Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product INTRIGUE 7205 Nokia
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N o k ia 7205 Intrigue User Gui de 9213 749 Issue 1 7205.ENv Page 1 Tuesday, D e cemb e r 23, 2008 10 :47 AM.
© 2009 N okia. All right s r e s erved. Nokia, Nokia Connect ing People, Int rigue, Nokia Original Accessories logo and N avi are tr ademarks or regist er ed t r a demarks of Nokia Corpor ation.
The third-party applica tions provide d with yo ur device may have been creat ed and may be owned by persons or e ntities not affiliated wit h or r ela t ed t o Nokia. N okia does not own the copyrights or intellectual property r ig h ts to the t hird-party applications .
T able of Contents Saf e t y ....................... ................. .................................. ........... 9 Sect ion 1: Ge t Sta rted ........................... ................. ........ 13 Install or Remove the Batter y ...... .........
Sect ion 4: Te x t En t ry ................................ ................. ..... 3 3 Entry Modes ......... ................. ........ ................. ................. ........ ......... ............. 33 Abc and ABC Modes............ ........ ...
Sect ion 7: S e t t in gs ............... ................. ......................... 56 My Verizon ....... ........ ................. ................. ........ ................. ................. ........ .. 56 Bluetooth Wireles s Technology .......
8 Sect ion 10: Ac cessori es............ ................. ........................ 86 Sect ion 11: B atte ry and Ch arger In for mation ................. 87 Charging and Discharging ............... ................ ......... ................. .......
Safety Safe ty 9 Sa fety Re ad t hese simple gu ide lin es. Not followin g t he m may be dan gerous or illegal. Read th e com plete user guide for fu rther information. SWI TCH ON SA FELY Do not switch the devi c e on when wireless phone use is p rohibited or w hen it m ay cause interferen ce or danger.
10 A CCE SS ORI ES AND B ATT ER IE S Use only a pp roved accessorie s and batteries. Do not con ne c t incompatible products. WAT ER-R ESIST ANCE Your devic e is not wat e r-re sistant.
Safety S a fety 11 Warni ng: To us e any features i n this dev ice, th e de vice mu st be swit ched o n. Do not s witch th e de vice on wh en w ireles s de vice us e ma y cause interfe rence or d anger. Reme mber t o make ba c k -u p copie s or keep a w ritten record of all im portant inform ation stored in your de vice.
12 Your serv ic e prov i der may h a ve re qu e ste d that certain fe atures be disabled or not activated in your device. If so, these fe atu re s will not a ppear on your de vice menu. Your devic e m ay also hav e a s pe cial configura tion su ch as changes in me n u names , menu o rde r, and icons.
Safety G et Star ted 13 Sec ti on 1 : Get St arte d To pic s C over ed • Install or Remove the Battery • Insert or R emov e microSD Card • Sw itch Yo ur Device On or Off • Cha rge the B atte r.
14 Insta ll or Remove the Battery Ins tall the Ba ttery Note: Alw ays s w itch off the pow er an d disconne ct th e charger and any othe r device before remov ing the cover. Avoid to uc h ing e le c t ronic components w hile ch anging the c ove r. Alw ays stor e an d use th e de vice wi th the cov er attac hed.
In sert o r Re move mi croSD Card G et Star ted 15 Remove the B attery Always s witc h the devi ce off and disconnec t the c harger before remov ing the batte ry. 1 . Rem ove t he bac k cov er. 2 . Insert your fin ger int o t he fin ger grip, and lift the battery from its com partme nt.
16 Re mo ve the microS D C ard 1. Lift open the microSD slot cove r. 2. Firmly press against th e card un til it releases from the card slot, and slide it ou t. Im porta nt: Do not re move th e memory card in the middle of an operation when the c ard is being access ed.
Ante nna G et Star ted 17 3. Insert the charger outpu t plug into the port. T he battery s trength indica tor s tarts scrolling, show ing the ba ttery is charging. 4 . Wh en t he d evic e is compl etel y charged, unplu g the c harge r from the dev ice , th en from the w all outl et to save ene rgy.
18 Connect the Headset To allow hands-free operat ion, y ou can c onnect a com pa tible hea dset with a st a n dard 2.5-mm p lug to your devic e. Warni ng: When yo u us e th e head s e t, your ability to hear outside sounds may be affected. Do not use the heads et wh ere it ca n endange r y our sa fety.
