Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MVP-3010 Multi-Tech Systems
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V oic e / Fax ov er I P Netw orks User Guide for Voice/IP Gateways Digital Models (T1, E1, ISDN-PRI): MVP-2400/2410/3010 Analog/BRI Models: MVP-130/210/410/810 MVP-210G/410G/810G MVP-410ST/810ST.
2 User Guide S000249H Analog MultiVOIP Units (Models MVP130, MVP210, MVP410, M VP810, MVP210G , MVP410G, and MVP810G ) ISDN-BRI MultiVOIP Units (Models MVP410ST, and MVP81 0ST) Digital MultiVOIP Units.
3 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: OVE RVIEW ....................................................................................... 8 A BOUT T HIS M ANUAL ............................................................................................... 9 I NTRODUCTION TO TI M ULTI VOIP S (MVP2400, MVP2410, & MVP24- 48) .
Contents MultiVOIP User Guide 4 CHAPTER 3: MECHANI CAL INSTALLATION AN D CABLING ................... 87 I NTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 88 S AFETY W ARNINGS .......
MultiVOIP User Guide Contents MultiMVP 3 5 Analog Telephony Interface Para m eters (for MV P130/210/410/ 810) .......................200 ISDN-BRI Telephony Paramete rs (for MVP- 410ST/810S T) ..................................... 201 SMTP Parameters (for emai l call log reporti ng) .
Contents MultiVOIP User Guide 6 Downloading Fact ory De faults ................................................................................... 419 Setting and Downloading User Defaults .......................................................... 421 Downloading IFM Firmware.
MultiVOIP User Guide Contents MultiMVP 3 7 FCC Part 68 Telecom ....................................................................................... 529 Canadian Limitati ons Notice ...................................................................
8 Chapter 1: Overview.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 9 About This Manual This manual is about Voice-over-IP products made by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. It de scribes four p roduct groups. 1. T1 Digital MultiVOIP units, models MVP2400 , MVP2410, and the capacity-doubl ing add-on e xpansion card, model MVP 24-48 (whic h fits the MVP2410 only).
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 10 MultiVOIP Product Family Model Description MVP 2400 MVP- 2410 MVP 24-48 MVP 3010 MVP 30-60 Function T1 digital VOIP unit T1 digital VOIP unit T1 digital VOIP add-on ca.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 11 How to Use This Manual . In short, use the in dex and the examples . When our readers crac k open this large manual, they generally need one of two things: information.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 12 Introduction to TI MultiVOIPs (MVP2400, MVP2410, & MVP24-48) We proudly presen t MultiTech’s T1 Dig ital Multi-VOIP products.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 13 H.323, SIP & SPP . Being H.3 23 compatible, t he MVP-2400/ 2410 can place calls to telephone equipment at remote IP network locations th at also contain H.323 compatible voice-o ver-IP gateways. It will interface with H.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 14 ‘clearinghouse’ for all calls within its zone. Mu ltiTech’s embedded and stand- alone gatekeeper soft ware packages both per form all of the standard gatekeepers.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 15 While the we b GUI’s ap pearance differs slightly, its c ontent and organization are essentially the same as that of the Windows GUI (except for log ging). The primary advantage of the web GUI is rem ote access for control a nd configuration.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 16 Logging of System Events . MultiTech has built SysLog Server fun ctionality into the software of the MultiVOIP units. SysLog is a de facto standard for logging events in network c ommunicat ion systems. The SysLog Server resides in the MultiVOIP unit itself.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 17 Supplementary Telephony Services . The H.450 standard (an addition to H.323) brin gs to voip te lephony m ore of the prem ium features foun d in PSTN and PBX telephony.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 18 MVP2400/2410 Front Panel LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION Power Indicates presence of power. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on for about 10 seconds while the MVP2400/241 0 is booting. RCV Receive. Lights when receiving data on Ethernet port.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 19 Introduction to EI MultiVOIPs (MVP3010 & MVP30-60) We proudly present MultiTech’s E1 Digital Mu lti-VOIP products. The MVP3010 is a r ack-mount model and t he MVP30-60 i s an add-on e xpansion card that doubles the capacity of the MVP30 10 without adding anoth er chassis.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 20 H. 323, SIP, & SPP . Being H.323 compatible , the MVP3010 can place calls to telephone equipment at remote IP network locations that also con tain H.323 compatible voice-over-IP gateways. It will interface with H.323 software and H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 21 Gatekeeper . E1 voip systems can have gatekeeper functionality either by adding, as an endpoint, either a Multi-Tech standalone gatekeep er (special software resi ding in separate hardwa re ) or an analog gatew ay with embedded gatekeeper fun ctionality (MVP210G, MV P410G, or MVP810G).
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 22 While the we b GUI’s ap pearance differs slightly, its c ontent and organization are essentially the same as that of the Windows GUI (except for log ging). The primary advantage of the web GUI is rem ote access for control a nd configuration.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 23 Logging of System Events . MultiTech has built SysLog Server fun ctionality into the software of the MultiVOIP units. SysLog is a de facto standard for logging events in network c ommunicat ion systems. The SysLog Server resides in the MultiVOIP unit itself.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 24 Supplementary Telephony Services . The H.450 standard (an addition to H.323) brin gs to voip te lephony m ore of the prem ium features foun d in PSTN and PBX telephony.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 25 E1 LED Descriptions MVP3010 Front Panel LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION Power Indicates presence of power. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on for about 10 seconds while the MVP3010 i s booting. RCV Receive.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 26 Introduction to Analog MultiVOIPs (MVP130, MVP-210/410/810 & MVP428) VOIP: The Free Ride. We proudly present Mu lti-Tech's MVP130, MVP- 210/410/8 10 generat ion of Mult iVOIP Voice -over-IP Ga teways and m odels MVP-210G/410G/810G equipped with em bedded gatekeep er functionality .
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 27 standard), an d Call Trans fer (H.450.2 fr om H.323 Version 2). The fourth version of the H .323 standar d improves system resource usage (esp.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 28 Management . Confi guration an d system managem ent can be done locally with the MultiVOIP configuration softwa re. After an IP address has been assigned local ly, other co nfiguration can be done rem o tely using the MultiVOIP web browser G UI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 29 Once you’ve begun using t he web browse r GUI, you ca n go back to t he MultiVOIP Windows GUI at an y time. However, you must log out of the web browser GUI before using the MultiVOIP Windows GUI. Logging of System Events .
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 30 Supplementary Telephony Services . The H.450 standard (an addition to H.323) brin gs to voip te lephony m ore of the prem ium features foun d in PSTN and PBX telephony.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 31 Figure 1-7. MultiVOIP MVP130Chassis Analog MultiVOIP Front Panel LEDs LED Types . The MultiVOIPs have two types of LEDs on their front panels: (1) general opera tion L.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 32 Similarl y, the MVP210 has t he general-operati on indicator LE Ds and two sets of channel-operation LEDs, one for each channel. Figure 1-9. MVP210 Front Panel Finally, the MVP 130 has the general -operation indicat or LEDs and a set of channel-operation LEDs fo r its single voip channel.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 33 Analog MultiVOIP LED Descriptions MVP210/410/810 Front Pa nel LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION General Operation LEDs (one set on each MultiVOIP model) Power Indicates presence of pow er. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on briefl y while the MultiVOIP is booting.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 34 MVP130 Front Panel LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION General Operation LEDs Power Indicates presence of pow er. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on briefl y while the MultiVOIP is booting. It lights whenev er the MultiVOIP is booting or downloading a setu p configuration d ata set.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 35 Introduction to ISDN-BRI MultiVOIPs (MVP410ST & MVP810ST) VOIP: The Free Ride. We proudly present Multi-Tech's MVP-410ST/ 810ST generation of MultiVOIP Voice-over-IP Ga teways.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 36 H. 323, SIP, & SPP . Being H.323 compatible, the BRI MultiVOIP unit can place calls to telephone equipment at re mote IP network locations that also contain H.323 compatible vo ice-over-IP ga teways. It will interface with H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 37 Management . Confi guration an d system managem ent can be done locally with the MultiVOIP configuration softwa re. After an IP address has been assigned local ly, other co nfiguration can be done rem o tely using the MultiVOIP web browser G UI.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 38 Once you’ve begun using t he web browse r GUI, you ca n go back to t he MultiVOIP Windows GUI at an y time. However, you must log out of the web browser GUI before using the MultiVOIP Windows GUI. Logging of System Events .
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 39 Supplementary Telephony Services . This is available in 5.04 bu t not 5.02c. The H.450 standard (an addition to H.323) brings to vo ip telephony more of the premium features found in PSTN and PBX telephony. MultiVOIP un its offer five o f these H.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 40 ISDN-BRI MultiVOIP LED Descriptions MVP-410ST/810ST Front Panel LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION General Operation LEDs (one set on each MultiVOIP model) Power Indicates presence of pow er. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on briefl y while the MultiVOIP is booting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 41 Computer Requirement s The computer on which the MultiVOIP’s conf iguration program is installed mus t me et t he se req ui re men ts: • must be IBM-compatible PC with MS Windows operating system; • must have an available COM port for connection to the MultiVOIP.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 42 S pecifications Specs for Digit al T1 MultiVOIP Unit s Digital T1 MultiVOIP Specifications Parameter ……/Model MVP-2400 MVP-2410 MVP-2410g MVP-2410 w/ MVP24-48 Expansion Card Operating Voltage/Current External transformer: 1.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 43 Specs for Digit al E1 MultiVOIP Unit s Digital E1 MultiVOIP Specifications Parameter ……/Model MVP-3010 MVP-3010 w/ MVP30-60 Expansion Card Operating Voltage/Current 100-240 VAC 1.2 - 0.6 A 100-240 VAC 1.2 - 0.6 A Mains Frequencies 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz Power Consumption 17 watts 27 watts Mechanical Dimensions 1.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 44 Specs for Analog/BRI MultiVOIP Unit s Parameter /Model MVP210 MVP210G MVP410 MVP410G MVP810or MVP410 + 428 MVP810G Operating Voltage/ Current External transformer: 3A @5V 100-240 VAC 1.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 45 Inst allation at a Glance The basic steps of installing your MultiVOIP network inv olve unpacking th e units, connecting th e cables, and configuring th e units using management software (MultiVOIP Configuration software) and confirming connectivity with another voip site.
46 Chapter 2: Quick S t art Instructions.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 47 Introduction This chapter gets the MultiVOIP up and runn ing quickly. The details we’ve skipped to make this brief can be foun d elsewhere in the manual (see Table of Contents an d Index).
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 48 Phone/IP Det ails *Absolutely Needed* Before St arting the Inst allation Gather IP Information ➼ Ask your computer network administrator.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 49 Phone/IP Details *Absolutely Needed* (cont’d) Gather T elephone Information (E1) ➼ E1 Phone Parameters Ask phone company or PBX maintainer.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 50 Gather T elephone Information (ISDN BRI) ➼ ISDN-BRI Phone Parameters Ask phone company or telecom manager.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 51 Phone/IP Details O ften Needed/Wanted Obt ain Email Address for VOIP (for email call log reporting) required if log reports of VOIP call traffic are to.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 52 Placement Mount your MultiVOIP in a safe and convenient lo cation where cables for your network and phone system are acce ssible. Rack-mounting instructions are in Chapter 3 : Mechanical I nstallation & Cabling.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 53 Quick Hookup s Hookup for MVP2410 & MVP3010 Digital V oice Tr un k O l 10 /10 0 RS-232 Ethernet Command Cabling to your IP networ k. RJ-45 connector. T1/E1/PRI cabling to yo ur PBX, and/o r to the P STN.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 54 Hookup for MVP-410/410G & MVP-810/810G E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO Grounding Screw : Connect to Earth Ground On/Off Switch Power Cable Receptacle Cabling to your IP network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 55 Hookup for MVP410ST & MVP810ST Gro undi ng Screw: Connect to Earth Grou nd On/Off Switc h Power Cab le Receptacle Cabling to yo ur IP network . RJ-45 connector. Cabli ng to co mputer runn ing MultiVOIP soft ware.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 56 Hookup for MVP2400 Power Connection Comman d Port Conn ecti on 1 0 DIGIT AL VOICE TRUNK ETHERNET 10/100 RS232 COMMAN D POWER T1 PBX PSTN T elephon y Co.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 57 Hookup for MVP130 Power Connecti on Network Conne ction Ethernet Command Power FXS/FXO Command Port Conn ection PBX PSTN T elep hony Conn ectio n F.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 58 Load MultiVOIP Control Sof tware onto PC For more details, see Chapter 4: Software Installatio n . 1. MultiVOIP must be properly cabl ed. Power m ust be turned on. 2. Insert MultiVOIP CD in to drive. A llow 10-20 seconds for Autorun to start.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 59 Phone/IP S tarter Configuration Full details here: MVP2400 MVP2410x MVP3010 Chapter 5: Technical Conf iguration f or Digital T1/E1 Mu ltiVOIPs in User Guide . MVP130 MVP210x MVP410x MVP810x Chapter 6: Technical Conf iguration f or Analog/BRI MultiVOIPs in User Guide 1.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 60 Once you’ve be gun using t he web browse r GUI, you ca n go back to the MultiVOIP Windows GUI at an y time. However, you must log out of the web browser GUI before usin g the MultiVOIP Windows GUI. 5.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 61 9. Go to Configuration | SMTP . SMTP lets you send phone-call log records to the Voip Ad ministrator by email.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 62 Phone/IP Starter Configuration (continued) 11. Enable premium (H.450 ) telephony features. (No t supported in BRI 502c software.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 63 12A . For the "G" voip unit, set the gatekeep er IP address to be the same as the IP address used for its gateway function. To do so , go to the PhoneBook Configuration screen. Click on "Register with Gatekeeper.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 64 12 B . In the "Destination Pattern" field of the Add/Edit Outbo und Phonebook screen, enter 65. Click on "Use Gatekeepe r." In the "Gateway Prefix" field, enter 65. Click OK .
