Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Speech Server Mitel
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NO TI CE THIS DOCUMENT I S PROVI DED T O YOU FOR INFORMA TI O NAL PURPOSES ONL Y . The information contained in this doc ument is believed by Mitel Networks to be accurate as of the date of its pub licat ion a nd is subj ect to c han ge without not ice.
iii Tab le of Con te nts G e t t i n gS t a r t e d ........... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... 1 P u r p o s eo ft h i sG u i d e .. ....... ...... ...... ............. ....... ...... ....... 1 About Mitel Netw orks™ Spe ech Server .
iv Mitel Netw orks Spe ech S erver Delivering Mes sages ............ ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ... 3 0 M a k i n ga n d D e l i v e r i n ga M e s s a g e ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ... 3 0 Managing F axes . . .....
1 Gettin g Starte d P u r p o s eo ft h i sG u i d e This guide p rovides proce dures for mana ging calls, messages, tasks, meetings, and appointments on the Mitel Networks™ S peech S erver system with the Unified Messaging option.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 2 Benef its o f t he System Yo u c a n • Place calls to any number in the C ompany Directory w ith a nam e, exte nsion, or department name, 24 hours a day from any phone. • Place calls by name to your frequently-called numbers in your Personal Directory .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 3 Lis t of F eatures The S peech Server - Unified Messaging system can provide the following features : • Call by nam e • Call by department • Call by num ber •.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 4 Enrolling o n the Syst em The first time that you log i n, the system wi ll guide you t h rough enroll ment. After you have enrolled, you can begin using your Personal Directory .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 5 Logg i n g In T o log in from an exten sion with au tomatic log in • Dial t he S peech Server ext ension nu mber . Y ou rec eive immediate acc ess to t he Company Directory and to y our Personal Directory .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 6 Recording Your Primary Greeting T o re cord your p rima ry greeting 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . Login if ne cessary . 2. Say “User O ptions” a nd then “Record my primary gree ting.” 3. When prompted, say yo ur greeting, and then press the # key a ft er c ompleting the recording.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 7 Set ting You r Perso nal Prefe ren ces Program your personal preferenc es with your Personal Web Page. Y our personal Profile Set tings sho w your personal directory .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 8 Acces si ng your Pe rsonal W eb Page T o acc ess your Per sonal Web Page 1. Open the browser window (Microsoft™ Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater) on your PC. 2. Enter the URL of t he log in p age for your Personal Web Page.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 9 Fea ture s (con tin ued ) Mo bili ty (Reach Me) "enabled" o r " disabled" Allows you to redirect your calls to your home, cellu lar phone, pager, f ax num ber , voice ma il, or te mpo rary number.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 10 T o exit you r Pers onal Web Page • In the top ri ght-hand c orner of the b rowser window , click . Changi ng Yo ur PIN T o ch ang e your PI N 1. In your Personal Web Page, click Change PIN . 2. Enter your c urrent PIN.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 11 - Use part i al lo gin if y ou want immediate access to na mes in the Co mpany Directory and in your Personal Directory . Also use part ial login if y ou wan t the syst em to perform a security check before providi n g access to your messages .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 12 to the v oice command, "F ax Forward." U sers say "Fax F orward" after t hey he ar a message (email, voice mail, or fax) that requ ires pri n ting on a fax machine. 5. C lick Sa v e . Whi le Mobi lity is enabl ed, all calls t o your name are directed to the Reach M e number .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 13 Setting the Me ssaging O ptions If you hav e the Unified M e ssaging option, you can set your m essaging voice interface options: T o set the or der of your messag es and to select the recorde d greeting 1. C lick Mes saging .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 14 Setting Personal Pr eferences w ith the Pho ne Y ou can use voice c ommand s to set a nd/or m odify vario us user options. T o acc ess user options • Dial the S pe ech Server extens ion num ber and say "User Opt ions.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 15 Creating and M od ifying C ontacts Unified-messaging users an d A ttendant-only users on a Speech Server syst em with the Unified Messag ing option, creat e and mo dify their Persona l Directory via Microsoft O utlook.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 16 T o make a V oice Con t ac t category 1. In Microsoft Outlook, open your Co nt acts f o lder . 2. Right-click a contact n ame. 3. Select Categ ories from the po p-up menu . 4. Click the Master Category List button. 5.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 17 4. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . Login if ne cessary . 5. Say "St art recording sess ion." 6. Afte r the system prompts you t o conne ct, cli ck Connect . 7. C lick Recor d . At the tone, rec ord the pers on's nam e.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 18 Using Speech Commands The Speech Server syst em responds to your speech commands. Whe n you become more comfortable with the prompts, you can use the Barge-in feature and the Expert Mode featu re. Barg e-i n Barge-in allows you to interrupt a system prompt with a request.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 19 When calling a name in your Personal Direct o ry • Say the nam e as it is entered in your Pers onal Directory . For example, say th e first and last name of the pers on. • In noisy environm ents, press *T (*8) to switch fro m S peech-comm and M ode to T ouc htone Mode and then dial the phone numb er .