F l o w t o R e a d T h i s G u i d e G et Star ted 19 F l o w t o R e a d T h i s G u i d e Th e follow ing sections illus trate va rious functions of your de vice. Famil iarize yo ur self wi th thes e sec tions to unders tand t he in s tru ctions that follow.
20 • To provide a visual representation of y our curren t pos ition in the me nu structure, a scroll bar m ay be display ed on th e right side of the screen .
Keys a nd Pa rts Your Devi c e 21 S ect io n 2: Y our De vice To pic s C over ed • Keys and Parts • Display Sc ree n • Airplane Mode • Find My Phone Numb er This section describes basic mechanical components of your device, el eme nts on the display screen, and how to activate Airpl a ne Mode.
22 1. E a rp iec e 2. Displa y sc re en 3. Dire ctional key 4. Right Soft ke y 5. End/Power key 6. C a m era/V ideo key 7. Alpha nume ric keyp ad 8. Vibra tio n key 9. Voi ce Comm and ke y 10 . Microphone 11 . Voicem ail key 12. Speakerphone key 13 . C lear ke y 14 .
Keys a nd Pa rts Your Devi c e 23 To ac tivate the ex ternal M edia Player touchp ad, press the Vo lume k eys to un lock th e k eys wh en th e flip is clo sed. 1. Chargin g/Data port 2 . Volume keys 3. He ad se t j ack 4. Spe akerphone 5 . Fa st Forw ard ke y 6.
24 Dis pla y Sc reen Indicat ors an d Icons D epen ding on yo ur de vice set t i ngs an d m ode s , some or all of the fo llow ing in dicat or s an d i c o ns ma y a ppe ar o n th e id le scre en . Signal streng th indicator. You are in a digital netw ork.
Di sp lay S creen Your Devi c e 25 No service. TTY is en a b le d. Voice ca ll: a c all is in progress. Locatio n informati on sharing is set t o E9 1 1 O n ly . See "Location," p. 67. Locatio n informati on sharing is set t o Location On . See "Location," p.
26 Dialed calls. Rece ived ca lls. Misse d calls. The primary mobile phon e numbe r o f the c ontact. The secondary mobile phone number of the con tact. The home phone num ber of the contact. The business p hone number of the con tact. The primary e-mail address of the c ontac t .
A i rplane Mo de Your Devi c e 27 Sent message failed. Mess age is locked. Draft te xt mes sage. Draft picture message. Ai rp la ne Mode Us e Airplane Mode in radio sensitive environm e nt s - on board aircraft or in h ospitals. Wh en Airplane Mode i s ac tive, is dis played.
28 Secti on 3: Cal l Fu nction s Top ics Co vere d • Mak e a Ca ll • Answer or Reject a Call • Options Du ring a Call •M u t e F u n c t i o n • Speakerphone • Rec ent Call s Th is sec tion describes how to ma ke, answer and re ject a call.
Answ er or Reject a Call C all Functi ons 29 3 . If the en try conta ins more t han one number, s c roll to the desired number, and press the Call key ( ) to call the num ber.
30 Opt ions Dur ing a Cal l Du ring a call, selec t Opti ons and from the following: Messaging — Send or retrieve me s sages. Cont act Li st — Search y our C ontact Lis t. Re cent Calls — Ch eck re cent calls. Blue tooth M e nu — The follow ing options are avail a ble if a Bluetooth headset i s connected.
Recent C a ll s C all Functi ons 31 Warni ng: Do not ho ld t he de vice n e ar your e ar whe n the s peak er ph one is in u se , b e ca us e th e v ol ume m a y be ext rem ely l oud. Recent Cal ls Informa tion on miss ed, received, or dialed ca lls is stored in the Rece nt C al ls f ol der.
32 • To re turn to the pre vious scre en, press the ( ) ke y. • To reset a timer, scroll to the de s ire d timer, and press th e Left Soft ke y ( Reset ).
En tr y M o des Text Entry 33 Sec ti on 4 : Tex t Ent r y To pic s C over ed • Entry Mod es • Abc and ABC Mode s • Word Mode • Num ber Entry • Symbol En try This section describes how to select the desired entry modes an d h ow to use predictive text entry m ode.
