which were discarded be cause of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 136 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/port <port alias or number> /ip Inter face Pr otocol Statistics This menu option enables you to display th e interface statistics of the selected port.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 137 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l2 Lay er 2 Statistics The Layer 2 statistics provided by each menu option are briefly described in T able 5- 10 , with pointers to detailed i nformation.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 138 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l2/lacp <port alias or number> LA CP Statistics Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) stati stics are describ.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 139 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l2/gvrp GVRP Statistics Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) statistics are describ ed in the following table: GAR.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 140 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 Leave Empty trans- mitted The total number of Leave Empty messages sent. Leave All transmit- ted The total number of Le aveAll messa ges se nt. Unaccepted Attribute Value The total number of GPDUs received that had an unacceptable attribute value.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 141 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3 Lay er 3 Statistics The Layer 3 statistics provided by each menu option are briefly described in T able 5- 14 , with pointers to detailed i nformation.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 142 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 icmp Displays ICMP statistics. Se e page 146 for sample output. tcp Displays TCP statis ti c s. See page 149 for sample output. udp Displays UDP statis ti cs. See page 151 for sample output.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 143 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/ip IP Statistics IP statistics: ipInReceives: 3115873 ipInH drErrors: 1 ipInAddrErrors: 35447 ipFor wDatagrams: 0 ip.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 144 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 ipInDelivers The total number of input datagrams su ccessfully delivered to IP user- protocols (including ICMP). ipOutRequests The total number of IP datagrams whic h local IP user-protocols (includ- ing ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transm ission.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 145 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/route Route Statistics /stats/l3/arp ARP statistics This menu option enables you to display Add ress Resolution Protocol statistics.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 146 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/dns DNS Statistics This menu option enables you to display Dom ain Name System statistics.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 147 43W7774, May 2007 icmpInDestUnreachs The number of ICMP Destination Unr eachable messages received. icmpInTimeExcds The number of I C MP T ime Exceede d messages received. icmpInParmProbs The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 148 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 icmpOutTimestamps The number of ICMP T imestam p (request) messag es sent. icmpOutTimestampReps The number of ICMP T imestamp Reply messages se nt. icmpOutAddrMasks The number of ICMP Address Ma sk Request messages sent.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 149 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/tcp TC P S t at i s t i c s TCP statistics: tcpRtoAlgorithm: 4 tcpRtoM in: 0 tcpRtoMax: 240000 tcpMaxC onn: 512 tcpA.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 150 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 tcpEstabResets The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from ei the r the EST ABLISHED st ate or the CLOSE- W AIT st at e. tcpInSegs The total number of segments received , including those received in error .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 151 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/udp UDP Statistics UDP statistics: udpInDatagrams: 54 udpOutDa tagrams: 43 udpInErrors: 0 udpNoPor ts: 1578077 T able 5-21 UDP S tatistics (/stat s/l3/udp) Statistics Description udpInDatagrams The total number of UDP datagr ams delivered to the switch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 152 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/igmp <VLAN number> IGMP Statistics This menu option displays statistics abo u t the use of the IGMP Multicast Groups.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 153 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/ospf OSPF Statistics [OSPF stats Menu] general - Show global stats aindex - Show area(s) stats if - Show interface(s) st ats T able 5-23 OSPF S tatistics Menu (/stats/l3/osp f) Command S yntax and Usage general Displays global stati s tics.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 154 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/ospf/general OSPF Global Statistics The OSPF General S tatistics contain the sum to tal of all OSPF packets received on all OSPF areas and interfaces.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 155 43W7774, May 2007 T able 5-24 OSPF General S t atistics (stats/l3/osp f/general) Statistics Description Rx/Tx Stats: Rx Pkts The sum total of all OSPF packets received on all OSPF areas and inter- faces.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 156 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 Nbr Change Stats: hello The sum total of all Hello packets received from neighbors on all OSPF areas and inte rfac es.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 157 43W7774, May 2007 Intf Change Stats: hello The sum total numb er of Hello packet s sent on all inte rfaces and areas.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 158 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/vrrp VRRP Statistics V irtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) support on the GbE Switch Module provides redundancy between routers in a LAN.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 159 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/l3/rip Routing Information Pr otocol Statistics RIP ALL STATS INFORMATION: RIP packets received = 12 RIP packets sent =.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 160 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/mp Management Pr ocessor Sta tistics [MP-specific Statistics Menu] pkt - Show Packet stats tcb - Show All TCP control .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 161 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/mp/pkt MP P acket Statistics Packet counts: allocs: 1722684 frees: 1722684 mediums: 0 mediums h i-watermark: 4 jumbos: .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 162 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/mp/tcb TC P S t at i s t i c s All TCP allocated con trol blocks: 10ad41e8: 0.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 163 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/mp/ucb UCB Statistics /stats/mp/cpu CPU Statistics This menu option enables you to disp lay the CPU uti lizati on statistics.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 164 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/acl A CL Statistics ACL statistics are described in the following table. /stats/acl/acl < ACL number > AC L S t a t i s t ic s This option displays ACL statisti cs.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 165 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/snmp SNMP Statistics N OTE – Y ou can reset the SNMP counter to zero by using clear command, as fo llows: >> St.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 166 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 snmpInASNParseErrs The total number of ASN.1 or BER e rrors encountered by the SNMP pro- tocol entity when decoding SNMP Messages re ceived. Note: OSI's method of specifying abst ract o bjects is called ASN.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 167 43W7774, May 2007 snmpInTotalSetVars The total number of MIB objects, whic h have been alte red successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as a re sult of receiv ing va lid SNMP Se t- Request Protocol Data Units (PDUs).