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 65 12 D . To e nable a call between t wo analog pho nes on the sam e voip, we wil l set up two channels for FXS Loop Start telephony. To do so, go to the Interface screen. Click on "FXS Loop Start" f or Channel 1.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 66 Phonebook S t arter Configuration ( with remote voip ) If the topic of voip phone books is new to you, it m ay be helpful to read the PhoneBook Ti ps section (page 31) before start ing this pr ocedure.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 67 4. Suppose you want to call a phone number outsid e of your building using a phone station that is an ex tension from your PBX system (if present). What digits m ust you dial? Oft en a “9” or “8 ” m ust be dialed to “get an outside line” through the PBX (i.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 68 5. In the “Destination Pattern” field of the A dd/Edit Out bound P honebook screen, enter t he digits from step 4 follo wed by the di gits from step 3. North America, Long-Distance Example Euro, National Call Example Seattle-Chicago system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 69 6. Tally up the number of digits that m ust be dialed to reach the remote voip site (including prefix digits of all types). En ter this number in the “Total Digits” field. North America, Long-Distance Example Euro, National Call Example Seattle-Chicago system .
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 70 phonebook entries at remote voips , one to account for situations where “8” is used as the PBX access digit, and anot her for when “9 ” is used. 8. Select the voip protocol that you will use (H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 71 4. In the “Add Prefix” fiel d, ent er any di gits that must be dialed from your local voip to gain access to the PST N. North America, Long-Distance Example Euro, National Call Example Seattle-Chicago system .
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 72 6. In the “Description” field, it is useful to describe the ultimate destin ation of the calls. For example, in a New York City voip sy stem, “incom ing calls to Manhattan offi ce,” might descri be a phonebook entry, as m ight the descriptor “incoming calls to NYC local calling area.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 73 Phonebook T ip s Preparing the phoneboo k for your voip syst em is a complex task that, at first, seems quite daunting. These tips may mak e the task easier. 1. Use Dialing Patterns , Not Complete Phone Numbers .
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 74 (b) access codes . Th ere are digits ( PSTN access codes ) that m ust be dialed to gain access to an operator, to access t he publicly switched ‘long.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 75 4. Using a Comma . Detail , = 1-second pause Commas are used in telephone dialing strings to indicate a pause to allow a dial tone t o appear (com mon on PBX and key systems). Comm as may be used only in the “Add Prefix” field of the Inbound Ph onebook.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 76 Phonebook Example Flagstaff Of fice 204.16.49 .75 8-Ch anne l Analog VoIP (MVP810) PSTN PBX System. Main Number: 777-5600 30 extens ions Area: 520 Santa Fe Of fice PBX Syste m. Main Number : 444-3200 40 extens ions PSTN 204.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 77 Flagstaff Voip Flagstaff V oip Inbound Phonebook Outbound Phonebook Prefix to Remove Pref ix to Add Description Incoming Calls Destin.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 78 Sample Phonebooks Enlarged Boise V oip Boise V oip Inbound Phonebook Outbound Phonebook Prefix to Remove Prefix to Add Descrip tion Incom ing Ca lls Destin .
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 79 Phonebook Worksheet V oip Location/ID:__ __________ _ __________ _____ Inbound Phonebook Outbou nd Pho nebook Prefix to Remove Prefi x to Add Description Incoming Ca lls Destin.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 80 Enlarged Phonebook Worksheet.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 81 Connectivity T est The procedures “Phone/I P Starter Configuration” and “Ph onebook Starter Configuratio n” must be com pleted before y ou can do this procedure.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 82 5. Open the HyperTerminal program. 6. Use HyperTe rminal to receive an d record console messages from the MultiVOIP unit.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 83 8. Read consol e messages recorded on HyperTerm inal. Console Messag es from Originating VOIP . The voip unit that orig inates the call will send back messages like that shown be low.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 84 Console Messag es from Terminating VOIP . The voip unit connected to th e phone where the call is answered will send back messages like th at shown below.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 85 T roubleshooting If you cannot establish connectivity between two vo ips in the system, follow the steps below to determine the problem. 1. Ping both MultiVOIP units to confirm connectivity to the network.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 86 3. Verify phon ebook configuratio n. 4. Observe cons ole messages while placing a call. Loo k for error m essages indicating p honebook p roblems, net work problem s, voice-coder mism atches, etc.
87 Chapter 3: Mechanical Inst allation and Cabling.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 88 Introduction The MultiVOIP models MVP130, MVP210 , and MVP2400 are tabletop un its and can be ha ndled easily by one person. However, the MVP410, M VP810, MVP2410, and MVP301 0 are somewhat heav ier units.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 89 Unp acking Y our MultiVOIP When unpacking your MultiVOIP, check to see that all of the items shown are included in the box. For the various MultiVOIP models, the contents of the box will be different. Study the partic ular illustration below that is appropriate to the model yo u have purc hased.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 90 Unp acking the MVP2400 Vo ice/Fa x over IP Ne tworks 200 Quick Start Guide Figure 3-2: Unpacking the MVP2400.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 91 Unp acking the MVP-410x/810x Voice/F ax ov er IP Net wor ks RCV XMT CO L LNK X M T RCV XSG RSG XMT RCV XSG RSG XMT RCV XSG RSG XMT RCV XSG RSG XMT RCV X.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 92 Unp acking the MVP210x Vo ice/Fa x over IP Ne tworks 200 Quick Start Guide Figure 3-4: Unpacking the MVP210x.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 93 Unp acking the MVP130 Figure 3-5: Unpacking the MVP130.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 94 Rack Mounting Instructions for MVP-2410/3010 & MVP-410x/810x The MultiVOIPs can be mounted in an industry-standard EIA 19-inch rack enclosure, as shown in Figur e 3-6.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 95 Safety Recommendations for Rack Inst allations Ensure proper installatio n of the unit in a closed or multi-un it enclosure by following t he recommended i nstallation as defined by the e nclosure manufacturer.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 96 19-Inch Rack Enclosur e Mounting Procedure Attaching the MultiVOIP to a rack-rail of an EIA 19-inch rack enclosure will certainly require two persons.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 97 Cabling Cabling Procedure for MVP 2410/3010 Cabling your MultiVOIP entails making th e proper connections for power, command port, phone system (T1/E1 line connected to PBX or telco office), and Ethernet network.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 98 4. Turn on power to the MultiVOIP by setting the power switch on the right side panel to the ON position. Wait for the Boot LED o n the MultiVOIP to go off bef ore proceeding. This may take a couple of m inutes.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 99 Proceed to Chapter 4 “Soft ware Installation.” Cabling Procedure for MVP-410/ 410G/810/810G Cabling involves co nnecting the MultiVOIP to you r LAN and telephone equipment .
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 100 If you are connecting an E&M trun k from a telephone switch to you r MultiVOIP, conn ect one end of an RJ-45 phone cord to the Channel 1 E& M connector on the back of the MultiVOIP and the other end to the tru nk.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 101 Cabling Procedure for MVP-410 ST/810ST Cabling involves co nnecting the MultiVOIP to you r LAN and telephone equipment . 1. Connect th e power cord supplied with your MultiVO IP to a live AC outlet and to the power connector on the back of th e MultiVOIP as shown at top right in Figure 3-12 .
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 102 4. Terminal Mode . When a voip ISDN conn ector is to be connected to a PBX extension line or to a telco lin e, select “Terminal” as the “Layer 1 Interface” in the ISDN Parameters screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 103 Network Mode . When a voip ISDN connector is t o be connected to an ISDN phone station or to an ISDN terminal adapter (TA), select “Network” as the “Layer 1 Interface” in the ISDN Parameters screen of the MultiVOIP software.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 104 5. Repeat the above step to connect th e remaining ISDN telephone equipment to each ISDN connector on your MultiV OIP. Be aware th at you can assign each ISDN line separately and inde pe ndently to either Network mode or Terminal mode.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 105 Cabling Procedure for MVP 210x Cabling involves co nnecting the MultiVOIP to you r LAN and telephone equipment . 1. Connect th e power cord supplied with your MultiVO IP to the power connector on the back of the MultiVOI P and to a live AC outlet as shown in Figure 3-13.
Mechanical Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 106 If you are connecting an E&M trun k from a telephone switch to your MultiVOIP, conn ect one end of an RJ-45 phone cord to the Channel 1 E& M connector on the back of the MultiVOIP and the other end to the tru nk.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechanical Installation 107 Cabling Procedure for MVP 130 Power Connection Network Connecti on Ethernet Command Power FXS/FXO Comma nd Po rt Con nec tion PBX PSTN T elephony Connectio n FXS FXO Hub Figure 3-14: Cabling for MVP130 Cabling involves co nnecting the MultiVOIP to you r LAN and telephone equipment.
108 Chapter 4: Sof tware Inst allation.
MultiVOIP User Guide Softw are Installation 109 Introduction Configuring software for your MultiVOIP entails three task s: (1) loading the software onto the PC (this is “Software Installation an d i.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 110 2. Insert the Mu ltiVOIP CD into your CD -ROM drive. The CD should start automatically. It may take 10 to 20 seconds for the Multi-Tech CD installation window to d isplay.
MultiVOIP User Guide Softw are Installation 111 4. A ‘welcome’ screen a ppears. Press Enter or click Next to continue..
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 112 5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install your MultiVOIP software. The first screen asks you to c hoose the folder location of the files of the MultiVOIP software. Choose a location an d click Next.
MultiVOIP User Guide Softw are Installation 113 6. At the ne xt screen, you m ust sel ect a program folder location for t he MultiVOIP software program icon.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 114 7. On the next screen you can se lect the COM port that the command PC will use when communicating with the MultiVo ip unit.
MultiVOIP User Guide Softw are Installation 115 8. A completion screen will appear. Click Finish . 9. When setup of the Multi VOIP software is complete, you will be prompted to run the MultiVOIP software to configure th e VOIP. Software installation is complete at this poin t.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 116 Un-Inst alling the MultiVOIP Configuration Sof tware 1. To un-install the MultiVOIP configu ration software, go to Start | Programs and locate the entry for th e MultiVOIP program.
MultiVOIP User Guide Softw are Installation 117 2. Two confirmation screens will appear. Click Yes and OK when you are certain you want to continue with the uninstallatio n process. 3. A special warning message sim ilar to that show n below may appear concerning the MultiVOIP softwa re’s “.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 118 4. A completion screen will appear. Click Finish ..
119 Chapter 5: T echnical Configuration for Digit al T1/E1 MultiVOIPs (MVP2400, MVP2410, MVP3010).
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 120 Configuring the Digit al T1/E1 MultiVOIP There are tw o ways in whic h the MultiVOI P must be co nfigured bef ore operation: technical con figuration and pho nebook config uration. Technical Configuration .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 121 unit: (1) using th e MultiVoipManager SNMP program, or (2) using th e MultiVOIP web browser interface program.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 122 Local Configuration This manual primarily describes local configuration with the Windows GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 123 Write down the values for these IP parameters. You will need to enter these values in the “IP Parameters” screen in the Configuration section of the MultiVOIP s oftware. You must have this IP inform ation about every VOIP in the system.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 124 E1 T elephony Parameters (for MVP3010) The following parameters must be known about t he PBX or telc o central offi ce equipment to which the E1 MultiVOIP will conn ect: ➼ E1 Phone Parameters Ask phone company or PBX maintainer.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 125 SMTP Parameters (for email call log reporting) required if log reports of VOIP call traffic are to be se nt by email Optional SMTP Parameters Preparation Task: Ask Mail Server administrator to set up email account (with password) for the MultiVOIP unit itself.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 126 Local Configuration Procedure (Summary) After the MultiVOIP configuration soft ware has been installed in the ‘Command’ PC (which is c onnected to the Mult iVOIP unit), se veral steps must be taken to configure th e MultiVOIP to function in its specific setting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 127 Local Configuration Procedure (Det ailed) You can be gin the config uration proces s as a continuat ion of the M ultiVOIP software installation. You can establish you r configuratio n or modi fy it at any time by launching the MultiVOIP program from the Windows Star t menu.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 128 3. Confirm Connection . If the MultiVOIP is set for an available COM port and is correctly cabled to the PC, th e MultiVOIP main screen will appear. (If the main screen a ppears graye d out and seems inaccessible, go t o step 4.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 129 In the lower left corner of the screen , the connection statu s of the MultiVOIP will be displayed.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 130 4. Solving Commo n Connection Pro blems . A. Fixing a COM Port Problem . If the MultiVOIP main screen appears but is grayed out and seem s inaccessible, th e COM port that was s pecified for its communication with the PC is unavailabl e and must be changed.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 131 4B. Fixing a Cabling Probl em . If the MultiVOIP cannot be located by the computer, two error messages will a ppear (saying “Multi-VOIP Not Found ” and “Phone Database Not Read”).
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 132 6. Set IP Parameters. This di alog box can be reached by pulldown m enu, toolbar ic on, keyboard s hortcut, o r sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 133 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work..
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 134 The IP Parameters fields are described i n the table below. IP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable Diffserv Y/N Diffserv is used for QoS (quality of service).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 135 7. Enable Web Brows er GUI (Optio nal) . Af ter an IP address for th e MultiVOIP uni t has been establ ished, you ca n choose to do an y further configuration of the unit (a) by u sing the MultiVOIP web browser GUI, or (b) by continuing to use the Mu ltiVOIP Windows GUI.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 136 8. Set Voice/FAX Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, tool bar icon, key board shortc ut, or sidebar .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 137 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work..
