Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C510 Mio
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User Manual MioMap™ v3.2 Navigation software for Mio DigiWalker C510 UK English August, 2006 (v1.00).
2 Copyright note The product and the information contained herein may be ch anged at any time without prior notification. This manual nor any parts thereof may not be reproduced or tran smitted in any form either electronically or mechanically, in c luding photocopying a nd recording, without the express written consent of Mio Technology Limited.
3 Thank you for choosing MioMap as your door-to-door in-car navigator. Read the Quick Start Guide first and start using Mi oMap right away. This document is the detailed description of the software.
4 Table of Contents 1 Warnings and safe ty info rmation ......................................................................... 8 2 General in formation............................................................................................. 9 3 Operating MioM ap (Contro ls) .
5 4.2.11 Bluetooth or Phone ca ll status (No. 13) .............................................. 25 4.2.12 Track Log recording/pl ayback indicato r (No. 14) ................................ 25 4.2.13 Cursor menu (No. 15) ..............................
6 4.6.5 Change the settings of the camera warning........................................ 48 4.7 TMC (Traffic Message C hannel) ................................................................ 49 4.7.1 List of TMC me ssages ...........................
7 6.3.2 V ehicle ................................................................................................ 70 6.3.3 Road types to include/ exclude ............................................................ 70 Unpav ed Roads ..........
8 1 Warnings and safety information MioMap is a navigation system that helps you find your way to your selected destination. It will determine your exact loc ation with the help of an attached GPS device.
9 2 General information MioMap is a navigation system optimised for in-car use. It provides door-to-door navigation for both single and multi-point routes using adaptable route parameters. MioMap is capable of planni ng routes throughout the whol e map region installed on the memory card.
10 3 Operating MioMap (Controls) MioMap is designed for easy operation. All controls are operable by fingertips. Wherever possible, pushbuttons and lists are provided to make accessing functions or changing settings as easy as possible. 3.1.1 Power on/off Use this button to turn the power of t he Mio DigiWalker C510 on or off any time.
11 3.2 Screen buttons and controls The primary input channel of MioMap is the touch screen. If you read on, you will realise that most parts of the screen are not only used to display information but also to initiate functions by t apping. Below you will find a li st of the most frequently used controls in the program.
12 If the value limits are not displayed at th e ends of the slider, the leftmost position means the minimum value, while the rightmost position represents the maximum value. With most sliders you can che ck the current value on the left. This control can be operated in two ways.
13 The alphabetic keyboards in MioMap do not contain special characters, because you do not need to enter accents wh en searching for a destinati on. Type only the base letters (the letter most similar to the a ccented one) and MioMap will search for all their combinations in the database (e.
14 4 Discovering the program through the screens The best way to discover MioMap is to expl ore each screen in detail, and to find out how to move from one to another. R ead this chapter for a guided tour. 4.1 The map The most important and mo st frequently used screens of MioMap are the two screens with the map (Map screen and Cockpit scr een).
15 4.1.2 Zoom levels MioMap uses high quality vector maps that let you see the map at various zoom levels, always with optimised content. St reet names and other text objects are always displayed with the same font size, never upside down, an d you only see as many streets and objects as needed to find your way around the map.
16 when the sky has already turned bright, and a few minutes after sunset before it gets dark. Tip: There are several dayti me and night colour schemes included with MioMap. To select the one that suits your needs the bes t, make your selection in Settings (Page 76).
17 Note: The automatic switching is on even when using Smart Zoom . At first you may find it odd, but later you will discover how it adjusts the displaye d information to the current view of the map. It is important, as the driver must be able to read the map at a glance.
18 The start point, via points and the destination These points are represented by flags. Animated turn guidance Animated arrows represent a ll route events other than the above-mentioned special points. These arrows show the direction in which you need to continue your journey.
19 4.2 Screens with map Having explained the contents of the map, the description of the other parts of the map screens follows. There are two map screens: the Map screen and the Cockpit screen. The way they show the map is the same but their look and controls ar e optimised for different purposes.
20 No. Display Control 1 (Cockpit only) Turn preview* Opens Route menu* 2 n/a Zooms in (optional) 3 n/a Zooms out (optional) 4 n/a Tilts down (optional) 5 n/a Tilts up (optional) 6 Indicates that Lock.
