Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RP614 NETGEAR
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SM-RP614NA-1 April 2002 NET GEAR ,I n c . 4500 Gr eat Ame rica P arkw ay Santa Clara, CA 950 54 USA Phone 1-888 -NETGEAR Referenc e Manual for the Model RP614 W eb Safe Router.
ii © 2002 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights re served. T rademar ks NETGEAR is a tra demark of Netg ear , Inc. Microsoft, W in dows, and W indows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand a nd product names are reg istered tr ademarks or tradem arks of their res pectiv e holders.
iii Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Es wird hie rmit bes tätigt, da ß das Model R P614 W eb Sa fe Router g emäß der im B MP T -Am tsblV fg 243/199 1 und Vfg 46/199 2 aufg eführt en Bestimmu ngen ents tört is t. Das vor schrif tsmäßi ge Betr eiben ein iger Ger äte (z.
Contents v Content s About This Guide T echnic al Support .............. ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ................... .... xii i Related Public ations ................ ............. ............. ....
vi Contents Chapter 3 Prep aring Y our Ne twork Preparing Y our P ersonal Com puters for IP Netwo rking . ............. ................... ............. ... 3-1 Configur ing Windows 95, 98, and ME for IP Networ king ....... ............ .............
Contents vii Block Sites ..... ............. ................... ............. .................... ............ ............. ................ 5-4 Schedul e .............. ............. .................... ............. ............. ...............
viii Contents T roubleshoo ting the I SP Conne ction ........... ............. ............. ................... ............. ......... 8- 4 T roubleshoo ting a TCP/IP Ne twork Using a Pin g Utility . ............. ............. ................... .
ix Figure 2-1. RP614 Front P anel ............... ............. ................... ............. ............. ......... 2-3 Figure 2-2. RP614 Rear Pane l ... ............. ................... ............. ............. ................... ... 2-4 Figure 4-1.
xi T able 2- 1. LED Descri ptions ........................ ............. ............. ................... ............. ... 2-3 T able 5- 1. Log entry descrip tions ........... ............. ................... ............. ................... ... 5-6 T able 5- 2.
About Th is Guide xiii About This Gu ide Cong rat ulati ons on y our p urch ase o f the NE TGE AR ™ Model RP614 W eb Safe Router. The Model RP614 route r provides connec tion for multiple per sonal .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter xiv About Th is Guide For more informatio n about IP address transla tion, refer to RFC 1631, Th e IP N etw ork A ddress T ranslat or (NA T) .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter About T his Guide xv T ypog raphical Con vent ions This guide uses the fo llowing typogr aphical conv entions: ital ics Book titles and UNIX f ile, command, and dir ectory na mes. courier font Screen text , user- typed command-l ine entries .
Introduc tion 1-1 Chap ter 1 Introduction This chapte r describes the fe atures of the NETGEAR Model RP614 W eb Safe Router. Abou t the Ro uter The Model RP614 W eb Safe Router with 4-por t switch conne cts your local ar ea network (LAN) to the Int ernet th rough an ext ernal ac cess de vice such as a cable modem or DSL mod em.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 1-2 Introduc tion – Blocking can be sche duled by day and time – Network Addr ess T ranslati on (NA T) h ides loca l PCs fr om the Int ern.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Introdu ction 1-3 Content Filtering W ith its content fil tering feat ures, the Model RP614 rou ter prevent s objectiona ble conte nt from reachi ng your PCs.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 1-4 Introduc tion TCP/IP The Model RP614 ro uter supports t he T ransmis sion Contr ol Protocol/ Interne t Protocol (TCP/I P) and Rou ting Info rmatio n Proto col (RIP). For furt her i nformat ion about TCP/IP , refer to Append ix B, “Network and Routing Basics .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Introdu ction 1-5 • V isual monitorin g The Model RP614 route r’ s front panel LEDs pro vide an easy way to monitor its sta tus and activi ty .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 1-6 Introduc tion.
