Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 6161 Nokia
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6161 covers 3/17/99 6:32 PM Page 1.
Keys Scrol l keys Scroll thro ugh menus, sub - menus, and the phon e book. Press and hol d f or contin uous scrolling. Power key P r e s s a n d h o l d t o t u r n y o u r p h o n e on or off. Softke ys Their curr ent functio n is displ aye d abo ve the key (for e xample, here th eir functio ns are “Menu” and “Names”) .
1 T able of Contents Safety A t A Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Getting C onnected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Attaching your batter y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Removing the ba tter y. . . . . . . . .
2 Call settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Call timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Call waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 One-touch dialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Paging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Phone book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Chargers & Other Acce ssories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Troubleshoot ing .
5 Indicator s and Ico ns Y ou have an active cal l. The phon e is waiting for you to enter a respo nse. The current profi le you have selec ted for yo ur phone is 6LOHQW . Keyguard has been activated t o help prevent any accident al keypresses. Y ou have on e or mo r e voic e mes sage s wai ting .
6 1. Safety At A Glance Read these simple guid elines before using your phone. Fai lure to comply wit h these gu idelines may be dangerous o r illegal. For more detailed saf ety information, “Importa nt Safety In formatio n” on p age 79. Road Safet y Comes First Don’t use a h and-held p hone while driving ; park the vehicle firs t.
7 FCC/Industry Canada Not ice Y our phone may cause TV or rad io interference (e.g. when using a telepho ne in close p roximity to receiving eq uipment). The FCC/Indus try Can ada can require you to stop using y our tele- phone if such inte rference can not be el iminated.
8 2. Gettin g Con nected You’ll need to charge your batt ery once your p hone h as been activ ated. T his se ction will h elp fam iliari ze yo u on how, an d when, to ch arge your batte ry. Attac hing your batter y Simpl y plac e the b attery in th e groov es on th e back of your phon e.
9 Charging yo ur new battery Y our phone c an be used wi th eithe r a r ech argeabl e Li-Ion or NiMH battery . Note that a new battery’ s full perfo r m ance is ach ieved o nly after two o r thr e e comp le t e ch a rge a nd disch a rge cyc les . With your phon e on o r of f, c onnect the char ger to a standar d 120V AC outlet.
10 When is char ging complete? When the ch arge i ndicators stop scr oll ing, your phon e is consid ered fu lly c harg ed. Howe ver , a slight in crease in ch a r g e ma y oc c ur if y ou r phone is lef t connec ted to the cha rger for a while. Th is is ca lled “ tri ck le cha r ge .
11 • (NiMH b atteries o nly) For g ood opera tion ti mes, discha rge the bat tery from time to time by leaving your p hone switched on un til it turns itse lf off (or by using the battery discharge facility of any appr oved accessory available for your ph one).
12 3. The Basics Y ou have purchased a pow erful phone, with lots of fea- tur es. Read t his section for some very basic i nformation on how to use your phone. A mo r e comp r ehe nsiv e des cri ption of you r pho ne i s cover ed in “Features A to Z” starting on page 21.
13 Checking signal str engt h When yo u are at t he start scr een (see page 17) or in a ca ll, th e sig nal st re ngth is indic ated by the indica tors on the le ft si de of your pho ne’ s displa y . Thes e indi cato rs scroll as th e st rength of t he sign al i ncr eases and d ecr ease s.
14 Dialing stor ed phone numbers View stored names and numbers by pressing W or V fr om t he star t scr ee n ( see page 17) , then pr es s ó See “Ph one boo k” on p age 51 for det ails on storin g numbers . Calling car d calls See “Cal ling card” on page 27.
15 Keyguard This fe ature hel ps to preven t acciden tal ke y presses (e.g. when your phone is in you r po ck et, in you r pu r se) by locking your keypad. If any keys ar e p r es s ed whi l e Key- guard is ac tivat e d, 3UHVV # 8QOR FN # DQG # WKHQ #- will disp lay.
16 4. Using Y our Phone The first few days you have your phone, play with i t to learn how the menu and submenu system works. The mor e you learn how to access the se menus and sub men us, the more f un you’ ll h ave wit h yo ur p hon e. This section describes the different methods of using your phone menus and submenus.
