Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product COOLPIX 5100 Nikon
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( En ) The Guide t o Digit al Phot ography with the DIGITAL CAM ERA Prin ted in Jap an Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4I0 53001 01(11 ) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0 4811- - No reprodu.
Tr ad emar k In for mati on Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Mac OS , Power Ma cintosh, PowerBook, a nd Quick Time ar e registered trade marks of Apple C omputer, Inc. Find er, Power Mac, iMa c, and iBook are tra demarks of Apple Com puter, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered tradem arks of M icrosoft Corporation.
i Noti ces/For Y our Safe ty For Your Safety To prevent dama g e to your Nikon pr oduct or injury to yours elf or to others, read the fol lowing safety precauti ons in their ent irety before usi ng this equipment. Keep these safety ins tructions where all those who use the product will read them.
ii Noti ces/For Y our Safe ty • Do not expose batt eries to flam e or to excessive heat. • Do no t i mm ers e in or ex po se to wa ter . • Do not transpor t or stor e wi th m etal objects such as neckl aces or hairpins. • Batteries are prone to leakage when fully discharged .
iii Noti ces/For Y our Safe ty Cautions To e nsur e co ntin ued en joyme nt o f you r Nik on pro duct , ob serv e the f oll ow ing pr ecau ti ons whe n stor ing or us ing th e devi ce: Keep dry The d evice will be damaged if im merse d in wat er or subj ecte d to high levels of m oistur e.
iv Noti ces/For Y our Safe ty Notices • No part of the man uals incl u ded with this pr oduct may be rep rod uced, trans - m itted, transcribed, stored in a retri ev a l system, or tr anslated into any lan guage in any form, by any means, wi thout Nikon 's prior w ritten permi ssion.
v Noti ces/For Y our Safe ty No tice for custo mers in C anada CAUTION This class B digital apparatus meets al l requir ements of the Canadian Interfer- ence Causing Equipment Regulations. AT TENTIO N Cet a ppareil n umériqu e de la classe B re- specte toutes les exige nces du Règlement sur le m até riel br ouilleur du C ana da.
vi Noti ces/For Y our Safe ty B efore Tak ing Im po rtan t Pict ures Bef ore taking picture s on impo rtant oc casions (s uch as at wed dings or b efore taki ng t he came ra wit h y ou on a tr ip), tak e a t e s t shot to ensu re that th e c amer a is fu nction ing nor mally.
vii Table of contents Fo r Your Saf ety .... ..... ...... ...... .... ..... .... ...... ...... ..... .... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... ..... i Ca utions .. ...... ...... ....... ...... .... .... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... ..
viii The Shooti ng Menu ........ ............ ............. ............. ............. ....... 6 1 Using the Shooting Menu ........................... .......................................... ........ 61 Ima ge Mode ... .... ....... ...... ...... .
1 Bef ore You Begi n Befor e Yo u Begin Introduction Tha nk yo u for y our p urchase of a Nikon COOL PIX5100 (E51 00) digi tal ca mera. Thi s ma nua l has be en w rit ten t o hel p yo u enjo y tak ing p ict ures wit h yo ur N ik on dig ital camer a. Read t his ma nual thoro ughly be fore use , and kee p it handy whe n usin g the pr oduct.
2 Bef ore You Begi n Parts of the Cam era Shut ter-relea se button ( Q 7) Power swit ch ( Q 12) Viewfinde r ( Q 18 ) Built -in Speedlight ( Q 24) Self-timer lamp ( Q 26)/ Red-e ye reduc tion lam p ( Q.
3 Part s of the Ca mer a Bef ore You Begi n Zo om ( l / O ) buttons ( Q 18) Red ( ! ) lamp ( Q 20) Monit or ( Q 5 , 18) Battery- chamber cove r ( Q 8) Mode dia l ( Q 6) US B conne ctor ( Q 46) Audio /.
4 Bef ore You Begi n The Monitor Shooting 1 Sho oting mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 12 Date cou nter/ sto red d ate n umbe r . . . . . . . . . . 88 2 AE-L 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 3 Fo cus i ndic ator . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 The M onitor Bef ore You Begi n Playback Controlling the Mo nitor To hide or dis play indica tors in th e monit or, select the Moni tor sett ings op ti on i n th e SET -UP me nu. ( Q 86) Moni tor tu rns of f while f lash is char ging ( Q 20) . 8 10 2005 2 0 0 5 .