34 Abc a nd AB C Mod es In Abc and ABC Modes, to enter a letter, repeatedly press a key until the desired letter appe ars. If yo u pause brie fly, the la s t lette r o n the display i s accepted , an d your devic e awaits the n ext e n try . To activate Abc Mode or ABC Mode, press the Left Soft key, scroll to Abc or ABC , an d p ress t he ( ) ke y.
Nu mb e r E nt ry Text Entry 35 Num ber Entr y • To e n te r a nu mber in Abc, ABC, or Word Mode, pre ss and hold th e desired num ber key. • To switch to Numbe r Mode, pre s s the Left Soft key, scroll to 12 3 , and pre ss the ( ) k e y .
36 Sec tion 5: Contac ts Top ics Co vere d • H abitat Mode • Create New Contac ts •C o n t a c t L i s t • Contact Groups • Speed Dials •E m e r g e n c y C o n t a c t s Th is sec tion describes how to manage your conta c t s by storing th e ir nam e s, n u mbe rs, and other informat ion.
Habitat Mode C ontacts 37 Basic C ontrol 1 . To activa te Habitat M ode, press the Direc tional k ey dow n. 2. Press U P or DO WN on the Directiona l k ey to the de sired con ta ct, and p ress the ( ) ke y ( VIEW ) to v iew t h e his tor y of calls and messages be t w een y ou and the contact.
38 U sing Ph o tos or Ico ns to Repr esen t a Co nta ct If a c ont a c t has not been as signed a photo in th e phone book , it is given on e of 5 0 pre loade d icons. The icon and the color shade are determi ned by the cont act’s phone nu mber. You can replace the icon w ith a photo as follows : 1.
Cr eate N e w Contac ts C ontacts 39 4. Scroll to the desired contact, and press t he D ire c tional k ey right to Vi sibl e . 5 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( SA VE ). Crea te New Co n tacts Cre a te a N ew Con ta ct 1 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ). Contact s i s highlighte d.
40 • To assi gn a Speed Dial for a number, set a default numbe r for a contact, or a d d pauses into a number, scroll to the des ired number ( Mobile 1 , Mobile 2 , Hom e , Wo r k or Fax ), press the Right Soft ke y ( Opti ons ), and select from the ava ilable option s.
Contac t List C ontacts 41 2. To add pauses, press the Right Soft key ( O ption s ), an d press ( ) 2-Sec P ause or ( ) Wa i t , then en ter additional digits. 3. Press the L e ft Soft k e y ( Sav e ), an d se lec t Add Ne w C on t act or Updat e Existing by pressing the ( ) key.
42 Edit a Cont ac t Entry 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ). Cont acts is highl ighted. 2. Press ( ) Con tact List . 3. Sc ro ll t o the des i re d conta c t, and th en press th e L eft S oft k ey ( Edit ). Fo r edit in g opt ion s, se e " C r e a t e a N e w C o n t a c t , " p .
Conta ct Grou ps C ontacts 43 Call — Call th e con tact (ne twork servic e). Send Nam e Card — Se nd the con tact informa tion in vCard form at to anothe r device using Blue tooth conne ctivity.
44 2. Press ( ) Groups . 3. Scroll to the desired group, and pre ss the ( ) ke y ( VI E W ), and then press the ( ) key ( ADD ). 4. Scroll to the desired contact, and t hen pre ss the ( ) key ( MAR K ). 5. Repeat the previou s ste p until all th e de s ired cont acts are marke d, and then pres s th e Left Soft ke y ( Don e ).
Sp eed D ial s C ontacts 45 Spe ed D ia ls Y ou c an assoc iate any mobile, home, or work phone number in the conta ct list wi th a spe ed dial locat ion from 2 to 999 (netw ork s ervi ce). Voice mail is a s signe d to speed d ia l loca tion 1. Speed dial loca tion 95 (#W arranty C enter) is u sed to con tact Verizo n W arranty Ce nter.
46 Edit a Spee d Dial Locat ion 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ). Cont acts is highl ighted. 2. Press ( ) Speed Dials . 3. Scroll to an ass igned speed dial location, and press the ( ) key ( SET ). 4. To overwrite the e xisting speed dial location , highlight Ye s , press the ( ) ke y, scr oll to a de sired contact , a nd the n pr ess t he ( ) key.
Emer genc y Con tact s C ontacts 47 Ti p: Wh en yo u have a ssigned ICE conta cts and your dev ice is lock ed, press t he Left S oft key ( ICE ) t o vie w t h e emerge ncy inform ation wi thout unloc king the device . 1 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ).
