Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product L6 Nikon
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En N I K K O R 3 X O P T I C A L Z O O M 6 . 3 - 1 9 . 2 m m 1 : 3 . 2 - 5 . 3 The Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the.
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i Introduction Preparation for Shooting Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto ) Mode Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode More on Playba ck Recordin g and Viewing Movies Connecting to Telev isions, Co.
ii Introduction Introduction For Y our Safety To prevent damage to your Niko n product or injury to yourself or to others, read the foll owing safety precaution s in their entirety before using this equipment. Keep these safety instruct ions where all those who use the prod- uct will read them.
iii For Your Safety Introduction Observe caution when han - dling batteries Batteries may leak or explode if improperly handled. Observe the following precautions when ha n- dling batteries for use in this prod- uct: • Before replacing the batteries, turn the product off.
iv For Your Safety Introduction • Do not h andle the pl ug or battery charger with wet hands. Failure to observe this precaution could result in electric shock.
v Introduction Notices Notice for Custome rs in the U.S.A. Federal Communicatio ns Com- mission (FCC) Ra dio Frequen cy Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules.
vi Notice s Introduction Notice for Customers in Can- ada CAUTION This class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canad ian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations. ATTENTION Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le maté riel brouille ur du Canada.
vii Introduction T able of Contents Introduction ........................................... ..........................................................ii For Your Safet y .............................. .............. .................. .............. .
viii Introduction Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mo de .................. ...................................28 Scene Mode .................. ................. .............. .................. .............. .................. .. 28 Scene Assist Mode s .
ix Introduction Connecting to a Pr inter................. .................. .................. .............. ................ 66 Connecting the Ca mera and Printer ................ .............. .............. ................ 67 Printing Pict ures One at a Time .
x Introduction Technical Notes ............................................................................................106 Optional Accessories ........... .............. .................. ................. .............. ........... 106 Image/Sound File a nd Folder Names .
1 Introduction About This Manual Thank you for your purchase of a Nikon COOLPIX L6 digital camera . This manual has been written to help you enj oy taking pictures with your Nikon digital camera. Read this manual th oroughly before use, and keep it where all those who use the product will read it.
2 Introduction Information and Precautions Life-Long Learning As part of Nikon’s “Life-Long Le arning” commitment to ongoing product sup port and educa- tion, continually up dated information is available online at the following sites: • For users in th e U.
3 Information and Precautions Introduction Notice Conc erning P rohibiti on of Copyi ng or Repro duction Note that simply being in possession of materi al that has been digitally copied or reproduced by means of a scanner, digital camera or other device may be punishable by law.
4 Introduction Parts of the Camera Attaching the Camera Strap 6 . 3 - 1 9 . 2 m m 1 : 3 . 2 - 5 . 3 N I K K O R 3 X O P T I C A L Z O O M Power-on lamp ( c 10) Speaker ( c 48, 53 , 56) Self-timer lamp.
5 Parts of the Camera Introduction Monitor ( c 6) m button ( c 9) Connector cover ( c 61, 64, 67) Cable co nnector Flash lamp ( c 24) Tripod so cket Opening the connector cove r i (playback) butto n (.
6 Introduction The Monitor The following indicators may appear in the monito r during shooting and playback (actual display varies with current camera settings). Shooting * Differs according to the current shooting mode. See pages 54 and 56 for the monitor indicato rs during voice recordin g and voice playback.
7 The Monitor Introduction Playback 12:00 12:00 10.10.2006 10.10.2006 9999 9999 / 9999 9999 100NIK ON 100NIK ON 9999.JPG 9999.JPG : Star t Star t OK 1 2 3 7 11 8 5 6 4 9 12 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Current folder .......... .............. .. 107 2 File number and ty pe.
8 Introduction Basic Operations/D isplaying the Help Mode Selector Set the mode selector to the desired mode. Multi Selector In addition to activating the flash, macro-close up, and self-timer modes and functions, the multi selecto r is also used to perform the following operations.
9 Basic Operations/Displaying the Help Introduction MENU Button When m is pressed, the following menus are displayed according to the mode whic h has been select ed.
10 Preparation for Shooting Preparation for Shooting Inserting Batteries Insert the Batteries 1 Open the battery-chamber cover. • Hold the ca mera upside down to preven t the bat - teries from f alling out. 2 Insert the batte ries. • Insert the batteri es correctl y as shown at right .