6 Bef ore You Begi n The Mode Dial U sing the mode dial, you can sel ect fr om se ven sh ooting mode s and se tup m ode. C hoose a sho oting mo de ac cordin g to sho oting co nditio ns. To se lect a mode , align the m ode icon w ith t he " _ " mark next t o the m ode dial .
7 Bef ore You Begi n Navigating the M enus T he m u lti s ele ct or i s u sed to na vig ate thro ug h t he c am era me nu s. Y our cam era ha s a two s tage shut ter-r elease b utton. The ca mera se ts fo cus and exp osur e when th e button is press ed half way.
8 Fi rst St eps Fir st Step s Inserting Batterie s Your cam era uses : • Nikon EN-MH1 r e charg eable n ickel-meta l hydr ide (NiMH) bat teries (×2), o r • LR6 (AA) alk aline batt eries (× 2), o.
9 Inserting Batteries Fi rst St eps Replac ing Batte ries Turn the ca mera off a nd make sure tha t the power-on la mp has gone ou t before removin g or in- serting batteries. Read Ba ttery War nings Read and follow a ll warnings and instruct ions supp lied by the batt ery manuf acturer .
10 Fi rst St eps Inserting Memory Cards Pic tures can b e stor ed in the cam era 's intern al memor y (about 14.5 MB) or on Se- cure Digita l (SD) memory c a r d .
11 I nsert ing Memory Card s Fi rst St eps For matting Memory Cards Memory cards must be fo rm atted before first use. For information on forma tting m emory ca rds, see "The Setup M enu: Format me mory/card" ( Q 93). Remov ing Memory Card s Memory cards ca n be remove d without lo s s of data wh en the camera is off.
12 Fi rst St eps Checking the Batt ery Level Turn the camera on • Press the power switch. The powe r-on lamp will light. Rotate the mode d i al to a se tting other than f . Check the battery leve l in the m onitor • W hen th e cam era i s tu rned on f or th e first t i m e, a la nguage selec tion di alog wil l be dis play ed.
13 Check ing the Bat tery L evel Fi rst St eps Tu rnin g the Cam er a Of f To turn the camera off, press the power switch when the power-on lamp is lit. Do not remove the batteries or dis connect the EH-62B AC adapter until the powe r-on lamp has gone out.
14 Fi rst St eps Basic Setup The first tim e the camera is tur ned on, a language-selection dialog will be displayed in the monitor. Follow the steps below to c hoose a language and set t he time and date.
15 Ba si c Se tup Fi rst St eps Setting the Clock from Pictur eProject (Windows XP/Mac OS X Only) If the c ame ra is co nnected with the USB opti on set to PTP ( Q 45), PictureProject (i n c lude d) can be used to set the cam era clock to t he sa me tim e and dat e as the com pute r.
16 Basic P hotography Basic Photo graphy Step 1 - Select P Mode This se ction deta ils the basi c s teps involv e d i n t aking pi ctures in P (a uto) mode .
17 Step 1 - S elec t P Mode Basic P hotography Numb er of Exposures Re maining If the number of exposures rema i n ing is zero, the message "OU T OF ME MORY" will be dis played in the monitor.
18 Basic P hotography Step 2 - Frame t he Picture Re ady the c am era Hold the camera steadily in both han ds . Phot o- graphs can be framed in the monitor or the view - finder.
19 St ep 2 - F rame the Pict ure Basic P hotography Digital Zoom In digital zoom, data from the camera's image sensor ar e processed digitally, enla rging the center portion of the picture to fill the frame. U nlike opt ical z oom, digital zoom does not increase the amount of detail visibl e in the p icture.
20 Basic P hotography Step 3 - Focus and Shoot Focus Press the shutter-relea se button halfw ay to set fo- cus and exposure. In P mode, the camera will automatic all y focus on the subject at the c enter of the fram e. Focus a nd exposure will lock whi le the shutter- release button is pressed halfw ay.
21 Step 3 - F ocus an d Sho ot Basic P hotography During Re cording While pictur es are being recorded to the memory or memory card, the green (AF) lamp blinks, and the < icon lig hts or the memory icon } / / blinks. You can continue to take pictures until the < icon is displa yed.