17 For exa mpl e, pr ess 0HQ X once. The scr oll bar appears with the f irst (top) tab displayed. A dif fere nt tab appears each ti me you p re ss the W or V key to move up and down thr ough the menu struct ure. The scr oll bar works the same way with submenus.
18 Using shortcuts This is a q uick and ea sy w ay t o acce ss a menu with out having t o scr oll thr ough other menus. Pr ess 0HQ X , then menu number , then submenu number . Pr ess the menu a nd submenu numb ers within a couple of second s of ea ch other when usi ng this method .
19 Summary o f Me nu Item s 1M e s s a g e s 1 1 T ext M essages 1 1 1 Inb ox 1 1 2 Saved 1 2 V oice messages 1 2 1 Listen to voice messag es 1 2 2 V oice mailbox number 1 3 We l c o m e N o t e 2C a .
20 4S e t t i n g s 4 1 Call settings 4 1 1 Emergenc y key 9 4 1 2 Automati c redial 4 1 3 Calling card 4 2 Phone settings 4 2 1 Clock 4 2 2 Alarm cl ock 4 2 3 T ouch tones 4 2 4 Restore factor y sett.
21 5. Featu res A to Z ABC mode This allows you to enter name s into your phone book. See “Ent ering letter s and nu mbers” on page 38 . Access codes This is a s ecur ity fea ture th at allo ws yo u access to ce r- tain p h o n e fe atur es , su c h a s the ph o n e lo c k ( page 54 ) and unlock ed phon e nu mber ( page 69 ) .
22 Snoozing Pr ess 6QRR]H . The alarm will go off again in 10 minutes. If you let the phon e al arm fo r 1 minu te wi th o u t pre s s in g a ke y , it stops alarm ing fo r 10 mi nutes th en start s ag ain. T urning t he alar m cloc k off Press 0H QX 4 2 2 ( 6HWWLQJV - 3KRQH # VHWWLQJV - $ODUP # FORFN ), then sc roll t o 2II # and press 2.
23 4. Pr ess W to 2Q and press 2. . Note: Th is feature w ill not fu nction with data calls . Auto m a tic r e d i a l Your p hone wil l redi al the n umber you’re t ryin g to call up to 3 times after you he ar a quick, busy signal. Press ô to stop the ca ll attempts .
24 5. Pr ess 2SWLRQV . W ith (TXDOV # highli ghted /# pr ess 2. Note: Y ou can also choos e $GG , 6XEWUDFW , 0 XOWLSO , and 'LY LGH from the list of opt ion s. Storing e xchange ra tes 1. Press 0HQX 7 , then press 2SWLRQV 2. Scrol l to ([FKDQJH # UDWH # and press 2.
25 Using th e calendar 1. Press 0HQX 8 ( &DOHQGDU ) 2. If you haven’ t set the time and date, your phone prompts you to set your phone’ s clock When your phone p r ompt s you fo r the tim e wi th KK = PP , enter the ti me in hour s and mi nutes (usi ng two - d i g i t fie ld s) , th e n pres s 2.
26 Option 2: Make note With this opti on, you’ll need to choose 5HPLQGHU , &DOO , 0HHWLQJ , or %LUWKGD . Your phone will prompt you for more information depending on which one you choose. You ca n also s et an al arm for a ny ca len d ar n ote .
27 displ ay if their nam e and number ha s been stor ed in the phone book ( see “Phone book” on page 51 ) or if th e wireless network supports it. &DOO or &DOO 0 FDOOHU # ,' # XQDYDLODEOH will dis play wh en th e wirele ss n etwor k do esn’ t recog nize the ca llin g num ber .
28 8. Pr ess W or V to &DUG # QDPH and press 6HOHFW . Ent er card na me us ing your phon e’ s keyp ad, press 2. . See “Ent ering letter s and nu mbers” on page 38 if you need help on enteri ng the car d name For detai ls about your phone’s security code, see “Securi ty code” on page 61.
29 make a ca lling ca rd ca ll . S ee your ca lling card for instr uction s. Press and hold ó for a few seco nds until your phone displays &DUG # FDOO . Press 2. when you see :DLW # IRU # WRQ H /# WKH Q # SUH VV # 2. . When you see :DLW # IRU # WRQH /# SUHVV # 2.