11 Inserting Batteries Preparation for Shooting j Replacing Batteries Turn the camera off and make sure that th e power-on lamp and the monitor have gone out before removing or inserting batteries. j Additional Precautions Re garding Batteries • Read and follow the warnings and cautions on pages iii-iv and 109 of this manual.
12 Preparation for Shooting Setting Display Langua ge, Date, and Time A language-selection dial og is displaye d the first time the camera is turned on. 1 Turn on the camera. • The power-on la mp (green) will light fo r a moment and the mon itor will tur n on.
13 Setting Display Language, Date, and Time Preparation for Shooting 6 Press G or H to edit the day ([D]) (order of day, month, and year may differ in some areas) and press J . 7 Press G or H to edit the month ([M]) and press J . 8 Press G or H to edit year ([Y]), hour, and minutes.
14 Preparation for Shooting Inserting Memory Cards Pictures and voice recordings are stor ed in the camera’s internal memory (23 MB) or on removable Secure Digi tal (SD) memory cards (availa ble sepa- rately) ( c 106).
15 Inserting Memory Cards Preparation for Shooting Removing Memory Cards Turn the camera off and make sure that the power-on lamp and the monitor are off be fore opening the memory card slot cover. Press the memory card lightly ( ) to release it. Once released, pull the memory card out carefully ( ).
16 Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode Step1 Select L (Auto) Mo de and T ur n t he Camera On This section describes how to take pictu res in L (auto) mode, an automatic, “point-and-shoot” mode recommended fo r first-time users of digital cam- eras.
17 Step1 Select L (Auto) Mode and Turn the Camera On Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode l Indicators in L (auto) Mode l Available Functions in Auto Shooting Mode In L mode, mac ro close-up mode ( c 27) can be applied and pictures can be taken using the flash ( c 24) and self-timer ( c 26).
18 Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode Step2 Frame a Picture 1 Ready the cam era. • Hold the camera ste adily in both hands, keepin g your finge rs and other objects away f rom the lens, flash, and mi crophone.
19 Step2 Frame a Picture Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode j Digital Zoom When enlarging a picture wi th digital zoom, the slightly grainy image might be p roduced due to digital process.
20 Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode Step3 Focus and Shoot 1 Press the shutter-release butt on halfway. • The camera fo cuses on the subj ect in the center of th e focus area. When t he subject is in focus, the fo cus indicato r ( p ) is green.
21 Step3 Focus and Shoot Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode j During Recording While pictures are being recorded, the y icon will be dis played, or the M or O icon will blink. Do not turn the camera off, eject the memo ry card, or r emove or disconnect the power source while these icons are dis played.
22 Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode Step4 Viewing/Deleting Pictures Viewing Pictures: Full-Frame Playback Press i . • Press the mult i selector I (o r G ) to view pi ctures in reverse or der, J (or H ) to view pic tures in t he order recorded.
23 Step4 Viewing/Deleting Pictures Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode k Full-Frame Playback Mode The following functions are available in the full-frame playback mode. k Viewing Pictures • When the camera is off, pressing i for about one second will turn the camera on in the full-frame playback mode.
24 Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode Using the Flash The flash menu will help you to set the flash mode best suited the shooting conditions. The flash has a range of 0.3–5. 0 m (11.8 in. –16 ft. 4.9 in.) when the camera is zoomed out all the way.
25 Using the Flash Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode j When Lighting is Poor When lighting is poor and the flas h is off ( B ), the y or W icon may appear on the monitor. Note the following . • Place the camera on a flat, level surface or use a tripod (r ec- ommended).
26 Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode T aking Pictures with the Self-Timer The camera is equipped with a ten-second timer for self-portraits. When using the self-timer, mount the camera on a tripo d (recommended) or rest i t on a flat, and stable surface.
27 Basic Photography and Playback: L (Auto) Mode Macro Close-up Mode Macro close-up mode is used for taking pi ctures of objects as close as 10 cm (3.9 in.). Note that the flash may be unable to light shots entire subject at distances of less than 30 cm (11.
28 Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode Scene Mode The camera offers a choice of “assist” and “scene” modes. In these mode, camera settings are auto- matically optimized for th e selected subject type.
29 Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode Scene Assist Modes These modes offer a selection of framing assist options that al low you to compose pictures with the help of framing guides displ ayed in the monitor. Taking Pictures in Scene Assist Modes 1 Select b mode.