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 138 Note that Voice/ FAX parame ters are applied on a c hannel-by-channel basis. However, once y ou have est ablished a set of Voice/FAX pa.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 139 The Voice/FAX Parameters fiel ds are describe d in the tables below. Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Default -- When this button is cli cked, all Voice/FAX parameters are set to their default val ues.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 140 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description DTMF Parameters Duration (DTMF) 60 – 3000 ms When DT MF: Out of Band is selected, this setting determines how long each DTMF digit ‘soun ds’ or is held .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 141 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Coder Parameters Coder Manual or Auto-matic Determines whet her selection of c oder is manual or auto matic.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 142 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Advanced Features Silence Compression Y/N Determines whether silenc e compression is enabled (checked) for this voice channel.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 143 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Dynamic Jitter Buffer Dynamic Jitter def ine s a min imu m an d a max imu m j itt er val ue fo r vo ic e communications.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 144 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Maximum Jitter Value 60 to 400 ms The default maximum dynamic jitter buffer of 300 mi lliseconds is the maximum delay tolerable over a high jitter network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 145 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (c ont’d) ) Field Name Values Description Auto Disconnect Automatic Disconnect- ion -- The Automatic Disc onnection group provides fou r options whi ch can be used singly or in any co mbination.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 146 9. Set T1/E1/ISDN Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, tool bar icon, key board shortc ut, or sidebar .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 147 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work..
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 148 T1 Parameters. The parameters applicable to T1 and their values are shown in the figure below.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 149 T1 Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description T1/E1/ISDN T1 North American standard. Long-Haul Mode Y/N In Long-Haul Mode, the MultiVOIP auto matica lly recovers received signa ls as low as –36 dB.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 150 T1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description CAS Protocol E&M Imme d Strt E&M Wink Start E&M Wink with.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 151 T1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ISDN Parameters Field Name Values Description Enable ISDN-PRI Y/N If digital connection is ISDN-PRI type, this box should be checked. When ISDN is enabled, th e “CAS Protocols” field is grayed out (ISDN has its own signaling method).
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 152 T1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Line Build Out 0 dB, -7.5 dB, -15 dB, -22.5 dB To reduce the crosstalk on received signals, a transmit attenuator can be placed in the data path.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 153 E1 Parameters. The parameters applicable to E1 and their values are shown in the figure below.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 154 E1 Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description T1/E1/ISDN E1 European standard. Long-Haul Mode Y/N In Long-Haul Mode, the MultiVOIP auto matica lly recovers received signa ls as low as –36 dB.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 155 E1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description CAS Protocol E&M Imme d Strt E&M Wink Start E&M Wink with.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 156 E1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ISDN Parameters Field Name Values Description Enable ISDN-PRI Y/N If digital connection is ISDN-PRI type, this box should be checked. When ISDN is enabled, th e “CAS Protocols” field is grayed out (ISDN has its own signaling method).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 157 E1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Line Build Out 0 dB, -7.5 dB, -15 dB, -22.5 dB To reduce the crosstalk on received signals, a transmit attenuator can be placed in the data path.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 158 10. Set ISDN Parameters (if a pplicable). These param eters are acces-sible in the T1/E1/ISDN Parameters screen. If your T1 or E1 phone line is a Primary Rate Interface IS DN line, enable ISDN-PRI and set it for the particular implementation of ISDN that your telco uses.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 159 11. Set SNMP Parame ters (Remote Voi p Managem ent). This dial og box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard sh ortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 160 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular system..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 161 The SNMP Parame ter fields are described i n the table bel ow. SNMP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable SNMP Agent Y/N Enables the SNMP code in the firmware of the MultiVOIP .
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 162 12. Set Regional Parameters (Ph one Signaling T ones & Cadences) . This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 163 The Regional Parameters screen will appear. For the country selected, the standard set of frequ ency pairs will be listed for d ial tone, busy tone, ‘unobtaina ble’ tone ( fast busy or tr unk busy), a nd ring tone .
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 164 The Regional Parameters fi elds are described in the table below. “Regional Parameter” Definitions Field Name Values Description Co.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 165 “Regional Parameter” Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description Cadence (msec) On/Off n/n/n/n four integer time values i.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 166 13. Set Custom T ones and Cadences (optional) . Th e Regional Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialo g box that allows y ou to cus.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 167 The Custom Tone-P air Settings f ields are de scribed in the table below. Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definitions Field Name Values Descr.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 168 Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definitions Field Name Values Description Cadence 1 integer time value in milli-seconds; zero value for dial-.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 169 14. Set SMTP Parame ters (Log Reports by Email). The SMTP Parameters screen is applicable when the VOIP adm inistrator has chosen to re.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 170 The SMTP Parameters sc reen is shown below. “SMTP Parameters” Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable SMTP Y/N In order to send log reports b y email, this box must be checked.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 171 ...... “SMTP Parameters” Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description Mail Type text or html Mail type in which log reports will be sent. Subject text User specified. Subject lin e that will appear for all emai led log reports for this MultiVOIP unit.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 172 The SMTP Parameters dial og box has a secondary dialog bo x, Custom Fields , that allows you to customize email log messages for the MultiVOIP. The MultiVOIP software logs data about many aspects of the call traffic going through the Mu ltiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 173 “Custom Fields” Definitions (cont’d) Field Description Field Description Outbound Digits Digits put out by MultiVOIP onto the T1 or E1 line. Prefix Matched When select ed, the phonebook prefix matched in processing call will be li sted in log.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 174.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 175 15. Set Log Reporting Metho d . The Logs screen lets you choose how the VoIP administrator will receive l og reports about the MultiVOIP’s performance an d the phone cal l traffic that is pa ssing through i t.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 176 VoIP system design. If you intend to use a SysLog Server program for logging, click in that Enable ch eck box.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 177 “Logs” Screen Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Filters (button) Click to access secondary screen on where console messages can be inclu ded/excluded by category and on a per-channel b asis.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 178 To customi ze console messages by cat egory and/or by channel, click on “Filters” and use the Console Messages Filters Settings sc reen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 179 16. Set Supplementary Ser vices Parameters. This dia log box can be reached by pulldown menu, ke yboard shortcut, or sidebar. Accessing “Supplementary Services Parameters” Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Ctrl + Alt +H Supplement ary Services features derive from the H.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 180 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work. Of the features implemented under Su pplem entary Services, three are very closely related: Call Transfer, Call Hold, and Call Waiting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 181 the channel over which the call is being originated (for ex ample, “Calling Party - Omaha Sales Office Line 2”). If that voip channel i s dedicated to a certain indivi dual, the descri ptor could say t hat, as well (f or example “Calling Party - Harold Smith in Omah a”).
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 182 The Supplementary Services fields a re described in t he tables below. Supplementary Services Parameter Defini tions Field Name Values Description Select Channel 1-2 (210); 1-4 (410); 1-8 (810) The channel to be configured is selected here.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 183 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Hold Enable Y/N Select to enable Call Hold fun ction in voip unit.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 184 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Name Identification Enable Enables CNI function.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 185 Supplementary Services Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description Calling Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘hom e’ .
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 186 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Alerting Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ v.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 187 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Busy Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voi p.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 188 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Connected Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 189 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Caller ID This is the identifier of a specific channel of the ‘home’ voip unit.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 190 17. Set Baud Rate . The Connection option in the sidebar menu has a “Settings” item that includes the baud-rate setting for the COM port of the computer running the MultiVOIP software .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 191 18. View System Inform ation screen and set updating interv al (optional). This dialog box can be reached by pu lldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 192 This screen presents vital system inform ation at a glance. Its primary use is in troublesho oting. System Information Param eter Definitions Field Name Values Description Boot Versio n nn.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) 193 The frequency with which t he System Information scree n is updated is determined by a setting i n the Logs scree n 19. Saving the MultiVOIP Configuration . When values have been set for al l of the MultiVOIP’s various operating parameters, click on Save Setup in the sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Digital Voips) MultiVOIP User Guide 194 20. Creating a User Defa ult Configuration . When a “Setup” (com plete grouping of parameters) is being saved, you will be prompted about designating that setup as a “User Defau lt” setup.
195 Chapter 6: T echnical Configuration for Analog/BRI MultiVOIPs (MVP130, MVP-210/210G , MVP-410/410G , MVP-810/810G & MVP-410ST/810ST).
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 196 Configuring the Analog/BRI MultiVOIP There are tw o ways in whic h the MultiVOI P must be co nfigured bef ore operation: technical con figuration and pho nebook configur ation. Technical Configuration .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 197 Local configurat ion is done through a connect ion between the “Command” port of the MultiVOIP and the COM port of the computer; the MultiVOIP configuratio n program i s used.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 198 Functional Equi valence of Inter faces. The MultiVOIP configuration program is required to do the initial configuration (that is, setting an IP address for the MultiVOIP unit) so that the VOIP unit can communicate with the MultiVoipManager p rogram or with th e web browser GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 199 Local Configuration This manual primarily describes local configuration with the Windows GUI.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 200 Write down the values for these IP parameters. You will need to enter these values in the “IP Parameters” screen in the Configuration section of the MultiVOIP s oftware. You must have this IP inform ation about every VOIP in the system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 201 ISDN-BRI T elephony Parameters (for MVP-410ST/810ST) The following parameters must be known about t he PBX or telc o central offi ce equipment to which the analog MultiVOIP will connect: ➼ ISDN-BRI Phone Parameters Ask phone company or telecom manager.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 202 SMTP Parameters (for email call log reporting) required if log reports of VOIP call traffic are to be se nt by email Optional SMTP Parameters Preparation Task: Ask Mail Server administrator to set up email account (with password) for the MultiVOIP unit itself.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 203 Local Configuration Procedure (Summary) After the MultiVOIP configuration soft ware has been installed in the ‘Command’ PC (which is c onnected to the Mult iVOIP unit), se veral steps must be taken to configure th e MultiVOIP to function in its specific setting.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 204 When technical co nfiguration is complete, you will n eed to configure the MultiVOIP’s phonebooks (for all m odels) and its embedded gat ekeeper functionality, if present (for MVP-210G , -410G, and 810G only).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 205 3. Confirm Connection . If the MultiVOIP is set for an available COM port and is correctly cabled to the PC, th e MultiVOIP main screen will appear. (If the main screen a ppears graye d out and seems inaccessible, go t o step 4.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 206 In the lower left corner of the screen , the connection statu s of the MultiVOIP will be displayed.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 207 4. Solving Commo n Connection Pro blems . . A. Fixing a COM Port Problem . If the MultiVOIP main screen appears but is grayed out and seem s inaccessible, th e COM port that was s pecified for its communication with the PC is unavailabl e and must be changed.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 208 4B. Fixing a Cabling Probl em . If the MultiVOIP cannot be located by the computer, two error messages will a ppear (saying “Multi-VOIP Not Found ” and “Phone Database Not Read”). In this case, the MultiVOIP is simply disconnected from the network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 209 6. Set IP Parameters. This dialog bo x can be reac hed by pulldow n menu, toolbar ic on, keyboard s hortcut, o r sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 210 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 211 The IP Parameters fields are described i n the table below. IP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable Diffserv Y/N Diffserv is used for QoS (quality of service).
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 212 7. Enable Web Brows er GUI (Optio nal) . Af ter an IP address for th e MultiVOIP uni t has been establ ished, you ca n choose to do an y further configuratio n of the uni t (a) by usi ng the Multi VOIP web br owser GUI, or (b) by continuing to use the Mu ltiVOIP Windows GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 213 8. Set Voice/FAX Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, tool bar icon, key board shortc ut, or sidebar .