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 168 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 snmpOutTraps The total number of SNMP Trap Prot ocol Data Units (P DUs), which have been generated by the SN MP protocol entity .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Statistics Menu 169 43W7774, May 2007 /stats/ntp NTP Statistics Alteon OS uses NTP (Netwo rk T iming Protocol) version 3 t o synchronize the switch’ s internal clock with an atomic time calibrated NTP server .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 170 The Statistics Menu 43W7774, May 2007 N OTE – Y ou can issue /stats/ntp clear command to delete all NTP statistics. /stats/dump Stat is tic s D um p Use the dump command to d ump all switch statist ics available from the S tatistic s Menu (40K or more, depending on your configuration).
43W7774, May 2007 171 C HAPTER 6 T he Co nfiguration Menu This chapter discusses how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) for making, viewing, and saving switch configuration chan ges. Many of the commands, although not n ew , displ ay more or dif ferent information than in the previous ve rsion.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 172 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg C onfiguration Menu Each configuration option is briefly describ ed in T able 6-1 , with pointe rs to detai led m e nu commands.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 173 43W7774, May 2007 V iewing , Applying, and Sa ving Changes As you use the configuration menus to set switch param eters, the changes you make do not take effect immediately . All ch anges are considered “pending” until you explicit ly apply them.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 174 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 Applying P ending Changes T o mak e your confi guration changes active, you must apply them . T o apply config urat ion changes, enter apply at any prompt in the CLI. N OTE – The apply command is a global comman d.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 175 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys S ystem C onfigur ation This menu provides confi guration of switch m ana gement parameters such as user and adminis- trator privilege mode passwords, W eb-based management settings, and management access lists.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 176 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 ssnmp Displays the System SNMP Me nu. T o view menu options, see page 189 . access Displays the System Access Me nu. T o view menu options, see page 202 . date Prompts the user for the system date.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 177 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/syslog Sy stem Host Log C onfiguration [Syslog Menu] host - Set IP address of fi rst syslog host host2 - Set IP ad.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 178 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/sshd SSH Ser v er Configura tion For the GbE Switch Module , this menu enables Secure Shel l access from any SSH client. SSH scripts can be viewed by using the /cfg/dump command (see page 321 ).
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 179 43W7774, May 2007 off Disables the SSH serve r. cur Displays the current SSH server configuration .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 180 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/radius RADIUS Ser ver C onfiguration [RADIUS Server Menu] prisrv - Set primary RADIUS s erver address secsrv - Se.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 181 43W7774, May 2007 off Disables the RADIUS server . cur Displays the current RADI US server para me ters.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 182 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/tacacs+ T ACA CS+ Ser ver C onfiguration T ACACS (T erminal Access Controller Access Control system) is an authen.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 183 43W7774, May 2007 T able 6-6 T ACACS+ Server Menu O ptions (/cfg/sys /tacacs) Command S yntax and Usage prisrv <IP addr ess> Defines the primary T A CACS+ server address. secsrv <IP addr ess> Defines the secondary T A CACS+ server address.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 184 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 cauth disable | enable Enables or disables T ACACS+ command aut horization. clog disable | enable Enables or disables T ACACS+ command logging. on Enables the T ACACS+ server .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 185 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ldap LDAP Server C onfiguration LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an authentication protocol that al.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 186 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 telnet disable | enable Enables or disables the LDA P back door for telnet. The telnet command also applies to SSH/SCP connections, and the Browser-Ba sed Interface (BBI). The default is disabled .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 187 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ntp NTP Ser ver C onfiguration This menu enables you to synchronize the switch clock to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 188 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 off Disables the NTP s ynchronization service. cur Displays the current NTP service sett i ngs.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 189 43W7774, May 2007 cfg/sys/ssnmp Sy stem SNMP C onfiguration Alteon OS supports SNMP-based network management.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 190 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 T able 6-9 System SNMP Menu Op tions (/cfg/sys/ssnmp) Command S yntax and Usage snmpv3 Displays SNMPv3 menu. T o view menu options, see page 191 . name <new string, maximum 64 characters> Configures the name for the system.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 191 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3 SNMPv3 Configur ation SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3) is an extensible SNMP Framework that supp lements the S.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 192 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 comm <snmpCommunity number [1-16]> The community table contains objects for mapping community st rings and version-independent SNMP message paramete rs . T o view menu options, see page 198 .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 193 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/usm User Security Model Configuration Y ou can make use of a defi ned set of user identities using this Security Model. An SNMP engine must have the knowledge of applicable attributes of a user .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 194 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/view SNMPv3 View C onfiguration del Deletes the USM user entries.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 195 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/access View-based A ccess Contr ol M odel Configuration The view-based Access Control Model defines a set of services that an application can use for checking access rights of the user .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 196 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 rview <32 character view name> This is a 32 character long read vi ew name that allows you read acc ess to a particular MIB view . If the value is empty or if there is no active MIB vi ew having this value then no access is granted.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 197 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/group SNMPv3 Group C onfiguration [SNMPv3 vacmSecurityToGroup 1 Menu] model - Set security model unam.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 198 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/comm SNMPv3 Community T able Configuration This command is used for configuring the communit y tabl e ent ry . The configured entry is stored in the community table l ist in the SNMP engine.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 199 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/taddr SNMPv3 T arget Address T able Configuration This command is used to configure the target tran sport entry . The configur ed entry is stored in the target address table list in the SNMP engine.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 200 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/tparam SNMPv3 T arget Parameter s T able Configuration Y ou can configure the target parameters entry and store it in the target parameters table in the SNMP engine.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 201 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/notify SNMPv3 Notify T able Configuration SNMPv3 uses Notification Originator to send out trap s.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 202 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 cfg/sys/access Sy stem Ac cess C onfiguration [System Access Menu] mgmt - Management Network D efinition Menu user - User .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 203 43W7774, May 2007 tport <TFTP port number (1-65535)> Sets the TFTP port for the sw itch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 204 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/access/mgmt Management Networks Configura tion This menu is used to define IP address range s which are allowed to access the switch for man- agement purposes.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 205 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/access/user User Ac cess Control Co nfiguration N OTE – User passwords can be a maximum of 15 characters.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 206 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/access/user/uid < 1-10> System U ser ID Configuration [User ID 1 Menu] cos - Set class of service name - Se.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 207 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/access/user/strongpw Strong P assword C onfiguration [Strong Pwd Menu] ena - Enable usage of stro ng passwords dis.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 208 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/sys/access/https HT TPS Access Configura tion [https Menu] access - Enable/Disable HTTPS Web access port - HTTPS WebS.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 209 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/port <port alias or number> P or t C onfigura tion Use the Port Configuration menu to confi gure settings for individual switch ports, except the management port (MG T).