22 Basic P hotography Step 4 - View the Results (Full-screen Playback Mode) Press the x bu tton Vi ew pict ure s in the m onit or To view additional pictur es, press the m ulti selec- tor down or right to view pictures in the order re- corded, up or l eft to v iew pictu res in reverse order.
23 Ste p 4 - View th e Results (Full-sc reen Play back M ode) Basic P hotography Deleting Yo ur Last Sho t At any time during shooting, you ca n press the u button to delete the last picture taken. The confirmation dial og shown at right will be displayed.
24 More on Photography More on Photogra phy When Lighting Is P oor: Using the Fla sh The following flash modes are available: To select the flash m ode: Di sp la y fla sh - mo de m en u. High light de sired m ode (to exit w ithou t changi ng m ode, wait two seco nds o r pres s the mul ti selec tor to lef t).
25 Wh en L ighting Is Poor: Using the Fl ash More on Photography Sensitivity ( ISO Equivalenc y) "Sensitivity" is a measure of how quickly the camera responds to l ight. Your Nikon digital ca mera normally has a sensitivit y roughly equi valent to film with an ISO 50 rating.
26 More on Photography Taking a Self-Po rtrait: Using the Sel f-Timer Wh en th e sel f-time r is on , pi ctures are taken ten se con ds aft er th e shu tter-r elease but ton i s pr esse d.
27 More on Photography Easy Close-ups: Macro Close-up Mode Ma cro c lose-u p mod e is use d for taking close- up sh ots of s mall o bjects at ve ry shor t dis tanc es ( minim um 4 cm/1.6 ″ ). Di spl ay ma cro clo se- up me nu. Exit menu. & icon ap pears in monitor when camer a is in macro close-up.
28 More on Photography Assist and Scene M odes Your Niko n digital camer a offer s a choi ce of fo ur "a ssist" an d ele ven "sce ne" modes. In these mode s, ca mera se ttin gs are au toma tical ly optimi zed for t h e se- le cted sub ject ty pe, sp ari ng y ou the ne cessi ty of adj usti ng set ting s one- by-o ne.
29 More on Photography Framing Assist The four a ssist mo des offe r a selec tion of fr aming ass ist opt ions th at allow you to compo se pictu res with the help of fr aming guid es dis played i n th e moni tor. To use fr aming assis t, rota te the mo de dial to the de sire d mode and follow the steps bel ow.
30 Framing Ass ist More on Photography i Portra it Assist i ( portr ait assi st) mode h elps you f rame portr ait s i n whic h the main s ubject st ands out cl early while backgr ound det ails are sof tened, l ending the c omposit ion a s ense of dep th (t he degr ee of so ften ing depends on the amo unt of li ght a vail- abl e).
31 Frami ng As si st More on Photography N L andscape Assi st N (l andsca pe as si st) mode help s you fr ame vi vid l ands cape shot s that en hance outl ines, colo rs, and co ntra st. A fr aming assi st men u help s y ou fra me not on ly natur al land scape s b ut also city scapes and po rtrait s hots featur ing a la ndma rk in the bac kground .
32 Framing Ass ist More on Photography j S port s As sist j (spor ts ass ist) mo d e i s used fo r dynami c action sh ots tha t cap ture m ovi ng object s. T he assist m enu lets yo u fr eeze the act ion in a sing le sho t or rec ord m otion i n a series o f pic- ture s.
33 Frami ng As si st More on Photography m Night Portrait Ass i st m (night por trait as sist) m ode is use d fo r ta king po rtrait shot s at n ig ht, when it pr ovid es a na tura l bala nce be tween the ma in sub ject and the ba ckgr ound.
34 More on Photography e Scene Mode e (sc ene) mode of fer s a menu of ele ven "sce nes, " each cor respond ing to a c omm o n sit uatio n, suc h as a b acklit s ubject , su nset, or i nt erior shot .
35 e Scen e Mode More on Photography The fo llowi ng sc enes are ava ilab le: * Other mode s can be selec ted. B Party/Indoor Us e for sho ts that include details of the ba ckground, or to ca pture the effects of candleligh t and other ind oor backgroun d lighting.
36 e Scen e Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be selec ted. F Ni ght land sca pe A s low shu tter speed is u sed to produc e stunning night land- scape s.
37 e Scen e Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be selec ted. H Fireworks show Slow shut ter speeds are used to capture the expa nding burst o f li ght fr om a fir e work. The came ra r e s ponds mo re r apidly to th e shu tter -rele ase bu tton, ensurin g that you can ca ptur e the start of the b urst.