30 Scene Assist Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode B Portrait Assist Use this mode for portraits in which the main sub- ject stands out clearly while backgrou nd details are softened. Portrait subjects exhibit smooth, natural- looking skin tones.
31 Scene Assist Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode Taking Pictures in the Face-priority AF 1 Press the multi selector G or H to choose [Face-priority AF] in the portrait assist menu and press d . •T h e K guide is displayed. 2 Frame a picture using the K guide.
32 Scene Assist Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode E Landscape Assist Use this mode for vivid landscape s, cityscapes, and portraits featuring a landmark in the background.
33 Scene Assist Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode P Sports Assist Use this mode for dynamic action shots that freeze the action in a si ngle shot or record motion in a series of pictures. No framing guides are displa yed. P Sports While the shutt er-release button is held dow n, pictures are taken at rate of about 1.
34 Scene Assist Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode D Night Portrait Assist Use this mode to achieve a natural bal ance between the main subjec t and background lighting i n por- traits shot taken at night. This mode offers the sa me assist options as portrait assist mode ( c 30), but [Face-Priority AF] is not av ailable.
35 Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode Scene Modes Taking Pictures in Scene Modes 1 Select b mode. 2 Press m to display the scene menu. 3 Press th e multi s elector G or H to choose the scene mode and press d . • T hree pages of s cene modes are av ailable, begi n- ning with [P arty/indoo r] and ending wi th [Voice recording].
36 Scene Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode The following scene modes are availab le: C Party/indoor Captures t he effects of c andlelight and other indo or back- ground ligh ting. • Camera focuses on subject in the center of the frame . • Hold the camer a steadily to prev ent camera shak e.
37 Scene Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode l Noise Reduction Noise reduction ( c 25) may be automati cally applied as pictures taken in dus k/dawn and night landscape modes are recorded. J Dusk/dawn Preserves the colors seen in the weak natural lig ht before s un- rise or after sunse t.
38 Scene Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode N Museum Use indoors where flash ph otograph y is prohibi ted (for exam- ple, in muse ums and art gall eries) or in ot her setting s in which you do not want to us e the fla sh. • Camera focuses on subject in the center of the frame .
39 Scene Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode L Back li ght Use when light is coming fr om behind y our port rait subje ct, throwing f eatures or det ails into s hadow. The fla sh fires auto - matically to “fill-in ” (illuminate) sha dows. • Camera focuses on subject in the center of the frame .
40 Scene Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode Taking Pictures for a Panorama ( c 39) The camera focuses on the subject in the center of the fram e. Use a t ripod for best results. 1 Press th e multi s elector G or H to choose [ F Panorama assist] in the scene menu and press d .
41 Scene Modes Selecting Scene Mode: b Scene Mode 5 Press d to finalize the series. • Monitor display retu rns to that sh own in step 2. j Panorama Assist Flash mode ( c 24), self-timer ( c 26) , and macro close-up ( c 27) settings cannot be adjusted after the first picture is taken.
42 More on Playback More on Playbac k Viewing Multiple Pict ures: Thumbnail Playback Pressing j ( t ) in full-frame playback ( c 22) to display pictures in “contac t sheets” of four or nine thumbnail images.
43 More on Playback T aking a Closer Look: Playback Zoom Press k ( v ) to zoom in on still imag es displayed in full-frame playback ( c 22). Playback zoom is not available when the current picture is a movie or a copy created using the small picture option.
44 More on Playback Editing Pictur es Creating a Cropped Copy: Crop If the N : u icon is displayed in the moni tor with playback zoom enabled ( c 43), the portion of the picture curre ntly visible in the monito r can be saved as a separate file. 1 Press k ( v ) to zoom in on the image in full-frame playback ( c 22).
45 Editing Pictures More on Playback Enhancing Contrast: D-Lighting D-Lighting can be used to create copies, with enhanced bri ghtness and con- trast, of pictures af fected by backli ghting or insufficient flash lighting. 1 Press u ( d ) in full-frame playback ( c 22).
46 Editing Pictures More on Playback H Resizing Pictures: Small Picture Create a small copy of the current p ictur e. Copies are stored as JPEG files with compression ratio of 1 : 16. Choose from the following sizes: 1 Display the desired picture in full-frame playback mode ( c 22) and press m .