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 210 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 learn disable | enable Enables or disables FDB learning on the port. tag disable | enable Disables or enables VLAN tagging for th is port. It is di sabled by default. tagpvid disable | enable Disables or enables VLAN tag pe rsistence .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 211 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/port <port alias or number> gig P or t Link Configur ation Use these menu options to set port parameters for the po rt li nk. N OTE – The speed and mode pa ram eters are fixed for Gigabit Eth e rnet ports, and cannot be configured.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 212 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 T emporarily Disabling a P or t T o temporari ly disable a port without changing its stored configuration attribut es, enter the fol- lowing command at any prompt: Because this configuration sets a temporar y state for the p ort, you do not need to use apply or save .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 213 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2 Lay er 2 C onfiguration [Layer 2 Menu] 8021x - 802.1x Menu mrst - Multiple Spanning Tr ee/Rapid Spanning Tree Menu .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 214 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 vlan <VLAN number (1-4095)> Displays the VLAN Configuration Menu. T o view menu options, see page 243 . upfast enable | disable Enables or disables Fast Uplink Convergence, wh ich provides rapid Sp anni ng T ree convergence to an upstream switch during failover .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 215 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/8021x 802.1x Co nfiguration This feature allows you to conf igure the GbESM as an IEEE 802.1x Authenti cator , to p rovide port-based network access control. [802.1x Configuration Menu] global - Global 802.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 216 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/8021x/global 802.1x Global Configu ration The global 802.1x menu allows you to configure parameters that affect all ports in the GbESM. [802.1x Global Configuration Menu] gvlan - 802.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 217 43W7774, May 2007 svrtmout <1-65535> Sets the time, in seconds, the authenticator wait s for a response from the RADIUS server before declaring an authentica tion timeout. The defau lt value is 30 seconds.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 218 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/8021x/global/gvlan 802.1x Guest VLAN Configura tion The 802.1x Guest VLAN menu allows you to configure a Guest VLAN for un au thenticated ports. The Guest VLAN provides limited access to switch fun ctions.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 219 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/8021x/port < alias or number > 802.1x Port Configuration The 802.1x port menu allows you to configure param e ters that affect the selected port in the GbESM. These settings override the global 802.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 220 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 svrtmout <1-65535> Sets the time, in seconds, the au thenticator waits for a response from the RADIUS server before declaring an authentica tion timeout. The default value is 30 seconds.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 221 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/mrst Rapid Spanning T ree Protoc ol/ Multiple Spanning T ree Pr otocol C onfiguration Alteon OS supports the IEEE 802.1w Rapid Span ning T ree Protocol (RSTP) and IEEE 802.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 222 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 mode rstp | mstp Selects either Rapid Spanning T ree mode ( rstp ) or Multiple Sp anning Tree mode ( mstp ). The default mode is RSTP . on Globally turns RSTP/MSTP ON. Note : When RSTP is turned on, the configurat ion parameters for STG 1 apply to RSTP .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 223 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/mrst/cist C ommon Internal Spanning T ree Configur ation T a ble 6-34 describes the comman ds used to configure Common In ternal Spanning Tree (CIST) parameters.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 224 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/mrst/cist/brg CIST Bridge Configuration CIST bridge parameters are used on ly when the switch is in MSTP or R STP mode. CIST parameters do not affect operation of STP/PVST+.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 225 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/mrst/cist/port < port alias or number > CIST P or t Configuration CIST port parameters are used to modify MRST operation on an individu al port basis. CIST parameters do not affect operation of STP/PVST +.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 226 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 edge disable | enable Enables or disables this port as an edge port. An edge port is not connected to a bridge, and can begin forwarding traffic as soon as the link is up. Configure server ports as edge ports (enabled).
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 227 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/stg < STP gr oup number > Spanning T ree C onfiguration Alteon OS supports the IEEE 802.1d Spanning T ree Protocol (STP). STP is used to prevent loops in the netw ork topology .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 228 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 default Restores a spanning tree instance to its default configuration. cur Displays current Spanning T r ee Protocol parameters.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 229 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/stg < STP gr oup number > /brg Spanning T ree Bridge C onfiguration Spanning Tree bridge parameters af fect the glob al STG op eration of the switch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 230 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 When configuring STG bridge parameters, the followin g formulas must be used: 2*( fwd -1) > mxage 2*( hello +1) < mxage fwd <new bridge Forwar d Delay (4-30 secs)> Configures the bridge forward de lay parameter .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 231 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/stg <STP Gr oup number> /port <port alias or number> Spanning T ree P or t Configuration By default for STP/PVST+, Spanning Tr ee is turned Off for internal ports and manageme nt ports, and turned On for external ports.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 232 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 edge disable | enable Enables or disables this port as an edge port. An edge port is not connected to a bridge, and can begin forwarding traffic as soon as the link is up. Configure server ports as edge ports (enabled).
