Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AV888 Arcam
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A VR600 / A V888 HANDBOOK A VR surround amplifier / A V proc essor .
E-2 saf ety guidelines Impor tant safety instructions is p rodu ct is de signed a nd ma nufact ured t o meet strict quality and safety stan dards. H owever , you sho uld be aware o f the following in stallation and o peration precaut ions .
Fr ançais F-1 c on si gne s de séc urit é Instructions de sécurité impor tantes Cet ap par eil a ét é conçu et fab riqué conf ormém ent a ux normes de qualit é et de sécurité les plus strictes. V o us devez cependant observer les préca utions qui s uivent lors de son in stallation et de son utilisatio n.
E-3 English we lco m e an k you a nd con gra tula tion s for pu rc hasi ng you r A rca m FMJ A VR600 surro und a mpl ier o r A V888 A V pro cessor .
E-4 e A VR600 surround amplier and A V888 A V processor are both designed to produce a level of perfo rmance that will truly bring music and movies to life . e A VR600 is a high-qual ity a nd high-perf orma nce hom e-cinem a pr ocessor and a mp lier b uilt t o Arc am ’ s quality design and ma nufacturing standa rds.
E-5 English Placing the unit < Place the unit on a level , rm surface, avoidin g direct sunlight and sour ces of heat o r damp . < Do not place the unit o n top of a pow er amplier o r other source o f heat.
E-6 Dolby V olume Man ufactured under license from Dolb y Labora tories. Dolby and the doubl e-D symbol are trademarks o f Dolby Laborato ries. Dolby T rue HD, Digital , Digital Plus, PL IIx Man ufactured under license from Dolb y Laboratories. Dolb y , Pro Logic, and the double-D symbol a re trademarks of Dolb y Lab orator ies.
E-7 English NO TE Ple ase rea d th e ‘ Pl acin g t he u ni t ’ , ‘P ow er ’ a nd ‘In terco nnect cables ’ sections on page 5 befor e connecting up yo ur A VR600 or A V888! V oltage select .
E-8 a udi o /video connections Befor e con necting y our A VR600 or A V888 an d powe r am plie r (e.g. the Ar cam P777 ) to y our so urce com ponen ts and speak ers, p lease r ead thr ough the next f ew page s which will expla in all th e inp ut a nd out put connectivity tha t is availab le.
E-9 English Zone 3 connectors Z3 OUT Connect th ese an alogue a udio ou tpu ts to y our Zone 3 eq uip men t. See ‘M ulti-r oom Setu p ’ on pa ge 48 for inf ormation. Zone 2 connectors Z2 AUDIO OUT , Z2 VIDEO OUT Connect th ese an alogue a udio and video ou tp uts t o you r Zone 2 equipm ent.
E-10 .
E-11 English.
E-12 .
E-13 English .
E-14 radio connectors .
E-15 English FM Connecting an aerial A sui table FM aerial mus t be connected to the A VR600 before FM radio can be received. I n stron g signal ar eas , the FM ribbon aerial s upp lied can be used wi th reaso nabl e res ults.
E-16 ot her connectors Data connectors rLead/rDock For u se with an Arcam rLead or rDock accessory . See page 13 an d the acc essory documen t atio n fo r details. RS232 serial connector U se with co ntro l device s hav ing an RS 232 serial po rt (fo r exam ple, Cres tro n and AMX to uch scr een con tro llers).
E-17 English T rigger connectors e trigger connectors ( TRIG Z1 , TRI G Z2 and TRIG Z3 ) pr ovide an el ectrical signal whenever the am plier is switched o n and the relevan t zone enabled.
E-18 speakers Connecting speakers – A VR600 only e A VR600 allows you to con nect up to seven speakers and three acti ve su bwoo fer s in the main s ystem.
E-19 English Fr ont left and right P osition your fr ont le a nd right speakers to achiev e a good ster eo imag e fo r norm al mu sical rep rodu ction as well a s fo r the m ultic hanne l modes.
E-20 Operating y our A VR600 or A V888 Fo r inf orma tion d ispla y we reco mmend y ou u se the OSD (On-Screen Disp lay) o n yo ur dis pla y device whenev er possi ble.