47 Editing Pictures More on Playback Small copies are recognized by their g ray border and the I , J , or K icon displayed during playback. Restrictions on Picture Editing The following restricti ons apply to copies c reated using crop ( c 44), D-Light- ing ( c 45), and small pi cture ( c 46).
48 More on Playback V oice Memos: Recording and Playback The camera’s built-in mi crophone can be used to rec ord voice memos for pic- tures indicated by the N : O (voice memo recording guide) icon in full-frame playback ( c 22). Recording Voice Memos Press and hold the shutte r-release button to record a voice memo.
49 Recording and Viewing Movies Recording and Viewing Movies Movie Mode Follow the instructions below to shoot movies wi th sound recorded via the built-in microphone. 1 Select T mode. • The maximum le ngth of the mo vie that can be recorded is displayed in the monit or.
50 Recording and Viewing Movies The Movie Menu Movie Options The movie menu offers the options shown below. 1 All figures ar e approximat e. Maximum movie l ength may vary de pending on typ e of memory card use d. 2 To prevent TV mov ie 640 A from endin g unexpecte dly, use card rated for 10 MB/ s.
51 The Movie Menu Recording and Viewing Movies Auto-Focus Mode Choose how th e camera focuses in movie mode. Applying Movie Setting 1 Select T mode. 2 Press m . • The movie menu is d isplayed. 3 Press the multi selector G or H to choose [Movie options] or [Aut o-focus mode] and press d .
52 The Movie Menu Recording and Viewing Movies 4 Press G or H to choose the desired set- ting and press d . • The setti ng is enable d and the movie menu is dis- played.
53 Recording and Viewing Movies Movie Playback In full-frame playback ( c 22), movies are recog- nized by the S i c o n . T o p l a y a m o v i e , d i s p l a y i t i n full-frame playback and press d . Use t ( j )/ v ( k ) to adjust playback volume.
54 Voice Recording Voice Recording Making a V oice Recording Voice recordings of about 50 minutes in th e memory or up to five hours on the memory card ( 256 MB or more) a re available. 1 Select b mode. 2 Press m to display the scene menu. 3 Press the multi selector G or H to choose [ O Voice recording] and press d .
55 Makin g a Voic e Reco rding Voice Recording j Notes on Voice recording • Do not touch the microphone duri ng voice recording. • Voice recording is not pos sible if the intern al memory/memory card has less than ten sec- onds of recording time available, or the battery charge is insuffic ient.
56 Voice Recording Playing V oice Record ings 1 Press the multi selector G or H to choose [ O Vo ice recording] in the scene menu and press d . • The voi ce reco rding scre en is d isplayed. • For informat ion on using the mul ti selector, see “Multi Select or” ( c 8).
57 Playing Voice Recordings Voice Recording Volume can be adjusted with t ( j )/ v ( k ) during playback . Playback con- trols are displayed at the top of the monitor. Press I or J to choose a con- trol, then press d to perform the selected operation.
58 Voice Recording Copying V oice Recordings This option is used to transfer voi ce recordings from the camera’s internal memory to the memory card, or vice versa.
59 Copying Voice Recordings Voice Recording 4 Press G or H to choose a voice record- ing and press J . • Selected da ta will be mark ed with y . • Repeat th is step until all desired recording s are selected. • To cancel th e selectio n, choose t he voice reco rding again and pr ess J and y turns off.
60 Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Connectin g to Televisio ns, Computers, an d Printers You can connect your camera to your te levision, computer, or printer to vie w pictures you have taken.
61 Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Connecting to a TV Connect the camera to a te levision using the audio/video (A/V ) cable to play back pictures on the televi sion. 1 Turn the camera off. 2 Connect the A/V cable. • Connect t he yellow pl ug to the v ideo-in ja ck on the TV, a nd the whit e plug to the audio- in jack.
62 Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Connecting to a Computer Use the USB cable and PictureProject so ftware supplied with your came ra to copy (transfer) pictures to a computer. Before Connecting the Camera Installing PicturePro ject Before transferring pictures or movies to a computer, PictureProject must be installed.
63 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Setting the USB Option Set the USB option ( c 102) in the setup men u on the camera befo re con- necting the camera to the computer or printer. 1 Press m . 2 Press the multi selector G or H to choose [Set up] and p ress d .
64 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Transferring Pictures to a Computer 1 Turn on a computer to which Pi ctureProject has been installed. 2 Turn the camera off and conn ect the USB cable as shown below. 3 Turn the camera on.