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 214 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 215 Note that Voice/FAX param eters are applied o n a channel-by-chan nel basis. However, once y ou have est ablished a set of Voice/FAX param.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 216 The Voice/FAX Parameters fiel ds are described in the tables below. Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Default -- When this button is cli cked, all Voice/FAX parameters are set to their default val ues.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 217 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description DTMF Parameters Duration (DTMF) 60 – 3000 ms When DTMF: Out of Band is selected, this setting determines how long each DTMF digit ‘sounds’ or is held.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 218 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Coder Parameters Coder Manual or Auto-matic Determines whet her selection of c oder is manual or auto matic.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 219 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Advanced Features Silence Compression Y/N Determines whether silenc e compression is enabled (checked) for this voice channel.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 220 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Dynamic Jitter Buffer Dynamic Jitter def ine s a min imu m an d a max imu m j itt er val ue fo r vo ic e communications.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 221 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Maximum Jitter Value 60 to 400 ms The maximum dynamic jitter buffer of 400 milliseconds is the maximum delay tolerable over a high jitter network.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 222 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (c ont’d) ) Field Name Values Description Auto Disconnect Automatic Disconnect- ion -- The Automatic Disc onnection group provides fou r options whi ch can be used singly or in any co mbination.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 223 9a. ( Analog VOIPs ). Set Telephony Interface Parameters. Thi s dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, toolba r icon, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 224 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work. The kinds of parame ters for which values m ust be chosen depend on the type of telephony supervisory signaling or interface use d (FXO, E&M, etc.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 225 FXS Loop Start Parameters. The parameters applicable to FXS L oop Start are shown in the figure below and de scribed in the table that follows. FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description FXS Loop Start Y/N Enables FXS Loop Start interf ace type.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 226 FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Message Waiting Light Y/N Applicable only when MultiVOIP is used with Avaya Magix PBX units equipped with Merlin Messaging Centralized mail.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 227 FXS Grou nd Start Parameters (not suppo rted). The parameters applicable to FXS Ground Start are sh own in the figure below an d described in th e table that follows.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 228 FXS Ground Start Interface: Parameter Definitions (continued) Field Name Values Description Message Waiting Light Y/N Applicable only when MultiVOIP is used with Avaya Magix PBX units equipped with Merlin Messaging Centralized mail.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 229 FXO Parameters. The parameters applicable to the FXO telephony interface type are shown i n the figu re below and de scribed in the t able that follow s.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 230 FXO Interface: Parameter Defini tions Field Name Values Description Interface, FXO Y/N Enables FXO functionality Dialing Options Regeneration Pulse, DTMF Determines whether digits generated and sent out will be pulse tones or DTMF.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 231 FXO Interface: Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Dialing Options (cont’d) Inter Digit Regeneration Time milliseconds The length of time between the outputting of DTMF digits.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 232 FXO Interface: Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description FXO Disconnect On (c ont’d) Disconnect Tone Sequence 1 st tone pair + 2 nd tone pair These are DTMF tone pairs.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 233 E&M Parameters. The parameters applicable to the E&M telephony interface type are shown in the figure below and described in t he table that follows.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 234 E&M Interface Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Interface E&M enables E&M functionality Type Types 1-5. Eac h type can be 2-wire or 4-wire. Refers to the type of E&M interface being used.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 235 9b. ( for ISDN-BRI MultiVOIP units ). Set ISDN Par ameters . This dial og box can be reached by pulldown menu, toolba r icon, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 236 In the ISDN BRI Parame ters screen, select one of the BRI interface s and configure it for the particular imple mentation of ISDN that you will us e. Configure each BRI interface pe r the requi rem ents of your voi p system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 237 Note that ISDN BRI parameters are app lied on an interface-by-interface basis. However, once you have est ablished a set of ISDN BR I para.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 238 ISDN-BRI Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Select BRI Interface ISDN n for n= 1-2 (410ST) for n=1-4 (810ST) In this field, you will choose which ISDN port you are configuring.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 239 ISDN-BRI Parameter Definitions (continue d) Field Name Values Description Switch Information PCM Law a-law or mu-law “A-law” is an analog-to-digital compression/expansion standard used in Europe.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 240 Country and O perator options for the MVP-410ST/810ST voip units are listed below. A u s t ra lia Eu ro pe E T SI - -A -l a w E C MA _Q S.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 241 10. Set SNMP Parame ters (Remote Voi p Managem ent). This dial og box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard sh ortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 242 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular system..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 243 The SNMP Parame ter fields are described i n the table bel ow. SNMP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable SNMP Agent Y/N Enables the SNMP code in the firmware of the MultiVOIP .
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 244 11. Set Regional Parameters (P hone Signali ng Tones & Cadence s) . ) . This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 245 The Regional Parameters screen will appear. For the country selected, the standard set of frequ ency pairs will be listed for d ial tone, busy tone, ‘unobtaina ble’ tone ( fast busy or tr unk busy), a nd ring tone .
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 246 The Regional Parameters fi elds are described in the table below. “Regional Parameter” Definitions Field Name Values Description Coun.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 247 “Regional Parameter” Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description Cadence (msec) On/Off n/n/n/n four integer time values in m.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 248 12. Set Custom T ones and Cadences (optional ). The Regional Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialo g box that allows y ou to custom.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 249 The Custom Tone-P air Settings f ields are de scribed in the table below. Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definitions Field Name Values Descript.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 250 Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definitions Field Name Values Description Cadence 1 integer time value in milli-seconds; zero value for dial-to.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 251 13. Set SMTP Parame ters (Log Reports by Email). The SMTP Parameters screen is applicable when the VOIP adm inistrator has chosen to recei.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 252 The SMTP Parameters sc reen is shown below. “SMTP Parameters” Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable SMTP Y/N In order to send log reports b y email, this box must be checked.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 253 ...... “SMTP Parameters” Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description Mail Type text or html Mail type in which log reports will be sent. Subject text User specified. Subject lin e that will appear for all emai led log reports for this MultiVOIP unit.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 254 The SMTP Parameters dial og box has a secondary dialog bo x, Custom Fields , that allows you to customize email log messages for the MultiVOIP. The MultiVOIP software logs data about many aspects of the call traffic going through the Mu ltiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 255 “Custom Fields” Definitions (cont’d) Field Description Field Description Outbound Digits Digits put out by MultiVOIP onto the phone line. Prefix Matched When select ed, the phonebook prefix matched in processing the call will b e listed in log.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 256.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 257 14. Set Log Reporting Metho d . The Logs screen lets you choose how the VoIP administrator will receive l og reports about the MultiVOIP’s performance an d the phone cal l traffic that is pa ssing through i t.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 258 If you enable console messages, y ou can customize the types of messages to be included/excluded in log reports by clicking on the “Filters” button and using the Console Messages Filter Settings scree n (see subsequent page).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 259 “Logs” Screen Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable Console Messages Y/N Allows MultiVOIP debugging messages to be read via a basic terminal program like HyperTerminal ™ or equivalent.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 260 To customi ze console messages by cat egory and/or by channel, click on “Filters” and use the Console Messages Filters Settings sc reen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 261 15. Set Supplementary Ser vices Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldow n menu, key board shortc ut, or sideba r.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 262 In each field, enter the values th at fit your particular net work. Of the features implemented unde r Su pplementary Services, t hree are very closely related: Call Transfer, Call Hold, and Call Waiting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 263 the channel over which the call is being originated (for ex ample, “Calling Party - Omaha Sales Office Line 2”). If that voip c hannel is dedicated t o a certain indivi dual, the descri ptor could say t hat, as well (f or example “Calling Party - Harold Smith in Omah a”).
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 264 The Supplementary Services fields a re described in t he tables below. Supplementary Services Parameter Defini tions (Not supported in BRI 5.02c software.) Field Name Values Description Select Channel 1-2 (210); 1-4 (410); 1-8 (810) The channel to be configured is selected here.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 265 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Hold Enable Y/N Select to enable Call Hold fun ction in voip unit.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 266 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Name Identification Enable Enables CNI function.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 267 Supplementary Services Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description Calling Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘hom e’ voi.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 268 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Alerting Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voi.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 269 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Busy Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voi p un.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 270 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Connected Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ vo.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 271 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Caller ID This is the identifier of a specific channel of the ‘home’ voip unit.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 272 16. Set Baud Rate . The Connection opti on in the side bar menu has a “Settings” item that includes the baud-rate setting for the COM port of the computer running the MultiVOIP software.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 273 17. View System Inform ation screen and set updating interval (optional). The System Inform ation screen is n ot supported in BRI 5 .02c software. This dialog bo x can be reache d by pulld own menu, keyboard s hortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 274 This screen presents vital system inform ation at a glance. Its primary use is in troublesho oting. System Information Param eter Definitions Field Name Values Description Boot Code Version nn.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 275 The frequency with which t he System Information scree n is updated is determined by a setting i n the Logs scree n 18. Saving the MultiVOIP Configuration . When values have been set for all of the MultiVOIP’s various operating parameters, click on Save Setup in the sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/BR I) MultiVOIP User Guide 276 19. Creating a User Defa ult Configuration . When a “Setup” (com plete grouping of parameters) is being saved, you will be prompted about designating that setup as a “User Defau lt” setup.
277 Chapter 7: T1 Phonebook Configuration (North American Telephony Standards).
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 278 Configuring the MVP2400/2410 MultiVOIP Phonebooks When a VoIP serves a PBX system , it’s important that the operation of the VoIP be transparent to the telephone en d user.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 279 The first type of call requires an entry in the Outbound Pho neBook of the Miami VOIP and a coordin ated entry in the Inbound phonebook of the New York VOIP. These entries would allow the Miami caller to dial the New York office as if its phones were extensions on the Miami PBX.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 280 Phonebook configuration screens can be accessed using icons or the sidebar menu. Phonebook Icons Description Phonebook Configuratio n Inbound Phon e.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 281 Phonebook Sidebar Menu.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 282 1. Go to the PhoneBoo k Configurat ion screen (using either the sidebar or drop-dow n menu)..
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 283 In consultation with your VOIP administrator, enter the Gateway Name and values for Q.931 parameters and Gatekeeper RAS parameters. Determine whether your voip system will operate with a proxy server.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 284 The table below describes all fiel ds in the general PhoneBook Co nfiguration screen. PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Gateway Name Y/N This field allows you to specify a name for this MultiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 285 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Proxy Parameters Enable Proxy Y/N Allows the MultiVOIP to work in conjunction with a proxy server. Proxy Server IP Address n.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 286 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters Q.931 Multiplexing (Mux) Y/N Signaling for multiple phone calls can be carried on a single port rather than opening a separate signaling port for each call.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 287 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters Parallel H.245 (FS + Tun) Values : Y/N Description : FS (Fast Start or Fast Connect) is a Q.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 288 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) Mode Direct, Client, or Registrar .
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 289 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) [continued] Client Options Client Option fields ar e active only in registrar/client mode and only for client voip units.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 290 2. Select PhoneBook Modify and t hen select Outbound Phone Book / List Entries . Click Add ..
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 291 3. The Add/Edit Outbound PhoneBook screen ap pear s. Enter Outb ound PhoneB ook data for y o ur MVP24 00/2410. N ote that the Advanced button gives access t o the Alternate IP Routing feature, if nee ded.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 292 The fields of the Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book scree n are described in the table below. Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions Field Name .
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 293 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 fields Use Gatekeepr Y/N Indicates whether or not gatekeeper is used. H.323 ID The H.323 ID assigned to th e destination MultiVOIP.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 294 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Fields Use Proxy Y/N Select if prox y server is used. Transport Protocol TCP or UDP Voip administrator must choose between UDP and TCP transmission protocols.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 295 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Def’ns (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SPP Fields Use Registrar Values: Y/N Description: Select this checkbox to use registrar when voip system is operating in the “Registrar/Client” SPP mode.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 296 Clicking o n the Advanced button brings up the Alternate Routing secondary screen. This feature provides an alte rnate path for calls if the primary IP network cannot carry the traffic. Often in cases of failure, call traffic is temporarily diverted into the PSTN.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 297 Alternate Routing Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Alternate IP Address n.n.n.n where n= 0-255 Alternate destination fo r outbound data traffic in case of excess ive delay in data transmission.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 298 4. Select PhoneBook Mo dify and then select Inbo und PhoneBook | List Entries ..
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 299 5. The Add/Edit Inbound PhoneBook s creen appears. Enter Inbound PhoneBook d ata for your MultiVOIP.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 300 Add/Edit Inbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Description -- Describes th e facility or geographical location at which the call originated. Call Forward Parameters Enable Y/N Click the check-box to enable the call-forwarding feature.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 301 Remember that the initial MVP2400/241 0 setup must be done locally using the MultiVOIP program. However, after the initial configuration is complete.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 302 An outline of the equipment setup in both offices is shown below. IP Network Digital Vo I P T1 717-5170 PBX -5171 -5172 -5173 -5174 Company HQ. Minneapolis North S ub. area 76 3 Local-Call Area Codes: 612, 651, 952 325-7001 R o u t e r Digital Vo I P 200.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 303 The screen below shows Outbound PhoneBook entries for the V OIP located in the company’s Baltimore facility. The entries i n the Minneap olis VOIP’s I nbound Pho neBook mat ch the Outbound PhoneBook entries of th e Baltimore VOIP, as shown below.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 304 To call the Minneapolis/St. Pau l area, a Baltimore employee must dial eleven digits. (In t his case, we are a ssuming that t he Baltimore PB X does not require an “8” or “9” to seize an outside phone line.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 305 Similarly, the Inbou nd PhoneBook fo r the Baltimore VOIP (s hown first below ) generally m atches the Outbo und PhoneBook o f the Minnea polis VOIP (shown second below). Notice the extend ed prefix to be removed: 14103 257.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 306 The Outboun d PhoneBook f or the Minneapol is VOIP is s hown below. T he third destination pattern, “7” facilitates reception of co -worker calls using local-appearing-extensions only. In this case, the “Add Prefix” fiel d value for this phonebook en try would be “1410325” .
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 307 Configuring Mixed Digit al/Analog VOIP Sy stems The MVP2400/2410 digital Mu ltiVOIP unit is compatible with analog VOIPs. In many cases, digital and analog VOIP units will appear in the same telephony/IP system.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 308 The Series I analog VOIP phone book resides in th e “Host” VOIP unit at Site B. It applies to both of the Series I analog VOIP units. Each of the Series II analog MultiVOIPs (the MVP210 and the MVP410) requires its own inb ound and outbound phoneboo ks.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 309 These seven phone books are sh own below. Phone Book for Series I Analog VOIP Host Unit (Site B) VOIP Dir # -OR- Destination Pattern IP Address Channel Comments 102 200.2 .9.8 2 Site B, FXS chan nel.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 310 Note 1. The “x” is a wildcard c haracter. Note 2. By specifying “Cha nnel 0,” we instruct the MVP2400/2410 to ch oose any availab le data channel to carry the call. Note 3. Note that Site F key system has only 30 extensions (x7400-7429) .