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 233 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/gvrp GVRP C onfiguration Use the following commands to configure Ge neric VLAN Regist rat ion Protocol (GVRP).
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 234 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/gvrp/port GVRP P or t Configura tion Use the following commands to configure GVR P settings for the port. off Globally turns GVRP off . With GVRP of f, the switch does not process GPDUs.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 235 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/trunk <trunk gr oup number> T runk Configura tion T runk groups can provid e super-bandwidth connections between GbE Switch Module s or other trunk capable devices.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 236 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/thash IP T runk Hash Configur ation Use the following commands to configure IP tru nk hash setti ngs for the GbESM. /cfg/l2/thash/set IP T runk Hash T runk hash parameters are set globally for the GbE Swit ch Module.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 237 43W7774, May 2007 Use the following commands to configure IP tru nk hash parameters for the GbESM. T able 6-44 IP T runk Hash Menu Options (/cfg/l2/thash/set) Command S yntax and Usage smac enable | disable Enable or disable trunk ha shing on the source MAC.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 238 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/lacp LA CP Configura tion Use the following commands to configure Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) fo r the GbESM.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 239 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/lacp/port <port alias or number> LACP P or t Configuration Use the following commands to configure Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for the selected port.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 240 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/failovr Lay er 2 F ailov er Configur ation Use this menu to configu re Layer 2 Failover . For more information about Layer 2 Failover, see “High A vailab ility” in the Alteon OS Application Gu ide .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 241 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/failovr/trigger F ailover T rigger Configuration [Trigger 1 Menu] amon - Auto Monitor Menu limit - Limit of Trigger.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 242 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/failovr/trigger/amon Auto Monitor Configuration [Auto Monitor Menu] addtrnk - Add trunk to Auto Mo nitor remtrnk -.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 243 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/vlan <VLAN number> VLAN Configur ation The commands in this menu co nfigure VLAN attributes, chan ge the status of each VLAN, change the port membership of each VLAN, an d delete VLANs .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 244 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 N OTE – All ports must belong to at least one VLAN. Any port which is removed from a VLAN and which is not a member of any other V LAN is automatically added to default VLAN 1.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 245 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/vlan/pvlan <pr otocol number> Pr otocol-based VLAN Configur ation Use this menu to configure Protocol-based VLAN (PVLAN) for the selected VLAN.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 246 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 tagpvl enable|disable Enables or disables port tagging on this PVLAN. taglist Defines a list of ports that will be tagged by the selected protocol on this VLAN. Enter empty to disable tagging on all ports by this PVLAN.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 247 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l2/vlan/privlan Priva te VLAN Configur ation Use this menu to configure a Private VLAN.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 248 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3 Lay er 3 C onfiguration [Layer 3 Menu] if - Interface Menu gw - Default Gateway Menu route - Static Route Menu mro.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 249 43W7774, May 2007 rmap <r oute map number (1-32)> Displays the Route Map Menu. T o view menu options see page 259 . rip Displays the Routing Interface Protoc ol Menu. T o view menu options, see page 263 .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 250 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/if <interface number> IP Inter face C onfigura tion The GbE Switch Module can be configured with up to 128 IP interfaces. Each IP interface repre- sents the GbE Switch Module on an IP subnet o n your network.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 251 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/gw <gateway number> Default Gatew ay C onfiguration N OTE – The switch can be configured with up to 5 gateways. Gateway 5 is reserved for the management VLAN 4095.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 252 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 ena Enables the gateway for use. dis Disables the gateway . del Deletes the gateway fr om the configuration.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 253 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/route IP Static Route C onfiguration Up to 128 static routes can be configured.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 254 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/mroute IP Multicast Route C onfiguration The following table describes th e IP Multicast Rou te menu options.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 255 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/arp ARP C onfiguration Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the TCP/IP prot ocol th at resides wit hin the Internet layer . ARP resolves a physical address from an IP address.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 256 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/arp/static ARP Static Configuration Static ARP entries are permanent in the ARP cache and do not age out like the ARP entries that are learnt dynamically .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 257 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/frwd IP F or war ding Configur ation [IP Forwarding Menu] dirbr - Enable or disable fo rwarding directed broadcasts.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 258 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/nwf Network F ilter C onfiguration [IP Network Filter 1 Menu] addr - IP Address mask - IP Subnet mask enable - Ena.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 259 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/rmap <r oute map number> Routing Map C onfiguration N OTE – The map number (1-32) represents the routing map you wish to con figure. Routing maps control and modify routing inform ation.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 260 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 prec <value (1-256)> Sets the precedenc e of the route map. The smal ler the value, the higher the precedence. Default value is 10. weight <value (0-65534)> | none Sets the weight of the route map.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 261 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/rmap <r oute map number> /alist <access list number> IP Acc ess List Configuration N OTE – The r oute map number ( 1-32) and the access list number (1-8) represent the IP access list you wish to configure.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 262 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/rmap <r oute map number> aspath <autonomous system path> Autonomous S ystem F ilter Pa th N OTE – The rmap number ( 1-32) and the path number (1-8 ) represent the AS path yo u wish to configure.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 263 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/rip Routing Information P rotocol C onfiguration The RIP Menu is used for co nfiguring Routing Informat ion Protocol (RIP) parameters. This option is turned off by default.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 264 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/rip/if <interface number> Routing Information Pr otocol Inter face Configuration The RIP Menu is used for configuring Routin g Information Protocol parameters.