38 e Scen e Mode More on Photography * Other mode s can be selec ted. To use pan orama assist, follow the step s b el o w. Highlight K (Panoram a assis t), and press the center of the multi selector. Pan direction displayed in greenish yellow. Select how pictures will be joined to- gether in c ompleted panorama .
39 e Scen e Mode More on Photography Compose the next shot to overlap with the previous picture. Make se lection. To chang e selected p an direction, press a (the center of t he multi selector) and repe at steps 3–4. Pan direction displayed in w hite.
40 More o n Playbac k More on P layback Viewing Pictures on the Camera Viewi n g Multiple Picture s: Thumbnail Play back Pres sing the l ( W ) butt on in full-scr een play back disp lays t h e pict ures in th e memory or o n the memo ry car d in "cont act shee ts" of four thu mbna il image s.
41 Viewi ng Pictures on the Cam era More o n Playbac k Taking a Closer Look: Playback Zoom Us e the O ( T ) butto n to zoom in on s till image s dis- played in full-sc reen playback . While the picture is zoo med in , you can s ave a cropped copy o f th e pic- tur e th at co ntains onl y the p orti on of the image visi - ble in the mo nito r.
42 More o n Playbac k Cropping Pictures Thi s optio n lets you crop pa rt of a pict ure and s ave it as a sepa rate file . Zoom picture in and out. Scroll pict ure. Repeat s teps 1 and 2 until desired portion of image is displayed in monitor. Confirmation dialog displayed.
43 More o n Playbac k Voice Memos: Reco rding and Playba ck Usin g the c amera’s micr ophone , you can re cord a voice memo by pressing the shutte r-release button while a p icture with the . @ icon is d isp laye d in full- sc re en p layb ack ( Q 22).
44 More o n Playbac k Viewing Pictures on TV Us ing t he E G - CP14 a udi o/v id eo (A V) c abl e i ncl uded wit h you r ca mera, you c an conne ct th e came ra to a t elevisi o n or vi deo-c ass ette reco rder ( V CR ). Choos ing a Video Mod e The Vide o mod e option in the SET-UP menu offers a choice of NTSC and PAL standards ( Q 94).
45 More o n Playbac k Viewing Pictures on a Computer Usin g the UC- E6 USB cabl e and Pic tureProj ect so ftware provided with you r camera, yo u can view yo ur pho tog ra phs an d mo vies on a c om pute r. Bef or e you c an tr an sfer (copy) pictures to your computer, you will need to in stall PictureProject.
46 Viewing Pictures on a Compu ter More o n Playbac k Connec ting the USB Cable T urn t he com pu ter o n a nd wait fo r it to s tar t up. Af ter con fir min g th at th e c am- era is off, c onnect t he UC-E6 USB cab le as shown below . Conn ect the camera direc tly to t he compu ter; do no t conn ect the ca ble via a U SB hub or key boar d.
47 Viewing Pictures on a Comp uter More o n Playbac k Disconnect ing the C a me ra If PTP is sele cted fo r the USB opti on, y ou can tu rn th e camer a off a nd di scon nec t th e USB c able once tran sfer is compl ete.
48 More o n Playbac k Printing Pictures Pi ctur es sto red in the memo ry o r on the me mory card ca n be printe d in t h e s ame wa y as p ict ures ta ken w ith a film c ame ra .
49 Prin ting Pi ctures More o n Playbac k Highlight Print set . Display op tions. Highlight Print selected . Pictures on memory c ard di splayed as thumbnail im ages. Highlight picture. Select highlighted picture. Selected pic- tures m arked by d icon.
50 Prin ting Pictur es More o n Playbac k Use the m ulti selector to specify number of prints (up to 9). To deselect picture, press the m ulti selector down un til icon disappears. Repeat steps 5 -7 to select additional pictures. To exit without alte r- ing print or der, press ^ butt on.
51 Prin ting Pi ctures More o n Playbac k Prin t Set If you display the PR INT SET menu after creatin g a print order, the Date and Info options will be reset. "D ate" If Date is se lected, the date of recordin g will appear on picture s printed using DPOF.
52 More o n Playbac k Printing Via Dire ct USB Connection You r camer a all ow s pi ctur es to be prin ted di rect ly fr om t he cam era usin g Pict - Brid ge.