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 311 Outbound Phone Book for MVP2400 Digital VOIP (Site D) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Add re s s Comment 201 200.2.9 .7 To originate calls to Site A (Bismarck). 1507 1507 101# Note 3. 200.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 312 Inbound Phonebook for MVP2400/2410 Digital VOIP (Site D) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 1615 9, Note 4. Note 5. 0 Allows phone users at remote voip sites to call non-toll numbers within the Site D area code (615; Pierre, SD) over the VOIP network.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 313 Outbound Phone Book for MVP410 Analog VOIP (Site F) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Add re s s Comment 201 To origin ate calls to Site A (Bismarck). 1507 1507 101# Note 3. 200.2.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 314 Inbound Phonebook for MVP410 Analog VOIP (Site F) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 1402 4 Access to Lincoln local PSTN by users at remote VOIP locations via FXO port at Site F.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 315 Outbound Phone Book for MVP210 Analog VOIP (Site E) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Add re s s Comment 201 200.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 316 Inbound Phonebook for MVP210 Analog VOIP (Site E) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 421 1 Call Completion Summaries Site A calling Site C, Method 1 1. Dial 101. 2. Hear dial tone from Site B.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 317 Site D calling Site C 1. Dial 9,15077175662 . 2. “9” gets outside line. On som e PB Xs, an “8” may be used to direct calls to the VOIP, while “9” dir ects calls to the PST N.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 318 Site D calling Site F A voip call from Pierre PBX to extension 742 4 on the key telephone system in Lincoln, Nebraska. A. The required entry in the Pierre Outbound Phonebook to facilitate o rigination of the call, would be 1402263 742.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 319 Site F calling Site D A voip call from a Lincoln key ext ension to extension 3117 on the PB X in Pierre, South Dakota. A. The required entry in the Lincoln Outbo und Phonebook to facilitate orig ination of the call, would be “31”.
320 Chapter 8: E1 Phonebook Configuration (European Telephony Standards).
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 321 MVP3010 Inbound and Outbound MultiVOIP Phonebooks Important Definition: The MultiVOIP’s Outbound phoneboo k lists the phone stations it can call; its Inbound phonebook describe s the dialing sequences that can b e used to call that MultiVOIP and how those calls will be directed.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 322 Free Calls: One VOIP Site to Another The most direct use of the VOIP syst em is ma king calls between t he offices where the VOIPs are l ocated.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 323 Local Rate Calls: Within Local Calling Area of Remote VOIP In the second us e of the VOIP syst em, the local calling area of eac h VOIP location becomes accessible to all of the VOIP system’s use rs.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 324 Similarl y, the VOIP system allows Wren Clothin g employees in Lond on and Amsterdam to call anywhere in Paris at local rates; it allows Wren Clothing employees in Paris and London to call an ywhere in Amsterdam at local rates.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 325 National Rate Calls: Within Nation of Remote VOIP Site In the third use of the VOIP system, the national calling area of each VOIP location becomes accessible to all of the VOIP system’s use rs. As a result, international calls can be made at national calling rates.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 326 Similarl y, the VOIP system allows Wren Clothin g employees in L ondon and Amsterdam to call anywhere in France at French national rates; it allows Wren Clothing em ployees in Paris and Amst erdam to call anywhere in the United Kingdom at its national rates.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 327 the VOIP system . The Outbound Phonebook fo r that VOIP unit must have a destination pattern entry that in cludes the ‘called’ phone (that is, the phone completing the call).
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 328 Phonebook configuration screens can be accessed using icons or the sidebar menu. Phonebook Icons Description Phonebook Config uration Inbound Phon e.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 329 Phonebook Sidebar Menu.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 330 Phonebook Configuration Procedure 1. Go to the PhoneBoo k Configurat ion screen (using either the sideba r menu, dro p-down m enu, or ico n).
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 331.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 332 In consultation with your VOIP administrator, enter the Gateway Name and values for Q.931 parameters and Gatekeeper RAS parameters. Determine whether your voip system will operate with a proxy server.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 333 The table below describes all fiel ds in the PhoneBook Configur ation screen. PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Gateway Name Y/N This field allows you to specify a nam e for this MultiVOIP.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 334 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Proxy Parameters Enable Proxy Y/N Proxy Server IP Address n.n.n.n where n=0-255 Network address of the proxy server that the voip is using .
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 335 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters Q.931 Multiplexing (Mux) Y/N Signaling for multiple phone calls can be carried on a single port rather than opening a separate signaling port for each call.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 336 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters Parallel H.245 (FS + Tun) Y/N FS (Fast Start or Fast Connect) is a Q.931 feature of H.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 337 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) Mode Direct, Client, or Registrar .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 338 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) [cont’d] Client Options Client Option fields ar e active only in registrar/client mode and only for client voip units.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 339 2. Select PhoneBook Modify and t hen select Outbound Phone Book/List Entries . Click Add ..
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 340 3. The Add/Edit Outbound PhoneBook screen ap pear s. Enter Outbou nd PhoneBo ok data for y our MVP3010.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 341 The fields of the Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book scree n are described in the table below. Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions Field Name .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 342 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 fields Use Gatekeepr Y/N Indicates whether or not gatekeeper is used. H.323 ID The H.323 ID assigned to th e destination MultiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 343 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Fields Use Proxy Y/N Select if prox y server is used. Transport Protocol TCP or UDP Voip administrator must choose between UDP and TCP transmission protocols.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 344 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Def’ns (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SPP Fields Use Registrar Values: Y/N Description: Select this checkbox to use registrar when voip system is operating in the “Registrar/Client” SPP mode.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 345 Clicking o n the Advanced button brings up the Alternate Routing secondary screen. This feature provides an alte rnate path for calls if the primary IP network cannot carry the traffic. Often in cases of failure, call traffic is temporarily diverted into the PSTN.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 346 Alternate Routing Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Alternate IP Address n.n.n.n where n= 0-255 Alternate destination fo r outbound data traffic in case of excess ive delay in data transmission.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 347 5. The Add/Edit Inbound PhoneBook s creen appears. Enter Inbound Phon eBook data for your MVP3010 .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 348 Add/Edit Inbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Description -- Describes th e facility or geographical location at which the call originated. Call Forward Parameters Enable Y/N Click the check-box to enable the call-forwarding feature.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 349 6. When your Outbou nd and Inbound Ph oneBook entries ar e completed, click on Save Se tup in the side bar menu t o save your co nfiguration. You can cha nge your confi guration at a ny time as needed for your syst em.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 350 Lille Reims Strasbour g Paris: Area 01 Rouen Nantes Lyon Marseille Toulouse Bordeaux France Country Code: 33.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 351 010 Rotterdam 020 Amsterdam 050 Groningen 040 Eindho ven 01 18 Middelburg 038 Zwolle 058 Leeuwarden 053 Enschede 070 The Hague Haarlem 023 0294 W ee.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 352 An outline of the equipment setup in these three offices is shown below. IP Network Digital Vo I P E1 979-5170 PBX -5171 -5172 -5173 -5174 Wren Clothing Co. London Of fice Country Cod e: +44 Area Code: 0208 PBX Wren C lothing Co.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 353 The screen below shows Outbound PhoneBook entries for the VOIP located in th e company’s London facility The Inbound PhoneBook fo r the London VOIP is shown below. NOTE: Commas are allowed in the Inbound Phonebook, but not in the Outbound P honebook.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 354 The screen below shows Outbound PhoneBook entries for the VO IP located in the company’s Paris facility.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 355 The screen below shows Outbound PhoneBook entries for the VO IP in the company’s Amsterdam facility.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 356 Configuring Digit al & Anal og VOIPs in Same System The MVP3010 digital MultiVOIP unit is compatible with analog VOIPs. In many cases, digital and analog VOIP units will app ear in the same telephony/IP system.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 357 The Series I analog VOIP phone book resides in th e “Host” VOIP unit at Site B. It applies to both of the Series I analog VOIP units. Each of the Series II analog MultiVOIPs (the MVP210 and the MVP410 ) requires its own inb ound and outbound phoneboo ks.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 358 These seven phone books are shown below . Phone Book for Analog VOIP Host Unit (Site B) VOIP Dir # -OR- Destination Pattern IP Address Channel Comments 102 200.2 .9.8 2 Site B, FXS chan nel. (Reading, UK) 101 200.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 359 Phone Book for Analog VOIP Host Unit (Site B) (continued) VOIP Dir # -OR- Destination Pattern IP Address Channel Comments 0207 xxx xxxx 200.2.9. 9 0 (Note 2.) Gives remot e voip users access to phone numbers in 0207 area cod e (Inner London) in which Site D is located.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 360 The Outboun d PhoneBook of the MVP3 010 is show n below. Outbound Phone Book for MVP3010 Digital VOIP (Site D) Destin. Pattern Remov e Prefix Add Prefix IP Add re s s Comment 201 To originate calls to Site A (Birmi ngham).
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 361 The Inbound PhoneBook of th e MVP3010 is shown below . Inbound Phone Book for MVP3010 Digital VOIP (Site D) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comments 0207 9,7 Note 4.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 362 Outbound Phone Book for MVP410 Analog VOIP (Site F) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Add re s s Comment 201 To origin ate calls to Site A (Birmi ngham). 01189 0118 101# Note 3. 200.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 363 Inbound Phonebook for MVP410 Analog VOIP (Site F) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 01822 2 4 Calls to Tavistock local PSTN through FXO port (Por t #4) at Site F. 0182 263 740 740 . 0 0182 263 741 741 .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 364 Outbound Phone Book for MVP210 Analog VOIP (Site E) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Add re s s Comment 201 To origin ate calls to Site A (Birmi ngham). 01189 0118 101# Note 3. 200.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 365 Inbound Phonebook for MVP210 Analog VOIP (Site E) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 421 1 Call Completion Summaries Site A calling Site C, Method 1 1. Dial 101. 2. Hear dial tone from Site B.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 366 Site D calling Site C 1. Dial 9 01189435632. 2. “9” gets outside line. On s ome PBXs, an “8” may be use d to direct calls to the VOIP, while “9” directs calls to the PSTN.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 367 Site D calling Site F A voip call from Inner London PBX to e xtension 7424 on the key telepho ne system in Tavistock, UK. A. The required entry in the Londo n Outbo und Phon ebook to facilitate o rigination of the call, would be 90182263742 .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 368 Site F calling Site D A voip call from a Tavistock key extension to extension 3117 on the PB X in Inner London. A. The required entry in the Tav istock Outbound Ph onebook to facilitate or igination of the call, would be “3”.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 369 International T elephony Nu mbering Plan R esources Due to the e xpansion of tel ephone number capacity to accom modate pagers, fax machines, wi reless telephon y, and other new phone t echnologies, numbering plans have bee n changing w orldwide.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 370 use of modem s. http://www.numberplan .org/ National and international numbering plans based on direct input from regulators worldwide. Incl udes lists of telecom carriers per country. http://www.eto.
371 Chapter 9: Analog/BRI Phonebook Configuration.
Analog Phonebook MultiVOIP User Guide 372 Phonebooks for Series II an alog MultiVOIP units (MVP130, MVP210, MVP210G, MVP410 , MVP410G, MVP810, and MVP810G ) and BRI MultiVOIP units (MVP410ST/810ST) ar.
373 Chapter 10: Operation and Maintenance.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 374 Operation and Maintenance Although most Operation and Maintenance function s of the software are in the Statistics group of screens, an impo rtant summary appears in the Syste m Information of the Configuration screen group.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 375 The frequency with which t he System Information scree n is updated is determined by a setting i n the Logs scree n.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 376 St atistics Screens Ongoing operation of the MultiVOIP, whether it is in a MultiVOIP/PBX setting or MultiVOIP/telco-office setting, can be monitored for performance using the Statistics functions of the MultiVOIP software.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 377 The Call Progress Details Screen.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 378 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Channel 1-n Number of data channel or time slot on which the call is carri ed. This is the channel for which c all-progress details are being v iewed.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 379 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions (cont’d) From – To Details Description Gateway Name alphanumeric string Identifier for the VOIP gateway that handled this call. IP Address x.x.x.x, where x has a range of 0 to 255 IP address from which the call was received.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 380 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Supplementary Services Status Call on Hold alphanumeric Describes held call by its IP address source, location/gateway identifier, and hold duration.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 381 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Supplementary Services Status Caller ID There are four values: �.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 382 About Logs The Logs Accessing “Statistics: Logs” Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Alt + L The Logs Screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 383 Logs Screen Details: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Event # column 1 or higher All calls are assigned an event number in chronologi cal order, with the most recent call having the highest event number.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 384 Logs Screen Details: Field Definitions (c ont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Details (cont’d) Packets loss (lost) integer value The number of voice packets from this call that were lost af ter being received from the IP network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 385 Logs Screen Details: Field Definitions (c ont’d) Supplementary Services Info (Not supported in BRI 502c software.) Call Transferred To phone number string Number of party call ed in transfer. Call Forwarded To phone number string Number of party called in forwarding.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 386 About IP S t atistics Accessing IP Statistics Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Alt + I IP Statistics Screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 387 IP Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description UDP versus TCP . (User Datagram Protocol versus Transmission Control Protocol). UDP provides unguaranteed, connectionless transmi ssion of data across an IP network.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 388 IP Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Total Packets (cont’d) Sum of data packets of all types.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 389 IP Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d) RTP Packets Voice signals are transmitted in Realtime Transport Protocol pack ets.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 390 About Packetization T ime You can use the Packetizatio n Time screen to specify definite packetization rates for coders selected in the Voi ce/FAX Param eters screen (in the “Coder Options” group of fields).
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 391 Packetization Time Screen Packetization rates can be set separately for each channel. The table below presents the ra nges an d increments for packetization rates.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 392 Once the packetizati on rate has been set for one channel, it ca n be copied into other channels..