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 20 Nav igat ing t hro ug h t he Ap plic a tio ns Mana gi ng Calls Pla cin g a C all Y ou c an place c alls by sayi ng a con tact nam e, a departmen t nam e, or t he numbers of the p hone number . The syst em can cal l contact names in the Company Directory or i n your Personal Directory .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 21 Conditi ons: • The department name must be programm ed in the Company D irectory . • The name of the person must be programmed in your Personal Directory or in t he Company Directory .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 22 T o place a call 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . Login if ne cessary . 2. When the At tendant ans wers, say - the first and last na me of the person.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 23 3. The syst em confirms the requested name. If t he confirm ation is correct , rema in silent or say "Y es ," and the Attendant will r o ute your call. If the confirmed nam e is i n correct, say "No" or “Cancel,” an d the Attendant will all ow you to req uest the n ame aga in.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 24 Y ou can also set the time at which you wan t the call forwarding to expire. Aft e r the call forwarding expires, the system directs calls t hat are made to you r name back to your of fice num ber .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 25 Ch ecking a Phon e Num ber T o ch eck a pho ne nu mbe r in the C o mpany Dire cto ry or in your P erso na l Dir ectory 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . L ogin if ne cessary . - For a business number in the Company Directory , say "Chec k the number for fi rs t name, last n ame .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 26 T o set the language of the auto-attendant promp t s for the call 1. Dial the S peec h Server extensio n numb er . 2. Request the secondary lan guage. For examp le, if the Attendant greeting is in English, say - "Français"; or - "Español.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 27 T o listen to y our mes sage sum mary 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . L ogin if ne cessary . 2. Say "Messe nger .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 28 5. Say "Messe nger" to r e turn to the main menu . Exampl es: T o listen to ol d voice mails from a certain time period, say "Play old voice m ails sent since the last four days." Y ou mu st give a num ber of m inutes, ho urs, or days; do not give the date.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 29 Forwardin g Messages Y ou can use voi ce commands to forward v oice mails, fax es, and e-mai l messages to another person in your Personal or Company Directory . The system can f orward a message providing the directory has the e-mail addres s for t he perso n to wh om you are forwarding the m essage.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 30 Deli vering Messag es Maki ng a nd De liv ering a Messag e T o deliver a messag e to s omeo ne in th e C ompany Directory or Persona l Directory 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . Login if ne cessary . 2.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 31 Mana gi ng Fax es Play ing a Fax T o listen to an unr ead fax 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . Login if ne cessary . 2. Say "Messe nger ." The Attendant provides a message sum mary . 3. Say "P lay fax.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 32 4. After identifying t h e fax message that you want to forward to a fax mac hine, say "Fax f or war d." 5.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 33 The system will save your appointment unle ss you say " Make c hanges." If you s ay "M ake changes" yo u can t hen have a choice of the fo llowing commands: Chang ing Appo intm ents T o chang e an appointmen t 1.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 34 Managi ng Meet ing Re qu ests Meeting req uests in volve co-ordi nating your s chedule w ith the schedules of other p eople. Setting up a meeting request involves sending ou t a meet ing request as an e-mail to all the partici pants.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 35 Ch ang in g th e Dat e/T ime T o change the date or time of your meeting reque st 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . Login if ne cessary . 2. Say "Cale ndar ." 3. Say "P lay" or "Chec k Calendar" and then say "Play .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 36 Rece iv ing Mee ting Re que s ts Meeting Reques ts a re received with your voice mail messa ges, your e-mail messages, a nd your fax messages in Microsoft Outlook. Af ter playing a Mee ting Request, you have the option of accepting or d eclining and s en ding a r e spons e.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 37 Checkin g You r Calend ar Appointm ents a nd Meeting Reques ts are managed with yo ur voice commands usin g the Outlook Ca lendar in M icrosoft Outlook. U sing voice comm ands with Ca lendar i s depende nt on the Calendar a nd T ask Manage ment system option.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 38 Ma nagin g Tas ks A t ask o utlines an activity that is due at a certain date/time, with a p articular priority , status (st a te of compl etion), and a m essage attached (text or voi ce). A task can also be us ed to lea ve yourself a memo, in which the content of the message is the main component of interest.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 39 Ch anging Tas ks T o change the date or descri ption of a t a sk 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . L ogin if ne cessary . 2. Say "T ask Manage r ." 3. Say "Review ." Y ou can also sa y "Next," "Prev ious," "Delete, " or "Pla y aga in.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 40 Using Touchtone Comman ds Placing Calls T o place a call with touchtone dialing 1. Dial the S peec h Server extensio n numb er .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 41 Playing Messag es T o play yo ur messa ges 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . Login if ne cessary . 2. Say "M essenger. " 3. Press P [7] t o play y our new m essages. 4. Press 1 to play y our "read" m essages .