30 Call forwar ding optio ns )RUZDUG # DOO # FDOOV forw ards a ll in co m ing ca lls . # )RUZDUG # LI # EXV forw a r ds ca lls only wh en yo u’ r e on th e phone. )RUZDUG # LI # QRW # DQVZHUHG f orwar ds calls if y ou don ’t answ er. )RUZDUG # LI # RXW # RI # UHDFK forwards calls if you are ou t of the serving wireless network.
31 &DOO # WLP H shows t he date a nd time w hen the ca ll was firs t conne cted (if c lock has been s et) (GLW # QXPEHU allow s you to edit th e dial ed num ber. 6DYH allows you to save the number into your phone book. (UDVH will eras e the number from the cal l list .
32 /DVW # FDOO # displays call du ration of last call . $OO # FDOOV # displa ys call du rati on of all ca lls made since t i m e r s h a v e l a s t b e e n r e s e t ( see page 33 for details on how to clea r call time rs ). /LIH # WLPH U shows duration of all calls; this can not be reset (see page 44 ).
33 the feature code has been stored . See “Netwo rk feature sett ing” on page 49 for more details. 1. Press 0HQX 4 4 3 ( 6HWWLQJV - 1HWZRUN # VHUYLFHV - &DOO # ZDLWLQJ ) 2. Scrol l to $FWLYDWH # (or se lect &DQFHO to cance l and press 2. 3.
34 2. Enter security code at 6H FXULW # FRG H =# and press 2. Careful : Clearing cal l timers c an not be u ndone. If you are using the c all timer s to log or track the amount of time yo u are using your phone, you may wish to recor d the call timers befo re you erase them.
35 Displaying or hi ding the clock 1. Press 0HQX 4 2 1 ( 6HWWLQJV - 3KRQH # VHWWLQJV - &ORFN ) 2. Scro l l to either +LGH # FO RFN or 'LVSOD # FORFN (only one will display dependi ng on the current setting) 3. Pr ess 6HOHFW Confer ence c all This fea ture al lows you to add a t hird pa rty to a ca ll.
36 Activating the curr ent call timer Press 0HQX 2 5 ( &DOO # ORJ - &DOO # WLPHUV ) and press 'HWDLO V . With &XUUHQW # FD OO # WLPHU displayed , press 6H OHFW , sc r o ll to 2Q , and pres s 2. Customize prof il es This featu re allo ws you to cust omize indivi dual Pro fil es.
37 Emergency cal ls Before attemp ting any em ergency cal ls, see “Emergency Ca lls” on page 81 for important safety inform ati o n. 1. If the phone is not on, switch it on 2. Key i n the emergency number f or yo ur pr esent location (e.g. 911 or other of ficial e mergency number).
38 Activating Emer gency key 9 Press 0HQX 4 1 1 ( 6 HWWLQJV - &DOO # VHWWLQJV - (PHUJHQF # NH # < ), scroll to 2Q to activate or 2II to can cel, t hen p ress 2.
39 If you w is h to en te r an e mp t y sp ace be twee n ch ar a c- ters , pres s 0 f or each space . Changi ng le tter ca se Press the # key to swi tch between upper and l ower case letters. The icon will switch to to indi cate yo u are using l ower cas e.
40 Simply press the ∗ key onc e or repeat edly , and t he follo win g ch a rac t ers ca n be sto r e d wit h in the numb er sequence. ( S ) crea tes a pause when a number is di a led; the digit s lo cated t o the r ight of t he “ S ” are automat i- cally sent as touch tone s af ter a 2 .
41 Snake Feed the snake with as many goodies as possible and watch it grow . Use ke ys 2, 4, 6, and 8 to turn the snake towa rd f ood. Th e long er t he snak e’ s tail gr o ws, t he higher the scor e. If the sn ak e hi ts its own tail or the surr oundi ng wall, the game is over .
42 /HYHO allow s you to ch o o s e th e le vel of di fficul ty . 1HZ # JDP H start s a new game. 7RS # VFRUH will displa y the top s core ( does not ap pear in Logic ).
43 Key pad co ver s ett ing This fea ture acti v a t es the ke yp ad c o ve r if yo u w i s h t o answ er and en d c alls wit h the ke ypad c o ve r. See “Using t he keypad cover ” on page 13 for details. Keypad tone s This is one of the settings in your phone’s Profiles ( see page 55 ).
44 Last call timer This fe ature dis plays th e du r ation of your la st call . See “Cal l timers” o n page 31. Last number redial When you want to call your last dia le d number, Pr ess ó and wa.