53 Printing Via Direct USB Con nection More o n Playbac k Highlight Prin t sel ecti on . * Display selec tion dialog. * To pri nt on e co py of a ll pic tu res o n m emory c ard, highligh t Pri nt all im- ages and press the multi selector t o right. Scroll through pictures.
54 Printing Via Direct U SB Connection More o n Playbac k Display c onfirmat ion dialog. Pr ess the mult i sele ct or up or down to highlight option, press a (the center of the multi selector) to select.
55 Printing Via Direct USB Con nection More o n Playbac k Display confirmati on dialog. Press the multi se lec tor up o r down to h i gh light option, press a (the center of the mul ti s elector) to select. • Sele ct Star t pri nt to start printing.
56 Movies Movi es W Recording Movie s Mo vies ca n be r ecord ed with s ound r ecor ded v ia the c amera' s built- in micr o- phon e. Rotate the m ode dia l to W Turn the camera on The m onitor shows the length of the movie tha t can be recorded.
57 W Reco rding Mo vies Movies The ty pe of mov ie recor ded ca n be selec ted fro m the followin g options: *1 To tal rec ordi ng t ime shown i s ap prox i mate. Ti me may var y de pendi ng o n ty pe of memor y c ard used . Flash M ode Selection in W Mode The flash tur ns off ( $ ) automatic ally when movie mode is sele cted.
58 W Reco rding M ovies Movies Highlight Movie options . Display op tions. Highlight mode.* * To exit wi thout ch angi ng mode, pre ss ME NU butt on. Make selection.† † To ret urn to MO VIE me nu afte r making sele ction, pre ss multi se lector to left.
59 W Reco rding Mo vies Movies The movi e menu als o i n c ludes th e followin g fo cus optio ns: To ch oose a foc us optio n from the M OVIE me nu: Highlight Aut o-foc us m ode . Display op tions. Highlight desire d focus mode. Mak e selec tion. Return to shooting mode.
60 Movies Viewing Movies In full-s creen playback mode ( Q 22), m ovies can be played with s ound. Movies ar e indicated by a W icon and can be viewed by pr essing a (the center of the multi selector).
61 The Shoo ting Menu The Sh ooting Menu Using the Shooting Menu In P (auto) mo de, the fo llowing set tings can be adjusted fr o m the SHOOTING menu: In P ( auto) mode, t he SHOOTING menu is disp layed when t he MENU b u tton is pr esse d. To make a s e lec tion from th e SHOOTING menu: Display SHOOTING menu.
62 Using the Sh ooting Menu The Shoo ting Menu Highlight m enu item. Highlight option ( to return to previous step, p ress the mu lti selector to left). Display op tions. Make se l ect i on. To e xit menu and retu rn to shooting m ode, press ^ button.
63 The Shoo ting Menu Image Mode Image mode Pic ture s ta ken w ith a di gita l cam era a re re cord ed as im age files . The size o f th e fi les, a nd with it the n um- ber of ima g e s that ca n be rec ord ed in the memory o r on th e mem ory card, de pen ds on the s ize an d qualit y of the imag es.
64 Image M ode The Shoo ting Menu The followi ng t able sho ws the appr oxima te numb er of pictures that can be stor ed in the me mory or o n 128 - a n d 25 6-meg abyt e memor y car d s at di fferent im age mo de se ttings . * All figur es are approx imate.
65 The Shoo ting Menu White Balance White balance The color o f the light ref lected from an obje ct varies with the col or of the l igh t sour ce. T he human b rain is able t o adapt to such changes .
66 Wh it e Ba la nce The Shoo ting Menu Preset White B alance Pr eset whi te ba lanc e is u sed whe n sho otin g unde r mix ed ligh ting or t o com pensat e for li ght sou rces w ith a st ron g col or ca st (f or ex ample , t o make pict ures t ak- en un der a la mp with a red shade look as thou gh the y had been t aken under white l ight).
67 The Shoo ting Menu Exp. +/- Exp. +/- The Exp . +/- (ex posure c omp ensati on) me nu is used to al ter expos ure from t he value sugges ted by the cam era, m aking pictur es brig hter or darker. Expo sure can be ad justed in the r ange - 2.0 to + 2.
68 The Shoo ting Menu Continuous Continuous U se the opt ions in th is men u to capt ure a fle eting ex - pre ssion on a p ortrait subject , phot ograp h a subj ect tha t is mov ing un predic tably, or captur e moti on in a ser ies o f pic tures.