48 S ect ion 6: M es sag ing Top ics Co vere d • Text Me ssages • Picture or Video Messages • Messa ge F old ers • Del ete Me ssages • V oi cema il • Visual Vo ice M es s age • Mobile In.
Pi ctur e or Vi de o Me ssag e Messa gi ng 49 Your device supports the sending of text m essa g e s beyond the char act er li mit for a si ngle messa ge. Longer me ssa ges a re s ent as a series of t w o or more me s sage s . Verizon W ire les s may charge accordingly.
50 Im porta nt: E x e rcise caution w hen ope ning message s. Mess ages ma y conta in malic ious softwa re or otherw ise be harmful to you r devi ce. Write and Send a Picture or Video Message 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ) , a nd s croll to Me s saging .
Message Folders Messa gi ng 51 2. To add a soun d clip, scroll dow n to the Sound: fie ld. Pr e ss the Left Sof t key ( Sounds ), sc roll to the d esi red so und clip, a n d pr es s the ( ) key.
52 To open th e Inbox, Sent, or Drafts folder, pres s th e Left Soft key ( Messa ge ), and then press ( ) Inbo x , ( ) Sent , or ( ) Draft s . The message list is display ed.
Mobile In sta nt Messaging Messa gi ng 53 2. Press ( ) Visual V o ice Ma il , and then s elec t from the available options. Mobil e Instan t Me ssag ing 1 .
54 Me ssa ge Sett ing s Th is menu allow s you to de fine settin gs for me ssages sent or rece ived o n your devic e. 1. Press t he Left Soft key ( Mess age ), an d t hen pres s the L ef t Sof t key ( Se tti ng s ). 2. To define message settin gs, select from th e follow ing: Entry Mode — C h ange th e default entry mode for writing text.
Mess age Se ttin gs Messa gi ng 55 Quick T ext — Vi ew and edi t Qui ck T ext entries that ar e short, prewritten m essages that y o u c an i n ser t i nto t ext me ssa ges. V oicemai l # — Change the default voicemail speed dial numbe r. Callback # — Ch ange th e defau lt call back number th at is sent .
56 S ect ion 7: S ett ing s Top ics Co vere d •M y V e r i z o n • Bluet ooth Me nu • Sounds Settings • Display Se t tings • Habi tat • Phone Settings • Call Settin gs •M e m o r y • Phone Info This section describes how to define settings for your device.
Bluetoo th Wireless Tech n ol ogy Settings 57 texts, v oic e recordings, video clips, notes, an d more. It can al so be used to co nnect wirelessly to products that use Bluetooth wire less tec hnology, suc h a s com pute rs. You can sync hronize your phon e and your PC using Bluetooth con ne ctivit y.
58 3. To pair a Blue tooth heads e t , scroll to the he adset you wa nt to pair with , and pres s the ( ) key ( PAIR ). 4. The d evice may r equest yo u to use th e alphanum eric key pad t o e nter the pa s s key of the he adset you w ant to pair wi th.
Bluetoo th Wireless Tech n ol ogy Settings 59 Blueto oth Settings 1 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ), and scroll to Settin gs & Tools . 2. Press ( ) B luetooth Men u . A messag e will appear as k ing if you wo uld like help sett ing up Bluetooth . Press the ( ) key ( Ye s ) .
60 Sound s S etting s 1. Pr e ss the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ), and scroll to Settings & Tools . 2. Press ( ) So und Settin gs ., and select from th e following: Call So unds — Se t ringtones for incom ing calls by select ing Cal l Ri n gt one , and then the de sired rington e.
Display Settings Settings 61 T u rn Silent Mode On or O ff To turn Sile nt Mode on, open the flip, and press the Volum e ke ys do wn unt i l All Sounds Of f is displaye d. To turn Sile nt Mode off, press the Volume keys up u ntil the sound re aches th e desi red l evel.
62 P ersonal Banner — Ente r your own banner te x t of up t o 18 ch aracters. To c h a nge the te xt color, s ele ct Color . Th e Col or option is only available when H abitat Mode is disabled.
Display Settings Settings 63 Di spl ay T hem es 1 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ), and scroll to Settin gs & Tools . 2. Press ( ) D is pl ay Se t tings , an d t hen p res s ( ) Display The mes . 3. Scroll to the desired option , and press the ( ) k e y SE T .