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 265 43W7774, May 2007 trigg disable | enable Enables or disables T riggered U pdates. T riggered Updates are us ed to speed convergence. When enabled, T riggered Updates force a router to se nd update messages immediatel y , even if it is not yet time for the update message.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 266 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf Open Shor test P ath F irst Configura tion [Open Shortest Path First Menu] aindex - OSPF Area (index) me nu r.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 267 43W7774, May 2007 default <metric (1-16777215)> <metric-type 1|2> | none Sets one default route among mult iple choices in an ar ea. Use none for no default. on Enables OSPF on the GbE Switch Module.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 268 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf/aindex <ar ea index> Area Index Configuration [OSPF Area (index) 1 Menu] areaid - Set area ID type - Se.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 269 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf/range <range number> OSPF Summar y Range Configuration enable Enables the OSPF area. disable Disables the OSPF area. delete Deletes the OSPF area. cur Displays the current OSPF configuratio n.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 270 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf/if <interface number> OSPF Inter face Configuration disable Disables the OSPF summary range. delete Deletes the OSPF summary range. current Displays the current OSPF summary range.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 271 43W7774, May 2007 hello <value (1-65535)> Configures the interval in seconds between the hello packets for the interfaces.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 272 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf/virt <link number> OSPF Virtual Link Configuration [OSPF Virtual Link 1 Menu] aindex - Set area index h.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 273 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf/host <host number> OSPF Host Entry Configuration disable Disables OSPF virtual link. delete Deletes OSPF virtual link. cur Displays the current OSPF virtual link settings.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 274 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf/redist fixed | static | rip | ebgp | ibgp OSPF Route Redistribution Configura tion delete Deletes OSPF host entry .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 275 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/ospf/md5key <key I D> OSPF MD5 Key Configura t ion [OSPF MD5 Key 1 Menu] key - Set authentication k ey delete.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 276 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/bgp Border Gatew ay Pr otocol Co nfiguration Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an Internet protocol that enables ro.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 277 43W7774, May 2007 as <1-65535> Set Autonomous System number . pref <local pr efer ence (0-4294967294)> Sets the local prefere nce.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 278 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/bgp/peer <peer number> BGP P eer Configuration This menu is used to configure BGP peers, which are border routers that exchange routing information with routers on internal and external networks.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 279 43W7774, May 2007 advert <min adv time (1-65535)> Sets time in seconds between advertisements. retry <connect r etry interval (1-65535)> Sets connection retry interv al, in seconds.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 280 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/bgp/peer/redist BGP Redistribution Configuration [Redistribution Menu] metric - Set default-metric o f advertised .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 281 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/bgp/aggr <aggr egation number> BGP Aggr egation Configuration This menu enables you to configure BGP aggrega tion to specify the routes/range of IP destin a- tions a peer router accepts from ot her peers.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 282 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp IGMP Co nfiguration T abl e 6-79 describes the commands used to configure basic IGMP parameters.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 283 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/snoop IGMP Snooping Configuration IGMP Snooping allows the switch to fo rward mu lticast traffic only to those ports that request it. IGMP snooping prevents multicast traffic from being flooded to all ports.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 284 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/snoop/igmpv3 IGMP V ersion 3 Configuration T abl e 6-83 describes the commands used to configure IGMP version 3. ena Enables IGMP Snooping. dis Disables IGMP Snooping.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 285 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/relay IGMP Relay Configuration T abl e 6-83 describes the commands used to configure IGMP Relay . dis Disables IGMP version 3. cur Displays the current IGMP version 3 configuration.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 286 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/mrtr < Mr outer number > IGMP Relay Multicast Router Configuration T abl e 6-85 describes the commands used to conf igure the IGMP Relay multicast router .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 287 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/mrouter IGMP Static Multicast Router Co nfiguration T abl e 6-84 describes the commands used to co nfigure a static multicast router .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 288 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/igmpflt IGMP F iltering Configuration T abl e 6-85 describes the commands used to configure an IGMP filter .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 289 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/igmpflt/filter < filter number > IGMP F ilter Definition T abl e 6-86 describes the commands used to define an IGMP filter .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 290 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/igmpflt/port < port alias or number > IGMP F iltering Por t Configuration T abl e 6-87 describes the commands used to configure a port for IG MP filterin g.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 291 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/igmp/adv IGMP Advanced C onfiguration T abl e 6-85 describes the commands used to co nfigure advanced IGMP parameters.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 292 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/dns Domain Name Sy stem C onfiguration The Domain Name System (DNS) Menu is used for de fining the prim ary and secondary DNS servers on your local network, and for setting the d efault domain name served by the switch services.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 293 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/bootp Bootstrap P rotocol Rela y Configura tion The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Relay Menu is used to allow hosts to obtain thei r configura- tions from a Dynamic Host Co nfiguration Prot ocol (DHCP) server .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 294 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/vrrp VRRP Co nfiguration V irtu a l Ro ut er Redundancy Protocol (VRRP ) support on GbE Switch Module s provides redun- dancy between routers in a LAN.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 295 43W7774, May 2007 hotstan disable | enable Enables or disables hot standby processing, in which two or more switches provide redundancy for each other . By default, this option is disabled. on Globally enable s VRRP on this switch.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 296 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/vrrp/vr <r outer number> Virtual Router Configuration This menu is used for configuring virtual routers for th is switch. A virtual ro uter is defined by its virtual router ID and an IP address.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 297 43W7774, May 2007 if <interface number (1-127)> Selects a switch IP interface. I f the IP in terface has the same IP addre ss as the addr option above, this switch is cons ide red the “owner” of the defi ned virtual router .