Setting Up the Hardwa re 2-1 Chap ter 2 Setting Up the Hardware This chap ter describes the Mo del RP614 W eb Safe Router hardwar e and provides inst ructions for insta lling it.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 2-2 Setting U p the Hardw are Local Ne twork Hardware R equiremen t s The Model RP614 W eb Safe Router is inten ded for use in a n etwork o f personal computers (PCs) that are int erconn ected by twisted- pair Eth ernet cables .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Setting Up the Ha rdware 2-3 The Rou ter ’ s Front Panel The front panel of th e Model RP614 W eb Safe Router ( Figure 2 -1 ) conta ins status LEDs. Figure 2-1. RP614 Front Panel Y ou can use some of the LEDs to verify connecti ons.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 2-4 Setting U p the Hardw are The Rou ter ’ s Rear P anel The rear panel of the Mo del RP614 router ( Figure 2-2 ) contain s port connecti ons.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Setting Up the Ha rdware 2-5 Connecting to your Local Ethernet Network Y our loca l area net work (LAN) wi ll atta ch to th e four Local rou ter port s shown in F igure 2-2 .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 2-6 Setting U p the Hardw are 1. Plug the connect or of the power adapt er into the power adapt er outlet on the rear pan el of the router . 2. Plug the other end of the adapter i nto a sta ndard wall outlet.
Preparin g Your Ne twork 3-1 Chap ter 3 Prep ar ing Y our N etwork This chap ter de scribes how to prepa re your PC ne twork to co nnect to t he Inter net throu gh the Model RP614 W eb Safe Router and how to order broad band Interne t service from an Inter net servic e provider (ISP) .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 3-2 Preparing You r Netwo rk • Macint osh Operating Syst em 7 or later includes th e software component s for establi shing a TCP/IP network . • All versi ons of UNIX or Linux include TCP/IP component s.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Prepari ng Your Network 3-3 Y ou must have an Ethernet ada pter , the TCP/IP protocol, and Client fo r Microsof t Networks. I fy o un e e dt h ea d a p t e r : a. Click the Add button . b. Select Adapter , and the n click Add.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 3-4 Preparing You r Netwo rk d. Select TCP/I P , and then click OK. If you nee d Cli ent f or Mi croso ft N etwo rks: a. Click the Add button . b. Selec t Clie nt, and t hen cl ick Add . c. Select Mi crosoft.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Prepari ng Your Network 3-5 3. Select “I wa nt to set up my Internet connec tion manual ly” or “I want to connect thro ugh a Loca l Area Ne twork ” and c lick Ne xt. 4. Select “I want to conn ect through a Local Area Networ k” and click Next.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 3-6 Preparing You r Netwo rk 3. If an Et hernet ad apter is present i n your PC, you should s ee an entr y for Loca l Area Connec tion.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Prepari ng Your Network 3-7 MacOS 8.6 or 9.x 1. From the App le menu, s elect Contro l Panels, t hen TCP/IP . The TCP/IP Contr ol Panel opens: 2. From th e “Connect v ia” box, select your Macinto sh’ s Ethernet int erface.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 3-8 Preparing You r Netwo rk V erif ying T CP/ IP Prope rties (Ma cin tosh) After yo ur Macin tosh is co nfigured and has rebooted, y ou can c heck the TCP/ IP conf igurati on by retur nin g to the TC P/IP C ontro l Pan el.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Prepari ng Your Network 3-9 For a single-u ser Inte rnet acco unt, you r ISP su pplies TCP/ IP configu ratio n informat ion for on e PC.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 3-10 Prepari ng Your N etwork If any of th ese items ar e dynamica lly suppli ed by the ISP , your router automaticall y acquires t hem.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Prepari ng Your Network 3-11 Obt aining I SP Configurati on Informati on (Macintosh) As mention ed above , you may ne ed to coll ect confi guratio n informat ion from you r Macint osh so that you can use th is infor mation wh en you confi gure the Model RP614 r outer.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 3-12 Prepari ng Your N etwork Ready fo r Configuration After co nfigurin g all of yo ur PCs for TCP/IP ne tworking a nd connec ting them t o the loca l network of your M odel RP614 rou ter, yo u are ready to acce ss and conf igure the r outer.
