Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product L75-A94 Mitsubishi Electronics
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MODEL L7 5 - A 9 4 S U P P L E ME NT AL O W NE R ’ S G U I DE For que sti ons: - Visit our website at w ww .mitsubishi-tv .com. - E-mail us at TV s up p o rt @ me v sa . co m . - Call Consume r Relations at 1 (877) 67 5 -222 4 for op erational or c onnection as sistanc e .
For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Content s Important Sa fety Inst ruction s ................ 4 Lase r Sa fe ty ............................. 5 1 Additi onal TV Featur es Camera Im ages and Music File s ............. 6 Using the T V with a Person al Computer .
4 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Impor ta nt Safe t y Instruct io ns Please re ad the follo wing safe guards for your T V an d retain for f uture referenc e. Always follo w all warning s and instr uctions marked on the television. 1 ) Read these instr uctions.
5 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Lase r Safe t y Laser Safety • This T V is in complia nce with the requireme nts of IEC 60 82 5- 1 Ed. 2( 2007). • This T V is a CL ASS 1 las er produc t. This T V poses no risk to eyes or skin during nor mal use.
6 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Ad di t ion al T V F e at ur es 1 USB Source De vices The US B Media Player Menu USB Med ia me nu, Photos option s electe d Di spl ayi ng th e Men u 1. Back up the data on your USB drive before co n- necting it to the T V .
1 . Additional T V Fea tures 7 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Not es on Us ing t he US B Por t • The T V ignores a ll commands while reading f iles.
8 1 . Additional T V Fea tures For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Phot os and Mot ion V ideo as Compos ite Video Connec t the camera to the T V using a compos it e video cable a nd control the slide show or movie through the camer a. The display reso lution will be standard -defini- tion (480i ) .
1 . Additional T V Fea tures 9 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Pres s the INFO key t o see the on-s creen st atus display . Th e most common dis pla ys are shown here. Sam ple inform ation from the on- scre en status di splay 1. Curre nt Input.
10 1 . Additional T V F eatures For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Note: If your computer provides digital audio output (coaxial or optical), you can connect it directly to a digital A/V receiver and bypass the TV .
1 . Additional T V Fea tures 11 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Co mputer Video Adjustments 1. Po wer on the comp ut er . 2. Select PC from the Input S election menu. T o do this, pres s INPUT to open the Input S election menu, move the highlight t o the PC icon, and pre ss ENTE R.
12 1 . Additional T V Fea tures For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 DVD Image Defini tions Image infor mation may be stated on the DVD cas e . Some DVD s suppor t both form ats described belo w .
1 . Additional T V Fea tures 13 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Supplement al Inf ormat ion on T V Conn ection s 1 . USB (Po wer Onl y) Stan dard USB 5 - volt, 500 -milliamp p o wer output you can us e t o supply p o wer to an acces sor y device.
14 1. Additional TV Features For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Inpu ts and Outp uts, contin ued H DM I Cab le Cat egor ies HDMI cable s are av ailable a s Standard and High -Spee d typ es .
15 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 2 TV M e n u s Pic tur e Vi de o Set tings in this menu are saved for the cur rent input only . Press to mak e cha nges and then pre ss MENU to return to the menu scree n. T o make Video adjustme nts while w atching T V and without using the menu: 1.
16 2 . T V Men us For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Contr ast • Low contrast shows a variet y of shades in darker image s • In most home lighting si tuations, medium contr ast looks best. • High contra st shows darker images more unifor mly black and makes co lors appe ar more vibrant.
2 . T V Menus 17 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Picture, continued Pic tur e Res et • Resets s ound and picture adjus tments for the curre nt input.
18 2 . T V Men us For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Pic tur e 3 D Mode Source For ma t Off T ur ns off 3D mo de for the current inpu t. Restores norm al T V operation for a n ordi- nar y 2D signal. Automa tic • Whe n the TV re ceives a 3D signal from an HD MI 1 .
2 . T V Menus 19 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 S ou nd Sound A u dio Set tings in this menu are saved for the cur rent input only with the exception of Balance , which applie s t o all inputs. Pre ss to make change s and then pre ss MENU to return to the menu scre en.
20 2 . T V Menus For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 C apt ions Capt ions on Digita l Channel s The T V ca n decode captio ns from the ANT input onl y . Broadca sters can se nd up to six differe nt captioning sele ctions or can s end analog c aptions for a prog ram that originated in ana log format.
2 . T V Menus 21 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Setup La nguage Menu English Span ish Displays on- screen me nus in either English or Sp anish. Antenn a Digital Audi o Sele cts the current la nguage for a digital pro gram from the ANT input.
22 2. T V Menus For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Se t up, con tin u ed Setup Cha nnel Ant Air , An t Cab le Y ou m ust p er for m a cha nne l sca n to rec eive d igit al c han nel s. The sc an searc hes for broad- cast ch annels and adds them to T V memor y .
2 . T V Menus 23 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Se t up, con tin u ed Setup Energy Am bie nt Lig ht Se nsor When on, automatic ally adjusts picture b rightness bas ed on room lighting. Blue Glo w Sele ct On to see blue acce nt lighting when the T V is pow ered o n .
24 2 . T V Men us For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Inp ut s Inputs N ame INPUT and HDMI jacks: Cab le box , Cam(co rde r), CD, DVD (DVD, DVD2 , B lu- ray), DVR , Ga me (Ga me, PS , Xbox , W.
2 . T V Menus 25 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Inpu ts, contin ued Inputs HDMI Contr ol On , Of f Select On or Off to enable or disa ble the T V’ s c ontrol of a CEC-en abled device. See “Enabling HD MI Control of CEC Devices” on page 30 for use of this featu re.
