Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product WD-82CB1 Mitsubishi Electronics
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3 D DLP ® HOME - CI NE MA TE LE VISION MODELS 7 4 0 Series 840 Series WD - 82C B 1 S UP P LE ME NT AL O WN E R ’ S GU I DE ® • For questio ns: - Visit our website at w .com . - E-mail us at TV su pp ort @m e v sa .c o m . - Call Consume r Relations at 80 0 -332-2 1 1 9 for operationa l or connec tion ass istanc e.
For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Content s Important Sa fety Instruct ions ................ 4 1 Additi onal T V Feature s F A V (Fav or ites ) .......................... 5 Sleep T imer ............................ 5 ChannelView Channel Listings .
4 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Impor t ant Safe t y Instruct ions Please re ad the following safegua rds for your T V and retain for f uture refere nce. A lways follo w a ll warnings and instr uctions ma rked on the television. 1 ) Read these instr uctions.
5 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Ad d it io na l T V Feat u r es 1 The FAV ke y gives you quick acces s to fa vorite prog ram source s. Sourc es can b e channels fr om the ANT input or devices co nnected to the T V . Y ou ca n store up to nine fav o rites.
6 1 . Additional T V Features For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Using C han nel View Lis ti ngs T ask Action Displ ay / hid e ChannelView listings ( ANT input only). Pres s GUIDE. Mov e through channe ls one by one. Pres s or . Mov e through channe ls quickly .
1 . Add itional TV Features 7 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 DVD Image Defini tion s Image infor mation may be stated o n the DVD cas e.
8 1 . Additional T V Features For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Pres s the INFO key t o se e the on-s cree n status display . The most common dis plays are shown here. Sam ple infor mation fr om the on- scr ee n status di splay 1. Curre nt Input.
1 . Additional T V Features 9 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 More On T V Inpu ts and Outputs 2 1 34 3D GLASSES EMITTER ANT HDMI L R DIGIT AL AUDIO OUTPUT AUDIO/SURROUND -OUTPUT - R L LA.
10 1 . Add itional T V Feat ur es For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 More On T V Inpu ts and Outputs, cont inued 2 . USB • Use for a wirele ss net work adapter to receive Stream T V int ernet content . • The USB p or t can a lso se r ve as a standa rd USB 5-volt, 50 0 -milliamp power outp ut to pow er an accessor y dev ice.
1 . Additional T V Features 11 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Usin g the T V wit h a Pe r sonal Computer Note: If your computer provides digital audio output you can connect it directly to a digital A/V receiver and bypass the TV .
12 1. Additional TV Features For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Phot os and Mot ion V ideo a s Composite Video Connec t the camer a to the TV u sing a composite video cable a nd control the slide sh ow or movie through the camer a. The dis play resolution will be s tandard -def ini- tion (480i ).
1 . Add itional TV Features 13 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Co mputer Video Adjustments 1. Po wer on the compu ter . 2. Select PC from the Input S election me nu. T o do this, pres s INPUT to open the Input S election menu, move the highlight t o the PC ico n, and pres s ENTE R.
14 1 . Additional T V Features For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Supplement al Audio Conn ections (8 4 0 series) Addi ng a S ubw oofer Add a subwoofer to compleme nt the T V spe akers with a fuller bass sound. • Af ter c onnecting a su bw o ofer , you must enable the T V ’ s subwoofer outpu t in the T V’s So und me nu.
1 . Additional T V Features 15 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Exte rna l R ea r Sp eak e rs Y ou may wish to supple ment sur round sound fro m the T V with ex ternal rea r spea kers. E xter nal spe akers c an fill in rea r sound if your room lacks a rea r wall suitable for sound ref lec tions.
16 1 . Additional T V Feat ur es For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Using t he T V Speaker s as a Ce nter Channel If using an ex ternal su rround soun d system, you can use the T V ’ s spea kers to provide center channel so und.
17 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 2 TV M e n u s Pic tu re Vi d e o Set tings in this menu a re saved for the curre nt input only . Pres s to make cha nges an d then pre ss MENU to return to the menu scree n. T o make Video adju stments while watch- ing T V and withou t using the menu: 1.
18 2 . T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Brightness Adjus ts ov era ll picture br ightness . Set tings are store d indepen dently for e ach Picture Mo de. Color Adju sts overall color intens ity f rom monoch romatic to fully satur ated.