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 393 About T1/E1 and BRI S tatistics Accessing T1 Statistics Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Alt + T The T1 and E1 Statistics screens a re only accessible and applicable for the MVP2400, MVP2410, and MVP301 0.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 394 T1 Statistics Screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 395 T1 Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Red Alarm Integer tally of alarms counted since last rese t. The alarm condition declared when a device receives no signal or ca nnot synchronize to the signal being received.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 396 T1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Yellow Alarm Tally since last reset. The alarm signal s ent by a remote T1/E1 device to indicate that it sees no receive signal or cannot synchronize on the receiv e signal.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 397 T1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Bipolar Violation Integer tally of violation count since last rese t. Two successive pulses of the same pola rity have been receive d and these pulses are not part of zero substitution.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 398 E1 Statistics Screen E1 Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Red Alarm Integer tally of alarms counted since last rese t. The alarm condition declared when a device receives no signal or ca nnot synchronize to the signal being received.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 399 E1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Receive Timeslot 16 Alarm Indication Signal Detected alarm indication signal in timeslot 16 accordin g to IT U-T G.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 400 E1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Receive Timeslot 16 Loss of MultiFrame Alignment The framing pattern '0000' in 2 consecutive CAS multiframes were not found or in all time slot 16 of the previous m ultiframe all bits were reset.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 401 ISDN BRI Statistics Screen.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 402 ISDN BRI Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Select BRI Interface ISDNn For n=1-2 (410ST) For n-1-4 (810ST) In this field, you can choose th e ISDN port for which you want to view the status.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 403 ISDN BRI Statistics: Field Definitions (continued) Field Name Values Description Switch Information: TEI Assignme nt TEI 0 through TEI 7 0-63 (point-to-point assignments ) 64-126 (automatic assignments) Displays the value for e ach TEI assigned to the BRI port.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 404 ISDN BRI Statistics: Field Definitions (continued) Field Name Values Description Switch Information: SPID 1 (SPID 1 number ) numeric SPID fo r channel 1 of the BRI interface. Otherwise, same as SPID0 description abov e.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 405 About Registered Gateway Det ails The Registered Gateway Details screen present s a real-time display of the special operating parameters of t he Single Port Protocol (SPP ). These are configured in th e PhoneBook Confi guration screen and in the Add/Edit Outbound PhoneBook screen.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 406 Registered Gate w ay Details: Field Defini tions Field Name Values Description Column Headings Description alphanumeric This is a descriptor for a particular voip gateway unit. This de scriptor should generally identify the ph ysical location of the unit (e.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 407 MultiV oip Program Menu Items After the MultiVoip program is installed on the PC, it can be launched fro m the Programs group o f the Windows Start menu ( Start | Programs | MultiVOIP ____ | … ). In t his section, we describe t he software functions available on this menu.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 408 MultiVOIP Program Menu (cont’d) Menu Selection Description Download Factory Defaults Select this to return the con figuration parameters to the original factory values. Download Firmware Select this to download new versions of firmware as enha ncements becom e available.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 409 Date and T ime Setup The dialog box below allows you to set the time and date indicators of the MultiVOIP system.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 410 If you conduct a search, for example, on the word “MultiVoip,” you will be directed to a l ist of firm ware that can be d ownloaded. If you choose Supp ort , you can select “MultiVoip” in th e Produc t Support menu and then click on Firmware to find MultiVOIP resources.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 411 Once the updat ed firm ware has been locat ed, it can be downloaded from the web/ftp site using normal PC/Windows procedures. While the next 3 screens below pertain to the MVP3010, similar screens will appear for any MultiVOIP model described i n this m anual.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 412 Generally, the firmware file will be a sel f-extracting compressed file (with .zip extension), which must be expanded (decompresse d, or “unzippe d”) on the user’s PC in a user-specified direct ory.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 413 Implementing a Sof tware Upgrade Beginning with the 4.03/6.03 software release, MultiVOIP software can be upgraded locally using a single command at th e MultiVOIP Windows GUI, namely Upgrade Software .
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 414 Download Firmware transfe rs the firm ware (includin g the H.323 protocol stack) in the PC’s MultiVOIP directory into the nonvolatile flash memory of the MultiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 415 3. If a password has been establi shed, the Password Verificati on screen will appear. Type in the password an d click OK . 4. The MultiVOIP ___- Firmware screen appears saying “MultiVOIP [ model number ] is up.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 416 5. The program will locate the firmware “.bin” file in the MultiVOIP directory. Highlight the correct (ne west) “.bin” file and click Open . 6. Progress bars will appear at the bottom of the screen during the file transfer.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 417 Downloading CAS Protocols 1. The MultiVoip Configuration program must be off wh en invoking the Download CAS Protocol comm and. If it is on, the command will not work. 2. To invoke t he Download H.323 PDL command, go to Star t | Progra ms | MVP____ x.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 418 3. If a passwo rd has been establ ished, the Passw ord Verification screen will appear. Type in passwo rd and click OK . 4. The MultiVOIP ____- Firmwa re screen appears saying “MultiVOIP [ model number ] is up.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 419 5. The program will locate the CAS protocol file in the MultiVOIP directory. Highlight the correct (ne west) file and click Open . 6. Progress bars will appear at the bottom of the screen during the file transfer.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 420 3. If a password has been establi shed, the Password Verificati on screen will appear. Type in the pas sword and click OK . 4. The MVP____- Firmware screen appears saying “MultiVOIP [ model number ] is up.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 421 5. After the PC gets a response from the MultiVOIP, the Dialog – IP Parameters screen will appear. The user should verify that t he correct IP parameter values are listed on the screen and revise them if necessa ry.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 422 2. Before the setup configuration is saved, yo u will be prompted to save the setup as the User Default Configuration . Select the checkbox and click OK . Save Curr ent Setup as U ser Defa ult Con figura tion MultiVOIP ____ _ will be bro ught down.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 423 5. When the file transfer process is complete, the Dialog-- IP Parameters screen will appear. 6. Set the IP val ues per your particular VO IP system. C lick OK . Pro gress bars will appear as the MultiVOIP reboots itself.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 424 Setting a Password (Windows GUI) After a user nam e has been desig nated and a password has been set, that password is required to gain access to any functionality of t he MultiVOIP software. Onl y one user name and passw ord can be assi gned to a voip u nit.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 425 4. The Password screen will appear. If you intend to use the FTP Server function that is built into th e MultiVOIP, enter a user name. (A User Name is not needed to access the local Wi ndows GUI, the web browse r GUI, or the commands in the Program group.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 426 6. After the password has been set, th e user will be required to en ter the password to gain access to t he web browser GUI and any pa rt of the MultiVOIP software listed in the Program group menu.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 427 Setting a Password (Web Browser GUI) Setting a password is optional when using the MultiVOIP web browser GUI. Only one password can be assigned and it works for all MultiVOIP software functions (Window s GUI, web browser GUI, FTP server, an d all Program menu comm ands, e.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 428 Un-Inst a lling the MultiVOIP Sof tware 1. To un-install the MultiVOIP configuration software, go to Start | Progr ams and locate the MultiVOIP entry. Select Uninsta ll MVP____ vx.xx (versions may vary).
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 429 3. A special warning message sim i lar to that show n below may appear for the MultiVOIP software’s “.bin” file. Click Yes . An option that you selected requires that files be installed to your system, or files be uninstalled from your system, or both.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 430 Upgrading Sof tware As noted earlier (see the section Imp lementing a So ftware Upgrade above) , the Upgrade Software comm and transfers, from the controller PC to the MultiVOIP unit, firm ware (including th e H323 stack) a nd factory defa ult configuration setting s.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 431 FTP Server File T ransfers (“Downloads”) With the 4.03/6.03 software release, MultiTech has built an FTP serv er into the MultiVOIP unit. Therefore, file transfers from the controller PC to the voip unit can be done using an FTP client program or even using a browser (e .
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 432 To transfer files using the FTP serv er functionality in the MultiVOIP, follow these directions. 1. Establish Network Connection and IP Addresses . Both the controller PC and the MultiVOIP unit(s) must be connected to the same IP network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 433 3. Install FTP Client Program or Use Substitute . You should ins tall an FTP client program on the controller PC. FTP file trans fers can be do ne using a web browser (e.g., Netscape or Internet Explorer) in conjunction with a lo cal Windows brow ser a (e.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 434 5. Identify Files to be Upd ated . Determine which files you want to update. Six types of files can be update d using the FTP feature. In s ome cases, the file to be transferred will have “Ftp” as the part of its filename just before the suffix (or extension ).
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 435 6. Contact MultiVOIP FTP Server . You must m ake contact with the FTP Server in the voip using either a web browser or FTP client program.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 436 7. Log In . Use the User Name and password established in item #2 above. The login screens will differ depending on whether the FTP file transfer is to be done with a web browse r (see first screen b elow) or wit h an FTP client program (see secon d screen below).
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 437 8. Invoke Download . Downl oading can be done with a web browse r or with an FTP client program. 8A. Download with Web Brow ser. 8A1. In the local Windows brow ser, locate the directory holding the MultiVOIP program files.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 438 You may be asked to confirm the over writing of files on th e MultiVOIP. Do so. File transfer between PC and voip will look like tran sfer within voip directories.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 439 8B. Download with FTP Client Program. 8B1. In the local directory br owser of the FTP cl ient program , locate the directory holding the M ultiVOIP pro gram files.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 440 Some FTP client program s are more grap hically orie nted (see previous screen) , while others (like the “WS-FTP” client) are m ore text orient ed. 9. Verify Transfer . The files transferred will a ppear in the directory of the MultiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 441 W eb Browser Interface Beginning with the 4.03/6.03 software release, you can control the M ultiVOIP unit with a graphic user interface (G UI) based on the comm on web browser platform. Qualifying browsers ar e InternetExplorer6 and Netscape6.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 442 The initial configuration step of assigning the voip un it an IP address must still be done locally using the Windows GUI. However, all additional configuration ca n be done vi a the web GU I. The content and organization of the web GUI is directly parallel to the Windows GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 443 The graphic l ayout of the web GUI is al so somewhat larger-scale than t hat of the Windows GUI. For th at reason, it’s helpful to use as large of a video monitor as po ssible. The primary advantage of the web GUI is rem ote access for control a nd configuration.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 444 During the installation, you must specify which browser you’ll use in the Select Browsers screen. When installation is complete, the Ja va program becom es accessible in your Start | Programs m enu (Java resources are readily available via the web).
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 445 After the Java program has bee n inst alled, you can access the MultiVOIP using the web browser GUI. Close the Mu ltiVOIP Windows GUI. Start the web browser. Enter the IP address of th e MultiVOIP unit.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 446 SysLog Server Functions Beginning with the 4.03/6.03 software release, we have built SysLog server functionality into the software of the MultiVOIP units. SysLog is a de facto standard for l ogging events i n network c ommunicati on systems.
MultiVOIP User Guide Operation & Maintenance 447 Before a SysLog client program is used, the SysLog functionality must be enabled within the MultiVOIP in the Logs menu unde r Configuratio n . The IP Address used will be that of the MultiVOIP itself.
Operation & Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 448 Configuring th e SysLog Cli ent Program . Configure the SysLog client program for your own needs. In vario us SysLog cli ent program s, you can def.
449 Chapter 1 1: Embedded Gatekeeper (for MVP-210G/410G/810G).
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 450 Introduction to Embedded Gatekeeper This chapter describes how to configure and m anage the MultiVOIP Gatekeeper software. The software comes pre-installed on th e s pe cia lly -e qu ipp ed anal og MultiVOIP units, MVP21 0G, MVP410G, and MVP810G.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 451 Getting S t arted with the Gatekeeper- Equipped MultiVOIP MultiVOIP units equipped with embedded gatek eeper functionality (MVP210G, MVP410G, or MVP810G) require conf iguration of their gatekeeper param eters before they can control a grou p of voip gateways .
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 452 The basic functi on of directing cal ls to specified endpoints is done differently in gatek eepe r-controlled systems than in systems controlled only by phoneboo ks. Phonebooks use “destination patterns” like area codes and local prefixes to route calls to specifi c endpoin ts.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 453 Gatekeeper | Services screen must also be set in the Phone book Configuration screen. In fact, if the ordered sequence above is followed (tech config, phon.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 454 Embedded Gatekeeper System Example The present exam ple shows a voip system with t hree gateways, one of whose embedded gatekeeper functio nality directs voip traffic in the system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 455 IP NE TWORK PBX Mu ck sv ill e -- co mpan y h ead qua rte rs 7 000 – 73 00 ex t e n s i o ns GW Prefi x = 7 (a cce ss t o PB X ext ensi ons) H.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 456 The required MVP410G phonebook co nfiguration is shown below. “Compton” MVP410G Gatewa y Functions and Settings Function PhBk Config Scn Settings 1 Inbound PhoneBook Screen Settings Phone User’s Actions Put MVP410G gateway under gatekeeper control Gatekeeper IP Address = 192.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 457 2. MVP410G . We begi n with the PhoneBook Configuration screen. Because the MVP410G serves as a gatekeeper for its own gateway, t he Gatekeeper IP Address is the same as the gateway’s regular IP address, as set in the IP Parameters screen.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 458 3. MVP410G . The Inbound Phonebook of th e MVP410G requires two en tries, one for access to Com pton PBX extensions, another for access t o the Compton area PSTN.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 459 4. MVP410G . The Outbound Phoneb ook of the MVP410G requ ires four entries. Compton MVP410G MultiVOIP.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 460 Two outbound phonebook e ntries are fo r R ootersville, one describing access t o its local PSTN and the other describing access to its office phone.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 461 Another two outbound phonebook e ntr ies are for Mucksville for access to its PBX extensions and its local PSTN. Compton MVP410G MultiV OIP: Adding Ou tbound Phon ebook Entries gaining access to a remote site PBX … and … to a remote area PSTN 5.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 462 6. MVP140G Gatekeeper Function . We will configure the gatekeeper fun ction of the MVP410 G at Com pton as summari zed in the table below. It is use ful to begin the configur ation process by listing th e functionality that yo u want to implement in your system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 463 7. MVP410G . Begin at the GK General Settings screen. The required setting s are default values. Compton MVP410G MultiV OIP Gatekeeper.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 464 8. MVP410G . Adding “services” and “prefixe s” in the gatekeep er Services screen fulfills the same role as setting “destination pattern s” in outbound phonebook screens.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 465 To create each of the four required ‘GK-Defined-Services’, you m ust click on “Add” in the Gatekeepe r Services screen and enter the details for each entry in a separate Service Properties screen, as sh own below.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 466 To give network-wi de access to the Compton factory PBX extensions, the Gateway Prefix field of the MVP410G’s Phone Book Configuration screen has already been set to 5 (in step 2 above) and this setting ap pears automatically in the V2 GW Prefix screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 467 “Rootersville” MVP200 Gatewa y Functions & Settings Function Phonebook Directory Data- Base screen settings Add/Edit Phone- Book Entries screen settings Phone User’s Actions Put MVP200 gateway unde r gatekeeper control Select “GateKeeper” radio butto n.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 468 11. MVP200 . From the main MultiVOIP200 screen, select Phone Book. Rootersville MVP200 MultiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 469 12. MVP200 . In the Phone Directory Database screen, click on the “Gatekeeper” ra dio button t o put th e MVP200 under the c ontrol of the MVP410G gat ekeeper. Unde r “RAS Pa ram eters” in the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the gate keeeper .