E-21 English Using Z one 2 and 3 Zone 2 pro vides the op tion for the occupa nts of the master bedroom, con ser vatory , kitchen, etc. to view or listen to a dier ent sour ce at a dier ent vol ume level from the main zo ne (Zone 1).
E-22 Remote co ntrol receiver . is is positio ned behi nd the display windo w , above the MENU b utt on o n the fron t panel. Ensur e the receiver is in a clear line o f sigh t from the r emot e con tro l for opera tion. If th is is not possib le, use a separa te sen sor co nnected t o the Z1 IR inpu t on the rear pan el.
E-23 English Inser ting batteries int o the remote c ontrol 1. Open the batt er y compartmen t by pr essing the but ton on the back o f the handset. 2. I nsert four ‘ AAA ’ batt eries into the bat tery compa rtment – two facing the top o f the unit, and two facing the end , as in the diagram.
E-24 e CR102 remain s in the last selected Dev ice Mode so it is not necessary to pr ess a Device Mode key before every command key if all you ar e doing is pla ying or skipp ing tracks on a CD , for example . Navigation k eys e N av igatio n key s steer the curso r in Set up men us o r on- screen menu s.
E-25 English Con trolling other devic es Method 1 (Direct code setup) is section describes the simplest (pr eferred) way t o pr ogram th e CR102’ s Device M ode keys to co ntr ol the non-Ar cam devices in your system.
E-26 AMP Device Mode e A Device M ode bu tto n co ngur es the CR 102 to con tro l the A VR600/A V888. P ress ing thi s bu tto n does not a ect the cur rently selected in put on the A VR600/ A V888.
E-27 English DVD Devic e Mode e d Device M ode bu tto n co ngur es the CR 102 to contr ol the DVD functions o f Arcam D VD players, altho ugh this can be c hang ed (see pag e 25). Pres sing this but ton also selects DVD as the A VR600/A V888 source.
E-28 SA T Device Mode e z Device M ode bu tto n co ngur es the CR 102 to con trol the functions of a sa tellite recei ver . Y ou will need to cong ure th is Device M ode to wo rk wi th you r equipm ent. Pre ssing this but ton also selects S AT as the A VR600/A V888 source.
E-29 English VCR Device Mode e w Device M ode bu tto n co ngur es the CR 102 to co ntr ol the function s of a video r ecor der o r simila r device. Y ou will need t o con gure this Device Mode to wor k with your equip men t. Pr essin g this but ton also selects VCR as the A VR600/A V888 s ource.
E-30 CD Device Mode e c Device M ode bu tto n co ngur es the CR 102 to co ntr ol the CD functio ns o f Ar cam CD play ers, although this can be chang ed (see page 25). Pressing this but ton also selects CD as the A VR600/A V888 source. P T oggles p ower between standb y and on.
E-31 English.
E-32 Befor e yo u use yo ur A VR600 or A V888 it i s essen tial that yo u enter some inf ormation in to the Setup men us about yo ur speaker conguratio n. is allows the unit to p rocess an y surr ound sound d igital so urce t o exactl y matc h your system a nd give you the ultima te surroun d sound experience.
E-33 English a ut o s pea k er se tup Auto speak er setup ere is a p roprietary aut omatic lou dspeaker setup functio n buil t in to yo ur A VR600 or A V888. e Arcam A uto Speake r Setup function at tem pts to set all the essen tial speak er settin gs fo r all the speaker s in yo ur syst em.
E-34 set up m enu s e Setu p men us allow y ou t o con gure all aspects o f your A VR600 or A V888. e next few pages will go thro ugh the m enu item s and expla in their function.
E-35 English Input Config . e a udio a nd video settin gs on this pag e of th e Setu p menu can be tailo red speci cal ly a nd in dependen tl y to the curren tly selected in put . When a dier ent in put is selected on the In put lin e, all the in pu t-specic setting s fo r that inp ut a re di spla yed below it.
E-36 Sub Stereo – If Le/Right+S ub or Sat+S ub is selected in Ster eo Mode above , this setting adjusts the level o f the subw oofer when the source is two cha nnel ster eo.