69 The Shoo ting Menu Best Shot Selecto r BSS Wh en th e "Bes t Sh ot Se lector" ( BSS) is on , the c am- er a tak es pi ctur es as long as th e shutt er-re leas e but- ton is held dow n, to a maxim um o f ten.
70 The Shoo ting Menu Color Options Color options Us e the opti ons in this m enu to add s peci al ef fec ts t o you r pictur es. Ther e are f ive spec ial effe cts to ch oose from. • The e f f ect you cho ose i s r efl ected in the picture dis- play ed in the m onit or .
71 The Play b a ck Menu The P laybac k Menu Using the Playba ck Menu The PLAYBAC K MENU co ntains the follow ing option s: To d ispla y th e PLA YBCK MENU: Displ ay the PLAYBA CK M ENU.
72 The Play b a ck Menu Slide Show Slide show Thi s option is used to play pictu res back in a n autom ated "s lide show " wi th abo ut t hree second s be tween e ach pi cture.
73 The Play b a ck Menu Delete Delete The dele te menu contai ns the fo llowing optio ns: If no memory card is inse rted in the came ra, picture s in the internal memory wi ll be delete d. If the camer a c ontai ns a memory card, p ictures on the card wil l be delete d.
74 Delete The Play b a ck Menu Conf i r mation di alog di spl ayed. Sel ect Yes to de lete pic tures, No to e xit w ithout de - leti ng pic tur es. Deleting All Pictures To de lete al l un protec ted pictur es in the me mory or o n the mem ory car d: Highlight Erase all i mages .
75 The Play b a ck Menu Protect Protect Thi s option is used to protec t pictures f rom acciden tal deletion . Protect ed files can no t be de le te d by pre ssi ng th e u but ton or using t he option s in the DEL ETE me nu. Note , howev er, that pr otecte d pictures w ill be dele ted whe n the memo ry or memor y card is fo rmatted .
76 The Play b a ck Menu Auto Transfer Auto transfer Thi s opti on is us ed to m ark pictures for transf er to a compu ter and to t urn au tomat ic tr ansf er mar king o n and of f. Tran sfer ring Mor e than 99 9 Pictur es No more than 999 pictures ca n be marked for tr ansfer.
77 Auto Tr ansfe r The Play b a ck Menu Mark ing Sele cted Pi c tur es fo r Trans fer Highlight Select image(s ) . Highlight picture. Repea t steps 3 and 4 to select addi- tional pict ures. To deselec t picture, highlight and press the multi selec- tor dow n.
78 The Play b a ck Menu Small Picture Small pic. To cr eate a sma ll copy o f a pic ture, s elect Sma ll pic. af ter dis play ing th e image in full- screen playb ack or s electi ng it in t h e t h umbna il displ ay. Highlight option. Confirm ation dialog displayed.
79 The Play b a ck Menu Copy Copy Thi s opti on is us ed to tr ansf er pict ures fr om th e cam - era 's i nter nal m emo ry to th e me mo ry ca rd, o r v ice vers a. } in dica tes t he c ame ra's in tern al m emo ry a nd / the memo ry car d.
80 Copy The Play b a ck Menu Selec t high lighte d pi cture. Sele cted pic tures mar ked by A ico n. Rep eat ste ps 4 an d 5 to s elect add iti onal pictur es. T o d eselect pic ture, highlig ht and p ress th e multi select or dow n. Confirm ation dialog displayed.
81 Copy The Play b a ck Menu Copy • If the re is not e n ough s pace in th e memory or o n the memory card t o receive th e copy, the message "IMAGE CANNOT BE SAV ED " will be displayed ( Q 101). De lete unw anted pictu res or insert a new memory card ( if using a memor y card) bef ore trying aga in.
82 The Se tup Menu The Setup Menu Using the Setup M enu The SE T-UP men u contai ns the fol l owin g o pti ons: To clear the SET-U P m e nu from the monitor, rotate t he mod e dial to another set- ting o r pre ss the x but ton. Opt ion Desc ription Q W elco me scr een C hoose the welc o me screen displayed wh en the camera is turn ed on.
83 The Se tup Menu Welcome Screen Welcome screen Thi s optio n is used to choose t he we l c ome scr een dis- pl ayed when t he came ra is tur ned on .