45 If you select $XWRPDWLF , your phone’ s lights are turned off withi n fif teen seco nds if no keys are presse d. If 2Q is sele cte d, then the li ghts wil l r em ai n on the entir e time your p h o n e is co n n ect ed to the car kit. Listen to v oice messages This fea ture allow s you to acce ss yo ur voic e mes sages .
46 Setting manual touch tones Press 0HQX 4 2 3 1 ( 6HWWLQJV - 3KRQH # VHWWLQJV - 7RXFK # WR QHV - 0DQXD O # WRXFK # WRQH V ) and hi ghlight one of the following options, then press 2. 1 &RQWLQXRXV mea n s the to ne so unds fo r as lo n g as you press and hold the key .
47 Also, see “T e xt messages and pages” on page 64. 1. Press 0HQX 3 ( 3URI LO HV ) 2. Y our ph one list s eac h profile. Us e W to hi ghlight the one y ou w ant t o se t the mes sage aler t ton e fo r and press 2SWLRQV . 3. High light &X VW RPL ]H and pres s 2.
48 The ‘Op ti o ns ’ so f t ke y See “The ‘Opt ions’ soft ke y” on page 30. Checking the missed calls l ist anytime Pr ess 0HQ X 2 1 ( &DOO # OR J - 0LVVHG # FDOOV ), th en scroll thr o ugh the list. This shows you the phone numbers of the 10 most recent c alls you’ ve not answered.
49 Network f eature se tting Call forwardi ng ( page 29 ), Call waitin g ( page 32 ) a nd Send own n umber ( page 62 ) are netw ork s ervic es avail able thr o ug h yo ur service p r ovider or dealer.
50 4-4-1 9RLF H # SULYD F - See page 71 . 4-4-2 &DOO # IRUZDUGLQJ #- - See page 29. 4-4-3 &DOO # ZDLWLQJ #- - See page 32 . 4-4-4 6HQG # RZQ # QXP EHU #- - See page 62 . 4-4-5 1HWZR UN # IHDWXUH # VHWWLQ J - See page 49 . 4-4-6 1$0 # VHOHFWLRQ - See page 48 .
51 Note: If you press and hold 1, your phone calls your vo ice mail- box. If you press and hold 9, and Emergency key 9 (Menu 4 1) is 21 , your phone attemp ts a call to the eme rgency numb er programm ed into your phone (e.g. 91 1 or other official em er- gency nu mber).
52 You can not store id entical names i nto your phone (i.e., John, John); make sure that like na mes are somew hat diff e rent in t he ph one book ( i.e. , Jo hn , John ny) . 5HSODFH" f ollowe d by t he curr ently stored name d ispla ys when st oring a na me alread y in memory.
53 Changing a number stor ed with a name 1. Recall stored nam e, then p ress 'H WDLOV # to view number 2. Pr ess 2SWLRQV , sc roll to (GLW and pre ss 6HOHFW 3. Pr ess 2. while name is displayed, unless you wish to change it. If so, press a nd hold &OHDU , re- en t er name and press 2.
54 2. Scrol l to (UDVH # DOO # and press 6HOHFW 3. Pr ess 2. at $UH # RX # VXUH" 4. Enter security code at 6H FXULW # FRG H =# and press 2. Warning: This feature will erase your enti re phone book, which can not be undone ! Phone lo ck When you turn this o n, yo ur phone wil l loc k after you swit ch yo ur ph one off and ba ck on.
55 Phone setti ngs Phone settings allow you access t o other phone featu r es su ch as an al arm clo c k an d yo ur ph o n e’s lang uag e. Using phone settings Press 0HQX 4 2 ( 6HWWLQJV - 3KRQH # VHWWLQJV ), then scroll to one of the following options, then press 6H OHF W : 4-2-1 &ORFN - See page 34 .
56 You can also scroll through the list of Profi les with a quick press of the ð key. Then pres s W or V to choose anoth er Pro fil e and p re ss 2. . Eithe r way , this on ly all ows yo u to s elect oth er Pro files; you ca n not cu stomiz e them h ere.
57 Received calls This shows you the phone numbers of the 10 most rece nt call s you’ve answer ed. Pr ess 0HQ X # 2 3 ( &DOO # ORJ - 5H FHLYHG # FDOOV ), then scroll thr o ugh the numbers. Also, see “Call log” on page 30 for details on other call lists.