E-37 English loud ) vol ume ex ceeds thi s value . I t is sto red in memo r y and recalled each time the unit is pow ered up . Audio In iPod – I f you hav e an iP od connected to the A VR600/A V888 usin g an Ar cam rDock or rLead, thi s contr ol allows you t o set which audio inp ut is used.
E-38 V ideo Inputs Setting s to o ptio nally as sign a vi deo sour ce to each o f the no rmally a udio-only inp uts. ese settings are st ored in memo r y and recalled each time the unit is power ed up .
E-39 English Out 1 & 2 Resolution – is setting con trol s the out put resol ution when both HDMI o utpu ts are used sim ultan eousl y . is set ting i s only valid if Outp ut Switc hing is set to Outp ut 1 & 2. < e dropdown lis t shows all the resolu tions tha t the video p roces sor can out pu t.
E-40 Introduction Y our A VR600 r eceiv er or A V888 pr e-am p p rov ides all the k ey decoding and p roces sing m odes fo r anal ogue and digital signals, includin g the latest high deni tion audio fo rmats ov er HDMI. Modes for digital sourc es Digital recordin gs are usually encoded to incl ude informa tion about their f ormat type.
E-41 English High resolution audio sources Dolby T rue-HD Pro vides up to 7.1 full channel a t 96kHz, 24bi t resolutio n, with potentially no losses in the comp ressio n process. Data ra tes can be up to 18Mbps. Dolby Digital Pl us Pro vides up to 7.1 discrete c hannels of a udio with less com pres sion than traditional Dolb y Digital encoding.
E-42 Dol b y v ol ume Dolb y V olum e is a sophis ticat ed new techn ology tha t re solves the p robl em of dier en t vol ume lev els betw een pr ogram me co nte nt (e.g. a TV show and advert b reaks) and between sources (e.g. a rock radio s tatio n and DVD , or betw een two TV stations).
E-43 English.
E-44 tu ner operation T uner – A VR600 only e A VR600 is tted with a n int ernal AM/ FM tun er . Depending on your loca tion, it ma y also be tted with a D AB tu ner (E uro pe) or Siriu s sat ellit e radio connecti on (Americas).
E-45 English Operation In a dditio n to the cha nnel and p reset selection, previous ly mention ed, you can also cycle through the sta tion ca teg ories ( Rock, P op, Co untry , etc.) using the ] and [ k eys. e r st sta tion in eac h cat egory is display ed.
E-46 netw ork / usb operation e A VR600 and A V888 ar e t ted with a netwo rk a udio c lien t which is capable o f playing in ternet radio statio ns a s well as sto red mu sic on a netw ork s tora ge device such as a PC, or fro m a USB ash drive.
E-47 English XLR balanced line outputs – A V888 only e A V888 pr ocessor pro vides XLR co nnector s fo r each of seven channe ls, to an XLR -e quipped am plier (e.
E-48 Zone 2 and 3 con trol outputs e A VR600 and A V888 also allo w r emot e con tro l from Zones 2 and 3. Z2 IR and Z3 IR is allo ws the A VR600/A V888 to be contr olled remotel y from Zone 2 or Zone 3 via Infra- red r emo te co ntr ol.
E-49 English .
E-50 Code L earning e CR1 02 com es with a com plet e lib rary of pr epr ogrammed codes. A er yo u ha ve set up the CR102 for your device, you ma y nd that there a re one o r mor e functions on yo ur original remote which d o not hav e a place on the CR102 keypad.
E-51 English Exampl e: T o deassig n the M acro as sociat ed with the h key 1. Pr ess and hold S un til the power LED blinks twice: * * . 2. Pr ess 9 9 5 .
E-52 Mode Mov er If yo ur home en tertainment setup co ntains devices of the same type (e.g. two TVs, p erhaps fro m dieren t man ufactu rers ) you can s till con trol both tho se devices with the CR102. Y ou simply need to r eassign an unus ed Device M ode k ey .