Basic Configu ratio n of the Router 4-1 Chap ter 4 Basic Config uration of the Rou ter This chap ter de scribes how to perf orm the b asic conf igurati on of your Mode l RP614 W eb Safe Router us ing the Se tup W izard, whi ch walks you through t he configur ation p rocess for your Intern et connect ion.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 4-2 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter A login window opens as shown in Figure 4-1 below:. Figure 4-1. Login window This screen may have a dif ferent appearance in ot her browsers. 6. T ype admin in the User Name box, password in the Password box, a nd then click OK.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-3 Figure 4- 2. Brow ser-base d config uration main m enu Y ou can manua lly conf igure your route r usi.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 4-4 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter Configur ation us ing the S etup Wizar d The W eb Configurat ion Manager cont ains a Setup W izard that can automatic ally determi ne your network c onnection type.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-5 Configuring for Dynamic IP Account If the Setup W izard determi nes that your In ternet ser vice account uses Dyna mic IP assignmen t, you wil l be dir ected to t he menu s hown in Figur e 4-3 below: Figure 4-3.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 4-6 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter 3. Router’ s MAC Address: This sect ion deter mines the E therne t MAC address t hat will be used by the rout er on the In ternet por t.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-7 A DNS server is a host on the Inter net that tr anslates In ternet names (su ch as www address es) to nume ric IP address es. T ypically your ISP tran sfers t he IP addresses of one or two DNS servers to your ro uter during log in.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 4-8 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter Note: Y ou will no lon ger ne ed to laun ch the ISP’ s login program on yo ur PC in order to acc ess the Int ernet. When y ou star t an Int ernet appl icatio n, your rout er will a utomatica lly l og you in.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-9 A DNS server is a host on the Inter net that tr anslates In ternet names (su ch as www address es) to nume ric IP address es. T ypically your ISP tran sfers t he IP addresses of one or two DNS servers to your ro uter during log in.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 4-10 Basic Con figurati on of the Router.
Content Filt ering 5-1 Chap ter 5 Content Filtering This chap ter de scribes how to use t he Content F ilte ring feat ures of y our Model R P614 W eb Safe Router. Th ese feature s can be found by clicking on the Content Fi ltering head ing in the Main Menu of the browser i nterf ace.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 5-2 Content F iltering E-Mail In order to recei ve logs and aler ts by email, you must provide your e mail informat ion in the E-Mail subheadi ng: • T urn e-mail notif ication on Check thi s box if yo u wish t o receive e-mail l ogs and ale rts from the rout er .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Content F iltering 5-3 • Send aler t immediately Chec k this b ox if you wo uld lik e imme dia te notifi cat ion of at temp ted acc ess to a blo cked si te. • Send logs accord ing to this sche dule Specifi es how of ten to se nd the logs : Hourl y , Daily , W eekly , or When Full .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 5-4 Content F iltering Block Sites The Model RP614 rou ter allows you to rest rict acce ss based on web and news group address es and web and news group ad dress keywo rds. Up t o 255 entri es are suppor ted i n the Keyword list.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Content F iltering 5-5 Y ou may spec ify one T rusted Us er , which is a PC that will be exe mpt from bloc king an d logging. Since t he T rusted User wi ll be id entifie d by an IP add ress, you should c onfigure t hat PC with a fixed IP address.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 5-6 Content F iltering Logs The log is a detai led record of what we bsites you have ac cessed or attempt ed to access. Up to 128 entrie s are stored in the log. Lo g entri es will only appear when keywo rd blocki ng is enabl ed, and no log ent ries wil l be made f or the T rusted User .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Content F iltering 5-7 Log acti on butt ons are de scribed i n Ta b l e 5 - 2 T able 5-2. Log action buttons Field Des cription Refresh Click this but ton to refresh the lo g screen. Clear Log Click th is button to clear the log entr ies.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 5-8 Content F iltering.
Maintenan ce 6-1 Chap ter 6 Maintenance This chapte r describes how to us e the maintenance featu res of your Model RP614 W eb Safe Router. T hese fea tures can be foun d by cli cking on th e Maintenanc e heading i n the Mai n Menu of the br owse r inte rfac e.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 6-2 Main tenance This screen sho ws the following para meters : T ab le 6-1. Menu 3.2 - System St atus Fi elds Field De scription System N ame This field di splays the Host Name assigned to the route r .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Main tenance 6-3 Click o n the “Sh ow Statist ics” bu tton to d ispla y route r usag e statis tics , as shown in Figure 6-2 belo w: Figure 6-2. Router St atistics sc reen This screen sho ws the followin g statist ics:.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 6-4 Main tenance Att ached D evices The Attached D evices menu conta ins a table of all IP devi ces that the rout er has discove red on the local netwo rk.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Main tenance 6-5 From the Main Menu of the bro wser interfa ce, under the Maint enance headi ng, select th e Router Upgrade he ading to di splay th e menu sho wn in Fig ure 6-4 . Figure 6-4. Router Upgrade menu T o upload new firmware: 1.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 6-6 Main tenance From the Mai n Menu of the br owser inter face, under t he Mainte nance hea ding, selec t the Set tings Backup hea ding to bring up t he menu shown i n Figure 6- 5 . Figure 6-5.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Main tenance 6-7 T o erase t he configu ration, c lick the Erase b utton. T o restore t he factor y default configur ation set tings w ithout k nowing the l ogin passwo rd or IP address , you must use the Defaul t Reset button on th e rear panel of the route r .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 6-8 Main tenance.