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 298 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/vrrp/vr <r outer number> /track Virtual Router Priority T racking Configuration This menu is used for m odifying the priority sy stem used when electing the master router from a pool of virtual routers.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 299 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/vrrp/group Virtual Router Group Configura tion The V irtual Router Group menu is used for associating all virtua l routers into a single logical virtual router , whi ch forces all virtual routers on the GbE Switch Module to either be master or backup as a group.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 300 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 prio <priority (1-254)> Defines the election priority bias for this virtual router group.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 301 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/vrrp/group/track Virtual Router Group P riorit y T racking Configura tion N OTE – If V irtual Router Group T racking is enabled, then the track ing option will be avail a ble only under group option.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 302 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/vrrp/if <interface number> VRRP Inter face C onfiguration N OTE – The interface-number (1 to 127) repres ents the IP interface on which authentication parameters must be configured.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 303 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/l3/vrrp/track VRRP T racking Configuration This menu is used for setting weights for the vari ou s criteria used to modify priority levels dur- ing the master router election pr ocess.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 304 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/qos Quality of Ser vic e C onfiguration Use the Quality of Service (QoS) menus to configure the 802.1p prio rit y value and DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value of incoming packets.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 305 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/qos/8021p 802.1p C onfiguration This feature provides the capability to filter IP packets based on the 802.1p bits in the packet's VLAN header . The 802.1p bits speci fy the priority that you should give to the packets while forwarding them.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 306 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/qos/dscp DSCP Co nfiguration Use this menu map the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value of inco ming packets to a new value, or to an 802.1p priority value. [dscp Menu] dscp - Remark DSCP value to a new DSCP value prio - Remark DSCP value to a 802.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 307 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl A ccess C ontrol List C onfigur ation Use this menu to create Access Control Lists and ACL Groups. ACLs define matching criteria used for IP filtering and Quality of Service functi ons.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 308 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > A CL Configur ation These menus allow you to define filtering criteria for each Access Control List (ACL).
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 309 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /ethernet Ethernet F iltering Configur ation This menu allows you to define Ethernet matching criteria for an ACL. stats e | d Enables or disa bles the statistics collect ion for the Access Control List.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 310 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /ipv4 IP version 4 F iltering C onfigura tion This menu allows you to define IPv4 matching criteri a for an ACL. reset Resets Ethernet parameters for the ACL to their de fault values.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 311 43W7774, May 2007 tos <0-255> Defines a T ype of Service value for the ACL. Fo r more information on T oS, refer to RFC 1340 and 1349. reset Resets the IPv4 para meters for the ACL to their d efault values.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 312 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /tcpudp T CP/UDP Filt ering Configur ation This menu allows you to define TCP/UDP matching criteria for an ACL.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 313 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /meter A CL Metering Configur ation This menu defines th e metering profile for the selected ACL. reset Resets the TCP/ UDP parameters for the ACL to t heir default values.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 314 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /re-mark Re -Mark Configur ation Y ou can choo se to re-mark IP h eader data for the selected ACL.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 315 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /re-mark/inprof Re -Mark ing In-Profile C onfiguration [Re-marking - In Profile Menu] up1.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 316 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /re-mark/inprof/up1p Update U ser Priority Configuration [Update User Priority Menu] val.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 317 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /re-mark/outprof Re -Marking Out- of-Pr ofile Configuration /cfg/acl/acl < ACL number > /pktfmt P acket F ormat Filtering C onfigura tion This menu allows you to define Packet Format matching criteria for an ACL.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 318 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/acl/group < ACL Gr oup number > A CL Group C onfiguration This menu allows you to compile one or more ACLs into an ACL Group. Once you create an ACL Group, you can assign the ACL Group to one or more ports.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 319 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/pmirr P or t Mirroring C onfigura tion Port mirroring is disabled by default. For more in format ion about port mirroring on the GbE Switch Module, see “Appendix A: Troubleshooting” in the Alteon OS Application G uide .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 320 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/pmirr/monport P or t-Mirroring C onfiguration [Port EXT1 Menu] add - Add "Mirrored" port rem - Rem "Mi.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Configuration Menu 321 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/setup Set up The setup program steps you through configuri ng th e system date and time, BOOTP , IP , Sp an- ning T ree, port speed/mode, VLAN parameters, and IP interfaces.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 322 The Configuration Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /cfg/ptcfg <TFTP server> <filename> Saving the A c tive S witch C onfiguration When the ptcfg command is used,.
43W7774, May 2007 323 C HAPTER 7 T he Opera tions Menu The Operations Menu is generally used for co mm ands that affect swit ch performance immedi- ately , but do not alter permanen t switch configurations.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 324 The Operations Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /oper Opera tions Menu The commands of the Operations Menu enable you to alter switch operational characteristics without affecting swit ch configuration.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Operations Menu 325 43W7774, May 2007 /oper/port <port alias or number> Operations-L evel P or t Options Operations-level port options are used for temporarily disabling or enabling a port, and for re- setting the port.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 326 The Operations Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /oper/port <port alias or number>/ 8021x Operations-L evel P or t 802.1x Options Operations-level port 802.1x opti ons are used to tem por arily set 802.1x parame ters fo r a port.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Operations Menu 327 43W7774, May 2007 /oper/vrrp Operations-L evel VRRP Options. /oper/ip Operations-L evel IP Options [VRRP Operations Menu] back - Set virtual rou.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 328 The Operations Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /oper/ip/bgp Operations-L evel BGP Options [Border Gateway Protocol Operations Menu] start - Start peer session stop - Stop p.