2 . T V Menus 19 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Picture, continued Pic tu re Pe rf e ct (PerfectCol or , 840 Series ) Per fec t Col or S l id er s Adjusts the s aturatio n (intensit y) of six co lors fo r the current im age sourc e.
20 2 . T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Pic tu re 3 D Mode Source For m at Off • Over rides the 3D p roces sing of any HDMI 1 .4a-c ompliant 3D signa l and dis- plays the signal in 2D instead. • Allows acces s to some of the 2D picture adjustment s that are hidden whe n the T V’s 3D mode is set to Automat ic .
2 . T V Menus 21 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 S ou nd Sound A u dio Set tings in this menu are s aved for the curren t input only with the exception of Balance , which applie s to all inputs. Pres s to make change s and the n pres s MENU to return to the menu scre en.
22 2. T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Sou nd, co nt inu ed Sound Glo bal 8 40 S e ri es. The se set tings af fec t audio from the AUDIO/ SURROUND OUTPUT jacks. An al og Au di o Out Fixed Use with an a nalog A / V re ceiver . Control volume from the A / V re ceiver .
2 . T V Menus 23 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 C apt ions Capt ions on Digit al Cha nnel s The T V can dec ode caption s from the ANT input only . Broadca sters c an send up to six dif fere nt captioning sele ctions or c an send a nalog c aptions for a p rogra m that originated in ana log form at.
24 2 . T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Setup La nguage Menu English Span ish Displays on- scree n menus in ei ther English or Spa nish. Antenn a Digital Audi o Sele cts the cur rent languag e for a digital pro gram fr om the ANT input.
2 . T V Menus 25 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Se tup , con ti nu ed Setup Cha nnel Ant Air , An t Ca ble Y o u mu st p er for m a ch an ne l sc an to r ec ei ve dig it al c ha nn el s. T he sca n sea rches fo r broad- cast ch annels and add s them to T V memor y .
26 2. T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Se tup , con ti nu ed Setup Energy La mp Energy Standard, Bright Standard is for most viewing conditions. Us e Bright in brightly lit rooms. Y ou may notice increa sed fan nois e when using the Bright setting.
2 . T V Menus 27 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Inp ut s Inputs N ame INPUT a nd HDMI jacks: Cab le b ox, Ca m(co rd er ), CD, DVD (DVD, DVD2 , Bl u-r ay ), DVR, Ga me (G am e, PS , Xb .
28 2. T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Inpu ts , cont inued Inputs HDMI Contr ol On , O f f Select On or Off to enable or disab le the T V’ s control of a CEC- enab led device. See “Enabling HDMI Control of CEC Device s” on page 33 fo r use of this featu re.
2 . T V Menus 29 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 TV L oc k s Parental Lock by Pr ogr am Ratings Restri cts acce ss using U.S. -ba sed ra tings sent by broadc aster s (7 40 and 8 40 ser ies, U.S . on l y). Time Lock by Time Restri cts T V u se by time of day .
30 2 . T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Using T V Locks Af ter you set the lock, you must us e your pass code to: • View a locked progr am • View a locked channel • View t.
2 . T V Menus 31 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Lock, cont inued T V Pro gr am Ra ti ngs T V Age -B as ed Rat ings TV - Y Yo u t h . For children under 7 . TV - Y7 Y o ut h 7 and olde r . TV - G General A udience. F or the e ntire family .
32 2 . T V Menus For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Lock, cont inued Lock Time Blocks all u se of the T V dur ing the time per iod you spec if y .
33 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 3 HDMI C ont rol of CEC D e v i c e s 4. If prompted fo r a name, highlight a name for the device and pres s ENTE R to add a check . The device itself may later override the name you assi gn. 5. Highlight On and pres s ENTE R to add a check.
34 3 HDMI Control of CEC Devices For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 HDM I Cont r ol of an HDMI A/V Receiv er and Conn ected Dev ices 1. Enable HDMI Co ntrol for the A / V re ceiver as described in “ Enabling HDMI Control of CEC Devices” on the previous page .
3 HDM I Control of CEC Devices 35 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Using H DMI Cont r ol As an example of u sing HDMI Control, pre ss PL A Y on the device itself to : • Pow e r on the T.
36 Ap pen dice s For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Cl eaning Recommendations Norm ally , light dusting with a dr y , non-scr atching duster will keep your T V clea n. If cleaning beyond this is need ed, pleas e use the following guidelines: Firs t, turn of f the T V a nd unplug the p ow e r cord f rom the power outlet.