21 4.2.1 Turn previ ew (No. 1) On the Cockpit screen this field shows a gr aphic illustration of the next manoeuvre. For example when you approach a turn, an arro w will show whether it is a slight, normal or sharp turn. When showing a rou ndabout, the number of the exit is als o given in the picture.
22 This function modifies the vertical view ing angle of the map in 3D mode. You can change the angle in a wide range starting fr om a top down view (2D view is seamlessly integrated) all the way to a flat view that lets you see far ahead.
23 on the map, marked with a small red dot and radiating red circles to make it conspicuous. You can use this point as starting point, via point or destination for your route, you can search for a POI near it, mark it with a pi n, or save it as a POI.
24 time, this will not cause the Lock butt on to appear, but when entering Overview mode later, the default zoom level will be restored. The arrow representing your position will be fixed in the middle of the screen.
25 4.2.10 Battery status (No. 12) The status of the battery is also shown by MioMap. You can estimate the available power reserve from the length of the bar inside. Some examples: • The thunderbolt in the battery show s the battery is being charged.
26 During track log playback a gree n icon will blink. Ta pping this icon (in fact, tapping the screen anywhere) st ops the simulation. 4.2.13 Cursor menu (No. 15) The Cursor is the selected point on the map (marked by a red dot and radiating red circles around it), or the current GPS position when it is available and Lock-to- Position is enabled.
27 • Continue: add a new destination to be reached after the previous destination. The new destination replaces the old one, which is now demoted to a via point. This is the way to build your mult i-point route in straight order (when you wish to visit several destinations ‘go to A then to B’).
28 4.2.14 Current street (No. 16) This field of the Cockpit screen shows t he name or number (as available) of the current street or r oad you are driving on. 4.2.15 Travel and Route data (No. 17) The contents of these three fields are different when cruising (without an active route) or navigating (fo llowing an active route).
29 appear next to the nam e of settlements to help you tell them apart from street names. This field is only displayed when navigating a route. 4.2.18 Approaching next turn (No.
30 Additional pieces of information on this screen are: current position in latitude/longitude format, elevation, speed, date, time and calculated accuracy. Note: Accuracy can be affected by several fa ctors the GPS cannot take into account. Use this accuracy information only as estimation.
31 4.3.4 Time synchroni zation In the top right corner of the screen you have another button that leads to a new screen where you can synchronize the clock of your PNA to the very accurate time provided by the connected GPS. Turn on the Auto Correction switch to let MioMap frequently ch eck and correct the PNA time with the GPS time.
32 Route line The upper part of this screen shows your planned route as a horizontal line. Its leftmost point is the start of the route, t he rightmost one is the final destination, and you can see your via point flags along the li ne, spaced in proportion to their distance.
33 Estimated Arrival This is an estimated value that can also be displayed in one of the Route data fields on the Cockpit screen as ‘ETA to destination’. It shows the estimated arrival time at the final destination of t he route based on information available for the remaining segments of the route.
34 • This icon warns you that MioMap had to recommend a route that does not match all your preferences given at the Route Parameters settings. • The recommended route contains areas only accessible to pedestrians. • The recommended route contains unpaved roads.
35 4.5.2 Quick tab This provides quick access to some configurable options. Remember that symbols on the buttons show the state of the function they are switching to, and not the one t he program is currently in.
36 Note: Using this option turns off the Automa tic Night Colours feature. You need to re- enable it at the General settings screen (Page 63) to have the colours change automatically again.
37 Manage My POI By highlighting then tapping again the My POI switch on the Manage POI main screen you can manage the POI groups and items that you have created. Note: The group Unnamed only appears if you have previously sa ved a POI item without creating a new POI group for it.
38 necessarily need to create POI groups in advance. You can do it while saving a new POI. • Delete: you can delete any of your previously saved My POI groups.
39 • Delete: you can delete any of your previously saved POIs. MioMap will ask you to confirm this action. Popup Information (switch) This button enables or disables the popup information of the Cursor on the map screens.
40 When a track log is being recorded, a new line appears in this list with an underscore, as newly recorded track logs are not shown in the map normally. Tip: If you wish to see the track log currently being recorded, tap on it twice to make it visible.
41 4.5.3 Route tab This menu contains options to manage different settings in the program. Recalculate This menu point is only available if an active route exists and GPS position is present. It brings up a menu with four options. Usi ng one of these functions you can modify the current route.
42 allowed to rejoin the origina l route. Select the one you f eel appropriate for the traffic difficulty you face. Note: This function is to give you an alternative for the next section of the recommended route. To c hange later parts of t he route or to avoid specific streets or turns, use the Avoid function in Itinerary instead (Page 42).