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 470 14. MVP2410 . The required MVP2410 phonebook con figuration is shown below. We are pre suming here t hat technical confi guration is already complete so t hat the MVP2410 ’s IP address and other tec hnical configuration pa rameters have already been duly set.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 471 15. MVP2410 . For the MVP2410 at Mucksville, we begin again with the PhoneBook Configuration screen. B ecause the M VP410G serves as a gatekeeper for the MVP2410, the MVP410G ’s IP address is the Gatekeeper IP Address for the MVP2410.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 472 16. MVP2410 . The Inbound Phonebook of the MVP2410 requ ires two entries, one for access to Mucksville PBX exte nsions, another for access to the Mucksville area PSTN.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 473 17. MVP2410 . The Outbound Phonebook of the MVP2410 requires four entries. Mucksville MVP2410 MultiVOIP.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 474 Two outbound phonebook e ntries are to gain access to Com pton’s PBX extensions and its local PSTN. To create each of these entries, you m ust click on “Add” at the Outbou nd PhoneBook screen and enter the details for eac h entry in a separat e Add/Edit Outbound Ph oneBook screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 475 Another two outbound phoneb ook entries are for Rootersville, on e describing access to its local PSTN and the other describi ng access to its office phone.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 476 18. MVP2410 . Save the MVP2410 PhoneBook Configur ation (the Save Setup command is i n the side bar menu).
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 477 21. MVP200 . A call from the Rootersville office to its local PSTN can be dialed 676371 75592. Rootersville MVP200 MultiVOIP.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 478 22. MVP410G . A call from the Rootersville analog phone to a PBX extension at the Compton office can be dialed 5592.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 479 23. MVP410G . A call from the Rootersville analog phone to a Compton area PSTN number can be di aled 59 7637172522 .
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 480 24. MVP2410 . A call from a Com pton PBX user to a Mucksville area PSTN number can be dialed 79651 5551212.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 481 Gatekeeper Basics Introduction Gatekeepers are optional wit hin H.323 networks. H owever, when t hey are present, gateways (voip units) and ot her network end point devices (like terminals and Multipoint Con trol Units used in conferences) must use gatekeeper services.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 482 Zone Management Note. Zone Management and neighboring gatekeeper functionality are not included in the curr ent software release. The discussion of this paragraph pertains primarily to the general theory of gatekeeper functionality.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 483 Call Management Note. Call Management functiona lity for re-routing c alls is not included in the current software release. The di scussion of this paragraph pertains primarily to the general theor y of ga tekeeper fun ctionality.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 484 •Gatekeeper services Built-in services such as call forward, zones and exit zone ; and custom services. The Gatekeeper Protocols H.323 is an umbrella stan dard that consists of many sub ordinate protocol s.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 485 Summary of H.323 RAS* Messages (Registration , Admission, & Status) of the H.225 Call Signaling Protocol In a gatekeeper-controlled H.323 network, when call is made, the RAS channel between gatekeeper and e ndpoint is the first logical cha nnel opened.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 486 Summary of H.225 RAS Messages (cont’d) Address Translation Messages for Out-of-Zone Calling An LRQ is a request message between two H.323 gatekeep ers to find t he address of a n H.323 endpoi nt. On e g at eke eper is re que stin g the address translation services of the other.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 487 Summary of H.225 RAS Messages (cont’d) IRQ Information Request IRR Extend Registration Request . (aka “keep-alive” request) URQ Unregiste r Request. App U RQ When registration has timed out, the user application must deci de how to respond.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 488 The fields in the m ain gatekeeper screen, the GK Ge neral Settings screen, are described in the t able below. GK General Settings Definitions Field Name Values Description Registration Policy No Endpoints Y/N When selected, sets a policy whereby the Gatekeeper accep ts no registrations.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 489 GK General Settings Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Activity Configuration Accepts Calls Y/N When checke d, the voip unit will accept calls. GK Active Y/N When check ed, the voip un it’s gatekeeper function is active.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 490 Click on the Memory Setting button to access t he Memo ry screen. GK General Settings Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description GK Memory Values Maximum Calls 10, 20, 30 The maximum number of co ncurrent calls.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 491 GK General Settings Definitions (co nt’d) Field Name Values Description RAS Parameters In H.323, RAS pa rameters pertain to Registration, Admission, a nd Status in t he H.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 492 The fields of the Exis ting Endpo ints screen are described in the t able below. About Registration . Whe n an endpoint registers with t he gatekeeper, t he endpoint is activated. That is, it b ecomes an acknowledged participant on the network (o r on a particul ar zone of a network).
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 493 Existing Endpoints Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Type Gatekeeper, Gateway, MCU, Terminal, or Undefined. The endpoint type . When an endpoint attempts to register with the Gatekeeper, th e Gatekeeper compares the endpoint type with the predefined value.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 494 Existing Endpoints Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Command Buttons Add -- Opens an em pty Predefined Properties dialog box where you can predefine a new registration.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 495 The fields of the Current Calls s cre en are described in the t able below. The Calls window displays a list of all the calls currently taking place an d t.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 496 Current Calls Field Definitions Field Name Values Description No numeric Num ber. A sequent ial number fo r identification in the list. ORIG IP n.n.n.n 0-255 Originating IP Address. IP Address of endpoint origin ating the call.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 497 The Call Details screen consists of three panes: Call General Info, Destination Info, and Sou rce Info. We describe the fields for each of these panes in a separate table bel ow.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 498 Call Details Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Call General Info Call No. Call Number. Accession num ber identifying a call in progress. Cid Sum The conference ID number (C ID) is a unique no n-zero value created by the calling endpoi nt and passed i n various H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 499 Call Details Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Call General Info (cont’d) Total BW The total am ount of bandwidth used by the call. Conf. Goal The type of conference re quest: create , invite or join .
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 500 Call Details Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Source Info fields Names The H.323 alias nam e(s) for the originati ng endpoi nt. Phone Numbers The e164 alias phone number(s) of the originati ng endpoi nt.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 501 Call Details Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Destination Info fields Names The H.323 alias name used to make the call. Phone Numbers The e164 alias phone num ber used to make the call. Other Aliases: Email An e-mail address used to m ake the call.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 502 Call Details Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Destination Info fields Reg. Bandwidt h Requested Ba ndwidth. The bandwi dth the called endpo int requested for the call, as it appears in the ARQ/BRQ m essages.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 503 The fields of the Network Parameters screen are described in the table below. Network Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Status Information Use Update button to refresh the Status Information fields.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 504 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Configuration Options Alias Givi ng Y/N When an endpoi nt sends an RR Q message, the Gatekeeper uses th e additional aliases that were predefined for the endpoint as online aliases.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 505 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Line Hunting Information Call to Out- of-Service Supplier Y/N “Y” enables the sending of RAI messages.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 506 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Proceeding This parameter gro up pertains to t he gatekeeper’s ha ndling of Q.931 “call- proceeding” m essages. Send Immediately Y/N Immediate return of call-proceeding message to ori ginating en dpoint.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 507 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Mode Direct Mode Sets the call mode to direct. In this mode, terminals send ARQ m essages to the Gatekeeper, but pass the call signaling and media cont rol signaling directly between them.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 508 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Configuration Parameters Registration TO (hrs) Registration Ti meout. Sets t he number of hours of inactivity after which the dynamic regist ration of a term inal expires.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 509 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Configuration Parameters Call IRQ Interval The interval, in seconds, between IRQ messages sent by the Gatekeeper to query the status of calls.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 510 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Configuration Parameters Default Distance The “distance” (number device-to-de vi.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 511 Network Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Configuration Parameters Multicast Distance The “distance” (number device-to-de vice hops that a call must traverse between endpoints) associat ed with sending an LRQ by multicast.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 512 The fields of the Services sc reen are d escr ibed in the table below..
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 513 Services Screen Definitions Field Name Values Description GK Defined Services Prefix A prefix that id entifies the service. Description A description of th e service that is accessible by dialing the prefix.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 514 Services Screen Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description GK Defined Services Public For any GK-defined service being used, the user must select eith er “Default” or “P ublic.” When Public is s elected, th e se rvi ce is accessible to all endpoints that are not pa rt of the zone.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 515 Services Screen Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description V2 GW Prefixes Dynamic Y/N Indicates whether the service is static (essentially permanent) or timed & conditional (dynamic).
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 516 GK Defined Service T ypes You can either define your own Gatekeep er services, or use any of the built-in services, which are pre defined interna lly and supported by the Gatekeeper.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 517 Built-in Gatekeeper-Defined Ser vices The current version of the Gatekeep er software supports the following services: • Zone Prefix 1 • Zone Prefix 2 •F o r w a r d Service T ypes: Zone Prefixes (1 and 2) Note: This feature is for future use.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 518 When one of the zo ne prefixes is define d, no calls from other z ones can reach this zone, unle ss preceded by the prefix.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 519 Service T ypes: Forward This call-forwarding featur e is non-contingent, i.e., it forwards all calls for a selected station t o another destinat ion.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 520 Gatekeeper Log Dat a Data Files The embedded gate keeper does not create files fo r its log data. For debuggi ng or other p urposes, such l og data can be vi ewed/printe d using a SysL og application pr ogram or HyperT erminal.
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper 521 Gatekeeper Sof tware User License Agreement The MultiVOIP Gatekeeper software is li censed by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., to the original end-user purchaser of the pr oduct, hereafter referred to as “Licensee.
Embedded Gatekeeper MultiVOIP User Guide 522 This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall prev ail regardless of the terms of any other submitted by the Licensee. This agreement supersede s any proposal or prior agree- ment.
523 Chapter 12 W arranty , Service, and T ech Support.
Warranty, Service, & Tech Support MultiVOIP User Guide 524 Limited W arranty Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. (“MTS”) warran ts that its products will be free from defects in ma terial or workm anship for a perio d of two years fr om the date of purchase, or if proof of pur chase is not provided, two years fro m date of shipment.
MultiVOIP User Guide Warranty, Service, & Tech Support 525 For out-of-warranty repair charges, go to www. Extended two-year overnight re placement service agreements are available for selected products. Please call MTS at (888) 288-54 70, extension 5308, or visit our web sit e at www.
Warranty, Service, & Tech Support MultiVOIP User Guide 526 T echnical Support Multi-Tech Systems has an excellent staff of technical suppo rt personnel available to help you get the most out of your Multi-Tech product.
527 Chapter 13: Regulatory Information.
Regulatory Information MultiVOIP User Guide 528 EMC, Safety , and R&TT E Directive Compliance The CE mark is affixed to this product to confirm compliance with the following European Community Dir.
MultiVOIP User Guide Regulatory Information 529 Industry Canada This Class A di gital apparatus m eets all requirem ents of the Cana dian Interference -Causing Equipm ent Regulations. Cet appareil n umérique de la cl asse A respecte toutes les exigence s du Reglement Canadien sur le matériel brouilleu r.
Regulatory Information MultiVOIP User Guide 530 Modular jack (USOC): RJ-48C Service center in US A: Multi-Tech Syste ms, Inc. 2205 Woodale Drive Mounds View, MN 551 12 Tel: (763) 785-3500 FAX: (763) 785-9874 Canadian Limit ations Notice Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment.
531 Appendix A: Exp ansion Card Inst allation (MVP24-48 & MVP30-60).
T1/E1 Expansion Cards MultiVOIP User Guide 532 Inst allation Both the MVP2410 and the MVP3010 use the same mechanical chassis. This chassis accommodates a second MultiVOIP circuit card or motherboard module. The ad d-on modul e for the MV P2410 is the M VP24-48 pro duct; the add-on m odule for the M VP3010 is the M VP30-60 pro duct.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1/E1 Expansion Cards 533 Power Ca ble Molex C onnec tor Figure A-2: MVP2410/3010 Chassis (top/rear v iew) 4. While keeping th e power cable ou t of the way, fit the MVP24-4 8 or MVP30-60 car d into the grooves of the exp ansion slot.
T1/E1 Expansion Cards MultiVOIP User Guide 534 Operation The MVP2410/3010 front panel has two sets of id entical LEDs. In the MVP2410/3 010 without a n expansion car d, only the le ft-hand set of LEDs is functional.