58 If you have alre ady marked a s el ection , then highl i ght the m ark ed s elect ion and pres s 8QPDUN if you wish to remove the restrict ion. Restrict outgoing cal ls /RFDO # FDOOV # restricts all outgoing local calls. /RQJ # GL VWDQ FH # restricts al l out g oi ng lo n g dist anc e call s and c harge able se rvic e number s.
59 Ring ing tone s This is one of th e setti ngs in your phone ’s Prof iles ( se e page 55 ). It sets the ringi ng tone for incomi ng voice call s. If you set 5LQJLQJ # 2SWLRQV ( see page 58 ) to 6LOHQW or %HHS # RQFH , ringin g tones ar e automat ically of f.
60 Roaming This is a term used to indic ate that yo ur pho ne is not in its hom e area . Calls made o r receiv ed whil e roa ming a re usually more expensi ve tha n calls made in your home area.
61 1DPH # RQO shows individual na mes only. To vie w other names, use W or V . You can view the corres ponding phone number by pressing 'HWDLO V , then W or V . Selecting your scrolli ng view 1. Press 1DPHV 2. Scrol l to 2SWLRQV , # then pr ess 6HOHFW 3.
62 Changing your sec urity code 1. Press 0HQX 4 3 2 4 ( 6HWWLQJV - 6HFXULW # VHWWLQJV - $FFHVV # FRG HV - &KDQJH # VHFXULW # FRGH ) 2. Enter secur ity code and pr ess 2. 3. Enter new security code at (QWHU # QHZ # VHFXULW # FRGH = , press 2. 4. Enter n ew s ecur ity cod e a gai n at 9H ULI # QHZ # VH FXULW # FRGH = , p ress 2.
63 Settings This main menu al low s you acce ss to other features. See thes e ind ividua l en tries f or mor e inf ormatio n. 4-1 &DOO # VHWWLQJV - See page 31 . 4-2 3KRQH # VHWWLQJV - See page 55 . 4-3 6HFXULW # VHWWLQJ V - See page 61 . 4-4 1HWZRUN # VHUYLFHV - See page 49 .
64 If you choose 1HZ # 6HDUFK , yo u r ph one be gi n s a ne w search for new Pri vate a nd Resi dential syst ems. When it finds the best new system, it displays it .
65 6DYHG allows you to save your incoming messages. All saved, read m essages are kept he re. When you r eceive a t ext mes sage Text messages are shown in the order that they were received, in their order o f priority. 0HVVDJ H # UHFHLYHG indicates an unread messa ge or page.
66 &DOO # EDFN w ill a utom atical ly ca ll who ever sent the messa ge if any p h o ne nu m bers a r e in cl uded in the message. 6DYH will save the message to 6DYHG . If someone has paged you Your phone will displa y # 0HVVD JH # UHFHLYHG . The message will disp lay &DOO = , followed by the name or num ber of the person who paged you.
67 T ouch ton es Your phone ca n generate vari ous sounds, calle d touch tone s , w h e n the ke ys a r e pr es sed. Thes e a re al s o known as D TMF tones. Touch tones can be used for many aut omated, over- the-ph one service s suc h as c hecking bank balan ces, airlin e arr iv a l an d dep artu r e ti me s, and using vo ice mailbox options.
68 3. Enter the touch tone strin g (e.g. voice mail box password) 4. Stor e the number as yo u n o r ma ll y would Note: See “ Special Ch aracters (for storing n umbers)” o n page 39 for d etails on “p ” and “w” character s.
69 T ouch t one leng th This fe ature de termines the lengt h of eac h touch tone when th ey are sent auto matical ly. 6KRUW sets the ton e length to .1 second. /RQ J sets the tone len gth to .5 seco nd. You can set the tou ch tone l ength by pressing 0HQX 4 2 3 2 ( 6HWWL QJV - 3KRQ H # VHWWLQJV - 7RXFK # WR QHV - 7RXFK # WRQH # OHQJWK ).
70 Activating vibr ating alert 1. Press 0HQX 3 ( 3URI LOH V ) 2. Y our p hone lists each Pr ofile. Use W to highl ight the one you w ant to set the vibr ating al ert for a nd press 2SWLRQV . 3. High light &XVW RPL]H and press 2. . Press W to r each 9LEU DWLQ J # DOHUW , t hen p ress 6HOH FW again .