43W7774, May 2007 329 C HAPTER 8 T he B oot Options Menu T o use the Boot Opti ons Menu, you m ust be logged in to the switch as the administrator . The Boot Options Menu provides options for: Sel.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 330 The Boot Options Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /boot Boot Menu Each of these options is discussed in greater detail in the following sections. Scheduled Reboot of the Switch This feature allows the switch administrator to sche dule a rebo ot to occur at a particular time in future.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Boot Options Menu 331 43W7774, May 2007 Updating the S witch Sof t ware Image The switch software image is the executable code runni ng on the GbE Switch Module . A version of the image ships with the switch, and comes pre-installed on the device.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 332 The Boot Options Menu 43W7774, May 2007 The Switch Image and Configurat ion Management page appears. 3. If you are loading softwar e from your computer (HTTP client), go to step 4. If you are loading softwar e from a FTP/TFTP server , enter the server’ s information in the FTP/TFTP S etti ngs section.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Boot Options Menu 333 43W7774, May 2007 Using the CLI T o load a new software image to your switch, you need the following: The image or boot software load ed o.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 334 The Boot Options Menu 43W7774, May 2007 6. The system prompts yo u to confirm your request. Y ou sh ould next select a software image to run, as describe d below . Selecting a Software Image to Run Y ou can select which software image ( image1 or image2 ) you want to run in sw itch mem- ory for the next reboot.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Boot Options Menu 335 43W7774, May 2007 Uploading a Sof tware Image from Y our S witch Y ou can upload a software image from the switch to a FTP or TFTP server . 1. At the Boot Options# prompt, enter: 2. The system pr ompts you for inform ation.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 336 The Boot Options Menu 43W7774, May 2007 Selec ting a C onfigura tion Block When you make configuration changes t o the GbE Switch Module , you must save the changes so that they are retained beyond the next time the switch is reset.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Boot Options Menu 337 43W7774, May 2007 Resetting the S witch Y ou can reset the switch to make your software image file and configuration block changes occur . N OTE – Resetting the switch causes the Spanning T r ee Group to restart.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 338 The Boot Options Menu 43W7774, May 2007.
43W7774, May 2007 339 C HAPTER 9 T he Maintenanc e Menu The Maintenance Menu is used to manage dump informati on and forw ard database informa- tion. It also includes a debugging menu to help wit h tro ubleshooting.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 340 The Maintenance Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /maint Maintenance Menu N OTE – T o use the Mainte nance Menu, you must be lo gg ed in to the switch as the administrator .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Maintenance Menu 341 43W7774, May 2007 route Displays the IP Route Manipulati on Menu. T o view menu options, see page 346 . igmp Displays the IGMP Maintena nce Me nu. T o view menu options, see page 347 . uudmp Displays dump information in uue ncoded format.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 342 The Maintenance Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/sys Sy stem Maintena nce This menu is reserved for use by IBM Service Support.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Maintenance Menu 343 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/fdb F or war ding Database Maint enance The Forwarding Database Mani pulation Menu can be us ed to view information an d to delete a MAC address from the forwarding database or cl ear the entire forwarding database.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 344 The Maintenance Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/debug Debugging Options The Miscellaneous Debug Menu displays trace buf fer information about events that can be helpful in understanding switch operatio n.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Maintenance Menu 345 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/arp ARP Cache Mai ntenance N OTE – T o display all ARP entries curr ently held in the switch, or a portion accordi ng to one of the options listed on the menu above ( find , port , vlan , dump ), you can also refer to “ARP Information” on page 100 .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 346 The Maintenance Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/route IP Route Manipulation N OTE – T o display all routes, you can also refer to “IP Routing Inform atio n” on page 97 .
Alteon OS Command Reference The Maintenance Menu 347 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/igmp IGMP Maint enance T abl e 9-7 describes the IGMP Maintenance commands.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 348 The Maintenance Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/igmp/group IGMP Group Ma intenance T abl e 9-7 describes the IGMP Maintenance commands.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Maintenance Menu 349 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/igmp/mrouter IGMP Multicast Ro uters Maintenanc e T abl e 9-7 describes the IGMP multicast router (Mrouter) maintenance commands.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 350 The Maintenance Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/uudmp Uuencode F lash D ump Using this comman d, dump info rmation is pres ented in uuencoded format. This format makes it easy to capture the dump info rmation as a file or a string of characters.
Alteon OS Command Reference The Maintenance Menu 351 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/ptdmp <server> <filename> TFTP Sy stem Dump Put Use this command to put (save) the system dump to a TFTP server .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 352 The Maintenance Menu 43W7774, May 2007 /maint/panic Pa n ic Co m m a n d The panic command causes the switch to immediately dump st ate information to flash m em- ory and automatically reboot.
43W7774, May 2007 353 A PPENDIX A Alt eon OS Sy slog Messages The following syntax is used when outputting sysl og messages: <T ime stamp><Log Label> Web OS <Thr ead ID> : <Message> wher e <T imestamp> The time of the message event is displayed in month day hour:mi nut e:second format.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 354 Alteon OS Syslog Messages 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_ALERT STP Own BPDU received from port <port_id> STP STG <stg>, topology change detected STP CIST topolo.
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS Syslog Messages 355 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_CRITICAL SSH Can't allocate memory in load_MP_INT SSH Currently not enough resource for loading RSA private key.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 356 Alteon OS Syslog Messages 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_ERROR MGMT PANIC at <file>:<line> in thread <t hread id> MGMT VERIFY at <file>:<line>.
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS Syslog Messages 357 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_ERROR (continued) POR T_MIRR Port Mirroring changes are not applied CLI Broadcast address for IP inte rface <inte.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 358 Alteon OS Syslog Messages 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_ERROR (continued) CLI A previous apply is being executed. Try later . CLI RADIUS secret must be 1-<len > characters long CLI Please configure primary RADIUS server address.
