Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MAT14CS Maytag
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C O M M E R C I A L W A S H E R I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 2 20 -2 4 0- v ol t, 5 0 -H z Mo d el s W10135309B www.maytagcommerciallaundry.
2 WAS HER SAF ETY ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . 3 WAS HER DIS POSAL... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 3 INS TALLA TION RE QUIRE MENTS ... ..... ..
3 You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't f ollow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 Recessed Area and Closet Installation Instructions Thi s washe r may be in stall ed in a rec essed a rea or cl oset. T he i nstal latio n spaci ng is in in ches an d is the mi nimum all owabl e. Addi tiona l spaci ng shou ld be con sider ed for ea se of in stall ation , servi cing, a nd comp lianc e with lo cal c odes an d o rd inanc es.
5 Drain System Standpipe Drain System The s tandp ipe dra in requ ires a mi nimum d iamet er stan dpipe o f 50 mm ( 2"). The m inimu m carry -away c apaci ty can be n o less tha n 64 L (17 g al.) pe r minut e. The top of the standpipe must be at least 990 mm (39") high and no higher than 1.
6 Remove Shipping Strap 1. Re move ta pe that c overs t he ship ping st rap. Pu ll to com plete ly remo ve the sh ippin g strap w ith 2 cot ter pin s from the i nside o f the was her. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS WARNING Excessive Weight Hazard Use two or more people to move and install washer.
2. Attach hose to bottom inlet valve opening first. 3. Attach second hose to top inlet. Tighten couplings b y hand; then use pliers to make an additional two-thirds turn. NOTE: Inlet valve threads are plastic. Do not strip or cross-thread. Connect the drain hose NOTE: Slide washer onto cardboard or hardboard before moving across floor.
8 1. Ti lt wash er forw ard rai sing ba ck legs 2 5 mm (1" ) of f of floo r. To ad just re ar self -leve ling le gs, gen tly low er wash er to flo or. 2. Ch eck lev elnes s of the wa sher by p lacin g a carpe nter’ s level on to p of the wa sher, f irst si de to sid e; then f ront to b ack.
9 M A Y TA G ® C OM M E RC IA L S I N G L E - L O A D A N D V E N D E D M U L T I - L O A D W A S H E R A N D DR Y ER W AR R AN T Y L IMIT ED WA RR ANTY ON P ARTS For the fi rst fi ve y e ars fr om t.
10 Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si v ous ne suivez pas immédiatement les instructions. Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
11 Exigences d’emplacement IMP ORTAN T : Ne pas in stall er ou rem iser le l ave-l inge da ns un e nd roit où i l sera ex posé au x intem périe s. Ne pas r emise r ou fair e fon ction ner le la ve-li nge à des t empér ature s infér ieure s ou égal es à 0°C ( 32°F) .
12 Système de vidange Système de vidange avec tuyau de rejet à l’égout Le sy stème d e rejet à l ’égou t néces site un t uyau de d iamèt re min imum de 5 0 mm (2 po) . La capa cité mi nimum d e vidan ge ne peu t pas êtr e infér ieure à 6 4 L (17 gal .
13 Spécifications électriques ■ L’a ppare il doit ê tre ali menté p ar un cir cuit de 2 20-24 0 V, CA seu lemen t, 50 Hz, p rotég é par un fu sible . On reco mmand e d’u tilis er un fus ible ou u n disjo ncteu r tempo risé. I l est rec omman dé de rac corde r la lave -ling e sur un ci rcuit d istin ct exc lusif à c et appa reil.
14 Enlever la sangle d’expédition 1. En lever l e ruban a dhési f qui rec ouvre l a sangl e d’exp éditi on. Tir er pour e xtrai re comp lètem ent la sa ngle et l es 2 goup illes qui s e trouv ent à l’i ntéri eur du la ve-li nge.
15 4. Fi xer le tu yau d’a limen tatio n supér ieur (m arqué “ C”) au ro binet d’e au froi de. Ser rer à la ma in les ra ccord s au robi net. 5. Ut ilise r une pin ce et tou rner ch aque ra ccord d e deux ti ers de tou r en plus . Réglage de l’aplomb du lave-linge Installation des pieds de réglage de l’aplomb avant 1.
16 Pieds arrière Ruban adhésif double face Pieds avant Lis te de con trôle p our le fo nctio nneme nt du lav e-lin ge : S i le l ave-l inge ne f oncti onne pa s corre cteme nt, vér ifier ce qu i suit : 1. Le c ordon d ’alim entat ion est b ranch é.