71 Gre etings, passwords, and pr ompts These may vary in diff erent wireless syste ms. So i f you need inform ation ab out how to record your greeti ng or how to st ore y o ur p a s s w o rd , co n tac t you r serv ic e provi der.
72 Wa r n i n g t o n e s This is one of the settings in your phone’s Profiles ( see page 55 ). Warning tones in clude tones your phone makes fo r co nd iti o ns su ch as error s , co nfir ma tions , power on , batte ry lo w, and r echarg e batt ery.
73 6. Accessories If you wa nt to e nhance your phone’s func tionali ty, an exte nsiv e range of ac cess ori es is av aila ble fo r you. You can selec t any of thes e it ems to hel p acco m modate your s pecif ic comm unicati on nee ds. For avail abilit y of these and o ther a ccesso ries, contact your serv ice provider.
74 CONTAINS : Nickel meta l hydride o r lithium ion batt ery. Mus t be rec yc led or di sposed of properl y. Must no t be dispo sed of in munici pal wa ste.
75 Note: The ti mes shown a re appr oximate. Ba ttery operati on times var y accordin g to signal cond itions, networ k parameters set by the ser vice p rovider , an d how you use your phone .
76 The c harge r can also be u sed to get her w ith th e opt ional Compact De sktop Cha rging Stand (DCH-9). Approx imate c har ging ti mes fo r dis charged batter ies are shown at th e beginning of t his section.
77 When char ging bo th batteri es simultaneo usly, charg ing will begin in the front chargi ng slot and then move to the rear slot once t he front battery i s 100% charged. Pleas e refer to the chart be low for char ging time s in the rear cha rging sl ot.
78 7. T roubleshooting What if char g ing f ails? If 1RW # FKDUJLQJ is disp laye d, ch arg i ng is su s p e nd ed. Make s ure the b attery is con nected to an a pproved chargi ng devi ce a nd that th e batte ry is at roo m t empe r- ature.
79 8. R eferen ce Info rmation Importa nt Safety Informat ion Tr a f f i c S a f e t y Do not u se a hand-he ld telepho ne while dr iving a veh icle. If using a hand-held phone park the vehicle befo re conversing.
80 • Should not carry th e phone in a breast pocket ; • Should use t he ear o pposite the p acemaker to minimi ze the potentia l for interfer ence. • If you have any reason to suspe ct that int erference is taking plac e, switch off your phone immediately .
81 Areas with a pot entially exp losive at mosphere are often b ut not always clearl y marked. T hey include below deck on boats; chemical tr ansfer or sto rage facilities; vehicles us ing liquefied p.
82 Maki ng an E merg en cy Ca ll 1. If the phone is not on, switch it on 2. Key i n the emergency number f or yo ur pr esent location (e.g. 911 or other of ficial e mergency number ). E mergenc y numbers vary by lo catio n. 3. Pr ess ó If certain f eatures are in use (keyguard, restrict ca lls, etc.
83 Car e an d Mai n tena nce Y our phon e is a product of super ior desi gn and cra ftsmanshi p and should be treated with car e. The suggestions below will help you to fulfill any warranty obligation s and allow you to enjoy this product for many years.
84 9. T echn ical Da ta Wireless System Dual-Band TDMA and AMPS Weight 165g (5.8 oz) with BMS-2/ BMS-2S 900 mA h NiMH Batte ry Size 140 cc Frequenc y Ra nge Lowband 824.04 - 848.97 MHz (TX) 869.04 - 893.97 MHz (RX) Highband 1850.04 - 1909.92 MHz (TX) 1930.
85 NOKIA PCS/C ELLULA R PHONE LIMIT ED 1-YEA R WA RRANTY NOKIA warrants that the NOKIA PCS/cellular pho ne and accessories are free fr om defe cts in mate rial and workma nship.
86 5. This wa rranty d oes not c over defects or dam ages caused b y improper or d efective func tion of th e PCS / cellular system or by inadequat e signal receptio n by the antenna; 6. Removal and reinstallation costs are not covered by this wa rranty; 7.
An important point after buying a device Nokia 6161 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nokia 6161 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nokia 6161 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nokia 6161 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nokia 6161 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nokia 6161, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nokia 6161.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nokia 6161. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nokia 6161 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center