64 Pu ls ing Alert Pulsi n g al ert acts as a reminder. The front display flas hes when the re a re m isse d c alls o r u nread mes sage s. 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ) , a nd s croll to Se ttings & Tools . 2. Press ( ) Display Settin gs , and the n pres s ( ) Pulsing Alert .
Pho ne Se tt ings Settings 65 Set Shortcu ts You ca n as si gn a p p lica tio ns to th e UP, L EFT o r DOWN Di re ctio nal keys. These can be open e d by pressing the corresponding ke y s on the id le screen. The R I GHT Dire ctional key is use d to access My Shortc uts.
66 V o ice Command Settin gs 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ) , a nd s croll to Se ttings & Tools . 2. Press ( ) Phone Set tings , and th en press ( ) Vo i c e Comman d S e tti ngs , the following option s display.
Pho ne Se tt ings Settings 67 Language The display langua ge can be set to English or Spanish. 1 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ), and scroll to Settin gs & Tools . 2 . Pre ss ( ) Ph one Settings , and then press ( ) Language . 3 . Scroll to Engl is h or Español , and pre ss the ( ) k ey.
68 Syst e m Select 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ) , a nd s croll to Se ttings & Tools . 2. Press ( ) Phon e Settings , press ( ) Sy stem Se le ct , and then sele ct from the follow ing: Home On ly — Ma k e an d recei ve call s in you r home ar ea only.
Call Settings Settings 69 Th e default Ans wer O ptions settin g is Fl ip Op en . 1 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ), and scroll to Settin gs & Tools . 2. Press ( ) Call Settings , an d then pre ss ( ) Answer Options . 3 . Scroll to the m ethod you w ish to us e for answer ing calls, and press the ( ) key ( MAR K ).
70 HA C Mode 1. Pr ess t he ( ) ke y ( ME NU ) , and scroll to Se ttings & T ools . 2. Press ( ) C all Se ttin g s , and then press ( ) HAC Mode . 3. To turn on hearing aid compa tibility (HAC) mod e, s c roll to On , an d t hen pres s the ( ) ke y.
Memory Settings 71 2. Press ( ) Call Settings , an d press ( ) DT M F To n e s , then s e lect from the followin g: Normal — To send out a tone for a fixe d pe riod no m a t te r how long you pr ess the k ey. Long — To send out a con tinuo us t one for as long as you pr ess t h e ke y.
72 My n umber — To display the Mobile Device and Identification num bers. SW/HW V e rs ion — To view t he version of s oftware, PRL, E RI, B rowser, Media Center, MSUI, Ha rd ware, and ESN of yo ur devi ce. Icon Glossary — T o v i e w t h e l i s t o f i c o n s w i t h a brief description.
Media Ce nter Media C enter 73 S ectio n 8: Medi a Cen ter To pic s C over ed •M e d i a C e n t e r • Mus ic & Tones •P i c t u r e & V i d e o • Mobile We b • B rows e & D own load This section describes how to download mu sic, ton e s, and video.
74 Music & T one s V CAST Music with Rhapsody® V CAST Music with Rhapsody is a digital music servic e that lets you li sten to millions of songs from thousa nds of artis ts.
Music & Tones Media C enter 75 6. The C ONFI R M PURCHASE screen displays the price an d it ems y ou se lected to pu rcha se. Pr ess the ( ) ke y ( Buy ) to acc ept the te rms. 7 . You rece ive confi r m ation that your purc has e w a s successf u l a nd your m u sic is available for download.
76 Pi ct ure & V ide o Pi ctu re & Vi deo (net work servi c e) al lo ws yo u to v iew , ta ke, and send digital pictures and video clips from your de v ice and acces s the V CAST streamin g multim edia s ervice. D o w nload a Vide o Clip 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ) , sc roll to Me dia Cen ter .
Mobi le Web Media C enter 77 Warni ng: Ke ep a safe dis t a n ce whe n using t he flash. Do not use the flas h on people or animals at close range. D o not cover th e flas h while tak ing a p icture. Record a Video 1 . To ac ti va te t he camc or der, pre ss a nd ho ld t he C a mer a/V ide o key ( ) loca ted belo w the E nd K ey ( ).
78 Note: In the idle screen , to quickly access Mobile W e b, press th e Directio nal ke y up, an d with Mobile W e b 2. 0 hi ghli gh ted pres s the ( ) key . Browse & Download VZ Navigator VZ Navigator supports the GPS-re late d service, helping you find yo ur way.