18 SEGURIDAD DE LA LAVADORA REQUISITOS DE INSTALACIÓN Piezas y herramientas Reú na las he rrami entas y p iezas n ecesa rias an tes de co menza r la ins talac ión.
19 Vis ta fron tal en el lug ar empo trado Vis ta late ral del a rmari o Puerta d el a rmario V ista frontal 7 6 mm ( 3 pulg) 1,55 m 2 (24 pulg 2 )* 3 ,10 m 2 ( 48 pulg 2 ) * * La apertura es la mínima para la puerta del armario. S e aceptan puertas tipo persianas con aperturas de aire equivalentes.
20 Requisitos eléctricos ■ Se requiere una fuente de energía eléctrica de 220/240 Voltios/50 Hz., CA solamente y con fusibles de 10 amperios. Se recomienda un fusible retardador o un cortacircuitos. Asimismo se recomienda el uso de un circuito independiente que preste servicio únicamente a este aparato.
21 Cómo quitar la correa de embalaje 1. Qu ite la ci nta que c ubre la c orrea d e embal aje. Ti re para qui tar por c omple to la cor rea de em balaj e con 2 cla vijas del i nteri or de la la vador a. 2. Ti re firm ement e para qu itar el e xtrem o de la cor rea de emb alaje d e la part e poste rior de l a lavad ora.
22 Conecte la manguera de desagüe NOTA: Deslice la lavadora sobre un cartón o una madera antes de moverla por el suelo. 1. Tr aslad e la lava dora ce rca de su u bicac ión fin al. 2. Co loque e l extre mo de “ga ncho” d e la mang uera de d esagü e en el f regad ero o en la t uberí a verti cal.
23 1. In cline l a lavad ora hac ia adel ante al zando h acia at rás las pat as 25 mm (1 ") por en cima de l suelo . Para aj ustar l as pata s a ut onive lador as tras eras, b aje len tamen te la lav adora a l suelo .
25 P erico lo di morte o di lesi oni grav i in caso di mancata osserv anza immediat a delle is truzioni. Pericolo di morte o di lesioni gravi in caso di mancata osservanza delle istruzioni.
26 I struzioni per l’incasso in un vano o in un armadietto La la vatri ce può es sere in stall ata in un v ano o un ar madie tto. Lo sp azio pe r l’ins talla zione è i ndica to in cen timet ri ed è il mi nimo con senti to.
27 Sistema di scarico Colonna di scarico La co lonna d i scari co rich iede un t ubo ver tical e con dia metro min imo di 50 m m (2"). L a capac ità min ima di de fluss o deve e ss ere non d i infer iore a 64 l itri al m inuto ( 17 gall oni/m in).
28 Requisiti elettrici ■ È necessario avvalersi di una presa di corrente a 220-240 V, 50 Hz, CA a 10 A con fusibile. Si consiglia l’uso di un fusibile ritardato o di un interruttore. È preferibile avvalersi di un circuito separato da usare esclusivamente per il presente elettrodomestico.
29 Rimozione della fascetta d’imballaggio 1. Ri muove re il nas tro ade sivo ch e copre l a fasce tta d’i mball aggio . Tirar e verso d i sé la fas cetta d ’imba llaggi o per est rarla c omple tamen te con 2 co ppigl ie dall ’inte rno d ella lav atric e.
30 Collegamento del tubo di scarico NOTA: posizionare la lavatrice su un pannello di cartone o di legno prima di spostarla lungo il pavimento. 1. Sp ostar e la lava trice v erso la p osizi one fin ale. 2. Inserire l’estremità a “gancio” del tubo di scarico nel lavatoio o nel tubo verticale.
31 1. In clina re la lav atric e verso d i sé soll evand o i piedi ni p os terio ri di 25 mm ( 1") dal p avime nto. Pe r regol are i pie dini po steri ori aut o-liv ellan ti, abb assar e delic atame nte la la vatri ce.
W10135309B © 2010 All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés. Todos los derechos reservados. Tutti i diritti riservati. 04/2010 Printed in U.S.A. Imprimé aux É.
An important point after buying a device Maytag MAT14CS (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Maytag MAT14CS yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Maytag MAT14CS - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Maytag MAT14CS you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Maytag MAT14CS will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Maytag MAT14CS, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Maytag MAT14CS.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Maytag MAT14CS. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Maytag MAT14CS along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center