E-53 English De vi ce c odes e tab les tha t begin on pa ge 58 ( in the n al section of this Ha ndbook) list the four -gure codes for dier ent manufact urers ’ de vices. U s e these when setting your CR102 up to co ntr ol yo ur devices, as described in Method 1 (see page 25).
E-54 trouble - shooting Problem Check that... ere are no lights o n the unit < the power co rd is pl ugged into the unit a nd the mains socket it is pl ugged into is swi tched on. < the power bu tton is p ressed in. If a red LED is p resent, the uni t is in standby mode.
E-55 English Problem Check that... Sound only comes from some of the speakers < you ha ve an a ppro priate surr ound source selected and pla ying. < the DVD disc is encoded in the ap prop riate fo rmat, and the corr ect format has been selected in the disc start menu of the DVD pla yer (if ap plicable).
E-56 Continuous power out put (20Hz—20kH z at 0.05% THD), per channel (A VR600 only) 2 channels dri ven 150W All channels driv en 120W THD at full rated pow er <0.
E-57 English pro duct guarantee W orldwide Guarantee is en titles yo u to h ave the uni t re paired free o f cha rge, durin g the r st two year s aer pur chase, at any au thorised Arca m distri but or p rov ided tha t it was o riginally p urc hased from an a utho rised Ar cam deal er or distrib uto r .
58 TV 888 0294 A.R. Systems 0067 0382 0586 0404 0485 Accen t 0039 0067 0586 Acous tic Research 1299 Acura 0039 Adc om 0655 Add is on 0683 0138 ADL 1247 Admiral 0123 0193 0448 0294 Adve nt 0906 Ady so .
59 Innov a 0067 Innov ation 0067 0586 Innowe rt 0895 1328 inotech 0803 0850 Inter ac ti ve 0067 0586 0542 0357 019 3 0400 0139 Inter buy 0039 0067 0294 0542 0586 In terfunk 0067 0193 0586 0542 035 7 0.
60 T V (cont.) RFT 0400 029 4 0067 0586 0516 Rh aps od y 0246 Ricoh 0067 0586 Rinex 0803 0448 Roads tar 0039 1067 0294 0448 006 7 0586 0744 069 8 1219 Rodex 0067 0586 Rove r 0907 Rowa 0067 0294 0728 0.
61 VCR Accen t 0102 Admiral 0078 Adve ntura 0030 Ady so n 0102 Aiko 0308 Aim 0308 067 2 0378 Aiwa 0030 0378 0382 0067 077 2 1167 0062 Akai 0067 0136 0 345 0672 038 2 0270 0378 Akashi 0102 Akiba 0102 A.
62 Ta n d y 0062 Te a c 0423 T echnics 0333 0059 Thorens 01 87 Thule A udio 0187 T raxdata 0656 Uni v e r s u m 0187 Vi c t o r 0102 Wa r d s 0187 Y ama ha 0066 052 0 0062 Zond a 0187 TUNER AEG 1420 A.
63 Bush 0743 0725 0863 1725 076 0 0861 0747 080 8 0546 0848 075 3 1195 1466 144 9 1513 1170 C-T ech 0798 1182 Cambridge A udio 1139 0781 Camp om ati c Digital 108 1 C AT 0819 Celestial 0702 cello 1760.
64 S AT @s at 1330 @Sky 1364 ABsat 1353 0743 ADB 0672 0917 1289 1397 150 3 1521 Adc om 0230 Akai 0230 Alba 0743 1314 Al ls at 0230 1047 Alls onic 0399 Alltech 0743 Allvision 1 262 Alpha 0230 Amitron i.
65 Smart 1303 0162 03 29 1143 126 2 0743 1443 Soni q 1597 So ny 0877 1588 0312 0883 SR 0162 Star Sat 0162 Starland 0743 Strea m 1878 Strong 0155 1397 14 39 1656 039 9 0909 0883 118 9 1330 1503 1314 Su.
An important point after buying a device Arcam AV888 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Arcam AV888 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Arcam AV888 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Arcam AV888 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Arcam AV888 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Arcam AV888, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Arcam AV888.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Arcam AV888. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Arcam AV888 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center