535 Appendix B: Cable Pinout s.
Cable Pinouts MultiVOIP User Guide 536 Appendix B: Cable Pinout s Command Cable RJ-45 Connector End-to-End Pin Info 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PIN NO. 4 7 8 3 2 6 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T o DT E Device (e.g., PC ) CLEAR TO SEND TRANSMIT DA TA RECEIVE DA T A SIGNAL GROUND PIN NO.
MultiVOIP User Guide Cable Pinouts 537 T1/E1 Connector T1/E1 Connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T ransmit Pair (to line) } 4 5 Receive Pair (from li ne) } 1 2 V oice/Fax Channel Connectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 .
Cable Pinouts MultiVOIP User Guide 538 Pin Functions (FXS/FXO Interface) FXS Pin Description FXO Pin Description 2N / C 2N / C 3R i n g 3T i p 4T i p 4R i n g 5N / C 5N / C.
MultiVOIP User Guide Cable Pinouts 539 ISDN BRI RJ-45 Pinout Information The S/T interface uses an 8-conductor mo dular cable terminated with an 8-pin RJ-45 plug. An 8-pin RJ- 45 jack located on the terminal is used to connect the terminal to the D SL (Digital Su bscriber Lo ops) using thi s modular ca ble.
Cable Pinouts MultiVOIP User Guide 540 ISDN Interfaces: “ST” and “ U” The MVP410ST and MV P810ST are ISDN-BRI voip units that use an S/T outlet interface. You will need an NT1 de vice to connect these units to any network equipment that has t he “U” IS DN interface.
541 Appendix C: TCP/UDP Port Assignment s.
TCP/UDP Port Assignments MultiVOIP User Guide 542 W ell Known Port Numbers The followin g descriptio n of port n umber assignm ents for Inter net Protocol ( IP) communicat ion is taken from the Inte rnet Assigne d Numbers Aut hority (IAN A) web site (www.
543 Appendix D: Inst allation Instructions for MVP428 Upgrade Card.
8-Channel Analog Expansion Card MultiVOIP User Guide 544 Inst allation Instructions for MVP428 Upgrade Card In this procedure, you will install an additional circuit bo ard into the MVP410, converting it from a 4-chan nel voip to an 8-ch annel voip. Procedure in Detail 1.
MultiVOIP User Guide 8-Channel Analog Expansion Card 545 3. Using a Phillips driver, remove the three screws that secure the main circuit board and bac k panel assembly to the chassis. NOTE: Follow standard ESD precautions to protect the circuit board from static electricity damage.
8-Channel Analog Expansion Card MultiVOIP User Guide 546 8. On the phone-jack side of th e circuit card, three screws attach th e circuit card to the back panel. T wo of these screws are adjacent to the four phone- jack pairs. Rem ove these two screws.
MultiVOIP User Guide 8-Channel Analog Expansion Card 547 11. Locate the m ale 60-pin vertical connect or near the LE D edge of the m ain circuit card. Check that pins are st ra ight and evenly spaced. If not, t hen correct for straightness an d spacing.
548 Appendix E: Call S t ates & Reasons for Embedded Gatekeepers.
MultiVOIP User Guid e Call States/Reasons 549 Call S t ates and Call Reasons MultiVOIP units with embedded gatekeeper functionality track call states and the reasons for those states. We present here a c omplete listing of these call states and call reasons.
Call States/Reasons MultiVOIP User Guide 550 Call States Listing (cont’d) No State Description 11 LRQ Sent An LRQ was sent on the network. Waiting for a reply. 12 received LCF An LCF was r eceived. The application should decide whethe r or not to a ccept it.
MultiVOIP User Guid e Call States/Reasons 551 Call States Listing (cont’d) No State Description 28 GK Disconnecte d Call Lets the application know abo ut a call that the Gatekeeper disconnected. 29 Wait Line Hunting L ine Hunting failed on one line.
Call States/Reasons MultiVOIP User Guide 552 Call Reasons sent to Embe dded Gatekeeper Sof tware with respect to a Call S t ate. No State Description 1 Undefin ed No reason. 2 Resource Unavailable The call was rejected because of a lack of Gatekeeper resources.
MultiVOIP User Guid e Call States/Reasons 553 Call Reasons Listing (cont’d) No State Description 16 No Change. Ser vice Prohibited The reason for address resol ution. The required service is not allowed for th e endpoint. 17 Zone Prefix Removed The reason for address resol ution after the zone prefix was remove d.
Call States/Reasons MultiVOIP User Guide 554 Call Reasons Listing (cont’d) No State Description 35 App. Timeout The call was disconnected because of a timeout on waiting for an appl ication reply .
555 Index.
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 556 INDEX A abbreviated dialing , inter-office E1 .............................................. 322 T1 .............................................. 279 Accepts Calls op tion (Gatekeeper General Settings screen) ..........
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 557 T1 .............................................. 280 Add Prefix (inbound) f ield E1 .............................................. 347 T1 .............................................. 299 Add Prefix (out bound) fiel d E1 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 558 LCF ........................................... 486 LRJ ........................................... 486 LRQ .......................................... 486 admission control (gatekee per) ..... 481 admission cont rol messages (gatekeep er, H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 559 Automatic Disconnection field analog........................................ 222 T1/E1 ........................................ 145 Avaya Magix PBX (FXO) and Message Waiting Light ...... 230 Avaya Magix PBX (FXS Ground Start) and Message Waiting Light .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 560 BRI models ................................. 55 E1 models ................................... 53 MVP130...................................... 57 MVP210...................................... 56 MVP2400....................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 561 E1 .............................................. 348 T1 .............................................. 300 Call Forwarded To logs (statistics) field .................. 385 Call Hold ANALOG ..............................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 562 T1 ................................................ 17 Call Transfer (analog) ................... 262 Call Transfer (T1/E1) ................... 180 Call Transfer Enable analog........................................ 264 T1/E1 .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 563 G.727 ........................................ 141 G.729 ........................................ 141 Net Coder .................................. 141 Coder field analog........................................ 218 T1/E1 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 564 Configuration O ptions gate keeper field (Network Param eters) ....... 504 Configuration Parameter Groups, accessing analog........................................ 208 T1/E1 ........................................ 131 Configuration Parameters fields (gatekeeper, Netwo rk Parameters) .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 565 T1/E1 ........................................ 164 CRC and ESF frame format (T1) .. 149 CRC Check field T1 .............................................. 149 Creating a User Default Configuration analog..................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 566 Cadence 1 ................................. 168 Cadence 2 ................................. 168 Cadence 3 ................................. 168 Cadence 4 ................................. 168 Custom Tone-Pair Settings definitions analog.
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 567 Description field (Registered Gateway Details)...................................... 406 Description gatekeeper field (Services, GK Defi ned)............. 513 Description gatekeeper field (Services, V2 GW P refixes).....
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 568 downloading firm ware, machine perspective ........................ 408, 431 downloading user defaults ............ 421 downloads vs. uploa ds (FTP)........ 431 dropping digits, in phonebook ........ 74 DRQ Disengagement R equest messages (gatekeeper, H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 569 Receive Timeslot 16 Loss of MultiFrame Alignm ent ......... 400 Receive Timeslot 16 Loss of Si gnal .............................................. 399 Red Alarm................................. 398 Status Freeze Signalling Active 399 Transmit Data Overflow .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 570 enabling SMTP analog........................................ 251 T1/E1 ........................................ 169 enabling web br owser GUI analog.................................. 59, 212 T1/E1 .......................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 571 E1 .............................................. 333 T1 .............................................. 284 Fast Start plus H.245 Tunnelin g field E1 .............................................. 336 T1 ................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 572 analog........................................ 246 T1/E1 ........................................ 164 frequency, p ower analog models ............................. 44 E1 models ................................... 43 T1 models .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 573 Ring Count ................................ 226 FXS Loop Start Param eters .......... 225 FXS/FXO connector MVP130.................................... 107 MVP-210 .................................. 105 MVP-410/810 ......
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 574 gatekeeper Call Details button (Current Calls) .......................... 496 gatekeeper Cal l ID Sum fiel d (Call Details)...................................... 498 gatekeeper Call IRQ Interv al field (Network Param eters) .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 575 gatekeeper Maxi mum Regi strations field (GK General Settings, Memory) ................................... 490 gatekeeper Multicast Distance field (Network Param eters) ............... 511 Gatekeeper Name (Gatekeeper R AS) field E1 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 576 gatekeeper State field (Call Details) .................................................. 499 gatekeeper Status Informati on fields .................................................. 503 gatekeeper Status Informati on fields (Network Param eters) .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 577 conference media compatibility and .............................................. 484 H.245 Tunneling field E1 .............................................. 335 T1 .............................................. 286 H.320 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 578 IP details (analog system) ......... 199 IP details (T1/E1 system).......... 122 ISDN-BRI telephony details ..... 201 SMTP details .............................. 51 T1 details .................................... 48 T1 telephony details .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 579 IP Address, From Details (SMTP logs) field analog........................................ 255 T1/E1 ........................................ 173 IP address, SysLog Se rver analog........................................ 259 T1/E1 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 580 Loss of Framing ........................ 402 Loss of Sync ............................. 402 Rx Packets ................................ 403 Select BRI Interface .................. 402 SPID0 ..............................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 581 COL ............................................ 25 E1 ................................................ 25 IC ................................................ 25 LC ............................................... 25 LNK .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 582 T1/E1 models ............................ 125 log report s & SMTP analog........................................ 251 T1/E1 ........................................ 169 log reports and SM TP quick ....................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 583 E1 .............................................. 154 T1 .............................................. 149 Loss of Frame Alignm ent (E1 stats) field ........................................... 398 Loss of Frame Alignm ent (T1 stats) field .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 584 Message Waiting Light (FXS Loop Start) and Avaya Magix PBX ............. 226 and DID .................................... 226 Message Waiting Light fiel d FXO .......................................... 230 FXS Ground Start .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 585 unpacking.................................... 89 MVP410 cabling pro cedure........................ 99 grounding .................................. 100 MVP410ST grounding .................................. 104 MVP-410ST cabling pro cedure.
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 586 NT1 device, use of BRI voip units ..................... 50, 102 Number of Days (email log criteria) analog........................................ 253 T1/E1 ........................................ 171 Number of Records (email log criteria) analog.
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 587 P packetization (RTP), ranges & increments T1/E1 ........................................ 391 packetization rates coder options and ...................... 390 Packets Lost (call progress) field .. 3 78 Packets Lost (SMTP logs) field analog.
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 588 importance of writing down (analog) ................................. 199 importance of writing down (T1/E1).................................. 122 phonebook FTP remote file transfers .......... 431 phonebook conf iguration starter .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 589 Registrar Options ...................... 288 Registrar Port ............................ 288 Retransmission (SPP, Ge neral Options) ................................ 288 Use Fast Start ............................ 284 User Name (proxy se rver).
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 590 Predef ined endp oints option (Gatekeeper General Settings screen) ....................................... 488 Prefix gatekeeper field (Services, GK Defined) .................................... 513 Prefix gatekeeper field (Services, V2 GW Prefixes) .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 591 RCF messages............................... 504 RCF Registration Confi rmation messages (gatekeeper, H.225) .... 486 RCV (channel ) LED analog models ....................... 33, 34 BRI models ............................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 592 timeout ...................................... 508 registration (wit h gatekeeper) description ................................ 492 registration c ontrol m essages (gatekeep er, H.225) IRQ ...............................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 593 Routed Mode o ption (gatekeepe r, Network Param eters) ................ 507 routed-mode calls.......................... 498 RRJ Registration Re jection messages (gatekeeper, H.225) ................... 486 RRQ messages ..
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 594 Set Password (we b browser GUI ) , command .................................. 427 Set Password option description (MultiVOIP program menu) ..... 408 Set Regional Parameters analog........................................ 244 T1/E1 .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 595 SMTP quick setup .................................. 60 SMTP (log reporting type) button analog........................................ 259 T1/E1 ........................................ 177 SMTP logs by email, illustration analog.
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 596 software, MultiVOIP (T1/E1) moving around i n ...................... 131 screen-surfing in ....................... 131 software, MultiVOIP(analog) moving around i n ...................... 208 software, on com mand PC ...
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 597 Call Hold ................................... 262 Call Hold Enable....................... 265 Call Name Identification........... 262 Call Transfer ............................. 262 Call Waitin g ........................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 598 T1/E1 ........................................ 179 Supplementary Services param eters, setting analog........................................ 261 T1/E1 ........................................ 179 Supplementary Services, incom patible with SIP analog.
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 599 T1/E1/ISDN Param eters screen, accessing ................................... 146 T1/E1/ISDN parameters, setting ... 146 T1/ISDN Parameter definitions .... 151 T1/ISDN Param eter fields Country ...........................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 600 touch tone fre quencies .................. 232 trace on/off (logging) analog........................................ 260 T1/E1 ........................................ 178 Transfer Sequence analog........................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 601 MVP210x.................................... 92 MVP2410.............................. 89, 90 MVP3010.................................... 89 MVP410x.................................... 91 MVP810x...........................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 602 T1/E1 ................................ 144, 145 Voice/FAX Parameter Definitions analog........ 216, 217, 218 , 219 , 220 T1/E1 ......... 139 , 140, 141 , 142 , 143 Voice/FAX Parame ter fields (analog) Auto Call Enable...
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 603 E1 .............................................. 356 T1 .............................................. 307 voip system example, digi tal only, with phoneboo k details E1 .............................................. 349 T1 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 604 zone prefixes, exam ple ................. 518 zones, gatekeeper .......................... 482 definition ................................... 450 definition of ............................... 483 establishi ng ..........
605 S000249H.
An important point after buying a device Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Multi-Tech Systems MVP-3010 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center