Vo ice Comm an ds Tool s 79 Sec ti on 9 : Tool s To pic s C over ed • Voice Commands •C a l c u l a t o r •C a l e n d a r • Calendar Preview •A l a r m C l o c k • Stopwatch • World Clock •N o t e p a d This sect ion descr ibes how to perfor m some sim ple v oice c om m an d s, c al cu l at io ns , a n d s et an al ar m .
80 V oi ce Commands Settings 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ) , a nd s croll to Se ttings & Tools . 2. Press ( ) T ools , a nd th en p r ess ( ) V oice C omman ds . 3. Pre ss the Right So ft ke y ( Se tt in gs ) , and sele ct from the available options.
Calc ul ator Tool s 81 • My V erizon : To view inform ation about your Ve rizon Wirele ss accou nt. • He lp : To re ad a tutorial on how to use V oice Com mands. Ca lculato r Calcu lator allows you to perform simple math ematica l ca lculatio ns u sing your devic e.
82 Calend ar Th e ca lendar allows you to docum ent yo ur s chedule a nd ke ep it conve nient to access. You can schedule appointm ents in the cal endar and se t your de vice to al ert you wi t h a rem inder. Sche dule a New Appointm ent 1. Pre ss the ( ) ke y ( MEN U ) , a nd s croll to Se ttings & Tools .
Cale nd ar Pr evi ew Tool s 83 Ca lend ar Pr evie w Ca lendar prev ie w allows you t o d is pla y the ca le nd ar appointme nts for the current date in the idle sc reen . 1 . Pres s the ( ) key ( MEN U ), and scrol l t o Settin gs & T ools . 2. Press ( ) Tools , and the n pre ss ( ) Calendar Pre view .
84 Select Snooze to t urn the alarm off and have i t sound agai n afte r 10 minute s. Sel e c t Di s mis s to tu rn off the ala rm. S topwa tch The stopw a t ch can be used for time measurement, suc h as for a sporting e vent. You c a n time up to te n records.
World Cl ock Tool s 85 W orld Cl ock W orld cloc k allow s you to determin e the cu rren t time in an other t ime z one or c ountry. 1 . Pres s the ( ) ke y ( ME NU ), and scroll to Settin gs & Tools . 2. Press ( ) Tools , and the n pre ss ( ) W orld Cloc k .
86 Secti on 1 0: Accesso ries For av a ilability of approved acc essories, plea se ch eck w ith you r d ealer . When you di scon ne ct the power c ord of any a c ces sory , grasp and pull th e plug, not th e cord. Warni ng: Use only batteries, chargers, a nd accessories approved by Nokia for use with this particular model.
Ch arging and Di sch arging Batt ery and C harger In form a ti on 87 S ect ion 1 1 : B atte r y an d Ch ar ger In form atio n To pic s C over ed • Charging and Discha rging • Nokia Batte ry Authen tication G uidelines Char ging an d D isch a r gin g Your dev ic e is powe re d by a rechargeable battery.
88 If a batte ry is being used for the first tim e or if the batte ry has not b e en used for a prolonged period, it may be necessary to conne ct the charger, then disconnect and re c on ne c t it to begin ch arging the ba ttery.
Nokia Battery Authentication Guidelines Batt ery and C harger In form a ti on 89 D o not disp os e of batteries in a fire as th e y m ay e xplode . Batteries may also explode if dam aged. Dispos e of batteries ac cording to local regulat ions. Please re c ycle wh e n po s sible .
90 Au thent ica te hol o g ram 1. When you look at the hologram on the la bel, you shou ld see th e No kia conn ecting hand s symbol from one angle and t he Nok ia Origina l Enhancem en t s logo w hen looking fr o m anot her angle.
Nokia Battery Authentication Guidelines Batt ery and C harger In form a ti on 91 What if yo ur ba tte ry is no t a uth enti c ? If you canno t conf i rm that yo ur N okia batter y wit h the ho logr am on the label is an authentic Nok ia batt ery, please do not use the ba tter y.
92 Ca r e a nd Maintena nce Your device is a produc t of su perior design and c ra ftsm anship and should be treated with care . The following sugge s t ions will help you prot ec t your wa rranty co verag e .
Care a nd Maintenance C ar e and Maintena nce 93 • Do n ot paint th e device. Paint can c log the moving p a rt s a n d prevent proper operation. • Us e a soft, c lean, dry cl oth to cle an a ny lens es, such a s camera, proximit y sensor, an d light sensor lenses.