65 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers 5 Disconnect the camera on ce transfer is complete. • If the USB op tion is set to [PTP] Turn the ca mera off an d disconn ect the US B cable.
66 Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Connecting to a Printer Users of PictBridge-compatible ( c 121) printers can connect the camera directly to the printer and print pi ctures without using a computer.
67 Connecting to a Printer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Connecting the Camera and Printer 1 Set the USB opti on ( c 63) to [PTP]. 2 Turn the camera off. 3 Turn the printer on. • Check print er settings . 4 Connect the USB cable as sho wn below.
68 Connecting to a Printer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Printing Pictures One at a Time After connecting the camera to the printer correctly ( c 67), print pictures by following the pro cedure below. 1 Press the mu lti selec tor G , H , I , or J to choose a pic ture and press d .
69 Connecting to a Printer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers 5 Press G or H to choose the desired paper size and press d . • To specify paper size using print er settings , choose [Default ] in the paper s ize menu and pr ess d . 6 Press G or H to choose [Start print] and press d .
70 Connecting to a Printer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers 2 Press the multi selector G or H to choose [Paper size] and press d . • For informat ion on using the mul ti selector, see “Multi Select or” ( c 8). 3 Press G or H to choose the desired paper size and press d .
71 Connecting to a Printer Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers 5 Choose the pictures and nu mber of cop- ies (up to 9) of each and press d . • T he current pi cture is sho wn at the cen ter of the monitor display . • Press I or J to choo se the previo us or next pic - ture.
72 Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers Creating a DPOF Print Or der: Print Set The [Print set] option in the playback menu is used to create digita l “print orders” for printing on DPOF-compatible devices ( c 121) or at a digital photo lab which supports DPOF .
73 Creating a DPOF Print Order: Print Set Connecting to Televisions, Computers, an d Printers 5 Set the da te and in fo optio ns. Press G or H to choose an opti on, and pr ess d to turn y on and enable that opt ion. To turn y off, press d again. • [Date]: Pri nt the date of rec ording on all pictures in print orde r.
74 Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu The following options are availabl e in the shooting menu. * See the infor mation on res trictions that may apply to [White bala nce], [Conti nuous], [BSS], and [C olor Options ] settings ( c 82).
75 Shooting Options: T he Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Z Image Mode Pictures taken with a digital camera are recorded as image files. The size of the files, and the number of images that can be recorded with it, depend on the size and quality of the images.
76 Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus k Image Mode/Number of Exposures Remaining The following table lists the number o f pictures th at can be stored in int ernal memory and on a 256 MB memory card, and the size of sti ll pictures with it.
77 Shooting Options: T he Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus d White Balance Adjust white balance b ased on the light source to give pictures the most real istic colors possible .
78 Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus f Preset White Balance Preset white balance is used wi th mixed lighting or to compensate for l ight sources with a strong color cast (for ex ample, to make pic tures taken under a lamp with a red shade look as though they ha d been taken under white light).
79 Shooting Options: T he Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus I Exp. +/- The EXP. +/- (exposure compensati on) menu is used to adjust the exposu re for very dark or very bright subjects. Exposure can be adjusted in the range -2.0 to +2.0 EV.
80 Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus q Continuous Capture a fleeting expression on a portrait subject, photograph a subject that is moving unpred ictably, or capture motion in a series of pictures. At setting other than [Single], focus, Exp.
81 Shooting Options: T he Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus A BSS The “best shot selector” is recommend ed when shooting with the flash off or the camera zoomed in, or in other situations in wh ich inadvertent motion can result in bl urred pictures.
82 Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Restrictions on Camera Settings Restrictions apply to the following settings in L mode: Flash mode Flash turns off at [Co ntinuous] settings ot her than [Single] o r when [BS S] is on.
83 Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Playback Options: The Playback Menu The following options are availabl e in the playback menu. Displaying The Playback Menu Display a picture by pressing i and press m to di splay the playback menu. • To choose menus and apply selection, use th e multi selector ( c 8).
84 Playback Options: The Playback Men u Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Navigating the Menu s Use the multi selector to navigate camera menus. To select multiple pictures for a print set ( c 72), .
85 Playback Options: The Playback Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus z Slide Show Play pictures back in a n automated “slide sh ow” with a three-second inte rval between pictures. When the [Show date] option is selected, pictures in the internal memory or on the memory card are sorted and played back by the recording date.