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS Syslog Messages 359 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_ERROR (continued) VRRP Synchronization Re ceive UNKNOWN T imeout VRRP Sync receive in progress ... cannot start Sync VRRP Sync already in progr ess ... cannot start Sync VRRP Config Sync route find error .
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 360 Alteon OS Syslog Messages 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_ERROR (continued) LOG_NOTICE VRRP Multiple static rout es have same destination VRRP V irtual router <vr_id> .
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS Syslog Messages 361 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_NOTICE (continued) MGMT Second syslog host changed to <ip_address> MGMT Second syslog host changed to this hos.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 362 Alteon OS Syslog Messages 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_NOTICE (continued) MGMT <mins> minutes until scheduled reboot MGMT Password for <user> changed by <user>, notifying admin to save.
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS Syslog Messages 363 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_NOTICE (continued) LOG_INFO SYSTEM Management Port can only be enabled/disabl ed by the Management Module SYSTEM Can.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 364 Alteon OS Syslog Messages 43W7774, May 2007 LOG_INFO (continued) MGMT Unsupported GBIC refused MGMT Flash W rite Error . Failed to allocate buf fer . Quitting MGMT Flash Write Error . Trying again MGMT Flash W rite Error .
43W7774, May 2007 365 Appendix B Alt eon OS SNMP Agen t The Alteon OS SNMP agent supports SNMP version 3. Security is pro vided thro ugh SNMP community strings. The default co mmunity strings are “public” for SNMP GET operation and “private” for SNMP SET operation.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 366 Alteon OS SNMP Agent 43W7774, May 2007 Alteon OS SNMP agent supports the foll o w ing generic traps as defined in RFC 1215: ColdStart Wa r m S t a r t .
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS SNMP Agent 367 43W7774, May 2007 altSwT cpHoldDow n A altSwT cpHoldDown trap sign ifies that ne w TCP connec- tion requests from a particular c lient will be blocked for a pre-determined amount of time since the rate of new TCP connections from that client has reached a pre-determined threshold.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 368 Alteon OS SNMP Agent 43W7774, May 2007 W ork ing with S witch I mages and C onfiguration F iles This section describes how to use MIB calls to work with switch images and configuration files. Y ou can use a standard SNMP tool to perform the actions, usin g the MIBs listed in T abl e 9-1 1 .
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS SNMP Agent 369 43W7774, May 2007 Loading a ne w switch image T o load a new switch image with the name “MyNewImage-1.img” into image2 , follow the steps below . This example assumes you have a FTP/TFTP server at 192.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 370 Alteon OS SNMP Agent 43W7774, May 2007 Loading a sa ved switch c onfiguration T o load a saved switch configurati on wit h the name “MyRunningConfig.cfg” into the switch, follow the steps below . This example assumes you have a TFTP server at 192.
Alteon OS Command Reference Alteon OS SNMP Agent 371 43W7774, May 2007 Saving a switch dump T o save a switch dump to a FTP/TFTP server , follow the steps below . This example assumes you have a FTP/TFTP server at 1. Set the FTP/TFTP server addr ess wher e the configuration will be saved: Set agTftpServer.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 372 Alteon OS SNMP Agent 43W7774, May 2007.
43W7774, May 2007 373 Glossar y DIP (Destination IP Addr ess) The destination IP address of a frame. Dport (Destination Po r t ) The destination port (applic ation socket: for example, http-80/https-4.
Alteon OS Comma nd Reference 374 Glossary 43W7774, May 2007 VIR (Virtual Inter face Router) A VRRP address that is an IP interface addre ss shared between two or more virtual routers. Vi r t u a l R o u t e r A shared address between two devices utiliz ing VRRP , as defined in RFC 2338.
43W7774, May 2007 1 Inde x Symbols / command ................. ...................... ................... 50 [ ] ........................ .................... ...................... ..... 16 A abbreviating commands (CLI) .............. ...............
Alteon OS Command Reference 2 Index 43W7774, May 2007 broadcast IP route tag ............. ....................... ...............99 IP route type ................. ...................... ..........98 Browser-Based Interface ............ .........
Alteon OS Command Reference Index 3 43W7774, May 2007 D date setup ............ .................... ...................... ..... 35 system option ... ....................... ................... 176 daylight savings time ..... ................... .
Alteon OS Command Reference 4 Index 43W7774, May 2007 image downloading ..... ....................... ...................331 software, selecting .............. ....................... .. 334 indirect (IP route type) .......... ....................
Alteon OS Command Reference Index 5 43W7774, May 2007 Multiple Spanning Tree configuration .......... ...................... .............. 221 mxage (STP bridge option) ................... .............. 229 N nbr change statistics ..............
Alteon OS Command Reference 6 Index 43W7774, May 2007 Port Menu configuration options ........................ ...........209 configuring Gigabit Ethernet (gig) ............ ..... 209 port mirroring configuration ...................... ...........
Alteon OS Command Reference Index 7 43W7774, May 2007 setup facility ........... ... ..... ... ...... ... ..... ... ...... ... . 28, 31 IP configuration ........... ....................... .......... 39 IP subnet mask ..................... .......
Alteon OS Command Reference 8 Index 43W7774, May 2007 TFTP server ................... ....................... .............322 thash ......... ....................... ...................... ...........236 time setup ...................... ........
Alteon OS Command Reference Index 9 43W7774, May 2007 write community string (SNMP option) ....... ........ 190.
An important point after buying a device Nortel Networks 43W7774 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nortel Networks 43W7774 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nortel Networks 43W7774 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nortel Networks 43W7774 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nortel Networks 43W7774 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nortel Networks 43W7774, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nortel Networks 43W7774.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nortel Networks 43W7774. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nortel Networks 43W7774 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center