Appe ndi ces 37 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 CAUTION BURN DANGER! HOT SURF ACES INSIDE! T ouch lamp cartridge handle only . Do not touch lamp or lamp car - tridge housing. Keep lamp cartridge horizontal during removal. Do not tilt as glass may come out and cause injury .
38 Appen dic es For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Replacemen t Procedur e Rem ovin g t he O ld L am p Ca r t ri dg e 1. T ur n of f T V power and unplu g the T V .
Appe ndi ces 39 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Appendix B: Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Ge ne ra l T V O pe ra t ion Sympt om Rema rk s 1. The T V remote control does not work . • Check that the bat teries a re fres h and inst alled co rrec tly .
40 Ap pen dice s For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 A pp end i x B : T r oub le sho oting , c onti nued Ge ne ra l T V O pe ra t ion Sympt om Rema rk s 9. I have turne d on CEC for my HDMI devices but control is e rratic a nd I wish to disable it.
Appe ndi ces 41 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 A pp end i x B : T r oub le sho oting , c onti nued TV Power O n /O f f Sympt om Rema rk s 1. T V takes an excessively long time to power on. When p ow e red on, the T V need s time to boot up, just as a com- puter does.
42 Appe ndi ces For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 A pp end i x B : T r oub le sho oting , c onti nued Sound Sympt om Rema rk s 1. T here is no sound even when the volume is turned up.
T rade mark and License Information 43 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 T rad emark and Lic ense Information LICENSOR’S SUPPLIERS DO NOT MAK E OR P ASS ON TO END USER OR A NY OTHER THIR.
44 T rade mark and License I nformation For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Mitsubishi T V So f t w are END-USER LI CENSE A GREEMENT F OR EMBEDDED SOFT W ARE IM PO RT A NT – R E AD CA RE F.
T rade mark and License Information 45 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Copyright © 2007 Free Softwar e Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
46 T rademark and Lice nse Information For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 4. Conveying V erbatim Copies. Y ou may convey verbatim copies of the Program’ s source code as you receive it, i.
T rade mark and License Information 47 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 However , if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reins.
48 T rade mark and License Information For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 GNU Gen era l Public Lice nse Ver si on 2 , J un e 1991 Copy ri ght (C) 1989, 1991 F r ee S of t ware Fo und atio n, In c.
T rade mark and License Information 49 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 3. Y ou m ay copy a nd di str ibu te the Pr ogr am (or a wo rk ba se d on i t, und er S ec tio n 2) in obje c t cod.
50 War r a nt y For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Mi ts ubis hi Home- Cin ema T elevision Limited W arr ant y (U .S . On ly) MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SOLUTIONS AMERICA , INC.
Wa r r a nt y 51 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 2. THIS LIMITED W ARR A NT Y DO ES NOT CO VER: a. Up to .0 1 % pixel outag es (small dot pic ture eleme nts that are dar k or incor rec tly illuminated).
52 War r an t y For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Mits ubis hi Home- Cinema T el e vis ion Limited W a rra nt y (Canada onl y) Th is li mi ted wa rr an t y i s vali d on ly fo r pr od uc ts p ur ch ase d, u se d an d se r vi ce d in Ca na da .
Wa r r a nt y 53 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 b. Damage to the lenticular scre en or Fresnel len s, scree n frame, cos metic damage o r to an y othe r damage whe re such damage is c a.
54 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Mits ubis hi Elec t ric Vi sua l Solut ions Ame rica , Inc. (MEVSA) Inter net A ppl icat ions P olicy MEVSA Inter net Applic ations af ford the oppor tunity to acce ss third par t y Internet p roduct of fe rings or se r vice s (“Third Par t y Ser vic es”) on ce r tain Mitsub ishi T Vs.
Inde x 55 For assis tan ce call 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 Inde x A Ana morphic Pic ture Format 7 Antenna Input ( ANT ) 1 0 Signal Stre ngth for Digit al Chan- nels 8 Audio Outp ut Jacks 9 Auto- O ff (S .
We b s i t e: w .com E-m ai l: TV s up po rt@ me vs a. c om F or ques tion s, call Con sumer Rel ation s at 1 (8 0 0 ) 33 2- 21 1 9 T o or der r eplacem ent or addit ional remote cont rols or lam p car t ridg es, Vis it our website w w w .
An important point after buying a device Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mitsubishi Electronics WD-82CB1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center