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 42 Sett ing A dd ress O ptio ns Before sending a message, you have th e option of modifying the list o f message recipients. • When you have finished recording your mess age, press O [6] t o access the Addr essing Options menu.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 43 Settin g Greet ing Opt ions T o p rog ram gre e ting opt ion s 1. Dial the S peech S erver extensio n numb er . L ogin if ne cessary . 2. Say "M essenger. " 3. Press U [8] to ent er the user opt ions. 4. Press G [4] to enter the greeting options.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 44 Using Y our PC f o r Voi ce Mess ag es If you inst all the Mitel Networks™ S peech Server Multimedia Outlook Plug-in, you wi l l be able to use Microsoft Outlook to manage your voice mails.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 45 8. C lick Ye s when the syst em asks you if it should create a folder . The S tart Copying Files window op ens. 9. C lick Next.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 46 Chang ing Yo ur Vo ice Message Pla ybac k T o chang e the auto-play settings for you r v oice messag es and your playb ack device 1. Open M icrosoft Outlook , and c lick To o l s , Opt i ons ,a n dt h e nt h e Un ified Messaging tab.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 47 Voic e Mess age Bu tto ns The Mu ltimedia Outlook Plug-in provides the following buttons so you can manage your voice messag es: Functi on Button Play Stop Pause For.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 48 The Mi tel Networks Q uickPlay toolbar ha s some o f the sam e butt ons. Y ou can play , stop, pause, review , adjust the vol um e, or playback your message over the telephone while you are previewing your m essages.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 49 Refer to o ne of the foll owing procedures that desc ribes your pl ayback pref erences. Usin g Y our P C Sp eak er s as a Pla yb ac k De vi ce T o play a voice messa ge with Auto-play When Preview ing 1. Select t he voice mes sage in the Out look Inbox.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 50 T o play a voice messa ge without Auto-pl ay 1. Select the voice message in the inbox. 2. C lick QuickP lay to open t he Mitel Net works Q uickPlay toolba r . 3. On the Mitel Networks QuickPla y toolbar , cli ck the Play button to hear the voice message with you r speakers.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 51 T o play a voice messa ge without Auto-pl ay 1. C lick QuickP lay to open the Mitel Networks QuickPl ay toolbar . 2. Select the voice message in the Outlook Inbox. 3. On th e Mitel Net works Qu ickPlay t oolbar , click the Play but ton.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 52 For w ardi n g wit h Voi ce T o forward v oice m essages and e-m ail mess ages with a voice m essage 1. Click the e-mail or v o ice message that you want to forward. 2. Clic k 3. Enter the e-mail ad dress(es) for the recip ients.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erve r 53 Using Outlook Web A ccess Y ou can use any computer with web access to access your messages. Online Help is provided to assis t you in the use of the Microsoft Exchange Multime dia t ool. This help is accessed when composin g or receiving a message.
Mitel Netw orks Speech S erv er 54 NOTES.
An important point after buying a device Mitel Speech Server (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mitel Speech Server yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mitel Speech Server - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mitel Speech Server you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mitel Speech Server will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mitel Speech Server, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mitel Speech Server.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mitel Speech Server. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mitel Speech Server along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center