Advanc ed Configur ation of the Ro uter 7-1 Chap ter 7 Advanc ed Conf igurati on of the Rout er This chap ter de scribes how to confi gure the a dvanced fe atures of your Mode l RP614 W eb Safe Router. Th ese fe atures ca n be found u nder the Adva nced headi ng in the Mai n Menu of the browser inter face.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 7-2 Advan ced Config uration of the Router Configur ing for P ort Forw arding t o Local S ervers Although t he route r causes your entir e loc.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 7-3 2. Enter the IP addre ss of the local serve r in the correspondi ng Server IP Address box.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 7-4 Advan ced Config uration of the Router • If the IP a ddress of t he local PC is a ssigned by DHCP , it may change w hen the PC is rebooted. T o avoid thi s, you can m anually configur e the PC to u se a fixed addres s.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 7-5 The D efaul t DM Z Serv er fe ature i s hel pfu l when u sing s ome o nline g ames and vid eo confe ren cing applica tions th at are incompati ble with NA T .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 7-6 Advan ced Config uration of the Router Dynamic DNS If your network has a perman ently assig ned IP address, you can reg ister a domain name and have that na me linked w ith your IP address by public Domain Name Serve rs (DNS).
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 7-7 LAN IP Set up The second feat ure category unde r the Advanced heading is LAN IP Setu p. This menu allows configu ration of LAN IP ser vices suc h as DHCP and RIP .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 7-8 Advan ced Config uration of the Router For most appli cations, the def ault DHCP and TCP/IP settin gs of the router are satis facto ry . See “IP Configur ation by DHCP ”o n page B-10 for an ex planatio n of DHCP and information a bout how to assign IP addre sses for your networ k.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 7-9 — When set to Both or In Only , i t will inc orporate the RIP info rmation tha t it receives. — When set to None, it wi ll not send any RIP packet s and will ignore any RIP pack ets receiv ed.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 7-10 Advan ced Configur ation of the Router From the Main Menu of the browser in terface , under Advanced, c lick on Sta tic Route to vie w the S tatic Route menu, shown in Figure 7-4 . Figure 7-4.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 7-11 6. T ype the IP Subnet Mask for this dest ination. If the desti nation is a single hos t, type 255.255.2 55.255. 7. T ype the Gateway I P Address, w hic h must be a router on the same LAN segment as the router.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 7-12 Advan ced Configur ation of the Router.
Troubles hooting 8- 1 Chap ter 8 T roubleshooting This chapte r gives informat ion about troubl eshoot ing your Model RP614 W eb Safe Router. After each prob lem descript ion, instruc tions are provi ded to help you diagnose and solv e the problem.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 8-2 Troubl eshootin g • Check th at you are usin g the 7.5 V DC power adapter su pplied by NETGEAR for thi s product. If the error per sists, y ou have a har dware p roblem and s hould conta ct techn ical s upport.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Troub lesh ooting 8-3 T rou bleshoot ing the Web Configu ration Inte rface If you ar e unable t o acce ss the ro uter ’ s W eb Configuratio .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 8-4 Troubl eshootin g T rou bleshoot ing the ISP C onnec tion If your rout er is unable to ac cess the In ternet, you sho uld fir st determine whe ther the rout er is able to obtain a W AN IP addre ss from the ISP .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Troub lesh ooting 8-5 OR Configur e your router to spoo f your PC’ s MAC address. This can be done in the B asic Settings menu.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 8-6 Troubl eshootin g If the path is wor king, yo u see t his message : Reply from < IP address >: bytes=32 ti me=NN ms TTL=xxx If the p.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Troub lesh ooting 8-7 — If your I SP assigne d a host name t o your PC, e nter that ho st name as t he Account Name i n the Bas ic Setti ngs m enu. — Y our ISP could be rej ecting the Ethe rnet MAC addr esses of all but one of yo ur PCs.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 8-8 Troubl eshootin g • Date shown is Januar y 1, 2000 Cause: The route r has not yet succes sfully rea ched a Network T ime Server . Check that your Intern et acc ess sett ings are config ured corr ectly .
Techni cal Spec ificati ons A-1 Append ix A T echnical Specifications This appe ndix provi des techni cal spec ificat ions for t he Model RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter A-2 Techn ical Spec ificati ons Oper atin g hum idit y: 90% m axim um re lative hu midit y , non cond ens ing Electromagnet ic Emissions M e e.