84 The Se tup Menu Date Date This option is u sed to set the c amera c lock. Thi s option is ava ilabl e after yo u have se t the cam era cloc k when us ing your c a me ra for t he first time. For mo re in form ation on se tting t he cam era cl ock, se e "Fi rst St eps: Basi c Setu p" ( Q 14).
85 Date The Se tup Menu (Travel Destinati on Time Zone) To s et the cloc k to th e trave l destin ation t ime z one, hi gh- light and p ress th e center of the multi s e l e cto r. While the trav el d e stinat ion time zone is selected , a icon will be dis play ed in the mo nitor when the ca mera is in shoo ting mo de.
86 The Se tup Menu Monitor Settings Monitor settings Sel ect this option to h ide o r display the mo nitor ind i- cato rs. Opt ion Des cription Sho w i nfo Display cu rrent setting s in monitor when t aking or view ing pictures . Hide info Curr ent settin g s a re hid den.
87 The Se tup Menu Date Imprint Date imprint The Dat e i mpr in t option is use d to im print the dat e or the da te and t ime o f recor ding on pict ures a s they are r ecorded to the memo ry or memo ry card . It c an not be us ed to i mpr i nt a da te st amp o n pict ures af ter reco rding.
88 Date I mp rint The Se tup Menu Date counter Thi s op ti on is used to s tor e t he d at e an d impr int t he num ber of d ays fro m tha t date unt il t he da te of re- cor din g on pi ctur es. To i mpri nt th e nu mber of days tha t ha ve elap sed, set t he da y cou nt op tion b y sele ct- ing Date counter in the DAT E IMPRINT menu .
89 The Se tup Menu Brightness Brightness Pres s the mult i s elec tor up or do wn to inc reas e or de- cre ase the bright ness of the monit or by m oving th e ind icator o n the left of the displ ay up or dow n. Pr ess a (th e cent er of th e mult i selec tor) to make a sel ec- tion .
90 The Se tup Menu Sound Settings Sound settings The opti ons in this me nu co ntrol the sou nd s etting s liste d b elo w. Sh utte r sou nd Regardless of setting chose n, no s ound is p layed when j (Sports Assist) is selected in assist modes ( Q 28), Continuous set tings other tha n Single ( Q 68) is s et, or BSS is on ( Q 69).
91 The Se tup Menu Blur Warning Blur warning Thi s optio n is used to disp lay or hide th e cam era sha ke wa rnin g afte r you have tak en a pict ure. Selecting On display s the warning on ly if inadverte nt camer a moveme nt h as c a u sed the p i ctur e yo u have ju st ta ken to be bl urr ed.
92 The Se tup Menu Auto Off Auto off To sav e batter y powe r, the ca mera will e n t er stand by mo de if no o perati ons are pe rform ed for a p reset length o f t ime. Opt ion Descriptio n Auto Off Choose ho w long monitor w ill remain on before turn ing off automatical ly.
93 The Se tup Menu Format memory/ card Format memory Format card This opti on is u sed when y ou need to fo rmat t he cam- era' s int ernal memory o r a memory card. If no me mory ca rd is ins erte d in the ca mera, th e inte r- nal memory wil l be fo rmatte d , and if t he camer a con- tain s a memor y ca rd, the card will be f ormatte d .
94 The Se tup Menu Language Language Choose the language for camer a menus and me ssages fro m Deu tsch (Ger man ), English , Españo l (Spanish) , Fran çais (French) , Ita lian o (Italian), Nederl ands (Dutc h), Svenska (Swedis h), (Japan ese) , (Simplified Chinese), or (Traditional Chinese).
95 Rese t All The Se tup Menu The fo llo wing sett ings ar e affect ed: C hoosing Re se t also clear s the cu rren t file nu mber ( Q 23) fr om memor y. Num- ber i ng wi ll co ntin ue fr om the lowes t numb er a vai lab le i n the mem ory or o n th e memory car d.
96 The Se tup Menu Battery Type Battery type Thi s optio n is used to c hoose the type of batt eries in - sert ed in the camera . Back up Batter y If the back up battery ( Q 14) is not charged s ufficiently, the ba ttery type s etting may reve rt to the default setting (the type of the included batteries).
97 Technical Notes Technical Notes Optional Accessorie s A t t h e time of wri ting, the fo llowin g optiona l access ories w ere avai lable f or your N i kon digital cam era. Cont act yo ur local reta iler or Nikon re presen tative for de- tails . * 1 Not available in U.