86 Playback Options: The Playback Men u Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus 3 Slide show begins. • When the re cording dat e is selected , the slide sho w begins fro m pictures recorded on t he specif ied date and pictu res are pla yed back in t he order of the recording.
87 Playback Options: The Playback Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus A Delete The delete menu co ntains the options shown below. I f n o m e m o r y c a r d i s i n serted in the camera, pic- tures in the inte rnal me mory will be deleted. If a memory card is inserted, pictures on the mem- ory card will be dele ted.
88 Playback Options: The Playback Men u Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus E Transfer Marking When the camera is connected to a computer via the supplied USB cable and E ( d ) is pressed to transfer pictures, only pi ctures marked with the E icon are transferred ( c 64).
89 Playback Options: The Playback Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus L Copy Copy pi ctures be tween th e internal memory and a memory card. The options of this menu allows you to copy the specified pictures or all pictures in the internal memory or on the memory card.
90 Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu The following options are availabl e in the setup menu. R Menus c 91 Choose how menus are displayed. V Welcome scre en c 92 Select scre en displaye d when camera is tu rned on. W Date c 93 Set camera cl ock and choose home a nd destinatio n time zones.
91 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Displaying The Setup Menu Choose [Set up] in the shooting menu ( c 74), scene menu ( c 28), movi e menu ( c 50), or pl ayback menu ( c 83) and press d to display the setup menu.
92 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus V Welcome Screen You can select the welcome screen to be displayed when the camera is turned on. k When “Select an image” is Selected If you have already selected a welcome screen picture, you can select a new one by f ollowing the confirmation dialog.
93 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus W Date Set the camera clock and cho ose home and travel destination time zones. Setting Travel Destination Time Zone 1 Press the multi selector G or H to choose [Time Zone] and press d .
94 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus 4 Press I or J to choose the travel desti- nation time zone and press d . • The settin g is enable d.
95 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus l Time Zones The camera supports the time zones list ed below. Increments of less than one hour are not supported; when travel.
96 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Z Monitor Settings The following options are availabl e: Photo Info The following display options are availab le: l Photo Info See “The Monitor” for information on indicators in the monitor ( c 6).
97 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus f Date Imprint Date and time of recording can be imprinted on pictures for printing t his information from printers that are not DPOF-compatible ( c 1 21). At settings other than [Off], the option selected i s recognized by an i con in the monitor during shooting ( c 6).
98 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Date Counter Pictures taken while this option i s in effect are imprinte d with the number of days remaining until, or the number of days el apsed since a specified date. Use it to track the growth of a child or count down the days until a birthday or wedding.
99 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus h Sound Settings Adjust the following sound settings: h Blur Warning Choose whether or not the blur warning i s dis- played ( c 25). Note that the warning may not always be displayed ( c 116).
100 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus i Auto Off Choose the time allowed to elapse before the cam- era enters standby mode to save power. The cam- era will turn off automati cally if no operations are performed for three minutes after entering standby mode.
101 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus M Format Memory/ O Format Card Use this option to format the inte rnal memory or memory card. Formatting the Internal Memory To format the internal memory, remove the mem- ory card from the camera.
102 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus j Language Choose one of twenty languages for display of camera menus and messages.
103 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus n Reset All This option restores the following setti ngs to their default values: Basic Photogra phy Scene mode Movie menu Sh.
104 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus Setup menu Other s • Choosing [Reset] also clears the current file number ( c 107) from mem- ory. Numbering will continue from the lowest number available. To reset file numbering to “00 01,” delete al l pictures ( c 87) before selecting [Reset].
105 Basic Camera Setup: The Setup Menu Shooting, Playback, and Setup Menus g Battery Type To ensure that the came ra shows th e correct bat - tery level ( c 16), choose the type that matches the batteries currently in use. B Firmware Version View the current camera firmware version.
106 Technical Notes Technical Notes Optional Accessories At the time of writing, the following optional accessories were availabl e for the COOLPIX L6.
107 Technical Notes Image/Sound File and Folder Names Pictures, movies, and voice memos are assigned file names with three parts: a four letter identifier, a four-digit fi le number a ssigned automatically b y the camera in ascending order, and a three-letter extension (e.