43 Display modes are different only in the number of events displayed in the list. List items are always shown with all information available in cluding pictograms of the needed action and distance of the event from the previous list item. The Itinerary is live and constantly updated when navigating a route.
44 Note: You need not open Itinerary if you run in to a roadblock or traffic jam. To get an immediate alternative route use the Bypass function of Recalculate (Page 41). Note: When you use this feature, MioMap will keep on excluding the same part of the map from later routes until yo u manually delete the route (Page 42), or restart MioMap.
45 Use the arrows on the right to browse throu gh the list and tap any line to highlight it. You can perform the following operations: • Add: you can add a new route point (or a new final destination if the highlighted item is the last one in the list) after the selected point.
46 4.6 Speed cameras There is a built-in database of fixed and mobile speed camera s. It is also possible to add new cameras to enhance this database. MioMap can warn you when you approach one of these cameras. You can fi ne-tune this warning in General settings (Page 63).
47 Built-in cameras Some cameras are built in traffic lights. T hey work like fixed cameras, but they are difficult to spot. The warning for proximit y and speeding is the same as for the fixed cameras. These cameras are displayed with the following symbol: 4.
48 4.6.3 Speed limit checked As additional information, the speed limit che cked by the camera is given for fixed, built-in and section control cameras.
49 4.7 TMC (Traffic Message Channel) MioMap can provide you with even better routes if Traffic Message Channel (TMC) information is available. The TMC is a sp ecific application of the FM Radio Dat a System (RDS) used for broadcasting real-t ime traffic and weather information.
50 Selected FM radio station The name and frequency of the se lected radio station will app ear at the top of this window, together with signal strength informa tion indicated by a bar similar to the GPS satellite signal strength bars on the GPS Data screen.
51 Tip: If you make a route planning for a future journey, it may be better to turn off TMC corrected r oute planning. Recalculate to avoid traffic This setting is similar to the previous one.
52 5 Find One of the most frequently us ed functions of MioMap is selecting the destination. Once you have the destination, you can start navigating. Getting to this point should be as fast as possible. MioMap provides you with a versatile search engine designed to find your chosen destination after only a few taps on the screen.
53 automatically. When you open it manually, it will re main until you close it or switch to another screen. Tip: If you want the selected point shown in the centre of the ma p, close and reopen the menu or wait until it closes and open it again. By opening the Cursor menu manually, the map will be moved to have the selected location in the centre.
54 You enter the module at Level 3. From this point you can go forward (down) to give the name of the street, then the house number or intersec tion, or backward (up) to change the city, state or country to search.
55 some digits of its postcode, then select from the list of r esults automatically given by the program if the matching items can be displayed on on e page, or displayed on more pages if you tap Done a fter entering some letters. Note: Postcodes may not be available for th e selected country.
56 Note: If any of the settlements listed has nam ed suburbs or numbered districts that also appear separately in t he map, a Show districts bu tton will appear in the bottom left corner. Tap this button to list the s uburbs together with the main settlements.
57 If your destination is in another country, tap the Change Country button in the top right corner of the state se lection screen (Australia and US A), or the city selection screen (Europe and Asia), and select the country from the list.
58 An example for a full address search This is an example for the most complex address search , finding an address from abroad. In this example your current positio n is not in France, and you are looking for an address in Paris, France, the address ’17 rue d’Uz ès’.
59 5.3.3 Find Coordinates MioMap also lets you enter your destinatio n by map coordinate s. The coordinates need to be in latitude/longitude format and, based on the WGS84 earth model (the one used by most GPS devices).
60 screen you can see the first page of the top level POI categories. There are three levels altogether. The search will be carried out around a certai n reference point. Always look at the current reference point shown in the gree n field above the POI category buttons and confirm that it matches what you want.
61 • Filter from all the POIs of that level: tapping the Filter button will bring up a text input screen to let you narrow the list of PO Is. If you tap Filt er in the list of subgroups, you will only search in the group you are already in.
62 Using the Favourites function at the Main menu it is only two taps to start navigating. Note: If you try to access a favourite destination that you have not yet set up, MioMap will lead you to the setup page.
63 6 Settings MioMap provides several settings in order to let you customise the functions of the program. The Settings screen can be accessed directly from the Main menu screen (Main menu) and from the map screens by using the battery icon (Page 25), while some of its sub-screens are accessibl e from other parts of the program.