98 Technical Notes Caring for Your Ca mera Cleaning Lens On e key to clea ning the lens i s to not touch it with your fi ngers. Remo ve du st or lint with a blo wer ( typica lly a s mall dev ice with a r ubber bulb at tach ed to o ne en d tha t you p ump to p roduc e a stre am of ai r out th e other).
99 Cari ng for Your Came ra Technical Notes Sto rage Turn the camera off when not in use and check t hat the power-on lamp is off be- fore putti ng the camera away.
100 Technical Notes Error Messages The f ollo wing ta ble l ists t he er ror mess age s and ot her wa rnings that ap pear in the mo nitor a nd how to d eal with t hem . Display Problem Sol ution Q Z (Flashes) C loc k no t set . Set clock to c urrent dat e and time.
101 Erro r Mess ag es Technical Notes THIS CARD CANNOT BE USED 4 Error access ing memory card. Use appro ved card. Ch eck th at con nec tor s ar e clean. 97 - WA R N I N G ! ! THI S CARD CAN- NOT B E REA D / OUT OF MEMORY / Camera in s hooting mode : Insuff icient memor y to recor d picture s at curre nt setting s .
102 Error Mess ages Technical Notes WARNI NG! MO DE DIAL IS NOT IN THE PROPER POSITION Mode dia l is positio ned between tw o modes. Adj ust mo de dial t o s elec t desi red mode. 6 THIS IMAGE CAN- NOT BE D ELETED Attemp t to dele te prot ected picture .
103 Technical Notes Troubleshooting If your ca mera fail s to func tion as ex pecte d, check the list of common problems below be fore co nsul ting yo ur re tailer o r Nikon re pres entati ve. Refer t o the page numbers lis ted in the ri g ht- mo st co lumn for inf ormation on solv ing the proble ms li st ed he re.
104 Troubles hooting Technical Notes No pic tur e is t aken when shut ter - release butto n is pressed • Cam era is in playback mode. • B a t teri es are exhau sted. •R e d ( ! ) lamp fli ckers: flash i s charg ing. • Gre en (AF) lamp flick ers: camera u nable to foc us.
105 Tro ubleshooting Technical Notes Fl ash do es not fir e • Flash is of f. Note that fla sh turns of f automatic ally when ; The mode dial is set to N (la ndscape ass ist), j (s ports assi st).
106 Technical Notes Specifications T ype E5100 digit al cam era Effectiv e pixels 5.1 mill ion CCD 1/2.5” high-den sity CCD; total pixels: 5 .1 million Image size (p ix e l s) 2,592 × 1, 944 (2 592) 2,048 × 1, 536 (2 048) 1,024 × 76 8 (102 4) 640 × 480 ( 640 ) Lens 3 × Zoom Nikko r Focal length F=5.
107 Speci ficatio ns Technical Notes Built-in Speedlig ht Range (app rox.) W:0 .4 - 3 .4 m /1´ 3” - 11´ 2” T : 0.4 - 2. 0 m/1´3 ” - 6´6” Flash control Sensor flash s y ste m Interface USB .
108 Index Index Symb ols P (auto ) mode, 6, 16- 21 u (del ete) butt on, 3, 22, 23, 75 ! lamp, se e Lamp, red ( ! ) N (land scape as sist) mo de, 28, 31 W (mov ie) mode , 6, 56- 59 m (ni ght p ortrai t.
109 Index Index vie win g, 60 Mo v ie men u, t he, 57 Multi sel ecto r, 3, 7 Museum , 28, 36, 1 04 N Night land scape , 28, 36, 1 04 NTSC, se e Vide o mode Nu mber o f exp osures r emain - ing, 16, 17.
( En ) The Guide t o Digit al Phot ography with the DIGITAL CAM ERA Prin ted in Jap an Fuji Bldg., 2-3 Marunouchi 3-chome, TR4I0 53001 01(11 ) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan 6MA0 4811- - No reprodu.
An important point after buying a device Nikon COOLPIX 5100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nikon COOLPIX 5100 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nikon COOLPIX 5100 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nikon COOLPIX 5100 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nikon COOLPIX 5100 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nikon COOLPIX 5100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nikon COOLPIX 5100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nikon COOLPIX 5100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nikon COOLPIX 5100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center