26 2. T V Menus For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 TV L oc k s Parental Lock by Pr ogram Ratings Restri cts acces s using U .S. -base d ratings sent by broadca st er s. Time Lock by Time Restri cts T V use by time of day . Channel Loc k by Channel Blocks acc ess to the channels you specif y .
2 . T V Menus 27 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Using T V Locks Af t er you set the lock , y ou must u se y our pas s code to : • View a locked progr am • View a locked channel • Vi.
28 2. T V Menus For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Lock, cont inu ed T V Progr am Ra tin gs T V Age -Bas ed Ratings TV - Y Yo u t h . For childre n under 7 . TV - Y7 Y ou th 7 and olde r . TV -G General A udience. F or the entire fa mily . TV -P G Parental Guidance.
2 . T V Menus 29 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Lock, cont inu ed Lock Time Blocks all u se of the T V during the time per iod you specif y .
30 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 3 HDMI C ont rol of CEC Devi ce s 4. If prompted fo r a name, highlight a name for the device and pres s ENTE R to add a check . The device itself may later override the name you assi gn. 5. Highlight On and pres s ENTE R to add a check.
3 HDM I Cont rol of CEC Device s 31 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 HDM I Con trol of an HDMI A/V Receiv er and Con nect ed Dev ices 1. Enable HDMI Co ntrol for the A / V rece iv er as described in “Enabling HDMI C ontrol of CE C Devices” on the opposit e page .
32 3 HDMI Control of CEC D e vices For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Using H DM I Con trol As an example of u sing HDMI Control, pres s PL A Y on the device itself to : • Pow er on the T V.
Appe n dic es 33 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Cl eaning Recommendat ions Norm ally , light dusting with a dr y , non-s cratching duster will keep your T V clean. If clea ning bey ond this is need ed, please use the following guideline s : Firs t, turn of f the TV a nd unplug the power cord fr om the power outlet.
34 Ap pe nd ice s For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Appendix B: Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Se rvic e and Custo mer Su ppor t Service If you are unable to corre ct a problem with your T V , consult Mits ubishi Consumer Relatio ns at 1 (877) 67 5-222 4.
Appe n dic es 35 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 A ppe ndi x B: T r oub lesho oting, conti nued Ge ner al T V Op era ti on Sympt om Re mark s 9. I have turne d on CEC for my HDMI devices but control is e rratic and I wish to disab le it. • Firs t turn of f the T V’ s HDMI control for the s pecific device.
36 Ap pe nd ice s For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 A ppe ndi x B: T r oub lesho oting, conti nued TV Pow er O n/Of f Sympt om Re mark s 1. T V takes an ex ces siv ely long time to power on. When p o wered on, the T V ne eds time to boot up, just as a com- puter does.
Appe n dic es 37 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 A ppe ndi x B: T r oub lesho oting, conti nued Sound Sympt om Re mark s 1. There is no sound even when the volume is turned up.
38 T rademark and Lic ense Information For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 T radema rk and License Informat ion LICENSOR’S SUPPLIERS DO NOT MAK E OR P ASS ON TO END USER OR A NY OTHER THIRD .
T rademark and Lic ense Informat ion 39 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Mitsubishi T V Sof tware END-USER LI CENSE A GREEMENT F OR EMBEDDED SO FT W ARE IM POR T A NT – RE AD CA REF ULL Y.
40 T rademar k an d Lice nse Informat ion For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Copyright © 2007 Free Softwar e Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
T rademark and Lic ense Informat ion 41 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 4. Conveying V erbatim Copies. Y ou may convey verbatim copies of the Program’ s source code as you receive it, in.
42 T rademark and Lic ense Information For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 However , if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is r einst.
T rademark and Lic ense Informat ion 43 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 GNU Gen eral Public Lic ense Ver sio n 2, J un e 1 9 91 Copy rig ht (C) 1 989, 1991 F re e Sof twa re Found ation, I nc.
44 T rademar k an d Lice nse Informat ion For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 a me dium cu stoma rily u sed fo r sof twa re inte rcha nge; or , b) Acc ompa ny it with a w rit ten of fer , vali.
Wa rr a nt y 45 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Mitsubis hi L A SER VUE ® T elevision Limited W arrant y MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SOLUTIONS AMERICA , INC.
46 War r an t y For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 2. THIS LIMITED W A RR ANT Y DOES NOT CO VER: a. Up to .0 1 % pixel outage s ( sma ll dot picture eleme nts that are dark or in correc tly illuminat ed ) .
47 For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Mits ubishi E lect ric Visu al Solut ions Americ a, Inc. (ME V SA) Intern et App lications Policy MEVSA Inter net Applications af ford the oppor tunit y t o acce ss third par ty Inter net product of ferings o r ser vices (“Third Par t y Ser vices”) o n cer tain Mitsubishi T Vs.
48 Index For assis tanc e call 1 ( 8 77) 675 - 22 24 Inde x A Ana morphic Picture Format 1 2 Antenna Input ( ANT ) 1 3 , 14 Signal Stre ngth for Digital Cha n- nels 9 Audio Outp ut Jacks 1 3 Auto- On .
We b s it e : w ww .mitsubishi-tv. com E-m ail: TV su p po rt@ m e v s a . c o m F or qu estions , call Consum er Relations a t 1 (877 ) 67 5 -22 24 T o ord er replacem ent or addit ional remot e controls, Vis it our website w w w .mit supar ts . com or call 800-553- 7 2 7 8 V4 6 © 201 1 Mit subish i Electr ic Visu al Soluti ons Am eric a, Inc.
An important point after buying a device Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center