Network a nd Routi ng Basi cs B-1 Append ix B Network and Routing Basic s This chap ter provi des an over view of IP net works, r outing, an d firewal ls. Basic Ro uter Con cepts Lar ge amounts of bandwidth can be prov ided easily and rel atively in expensiv ely in a local area network (LAN).
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter B-2 Netw ork an d Routing Basi cs Routers vary in per formanc e and scal e, number of routing p rotoco ls support ed, and types of physica l W AN connection they supp ort.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Network and Rou ting Bas ics B-3 There are five st andard class es of IP address es. These addre ss classes have dif ferent ways of determi ning th e network a nd host sec tions of the addres s, all owing for d iff erent numbe rs of host s on a networ k.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter B-4 Netw ork an d Routing Basi cs • Class D Class D ad dresses ar e used for multi casts (mes sages se nt to many hosts) . Class D addr esses are in thi s rang e: to
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Network and Rou ting Bas ics B-5 Subnet Addressing By looking at the addre ssing struc tures, you can see th at even with a Class C address, ther e are a lar ge number o f hosts per net work.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter B-6 Netw ork an d Routing Basi cs The foll owing t able lis ts the add itio nal subnet mask bit s in dott ed-de cimal nota tion. T o use the table, wr ite down t he origin al class n etmask an d repla ce the 0 val ue octets w ith the d otted-de cimal value of the ad ditional su bnet bits.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Network and Rou ting Bas ics B-7 NETGEAR strongl y recommen ds that yo u configur e all hos ts on a LAN segment to u se the same netmask for t.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter B-8 Netw ork an d Routing Basi cs Single IP Address Op eration Usin g NA T In the p ast, if m ultipl e PCs on a LAN need ed to a ccess the Internet simulta neously , you had to obtain a range of IP addr esses from the ISP .
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Network and Rou ting Bas ics B-9 This s chem e offer s the a ddit ion al ben efit of si mple fire wall -lik e prot ect ion be caus e the int ernal LAN addr esse s are n ot a vaila ble t o the I ntern et th roug h the tran sla ted co nnec tion.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter B-10 Network a nd Routi ng Basi cs IP Config uration by DHCP When an IP- based local a rea netwo rk is insta lled, each PC must be conf igured with an I P address.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Network and Rou ting Bas ics B-11 Ethern et Cabling Although Et hernet net works ori ginally us ed thick or t hin coaxial cable, mos t install ations cur rently use unshiel ded twisted pair ( UTP) cabling .
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter B-12 Network a nd Routi ng Basi cs • Cro ssov er cab le A crossov er cable is a special cab le in which the tran smit and receive pai rs are exchange d at one of t he two cable connec tors.
Glossary 1 Glossary 10BASE-T IEEE 80 2.3 specificat ion for 10 Mb ps Ethern et over tw isted pair wi ring. 100BASE-Tx IE EE 802.3 specification for 100 Mbps Ether net over twisted pair wirin g.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 2 Glossar y IP See Internet Protoco l. IP Address A four-b yte number uniquely defining each host on the Internet. Ranges of addresses are ass igned by Internic, an or ganizatio n formed for this purpose.
Referen ce Manual for t he Model RP 614 Web S afe Rou ter Glossa ry 3 Network Address T ranslation A techniqu e by which several hosts share a single IP address for access to the Internet.
Reference M anual f or the Mod el RP614 W eb Safe Ro uter 4 Glossar y wide area ne twork W AN. A long distance link used to extend or connect remotely located local area networks.
Index 1 A Account Name 4-5, 4-7, 4-8 Address Reso lution Prot ocol B-9 B backu p configu ratio n 6-6 C cables, p inout B -11 Cabling B-1 1 Cat5 cab le 2 -2, 2-5 , B-12 config urati on automatic b y DH.
2 Index W eb si te address B-7 installation 1-4 Internet a ccount address info rmation 3 -9 establi shing 3- 8 IP addresses 3-10, 3-11 and NA T B-8 and the Internet B-2 assigning x iii, B- 2 auto-gene.
Index 3 rear panel 2-4 requiremen ts access device 2-2 hardware 2-2 reset button, clearing config 8-7 restore c onfig uration 6-5 restore factory settin gs 6-6 RFC 1466 xiii, B-7 1597 xiii, B-7 1631 x.
An important point after buying a device NETGEAR RP614 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought NETGEAR RP614 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data NETGEAR RP614 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, NETGEAR RP614 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get NETGEAR RP614 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of NETGEAR RP614, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime NETGEAR RP614.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with NETGEAR RP614. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device NETGEAR RP614 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center