94 Ad di tio nal Safe ty I nfor mat io n Sm al l ch ild ren Your devic e and its acce ssories may contain small part s. Kee p th em out of the rea ch of small ch ildren. Op erat in g envi ron ment Th is d evi c e mee ts RF expo sur e gu id elin es when u se d eit her in the norm al use posi tion against the ear or when positioned at least 2.
I mpl an ted me di cal d evi ce s A d di tiona l Safe ty Informa ti on 95 inad e quat ely prot e c te d m e dic al devi ce s. Consult a physician or th e m a n ufac tu rer of the medical de vice to determine if t hey are adeq uat el y sh iel de d f ro m ext e rna l RF en erg y o r i f y ou ha ve any questions.
96 If have any question s about u sing your wireless device with an imp la n ted m e dic al device, consult you r health ca re prov ide r. Heari ng aid s Some digital w ire less devices may interfere with some he arin g aids. If interferen ce o ccurs, consult y our service pro vider.
Vehicle s A d di tiona l Safe ty Informa ti on 97 audi o th rough your hearing aid. The q uality of s ound depends on the t ype of hearing aid use d. Y ou should test the de v ic e w it h the tele coil sett ing activated to de termine whet her y our audio performanc e improves.
98 Usin g yo ur device wh ile flying in aircra ft is prohibit ed. Switch off your de vice before boarding an aircraft. The use of wireless teledevi ces in an aircraft m a y be dangerous to the operatio n of th e aircraft, disru pt the wireless tele phon e network, and may be illega l.
Emer genc y c all s A d di tiona l Safe ty Informa ti on 99 Em erge ncy cal ls Im por t ant : Thi s devic e ope ra tes using radio signals, wireless netw orks, lan dline network s , and user-programm ed fun ctions. Conne ction s in all con ditions cann ot be guara nteed.
10 0 Ce rti fica tion in fo rmat ion (SA R) This mobile device meets guideline s for exposure to radio w av es. Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and rec e iver. It is designed not to exce e d th e lim its for exposure to radio waves re comm en ded by i nte rna tiona l gui d elin es.
Te chnica l infor mati o n Addition al Saf ety Informatio n 101 Addi tional SAR information may be provided under product information at ww .com . Your mobile d evi ce i s also des igned to m eet th e requir ements for exposure to radio waves es ta blished by the Federa l Commu nication s C ommis si on (US A) a nd I ndust ry C ana da.
10 2 Ba tt ery in fo rmat ion Th is s e ction pro vides information a bout batt ery ch arging times with th e trave l charger (AC- 6U), and talk an d s tandby time s. Th e inform ation in th is sec tion is subject to ch ange. For more info r m ation, cont act your s ervic e provider.
Char ging ti me Addition al Saf ety Informatio n 103 Cha rging t ime The following charging time s are approx imate : Talk and st andb y tim e Operat i on times a re est imates only and depend on sign.
10 4 Index NUMERI CS 12 3 mod e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 b atte ry . . . . 14 , 16 , 87 , 103 charger . . . . . . . 16 , 87 , 103 addi ng pauses . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 answe r options . . . . . . . .
105 devi ce sett ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 di splay backli ght . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 fo nt s ize . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 di splay settin gs . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 drafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 E E911 on ly . . . .
10 6 mi c roSD c a rd . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Mobile Web . . . . . . . . . . 56 , 77 mute fun c ti on . . . . . . . . . . . 30 My Ver izon . . . . . . . . . . 56 , 77 N NA M se lecti on . . . . . . . . . . 68 network settin gs . . . . . . . . . 64 No kia su p po rt i nfo r ma ti on .
107 no te pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 st opwa tch . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 wo rl d cl oc k . . . . . . . . . . . 85 V V CAS T do wnl oad vi deo . . . . . . . . 76 music d o wnl o a d . . . . . . . . 74 vibrate mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 voi ce command s .
An important point after buying a device Nokia INTRIGUE 7205 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nokia INTRIGUE 7205 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nokia INTRIGUE 7205 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nokia INTRIGUE 7205 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nokia INTRIGUE 7205 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nokia INTRIGUE 7205, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nokia INTRIGUE 7205.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nokia INTRIGUE 7205. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nokia INTRIGUE 7205 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center