108 Technical Notes Caring for the Camera To ensure continued enjoyment of this Nikon produ ct, observe the following precautions when using or storing the devi ce. j Handle the lens and all m oving parts with care Do not apply force to the lens, lens cover, mo nitor, memory card slot, or battery chamber.
109 Caring for the Camera Technical Notes k Batteries • Check the battery level when taking the camera out and replace the batteries if necessary ( c 16). If possible, carry spare batteries when taki ng pictures on important occasio ns. • Battery capacity tends to decr ease on cold days.
110 Caring for the Camera Technical Notes Storage Turn the camera off when not in use. Check that the po wer-on lamp is off before putting the camera away.
111 Technical Notes Error Messages The following table lists the erro r messages and other warnings displ ayed in the monitor, as well as the so lutions for dealing with them. Display Prob lem Solution c S (blinks) Clock not set. Set clock. 93 Batteries ru nning low.
112 Error Messages Technical Notes Out of memory M or O Memory card is f ull. • Choose smalle r image size. • Delete pi ctures or v oice recordings . • Insert ne w memory card or remove mem- ory card an d use inter- nal memory. 28, 75 22, 48, 57, 87 14, 15 Image cannot be saved M or O Error occur red while recordin g picture.
113 Error Messages Technical Notes File contains no image data r File not cre ated with COOLPIX L6. View file on computer or other devi ce. — This file cannot be played back . O This imag e cannot b e deleted r Picture is protecte d. Remov e protec tion.
114 Error Messages Technical Notes Transfer erro r E Transfer er ror. • Check bat tery level. • Check th at USB cable i s connected. 16 62 System error u Error has occurred in camera’s inte rnal cir- cuitry. Turn camera of f, remove and reinsert ba tteries, and turn camera on .
115 Technical Notes T roubleshooting If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common prob- lems below before consulting your reta iler or Niko n repr esentative. Refer to the page numbers in the right-mos t column for more information.
116 Trouble shootin g Technical Notes Camera cann ot focus u sing auto - focus • Subject is low in contr ast, dominat ed by repeati ng geometri c patterns, cov - ers too smal l an area of the f rame, or contains man y fine deta ils, obje cts of sharply diff ering brig htness, or ob jects at differen t distances from the cam- era.
117 Troubleshooting Technical Notes Flash does not fire Fl ash is off . Note that flash tu rns off automaticall y in T mode and some scene modes, or when opti on other than [Single] is selected for [Conti nuous], or [BSS] is on.
118 Trouble shootin g Technical Notes j Electronically Controlled Cameras In extremely rare instances, unusual character s may appear in the monitor and the camer a may stop functioning. In mos t cases, this ph enomenon is caused by a strong extern al static charge.
119 Technical Notes Specifications Nikon COOLPIX L6 Di gital Camera Type Compact digita l camera Effective p ixels 6.0 million CCD 1/2.5-in . CCD; total pix els: 6.
120 Specifications Technical Notes * Based on Camera a nd Imaging Pr oducts Assoc iation (CI PA) standard s for measuri ng the life of ca mera batterie s. Measured at 25 °C (77 °F); z oom adjusted with each shot, flas h fired with eve ry other sho t, image mo de set to [ c Normal(2816)].
121 Specifications Technical Notes Supported Standards • DCF : De si g n Ru le f or C a me r a F i le S ys t em i s a standard widely us ed in the digital camera industry to ensure compatib ility among diffe rent makes of camera.
122 Technical Notes Index Symbols t ( j ) button 18, 27 j ( t ) button 42, 43, 44 v ( k ) button 18, 27 k ( v ) button 42, 43, 44 v ( l ) button 9 m button 5, 9, 91 d button 5, 8 J (flash) button 5, 2.
123 Index Technical Notes enhancing contrast 45 resizing pictures 46 EH-65A 60 , 106 Exif version 2.2 121 Exp. +/- 79 Exposure compensation, see Exp. +/- F Face-priority AF 31 File names 107 Fireworks.
124 Index Technical Notes PictBridge 66, 121 Playback full-frame playback 22 thumbnail payback 42 viewing pictures 23 Playback menu 83 Power saving 11 Power switch 4, 10 Power-on lamp 4, 10 Print set .
Printed in Belgium YP6G01(11) 6MA20811-- No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORA TION.
An important point after buying a device Nikon L6 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nikon L6 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nikon L6 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nikon L6 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nikon L6 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nikon L6, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nikon L6.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nikon L6. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nikon L6 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center