64 6.1.2 Automatic Night Colours Using the automatic night mode, MioMap will change betw een the daylight and night colour schemes a few minutes before sunr ise and a few minutes after sunset based on the time and location information provided by your GPS.
65 Example: to let you better understand how this feature works, here is an example. If you use the setting on the left (portrait) screen example (+10 km/h – 100 km/h – +5%), MioMap will warn you .
66 You are warned well in advance. The dist ance MioMap starts warning you before reaching the camera depends on your spe ed. The higher the speed, the earlier the warning starts.
67 You can rename them and spec ify their locations. To determine the location you ca n use the same Find menu options (Page 53) as for a route destination, and depending on that choice and the information available, the location will be show n here as a street address, a lati tude/longitude position, or both.
68 6.2.1 Master sound volume/switch The loudness of MioMap is independent of your PNA settings. When you run MioMap, the position of this fader determines the device volume level. When you exit the program, the device settings return. The left part of this control works as a mute button.
69 6.2.5 Attention Tone If this is set to Disabled, the voice gui dance will sound without a preceding at tention tone. Setting it to Single Tone will initiate a single attention tone before the instructions, while Double Tone will use a double tone. 6.
70 distance compared to the fastest one, MioM ap will choose this one instead to save fuel. 6.3.2 Vehicle You can set the type of the vehicle that you will use to navigate the route. Based upon this setting, some of the road type s will be excluded from the route (e.
71 U-turns Although displayed amongst road types, this is a type of action. Mo st drivers prefer to replace them with a few normal left and/or right turns in the next few junctions, so it is disabled by default. Turning back on dual carriageways is not considered as a u-turn.
72 restarted if you change this setting. Mi oMap will ask for confirmation before it restarts. 6.4.2 Voice language This button shows the current language of t he voice guidance. By tapping the button you can select from a list of available l anguages and speakers.
73 Tap on any button to set the corresponding parameters. .All but the last one will open new windows where you can make your desired changes. 6.5.1 Cockpit settings These settings determine how MioMap displays different content elements of the Cockpit screen.
74 Power management At the top of the scr een you can set how the backlight will behave when the screen has not been touched for a while. Backlight always on You can choose to have the lights always on. Smart powersave You can also initiate this special featur e of MioMap.
75 Tap this button to copy all user data and settings on the SD ca rd. The backup is always created with the same file name; so backing up data will always overwrite previous backups. Tip: If you wish to keep more versions of the user database, or you wish to save one particular state (e.
76 Daylight / Ni ght colour profile MioMap comes with different colour schemes for both daylight and night use. There is always one selected daytime scheme and one selected night-time scheme. MioMap uses these when switching from day to night and back.
77 Enable Smart Zoom Use this switch to enable or disable Smart Zoom. When di sabled, the zoom and tilt levels on map screens during navigation are fixed, and y ou can set them manually using screen buttons (Page 21 and Page 21).
79 7 Troubleshooting guide Thank you again for purchasing our product. We hope you will enjoy every minute of using it. However you may face difficult ies before you get re ally accustomed to MioMap. In such cases, please, refer to this table of frequently encountered problematic situations.
80 The ‘Route To’ button is for starting a new r oute only. For a single route you tap this when the destination is selected. Multi-point routes can be created after you have established a single route. Add points to t he single route by using the ‘Add Via’ and ‘Continue’ buttons.
81 8 Glossary The manual may contain many technical te rms. Please look below for an explanation if you are unfamiliar with some of them. 2D/3D GPS reception: The GPS receiver uses satellite signals to calculate its (your) position.
82 Automatic day/night colours: Based on the time and position given by the GPS device, MioMap is able to calculate when the sun rises and s ets at your current location on this particular day.
83 Lock button appears on the screen. Tapping it will re-ena ble Lock-to-Position. See also Page 22. Map Orientation: MioMap is able to rotate the map for your convenience. If you choose Track-up mode, the map will be rotated to look in the direction of your heading.
84 Zoom In and Out: The Zoom function is used to change the scale of the map. Use Zoom In to scale down the map to see less of it but in more detail, and use Zoom Out to scale the map up to have a broader vi ew of that part of the map with fewer details.
An important point after buying a device Mio C510 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mio C510 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mio C510 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mio C510 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mio C510 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mio C510, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mio C510.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mio C510. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mio C510 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center